Whitfield Traditions Pellet Stove Manual
Whitfield Traditions Pellet Stove Manual
Whitfield Traditions Pellet Stove Manual
Freestanding Model
T300P Series
These appliances must be properly installed and operated in order to
prevent the possibility of a house fire. Please read this entire owner's
manual before installing and using your pellet stove. Failure to follow
these instructions could result in property damage, bodily injury or even
death. Contact your local building or fire officials to obtain a permit and
information on any installation requirements and inspection require-
ments in your area.
1. DO NOT CONNECT THIS UNIT TO A CHIMNEY gers. Keep pellets in the hopper at all times and
FLUE CONNECTED TO ANOTHER APPLIANCE. keep fingers away from auger. The auger can start
2. Do not connect this appliance to air ducts or any air and stop automatically at any time while the stove
distribution system. is running.
3. Do not install a flue damper in the exhaust venting 13. CAUTION: HOT WHILE IN OPERATION. An appli-
system of this appliance. ance hot enough to warm your home can severely
4. Do not use class B venting intended for gas appli- burn anyone touching it. Keep children, clothing
ances as a chimney or connector pipe on a pellet- and furniture away. Contact may cause skin burns.
fired appliance. Do not let children touch the appliance. Train them
5. The minimum clearances must be maintained for all to stay a safe distance from the unit.
combustible surfaces and materials including; fur- 14. APPROVED FUEL: This appliance is designed spe-
niture, carpet, drapes, clothing, wood, papers, etc. cifically for use only with pelletized wood fuels
Do not store firewood within this clearance space. only. With its advanced UltraGrate technology,
6. INSTALLATION DISCLAIMER - This stoves exhaust this appliance is designed and approved for the
system works with negative combustion chamber burning of wood residue pellets with up to 3% ash
pressure and a slightly positive chimney pressure. content. This appliance is NOT approved to burn
Therefore, it is imperative that the exhaust system cardboard, nut hulls, cherry pits, corn, etc. regard-
is gas tight and installed correctly. Since Lennox less if it is in pellet form. Failure to comply with this
Hearth Products has no control over the installa- restriction will void all warranties and the safety
tion of your stove, Lennox Hearth Products grants listing of the stove. Consult with your authorized
no warranty, implied or stated for the installation or Lennox Hearth Products dealer for more informa-
maintenance of your stove, and assumes no re- tion on approved pellet fuels.
sponsibility for any consequential damage(s). 15. FLY ASH BUILD-UP: For all wood pellet fuel-
7. Burning any kind of fuel consumes oxygen. If out- burning heaters, the combustion gases will contain
side air is not ducted to the appliance, ensure that small particles of fly ash. This will vary due to the
there is an adequate source of fresh air available to ash content of the fuel being burned. Over time, the
the room where the appliance is installed. fly ash will collect in the exhaust venting system
8. This stove is not intended for use in commercial and restrict the flow of the flue gases. The exhaust
installations other than where the stove is being venting system should be inspected regularly and
sold without prior approval from Lennox Hearth cleaned as necessary.
Products. 16. SOOT FORMATION Incomplete combustion, such
9. The stove will not operate using natural draft, nor as occurs during startup, shutdown, or incorrect
without a power source for the blower and fuel operation of the room heater will lead to some soot
feeding systems. formation which will collect in the exhaust venting
10. Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, system. A precautionary inspection on a regular
kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to basis is advisable to determine the necessity of
start or "freshen up" a fire in this heater. Keep all cleaning. The exhaust venting system should be
such liquids well away from the heater while it is in inspected regularly and cleaned as necessary.
use. 17. DISPOSING OF ASHES: Any ashes removed from
11. CONTINUOUS OPERATION: When operated cor- the pellet stove must be deposited in a metal con-
rectly, this appliance cannot be overfired. Continu- tainer with a tight-fitting lid. The closed container of
ous operation at a maximum burn can, however, ashes should be placed on a noncombustible floor
shorten the life of the electrical components (blow- or on the ground, well away from all combustible
ers, motors, and electronic controls), and is not materials, outside of the dwelling pending final dis-
recommended. Typical approved operation would posal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil
include running at the low to mid range setting with or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be re-
occasional running on the maximum setting during tained in the closed container until all cinders have
the coldest periods of the winter. The blower speed been thoroughly cooled.
control should be turned to high when operating 18. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.
the stove on the high heat setting. 19. See the listing label on the stove body (or see
12. CAUTION: NEVER PUT FINGERS NEAR AUGER. Safety / Listing Label, page 38).
Pellet fuel is fed to the UltraGrate by a screw au-
ger. This auger is driven by a high torque motor.
The auger is capable of doing serious harm to fin-
Page 2
Page 3
A correct installation is critical and imperative for reduc- National Fire Protection Association – The primary
ing fire hazards and perilous conditions that can arise NFPA standard that refers to installation and mainte-
when wood pellet burning appliances are improperly nance of pellet appliances and venting is NFPA 211:
installed. The installer must follow all of the manufac- Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel appli-
turers’ instructions. ances, Jan. 2000.
The installation of this appliance must conform to local
codes and applicable state and federal requirements. SELECTING A LOCATION
Familiarity with these requirements before installation is The design of your home and where you place your
essential. Important considerations to discuss with local stove will determine its value as a source of heat. A
building officials include: wood stove depends primarily on air circulation (con-
vection) to disperse its heat, and therefore, a central
1. Applicable codes (i.e. Uniform Mechanical Code, location is often best. There are other practical consid-
State or Regional Codes)? erations, which must be considered before a final selec-
tion of locations is made.
