Service Manual: Marvel-Schebler Products Div
Service Manual: Marvel-Schebler Products Div
Service Manual: Marvel-Schebler Products Div
F ORM N O . M 5·183
Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg -Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U . S. A.
Principle of Operation
Mar vel-S chebler Ca r b ur ete rs a re used on power and econom y cannot b e changed or cor -
thousands of tractor and industrial en gines and re cted by t h e ca rb ureter. Inability t o und erstand
have been designed to provide many years of all the fa ctors t h a t effect engine op eration is t h e
trouble-free service , h owever, as in the cas e of reason many se rvice me chanics ch a nge f r om fac-
all mechanical devices, they do in t im e require to ry standards and attempt t o imp rove on the
iJroper service and repairs. An understanding en gi ne set-up by t h eir own methods or " stand-
of their const r uction and how they operate as ards" . All t hat a ny se rv ice me chanic sho uld ever
well as an understanding of t h eir f unc tio n with try to do is t o ma ke t he parti cular engine h e is
respect to the engine will n ot onl y a void man y wo r k ing on as goo d as th e manufacturer in -
false leads on the part of t h e se rvice man in di a g- t en de d it to be , b ut h e ca n make it a lot wo rse .
nosing so-called carbureter comp la ints but will Far too many engin es are ru n nin g be low their
create customer satisfacti on a nd a pro f it ab le standard of p erformance in service t oda y.
business for the progressive service sho p. F or t h e ca r b ur et er t o a ccom pl ish its functi on
To understand a car buret er it is necessary to it m ust be able to vary the mixture str ength d e-
realize that there is only one thing that a ca r bur- pen dent upon the engine d ema nds. It must
eter is de signed to d o and t h a t is to mix fuel a n d su pp ly a mixture strength that will a llo w t h e en-
air in the proper proport ion so that the mixtur e gi ne to give m a ximum h or sep ower, wh enever t he
will burn efficiently in a n en gine. It is th e fu n c- th rottle is fully opened , while at part throttl e
tion of the engine to conv ert this mixture int o co nd it ions it mu st lean out t h e mixture so th at
power. maxim um economy can b e obtained . In addition
There are three major factors in an engin e it mu st have flex ibil ity t hro ugh out the entire
which cont r ol the ch an g e of fuel and a ir int o ra nge of oper a t ing s p ee ds. from idl e and part
power: I-Compression. 2-Ignition. 3-Car- t h rott le t o f ull power wid e open t h rottl e po si-
buretion. t ion . T he ca rb ur et er mu st al so ha ve an acceler-
Ca r bureti on has been listed last be cause it is at ing "well" wit h eno ugh fu el capacity to start
absolutel y necessary for the engine t o have goo d handling su d d en maximum loads. In ot her wor ds
compression and good ignition before it can have t h e carbureter not on ly varies the volum e of fuel
good carburetion. a nd a ir that enters the en gine but al so va r ies the
When the a verage person thinks of " carbure- a mo unt of f uel t hat goes in with a given amount
t ion" they immediately think of th e ca r b ur eter of a ir, tii orde r to produ ce the proper mixtur e
as a unit. Carburetion is the combine d fu ncti on p roportion fo r an y condition under which t he
of th e ca r b ur et er, manifold , va lves , pist on and eng ine is operating at any time.
rings, combusti on chamb er, and cam sh aft. In ord er t o und erstand t he f unction a nd opera-
It can be readil y se en t h at " carburetion " is a t ion of t he Marvel-Sche bler Tractor and In d us-
far de eper s ubj ect t h a n co nsider a t ion of t h e ca r- tri a l Carburet ers it is well t o cons id er the syste ms
bureter alone , a nd expecting the carburet er to t h at m a ke u p each ca r b ur et er . These systems
cure faulty ignition, compression, valves, etc. will are : The Floa t System, Th e Idle System , T h e
only result in wasted time and effort on th e part P ow er Fuel Feed System, The Back Suction
of the service man and added expensefo t he Economi zer System , an d T h e Choke System .
