Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Ebook

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The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra and the Dubai Sacred

Fire Temple Activation E-book Michelle Eloff © 1

Table of Contents
The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra and the Dubai Sacred Fire Temple Activation E-book.................................1
Lady Guinevierre..............................................................................................................................................3
The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra – Part 1..............................................................................................3
Goddess Jezebel............................................................................................................................................10
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 1 and Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Part 2..........10
Mary Magdeline..............................................................................................................................................16
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 2 and Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Part 3..........16
Lady Guinevierre............................................................................................................................................21
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 3 and Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Part 4..........21
Goddess Jezebel............................................................................................................................................25
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 4 and Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Part 5..........25
Mary Magdeline..............................................................................................................................................31
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 5 and Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Part 6..........31
Lady Guinevierre............................................................................................................................................38
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 6 and Alchemy of Quantum Tantra Part 7..........38
Copyright notice..............................................................................................................................................44 Michelle Eloff © 2

Lady Guinevierre
The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra – Part 1
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 13 February 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot, and I welcome you all into this place of contemplation.

I have been asked to present the first lesson in our teachings in the body of work that has been
titled “The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra”. This body of information is one aspect of what we call
“The Return to Innocence”, the journey of inner sense-ability. This process is one that teaches you
the importance of resuscitating the senses within yourself and recognising that each sense plays
an important role in reviving you. Most of humanity think their way through life. It is vital that all of
you remember how to feel your way through life. The mental body is influenced to a large degree
by the collective consciousness of the old matrix. I say this because at this current time in the
earth’s history the majority of the collective consciousness is still governed and motivated by the
matrix of the old paradigm. It is an important time of passing between the worlds of the old
paradigm and the new one and each of you seeking a passageway to freedom are being directed
in different directions at times, but always in the direction that leads you into the realms of your
personal truth.

Kuthumi has often spoken of personal truth and how your truth will continue to change as long as
you grow. This means that the more self aware you become, the more you transform and reconcile
areas of your life, the more you will realise about your truth - it expands and you tap into various
levels of what it consists of. This is one of the reasons why you are asked not to judge others, not
to pass judgement on the choices others make because each choice they make is for the purpose
of revealing to them an aspect of their truth that will bring them closer to finding their inner sense-
ability. Every soul on planet earth is currently being presented with not just one opportunity but
many opportunities to reconcile the aspects of their life that have resulted in imbalance, everything
that leads to a sense of emptiness, disconnectedness from Spirit and separation consciousness
can now completely be healed, but it must be the personal souls choice to do so.

When one chooses to embark upon the Pathway of Quantum Tantra one is embracing one of the
most powerful, we will call it at this particular time, Pathways of Soul Liberation. Alchemy as you
know is the process of transforming base elements of the self into the golden elements of self.
There is a place inside of you that you will come to find, experience and indulge in, you will
experience many dimensions of this part of you, it is what we call the Golden Heart Chakra. This
Sacred Chamber exists in the very depths of your heart chakra and it is this Sacred Chamber that
leads into the quantum worlds of tantra. In Sanskrit tantra means weaving. By choosing to embark
upon the journey of the tantric way you are choosing to weave light and to weave love, to rise in
love and to bridge all the chasms that have led to separation consciousness. This results in the
blissful experience of living in a state of unity consciousness.

The very first step that you are to begin with and practice is that of being aware of your physical
sense-ability. Every sense inside of you serves a purpose. Because of humanities trauma as a
result of the original fall, which resulted in separation consciousness, you have numbed yourself
off. The numbing process has manifested over a period of many years. What we are attempting to
do with you at this current time is to fast track your way back into feeling.
Feeling is different to emotions. It is vital that you bear this in mind because your emotional body is
also influenced by the collective grid of old paradigm consciousness. Feeling is beyond the mind
and beyond emotions. The ego influences the mind, which influences your emotions. You are
stepping into the place of feeling. It is the pure innocent realm inside of you that exists within the
core of the Golden Heart Chakra, which is titled “your intuition”, the power to discern - it is part of
your authentic self.

Separation consciousness and the experience of being separated from Spirit severed the Golden
Thread through the heart chakra to the core of the Cosmic Father. We were able to still keep your
silver cord intact, which links you to our Cosmic Mother. However, when that original Golden Cord
was severed there was not too much emphasis placed on severing the silver cord, because those
who were a part of the fall that contributed to the implementation of the separation from Spirit knew
very well that if one cord was missing the other could not function in it’s completeness.

I, Guinevierre, am holding the energy for the activation for the 22nd of February, it is also the energy
of the lunar eclipse that I am overseeing and this is why I am taking you through the first lesson of
the “Alchemy of Quantum Tantra”, and what I shall do with you today is support you, guide you and
assist you in reconnecting with your Golden Cord. When the Golden Cord and the Silver Cord are
both active again it is like two strands of DNA working together in perfect unity. When all twelve
strands of DNA are fully active, which are in fact six pairs working together in perfect unity
reflecting one another’s light and power, everything within it’s realm becomes an expression of
what Kuthumi has already explained previously as the inner macrocosm, and this is when your
greatest potential, the quantum world of possibility that exists deep within you can be reflected into
the external world that you call your physical reality.

Focusing on your physical sense-ability will help you recognise at which level you are currently
feeling life. The physical sense-ability is influenced by your ability to sense touch, it is influenced by
your ability to respond to certain tastes, to certain aromas, what you see, what you hear and what
you say. All of these actions are a part of the greater body of tantra, however you need to begin
with becoming fully aware of what your physical body feels when you are presented with a touch, a
taste, what you see, what you hear and what you say. This forms a greater picture and the words
that you speak, the words that you hear, what you see outside of you, what you feel in the form of
physical sensations, what you taste becomes a piece of the puzzle. You will also realise how each
piece of that puzzle is a magical tool, which becomes a part of your alchemy kit.

So with the physical feelings that you will begin to experience we ask you to become even more
aware of what you feel when you speak. Become aware of how you feel as a result of what you
see, what you hear and when you touch either a person, an inanimate object, an animal, a plant,
anything in your physical reality, for this is part of the physical process. Therefore let us now begin
the activation of energy by you settling, closing your eyes if you have not already and become
aware of how your physical body is feeling right now, relaxing all the muscles of your physical
body. Feel the air through your lungs and feel how it moves out of your body as you exhale. Feel
your heart beating in your chest with every breath that you inhale and every breath that you
exhale. Pay attention to how you feel right now.

I am going to verbalise words and as I say each word become aware of what you feel physically
when I say those words. Remember I am not speaking of your emotional reaction. I want you to
focus on how your body feels, how it responds or reacts to my words.

Mother. (pause) Water. (pause) Tree. (pause) These three words have triggered a sensation,
which is your ability to sense. The sense inside of your body is triggered by the associations you
have to the words I have just spoken.

It will take time for you to be able to focus on the feeling within the physical body as opposed to the
emotion that arises, but practice makes perfect. With the next few words I will utter become aware
of where in your body you are feeling any kind of sensation or discomfort, and make a mental note
of the word and what you felt in your body and where exactly you felt it to be.

God. (pause) Discipline. (pause) Love. (pause) Infinity. (pause) Once again these words have
triggered a sense inside of you.

As your physical body continues to respond you are actively revitalising your sense-ability; your
sensory perception within the physicalness of your physical body. This is a very powerful practice
and will enhance your ability to not only physically experience a deeper sense of feeling, but it will
also make you more sensitive to the subtleties that are going on in your physical reality that you
are not consciously focused upon, therefore you become more aware of what the subconscious is
aware of. The subconscious is able to process hundreds of times more information that the
conscious mind can, and when you are aware of your feeling sense-ability being consciously
motivated by the subconscious you are tapping into a power that very few people currently have
the ability to do. This power is an empowering one and the foundation in “The Alchemy of Quantum

Without the ability to feel the physicalness that you are a part of the more difficult it is for you to
experience that which comes into your physicalness as a means to facilitate, to support and
sustain the changes in your life that you have drawn to yourself as a result of your innate desire to
break free from the old matrix’s influence on you.

Using your physical sense-ability extend your physical sense, the feeling in your physical body and
think of something that you can remember that is in the physical room that you are currently
occupying and imagine becoming physically one with that particular item that you are focusing on
right now. Feel what it feels like to be it. If your mind interferes, tries to distract you or convince
you that what you are doing is nonsense all you say is: “I reject this thought, I choose to focus on
the power of my ability to sense through my physicalness.” Initially you will need to push the ego
back like this quite regularly, your ego is now aware of the fact that you are doing something
different, something that threatens it’s comfort zone.

Continue to feel what it feels like being what you are focused on while I speak to you. Your ego is
being challenged to let go of the programme it adopted relating to how it was programmed to
analyse your feelings. Your ego has been influenced by your subconscious and all your past
experiences. With this particular exercise you are changing the programme, you are reminding
yourself what it is like to feel through your physicalness in the present moment based on your
current sense-ability and power to discern the here and the now.

Now physically imagine yourself shifting your energy and connecting it within someone you know
really well and imagine yourself physically being that person, and allow your physical body to feel
their energy and what it feels like to be in their energy field. Be spontaneous in what you feel and
what you sense simultaneously within the physical body. Step out of that person’s energy field and
step into someone else’s. All you are doing is feeling the different energies that influence your life
on a subtle level but yet in a very real physical way. Every time you do this be aware of the
physical sensations in your body.

Now bring your attention back to your own body, make sure that all the other energies you have
stepped into are separate from your energy field. Imagine an egg of white light surrounding your
body and turn your attention inward.

Imagine the infinite energy of our Cosmic Mother and Father filling you up. This energy consists of
unconditional love, tolerance, patience and trust. As this energy fills you again just observe how
your physical body responds to the words and the idea of our Cosmic Parents pouring this energy
into you.

Imagine yourself diving into the centre of your heart chakra and each time you breathe you are
going deeper and deeper into the core of this Sacred Chamber. You will continue to move deeper
until you touch the realms of the Golden Heart Chakra. When you feel you have reached that point
I want you just to be within that space and feel what it is like to be within the Golden Heart Chakra.
Notice how your body feels, this in itself is a Sacred World, one that not many are aware of in their
human state. It is the realm of the Master Alchemist and this is where the root of your Golden Cord
is held.

Turn your attention to your physical body. Ask your physical body where the root of your Golden
Cord is and like the dowsing rod it will guide you to where the root is. Trust your body. Follow it
until you have found the point where the root is. (pause) Now that you have found it sit down
directly on top of where the root is. Take a deep breath in drawing your breath all the way down to
your base chakra and as you exhale draw the energy of the root up into your base chakra, up your
spine and into your heart chakra.

Take another deep breath in and breathe all the way down to your base chakra, connect with the
root, pull it up into your heart chakra and relax.

Deep breath all the way into your base, into the root of your Golden Cord, exhale drawing this
energy up your spine into the heart and relax.

Another deep breath in into the Golden Cord, exhale drawing it up your spine into the heart and

Deep breath into the base into the Golden Cord, this time pull it firmly up your spine, out through
your heart chakra and extend that energy out into the cosmos where it will find it’s way to our
Cosmic Father and reconnect.

Breathe deeply into the Golden Cord, pull it’s energy up your spine extend it to our Cosmic Father.

Continue doing this cycle of breath until I tell you to stop. (Approximately 1 minute)

And relax. Continue to be aware of how you are breathing. Your breath brings your body back to
life, it oxygenates the body, stirring everything that lies dormant within it back to life. Everyday
practice breathing deeply all the way into your base chakra connecting with the Golden Cord of
your Golden Heart Chakra, and bring the energy up into your heart chakra extending it out to our
Cosmic Father. Every time you repeat this breathing pattern you strengthen the connection
through your Golden Cord. This automatically strengthens the connection through the Silver Cord
to our Cosmic Mother. The breath extends energy into your central nervous system, this feeds all
the chakras of your body with additional light, which in itself expands your awareness, your
sensitivity and your super sense-abilities.

Practice this exercise everyday for just seven minutes for fourteen days. After that practice it for
fourteen minutes for twenty-one days and I assure you that by the end of the twenty-first day of
breathing in this manner for fourteen minutes you will experience the super sense-ability inside of
you bursting forth. The way you feel about yourself, the way you feel about life will become
superimposed inside of your being, and by this I mean your life beyond the old paradigm matrix will
come at you at an accelerated rate - that which you desire from the core of the authentic heart
rather than from the core of the ego, the ego that is accustomed to experiencing lack, loss and

The breath that I have shown you penetrates and bypasses old paradigm memory locked within
the cells of your body. The reason why it is able to do this is because you are drawing energy from
the root of your Golden Cord. This Golden Cord is your umbilical cord to the womb of the Golden
Mother that exists within Golden Consciousness as well as the Sacred Golden Heart chamber of
our Cosmic Father.

Precious souls, this process is one that reveals to you the power that exists in the Sacred Temple
you call your physical body. The more sensitive you become to how your physical body feels and
what it feels when it is in and around certain environments, will present you with incredible
information regarding what drains your energy and what feeds your energy. This will guide you into
realms in your physical world, which will result in you creating a physical environment that nurtures
and supports your physical body and how it feels. This particular exercise is one that helps you
develop the physical external part of yourself so that the internal intuitive sensitive aspect of
yourself can be better received. One of the ways that you strengthen your intuition is by
strengthening the senses within your physical body. Your intuition often speaks to you through
physical feelings. This is very similar to what is known as an Empath. Your physical body is a
library of information.

When you honour the feelings and the sensations within this exquisite extraordinary mechanism
called the human body, you will honestly realise how every aspect of that mechanism
physiologically, psychologically, biologically, chemically and so on and so forth was and is part of a
very powerful, very intricate system, all of which where uniquely designed to communicate to you,
to guide you and to ensure that you lived and continue to live your best life possible. No one on the
green earth can ever fully experience the exquisiteness of earth life until they are fully anchored
within their physical body. Fully experiencing, fully feeling and sensing everything that the physical
body has to offer, therefore knowing how your physical body operates has got very little to do with
biology or science and everything to do with your power in becoming a Master Alchemist.

Your moods, your emotions influence the chemicals in your brain not the other way round. You are
the Master Alchemist already and by knowing how to use these powerful highly advanced tools
that exist within the physical body, you become a rocket scientist of a different kind because your
body then becomes more than a temple, it becomes a vehicle as much as it is a vessel that we
transport you through space and beyond time into realms that you have yet not comprehended.

“The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra” is the journey beyond the beyond, and the beyond I speak of is
the beyond you imagine exists beyond what you cannot as yet imagine. It is not far fetched,
certainly not impossible. All that you need to do is to get to know yourself better. “Man know
thyself” was certainly not limited to getting to know yourself psychologically, you also need to know
yourself physically. To be authentic you must know what supports you and what sabotages you
physically. You are dealing with two worlds, heaven and earth, heaven being the inner self, earth
being the physical self. As heaven and earth merge the inner self and the physical self must be
nurtured simultaneously. As the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine merge so physical
and that which is inside of you, the non-physical, must be worked with simultaneously, and that
precious ones is part of Unity Consciousness. The uniting with yourself, moving out of the mind,
away from thinking, away from emotional reactions just for a while and becoming absorbed in how
your body feels. This will root you to the earth and you will begin experiencing a new level of bliss,
a new way of looking at your life. You will realise that for the first time in a very long time you are
actually participating consciously and physically in your life, as well as participating in the world of
physical senses. Your ability to sense life is one of your most powerful assets.