Electrical codes:
In USA, NEC, ANSI / NFPA 70-1987. ♦ Existing Chimneys
In Canada, CSA C22.1 ♦ Pellet Fuel Storage
♦ Aesthetic Considerations
Power Supply Requirements – The power cord ♦ Roof Design (rafter locations & roof pitch)
must be plugged into a standard, 115 volt, 60 Hz ♦ Room Traffic
grounded electrical outlet. The approximate ♦ Proximity to Combustibles
power requirement is 200 watts, and will peak up ♦ Electrical Wiring
to 700 watts for approximately 6 minutes when
the self-igniter is operating (it will turn off 2 min- The installation of this stove will require some research.
utes after flame detection). The power supply Once your options are determined, consult with your
cord must be routed to avoid contact with any of local building department who will be able to give you
the hot or sharp exterior surface areas of the the necessary installation requirements for your area (Is
stove. When installed in a manufactured (mobile) a building permit required, rooms where installation may
home appliance must be electrically grounded to not be allowed, etc.).
the steel chassis (see page 7, Manufactured
(Mobile) Home Requirements for additional re- WARNING: Check all local building and safety
quirements). These requirements must be met codes before installation. The installation instruc-
unless otherwise specified by state or local au- tions and appropriate code requirements must be
thorities. followed exactly and without compromise. Altera-
tions to the stove are not allowed. Do not connect
WARNING - Electrical Grounding Instructions: the stove to a chimney system serving another
This appliance is equipped with a three-prong stove, appliance, or any air distribution duct. Failure
(grounding) plug for your protection against to follow these instructions will void the manufac-
shock hazard and should be plugged directly turers warranty.
into a properly grounded three-prong recep-
tacle. Do not cut or remove the grounding SMOKE DETECTORS
prong from this plug. Since there are always several potential sources of fire
in any home, we recommend installing smoke detec-
2. Local amendments? tors. If possible, install the smoke detector in a hallway
3. Is a permit required - cost? adjacent to the room (to reduce the possibility of occa-
You may wish to contact your insurance company sional false activation from the heat produced by the
to ask if they require this. stove). If your local code requires a smoke detector be
4. Is outside combustion air required? installed within the same room, you must follow the re-
5. Rooms where the installation is not allowed? quirements of your local code. Check with your local
building department for requirements in your area.
Page 4
This appliance requires noncombustible floor protection. If the floor protection is to be stone, tile, brick, etc., it must be mor-
tared or grouted to form a continuous non-combustible surface. If a chimney connector extends horizontally over the floor,
the protection must cover the floor under the connector and at least 2" to either side.
A noncombustible floor protector must fully cover the area beneath the appliance and extend 6” to the front, 6” to the
sides, and up to 6" from the back as illustrated below.
*Note: When installed at clearances less than 6”, floor protection is only required to extend to the wall.
* Up to 6"/153mm
6" 6"
(153mm} (153mm}
Page 5
Clearances to combustibles are determined from testing to applicable standards for allowable heat transfer.
The clearances allowed as shown here, do not take into account operation or serviceability requirements.
Page 6
Model –T300P Series 1. After removing the packaging from the stove, lift the
In addition to the standard installation instructions, the
following instructions may be required by local, state or hopper lid, and remove all pre-packaged items that
federal building codes: were shipped in the hopper. Next, open the stove
• Stove must be permanently bolted to the floor. door and remove all pre-packaged items.
• An outside air inlet must be provided for combustion 2. Remove screws which secure legs to pallet.
and be unrestricted while unit is in use.
• Stove must be permanently electrically grounded to INSTALLING LEG LEVELING BOLTS
the steel chassis of the home. The location selected
The four leg leveling bolts (included in accessory pack-
for ground attachment to the stove must be dedicated
for this purpose. age), are provided for leveling the stove if necessary.
• See pages 10 through 15 for additional information on To install, thread the bolts into the existing holes in the
venting requirements. bottom of each leg. Turn the leveling bolts to adjust for
• Do not install appliance in a sleeping room. correct height.
• The structural integrity of the manufactured home
floor, walls, ceiling and roof must be maintained.
NOTE: The grounding of this product, at installation, It is strongly recommended that you have an authorized
must comply with NFPA-70 standards, CSA C22.1 in Lennox Hearth Products dealer install your stove. If you
Canada, as well as any local codes. install your stove yourself, you should review your in-
stallation plan with your authorized Lennox Hearth
Model - T300P SERIES
Products dealer.
Check list:
Check off each item as you proceed with the installation
Read the ENTIRE stove installation section first.
Determine the appropriate measurements and loca-
tions for your installation.
Follow the general installation directions under
Stove Installation and the installation section ap-
Bolt Floor propriate to your stove.
Protector Be sure to pre-fit all items before you install, fasten,
or set up the stove permanently.
If the exhaust vent exits the manufactured (mobile) After you have begun operation of your stove:
home at a location other than the roof, and exits at a Review the routine cleaning / maintenance informa-
point 7 feet or less above the ground level on which the
manufactured (mobile) home is position a guard or
method of enclosing the pipe shall be provided at the Enjoy the warmth from your new Lennox Hearth
point of exit for a height of up to 7 feet. The openings, if Products pellet stove!
any, in this guard shall not allow a 3/4” rod to pass
through. A 1/2” rod could pass through but should not
be able to touch the pipe when inserted through the
opening a distance of 4 inches.