customer. A th or ou gh kno wl ed g e of each system will
It mu st be remembered that the fun ction of hel p t h e se rvice mech a nic to quickly loca t e and
t he carbureter does not extend beyo nd d eli ver- corr ect legiti ma t e ca rb ur eter comp la ints as we ll
ing the prop er mixture of fuel and air to t he as t o ins pect, repair, and put back t o standard
manifold and t he ot h er factors wh ich effect a ny ca r bure t er th a t re quires an over h a ul.
Pa ge 1
Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg -Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois , U . S. A.
Float System
It should be an estab-
lished policy that when-
ever t he carb ureter is dis-
assembled for whatever
cause the service man
make following checks:
1. Examine float va lve for
any signs of wear. If it
is not absolutely tru e or
is g-rooved and hasn 't a
perf e ct taper, a new
float valve and al so a
new float valve se a t
must be used. These
float valves and seats
are supplied in match-
ed sets and are tested
at the factory for lea ks.
Always use a new float
valve seat gasket to
fUEL BOWL - l make sure of a perfect
The float sy stem controls the le vel and supply 2. Examine float for any signs of failure . To
of gasoline in the fuel bowl throughout the oper- test metal float submerge float in pan of
ating range of the engine. hot water and if ai r bubb les are obs erved
replace with new float .
When the fuel bowl (1) is empty the float
and lever (2) and float valve (3) drop and fuel Examine cork float for bare places or
under pressure from the fuel pump (o r gravity cracks in coating. If either are found , or if
feed) is forced thro ugh the float valve seat (4) float shows evidence of having been soggy,
around the float valve (3) and into the fuel replace with new one. (Do not attempt to
bowl (1) . As the fuel in t he bowl approaches r ecover float with shellac or varnish.)
the correct operating level it raises the float and
lever (2) with enough fo rce to raise t he float 3. Set float height to the proper specification
for the particu lar model carbureter be ing
valve and cut off t he flow of fuel into the bowl.
se r viced . Make certain that the entire
As fuel feeds through the carbureter jets into
assembly works free and that there is no
the engine the fuel level (5) drops, allowing
additional f ue l to enter the f uel bowl.
4. Wash f uel strainer assembly in gasoline
Under actual operating conditions the fuel
and clea n screen with ai r under pressure.
level (5) and float and lever (2) automatically
If t h e screen, or th e threads on the strainer
position t hemselves so that t he in ward flow of
are not in good condition, install a ne w
gasoline to the carbureter is equal to the out-
assembly .. When re -installing fuel strainer
ward flow of gasoline to the engine.
assemblyalways use a new strainer gasket
As can rea dily be seen the float syst em under if a gasket is use d to obtain a seal.
the most favorab le of operating cond itions is
subjected to a certain amount of wear. Unde r It has been proven, with few exceptions,
se ver e conditions or co nd it ions that result in ex - t h at with a float system in good order,
cessive vibrations being transmitted to the carbu- ca r bur et er flooding onl y occurs whe n dirt
reter, float va lve and float valve seat wea r is or for eign matter becom es lodged between
accelera ted . the float va lve (3) and float valve seat (4) .
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Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg -Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A .
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Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
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Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
Choke System
The cho ke system is used durin g cold st ar ting valve (2 5) position use is made of a spr ing
and t he wa r m-up peri od. Unde r t hes e cold con- loaded relief valve (26) in many ap plications.
ditions it is neces sa r y t o supp ly an additional This valve opens a ut omatically with engine
r ich mixture of fuel a nd air , as onl y t he "light sp eed a nd loa d and eliminates a gr eat deal of
ends" or more vola til e portions of t he fuel will manipulation of t he ch oke on t h e part of the
vapor ize with t he ma nifo ld a nd a ir t emper a- op erator.