I cannot say much more right now that can explain to you what I am referring to, you will
experience it firsthand by practising the breathing technique I have just taken you through. It is not
for a long time. However the long-term effects will stay with you for life and this is where you will
experience the unity of the Cosmic Parents. The unity that comes in your sense-ability through
your Golden Cord and your Silver Cord being able to communicate with one another through
vibrations and through the feeling sense within your physical body to begin with.

So before I take my leave I will recap. Your physical body is a powerful tool of alchemy, it is a
barometer and it roots you to the earth. Use it to guide you. Do not ignore the physical feelings of
your body. If there is a part of your body in pain, pay it attention. Ask why it is needing your
attention so much so that it has needed to attract your attention by creating discomfort inside of the
physical body. This conversation, the communication dialogues that unfold between you and your
physical body will reveal an immense amount of information, information that is empowering,
information that assists you in turning the baser aspects of self into Golden Consciousness, all of
which is linked to the Golden Chakra. Your physical body will sense what is in it’s external
environment and communicate back to you if that environment is supportive or if it is one that will
just rob you of your energy. Therefore I urge you to pay attention.

Go back to the words I uttered earlier on. Remind yourself of what your body felt. Practise this
exercise on a daily basis. Perhaps choose one or three words for each day and when you
remember utter the word or write them down and look at them and become aware of what your
body feels. You have entered into a programme of powerful remembering. These are the exercises
that we taught within the Temples of Tantra. This is what every single one of our adepts began with
and I assure you this is the beginning of a world that you could never imagine possible.

My time is now coming to a close with you. I, Guinevierre, am honoured to have been in your
presence to deliver the first teaching of “The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra”. My sisters, Mary
Magdeline and Goddess Jezebel, will deliver the other parts of the teachings when you are ready.
It has also been an honour to stand before you and all the others that you do not see with your
physical eyes who are grooming you for the journey you have chosen, and may I use the words
that Kuthumi loves to use, “hold onto your bootstraps”, as he would say!

You have passed through the Camelot Love Portals into the world of Tantric Love, love weaving,
light weaving, rising in love together, uniting all the divine aspects of yourself that were originally
separated, and as the bridges are created so Unity Consciousness pulls all the pieces back
together again and you experience the gift of wholeness in which you experience complete love of

Thank you for joining me today. Thank you for honouring the inner core to experience this. I am
ever present, please call upon me at anytime to assist you and to guide you.

I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot. Farewell.


I am Kuthumi, greetings beloved ones.

I come forward at this time simply to remind you to bear in mind that that which Guinevierre has
delivered to you today is a very important process.

Beloved ones each of you have been working for years on the processes of releasing yourself from
everything that you have been exposed to throughout your lifetime. This is the time in humanities
evolution, if we can call it that, that you have attracted to yourself, this opportunity to experience as
well as utilise the skills that the high priests and priestesses and the masters of the worlds of
Atlantis, Lemuria and other worlds like that have used. You are ones that are now experiencing an
experience in a world that is rooted in separation consciousness and you are bringing Unity
Consciousness into a place where it is not recognised. However your journey into unity, your
journey to innocence is what will present the rest of humanity with the opportunity to reunite with all
those aspects. Every time you practise what we preach so to speak you strengthen your own
ability to take it further, to be the proof, to experience firsthand. That which we present you with is
not just pie in the sky but very real, very powerful tools that move you beyond survival and into the
bliss of thriving.

Tantra is a journey. It is a universe if we can call it that that embodies many aspects. What we
have delivered to you today is but a drop in the great ocean of what tantra is. It has everything to
do with rising in love. It has everything to do with getting back to feeling the self. It is not about
utilising sexual energies for simple pleasure that comes at a much later stage. However at that
point you have the consciousness required to use the powerful kundalini energies to enter the
other dimensions. However you cannot benefit fully from that journey until you have learnt to
master the feeling sense-ability of your physical body.
For heaven and earth to merge, your external world and your inner world must merge as
Guinevierre has said. I trust this is clear to all of you? Is there anyone who does not fully
understand the teaching that has been presented today? Very well.

And so it is then beloved ones that we embrace you in the Light of Golden Love holding you within
the Sacred Grids of “The Alchemy of Quantum Tantra”. May you feel the power that exists within
the physicalness. May you see the beauty, hear the beauty, speak and taste the exquisite beauty
that exists within your physical life. Choose to see the beauty rather than the ugliness, choose to
feel the peace rather than the hostility, utilise your power of choice to focus on feeling that which
empowers your body, that which strengthens your body physically and make it your mission. For
this particular timeframe you will be amazed at what you are capable of when you are in tune with
your physical world and your physical body is able to communicate to you and your physical world,
and the physical world can communicate back to you. This beloved ones, is how you begin
opening the universal doors to manifestation, the manifestation of that which enhances your life,
not that which continues to deplete your life. The secret is what you choose to feel.

Continue to trust in the many invisible arms that hold you knowing that we are beside you, beneath
you, before you, behind you and above you every step of your way and know that you are eternally
loved, protected, supported and guided.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love.
Goddess Jezebel
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 1 and Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra Part 2
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 02 July 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Jezebel, Liberator of Women and I present myself to each of you today to bring forth the
teachings and the transmissions of light that are meant to liberate the souls of both men and
women. Welcome.

I trust that each of you have chosen to embark upon this journey because there is a desire inside
of you to understand the mechanics of your consciousness, including that which motivates your
consciousness on a subconscious and unconscious level.

Your world as it stands right now is in the midst of the greatest changes it has ever been presented
with before. It is a time where humanity can no longer ignore the truth of life; the life that exists
beyond the illusion. It is impossible for any energy to remain within an illusion infinitely there is
always change, and the changes that each of you have drawn to yourself individually has resulted
in the collective opportunity manifesting for humanity. There are hundreds of thousands of
gateways of opportunity waiting to be presented to you. As each gateway is acknowledged and the
windows of opportunity are accepted so another opportunity is added onto that, this means that the
opportunity and the potential for growth is infinite. We are celebrating this sacred time of bringing
the Sacred Fire Temples back into the Earth’s consciousness. We have chosen Dubai specifically
because within the heart of the land of Dubai there are gold crystals, Quartz crystals that have
solid gold inside of them. The solid gold inside the Quartz Crystal amplifies the energy of Golden
Consciousness. This is the reason why it is such a powerful abundance portal. It is also the place
where we, the Unity Goddesses, have chosen to lay the foundation for humanity to integrate the
powerful teachings of the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra.

The very first strand of those teachings were rooted in a location known as Cape Town, in South
Africa, that location was chosen specifically because of it’s softness; the gentleness of femininity.
Now, Dubai holds a very strong masculine energy, more powerful than that of Johannesburg in
South Africa, however this powerful masculine energy has greater potential to embrace the
feminine, and this is the reason why it is vital that the energies are woven into the fluid grids of that
location specifically. The Sacred Fire Temples are the temples of the power of sacred sexuality.
Your base chakra is the foundation of life. The foundation of life is one of the most important areas
of life for you to focus upon when choosing to create something different; to create something new.
All the activations that have taken place, that are taking place and that will take place, are building
your energy fields creating powerful grids of magnetic energy that draw your consciousness
deeper and deeper into the infinite realms of quantum realities. By this we mean the potential to
create experiences completely different to anything that has been created in your past, individually
and collectively. Your planet, Mother Earth, is a living breathing entity. She too goes through
exactly what you are undergoing because she is a being with freewill, with consciousness. What
she is choosing to experience you are being affected by in exactly the same manner as the cells in
your body change when you consciously make a decision to alter something in your life. I, Jezebel,
stand alongside you working with each of you to lay this fine, delicate, sacred weave within the
base chakra of your body so that your Feminine White Fire Element can be properly integrated.
The feminine power is the ability to conceive, nurture and give birth to life. So this first activation is
vital in terms of understanding why it is so necessary to work with the base chakra in this manner.
This is the first stage of bringing balance into a place like Dubai, for instance, where there is very
little balance. The difference with Dubai is that there is an immense amount of power within the
material sense, so there is abundance and great poverty. There is the abuse of the sacred sexual
energies on one hand, and there is a deep desire to understand the true sacredness of that power
on the other hand. So there are extremes with the dualities. By us bringing balance to this
particular location it is very easy for the energies to flow in all other directions and bring about the
great change.

The way we are holding this energy has created a central line of energy moving from Heaven to
the core of Earth and Dubai is right now the most central point for this particular work. Every single
one of you who have chosen to work with this great time of advanced initiations will have your
energy aligned with this place. This is where we will root the Golden Kundalini. This is where you
will feel the power of the golden serpent rise to meet the light of your authentic self. Many of you
have been introduced to the golden serpent already. Many of you have even been introduced to
the power of your sexuality; your power as a sexual being, but this journey of intimacy with self I
assure you will be the greatest journey of liberation you and the entire planet have ever
experienced, for the simple reason is that it is the most abused area of the body, the mind, the soul
and spirit, the heart and everything that is part of it.

In the second White Fire Initiation our brother Kuthumi delivered a long teaching; an in depth
teaching on your sexual power, and in this particular deliverance of the second teaching of the
Alchemy of Quantum Tantra we are asking you to push aside all your programming regarding
intimacy, sex and your own sexuality. We are bringing forth the energies that will create the bridge
that will cross over to the grids that have been already set in place etherically for Vietnam, these
are very important great Lightworkers because the energies that have been brought forth are
combined for a very specific purpose with a great plan in mind, which will then support the energies
of Vietnam, which is about setting the consciousness of children free, your own inner child
consciousness included. From now on you will come to a much deeper realisation of how powerful
that sexual energy is, and having an intimate relationship with yourself means you are getting to
know yourself in deeper ways.

It is at this point now that I must begin the energy work with each of you, this will prepare your body
to absorb the gold from the Quartz crystals inside the heart of Dubai. This energy creates channels
of communication between this Golden Consciousness, your base chakra, your sacral chakra, your
third eye and your crown chakra. With these chakras communicating from this new perspective you
create bridges within yourself - a bridge between your base and your crown chakra. A bridge
between your sacral and your third eye chakra, as well as a bridge from base to sacral, and a
bridge from third eye to crown. The core of Mother Earth creates a bridge from her heart to your
base, from her heart to your sacral, to your third eye and to your crown. The core of the Cosmos
does precisely the same, a bridge to your crown, to your third eye, to your sacral and to your base.
These bridges within themselves contain sacred vibrations. Each vibration is a language. Those
languages are automatically interpreted by the codes within the DNA inside the cells of your body.
In the moment that your DNA recognises this language motion begins. This motion is an action like
a wheel that is turning, as that wheel turns so your life automatically undergoes powerful change.
This movement of energy is the movement into the Golden Age and very rapidly it will absorb the
Platinum Ray of the Almighty Divine Feminine. What is most important is that all of humanity
comes to understand the true raw power of the Goddess. The raw power of the God has been
witnessed everywhere, many have been subjected to the abuse of that power. The difference now
is that we draw the raw power of the Goddess to come and stand within the realms of the three
dimensional world but it’s power automatically draws the light of the raw masculine energy into the
open, and this is where the Goddess energy is wrapped around the masculine God energy, the
two merge creating an exquisite sacred weave of very powerful energy. With the God and the
Goddess energies merged and intertwined it looks like the double helix of the DNA, it also looks
like the Caduceus, it was always meant to meant to be intertwined such as it is but as a weave of
harmony, of balance and of truth.
To maintain balance you need to understand truth, your truth and the truth of the greater worlds.
When you understand the mechanics of the infinite world to a degree at least, it helps you
understand the mechanics of your soul. Your spirit animates you, your soul influences you, and
there are many aspects of yourself that govern your life path. One cannot operate any equipment
of such delicate and advanced technology without knowing what one is doing and the same
applies to the human body, the mind, the spirit, the heart and the soul of the manifestation that you
see as human beings. The different levels of consciousness are to be expected. This is why it is
the responsibility of the more conscious, illuminated, enlightened, awakened ones who are actively
pursuing the journey of complete and total self-mastery to own what they have mastered, and to
ensure that those who still search so desperately find the truth. It is your duty, it is your
responsibility, and it is your purpose to live your truth; to be authentic. When souls choose to
sacrifice their truth and give up their identity the authentic self is pushed into the shadows. When
the authentic self lurks within the shadow, it will constantly try to attract your attention because
naturally you are not meant to live from the identity of the false world. It is built into your sacred
divine tapestry, your blueprint, your gold print and all the other templates within your being to seek
truth, to express complete divine unconditional love. It is a homing device inside of you and that
device will ensure that come hell or high water, you will achieve your mission, that you will attain
complete enlightenment, and that is why you have incarnated lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.
There is no stopping the soul from returning to The One, no stopping it, only delaying it.

Now we find that all creation is in a state of quickening, in a state of excited anticipation at this new
life that has been conceived and is about to be born. The anticipation is the build up to a timeline
that you are familiar with as being 2012. That is simply a deadline date in relation to the windows of
opportunity that you have available so that you can take full advantage of what will be presented
post 2012. The rewards will be grand!

It is time now to close your eyes. Concentrate on your body. Concentrate on your heart beating in
your chest. This is a reminder that you are alive, a reminder that your body is doing everything it
needs to do without your conscious focus and intention to make it do what it does naturally. It is the
same with that inner desire to master the self, to experience and to become one with sacred,
profound, divine unconditional love.

I want you now to imagine a beautiful, massive Quartz Crystal and in the centre of this crystal is
solid gold. Look into this crystal and all the energies transmitted from it begin to communicate with
the atoms inside of your body. As this communication is taking place so your body responds
without any effort on your part, and with grace and ease your entire energy field rearranges itself
so that every aspect of you is communicating with the Quartz and gold. You notice that the gold
inside the Quartz is now becoming like a liquid. Exquisite iridescent light shines through the gold
and you then realise that the iridescent light coming from inside the gold is the light from the
Platinum Ray, and with the Gold and Platinum Rays merged within this grid crystal the light of your
truth is easily brought to the surface so that your conscious mind can easily access it with grace
and ease.

There is a being within this crystal; it is the being of the crystal. Allow this being to reveal itself to
you in any manner that you are comfortable with. This being walks up to you and wraps it’s energy
around you holding you close to it’s body filling you with warmth, with love and you begin to feel an
inner peace and safety fill you. In that particular place of serenity imagine your base chakra
opening like a magnificent flower. As each petal folds open to receive the light of love, the rays of
the sun, which are the rays of illumination, your body relaxes even more and the centre of this
magnificent flower is a blood red ruby. This ruby holds the fluid Red Ray. Its vibration extends into
your spinal column, and the energy begins to run up and down your spine very gently. The light of
the ruby begins to change slightly and you notice that the blood red is now filled with a hint of
magenta. The magenta frequency embodies the codes of unconditional love.