Page 7
1. Locate rectangular cutout on bottom stove panel
behind ash pan.
Fig. A
For initial setup, push the damper all the way in (when
facing the front of the stove, “in” is to the left, and “out”
is to the right) and slowly pull back three notches (see
2. Screw damper rod into threaded hole. Fig. B).
Pulled Back
3 Notches
The damper rod is located under the bottom plate, on
the right hand side of the stove, just behind the ash Fig. B
pan. It is very important to preset your damper prior to
burning your pellet stove.
This setting should provide an adequate air to fuel ratio
The damper plate contains nine notches spaced in 1/4” for most installations.
increments that aid in positioning (see Fig. A).
Page 8
Page 9
VENTING REQUIREMENTS Horizontal Runs - The maximum total horizontal run
It is recommended that only an authorized dealer install must not exceed 10 feet (3.1 meters).
your pellet stove. The specified installation requirements
must be followed to ensure conformity with both the Horizontal run of pipe requires 1/4” / 7 mm rise per foot.
safety listing of the appliance and local building codes. All
clearances, installation instructions and precautions Pipe Clearances / Requirements – See pipe manufac-
specified by the vent manufacturer must be followed. turers instructions for installation of venting components
and clearances. Follow pipe manufacturers installation
Selecting a Location - Review the appliance clearance precautions for passing pipe through a combustible wall
requirements before installing the venting system (see or ceiling (i.e. use an approved thimble).
Clearances, page 6). Position the appliance far enough
away from walls to allow adequate room for servicing. Notes:
Choose the appliance location with the least amount of All pellet vent pipe requires 3” (75mm) clearance from
interference with the house framing, plumbing, wiring, outside of pipe unless otherwise specified by vent manu-
etc. facturer.
Preferred Vent Configuration – For the best perform- A support bracket should be installed every 4’ (1.2m) of
ance, we recommend a vent run design which runs verti- pellet vent pipe on the exterior wall of the house unless
cally and terminates above the roofline. This design will otherwise specified by vent manufacturer.
allow natural draft to improve the flow of flue gases and
will aid in combustion and stove performance. Pipe / Liner Joint Requirements - All pipe joints must
be secured with a minimum of 3 screws. ALL horizontal
Type of Pipe – This stove requires type “PL” (pellet vent joints must be sealed gas tight. Use RTV silicone with a
pipe, sometimes referred to as “L-Vent pellet vent”), rating of at least 570° F (969° C), or Interam to provide a
which conforms to UL standard 641. Connect the pellet complete seal at the flue collar and on all joints.
vent pipe or the “tee” to the flue collar using a minimum of
three screws and seal as specified in “Pipe Joint Re- Connection to Masonry Chimney through a Wall - Be
quirements” on this page. Do not use class B gas chimney sure to verify the construction of a masonry chimney, as it
or single wall chimney as a substitute. may have combustible framing.
Size of Pipe -These pellet appliances are approved for The use of single wall flex or rigid 24 gage stainless steel
use with the following vent sizes: 3” (75mm) standard, or pipe as a liner is approved.
4” (100mm). See page 12 for determining correct size
vent to use. Use a 3” (75mm) to 4” (100mm) adapter Connection to an Existing Class A Chimney - A chim-
(Cat. No. 14M81) or a 3” (75mm) to 4” (100mm) “tee” in ney adapter can be used to make the connection from 3”
order to run 4” (100mm) pipe. / 75mm or 4” / 100mm pellet vent pipe to existing UL
chimney system. Verify with the pipe manufacturer that
Offsets - In every installation, a single or double clean- your pipe brands will interconnect. The use of single wall
out “tee” is recommended for every ninety-degree offset flex or rigid pipe (24 gage stainless steel) as a liner is
(this tee will help collect ash residue and will allow for approved.
routine cleaning without the need to disconnect sections
of pipe). Direct-Vent Installations (Horizontal): On all direct-vent
installations (short, horizontal runs with no vertical pipe);
Note: Offsets and horizontal runs accumulate fly ash and care should be taken when choosing a location for termi-
soot which reduces the exhaust flow and performance of nating the vent. It is not recommended to directly vent the
the stove. exhaust on the prevailing wind side of the house. It is
recommended that when an appliance is vented directly
Total Offsets in venting system should not exceed 270° through a wall, a minimum of 8’ (2.5M) of vertical pipe
total in direction change. should be installed to create some natural draft. This will
reduce the possibility of smoke or odor entering the
dwelling during appliance shutdown or loss of power.
VENT TERMINATION Chimney Height Requirements
Do not terminate vent in an enclosed or semi-enclosed The vent termination height required is 12” minimum
area such as: carports, garage, attic, crawl space, under above the roof penetration point as illustrated below (Ref.
a deck, porch, narrow walkway, closely fenced area, or National Standard, NFPA 7-4.1). Check with your local
any location that can build up a concentration of fumes building official for additional requirements for your area.
such as a stairwell, covered breezeway, etc.
To determine what diameter pipe to use in an installation (3” or 4”), first find the “equivalent pipe length” using the follow-
ing guidelines, then plot this figure and the altitude on the chart.
Fill out the installation chart, and calculate your total equivalent pipe length. After you have the total equivalent pipe
length, use the Pipe Selection Chart below to determine if your installation requires 3” or 4” exhaust pipe.