t ures at t hese cold condit ions . Consequently it When the engine has obtained n or ma l oper-
is ne cessary t hat a larg e quanti ty of fuel be ating temper ature t he choke valve (25) must be
a vailable so t hat t h ere will be enough " light fu lly opened t o assure maximum power and
en ds," to comb in e wit h t he a ir to fo r m a com- economy. In a d diti on, extended use of t h e ch oke
bustible mix ture fo r st arti ng t he engine. re sults in more gasoline being sup plie d t o the
The fun ction of t h e ch oke valve (25) is to engine t han can be burned . A large percentage
r estrict the amount of air t hat can en ter the car- of the unb urne d gas oline is lost through t he ex-
bureter and t o increase the suction on the nozzle haust syst em. The re mainder of t h e raw g as oline
(1 4) so that additi onal fuel will be drawn into is forced between t he pistons and cylinder walls,
the manifold. As soon as t he engine fir es and washing away the prot ective oil film and increas-
runs t he rich mix ture must be rapidly reduced to ing engine wear, a nd enters t h e cr ankc a se where
prevent stalling. This change in mixture is a c- it dilutes the en gine oil.
comp lished by t he oper ator positioning the choke Any adjustments t h at a re necess ary on t he
va lve to pr ovid e t he prope r mixtu r e. H owever, ca r bur eter sh ould nev er be attempt ed until t he
a few d egrees movement of t he cho ke va lve ( 25 ) engine has obt ai ned its normal oper ating t em-
will make a bi g ch ange in t he mixtur e stre ngth perature and the ch oke va lve (2 5) h as been
a nd to h elp r educe t he sensiti vity of the ch oke placed in t he wi d e open posi tion.
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Marvel-Schebler Products D ivision, Borg-Warner Co r poration, Decatu r , Illinois, U. S. A.
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Marvel-Schebler Products D ivision, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decat u r , Illinois, U. S. A.
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Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
Th e fo llowing pr oce d ur e for serv ice of all Mod el TSX Ca rbur et ers is for a comp lete over ha ul. After
removin g .ca r b ur et er f ro m engine was h thoroughl y wit h cleaning fluid suc h as gasoline to pe r mit
examinati on of ext ern al parts for damage . For t ype carbureter being servi ced see illu strations above.
Instructions apply to all ty pes un less specified otherwise .
1- 5-
Remove Power Adjusting Remove Economizer Jet.
Needle Assembly. NOTE. Not requ ired in a ll
T ype B. carbureters. Check se rvice
parts list or re pair kit of
ca rb ureter be ing serviced .
2- 6-
Remove Bowl Cover Remove Idle Jet
Screws and Lock Washers NO T E . Not req uired in all
Separate Castings . carbureters. Check se r vice
parts list or repai r ki t of
carbu reter being' se rviced.
3- 7-
Remove Float Valve, Removing Idle Adjusting
Bowl Gasket, and Ventu r i. Needle and Spring
4- 8-
Remove Float Valve Sea t Remove Throttle Valve
and Gasket. S crews. Valve, and
Thrott le Shaft and
Lever A ssembly
Repl a ce with n ew shaft
a nd lev er assem bly if ex-
cessive looseness between
sha f t a nd throttle body.
Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
9- 14-
Remove Throttle Shaft Remove Retainer Plug
Packing Retainer and Gasoline Drain
Strainer .
and Packin g
Stra in er can on ly be re-
Fo r ce ou t Retainer pla ced on ca rbu r et ers hav-
wit h sma ll sc rewdri ver ing' a cu rled ha ir or f elt
or punc h t ype s tr aine r . Only re-
plac e wh en im possible t o
cle a n with ga soline and
co mp r esse d air. P orou s
metal typ e stra iner can-
not be r eplac ed. Clean
10- only.
Remove Main Nozzle
and Gasket.
