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Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Christian Wthrich 124 Philosophy of Mathematics Winter 2012

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Intuitionism, a rst approach

Characterization (Intuitionism) Intuitionism in or about mathematics is a revisionary form of mathematical constructivism which considers the essence of mathematics to be exhausted by our constructive mental activity, i.e., mental constructions governed by self-evident laws, rather than be constituted by the analytical reasoning involving the formal manipulation of linguistic characters, perhaps revealing the existence and the constitution of independently existing mathematical objects and enabling and governing their application.

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

The basic revision required

main revision: reject the law of excluded middle (LEM), i.e., the proposition that it either is or is not the case that , for any proposition (symbolically, ) Intuitionists reject LEM because it presupposes, in their view, the independent existence of mathematical objects or the belief that propositions involving them are true or false independently of, and prior to, the mathematician. LEM as a consequence of realism (either in ontology or truth value) in semantics, we have the related principle of bivalence according to which every proposition is either true or false Question: when are LEM and the principle of bivalence equivalent? general use of the term intuitionism to cover all philosophies that demur from LEM classical logic and classical mathematics vs. the weaker intuitionistic logic and the corresponding intuitionistic mathematics
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Classical vs. intuitionistic logic

Consider the following propositions: (p) Not all elements of a set have a certain property P , formally xPx . (q ) There is an element which lacks property P , formally x Px . Intuitionistic logic (IL): content of p is that it is refutable that one can nd a mental construction showing that P holds of all elements content of q is that one can construct an element of the set and show that it does not exemplify P Clearly, q p, but not the converse because its possible to show that a property cannot hold universally without constructing a number for which it fails. (9) Classical logic (CL): content of p and q realistically given pq
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Similarly, all laws of classical logic which rely on LEM are rejected in IL. Example: law of double negation elimination in CL, which states that for any proposition , IL: , but To see this, suppose that one can construct a contradiction from , in which case a reductio inference (admissible both in CL and IL) yields . CL: by double negation elimination, one can also infer IL: this is unwarranted, unless you have independent reason for, i.e., a mental construction of, (e.g., to derive a contradiction from nPn does not amount to a construction of a number n such that Pn)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (1881-1966)

Dutch mathematician and philosopher PhD 1907 U Amsterdam best known for his topological xed-point theorem 1912 Extraordinarius at U Amsterdam worked in topology, set theory, measure theory, complex analysis, and of course foundations never lectured on topologyonly on foundations of intuitionism temporarily kept his iconoclast attitude under wraps, until 1912 (coincidence?): inaugural lecture, Intuitionisme en formalisme
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Brouwers intuitionism
Carl Posy, Intuitionism and philosophy, in Shapiro (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, Oxford University Press (2005), 318-355.

of interest to philosophers because his mathematics rests upon a unique epistemology, a special ontology, and an underlying picture of intuitive mathematical consciousness. (Posey, 319) Shapiro: strong Kantian background in Brouwer, recognizes Kant as precursor Brouwer developed intuitionism in response to Hilberts dominating formalism (practice of) nitary arithmetic: not much difference between intuitionism and formalism but they differ regarding the source of the exact validity of maths; for the intuitionist, its the human intellect, while for formalism, only on paper
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

mathematical truths not analytic (i.e., true by virtue of meaning), but synthetic (like Kant) and a priori (against Mill) antirealism in ontology and truth value (he considered realism incorrect and outdated) maths is mind-dependent, its essence is idealized mental construction maths concerns active role of mind in structuring human experience but Brouwer rejected Kantian view of geometry, particularly his view of space instead: proposal to found all of mathematics on a Kantian view of time (Shapiro, 176) (instead of geometry on the forms of our spatial perception)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

i.e., base natural numbers on forms of temporal perception when we apprehend world as linearly ordered sequence of distinct moments discrete moments give rise to natural numbers; but since our intuition also unites the continuous and discrete and gives rise immediately to the intuition of the linear continuum (177), we also obtain the rational and the real numbers then do analytic geometry based on R even geometry is ultimately grounded in our temporal perceptions