NOTE: All equivalent pipe styles shown to the right are 4 “ Diameter Only
standard for all freestanding models. 20
3 or 4”
10 Diameter
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Altitude x 1000 Feet
Page 12
INSTALLING YOUR PELLET STOVE 3. Push the stove (with pipe attached) towards wall.
Pipe will go through the wall thimble. Do not position
Standard Horizontal Exhaust Installation (Direct the back of the stove closer than 1” (25mm) from the
Vent) wall.
NOTE: Greater back clearance will improve the ser-
1. Locate the proper position for the listed type “PL” viceability of the stove.
wall thimble. Avoid cutting wall studs when installing
your pipe. Use a saber saw or keyhole saw to cut 4. Install listed type “PL” 45-degree elbow with rodent
the proper diameter hole through the wall to accom- screen or cap (optional) on outside end of pipe. The
modate the wall thimble. Use extreme caution to rodent screen should be no less than 1/2” (13mm)
avoid cutting into power lines within the wall of the mesh and may clog with soot and ash if left unat-
home. The hole size will depend on the brand of tended during the burn season.
pellet vent that you are using. Install the wall thimble
in the hole. NOTE: The end of the exhaust pipe must extend a
minimum of 12” (.3M) from the outside of the building.
IN THE ROOM MUST BE SEALED WITH RTV AND 5. If the installation includes a source of outside com-
SECURED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3 FASTENERS bustion air; cut a separate hole through the wall for
PER CONNECTION. the fresh air tube. This tube should be 1-5/8” (42mm)
[min.] diameter, steel only. Connect outside air pipe
2. Position the stove approximately 12” (.3M) from the to air inlet on stove. This tube must be terminated
wall on the floor pad. Push listed type “PL” pipe with a 90 degree elbow or hood.
through wall thimble. Squeeze a bead of high tem- NOTE: Combustion air may also be drawn from a
perature silicone (RTV) sealer around the end of the vented crawl space under the home. All joints for con-
machined portion of the 3” (75mm) pipe connector nector pipe are required to be fastened with at least
on the back of the stove. Firmly push on a section of three screws. If vented horizontally, joints shall be made
listed type “PL” pipe until inner pipe liner pushes into gas-tight in a manner as specified above. Install vent at
the bead of RTV sealer clearances specified by the vent manufacturer.
Page 13
INSTALLATION CONFIGURATIONS – Standard Horizontal Installations
Page 14
Installation Configurations / Standard Venting Options Preferred Installation – Vertical Vent Through the Roof.
This appliance may be connected to an existing flue or This venting configuration allows for the best stove
by installing listed type “PL” vent pipe. If a liner is run all performance. The vertical pipe promotes natural draft
the way to the top of the existing chimney, the existing and with the chimney inside the dwelling, the flue
flue should be sealed with a steel plate. Start a vertical gases stay warm, thus rising at a consistent rate.
run with a Tee at the back of the stove. Other options
are illustrated below. Note: See page 11 for Vent Termi-
nation Requirements.
CONTROL BOARD OPERATION stat is in the stand-by mode when the fault is cleared, the
Stove On / Off Button – This button will turn your stove will remain in the stand-by mode until it closes again.
stove on or off while in Manual or Automatic mode (see
page 19 for details). The green on / off light at the top
of control board will indicate the on / off status. NOTE – If the fuel feed trim or combustion air trim
needs to be adjusted, contact an authorized Lennox
Heat Output Button – The heat output button has Hearth Products Technician to calibrate internal soft-
three selection settings, Low, Medium and High. ware. It is recommended that the damper be used to
Pressing the button will scroll the red indicator lights fine-tune your stove to your particular fuel and installa-
from Low to High. The button controls the pellet feed tion configuration (see Damper Adjustment on page 8
and combustion airflow simultaneously. The control and Damper Adjustment Guideline on page 20).
board is preset to provide the optimum ratio of fuel and
air at each setting. Settings can be changed at any
time but will only take affect after the start-up cycle is
complete. Each press of the Heat Button will increase POWER LED
the heat output, and will scroll to the lowest setting af- (fault when ON / OFF
ter reaching the maximum setting. flashing) START
Blower – The blower button operates the room air HEAT SELECT
blower. This will change the flow of hot air into the BUTTON
room. Three choices are available Low, Medium, and HEAT LED
High. When the Blower Button is pressed the yellow
indicator light will scroll to Low, Medium, or High.
NOTE: When running your stove on high heat output,
the control board will not allow you to select the low
blower speed. This is a safety precaution to protect BLOWER BLOWER
against overheating. Blower settings can be changed LED SELECT
at any time, but will only take affect after the start-up BUTTON
cycle is complete.
Note: The control board is equipped with an internal Flame Detection Sequence of Events - This is what
memory which will recall the last setting and mode happens after flame has been detected.
the stove was in prior to loss of power. Because we
individually check each stove prior to packaging, one Happens within the Start-up Time Delay sequence.
of the two scenarios will appear when you first plug in 0 to 1 minute no fuel feed.
your stove. Flame settles.
1). The Green LED at the top of the control board will illu- Bed of embers built.
minate and the blowers will be running. This is a stan- 1 minute mark: Fuel Feed rate 20% for 4 minutes
dard cool down mode and will last no longer than five 15 seconds (1 second on / 4 seconds off).
minutes. This happens during testing when the stove is 2 minute mark: igniter turns OFF / room air blower =
turned off (which initiates cool down mode) and then is panel setting.
unplugged. 5 minute 15 seconds mark: exhaust blower = panel
2). The Green LED at the top will illuminate and the red setting / LED indicator still active.
and yellow LED’s will illuminate on the control board,
indicating that the stove is in the run mode. This hap- Start-up Time delay ends 14 minutes 15 seconds
pens during testing if the stove is unplugged without after pushing the start button!
first turning the control board off (the control board re-
members its last setting, which was the run mode).