Type A 15-
Type B Remove Choke Valve
Screws, Valve, Choke
Shaft & Lever Auembly,
Choke Return Spring,
and Choke Bracket.
11- 16-
Remove Power Jet. Remove Choke Shaft
Type A Packing Retainer
Type B and Packing.
Force out r eta in er with
sma ll screwdriver
or punch.
'"A S S E M B L E
12- 17-
Remove Power Adjusting Install Throttle Shaft
Needle Auembly. Packing and Retainer.
Type C Assemble new retainer
a n d packing' on throtjle
Ca r bu re t ers not having shaft. In sert shaft in
ad justable ne edle remove carbureter and tap lightly
power jet. until r et a in er is flush with
casting f ace.
13- 18-
Remove Main Nozzle Install Throttle Valve
and Gasket. and . Screws.
Type C Install valve wi th a ngle
ident ifica t ion ma rk fac ing'
flange f ace of ca rbureter.
Tap valve lightly to ce n -
ter in throttle bore. Tight-
en screw s securely .
*Be f or e assembling carbureter, clean castings, channels, and parts with carbureter cleaning fluid
and air under pressure. Make certain all small holes and channels are open and free from carbon
and dirt. Do not use wire or small drills to clean out small holes as a slight change in size of these
holes will affect the carbureter operation. To assure a successful overhaul always replace all worn
or damaged parts and any parts that are questionable. Always use all new gaskets.
Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
19- 25-
Install Economizer Jet. Install Choke Shaft
Packing Retainer and
Install retainer as shown
in illustrations below.
Note: On so m e ca r bur ete r
models the packing is r e-
tained by choke bracket in
place of packing retainer.
20- 25A-
Install Idle Jet. On carbureters counter-
bored % " to ~ " deep in-
st a ll r etainer with cup
fa cing t owards casting.
Tap lightly u ntil flush with
casting face .
21- 25B-
Install Idle Adjusting On carbu ret e r s counter-
Needle and Spring. bored -b." to 1;.& " deep in-
sta ll retainer with cup
Set approximately one fa ci ng away from casting.
turn from seat for Tap lightly u ntil flush
preliminary setting. wi th ca sting face.
22- 26-
I n s t all Float Valve S eat I n st a ll Choke B racket,
a n d Casket . C hoke Return Sp r ing,
Choke Shaft and Lever
Use new Float Valve a nd
Auemb ly , Valve, and
Se at Assembly.
Ce nt e r valve in casting
before tightening sc rews.
23- 27-
Auemble Bowl Cov e r I nstall Power Je t .
Ga sk e t and V enturi T ype A
in Casting.
Type B
In stall float valve.
24- 28-
Install Float and Lev e r I n st a ll Main Nozzle
Au embly and a n d Casket.
Float Lever Pin.
Ty pe A
Set floats 1,4, " from ga sket Type B
fa ce to nearest edge of
float, keeping edge of float Us e new ga sket.
parallel with ga sk et. Ad-
j ust by usin g bending tool
# M -8.
Pace 11
Mar vel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
29- 32 -
Install Ma in Nozz l~ A..emble Caating• .
a nd G &lk ~ t. Invert th rottle body a nd
T y pe C lowe r fu el bowl ov er floats
taking p'r e c a u t i o n that
Use new gask et.
ve nturi gu ides bod ies into
positi on .
30- 33 -
Install P o w~r Adjus t ing Install Bowl Cov~r Scr~ws
N~~dl~ A.. ~ m b ly. a nd Lock Wash~ra.
T yp e C Tighten screws gra duall y
Use new gasket. u n til all are tight.
3 1- 34-
Install Gaaolin~ Drain In stall Pow~r Adjusting
S tra in ~ r & R~t a in~rPlug. N~~dl~ A.. ~mbly.
Stake retai ne r plug in Type A
pl a ce with c en t er punch to Set approximately one
in su r e secure locking. turn from seat f or
preliminary setting.