Now the sacred codes of unconditional love unite with the sacred codes of passion. These codes
merge to create a language, which your body will respond to. This also begins making it’s way into
your spine, it moves up and this time it moves into the cells of your brain, and into all the neural
pathways. These two energies of the magenta and the ruby red have the power to dismantle all
false programming from past incarnations and personal experiences within those journeys, and the
programming of this lifetime resulting in the neural pathways collapsing. The neural pathways that
collapse are the ones that keep those old programmes alive. Over the next twenty-four hours there
will be a completely new fluid weave manifested within the energy field of your brain specifically,
and this creates the first energy of the sacred bridge that we are creating. This bridge runs from
your base into your crown chakra. Every code that your body responds to brings a level of
remembrance; the remembering of the power of Tantra. Tantra is the art of utilising the sacred
power of the sacred light of the sacred fire. The sacred fire is held within all your chakras, however
each chakra relates to a different dimension. Your base chakra is earth, third dimension, and the
way you use the sacred light of the sacred fire on earth is through the act of sex or intimacy. You
are ready to begin tasting the power that lies within that sacred fire. It will be a very personal, very
intimate journey. All of you will experience it in a unique way yet perfect for you. The most
important thing of this is that healing is taking place and as your base chakra finds the harmony
and balance so healing for the collective takes place.

Take a deep breath in, focus your breath in your base chakra and when you breathe out push the
energy into Mother Earth’s body. Feel the energy, connect with the core of her being and breathe
in drawing the energy into your base chakra and she creates a beautiful bridge of support from her
heart to the heart of your base.

Now take another deep breath in drawing it up your spine to your crown chakra. Breathe out to the
centre of the Cosmos. Breathe in drawing the energy from the centre of the Cosmos into your
crown and this is where the bridge between the Cosmos and your crown are created. Now imagine
a tube filled with the same gold and platinum energy in the centre of the crystal running from your
base chakra up to your heart chakra. This is the tantric tube. This tantric tube can only be
accessed, its power in other words can only be accessed, through the Sixth Dimensional Gateway
of fluid love. All of you who have chosen to embrace this set of initiations will pass through a portal
in Dubai once we have completed all six activations.

Your journey through the gateway will result in a stripping away of an old identity, a shedding of old
skin, therefore be prepared for important change, for leaving behind the life you were living prior to
your journey through the portal. You will step into another level of Sixth Dimensional
consciousness, and the difference is that you will also have complete access to the Sixth Universe.
When the Sixth Dimension and the Sixth Universe work together fluid love, it’s power and it’s
potential, are amplified. This means your ability to love unconditionally is amplified. Your ability to
attract love of a very powerful nature, very deep and unconditional is also amplified. Your
encounters intimately and with those whom you love within your family will also be amplified, and
the depths to which you will feel that will be deeper than you have ever experienced.

The golden tantric tube is penetrating the dimensions of your heart chakra that feed light to the
chakras above it and beneath. So in addition to all the other bridges that are created there will be
sacred rainbows of light extending from the heart to the chakras above it and beneath it.

Every breath you take is an opportunity to love, to experience the raw power of the Goddess and
to embrace the raw power of the God, to see physically, intuitively, to experience physically,
intellectually and spiritually the divine power of a man and woman within their pure state of the
authentic self. Your belief systems around sex, sexuality, power, money and abundance in general
will come under great challenge over the next few weeks. For some of you it may be concentrated
on one specific area, but this is the time where those false attitudes must be completely shattered
for balance to be the central theme, not only in your own life but, for all of humanity who are ready
to embrace this power.

We do not at this stage need every human being on planet earth to be fully awake, all we need is
those who are awake to move beyond the boundaries of their current comfort zone; to break any
patterns that have been adopted recently that gives them a sense of complacency or smugness.
Know now is the time of accelerated ascension; climbing the stairway to heaven moving along the
spiral vortices of awakening. Sometimes you will move down the vortices. The reason why that it
will appear as such, like a retrograde, is so that you can reassess, reconsider and review what you
have worked with, tie up any lose ends if there are any and then take a giant leap into the next
dimension of your personal journey. Never for one moment think that you have regressed. When
you are in a state of retrograde you are progressing, never do you regress ever, keep that in mind.

The being of this crystal will remain with you holding you for the next twenty-four hours ensuring
that the communications taking place are complete. The transmission must be complete and this
will secure the first level of the sacred bridge, and it will secure that very delicate first foundation for
the Sacred Fire Temples. It will ensure that you integrate those first levels of realising the power
that lies within the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra, in other words using your master consciousness to
transform all the base belief systems into Golden Consciousness, and in this case it is the base
belief systems around your base, around your sexuality, intimacy, sex and power, for that is the
basis of human’s material world. When it is understood in its authenticity your world will be so
powerful. When I say “your world”, I refer to your world as an individual, the world that you have
created for yourself as well as the world that you influence, therefore your family, your friends, your
acquaintances, and it is that energy that has the ripple effect moving out to the rest of humanity. As
long as every one of you are committed to making the very best of your life you can rest assured
that your world will continue to change for the better. You will create environments in which you
can live as an empowered person and you will teach others through your actions to do the same.

We now link the gold and platinum spiral vortices of Androgyny Consciousness to your left and
your right brains. These will automatically flow into your body, into your consciousness and initiate
whatever alterations need to be made right now to ensure that your energy is in perfect divine
harmony with the sacred weave of the sacred fluid grids of the sacred fire within you, and the
Sacred Fire Temples of the true Goddesses and Gods of light.

I thank you for your time, your commitment and for you willingness to be of service. This is a phase
of great change. You hear often how great the changes are. We are able to see the extent to which
the changes are happening beyond that, which you as human beings are able to sense or
perceive. We see the results of the changes happening now up to one hundred and fifty years into
your future. That is how far the changes are extending already. You as Lightworkers have already
successfully changed the future of your planet, and that, which was written by the prophets of the
old paradigm, have altered as the result of your actions. This is cause for celebration. You have
successfully reversed another Atlantis and Lemuria experience and this is cause for great
celebration. Celebrate your life. Celebrate your power and celebrate the fact that you are becoming
more aware of how powerful you are. Celebrate the fact that you are becoming more conscious of
the fact that your powers have been abused by the fearful ones to keep you complacent, to make
sure that you conform. Tapping into your true power brings you the greatest gifts of your life and it
is our deepest desire for all of you to experience the greatest gifts of your life, the greatest love of
your life. Let it happen.

Breathe in deeply now and when you exhale become aware of your physical body again. Feel it,
your heart beating, feel your arms and your legs, moving them and ensuring that you are properly
grounded in your body.

We have activated many subtle levels of energy. All of this will work while you are continuing with
your everyday routine. All we ask of you is that you be gentle with yourself by not judging,
criticising or belittling yourself. Not getting caught up in guilt, shame, blame and anger towards the
self. Allow yourself to simply just be. Practice being an observer like you would observe someone
perhaps doing their shopping in a grocery store. You are not emotionally engaged in what they are
buying, you simply observe what they do, and do the same with your own false identities of actions
and experiences pertaining to self.

May the light of your sacred fire burn brightly and may the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra show you
the divine and beautiful sacred weave of light that comes through the power of that love. May your
journey of intimacy with self, spill over into your physical world merging with others to become a
beautiful sacred union of intimacy. May you all benefit from indulging in the light and love of one
another’s power and working together to strengthen that light, to fuel that passionate fire, to
destroy the old and to create the new. You will be blessed as always, peace fill your heart.

I am Jezebel, liberator of women, liberator of the soul. Thank you for your time.
Mary Magdeline
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 2 and Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra Part 3
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 03 July 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Mary Magdeline greetings and welcome.

I represent the Unity Goddesses at this time in the creation of the fluid grids of new light, new love
and expanded awareness of self and the inner worlds of all creation.

At this time in your journey you are penetrating the depths of your sacral chakra relating
specifically to the activations of the Sacred Fire Temples, which are being anchored in Dubai upon
the continent of Africa. This light that resides within your sacral chakra is a diamond containing
many facets. Each facet holds a unique truth, each of those truths hold a unique message that
speaks to the very core of your being. When that core part of your being receives the messages it
automatically responds and action takes place. The activity may initially be very subtle, however
after a period of time, not necessarily a very long one, one is able to see how these changes are
manifesting. The dynamic between the energy of the divine feminine and the divine masculine has
undergone tremendous change. It is the time where the sacred masculine is being honoured for it’s
power and at the same time we are bringing forth the very powerful raw energies of the Divine
Goddess. It is vital that these two energies are rooted simultaneously to ensure that the balance
between both energies are maintained.

The frequencies that are being emitted by the Sacred Fire Temples as a result of the activation that
Goddess Jezebel took you all through, has already initiated the very important function of
dissolving the dense veils of illusion that keep people estranged from their sacred power. The
power we are referring to at this time is the power of your sexuality; the power that lies within the
receptacle of your creativity. With men the sexual energy is more concentrated in the base chakra,
with females it is more concentrated in the sacral chakra, however both chakras in both genders
embody the sexual energy. When one understands that sexual energy is a creative power
motivated by love, the mind can change it’s attitude and it’s perceptions to this. This helps you to
understand the next level of the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra.

Alchemy is the ability to take that, which is base, that which is dense and turn it into something that
is light, it is something that is treasured. All of these treasures that you are discovering about
yourself are keys that unlock chains that have bound you to past paradigms. Often the chain is a
belief system, an attitude, a fear or an insecurity that has come about as a result of past trauma.

Your body is now very capable of releasing trauma at an accelerated rate. At times it may not feel
or appear to be easy, however I must assure you that the shifts are in fact very easy if you
consider the immensity of what it is you are all in fact dealing with. Master Kuthumi has often said
that what you are clearing would have in the past perhaps taken a number of years. Now you do it
in short spaces of time, a few hours, a few days or a few weeks. Knowing this will help you feel
stronger as you walk through these initiation/healing opportunities.

Because the body is opening like a sacred flower you are drawing more light into your body. At this
particular time we are working with very specific rays of energy: Gold and Platinum and Amethyst.
The Quartz, which represents white light and the Platinum energy of white light, is an energy that
amplifies the Golden Consciousness that is stored within it. This is why the Quartz crystal with the
gold inside of it is such an important energy to have around you right now.

Today we are bringing in another ray. It is an exquisite Electric Blue Ray. This particular ray is able
to also penetrate your third eye and will initiate an important time of dismantling the patterns that
you hold relating to your sexual power, your sexuality, and your intimate relationship with yourself,
with your life and people you are close to. It is important that this takes place now because it is
preparing your third eye and your sacral chakras for the next phase of activations that will be taking
place at the location of Dubai itself, in the not too distant future.

The patterns in your third eye are often fuelled by your subconscious. Your subconscious as I am
sure most of you know, is a library containing volumes of information. The information is not
necessarily true just like any normal library. You will find information that contains history, some of
it contains fiction others non-fiction. There is a vast variety of information stored inside your
subconscious. Your journey now is to decide what information serves the greater good of your
journey and what information is now obsolete, and you may even find that the history category is
where you do the greatest clearing out. With this bridge that we creating on another level between
the Grand Canyon, Dubai and Vietnam we are also supporting a cord of energy being extended to
Scotland in the United Kingdom. This is one of the sacred places where I, Mary Magdeline, anchor
many of the geometric templates that are contained within the Magdeline Roses and the five-
pointed Magdeline Columns.

The reason why I am presenting this activation as well as the third teaching of the Alchemy of
Quantum Tantra is because the light that resides within the core of your being is a voice that
comes from the Goddess inside of you; the voice that trusts the God outside of her, which is
mirrored in the relationship that I had with Yeshua; that journey of sacred, divine and pure love. I
must at this point also tell that were times that Yeshua and I did not agree on everything. There
were times where we needed to take our leave of one another to calm ourselves, however we did
not ever, ever speak to each other with words that would cut through the heart, therefore with this
energy I, Mary Magdeline, present you with the opportunity to do the same - to create the light that
will bring you together not only with the person outside of you, but the person inside of you who
loves you most; the authentic self who seeks nothing else but the absolute truth. When this truth is
out in the open there is no need to fear or to feel insecure because there is a root system that has
anchored itself deep within the consciousness of your chakras. That consciousness is a reassuring
energy that constantly holds the inner child, the adolescent and adult self in a kind of safety space.
This safe space we are going to create to hold the entire planet for the duration of the activations
conducted geographically in Dubai between the week of 21st and the 27th of July of the year 2008.
These energies will continue to flow through the collective consciousness. It is not a once off
deliverance never to be presented to any other soul ever again. The intensity of the energies on
the day is always extremely valuable, however those who find these teachings at a later stage will
benefit, and it is vital that all of you know this. Even if you yourself choose to repeat the teachings
over and over you simply absorb it on a much deeper level.

The patterns in your third eye relating to your sexual power have also influenced your ability to use
your creative power to make your life what you most desire it to be. Creative energy is the fuel
inside of anything that one chooses to make physical in their life, even when you decide to embark
upon the journey of developing a relationship, pursuing your career, creating a home, creating a
family, everything contains creativity, which is why we say create a life, you create a child, you
create a home. The White Fire Element is the flame that burns within the heart of every level of

So now I, Mary Magdeline, feed the Magdeline Roses into each of your chakras. Each chakra will
receive the divine kiss of life through the Roses. Try and imagine what it would feel like to have a
beautiful rose open up in each of your chakras. Imagine the feeling of the peace and lightness that
would be emitted from these Roses filling your chakras and filling your body, and while this is
taking place I anchor along your spinal column a Magdeline Column. This column runs from
heaven to earth. It is rooted within the heart of Mother Earth’s body and feeds you with an
exquisite energy of harmony and balance. This energy in the Magdeline Column holds the
vibrations that will remind your body of the importance of harmony and balance. It will also
subconsciously begin feeding you the information that I spoke of earlier in terms of my relationship
with Yeshua, and how to reverse the process of using harmful hurtful words with yourself and
therefore with others.

The tongue is a very dangerous weapon and what one says can either lift the spirit or crush the
spirit. Your spirit is beautiful and it is this beautiful spirit that creates the safe space in which to
create further. So now I ask you to imagine the crystal that Goddess Jezebel took you to, still
enfolding your energy. Connect your energy with the being of that crystal and begin imaging the
liquid gold of that crystal filtering into your sacral chakra. The golden energy creates an instant
response to the energy within your sacral and begins to move up your spine until it penetrates your
brain and moves into both the pineal and pituitary glands. The golden liquid is now creating a
bridge between your sacral chakra and your third eye chakra. This bridge has a very specific
purpose and that is to support you in changing whatever pattern it is you have attached yourself to
that denies you your full power to create.

Romance is a powerful energy. Love, truth and joy, harmony and bliss are all very powerful
energies. One feels the exquisite presence of all of those energies when love is fully present. The
expression of love is manifest in many ways. You must understand that the Goddess energy is the
creative energy. It is the motivating force behind everything. The masculine energy is the part that
takes action with that motivation and makes it happen, and that precious ones is the reason why
masculine and feminine are so powerful when they are together. The illusions that have separated
the sexes have disempowered humanity more than you will ever know.