If your stove follows that described in number 2 above,
simply press the ON / OFF button once to turn the stove PHOTOEYE
off, this will initiate the cool down mode. The stove can be
restarted at any time during the cool down mode by press-
ing the ON / OFF button once.
Start-up Sequence of Events LOCATION
1. Fault time delay is initiated (14 minutes 15 seconds).
2. Fuel feed rate of 100% for 1 minute 50 seconds (when POWER
trim left at factory setting of 0) auger trim setting ranges SELECT
from 1:26 to 2:14 depending on -4 to +4 respectively.
3. Exhaust blower operation starts (medium range volt- MAIN
4. Room air blower operation starts (medium range volt-
age).Power LED is activated (steady green).
6. Igniter operation activated (line voltage).
7. Photoeye looks for flame (flame dominance scheme).
8. * If needed second & third fuel dumps are available at
predetermined time deliveries (4 minutes & 6 minutes
after initial). FUSE
Page 17
Combustion Voltage Trim Steps: Your pellet stove can be operated in either manual or
1. Push button “twice” for access voltage calibration automatic mode. The manual mode is used when op-
mode. erating without a thermostat. The automatic mode is
2. Identify the current calibration setting indicated by one
used when utilizing a wall thermostat. When utilizing
3. Push the “HEAT” control button to adjust setting UP. the thermostat capability the burn time can be extended
Each push raises the YELLOW LED bar & increases dramatically depending on thermostat setting. Note: It is
voltage 5%. normal for some ash to build up on the inner glass sur-
4. Push the “BLOWER” control button to adjust setting face at the lower burn settings.
DOWN. Each push lowers YELLOW LED bar decreas-
ing voltage 5%. Initial Start-Up / Empty Hopper or Feed Tube:
5. Push the calibration button once to lock in selected During an initial start-up, or in the case where the hop-
per has run out of fuel, it will be necessary to prime the
Fuel Delivery Rate auger feed system. The control board is set to deliver
The feed rate switch manages the fuel delivery rate by fuel for approximately 2 1/2 minutes during start-up,
controlling the amount of time the auger motor will run as which, with a fully primed auger tube, will provide the
follows: appropriate amount of fuel for ignition.
Feed Auger Motor * Lb.’s per ♦ Approxi- Burn
Rate ON / OFF hour fuel mate Time When first starting your pellet stove, it will be necessary
Setting Time (sec- delivery BTU per (hours) to prime the auger tube. To prime the auger tube you
onds) hour need to first fill the hopper with pellets, and press the
fuel de-
livery ON button on the control board. Wait approximately 2
Low = 1 on / 5.00 1.5 Lb.’s / 13,000 34 1/2 minutes and turn the control OFF and then back ON
off hr. BTU / hr again. Wait an additional 2 1/2 minutes (if necessary)
Med.= 1 on / 3.30 2.5 Lb.’s / 21,000 20 and continue this process until fuel begins to fall into the
off hr. BTU / hr UltraGrate. Remember, different brand fuels feed at
High = 1 on / 1.60 3.8 Lb.’s / 32,000 14 different rates.
off hr. BTU / hr
Once fuel starts to enter the UltraGrate, turn the stove
* Feed rates are approximations only. Actual feed rate OFF and then back ON. The auger tube should now be
will vary depending on size, quality and length of fuel primed and the stove should deliver enough fuel for
used and variations in line voltage. proper ignition. It may be necessary to follow these pro-
cedures in the event that the hopper runs completely
♦ Estimated heat input based on fuel value of 8400 BTU out of fuel.
per lb. of fuel.
Page 18
Manual Operation: Lighting Procedure Without Igniter
Pressing the stove ON / OFF switch initiates the start-up Your pellet stove can be lit manually without using the
cycle. The green ON / OFF light, near the top of the con- automatic igniter by following the procedure below. If
trol board, will light up to indicate the “on” status. The fan your stove is set up to run on a thermostat, the thermo-
speeds and pellet feeds are fixed during this time to pro- stat circuit needs to be closed (as if permanently in the
vide appropriate ignition. The Fast-Fire igniter system will demand mode). The thermostat wires should be re-
light the pellets feeding to the UltraGrate, after about 3 moved from the rear of the stove and replaced with the
minutes. The start-up cycle is in effect for approximately 2 jumper originally supplied with your stove. If a jumper is
minutes after flame is detected in the UltraGrate. A not available the thermostat should be set to the highest
photoeye monitors the existence of flame. After the start- setting. This will keep the stove in the demand mode. If
up cycle your stove will be in the run mode. At this point your automatic ignition system should ever need trou-
the stove will operate in the heat output and blower set- bleshooting, repair or replacement, please contact your
tings selected. These settings can be selected either dur- authorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer.
ing or after the start-up cycle. Pressing the stove ON /
OFF switch during the run mode will initiate the shut down 1. Press the ON switch on the control board.
cycle. The ON / OFF indicator light will turn off. The pel- 2. Wait approximately 2 1/2 minutes while the pellets
lets will stop feeding and the blowers will run at a fixed prime the grate (the pellets will stop feeding auto-
speed for approximately 10 minutes. At this point your matically).