Adjustment Instructions
NOTE: Carburete rs TSX.I07. TSX.330. TSX.339. TSX-355. TSX-385 and TS X·398 use th e fu el ad -
justing type idle needle. A II oth er M odel TSX Carb uret ers use th e air ad justing typ e idle needle, . ./
Pa lr ~ 12
Marvel.Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Il linois , U. S. A .
Th e Marvel-Sch ebl er Mo del DLTX Ca r b uret er ing to prevent any fu el leaks to t h e outside of
is a h or iz on tal type carb urete r use d on J oh n the carbureter because of sh r un ken gask ets or
Deere tr a ctors . T o meet t he specific engine r e- defective hole pl ugs.
quirem en ts of t he indi vidual tra ctor on whi ch Th e Mod el DLTX Ca rbureter is co mp letely
th e ca r bur ete r is installed r eq uir es different size se a le d a gainst dust or dirt . A ll a ir enter ing t h e
jets, nozzl es, vent uri, throttl e and cho ke ope r- fu el bowl of t he ca rb u rete r m ust first pass
a tin g levers, etc. F or t his r eason , wh en or d er ing t hro ugh t he ai r cleane r . The t hrottle shaft bear-
pa rts, a lwa ys r ef er to t he ind ivid ua l carb ur eter ings and t he ch ok e shaft bearings are sealed to
se rv ice parts 1ist f or t h e engine on wh ich t he elimina t e d ust a nd di rt en tering at t h es e points.
ca rb urete r is insta ll ed . Ne w t h rottle sh aft b ushings ca n b e installe d
Th e Model DLTX Ca r b uret er cons ists of t wo wh en t he bearings h a ve beco me wo r n.
castings :
T he floa t me chanism is co nta ine d in a cast
1. The throttl e bod y casting which co nta ins
t h e air inlet. iron f uel bo w l (F ig ure 1) on all DLTX models
with t he exception of Mod el DLTX-26 a nd Model
2. The fu el bo w l casting.
DLTX-4 6. In these tw o ca rbr ueters t he float
The throttle bod y.casting co nta ins , in add it ion asse mb ly is r etain ed by t he throttle body ca sti ng
to th e t h r ottl e assembl y, a vent ur i ma chined in
s urro und ed by a stamped met al f ue l bowl.
t he ca sti ng and the cho ke a ssembly. Cast ir on
material is used for ruggedn ess. All p assages, All mod el s ha ve a f ue l st r a iner to prevent dirt
wh ene ver possibl e , are drilled wi thin t he cast- and f or ei gn s ubs t a nce fr om ente ring th e fue l
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Marvel-Schebler Products D ivision, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Ill inois, U. S. A .
bowl. To service t he f ue l stra ine r in the cast iro n T o pr ovi de a d ditiona l ec on omy, in addition to
fuel bowl, first r em ove t he se dime nt cup drain t he bac k suction economizer sys t em, the carbu-
plug (Figure 1) to permit any dir t to drain off. r eter provides for two adjusting needles, the low
Then r emove t he f ue l str a iner assem bl y a nd spe ed or idle adjusting needle and the load ad-
cle an wit h gasoline and ai r under pr ess ur e. justin g ne edle. These needles mu st no t be inter-
Flush se di me nt cup by t ur ning on fu el sup ply cha nge d. The idl e adjust ing needle head is brass
val ve usin g a sma ll br us h to wash ou t any r e- p lated and t h e load needle cadmium plated
maining dirt in cup . Be ca r ef ul not t o dam a g e (gr ay co lor) t o distinguish.
or rem ove comp osition gasket on fuel st r a iner A t h rot tl e lever sto p sp r ing (Figure 1) is pro-
assembly . Always r eplace any damaged gasket. vid ed to prevent uneven running or "hunting"
A ca librate d economiz er plu g (Figure 2) is (govern or opening and closing ) when t h e load
is r eleased and the go vernor clo ses dear sh ut .