So now beloved ones this bridge between your sacral chakra and your third eye chakra is also
creating a beautiful bridge between the sacred feminine of your sacral, and the sacred masculine
of your third eye. These two energies will eventually create a beautiful mandala of love within the
heart chakra. For love to be completely empowering on earth as it is in heaven men and women
must make peace with each other. The masculine and the feminine inside of you must make peace
with one another. Yin and yang must be seen as supportive energies offering revelations, bringing
about insights that give both a deeper understanding of self and one another. At the end of the day
you and every other person are a reflection of one another. This journey is another one in you
reflecting light for one another.

The energy of Tantra, which is the sacred weaving of the light of love, creates a magnificent new
field of energy within your sacral chakra, within the third eye and your heart chakra. This energy
field is now being amplified in its essence, which will ensure that it can extend beyond your own
debilitating patterns, attitudes and ideas around intimacy and sexuality. It begins to take that which
is profane and turns it into that which is sacred. This leg of the journey is the one where the
profane and sacred meet, masculine and feminine meet, truth and illusion, night and day, black
and white and so the purity that holds everything together is revealed, and there will be two
hundred and twenty-two million new sacred White Flames brought to earth. These flames will
accelerate the rate at which the collective consciousness can burn through all the old paradigm
veils of illusion and most important, the life I, Mary Magdeline, lived with Yeshua will become more
of a known fact, and it will be these facts that change the consciousness of humanity steering
humanity’s future in a new direction.

The Sacred Fire Temples are now having their energy grids anchored within your sacral and third
eye chakras. It is not long now and you will find yourself stepping into these sacred power points
and finding that the raw energy of the Goddess is what has been missing all along. It is the missing
link, for the most divine light that exists is held within the Cosmic Mother’s ability to love everything
and everyone unconditionally. It is through the immense love that our Cosmic Mother embodies
that the Cosmic Father could be born. Now I risk myself to perhaps have some much criticism but it
is true - the Goddess through the power of her love gave birth to the God and it was done for a
very specific purpose, because it is through that immense pure and creative love that the being
that was born could embody the seed of that powerful love, and it was in that moment that the
Goddess laid eyes upon the exquisite creation that she birthed through her love, and she took it as
part of her; her divine equal; her divine complement; the sacred counterpart that would ensure that
the true power of love will always remain alive and will continue to be created through the act of
lovemaking, through the act of the seed and the vessel uniting through the power of love, new life
is conceived in the form of another human being, greater depths of love are conceived as a result.
So, much is conceived and that is what I, Mary Magdeline, am here to remind you of. It is the love
of the Divine Goddess that created the God, therefore the love of the Divine Goddess inside of you
can give birth to the Divine God who already exists inside of you, but will give birth to this part of
you in such a way that you can look upon it as the Divine Mother did and embrace it as your own.

For eons of time the archetype that has been displayed has been that of Isis and Osiris, where the
masculine has been divided into many parts. This has left men divided from their truth. The power
of love, true love, I speak not of profane lust, the power of true love overcomes every obstacle ever
presented to you. The pain that Isis experienced at Osiris being scattered into so many pieces
fragmented her own soul and so the energies of masculine and feminine were fragmented on yet
another level. There were many other fragmentations that took place before the Isis and Osiris
story, I am using this simply as an example right now.

The one part of Osiris’ body that was not found is the “tool of power”. The masculine reproductive
organ and that of the female reproductive organ are the tools of your power that you are able to
utilise in a physical world to create, but there are many other dimensions to that. You however
need to heal your attitude toward sex, intimacy and your own sexuality before you will be ready to
experience the other dimensions. Right now you would not understand it and you would see it
simply as overwhelming, perhaps even unbelievable.

So I bring forth another surge of the Electric Blue Energy flowing between the chakras, flowing
between the Divine Goddess and the Divine God. And the second stage of the Sacred Fire
Temples of the Feminine White Flame embodying the true raw energy of the Goddess comes
closer. It is anchored through the levels of the mind within the etheric field of Mother Earth’s body,
so for this time you will notice how your mind talks you out of feeling at peace with and comfortable
within your own sexuality.

Understanding the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra will help you understand the foundation of all life
and how it is created, and the purpose behind it’s creation. Humanity will never taste the pure
divinity of the love we speak of until this wound is healed; the wound of power. Beloved Kuthumi
has already brought forth information regarding your ability to heal your wounds. For most of your
lifetime you have interacted with people who have reflected your wounds. You have experienced
the antithesis of the love, the sexuality and the creativity I speak of. This does not however mean
that you will never have the honour of tasting it, I assure you, you will. All you need to do is allow
those wounds to heal, to clear out all the history, to perhaps even get rid of that department
altogether for now until you know which part of your history is serving your greater good.

I must also add at this point that the bridge between your sacral and third eye chakras are creating
additional bridges along your ancestral lines and through those chakras specifically maternally and
paternally. This is creating an accelerated clearing of those old grids going back to where the
severance took place for the very first time; where people forgot the sacredness of love and fell
into the profanity of lust consciousness; the fear of going without. Because many people do not
understand love and have not felt the true essence of love, there is conflict and confusion. Very
often love is associated with anger and abuse, violence and rejection, because this is what you
have experienced from your parents and from other people who claimed to love you. Inside there
is a need unlike any other that you have, which is the need to love. It is that need to love that
drives you to know the truth about everything including your self. It is the motivating force that
returns you to the One.

Your intense need to experience the love I speak of takes you along many avenues of exploring
and experiencing love. Sometimes you might feel you have found it and then it reveals another
face however, now you have within your midst not only the energies but the conscious mental
capacity to turn everything around, to look at the face of tragedy and see that on the other side is
the face of comedy, therefore tragic love can become a love that is celebrated in it’s purity. This I
ask you to think about, to meditate upon, to ponder and to absorb into your body. That is an active
Alchemy of Quantum Tantra tool of light. When you turn traumatic love into joyful love you have
practised alchemy. When you have looked into what is considered dark or when you have danced
with the shadow and you have chosen to take that which lurks within the shadow and to love it, to
bring it into the light you have practised Alchemy and you are practising Quantum Tantra, bearing
in mind that Tantra is the sacred weave of the light of love, and the love that exists within light
therefore why would one not choose to express that love with the person whom they love, through
the most powerful act of love exchanging between two people, which you call sex or lovemaking.
These energies are also exchanged between friends and close family members through the heart
chakra. The act of lovemaking happens through the heart chakra, through compassion, through
the unconditional desire to unconditionally stand by and support the ones you love regardless of
how dark their shadow may be, regardless of how wounded their heart may be, for that truly is the
act of unconditional love. It does not mean you are a push over. It does not mean that you will be
abused. No, for someone who has the ability to stand in such a powerful position has the ability to
maintain their very solid and very sacred boundaries.

These are the energies that sweep through Dubai, the energies that sweep through the collective
consciousness, it is the energies that extend to the heart of Scotland, Namibia, to all the points of
light within the Grand Canyon, all the points of light within Vietnam and Cambodia. This energy is
extended to Johannesburg and Cape Town, to Egypt, to Israel and to Jordan. These energies are
then extended out to Peru, to every area within Canada, to South America in all of it’s areas and
then it will branch into all of Europe and to all the islands until eventually the whole of the globe is
tasting these energies.

The Lightworkers worldwide who are working with us; all of you are responsible for carrying the
light of these energies wherever it is that you go. Practising what we are preaching to you will give
you everything that you need to ensure that the sacred weave of the light within love embraces
everyone. The weave we speak of is not a solid grid, it is not a net, it is a fluid grid, which means it
is energy that flows, it is feminine and it is within the feminine consciousness that one is able to
operate within a fixed world such as a third dimension, and that is another level of understanding
the power of living multi-dimensionally. Fluid consciousness, fluid attitudes, living your life from the
perspective of the fluid universe, utilising your skills to function within the perceived fixed world of
human life, the moment you anchor this inside the cells of your body and pull it all the way into the
core of the atoms inside of your body, you will have mastered a very important part of human living
and you will see how easy it is to live multi-dimensionally.

I, Mary Magdeline, will remain with you for the next twenty-four hours supporting you in holding the
flow between the Electric Blue Ray between your chakras. I will monitor the recalibration of your
chakras and the changes taking place within the patterning structure of your third eye. I will assist
you with the clearing of your inner library and help you to very gently “root” the truth about the raw
power of the Goddess and the raw power of the God and hold that safely within your sacral and
base chakras. And so another level of balance is brought into being and presented to humanity. Do
not ever forget that the God is as important as the Goddess. Never ever underestimate the power
of the Goddess, her role and her divine purpose and that of the masculine, and the most important,
don’t you ever forget how powerful the two are as one.

May the light of this unified energy open your hearts to love fearlessly, to love with freedom, to love
unconditionally and infinitely.

I am Mary Magdeline. Peace be with you, au revoir.

Lady Guinevierre
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 3 and Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra Part 4
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 04 July 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot, welcome.

I have come forward for the purpose of bringing each of you yet another opportunity to embrace
yet another level of the powerful light of the Sacred Fire Temples. These Sacred Flames are
energies that have the ability to penetrate the dimensions of darkness that have created a series of
matrices within the collective consciousness that has successfully kept people estranged from the
sacred power of their light. All of that is changing. However, there is still a lot of work that needs to
be done to ensure that what each person is doing is being absorbed into the collective
consciousness and channelled in the right directions.

In this particular activation I, Guinevierre, deliver to you the fourth teaching of the Alchemy of
Quantum Tantra. This initiation is one that accelerates the energy and facilitates a very deep
clearing of the collective anger and rage of women. It is vital that this be cleared. We will have to
do this on more than one occasion, however it is that we begin this now within a time where the
energies are extremely volatile, but also very open to receiving the changes that are upon you.

The collective rage of the Goddess has come about as a result of the light within her being
suppressed. The denial of the power of the Goddess has ensured that the power of love and the
light within that love, which is your sexual power, would be completely diminished. In diminishing
this power those who have chosen to control the systems have ensured that humanity remain
debilitated, I will not go into further detail because you know all the details regarding this already.

The suppression of the sacred fire inside of women has disconnected the majority of women from
their inner light. A woman who is fully in her sexual power is a force to be reckoned with on many
levels, and I do not wish to present this creating a picture that the women is aggressive, quite the
contrary in fact. She is very present in her power and need not be aggressive in order to achieve
what needs to be done. A women sexually liberated is a light and a power combined, birthing a
force that very few humans have ever been at the receiving end of or witnessed.

For a very long time you have been hearing about the light within, and when you love yourself the
inner light is the one that shines forth bringing about changes in your life. You have worked
through many layers of your psychological programmes, your mental and emotional processes.
Spiritually you have addressed many of your wounds and physically there have been a number of
changes. This particular journey of light is one that takes you deeper within the consciousness of
yourself. It takes you into the Sacred Fire Temples that reside within the chakras of your body.

When you step into the Sacred Fire Temples within your body your chakras change vibration, and
today I, Guinevierre, will assist you in repairing the tears in the energy around each of the chakras
so that the raw power of the true Goddess can be contained in a harmonious way. When there are
tears in the energy fields around the chakras one feels depleted, and this is when depression and
negativity sets in and one finds oneself very vulnerable to the collective consciousness and all of
the density that it is processing.
So, let us begin by bringing forth the energy of the Quartz crystal with the gold within it, which you
have been cocooned within for a few days now, which was activated by Goddess Jezebel. Imagine
the Electric Blue light that Mary Magdeline brought to you flowing harmoniously up and down along
your spine, and like a double-terminated crystal it extends beyond your crown and base chakras
penetrating heaven and earth. The consciousness of the true Goddess is an inner knowing that
your power as a sexual being is a vital key to liberating the soul of every man, woman and child on
your planet. The Goddess is the sacred vessel of life. She is the one that determines how the
power is utilised. It is through her permission to give of her light that results in the creation of
powerful new grids of energy and new life.

Imagine yourself now being encircled in a very soft Rose Quartz energy. This energy soothes your
energy field and gently begins to move into your body and becomes one with the chakras of your
body within and externally. Now imagine the Rose Quartz energy filled with exquisite iridescent
Platinum energy, and this Platinum energy opens Platinum portals with the divine feminine
consciousness, and a very harmonious energy flows from these portals encircling your chakras
and beginning the process of repairing any tears that are in the energy around your chakras. While
this is being done please concentrate on the Rose Quartz and Platinum energies extending
beyond your body, moving into the molecules of energy all around you and extending into every
molecule around your entire planet as well as within the planet.

Now begin holding the intention that this Rose Quartz and Platinum energy begin clearing the
collective rage of the Goddess that has come about as the result of the suppression of her power
as a sacred sexual being. Imagine exquisite ripples of light moving in all directions.

Imagine this energy penetrating the cells of all the bodies of every adult woman on your planet
bringing healing, harmony and a sense of ease within their heart, their mind, their body and soul,
and may this light trigger the inner knowing for those who are ready to know.

Now extend this energy and let it penetrate the cells of the body of every adult man on your planet,
and may this light bring to light the understanding, the acceptance and the acknowledgement of
the true power of the Goddess, seeing her in her true light, her true power and her true position.

Now visualise the Rose Quartz and Platinum energies moving into every male and female body of
every adolescent on your planet and bringing about the same shift.

Then see this energy now moving into every male and female child body under the age of twelve,
bringing about the same healing.

Imagine the energy moving into Mother Earth’s body, soothing, healing and calming the chakras of
her body, filling all the empty spaces within with the sacred consciousness, with the divine light of
the sacred feminine; the Feminine White Fire Element.

Clearing the collective rage of the Goddess is a vital part of the fourth teaching of the Alchemy of
Quantum Tantra. This is a journey for men and women, for when men are able to see the true
power of the Goddess, her role and her purpose, he will be automatically liberated and will
remember the truth of the origin of the Goddess. It is at that point that men will feel within their
hearts the humility that will bring upon them the sacred blessings of the Divine Goddess. When a
man is a position to see the true power of an authentic goddess he is empowered with a light far
beyond his greatest imaginings; a light he can never attain by walking a singular path of the
masculine alone. This is one of the reasons why women are raped. On a subconscious level men
know the power embodied by the goddess and want the light, but the light can only be given to the
man with permission from the goddess, provided she knows how to do it. When a man tries to steal
the light or the power of a goddess he creates a dark matrix around his energy field, which
imprisons him in his mind and the demons of his wounds harass him causing upheaval within
many areas of their life, and the tortured soul continues along the road to self-destruction until such
time the sacred healing can take place.
When the collective rage of the Goddess has dissipated by as little as 25%, many men will awaken
to the realisation of the true power of the Goddess and this is when an incredible shift will take
place within the collective consciousness, resulting in an accelerated change in relation to how
energy is utilised and how women feel about themselves, about life and their ability to co-create, to
give life, to support, to nurture and to love. A suppressed woman does not bring the light that she
was intended to, instead the anger turns on her and eats away at her body and this has resulted in
the manifestation of many female related diseases, terminal diseases included. As women awaken
to the power of their intimate self many of those diseases will be completely released.

So this beloved ones is the time of turning one’s eyes to the Goddess, to women, to the feminine
and looking at her through the eyes of the heart seeing that this divine creation is there to give life,
support life and feed life and not there to consume, deny or destroy. There have been many
warrioress Goddesses depicted in Earth’s history. These women have come showing that the raw
power of the Goddess is in fact infinite and very powerful, and that the Goddess can stand in her
power and do what needs to be done when required and that no dark force can inhibit the journey
of the Sacred Goddess.