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

practice of mathematics ows from introspection of ones mind (180): The... point of view that there are no non-experienced truths... has found acceptance with regard to mathematics much later than with regard to practical life and to science. Mathematics rigorously treated from this point of view, including deducing theorems exclusively by means of introspective construction, is called intuitionistic mathematics. (Brouwer 1948, 90; cited after Shapiro, 180) in maths, to be is to be constructed incorrect to believe in existence of unknowable truths

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

The problem of the continuum

right before Brouwer enters the stage, innity came of age in mathematics (Weierstrass, Dedekind, Cantor) Brouwer: there is a problem at the heart of these accounts of innity... Problem of the continuum [T]he new set-theoretic penchant toward arbitrary sets and sequences; sets that cannot be described and sequences whose elements cannot be calculated. (Posey 322) So what was required was a novel account of the mathematical continuum on an epistemically sound basis.

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

On the mathematical side [Brouwer] provided a constructive theory of nite mathematics together with a new set theory encompassing both discrete and continuous innities. And philosophically he anchored this with special epistemological and ontological doctrines, doctrines that themselves derived from an overall phenomenological outlook. (Posey, 322)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

The constructive conception of mathematics and LEM

Brouwer constructive conception of mathematics rejection of LEM (cf. also my example in the parenthesis at the end of p. 5) Let P be a property of natural numbers and be a proposition asserting the existence of a natural number n which exemplies P : n N(Pn) So LEM would entail that either there is or is not a number n N such that Pn. On Brouwers conception this would be established if we either construct a number n N which is P , or derive a contradiction from the assumption that there is such a number. However, before we havent done either, we couldnt claim this instance of LEM, i.e., we couldnt assert nPn nPn. Generally, we cannot presuppose LEM.
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

LEM amounts to an inacceptable sort of omniscience (every proposition can be proved or be reduced to absurdity) Brouwer also rejected the use of impredicative denitions as we cannot construct an object from a pre-existing collection containing that entity to be constructed Shapiro: Brouwers conception of the nature of mathematics and its objects leads to theorems that are (demonstrably) false in classical mathematics. (181), and vice versa Example: it implied that functions from R to R are, by necessity, uniformly continuous (i.e., there are no discontinuous functions on R as they would entail instances of LEM!) The resulting mathematics is quite radically different from its classical counterpart (which have some limited use in the sciences). divorce between maths and empirical science
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Separable mathematics

separable = discrete maths produced by predicative sequential process, parallel to Cantors theory up to 0 conict with Cantors theory of higher cardinals (because he accepts reductio proofs) Brouwer has no bones with Cantors proof that the species (roughly, set) of all (constructible) innite sets of naturals is not countable but we havent thereby constructed a cardinal greater than 0 , so this species denumerably unnished

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

The continuum, set theory, and full mathematics

while at the countable level, Brouwer stays very close to Cantor, he departs from classical mathematics, however, in his theory of the continuum continuum built up from choice sequences which may or may not be fully determinate set theory: species (roughly, sets), spreads (constructive sets of sequences), fans (= a spread with only nitely many successors to each admissible nite sequence, 325) emerging intuitionistic mathematics (a) sometimes weaker than, (b) sometimes renement of, (c) sometimes inconsistent with, classical mathematics

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Intuitionistic vs. classical mathematics

(a) weaker: trichotomy that any real number is either less than, equal to, or greater than any other given real number is not true intuitionistically (b) renement: e.g., there are different ways in which a real number can fail to be rational, either it is not rational (as far as we know), or it cannot be rational (i.e., we have a constructive proof to this effect) (c) deviation: Brouwers notorious Continuity Theorem in intuitionistic maths, which states that [f]ully dened functions of real numbers are always continuous (326)
Actually this theorems comes in two forms ((2) (1), but (1) (2)):

weak form: a function cannot be both total (i.e., have a value at every point in its domain) and discontinuous at some point in its domain (ibid.) strong form: every function that is total on R[0,1] is continuous. (ibid.)
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Brouwers philosophy:
The phenomenology of intuition and constructivity

General phenomenology: individual elements of primordial consciousness we discern an order among them (temporal) attenuated mental sequences, which form building blocks of the subjects awareness of ordinary empirical objects so mind produces sequences and correlates them, willfully imposing structure on roil of consciousness