used in t he back s uct ion economizer sys t em to
Turn t h e throttl e sto p scre w a ga inst t he throttle
regul ate the air pr ess ur e in th e fuel b owl ch a m-
lever st op s pring un ti l t he " h unting" is corrected
ber f or proper f ue l d eli very t o t he engine. The a nd idling is sa ti sfactory. No r ma lly t h er e is ¥.J~ "
size of t h e plug is ca refully esta blish ed by engi- clearance be tween the throttle st op screw and
neering te sts and t he specified size f or a gi ven th e t hr ottle lever stop s pr ing at f ast idle.
carbureter mod el mu st always b e used to assure Whi le t h ere are many variations produ ced by
the proper ope rat ion of th e ca rb ureter on t he combining th e ty pes and sizes into a sp ec ific ap-
engine. In some mod els, a ca libr a te d fixed orifice plication, all Mod el DLTX Ca r bur et ers incorpo-
is machined in t he t h rottle bo dy casting in place r ate t he sa me engineering pr inci ples and are
of the economizer plug. alike f rom a f un ctional sta n d point .
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Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg- Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
The fo llowing proce d ure fo r service of DLT X ca rb urete r mode ls is f or a comp lete ove r h a ul. Afte r
r emoving ca rb ureter fro m engin e wash t ho r ough ly wit h clea ning fluid , suc h as gas oli ne, t o perm it
exa mina t ion of external p a rts for damage. F or ty pe carbureter being ser viced see illu strations above .
In stru ctions a p ply to both ty pes unless sp ecified otherwise.
1- 5-
Remove Bowl Retaininjt Remove Float and Lever
Nut, Gaaket. and Nozzle Auembly & Float Valve.
Retaining Spring.
Type A-
Se para t e Castings. Re ola c e floa t va lve a nd
seat if valve is g rooved
or worn or se at da ma ged.
2- 6-
Remove Fuel Strainer Remove Float Valve,
Auembly and Gaaket. Float Valve Seat & Gaaket
Type A- Type B -
Repl a ce asse mb ly if screen Re pla ce Fl oa t Valve a n d
or t h reads a re not in good Seat if va lve is grooved or
conditio n. worn or seat damaged.
3- 7-
Remove Float Valve Seat Remove Load Adjuating
and Gasket. Needle.
Type A - Re pl ace needle if grooved
or damaged.
Re move seat with Sche bler
Tool No . 725A.
4- 8-
Remove Float Lever Bear- Remove Idle Adjuating
ing Screwa and Float Needle.
Lever Pin.
Re pla ce n eedle if grooved
Type A - or da ma g ed.
Replace screw s a nd pin if
pa rts are wor n.
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Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg- Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A .
10- 14-
Remove Choke Valve Remove Uppe r Throttle
Screws and Valve. Shaft Bushing.
Do not r emove cho ke sha f t In sert Sch ebler Tool No.
26 03 & drive bus hing out.
NOTE: On Mod e ls DL T X-
26 and DLTX-4 6 re mov e
b us h i n g- wi th t o o l No.
M-1 30.
11- 15-
Remove Nozzle. Remove Lowe r Shaft
I nse rt flat e nd of Sc he bler
T ool No.2 59 9 unde r cho ke I nsert Sche bl er T ool No .
sha f t a n d for c e n 0 z z I e 26 0 3 t hro u g h upp er
down a s f a r as possible. throttle sha ft b us hing- boss
a nd d ri ve bu shing- o ut .
On Mod el s DL TX-2 6 a nd
DL TX-4 6 use T ool No .
M- 131.
l1A- 16-
I nse rt be nt e nd of too l Install Lower Shaft Bush-
ov e r cho ke shaft a nd fo rc e in g-Op e n End Bushing. •
nozzl e o ut.
Pl a ce new low er bushing
on T ool No . M 132 and
d rive b us hi ng- in casting
up t o sho ulder o n t oo l.