So each of you are being blessed with that light and the Rose Quartz and Platinum energies
filtering through your planet. Right now are helping you to fully anchor the knowingness of the true
raw power of the Sacred Goddess. Over the next twelve hours seven gateways will activate within
your chakras, granting you access to Seven Pathways of Liberation through the Sacred Fire
Temples. This completes the important bridging process between the activations of the Grand
Canyon and Vietnam. These energies will not cease in their power once these major activations
are complete. There are many layers to what we are activating right now and will continue to build
upon it self for the next twenty-four years. As each layer is integrated more light is brought in and
this light will always be a part of you regardless of where you are and what you are doing.

The Seven Pathways of the Sacred Fire will open up powerful creative inspiration inside of you.
This will manifest in the form of an inspiration that brings about new directives pertaining to your
life purpose, and by this I mean the purpose of your life right now. Many of you will find yourself
changing direction, making very important choices and major changes in your life within the next
twelve weeks. These changes put you on the most empowering pathway of your destiny for this
current timeline. This light will always be there for you and this you must trust within.

The Rose Quartz and Platinum energies will now filter into all parallel realities and alternate
realities bringing the opportunity for change to every aspect of self, to every potential, to every past
and future aspect of self. As each level is penetrated worlds change internally and externally.
Celebrate this auspicious time of empowering humanity through the personal choice of
empowering self. Choose the light of your sacred fire and have the courage to acknowledge the
power of the Goddess, her role and her purpose. The quicker you accept the truth of this the
quicker everything in the external world will change.

Over the next twenty-four months there will be rapid change in relation to the feminine
consciousness and the recognition of the Goddess within countries that have suppressed the
Goddess. It is these changes that are most needed at this time. As you awaken and remember, so
the energies for this to physically come about will strengthen and you are playing a major role in
making this a reality. Not only are you emancipating yourself as a Goddess but, you are making it
possible for every other Goddess on your planet to be liberated, to be seen in the true light of her
true essence. This births a most exquisite love, because when a man looks to the woman whom he
loves and sees the true raw power of her as a Goddess, the dimensions of potential in terms of the
power to create exceed your wildest expectations, and all the sacred loves that have been written
about for eons of time have had the potential to do this.

Some time ago already we said that the fateful and tortured tormented ends of the romantic
experiences of those like Romeo and Juliet, Guinevierre and Lancelot, Mary Magdeline and
Yeshua and the list goes on, will change and instead of it being a heart wrenching separation, the
lights will be united, and when the Goddess is acknowledged and takes her true position the
happily ever after is guaranteed. Living happily ever after does not mean that you will not continue
to grow as a soul. There will simply be a completely different paradigm of opportunity to learn and
grow within and through. That which you will be presented with will offer you opportunities unlike
you have experienced up until this point, growth potential that takes you on a completely different
journey into different dimensions of learning and healing.

Celebrate the call to light, celebrate the anchoring of the true Goddess and her raw power and
celebrate the return of the Sacred Fire Temples of the sacred energy of sexuality; the sacred
journey of the intimate self that takes you into realms of profound realisation and exquisite self

Allow your energy to relax, breathe in deeply exhaling fully. Draw your consciousness back into
your physical body grounding yourself in the here and now. Become aware of your heart chakra
glowing like a bright light. It is this light that prepares you for the next three activations that take
place physically in the geographic location of Dubai. The intensity of those energies will quadruple,
so it is important that you are prepared. The way you prepare yourself for this is to allow yourself to
be within the light of truth, to be authentic and to surrender to the changes you are already in the
throes of. Each experience is a guideline for you, a message showing you where to and why.
Surrender is the key. Acceptance is the essence of liberating your soul, your heart, your mind, your
spirit and your power.

I, Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot assist you with this particular healing and I will remain connected
to you for the duration of this healing journey, ensuring that all tears are healed and that you
understand what it means to be an empowered being of light. As the Sixth Dimensional and Sixth
Universal energies merge with you, you will experience many layers of your heart opening and it is
at this point that your crown chakra automatically begins to absorb the golden frequencies of the
Golden Heart Chakra, and this energy is spread far and wide, touching the hearts of those who are
willing to receive the love to open their hearts to a new life, to a new light and to a new opportunity
to explore the light of life within the love of self.

Thank you for you assistance, for you participation and for your commitment in joining forces of
light to bring about the healing that Mother Earth and humanity require at this time. May I remind
you that the healing of the collective rage of the Goddess will bring the greatest shifts on your
planet that you have witnessed to date, bringing about a lightness that has not been witnessed in
your lifetime and many lifetimes before that. The return of the Goddess is the return of the light.
The return of the Golden Age brings with it the Golden Kundalini, Golden Consciousness, the
Golden Temple Teachings and with it the Sacred Fire; the original flames of passion that fuel life
and creation held within the sacred being called Goddess.

May all that you experience be blessed by the light of the Goddess, and may you come into your
power with grace, harmony and ease.

I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot, Queen of Hearts and I bid you farewell.

Goddess Jezebel
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 4 and Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra Part 5
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Dubai on 22 July 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Jezebel liberator of women and I welcome you into this place upon this day as we bring each
of you into the centre of the sacred core of light that each of you embody.

Your presence at this sacred time is one of immense importance. We are taking each of you and
holding you within the sacred capsule of your unique divine gold-print, and we are inserting this
energy into the fluid golden energy grids of divine abundance and the energy of magnificent
alchemy consciousness. Every human being upon the planet is being given the opportunity at this
time to embrace the sacred fire; the energy that exists within you, which serves you as a motivating
force that brings into your presence the energies you need to manifest every single one of your
needs as met. The manifestation process can not come into it’s fullness if the fire inside is dead or
very dim.

We have chosen the location of Dubai for these specific activations for the purpose of bringing the
Sacred Fire Temples back to life. These temples are being woven into the energy grid of all
humans who are ready and willing to embrace their power. This is the time where Priestess
Consciousness returns to the earth, but it is accompanied by a very, very powerful fire light, this
light serves a much greater purpose than guiding lost souls into the light of their truth, this light is
creating a very powerful new spiral of alchemy consciousness and supporting every individual to
understand themselves as the divine alchemists that each of you in truth are already. The creation
of your life is a great honour and when you realise that the creation process within itself is a great
honour you will come to respect your ability to choose the quality of your experience. The very first
thing each of you must fully embrace is the fact that the world of the fixed consciousness is the old
paradigm; the old timeline that no longer serves the greater purpose of your process of creating
life. You are here in this presence experiencing this energy and listening to these words because
you have made the conscious decision not to be subjected to that level of intimidation and
oppression. The suppression of your fire is no longer a part of your grid, which means that karma is
no longer an active motivating force within your sacred print. Every one of you has stepped out of
that and you are now ready to embrace the new expression of the sacred energy of your almighty
divine fire.

There are many of you participating in these activations who are faced with changes. Perhaps you
are feeling fear, guilt and paralysis in the face of these challenges. You are now required to trust in
that fire and to honour the sacred Seeds of Liberation, which I, Jezebel, are returning to each of
you, for you have returned to reclaim these Seeds of Liberation. They will be re-encoded into the
energy of each of the seven chakras that influence your physical body as well as the chakras in
your other bodies. Your world, the new world, is standing with open arms calling to you, beckoning
to you to step into this new life that every fibre of your being desires. It is no longer a wish or
perhaps a thought of creating a new life, it is a deep desire coming from the very core of you
atomic structure that calls to it. You have been activated to feel this desire, which pulls you to
where you are now. It is the ones like you who are holding these very powerful vortices of golden
energy, of fire energy so that those who are still too much in the fear will see the light of the new
day for themselves and eventually venture into the unknown, embracing their fire and they will dare
to step into the new worlds.

No one on your earth at this time can predict with 100% accuracy what is going to occur in your
world after the date of the 11th of November 2011. No one. What I can tell you is that every single
one of you has within your power now the power to create the life of your dreams. This is not idle
talk. It is not as Kuthumi will put it sometimes “pie in the sky”. This is reality and I am here to bring
you this reality check for if you insist on focusing your mind on the old way you will take the old way
with you into the new world, and then you will experience an immense amplification of that which
you do not desire and you will be pulled through a portal and returned to the old paradigm. This
may not happen to you physically but it will happen to your mind, to your emotions and to your
spiritual energy that you have worked so hard on giving birth to inside of you.

There are two hundred and forty-four new dimensions being activated within the heart chakra of
humanity and of Mother Earth over the next four months. During that time the people who are
willing to look to the future as opposed to constantly looking to the past, will experience the
activation of these dimensions as being reborn, experiencing a whole new lease on life. For those
of you who are experiencing a level of content on where your life is at now you will experience new
dimensions to that contentment and that joy and that peace manifesting in your life. All of you have
been called to duty and it is your responsibility to yourself and to the generations to come to
ensure that abundance consciousness within in it’s golden frequency is grounded within the
chakras of Mother Earth’s body, and within all of the major portals within the major cities all around
your world.

Dubai is holding the centre core energy of the two hundred and forty-four new chakras that will be
born. This will present many people with a great challenge – love or money? This does not mean
that if you choose love you will not have money. No, what we are bringing through the Seeds of
Liberation and the Sacred Fire Temples is creating from the core of love, which brings love-money.
This means the abundance, the wealth and the opulence that is created embodies the sacred
vibrations and the essence of fluid love, therefore that wealth supports the greater good of the
whole and it is a solid foundation. It is not an energy that will deprive anyone or anything
regardless of the physical form that energy embodies. So now the challenge comes and many
people who are already actively bringing the abundance to this place creating more and more
abundance will have these challenges manifest within themselves, and this is where they will begin
to question the motives behind the actions. Integrity is the essence of creation and the core of
integrity is love, for one cannot be a being of integrity unless you are motivated by love. So I could
very comfortably say to you integrity is another word for love as is honour, respect, even money.

Money is an energy that human beings are using at this time to represent a physical form in order
to exchange energies. There is a deeper dimension to the exchange of energy that humanity must
embrace now and that is the energy of fire so that the passion for life can be exchanged between
human beings - the passion to work together, the passion to love one another, the passion to
support humanity to become and to constantly be the most sacred and empowered expression of
the Sacred Goddess who walks in perfect harmony with her divine complement, the Sacred God.
Existing within each and every one of you is the Goddess and the God regardless of your gender.
It is not separate from you. At this particular time you as a group are embracing the Priestess
Consciousness, this means that you will begin to understand the light of the priestess, the sacred
divine light, which inspires the fire of co-creation. Masculine cannot express or experience it’s
greatest potential without the Goddess, therefore inside of you the God and the Goddess need to
dance the sacred dance of life; the sacred weave of golden energy.

So I ask each of you now to close your eyes if you have not already and to focus your attention on
your heart chakra.

Imagine an exquisite golden energy, fluid, filled with silver, filled with magenta and an exquisite
iridescent violet light. The combination of these energies and colours are what draw to you the
Seeds of Liberation, which are held within the sacred pillars that make up the Sacred Fire Temples
of the Goddesses of Liberation. These Seeds of Liberation make up the fifth teaching of the
Alchemy of Quantum Tantra, tantra being the sacred weave of love. You are now being called
upon to weave the light of love to allow the very sensual light of this sacred energy of infinity, the
figure eight symbol, to flow through your energy, therefore begin to visualise these colours, these
energies in your heart chakra moving simultaneously from your heart to your throat, and from your
heart to your solar plexus forming a beautiful figure eight energy (8). This connects the two sacred
lights of power in your solar plexus and creativity within your throat chakra. Your throat chakra is
one of the centres of your creativity. Every breath you take in and every breath you release
strengthens the connection between the three chakras.

While this is taking place I, Jezebel, access the energy of the Eighty-eighth Dimension and here it
is that I receive the Seeds of Liberation and the twelve grids of the Sacred Fire Temples that are
being anchored in Dubai over the next twelve days. Every one of you is now being encoded with a
sacred symbol in your crown chakra. I come to stand before each and every one of you individually
and I insert into your crown chakra a brilliant Quartz Crystal. This crystal holds the sacred vibration
that will keep you attuned to the energies of the twelve temples no matter where on the earth you
are. You beloved ones are the guardians of the Sacred Fire Temples regardless of whether you
are now in a male body or in a female body. When the original Sacred Fire Temples were created
you were in a form that is known as an androgynous form. You were able to weave these divine
fine and very sacred threads of love, a love so pure, that nothing with negativity in it can even
come anywhere near it.

Over the next six months each of you will emanate a unique frequency, which will flow through all
the seven chakras of your body. After six months it will extend to the twelve chakras for a further
three months, at the end of the nine months all of the minor chakras in your chakras in your body,
including the one hundred and forty-four abundance chakras, will be activated into another
dimension of alchemy and abundance consciousness.

Every step that you take is imprinting the earth with these divine grids. Every one of you is a
sacred piece of this exquisite geometric field of light. Your intention to love your life, to love
yourself and to embrace your divine right to experience the most extraordinary life of all creates
these vibrations, therefore I ask you now to open your heart chakras to one another, to open your
heart chakra to receive Mother Earth, to open your heart chakra to receive the divine light of every
woman and every female child on your planet. Draw that energy into your heart chakra and allow
the gold, the silver and platinum energies combined with the magenta and the violet to wash
through all levels of the grids of women in adult form and all female children on your planet. Tune
into the profound love that exists within you. If you cannot feel it then think of a time where you
loved someone so deeply that it felt like your body was going to explode because that power was
so intense, and this is the intensity of the energy I ask you to use for it is now that we are clearing
another level of the collective rage of the oppressed women.

So now take a very deep breath in to the count of eight, hold it to the count of six and breathe out
to the count of eight.

Hold your breath to the count of four, breathe in to the count of six, hold to the count of four and
breathe out to the count of six.

Hold to the count of three, now deep breath in to the count of eight, hold for the count of four and
exhale to the count of eight.

Now continue to breathe in a relaxed and comfortable rhythm for yourself but see your breath as a
fluid energy moving around in a clockwise motion, breathing in the sacred and divine energies of
the new vortices of alchemy consciousness, the new sacred vortices of the Alchemy of Quantum
Tantra that comes in this particular teaching as the Seeds of Liberation. As you breathe in a
clockwise direction I, Jezebel, begin to emit the energies you require to retrieve the Seeds of
Liberation that vibrate with your unique energy pattern. Welcome this into your body and open all
your chakras now to receive that which you have earned the divine right to retrieve.
Entering our presence now are six golden lions, and they are accompanied by six white lionesses
representing the sacred vortex of golden energy, and the sacred vortex of platinum energy. They
also symbolise the consciousness of Heaven and Earth; the alchemy of the divine sacred fire. The
white lioness is no less powerful than the golden lion and the golden lion is no less powerful than
the white lioness, both are needed in order to hold these vibrations. The presence of the lions are
very important at this time for they hold the energy patterns that will recalibrate the earth grids,
resulting in the new energies that will motivate people to roar their truth. The lions, gold and white,
are the voice of truth, the voice of the God and the voice of the Goddess who walk together equal
empowered, supported and unconditional in their acceptance and expression of self and one
another. This energy will begin to filter through the earth grids, through the fluid grids within the
ethers of Mother Earth. It will extend, my beloved ones, in a diameter of three thousand miles. This
will take place over the next nine months, which means it will take nine months for the energy to
extend all three thousand miles, but as each wave of energy reaches it’s destination before it
moves onto the next one there will be a birthing of the Priestess Consciousness, and every single
one of you will experience a birthing of light and love as a result of the Seeds of Liberation you are
drawing into your charkas.