stove is safely shut down and can ONLY be re-started by 3. Place a small amount of an approved (non-volatile)
pressing the stove ON / OFF switch again. fire starter on top of the pellets in the grate, (see
your authorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer for
Automatic Operation: appropriate fire starting products). DO NOT USE
Your stove is capable of running in an automatic mode FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS TO START YOUR STOVE!
with the use of a wall thermostat. NOTE: For the thermo- 4. Light the “fire starter” with a match and close the
stat to control the operation of the stove, the “on” status door.
must be active on the stove’s on / off switch. The thermo- 5. The photoeye will detect that a flame is present and
stat will establish either a demand mode or a stand-by will begin feeding pellets in approximately 2 min-
mode. The thermostat should be set for the desired room utes.
temperature. If the room temperature drops below the 6. The control board will continue to go through the
level on the thermostat the stove will automatically begin normal start-up cycle and the flame should be well
the start-up cycle, as explained above in the Manual Op- established within 10 minutes from the time the ON
eration section. Once the start-up cycle is completed the button was initially pressed. Remember – you are
stove will operate in whatever heat and blower setting you now in manual mode and heat settings should be
have selected. For best operation under thermostat con- selected to the desired room heat level.
trol, the Medium or High settings recommended. When
the desired room temperature is reached, the stove will Turning Off Your Stove
automatically go into the shut down cycle. The pellet feed Press the stove on / off switch to initiate the shut down
will stop and the blowers will continue for a controlled time cycle. The pellets will stop feeding and the blowers will
allowing safe shut down of your stove. All lights will re- continue to run on a timed cycle. The stove will shut
main on when the thermostat is open. The heat and down safely upon completion of the shut down cycle.
blower settings can be changed at any time, but only take
affect during the run mode. When the temperature in the
room drops to the level set at the thermostat, the stove will
again begin the start-up cycle and resume automatic op-
eration in the demand mode.
Page 19
DAMPER OPERATION Excessive Combustion Air: By closing the damper, this
The damper is a plate that helps control the amount of will reduce combustion air delivery. Symptoms of excessive
airflow supplied for combustion. With the damper pushed air include; fuel burns too quickly (results in smoking or
in all the way, the airflow is at its minimum. As the smoldering pellets), white to yellow flame, etc. If the
damper is pulled out, more air is allowed to flow. damper is open too much, the burning pellets will lift off
the grate and fly up into the air much like popping corn
It will be necessary to monitor the appearance of the does.
flame during the first 4-8 bags of pellets. If your flame is
Contributing factor:
smoky red / orange with evidence of soot at the top of
• Venting system providing excessive draft.
the flame, you need more combustion air; pull the
damper out one notch and re-evaluate the appearance of Correct Combustion Air / Proper Burn Characteris-
the flame. It may be necessary to continue this process, tics: When the damper is correctly set, the burning pel-
moving the damper one notch at a time until proper com- lets should move (wiggle) around slightly and the flame
bustion is attained (the flame should become yellow and should be bright yellow.
begin to “dance”). If the flame is “short” at the higher
burn rates, or if the pellets are burning up in the grate AUTOMATIC SAFETY FEATURES
before new pellets are fed into the fire, push the damper Power Outage:
in one notch and monitor the flame. Continue the proc- During a power outage, the stove will shut down safely.
ess of moving the damper one notch at a time and evalu- The stove will automatically restart when power is re-
ating the flame until proper flame appearance is sumed. The solid state control board has an internal
achieved. memory that will retain heat output and blower speed
settings through voltage interruptions.
Once the damper has been properly set, it should not
need adjusting unless you are changing the grade of pel- A small amount of smoke may leak from the top of
let fuel, in which case the damper may need to adjusted. the window glass, the hopper and from the combus-
tion air intake, if the stove is vented horizontally with
DAMPER ADJUSTMENT GUIDELINE no vertical pipe. This will not persist for more than 3 to 5
Lack of Combustion Air: By opening the damper, this minutes and will not be safety hazard. It may set off your
will increase combustion air delivery. Symptoms of insuf- smoke alarm.
ficient combustion air include; unburned fuel, lazy smoky
Note: If the area in which you live is prone to frequent
or red / orange flame, excessive ash or soot, excessive
power outages, it is recommended that a minimum of 8
buildup on glass.
feet (2 ½ meters) of vertical vent pipe be included in a
Contributing factors: freestanding installation to induce a natural draft in the
• High Altitude – Lack of oxygen event of a power failure.
• Restrictive Venting (elbows, horizontal runs,
cold external chimneys, etc.). Overheating:
• Dirty / Poor Quality Fuel. A high temperature disc (thermal switch) will automati-
cally shut down the stove if it overheats. Allow up to 45
Note: Excessive amounts of fly ash built-up in the grate, minutes cooling time before re-lighting. Keep enough
clinkers in the grate or leakage of air (if the grate is not convection air going through stove to keep it cooling
properly seated) will starve the fire for air. See Routine properly, this will ensure long life of the stove. If the over-
Maintenance, pages 22-25 for information on cleaning heating continues, contact your authorized Lennox
the stove. Hearth Products dealer for more information.