12 - 16 A-
Remove Choke Shaft a n d Install Throttle Shaft
Lever Assembly. Hole Plug.
R ep la c e sha f t a nd le ver Driv e plug flu sh with fa ce
assem bly if s ha ft is worn . of low er throttle sha ft
b ushing- bo ss.
12A- 16B-
Remove Choke- Shaft and Install Lowe r Shah Bush-
Lever Assembly. in g- B li n d End Bushing.
R e p Ia c e sha f t and leve l' Drive b us hi ng- until flush
assembly if sha f t is worn. wit h f a ce of cast ing bo ss.
- ./
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Marvel.Schebler Products Division. Borg-Warner Corporation. Decatur, Illinois. U . S. A.
Ream Throttle Shaft Attach Choke Flex Spring
r===::=:::::::= Buahinga. With cho ke va lve in ope n
position attach spring t o
If t h ro t tle sha ft bi nds in pins on choke le ve r an d
bus hings r eam b us h in g s shaft as sho wn.
with s pecial r eamer Scheb-
ler T ool No. 2606. Use
rea me r T ool No. M-1 28
f or Mo del s DLTX- 26 a nd
DLTX- 46.
~ Aue mb le
19- 22-
20- 23-
Inatall Throttle Shaft and Install Load Adjuating
Lever Auembly, Valve, Needle.
and Screwa. Set ap proximately 1 tu r n
Ta p va lve lightly to cen- from seat for preliminary
ter in throttle bore. T igh t - setting.
en screws . NOT E: Loa d needle cad-
mium plated (gray co lor)
to dist inguish .
Inatall Choke Shaft and Install Nozzle.
Lever Auembly, Choke
Tap bottom of the nozzle
Valve, and Screwa. lightly to seat in casting.
Center valve in casting be-
fore tightening screws.
* Before assembling carbureter, clean castings, channels, and parts with carbureter cleaning fluid
a nd ai r under pressure. Make ce rtain all small holes and channels are open and free from carbon
a nd d irt. Do not use wire or small drills to clean out small h oles as a slight change in size of these
h oles will affect the carbureter op eration. Gum deposits not removed by carbureter cleaning fluid,
clean with a la cq uer thinner. To assure a s uccessful ove r ha ul always replace all worn or damaged
pa rts a nd any parts that are q uestionable. Always use n ew gaskets.
Page 17
Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A.
26- 30-
Inatall Float Lever P in Inatall Float Valve Seat,
and Floa t Lever Bearin g Caaket, and Float Valve.
Screwa. Type B-
Type A -
Use new gasket.
27- 31-
Inatall Float Valve Seat S "t Float Level.
and Caaket. Type B-
Type A -
Before in stalling t he float
s ubme r ge in pan of hot
Use new gasket. Examine water. R eplace if air
action of float. Be sure bubbles are ob served es-
there is no stick ing be- ca ping- f rom float. Set the
tween fingers on float lev - floa t Boo from lower flan ge
er and head of floa t va lve . face to nea r est edge of
floa t .
28- 32-
Set F loa t Level.
Type A- Aaaemble Caatinga.
Se t float 1,6" on model s Us e new bowl gasket a nd
DLTX-3 to DLTX-63 in - bowl retaining nu t gasket.
clusive. T ighten bow l r e ta in in g
Set float O/S " on models n ut securely.
DLTX-67 to DLT X- 73 in-
clu sive.
Measure f rom top of fuel
bowl to t o p of float. Us e
Schebler Tool No. 35 to
bend float lever.
Palre 18
Marvel-Schebler Products D ivision, Borg -Warner Corporation, Decatur, Illinoi s, U . S. A.