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Phenomenology of mathematics: rst act of intuitionism: breaking up of one primordial element into two and abstracting away from all particular two-ities to get empty form of common substratum of two-ities; forms phenomenological basis of arithmetical identities in particular, gives discrete innity and the continuum second act of intuitionism: generates innite entities, either through choice sequences, or more abstractly by means of equivalence relations, enables more abstract constructions

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Epistemology, intuition, and ontology

Brouwer (like Kant): mathematical knowledge is synthetic a priori a priori both in that it is non-empirical (because it arises differently from sensory knowledge) and necessary mathematical intuition is temporal and abstract, i.e. it far outstrips any sort of sensory grasp (Posey, 332) every mathematical object there is must have been constructed, i.e. existence is tied to constructibility against indirect existence proofs which rely on LEM (Hence, he accepts Cantors proof that R is uncountable without accepting the existence of an unconstructed uncountable cardinal number)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

Negative doctrines

Intolerance of classical mathematics: mathematical truths are necessary, so since classical mathematics contradicts some of these, it cant be accepted on pain of inconsistency So classical maths in fully meaningful, but necessarily false. Logic: LEM only valid at nitary stage; given the incompleteness of innite mathematics, however, LEM cannot be valid there Importantly: logic follows ontology, but cannot lead! Language: see next slide

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

The linguistic turn in foundations

logicism and formalism exhibit a focus on logic and language of maths Alberto Coffa (1991): semantic tradition; Michael Dummett (much earlier): linguistic turn Brouwer resisted that tendency, as he considered language as only the imperfect medium for communicating our mental constructions and logic as being subsidiary to mathematics, encoding the basic self-evident rules of our mental constructions

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

L E J Brouwer Intuitionistic mathematics Brouwers philosophy

in... construction... neither the ordinary language nor any symbolic language can have any other rle that that of serving as a non-mathematical auxiliary, to assist the mathematical memory or to enable different individuals to build up the same [construction]. For this reason the intuitionist can never feel assured of the exactness of a mathematical theory by such guarantees as the proof of its being non-contradictory, the possibility of dening its concepts by a nite number of words... or the practical certainty that it will never lead to a misunderstanding in human relations. (1912, 81; cited after Shapiro, 185)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Arend Heyting (1898-1980)

Dutch mathematician and logician PhD 1925 Amsterdam (under Brouwer) secondary teacher at Enschede 1925-1936 1930 Erkenntnis Symposium at Knigsberg: three-way duel between Heyting (intuitionism), Carnap (logicism), von Neumann (formalism) appointment 1936 to U Amsterdam axiomatizations of constructive theories (geometry) formalisation of intuitionistic logic, algebra, Hilbert spaces, proof theory etc Heyting algebra, Heyting arithmetic
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Heytings anti-metaphysical stance

According to Heyting, using LEM amounts to invoke illicit metaphysical arguments: If to exist does not mean to be constructed, it must have some metaphysical meaning... We have no objection against a mathematician privately admitting any metaphysical meaning he likes, but Brouwers programme entails that we study mathematics as something simpler, more immediate than metaphysics. In the study of mental mathematical constructions to exist must be synonymous with to be constructed. (Heyting 1956, 2; cited after Shapiro, 188)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Heyting sometimes went as far as claiming that mathematics is empirical (although not along Millean lines): The afrmation of a proposition is not itself a proposition; it is the determination of an empirical fact, viz., the fulllment of the intention expressed by the proposition. (1931, 59; Shapiro, ibid.) Intuitionistic mathematics consists... in mental constructions; a mathematical theorem expresses a purely empirical fact, namely the success of a certain construction. (1956, 8; ibid.) But: Brouwers own Kantianism is not metaphysically neutral!