Now continue your deep breathing and breathe in an anti-clockwise way, drawing the energy in the
opposite direction. This brings the next level of the Seeds of Liberation into your chakras, one is
the feminine direction the other is the masculine direction. While you are breathing and doing this I,
Jezebel, insert into the two hundred and forty-four portals of your heart chakra the sacred key
symbols of the Sacred Fire Temples relating specifically to the activation of these portals. In each
of these portals is a white flame. The six white lionesses who are currently present are making an
energetic link with you and will assist you in keeping your white fire fully active. The activity of
these flames will change the energy patterns within your aura completely, recreating the magnetic
field within the molecules of your body. This will come about because your DNA is already now
activated into this new level of self-awareness and the acceptance of this very potent love energy.
You can call yourself a love magnet if you like. This magnetic energy will draw to you that which
reflects the great and divine love of our Cosmic Parents. It is your choice whether you will accept it
or not, whether you will allow yourself to experience such great support, such great love and it will
come to you in many different forms. Your challenge is to recognise it and after that it is the
challenge of allowing yourself to let it in.

I ask each of you now to again focus your energy on your heart chakra, to tune into the love we
asked you to connect with earlier on and now we begin to activate the next level of the foundation
energies of the twelve Sacred Fire Temples within your sacral chakra, your third eye and your
crown chakra.

Your sacral chakra is your feminine chakra, the feminine creative energy, which is connected to
your subconscious. Your third eye is also a chakra connected to your subconscious. The third eye
is the masculine. The sacral chakra is the feminine. Your crown chakra is the light that roots you to
the cosmos. Your base chakra is that which roots you to the earth, and we are now attuning you to
the vibrations of the grids that lie within your so-called future. You will do this now by welcoming in
the presence of your future self who has already completed this, who has mastered this plan
already and by drawing that aspect of yourself into your energy field we can now begin to
recalibrate the patterns of energy that flow from your subconscious; which either inhibit or inspire
your ability to create through your feminine chakra, and your ability to create through your third
eye/masculine chakra. Your third eye chakra determines the patterns of your life that you are
finding repeat them selves and if it is an inhibiting or limiting pattern you are now ready to complete
it and release it for all eternity.

All the energies we have brought forth for you this evening will take eighteen hours to be
completed. For the next eighteen hours you are integrating all of these energies. Simply allow it.
There is absolutely nothing you need to do physically, emotionally or mentally, it knows exactly
what it needs to do.
Now I want you to allow your heart to open even more and I want you to allow yourself to connect
with the desire to experience the love of life in all it’s dimensions, and extend that out into your
world. The extensions that you send out now form another beautiful grid of light, this is a sacred
weave of intention and this my beloved ones, what we are doing now is a practice in the Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra, it is energies that have come together embodying the intention of love and it is
being woven together and offering to Mother Earth and to humanity a gift whether they choose to
receive it or not is not your problem – you receive it and you share it that is another important
alchemical practice in Quantum Tantra; for in giving you receive, this keeps the sacred flow of life,
the infinity symbol moving between your chakras, between you and life, you and humanity, you and
consciousness and everything else embodying life. This weaves all the energies of the twelve
Sacred Fire Temples together and this creates a divine weave in the twelve strands of your DNA.

There will be twelve new levels of consciousness that will birth itself beloved ones. Over a period of
time you will experience it, three will come through the physical experience of your life, three
through the emotional experience, another three through your mental body and the remaining
three through your spiritual body. Do not try and determine how it will happen simply accept that it
will happen. Again, there is absolutely nothing that you have to do other than surrender and allow.
As you do this the twelve energies of the Sacred Fire Temples begin weaving the light of the gold
and platinum through your heart chakras uniting all of you as a sacred group; the sacred
guardians, and the original code of integrity is activated, bearing in mind that integrity is another
word for love. And it is now at this point that the six golden lions open their third eye chakra and
begin feeding energy into your body and it is through your solar plexus and through your sacral
chakra that this energy flows out upon the waves of love and washes over your entire world, it
washes through your life and through every level of your consciousness.

Mother Earth opens her love to you, she breathes in and begins drawing the energy from your
crown down your spine through your base chakra and into her body. She draws you back into your
body, back into life and promises to hold you. She promises to support you. You must be
grounded in your body if you want to manifest and materialise whatever it is you have chosen to
manifest in a physical world. You will not be able to manifest anything in your physical reality when
you are out of your body, and it is the chakras of the fire of the intimacy – your base and your
sacral chakras that root you to the earth. They are awakening. The passion for life is being ignited
now as we work with you. Allow it to guide you, allow it to show you and remind you how to use it.
Trust your body, trust your fire, your creativity, trust your love, and in doing so you give the gift of
trust to the world and this creates the golden reunion between the hearts, the minds, the bodies,
the spirits and the intentions of humanity.

You now have the opportunity to choose something that is very important, something that you are
now ready to manifest in your life and to project that intention into the centre of this energy that we
have created here. Take a few moments to do this now.

The combined energies of the lions and lionesses begin to dance around that which you have
intended for. The weave of those energies, gold and platinum, encapsulate your intention within
the dimensions of purity. Ensure that you remain grounded, connected to and rooted to earth, to
love and to the passion for life and that which you have asked for will be manifested within the next
six to eight weeks. Believe in your power to do so. Within the next six to eight weeks you will see
that the seed has cracked open and new life has taken root. It may not be the full manifestation in
it’s completed stage but the beginning of what you require to complete that which you have
intended for will be within your midst within the next six to eight weeks. I trust that is sufficient
motivation to remain grounded in your body. That you remain connected to the fire and passion
that burns inside you. It is this passionate energy that will continue to feed the powerful waves of
clearing the rage of the oppressed women so that the divine softness of Priestess Consciousness
can completely anchor itself and return to Mother Earth, uniting masculine and feminine and then
the sacred dance like the double helix is in it’s full activity, those energies dancing around your
spine, within your being.
Beloved ones I ask you now to draw your energy back into your physical body by visualising your
energy not depleting but rather coming down into your body in it’s full power and holding you from
the base into the earth. See it like the roots of a tree extending all the way into the core of Mother
Earth, yet the branches still reach out to the Cosmos strong, secure and supported. This is the gift
that we present all of you with.

The twelve lions; six male and six female, will remain within your energy field for the duration of the
full anchoring of the twelve Sacred Fire Temples. All the energies we have created will also remain
with you for the same duration of time. There is just one thing we ask you to do other than ensuring
you are grounded and that is to celebrate your life, to celebrate the fact that you have chosen to
live a life therefore do us all a favour and do a good job of it.

I ask you now to turn the palms of your hands upward and with your hands up to receive the gifts
of love from your guides, to receive these gifts of love from the divine presence of All That Is:
passion, joy, peace, integrity and harmony and to welcome those as qualities that motivate you
and to embrace them as themes that play out in your life, and may these energies hold you, inspire
you and nurture you. There is a gateway that we are going to leave open within your heart chakra,
which is guarded by the six lions and the six lionesses. This gateway will remain open in order to
complete the process that will continue on Thursday and on Saturday and that which Mary
Magdeline and Lady Guinevierre will do with you.

I wish to honour each of you in your truth and to thank you for making the choice to move into the
world of your authentic template and to choose life. We thank each of your for honouring your call
to service and allowing yourself to give and to receive, to bless and be blessed.

I am Jezebel, liberator of women and I thank you for your time, I thank you for your love and I
thank you for your presence. Be at peace as you continue on your journey. Goodbye.


I am Kuthumi and I come to you at this point, greetings beloved ones, to welcome each of you into
this very important time of realigning the energies for humanity. As these energies come through
the divine inspiration and intention of the Lightworkers you are allowing not only yourself but the
rest of humanity to receive these sacred gifts.

My presence will be a very short deliverance in this transmission for I need to ask each of you to
move your body in order to receive the energies that Jezebel has brought. Your integration over
the next eighteen hours is an important one and you may find that your body becomes
uncomfortable or stiff if it is not moving, therefore once I have completed this transmission ensure
that within at least ten, maximum fifteen minutes you are already moving your body. The energies
are affecting your body physically. The muscles of your body will undergo a lot of change over the
next few hours. Muscles represent support and the energy that Jezebel has brought is a very
powerful support energy so open to it, welcome it and move with it.

Be at peace beloved ones know that we are ever present as always and I too wish to thank all of
you for what you are doing, what you have done and every other effort that you make to live your
best life.

I am Kuthumi. Adonai.
Mary Magdeline
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 5 and Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra Part 6
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Dubai on 24 July 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Mary Magdeline greetings and welcome to each of you.

It is an honour to gather within the presence of such beautiful souls of the light and to share with
you the energies that contribute to reinstating harmony and balance between the masculine and
feminine energies of the divine Planet Earth.

Every step that each of you are taking at this current timeline is contributing to re-establishing the
Divine Codes of Sacred Love, this has been a process that has been unfolding for many years
now, however it is important that each of you understand that in every moment you are getting
closer and closer to the manifestation of that final creation of the infinite and internal grids of love.
When the infinite and internal grids of love are established the external grids will then be
completely activated and you will bear witness to the changes that you are awaiting.

It is my purpose at this time to ensure that the sacred goddesses of the Sacred Temples of Fire be
reminded of their origin and the true purpose of the Golden Light of the Golden Tantric Tube. The
original goddesses of the Sacred Fire Temples are present and many of them have reincarnated
into physical bodies at this time to ensure that every sacred code of the Feminine White Flame be
returned to Mother Earth, for she too is an almighty very powerful sacred goddess of the White
Fire. Her flames sit within the throat chakra of the collective body of your solar system. It is within
the light of truth and trust that she teaches those who share her body with her the power that exists
within the voice of truth, and those who share her body with her are each of you. You are cells
upon her body. You reflect the light that exists within her. You are also a manifestation of the
codes of love that exist within her body, within those cells. The crystals, the minerals and the
sacred gems that grow within her body hold a resonance, which is also present within your body.
The mineral system of your body is a reflection of the mineral system of her body. Everything that
exists within her exists within you, for like her you are organic.

At this particular time the Grand Masters and the Ladies of Light who are holding the Golden
Temple Teachings have gathered with five thousand other Councils of Light not only from the
universe in which your solar system is housed, but from other universes. This collaboration of light
has created thirteen windows of opportunity, each window of opportunity is offering human beings
who are actively choosing to merge with the authentic self the opportunity to re-encode their body,
their life and Mother Earth with the sacred seven-pointed star.

The seven-pointed star holds a very unique configuration of energy. This particular configuration
does not exist anywhere else excepting within the seven-pointed star. These stars are returning
and are being encoded into the DNA of the original sacred goddesses who have reincarnated as
well as being programmed into the subconscious of the collective body of Mother Earth. As each of
you are with us within this collective presence of sacred love we gather our energies together and
the Golden Tantric tube of the Feminine White Fire Element is returned to Earth and at the same
time the exiled Goddess returns to Earth.
The purpose of your journey relating to my transmission is an important one because each of you
are embarking upon the very empowering journey of reclaiming the understanding of the authentic
blueprint, therefore responding to the inspiration and the motivations that your authentic self
inspires you with, that guides you through and often takes you into realms of the unknown and
challenges that which you have sometimes taken on as an erroneous belief system or thought
pattern regarding yourself. Therefore that which you have adopted, which rejects your truth is now
being dissolved and with this process you experience the healing of the sexual wounds of the
collective, your own and that of the collective. The healing of the sexual wound is transmuted into
sexual wisdom emancipating humanity on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level freeing
heart, mind, body and soul. Every time there is an experience related to a sexual wound the
energy of rape is strengthened. Every man and every woman who engages in a sexual encounter
and their entire heart, body, mind and spirit are not in it or if there is any part that is not fully
wishing to participate then rape is occurring, a part of you is being raped. That wound of rape
creates an energetic bleeding and that bleeds into the consciousness of humanity strengthening
the wound of sexuality.

Every one of you will experience a very powerful transformation as you become sexually liberated
and that is a very personal journey for you. It is a reunion with the Sacred Divine Self and when we
complete the activation of the Golden Tantric Tube within your body you will begin to understand
your sexual power, you will begin to understand that the only way you can have a true intimate
relationship with yourself is by healing all negative associations to sex, to your sexuality, to the
understanding of sensuality and the understanding of the purpose behind the act of sex, which we
choose to refer to as the act of love in the making.

Every time you create something new it is the act of love in the making, it is taking the energy of
love (and) making something new, creating something new. It is vital that humanity grasp the
understanding, the awareness and the profound, let me say rather, the profound acceptance of the
fact that you have all been deliberately estranged from your sexual self, it has been enforced upon
you deliberately. You were wrenched from that part of you to ensure that you are powerless, and if
you are powerless how are you to come fully into your light as a creative being, co-creating with
Mother/Father God? To co-create is to make love. It is to unite with another aspect of yourself and
to create something beautiful. Make a commitment to yourself right now, the commitment to
understand yourself as a sacred sexual being of creativity.

Sexuality, the energy of sex as it is explained in your world is simply another word for creativity.
Over the next four hundred and forty-four days we are taking the Earth’s consciousness through
the initiations of dissolving the negative associations to the deliberate projections of false
information regarding your greatest power; your power to create, which is held within your base
and your sacral chakras. Understanding these almighty tools of creation pushes your entire ability
to manifest into a whole new stratosphere. First of all accept that there is absolutely nothing dirty,
shameful or wrong when it comes to making love, also called having sex, whichever you wish to
refer to it as. It is one of the greatest acts of love that can be demonstrated between two people. It
is also the demonstration of your love for life I say this because of the profound energies that are
activated at that time. As you explore yourself as a being of such creative power you will
understand why certain powers that were in place went to such great lengths to ensure that you
forgot all about the powerful tool of your sexual nature.

Set the intention today that you will journey as far as you need to, to reclaim every iota of the great
vastness of the essence of your sexual self. As long as you are wounded sexually you will not be
able to attain full self-mastery. The journey of ascension has very little to do with mastering the art
of sitting in meditation or being a good person making sure you donate to charity, or help those
who are in a position not as comfortable as your own. Self-mastery in ascension has very little to
do with saying the right things and doing the right things when you think you need to. The journey
of self mastery is about mastering the self, understanding in all completeness and totality who you
are and what it means to feel complete within yourself, to be able to stand within the presence of
other human beings and be completely at peace with yourself, totally in love with yourself and in
that moment knowing that you are completely united with God and Goddess.
Precious Lightworkers the main key to the doors of Heaven, if I can put it like this, lies within your
sexual chakras. What better place to hide it when people who fear the loss of power are going all
out to ensure you never find it, so they distract you from your greatest power making you fear it,
loathe it and most important feel ashamed of it. Look around you. Look at your world. What are the
greatest wounds of your planet, what causes war, what causes heartbreak, what causes abuse? It
is lust consciousness; the fear of losing something, greed, and most important in that category is
the fear of people being powerless and I speak specifically of those who feed the matrix of lust
consciousness - the fear of losing their power. They felt it was a very good plan at the time to
distract humanity from their sexual chakras and women, Goddesses such as myself Mary
Magdeline and the other sisters of light who have walked with me, before me and after me, have
had to experience the rejection, we have had to live through and endure the complete degradation
of the Sacred Goddess. Every one of you, regardless of whether you are now in the body of a
woman or whether you are in the body of a man, your Goddess is your saving grace, she is the
part of you that is taking you to the point where you reunite with those most powerful and
empowering aspects of your true nature, in other words your authentic self.