Service Complaints
Th e idle co nst r uction used in Marvel-Schebler prop er clearances ; leakage past pistons and
Tractor and Industrial Ca r b ur eters is t he most r ings; cylin d er h ead gask et leaking; wea k
posi ti ve .a nd sa t isf a ct or y of idle sy stems, be cause sp ar k, or sp a r k p lug points no t spaced co r r ectly;
it is workin g under ve r y h igh suction and the igniti on ca ble cover ing cracked and t h us ground-
mix t ure flow s th ro ugh t he small passages at very in g spa r k, and ca ble not assembl ed prop er ly in
high ve loc it ies. It is ne cessa ry to bear in mind , t he distri bu t or cap w hi ch causes cor r osion and
however, t h at t h ere are ti mes when these sm a ll weak spa r k.
hol es may beco me p lugge d wit h parti cl es of dirt
or lint, b ut ve ry seld om . If idle tr oub le is ex pe r i- The sp ar k t iming of t h e en g in e is most im-
ence d, first ch ec k the manifold to cylind er h ead po r t a nt , and should al so be chec ke d very ca re-
gasket and t h e ca r b ureter t o manifold g asket f ully and set exac tly on t he mark as called fo r
fo r ai r leaks. At slow idl e an eng ine r equires in factory sta nd a r d specifications . In f a ct, all
only appro ximat ely 20 to 25 lb s. of air pe r hour, of t h e a bove items mu st be ch eck ed very ca re-
a nd a slig ht leak will res ult in a ve ry errati c or f ully to fa ctory sta nd a r ds, and not j ust given a
r ou gh idlin g engine. casua l inspection with the common expressi on
Other ca us es for a r ough idling en gine are: "Everything looks O.K." Y ou c an K N OW defi-
un even compr ess ion , ca used by stick y or leaking n itely that the tr a ctor is up to the st a n da rds set
va lves; leaking va lve seats; tappets wi th im - by the manufacturer.
Page 19
Marvel-Schebler Products Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, Decatur , Illinois , U. S. A .
function properly when everything else has been ing of the ca r b ur et er is obtained by a se ries of
ch ecked and s et to factory standards will now holes drilled to exact size and location , whi ch
be covered. do not wear or change location in service. It
With t h e present ty pe ca r b ur eter con struction must be realize tha t if t h e ca rb u r et er worked
used on Marvel-Schebl er tractor and industrial correctl y at first, w hen passed by the inspectors
ca r b ur et e rs, not very much can go wrong with at the tractor factory , it will al ways function the
the possible exception that it may foul with dirt. sa me, pro vid ed h ese passa ges are a ll free from
There are only two places that are subject to
wear-the throttle shaft and bushings and the On a carburct er co mp la int f ro m t he field, t he
float valve and seat. Th e wear on the throttle onl y t h ing a serv ice man ca n d o t o the carbu-
shaft and bushings, and resultant air leak there- reter is to disassemble it. BE SURE that th e
from results in a lean idle, and to compensate passages are open and free fr om dirt, that there
for the air leak more fuel must be turned on for is no wear on the throttle sh aft and bushings,
idle . Wear on the float valve and seat results in that float valve and seat are O.K., that the float
a high fuel level in the f uel bowl a n d flooding height is co rrect, a nd that a good air-tight seal
trouble . Both faults can be easily observed by exists around the bowl gasket. If s uch carbureter
the service man, and corrected by replacing ser vice does not correct the complaints, a com-
worn parts with new ones. The proper funeti on - ple t e check of the engine must again be made .
Marvel-Schebler Products Division , Borg-Warner Corporaticn, Decatur, Illinois, U. S. A .
Marvel-Schebler Carbureter
To check t he floa t set t ing , th e casti ng mu st be held in a n inverted pos ition s o that the
floa t lever is in contact with t he floa t val ve and t he floa t va lve se ated.
Car b ureter Mod e l S e tt in g Whe re to Mea aure
NOT E : Cha nging the float set t ing from our standard in an effort to improve th e
op eration of the carbureter or in an effort t o prevent flooding, will onl y re sult in
faulty carbu reter operation.