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Heytingean intuitionism
developed a rigorous axiomatization of intuitionistic logic, Heyting predicate calculus Heyting: language of CL (and maths based on it) best understood in terms of objective truth conditions, language of IL (and maths based on it) in terms of proof conditions knowing a proposition means to produce a constructive proof of it Heyting (1930) gives a semantics from which it is clear that many instances of LEM are inadmissible Heyting semantics (Shapiro), or often Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov interpretation, or BHK interpretation, which is supposed to capture the meaning of the logical symbols in the language in which IL is cast
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Intuitionistic logic
for details, cf. Posey 336f

IL: full language of rst-order logic, includes ten axiom schemata IL contains three inference rules: modus ponens, -introduction, -elimination larger number necessary because logical particles cannot be interdened through the DeMorgan equivalences, so each symbol comes separately with an axiom but rst nine axiom schemata are equivalent to CL-minus-LEM, the axiom schemata in CL is replaced in IL by ( ). syntactically intuitionistic logic is proper subsystem of CL
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

add (standard) axioms for identity and arithmetic formal system HA for intuitionistic arithmetic (Heyting arithmetic), which is a proper subsystem of the standard PA among semantic properties of IL, philosophically most intriguing is model-theoretic approach to semantics precise semantic notion of truth and logical validity (Posey, 338) Evert Beth (1947), Saul Kripke (1965): not single model, but collection of nodes, partially ordered by accessibility relation (demonstrably faithful to IL)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

A model-theoretic counterexample to CL
model structure contains three nodes, w1 , w2 , w3 such that w2 and w3 are accessible to w1 though not to one another In Kripke models, e.g.:

is true at node w only if is true at any node w accessible to w is true at node w only if is not true at any node w accessible to w ( ) is true at w only if either is true at w or is

Suppose is true at w2 but not at w3 . is not true at w1 (from (1) and Aw3 w1 ) is not true at w1 (from (2) and Aw2 w1 ) is not true at w1 (from (3) and previous lines) counterexample to LEM
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Heytings interpretation

Heyting: not that IL is formal statement of intuitionistic ontology instead: special intuitionistic meaning of logical particles intuitionism: maths has no unknowable truths in maths: to be true is to be provable; IL result of applying this idea to semantics of connectives and quantiers truth is repalced by assertability (or provability) set out conditions of provability of propositions, as follows...

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

BHK interpretation
Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov interpretation
(Cited from Shapiro, 186)

[ is not provable.] A proof of a sentence of the form and consists of a proof of and a proof of . A proof of a sentence of the form either or consists of either a proof of or a proof of . A proof of a sentence of the form if then consists of a method for transforming a proof of into a proof of . A proof of a sentence of the form not- consists of a procedure for transforming any proof of into a proof of absurdity. In other words, a proof of not- is a proof [that] there can be no proof of . A proof of a sentence of the form for all x , (x ) consists of a procedure that, given any n, produces a proof of the corresponding sentence (n). A proof of the sentence of the form there is an x such that (x ) consists of the construction of an item n and a proof of the corresponding (n).
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Some remarks
not- is equivalent to if then one cant prove an existentially quantied sentence without showing how to construct such an x BHK interpretation is informal since construction is not dened and thus open to different interpretations It follows immediately (already at informal level) that LEM is not generally true: to prove or not- one must either deliver a proof of or give a procedure for transforming any proof of into a proof of absurdity. In case we havent done either, the statement does not hold. Once we have done either, the particular instance of tertium non datur is established.
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Heyting, formalism, and language

ironic that Heyting took such a formal approach, which seems anathema to Brouwers attitude towards language and formalism (according to, Brouwer called Heytings work a sterile exercise) but he generally shared Brouwers take on language and logic; in fact, Heyting considered mathematics to be prior to logic, the task of which it is to try to formally capture legitimate mathematical constructions, not to codify it Heytings axiomatic work brought intuitionistic mathematics under purview of proof theory typically, classical logic is used to study formal systems which employ intuitionistic logic detailed study of role of LEM in mathematics, opened space for alternative logics
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Sir Michael Anthony Eardley Dummett (1925-2011)

British analytic philosopher BA in PPE, Christ Church College, Oxford 1950 Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford 1950-1979, Wykeham Professor of Logic at Oxford 1979-1992 philosophy of language, mathematics, logic, Wittgenstein, Frege anti-racism activist Frege: Philosophy of Language (1973), Elements of Intuitionism (1977), Truth and Other Enigmas (1978), Frege: Philosophy of Mathematics (1991)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Dummettian intuitionism: meaning