The women of your world are crying out for the Goddess to return. If the women of the world are
not given their voice Mother Earth’s energy is stifled, it is stunted. This means that she will fight
even harder to reclaim her divine right to be the voice of your Universe. Your throat chakra is a
very, very powerful creative tool. It is the reflection of the sacral chakra, therefore if your throat
chakra is blocked your sacral chakra will be blocked and the opposite is also true. By giving
yourself the voice and speaking your voice of truth you open the flow of water through your sacral
chakra. Your intuition becomes stronger. A woman who is in her power, a sexually liberated
woman is a powerful psychic being, she is at her most intuitive when she is sexually empowered –
another reason why that was squashed, because a sexually empowered woman knows far too
much for her own good, or so it was put across. The same applies for a man. When a man is fully
grounded in his sexual power he is in a position to dance the sacred dance with the goddess, and
the two energies are able to create, and in the process of co-creation miracles and the magic

Did you know that the honeymoon was originally seven days, one day for each chakra? There is
the story that has been told that it took God six days to create the world and on the seventh day he
rested. You have seven chakras, which relate to the physical body. The seven-pointed star, the
magic number seven, the seven dimensions of magic that exist within each of the chakras, the
seven journeys to liberation and the list goes on, number seven is a very, very powerful number.

I wish to repeat - make a commitment to yourself today that you will do everything in your power to
emancipate yourself sexually. We are in complete understanding that there are individuals who are
contained within very, very, very strict systems, which do not allow them the freedom to actively go
out and explore that part of self, but there is nothing and there is no one who can stop you from
embarking upon that journey from within. That is why I say it is a very unique and very personal
journey. When you allow that to happen you will experience the encounters that are required to
liberate yourself.

I ask you to monitor your progress, to see how your energy changes, how your body changes.
When you are connected with your body in such a way you are reconnected to your instinct, and
when you are fully rooted within your instinctual power, as are the animals of your Earth, you will
never ever experience even one millisecond of ever being in danger – ever. Do you know why
human beings are attacked by wild animals? Because they are disconnected from their animal
nature. They are disconnected from their instinct. Animals do not suffer that problem but when they
sense the disconnection they do not recognise you as an energy that is a harmonious part of the
great eco-system, you are automatically viewed as a threat, as an invasion, as a disease infecting
their environment so they will attack you.

Do you know why you get sick? Do you know why your body turns on you? Do you know why
viruses attack? Because you are out of harmony with nature. You are out of harmony with your
divine nature as a sexual being. Everything in nature is sexual and you will agree with me if you
think of the words I said earlier on that co-creation is the act of love making, even creatures and
plants on your Earth that do not need something external to unite with them to co-create still have
within them both masculine and feminine, they are never separate ever, so why would it be any
different with you?

If you are created in the in the image of that which is Almighty then your sexual power needs to be
fully active. This does not mean you are living a life of promiscuity, there is a vast different between
sacred and profane love. The world that you live in now distorted the blissful exquisite gift called
sex and made it into something lustful, something profane whereas it isn’t, and the more people
who become sexually emancipated, liberated within their bodies, within their mind, their heart and
their spirit the less disease there will be on your Earth.

I ask you with all my heart to at least give yourself a chance to explore your nature as a divine
being who was created as a result of an act of sex, believe it or not. You are the physical
manifestation of the act of love in the making. Many of you carry the wounds of your ancestors.
Their sexual wounds and the Goddess of the collective consciousness is reaching out to you
asking you to unite with all the others and to break that old matrix, to reclaim your sexual power so
that the exiled Goddess can return into her full power, and we assure you beloved ones you will
begin to see how the barriers fall, how the walls will be broken, how the very controlled
establishments will crumble within their foundation because the foundation that they have created
is a complete and utter illusion. It is was built on a lie and every time you reject that exquisite part
of yourself you are supporting the lie, you are feeding the negative matrix, which ensures that
humanity remains estranged from their sexual power.

Do you know how much effort it takes, how much energy is expended in trying to suppress one’s
sexual desires? How many children on your planet have been traumatised and violated because of
that stupid belief system that you are not allowed to explore or express your sexuality, and I will
say this now especially within the God forsaken Catholic system, and I am not afraid to state this
and every other system that denies the Goddess, that denies the power of your sexuality, and we
will not allow that energy to every be removed from Planet Earth again! We as the Unity
Goddesses have united with our Divine Counterparts, we stand as two lights, twin flames if you
would like to call it that, and we are ensuring that the Sacred Feminine White Flame return and in
this act we give to each of you the key to your own sexual power, and through this we will all
ensure that those systems will collapse and freedom will be the true essence of humanity again.
Not everyone will accept what I am saying, but those of you who feel the truth of my words in your
heart and within your soul you are the ones that I am focusing my love and my light upon, you are
the ones that we are counting upon to follow your truth, to rebel against the system, to embrace
yourself and to love yourself so much that you are willing to risk your old life and embrace a new
one, because that is what you will be given in return.

I cannot even begin to describe to you what you will experience when you are reunited with your
sexual power. You will witness levels of balance manifesting within your life as you re-establish
these codes within your body, your mind, your spirit, you will see that your physical life changes, it
becomes more harmonious. What is balance? It is when two energies are held in perfect unison, if
one is absent it is out of balance. Why do you think most of humanity has such difficulty in
achieving balance? Your body is out of balance. For some of you, you are top-heavy you are all
within your upper chakras believing that if you stay within your third eye or stay within your crown
chakra or if you just sit very pretty within your heart chakra you will attain ascension, you will be
given that little tick in the book (we believe it is St Peter’s book, yes?) he will say you have done
well, you have meditated for four hours a day – very good, you believed in love – very good now
you may enter the Kingdom of Heaven – that is the most ridiculous story we have ever heard, and
excuse me if I giggle a little bit but you bought into it, but everybody did and when you bought into
it you believed that what you were doing was right because in your essence, in your heart your
sole motivation is to love, to be one with God, to be one with Goddess but you were never told
about Goddess, you were only ever told about God. So it is like trying to live your life hopping
around on one foot, those of you who do not have use of both of your feet you know how
uncomfortable that is!

So, is your choice to continue hopping around on one leg being top-heavy, being in only in one
part of your being, or are you willing to get right into your body, to feel your self and experience
your life on many levels, to explore the dimensions that exist when the key of your sacral and base
chakras are opened? If your answer is yes, then watch out world because here we all come! The
wave of new power is upon your world and Priestess Consciousness will reunite with Priest
Consciousness; the gods and the goddesses will dance the new dance of life. There will be four
hundred and forty-four billion new sacred geometric codes that will be introduced to your Earth,
which will open millions of dimensions of new light. Access will be granted to worlds you cannot
even comprehend at this time, but these are only accessible when you are fully in your power. You
know now what to do to reclaim that power, and here I would like to repeat what Kuthumi has often
taught and that is the message to feel the fear but to go ahead and do it anyway. So do you give
into your ego or do you relinquish control to your soul, to your authentic self? Now is the time
where you begin to understand the power that lies within the authentic healer; that part of you that
is everything that you are that takes you into the world and shows you what life is all about. The
dimensions of awareness that will burst to life on a mental capacity will blow your mind but in a
very good way and you will experience an accelerated process of expanded consciousness,
knowledge and the understanding of the mechanisms and the mechanics of your Universe and
those that exist within it and beyond it. You will realise within that moment that what you know,
what you think you know and what you understand is not even the size of a drop of water. This
may sound as if your journey is only just beginning and in truth it is, but it is the next phase of your
journey, another step up the stairway to Heaven.

Now that I have presented the information let us join our heart chakras together. Concentrate on
your heart chakra and how you feel about yourself. I ask you now to be truthful about yourself,
about how you feel about yourself. Those of you who feel awful about yourself how does it feel to
live your day feeling so bad about yourself and there is no getting away from you because you are
living in the body, in the mind and the energy of the person that you know is supposed to be your
human self. I want you to feel the depths of that discomfort. I want you to open your body, to open
your mind and to stretch every cell and let those feelings of discomfort, of self hate, of self loathing,
rejection of the self whatever it may be to be fully felt in your heart, to be fully acknowledged in
your mind. If you do not feel bad about yourself now I want you to take every bad feeling, every
bad thought you have ever had about yourself and I want you to bring it into the forefront of your
heart and your mind right now. As you are doing this we are creating a sacred vortex in the centre
of this room containing twelve Female White Flames. I want you to become aware of the power of
these flames and take a deep breath in and breathe out, this breath fuels the feminine flames. Now
with every in breath that you take I want you to take one of those negative thoughts or feelings and
pull it into your base chakra, breathe out pushing that negativity out of you and into the flame and I
want you to continue doing this for as long as you need to. Every single negative thought or feeling
or belief or attitude about yourself, pull it all the way down through your sacral chakra into your
base chakra and push it out.

Continue to do this as I speak. We now bring the very powerful energies of the Golden Tantric
Tube. We activate this tube within Mother Earth’s body and all the sacred exiled goddesses of your
planet join the force of their love and their light together right now, and in a collective energy they
push this golden light through every vein of Mother Earth’s body. This explodes up through the
earth finding your base chakra and the Golden Tantric Tube shoots into your base chakra and all
the way up to your heart chakra, and an explosion of exquisite golden light takes place within your
heart. That energy then shoots up into your upper chakras but the tantric tube is held solid and
stable between your base and heart chakras.

Begin changing your breathing now where you begin breathing in from your base chakra up the
tantric tube into your heart and out into the flame. What you are doing now is taking everything that
you have just put into the flame and your drawing the same belief system’s out of Mother Earth’s
body, up the tantric tube and out through the heart, and this my precious ones is helping to heal
the collective sexual wound of Mother Earth, of her rape where humanity has penetrated her body
without her permission taking from inside of her, drilling into her and never once asking her
permission, never once giving thanks for what they have taken from her. So Mother Earth, she too
is a wounded goddess, a raped goddess. Every time something has been taken from you that has
disempowered you has raped you of your light, put this into the White Flame, allow the feminine
flame to take it all.

We now pull in the energies of the subconscious of the collective. I want you to push all of this into
the White Flame. As you are doing this the flames begin to increase in their power expanding until
this entire room is one great Female White Flame and all of you are contained within this powerful
white light.

We now extend the call to all of humanity. This call goes out to the subconscious of humanity
asking that the thirteen windows of opportunity be activated and that those who are ready to
release their sexual wounds now let go, surrendering to the Female White Flame to allow all of this
to be transmuted returning the exiled Goddess to Earth, reactivating the Golden Tantric Tube and
liberating Mother Earth into her full and true right as a sexually emancipated goddess who can
express her truth through her voice without shame, without inhibition and without fear, and this is
the gift that is bestowed upon every single one of you.

The journey of sexual liberation is what will bring peace to your Earth, balance to the heart, the
mind, the body and the spirit of those who will come to understand just how powerful this energy is.
Relax your body. Allow your breathing to be relaxed.

While the flame is still so active we ask that each of you put your intention into the flame. First the
intention relating to what it is you wish to have transmuted in a specific area of your life, do this
now please.

Ask that the Female White Flame incinerate the patterns of energy that are held within whatever it
is you have asked to be healed. This will break the repetition and it will begin to sever the cords
inside you that have a need for that hunger to be fulfilled, and now take the opportunity to welcome
the exiled Goddesses into this space. You are now given permission to hand over the intention of
that which you wish to replace the old with, so what is your new intention, what will replace your

Take a deep breath in now as you give thanks for that which has been transmuted.

Precious ones you have just experienced the sixth teaching of the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra.
You will continue to experience the power of the Feminine White Flame and as each day passes
you will come to better understand the power of the Goddess, the origin of the sacred light of
tantra, which is the sacred weave of love. Celebrate this journey you have brought to yourself.
Open your heart to allow love into your life. Say “yes” to everything that is the embodiment of love
and acceptance of your authentic self within your life, and give the same to those who require that
in their life.

Now begin drawing your energy back into your physical body breathing in, drawing the energy
down your spine pushing it into Mother Earth. Welcome the presence of physical life back into your
body. Give thanks for the gift of being in a human being’s body right now and now give thanks to
yourself for having made the choice to reclaim one of the key elements of your power and the main
key to your personal dimension of Heaven.

We celebrate your journey with you and thank each of you for your courage to stand within the
face of illusion and to make the commitment to yourself that those illusions will be shattered, and
you will still be standing more empowered than ever before. May the light of the almighty power of
authentic love manifest it’s magic in your life in every moment. May peace, joy, bliss and blessings
be your shadow all the time and even in the face of challenge, amidst your tears, amidst your
questions the joy, the bliss, the peace and the blessings will still be present.
I am Mary Magdeline and I thank you for listening to my message. Au revoir.
Lady Guinevierre
Dubai – Sacred Fire Temple Activation Channelling 6 and Alchemy
of Quantum Tantra Part 7
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Dubai on 26 July 2008

To find out more about Michelle Eloff & The Lightweaver, please visit

I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot, greetings and welcome.

It is a delight to be able to gather with all of you upon this day as I bring forth the teaching of the
seventh journey of the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra and the final phase of the activations of the
Sacred Fire Temples.

Each of you is part of a greater plan of bringing the light of the Feminine White Flame back to life. It
is a journey of embracing the Goddess not only within the fullness of her power, but within the
fullness of her light. Light is the embodiment of many facets of love and in order for you to
understand the many facets of love you need to be able to see your own light. Many people shy
away from the light of their truth. This results in one diluting the truth of the self and behaving in
ways that do not necessarily reflect who one really is. When you try and present yourself in a way
that creates an illusion regarding your personality, your preferences and how you perceive life you
create a dynamic, which creates an inhibition of the expression of your divine light, and today the
energies we are bringing forth are there to shatter all the parts of yourself that seem to believe that
one needs to project something other than who one truly is.

Understanding the importance of presenting oneself authentically is vital. Your authentic self is the
most important doorway to true soul liberation. For eons of time people have lived their lives
skirting around the issues that take them closer to their authenticity. From the moment you are a
little one you are told how you should or how you should not behave, you are scolded and
criticised, judged and rejected and all of this leads to you diluting yourself and separating yourself
from your authentic blueprint. This often leads to many people developing attitudes toward the self
that lead to intense self-loathing. This manifests in the physical body attaching itself to ideas and
patterns that serve and support the illusion rather than that, which serves and supports the truth.
This is particularly true when it comes to understanding the Goddess. You have been told on a
number of occasions now that regardless of your earthly gender you embody God and Goddess,
and because the Goddess has been rejected for such a long time it is natural that each and every
human being will not have a full understanding of the truth of the purpose of the Divine Goddess.
Therefore the sacral chakra has diminished in its power. This means that your creative ability has
also been stifled.