Page 20
Using the UltraGrate burn system, this appliance has Silica (or sand) in the fuel, along with other impurities,
been designed to burn wood residue pellets with up to can cause clinkering. A clinker is a hard mass of silica
3% ash content. Agricultural pellets (i.e…corn, alfalfa formed in the burning process. Clinkering is a function of
etc.) are not permitted to be burned in the stove. Dirty the fuel, (not the stove), but adversely affects the per-
fuel will adversely affect the performance of the stove. formance of the stove by blocking off the air passages in
the grate. Even P.F.I. approved pellet fuel may tend to
Caution: The use of unapproved, dirty, wet and / or high clinker. A clinker can be removed from the UltraGrate
salt content fuel will void the warranty! and placed in the ash pan with the use of the grate
scraper / ash pan tool furnished with your stove. See
Wood pellets manufactured to the Pellet Fuels Institute Routine Maintenance, pages 22-25 for more information
(P.F.I.) certification standard are available in two grades, on cleaning.
standard and premium. The primary difference between
the two is the ash content of the pellets. ASH
The frequency of removal of the ash and maintenance
The P.F.I., specification for standard grade & premium performed on the stove is directly proportional to the ash
grade residential pellet fuel is as follows: content of the fuel and the operation duration of your pel-
• CHLORIDES (Salt): Less than 300 p.p.m.. let stove. Low ash fuel may allow longer intervals be-
• BULK DENSITY: 40 lb. / cu. ft. minimum tween cleaning, however, a stove burning high ash fuel
• MOISTURE CONTENT: 8% maximum may need to be cleaned as often as everyday.
• ASH CONTENT: < 3% maximum (standard
grade) < 1% maximum (premium grade) PLEASE NOTE: Lennox Hearth Products has no control
• FINES: 0.5% maximum through a 1/8” screen over the manufacturing of pellet fuel and will not be held
responsible for poor stove performance or any damage
Pellet Feed / Pellet Size: caused by inferior pellet fuels.
The pellet feed system is designed to handle a wide
range of pellet sizes up to a maximum of 5/16" diameter. FUEL FEED RATES
Different pellets may feed at considerably different rates. Different brands of pellets will feed at varying rates due
You may notice a difference in the burn if you change to their size and density (length and diameter). This may
pellet fuel sizes. The longer the pellet, the slower it will require a slight adjustment in the damper control (see
feed and vice versa. If the stove will not stay burning at page 8) or the fuel feed trim to compensate (see Note on
the minimum fuel feed setting, those particular pellets page 16).
may not be feeding fast enough. If this happens, reduce
the amount of combustion air by adjusting the damper. UltraGrate
See page 8 before adjusting the damper.
Page 21
* Inspect your stove or insert at minimum frequency stated until you establish a minimum frequency required for
your installation (frequency will vary depending upon fuel BTU value / ash content, usage, and misc. installation
Clean-Out Tee
Page 24
The condition of the rope gasket around the door and Periodically insert a small piece of cardboard (a busi-
windows should be checked periodically and replaced or ness card) between the window trim and the window.
repaired if necessary. A one-inch strip of paper may be Slide the card back & forth a few times to clear any dust
used to perform a test of the integrity of the door seal. or fibers from the window wash gap. Open the door and
Close the door on the paper in several different locations repeat from the other side of the glass.
and pull. It is normal to feel only a slight amount of fric- Window Wash
tion. The door gasket does not need to be “tight” in all
areas, since a small amount of leakage is not hazardous
or detrimental to the performance of your stove.
The blowers are permanently lubricated by the
manufacturer. Do not apply oil to any part of the
blower. Doing so may cause damage.
Using one small piece of 320 grit sand paper and lightly
sand the blemish so that the edges are “feathered” or
smooth to the touch between the painted and bare sur-
faces. Do not let the sand paper gum up with paint, as
this will cause scratches on the metal surface. If there
are any scratches, use 600 grit sandpaper instead. Mask
off surfaces you do not want painted. Paint lightly over
the bare surface first as this will act as an undercoat.
Important Note: Paper should be no longer than a
Then paint over a larger area in smooth even strokes to
dollar bill.
* (Recommended Frequency of 1 year)
Page 25
Flue Size 3” / 76mm Rear BACK VIEW
Floor to Rear
Flue Center 8 3/4” / 222 mm
Floor to Rear
Outside Air Inlet 10” / 254 mm 8 3/4” 10 “
Page 26
To inhibit buildup of soot on the door glass, air is deliv- The hopper is where the pellets are stored.
ered to the glass through an air wash system located in
the doorframe surrounding the glass. HEAT OUTPUT BUTTON
This is the main power button, which controls power to
AUGER the feed system auger motor and exhaust blower. It has 3
It transfers the fuel down the burner tube into the burn feed rate settings, which controls the burn rate.
AUGER MOTOR The photoelectric eye that senses the flame, or lack of. It
Drives the Auger. Motor specifications are: .4 Amp, 1 rpm is designed to signal the control board to discontinue
(revolutions per minute). power to the auger motor if it flame is not sensed in the
The blower function is to transfer the heat from the appli- PRESSURE SWITCH
ance to heat the room air. A safety device used to shut off the feed system (auger
motor) if there is too much back pressure in venting sys-
BLOWER, EXHAUST (DRAFT INDUCER/COMBUSTION) tem. Some possible causes are as follows:
It has a radial impeller to deliver more air to the burn
grate. It pulls air into the burn grate by creating a nega- ♦ The venting system is obstructed.
tive pressure. This is done by extracting the exhaust ♦ High altitude or other misc. environmental conditions
gases out of the firebox and pushing the exhaust down- affecting exhaust flow.
stream to the flue exit. ♦ Improper venting system.