Dummetts vantage point is language, since considerations regarding which logic is correct turn on meaning, which is determined by use, by its role in logical inference: The meaning of a mathematical statement determines and is exhaustively determined by its use... if two individuals agree completely about the use to be made of [a] statement, then they agree agree about its meaning... An individual cannot communicate what he cannot be observed to communicate. (Dummett 1973, 98f; cited after Shapiro, 190)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

The manifestation requirement

Thesis (Manifestation requirement) [A]nyone who understands the meaning of an expression must be able to demonstrate that understanding through her behaviourthrough her use of the expression. (191) understanding not ineffable: one understands expressions iff one knows how to use them correctly In contrast, for Frege one understands a sentence if one grasps its sense. Dummett: against Freges claims that these senses are objective (= mind-independent) entitiestheyre way to private to play any role in mathematical practice stark contrast to Brouwer and Heyting
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

From manifestation to intuitionism

Question: shouldnt mathematicians use of LEM license it? needs semantics to x legitimate or correct use For Dummett, in classical mathematics, the central notion is that of truth: a grasp of the meaning of a sentence... consists in a knowledge of what it is for that sentence to be true. Since, in general, the sentences of the language will not be the ones whose truth-value we are capable of effectively deciding, the condition for the truth of such a sentence will be one which we are not, in general, capable of recognising as obtaining whenever it obtains, or of getting ourselves into a position in which we can so recognise it. (1973, 105; cited after Shapiro, 193)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

replace truth with veriability or assertability as main constituent of semantics instead of truth conditions for formulae, we seek proof conditions for them against meaning holism: at least some parts of language can be understood independently of others particularly applies to logical terminology including connectives and quantiers offers basis on which practice can be criticized: ways logical operators are usually introduced into proofs inconsistent with classical logic In particular: rules for introducing negation and disjunction separately do not warrant LEM when combined

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Dummetts global semantic anti-realism

classical bivalent semantics: truth and knowability separate Dummetts global semantic anti-realism: all truths are knowable in principle, possibility of unknowable truth ruled out on a priori grounds This also means that if humans were capable of deciding truth values of every formula, then all instances of LEM would be sanctioned by this capability and intuitionistic logic would reduce to classical logic (even under BHK semantics). Dummetts argument could be resisted on two grounds: 1 show that there is a semantics which meets the manifestation criterion (and others) and sanctions classical logic 2 reject Dummetts framework since classical mathematics does not stand in need of the justication Dummett demands in these criteria
Christian Wthrich Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Dummetts radical generalization

radically generalizes assertabilist semantics to apply to all human language, not just mathematics IL, and not CL, will be appropriate logic not just for mathematics, but for any discourse in which there are undecidable propositions

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Arend Heyting Michael Dummett Stephen C Kleene

Stephen Cole Kleene (1909-1994)

American mathematician PhD 1934 Princeton (under Alonso Church) 1935-41 U Wisconsin Madison, 1941-42 Amherst College, 1946-79 U Wisconsin Madison developed recursion theory (with Church, Gdel, Turing, Post), mathematical intuitionism tried to connect computability of recursive functions with constructive proofs required by intuitionism (constructive proofs are those that can be realized by computation of numbers)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

Brouwers Intuitionism Brouwers followers Assessment and outlook

Taking stock
Credits: rich technical studies, mature constructivism reecting human aspect of mathematics Debits:

intuitionism is a deviation against modern norm, regarded either as messy distraction or technically quixotic curiosity (Posey, 344) internal dissonance: Brouwers (or any) metaphysical grounding of logic is poor bedfellow of Heyting-Dummett assertabilism intuitionism depends on existence of undecidable propositions that it cannot in fact construct, and whose possible existence [it...] may not assert (345) because if it specied an undecidable proposition, the assertability clause for negation would entail that the proposition is false, thus deciding it!
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Carl Posy

So that is where we are in intuitionism: a house internally divided, bent upon an eccentric technical mission, and based on a fundamental assumption which goes against its own internal standards. [...I believe that a] Kantian perspective can to serve to reconcile the opposing intuitionistic streams. (345)

Christian Wthrich

Topic 7

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