With our energy work today we will be opening many new dimensions to your sacral chakra, and
this will begin to alter the frequencies of the energy that is projected through that particular chakra,
helping you to understand the alchemy of your creativity. This is a time where you are drawing your
energy away from people and experiences that judge you, that criticise you and tell you what you
are doing is wrong or trying to make you do something that does not resonate with your truth. No
person is in a position to judge any other, to criticise or try and control anyone else. When
boundaries are created these are created from the point of love and if a person does not love them
self, boundaries are not created from the point of love they are created from the point of control,
and when controlling systems are set in place the true energy of the alchemy of creativity is
inhibited. This means the energy that is projected through the sacral chakra is not one that
nurtures the divine creative Goddess force. It is one that inhibits the divine creative energy of the

The sacral chakra must now be completely set free in order for the greater dimensions of creativity
to come forth so that the healing of the oppressed Goddess can move to it’s next level, and the
rage that is rooted within that consciousness can be released on another level. This means over a
period of time there will be very important healing taking place regarding negative image of the
self, destructive and negative perceptions of the self, all the shame and the guilt that is associated
with sexuality, with intimacy and the love of self.

A negative body image comes about as a result of the soul having to reject the authentic self. As a
child you know exactly what the authentic self is however, being in an environment where you are
being influenced by people whom you love confusion sets in. This confusion creates many levels of
separation, which inhibit the flow of the God and Goddess force through the chakras, as a result
the sacred flames of passion begin to dim and there is insufficient energy to keep them burning
brightly. When any energy is either deficient or excessive the chakras are out of balance, and now
what has happened is that the excessive rage of the Goddess has resulted in the flames burning
out of control in a negative way.

Today we bring about a new level of balance inside of you and through this you will find your
unique personal pathway to liberating your soul as a Goddess, and as a God. The sacred marriage
between the masculine and the feminine is perhaps one of the most important functions needing to
take place at this particular timeline, and today you will experience an important level of that sacred
marriage. I, Guinevierre, also wish to share with you specific rituals and celebrations that are
important to nurture the energy of the Goddess; to feed the collective consciousness with the
positive energies of understanding the power and light of the Goddess. One of the most important
things that each and every one of you can do in order to support this energy is to have a daily ritual
of spending time with yourself and loving yourself.

Every moment that is spent adorning yourself with love is not only a ritual of self-love but also a
celebration of the divine light that exists within you. Whenever you do anything that nurtures your
light, anything that results in you feeling good about yourself is a sacred ritual and bringing the
Goddesses energy closer into the realms of the collective consciousness, moving it out of the
subconscious and grounding it firmly within the conscious consciousness of each and every
individual who at this time is assigned to awaken the divine light of the Sacred Goddess.
Therefore, ritual and ceremony is an important part of this. Having said that I would like to just
remind you that ritual and ceremony need not be an intensive or complicated process, it can be
very brief but sincere and that in it self is very powerful.

Each of you will benefit tremendously from putting together your own daily ritual around celebrating
the gloriousness of your light, doing something for yourself, which acknowledges the sacredness of
that light, for in so doing you honour the glorious light of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father.

So now I ask each of you to open your heart chakra to the divine light of your most empowered self
and to imagine this light extending into the very core of the Cosmos as well as into the core of
Mother Earth. It is within these places that the full extent of all the facets of love that exists within
light can reconnect with you, not from a diluted point of the human ego’s perception, but from the
origin of the true light of your almighty empowered self. Feel this energy moving down your spine
to your sacral chakra and visualise your sacral chakra opening to receive the hundreds of flames of
consciousness that exist within the Feminine White Fire Element.

Call to the Divine Feminine and ask the power of this great Goddess to step fully into the light of
your sacral chakra. Ask that the power and purity of her light help you to find peace in your heart,
peace in your mind, your body and your spirit. Imagine the calm and empowering energies of the
Sacred Goddess filtering into every cell of your body, penetrating your DNA, the molecules and the
atoms of your body and as this takes place it dismantles all of the attachments that you have
attached yourself to regarding self hate, self rejection, judgement and criticism of yourself, your
body, your mind and your spirit.

Imagine all of these threads of negative association dissolving and being replaced with magnificent
gold and platinum threads of higher consciousness. As each thread reconnects through your DNA
your body begins to remember your true origin and purpose as a divine creative being of love. This
strengthens your inner light and begins diminishing the need to attach yourself to anything or
anyone externally in order to feel loved, wanted or good enough. You are perfect as you are and
everything that you do is perfect, for it is within every action that the truth of your journey is
revealed to you. This is your time of drawing your energy back into yourself therefore we assist
each of you now in reclaiming the energies that have become scattered as a result of your inner
child, or any other aspect of yourself needing to gain approval from the external world in order to
feel at peace with yourself.

So take a deep breath in through your sacral chakra breathing in all your power, drawing your
power into your sacral chakra. Breathe your power into your body and each time you exhale relax
your body. When you breathe in affirm that you are reclaiming your power from the external world
rooting this energy firmly within yourself, making you your authority and the only authority that
counts in the physical world in terms of determining what is right for you.

For the next few minutes your energy will automatically draw your power back into your sacral
chakra, this opens the dimensions to the sacral chakra that we spoke of earlier on. As these
dimensions open a whole new frequency of energy is emitted into the energy field around your
body. This particular energy field sets up a vibration that creates a shield around you, which
prevents anyone in your external world from having the power over you to separate you from your
truth, therefore it prevents the external world from being able to deplete your energy by criticising
you or judging you, controlling you or projecting any negative perception of self onto you. It is vital
that you understand that it is your own perceptions of self that result in a need to criticise, to judge
or to control anything in your external world. Nothing in your external world requires you to control
it at all, everything is an extension and a reflection of how you feel about yourself, and when you
reclaim your energy and you pull it into your body and you work with it and you love yourself, you
love the creative force of your own light, there is no need inside of you to project yourself outward
and try and consume or control anything in your outer reality in order to feel safe within yourself.

Containing your light does not mean you inhibit it. Containing your light means you centre it and
place yourself in a position to be able to determine how you spend that energy. Projecting your
energy outward in the manner of controlling or judging or criticising the external world is wasting
your energy, squandering it. Discern how you spend your energy. It is precious and you need not
waste it on trying to control the lives of others or situations in your external world that you imagine
are not supporting what you wish to create.

The Goddess fully understands how that works. The masculine energy is considered the
controlling force; the external energy that takes action that creates form and structure. The
Goddess simply sits within the space of her light and all she does is she observes. She knows
exactly what it is she wants and she plants the seeds of that love and knows that it will take root
and will flourish at the right time, and it will become exactly what it must become without her having
to control it in any way or form, and so it is now precious ones that we plant the golden and
platinum seed of the Almighty Goddess in your sacral chakra. This brings about a powerful healing
and a balance of the energies within your throat chakra. It opens the dimensions of creativity within
your throat chakra and as the energy of the throat and the sacral chakra unite the sacred marriage
of the two forces of creativity take place within you. A beautiful figure eight symbol is established
between your sacral and your throat and a new divine creation is born - the balanced and the
harmonious flow of the voice of the God and the Goddess inside of you.

So we ask you now to move your attention to the seed that is placed within your sacral chakra and
to take a moment to sense what lies within this seed.
Draw that seed all the way into your sacral chakra until you feel it is firmly secured within the light
of your Almighty Goddess.

I, Guinevierre, create an energetic sound around the seed. This sound embodies a divine
signature of light, and as each signature vibrates through your body it dissolves any patterns of
illusion that have inhibited your ability to fully express yourself in an undiluted fashion, and so your
authentic self is given another opportunity to step out of the shadow and into the light of the new
day. This calls to the exiled Goddess, to the sacred Priestess Consciousness and the love of self
to come forward and to be all that she is and nothing less.

Beloved ones we now begin to create the activation of the sacred portal through which all of you
will now walk with us. This portal is taking your consciousness into a new dimension. It is the
dimension in which you will flourish as an exquisite creative being of light. In this dimension you
find yourself vibrating to the higher vibrations of sacred love. Here is where you will find the
imprints of the sacred template of the Sacred Fire Temples being woven into every atom inside
your body and every atom that makes up the sacred divine template of your all empowered self.

So focus on breathing deeply into your body exhaling fully, opening your energy to receive the
vibrations of gold and platinum and of amethyst, of quartz crystal and the divine light of
unconditional love. Open your heart chakra to allow this energy to flow deeply into it and surrender.
Relax completely into this energy as it begins to pull you into it’s light, like a magnet. As you are
being pulled into this new dimension begin to let go. Release every thing and every one you wish
to leave behind that you feel no longer supports your journey as a soul liberated from the old
paradigm, just simply leave it behind.

You are being pulled further and further into this dimensional gateway. All the Unity Goddesses,
the Sun Goddesses and the Sun Gods, all the Goddesses of the Sacred Fire Temples now gather
together to welcome you. Take one more deep breath in and as you exhale you are pulled through
the Stargate into this new dimension, and it is where all these beings now welcome you. In this
new dimension you are offered the opportunity to manifest a new dimension to your life, a whole
new way of experiencing and expressing yourself and your life. Take a few moments now to
connect with this and to add to that which you wish to create.

The Goddesses now begin to anoint you with sacred oils. The sweet scent of sacred herbs and
spices are released into your energy field and the sweetness of life, the sweetness of love and the
sweetness of creativity is returned to your energy field. Breathe the sweetness into your body,
breathe it into the cells of your body, breathe it into your DNA, claim it, own it and take full
responsibility for your ability to respond to the joy of life. Take full responsibility to live your life
beautifully, draw the sweetness all the way into the core of the atoms of your body, owning it,
reclaiming it and crystallising it within you. See all the millions of crystals inside your body that
contain the sweetness of life, each crystal a gift and an opportunity to grow and thrive in this new
life, and imagine a beautiful web of creativity being created as each crystal connects with the next
one and this sacred weave becomes a tapestry of support and a map of new life. Just observe as
this beautiful divine creation manifests inside of you.

Each crystal is presenting you with a new dimension to your life, an opportunity to be everything
that you truly are as an authentic being and to leave behind everything that you are not, everything
that you believed you have to be in order to please the external world. Now it is your time to be
everything you that are as an authentic expression of divine light. As you do this, as you connect
with your authenticity the crystals become fluid and this sacred weave becomes a fluid network of
energy flowing through your body, through the cells, the DNA, the molecules and the atoms of your
body, and so it is that the sacred language of the divine code of your sensuality, your sexuality and
your creativity becomes a constant flow within you, through you and all around you. Surrender to
this flow and become one with the liquid light and love within you and around you.

This liquid light now carries you deeper into this new dimension you have just stepped into. The
sacred oils that you have been anointed with ensure that the chakras remain open to receive the
sacred codes of your unique fluid print. The fluidity of these divine grids helps to flush out the rage
of the oppressed Goddess, to release the depression that is rooted within the sacral and the base
chakras. That depression that lurks within those lower chakras is there because a part of the
individual believes they are not free to experience the sweetness of life. It is the oppression, the
suppression and the repression of the authentic voice that has brought about that feeling and that
sense of depression. For anyone who feels that it is time, look into your heart and take
responsibility to bring into your life that which you most desire, to liberate yourself, to set yourself
and others free by being honest with yourself and living the life you deserve.

The new dimension you now find yourself in has absolutely no tolerance whatsoever of illusion and
most important no tolerance with you fooling yourself into believing you should be something that
you are not. You were born unique, born to be different, do not shatter your soul by continuing
trying to be something you are not, or trying to fit into something you were created not to fit into.
Own your individuality. Rejoice and celebrate your uniqueness for it is your unique signature that
creates that exquisite tapestry of life, which supports the collective manifestation of that which
brings about harmony and balance within the greater expression of your world. If people continue
to reject their light, to reject their authenticity your world does not stand a chance, it will continue to
deteriorate in the fashion that it is. People will continue to estrange themselves more and more
from their soul, from their higher self and the true spirit of their authenticity, therefore it is up to you
and only you to take full responsibility for your life and to live your life as an authentic being so that
everyone else can follow suit. It takes one person to make a world of difference and each of you
are that one person making the world of difference, so have the courage to stand up for yourself, to
stand within the power of yourself and to be true to yourself.

Within this new dimension you will be seen as very different to others. I beseech each and every
one of you not to reject yourself as a result, that which perhaps interprets you as very different
does not mean your difference is bad, bear in mind that a third dimensional lower consciousness
will be perceiving you as very different to their world. Do not make the mistake of falling into the old
pattern of rejecting yourself because someone’s opinion or perception of you is one that creates
something different. You are the leaders, you are way showers, the change bringers and it is now
time to truly step up and to live, to live the teachings, to practice everything that you have mastered
so that you can experience the next level of your initiations. Every time you step into a new world
such as you just have there are new teachings, new opportunities to grow even further. What you
are about to begin learning about yourself is very different to what you have learned, all you need
to do is to continue moving forward, to believe in yourself and to trust that all is as it should be.

Take a deep breath in relaxing your body as you exhale.

I, Guinevierre, and the Goddesses of Camelot have begun encoding your body with twelve-pointed
stars, which contain the unique frequency of the divine template of this new dimension that you
shall live through. It will take approximately twelve days to be completely integrated into your body
after which you will find that you have a new level of energy. This energy will help you to
understand what your next step is and how to bring about the greater wealth of your divine light
and your divine love.

Remember to celebrate the energies of the Goddess regardless of your gender, celebrate being
who you are and use the rituals of self-love that you shall create to add to the dimension of your
new life. When you bathe your body celebrate your body. Love it, nurture it, everything you do with
yourself celebrate it. Give thanks to your body for everything it can do. Those are all celebrations
and rituals of acknowledgement of the creative energy called Goddess; your active energy is called
God, bring the two together.

So it is precious ones that we now unite the energies of the sacred masculine and the sacred
feminine within this new dimension bringing about the balance of the two energies so that men and
women can unite living their life, working together, creating and taking action as a unified force of
divine love expressing through heart, mind, body and spirit in a balanced and harmonious way.
For the next twelve hours this energy will be balanced and the sacred union will be complete and
we thank you for your choice to be present with us today and for embarking upon this journey. May
you always feel peace in your heart, may you always know inside of your being that you are
precious, unique and an expression of the sacred flames of passion. We trust each of you will
continue to embrace the sweetness of life and give yourself the opportunity to live it fully.

I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot and I bid you farewell.

Copyright notice

• None of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, deleted in
part or whole or built upon in any form whatsoever.

• You may publish a short excerpt from these channellings on the condition that you include
the authors name and copyright and add the link With a note
explaining to people that they can obtain the full transcript on The Lightweaver website.

• The Lightweaver has assigned translators for the channellings and they may not be
translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us if you would like this
channelling in another language or if you would like to translate this material into your

• This information remains the intellectual property of Michelle Eloff at all times.

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