Page 27
Page 28
TROUBLESHOOTING (Qualified Technicians Only)
Unplug Appliance Before Performing Any Troubleshooting or Maintenance
3. Pellets will not Stove has run out of fuel. Refill hopper.
The auger motor or circuit board Check to be sure that there is no blockage in the pressure
may be defective. The pressure tap or hose. Have your authorized Lennox Hearth Products
switch tap or hose may be blocked. dealer diagnose the problem and clean or replace any nec-
essary parts.
Back pressure in venting tripping If new installation check for excessive 90˚ bends, long hori-
pressure switch. zontal runs or excessive vertical run of 3” pipe. Possibly
change to 4” pipe. If older installation check for excessive
ash accumulation in pipe or other obstructions. Clean out
Thermostat is in stand-by mode. Check to see if thermostat is set to low or if sun is shining
directly on thermostat.
Thermostat wires disconnect. Re-install wires.
High limit switch may have been Allow stove to cool. Increase room air blower setting.
Self-aligning bearing in auger motor
may be mis-aligned. Gently tap the auger motor.
Page 29
TROUBLESHOOTING (Qualified Technicians Only)
Unplug Appliance Before Performing Any Troubleshooting or Maintenance
5. There is soot The window is being cleaned when Turn down the room air blower or turn off stove before
or fly ash in the the stove is operating. cleaning to prevent dispersion of ash and soot into the
house. room.
There is leakage at the joints be-
tween the exhaust blower, connec- Seal up any leaks in the exhaust system with room tem-
tion or exhaust pipe connections. perature vulcanizing silicone sealer (RTV).
This will be evidenced by dust on
the impeller of the room air blower, DO NOT use a standard household vacuum or “shop vac”
and in the heat exchanger area. as the filters will leak the fine particles of ash. Clean the
stove with an approved ash vacuum ONLY.
The vacuum cleaner is leaking.
6. Stove acts as if Excessive sun light may be shining Block excessive sunlight. Call your authorized Lennox
a fire is present directly into firebox from window. Hearth Products dealer if problem persists.
when there is
not a fire in the
7. Stove will not The igniter element may have Check igniter element fuse in rear stove compartment.
light. failed. Call your authorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer. See
alternate manual lighting procedure
There are not enough pellets in the Prime the feed system (see page 18, Initial Start
UltraGrate. Up/Empty Hopper or Feed Tube).
8. Fault Photoeye not detecting flame. Clean photoeye lens (see Clean Photoeye Lens on page
Stove has run out of fuel. Check connection at control board following yellow wires
to all connectors.
Refill hopper.
A disk has tripped / pressure Blower intake, exhaust passages and / or venting system
switch. needs cleaning (follow routine and annual maintenance
If this does not correct the problem contact your local au-
thorized Lennox Hearth Products dealer.
Page 30
Electrical Parts
Item # Part # Description
5 12046300 Auger Motor
6 16055150 Control Board
7 12050011 Exhaust Blower (combustion fan))
8 12146109 Room Air Blower (includes gasket and 4 nuts)
9 12147705 High Limit Disc, 250 DG (L250-30F, 60T21) Set of three
10 12150213 Igniter Probe, 380 W, 3.3 A
11 14750404 Photoeye Kit, Replacement (w/bracket) - (Serial #5493 and up)
12 12058820 Power Cord (52L17)
13 16050001 Pressure Switch
14 16050205 Thermostat, Wall, Honeywell (Thermostat Wire, P/N 16020204, is not included)
16020204 Wire, Thermostat, 20' coil - 18 gage
15 12050815 Wiring Harness
18150150 Fuse, Control Board, 5 amp, 250 volt, Fast blow, 12pk.
12055908 Fuse, Igniter, 6 amp, 125 volt, Fast blow, 12pk.
Firebox Parts
Item # Part # Description
16 20950155 Brick Clips (2 clips)
17 20950150 Firebrick Set
18 12051263 UltraGrate, Replacement
Page 31
Item # Part # Description
20 12041300 Collar & Screw Set, Auger (3pc.)
21 20950087 End Flange, Auger
22 61050003 End Plate Gasket, Auger (5pc.)
23 11756300 Shaft, Auger
Misc. Parts
Item # Part # Description
17150029 Damper Rod Assembly, Kit
24 20950110 Gasket, Quick Disconnect
25 20950014 Baffle, Heat Exchange
27 12055500 Tool, Grate Scraper
12121413 Knob, Ash Pan
26022H Touch Up Paint, Black (for enamel)
26021H Touch Up Paint, Green (for enamel)
26023H Touch Up Paint, Sand (for enamel)
Page 32
Page 33
13 18 23
15 25
22 27
Page 34
Note: Install and use accessories per instructions provided with the accessory kit.
Optional Accessories
Item # Catalog # Model # Description Notes
1 14M16 TT – G Trivet, Gold Plated Replaces Standard Cast Black Trivet
2 H0252 DLS – T30 Log Set 2 Piece
3 14M81 QDPC – 4 Quick Disconnect Pipe Connector, 4” Required if 4” Pipe is used
70K99 TSPK – B Touch-up Spray Paint Kit, Black Metallic Black 12oz Spray Can
1 2
Page 35
Page 36
Page 37
Note that your serial number is printed on the safety label located on the back of the stove. Your stove’s serial number
is preceded by a “WH-”(Example WH-0000000).
Page 38
Dealer’s Name:
Dealer’s Address:
Page 39
1110 West Taft Avenue
Orange, CA 92865