PH Biological Report

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August 1997

Department of Defense Legacy Project Number 106


Fouling organisms growing at 3 m depth on a concrete piling at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock. Projecting from the piling at center is a colony of Schizoporella errata, on which is growing a colony of Halocordyle disticha at upper right and numerous white tubes of the polychaete Salmacina dysteri at lower right. Visible among the dense fouling on the surface of the piling is the red sponge Mycale (Aegogropila) armata at upper left, many ascidians such as Phallusia nigra in the background at center left just above the Schizoporella stalk, and a colony of the bryozoan Amathia distans in the background at lower center.


Final Report prepared for the U. S. Navy

S. L. Coles R.C. DeFelice L. G. Eldredge J. T. Carlton with the assistance of R. L. Pyle A. Suzumoto

Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Hawaii Biological Survey Bishop Museum Technical Report No. 10

Honolulu, Hawaii August 1997

Published by Bishop Museum Press 1525 Bernice Street Honolulu, Hawaii

Copyright 1997 Bishop Museum All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America

ISSN 1085-455X

Contribution No. 1997-014 to the Hawaii Biological Survey


The marine and estuarine invertebrate and fish communities in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii were surveyed between January and October, 1996. Samples were taken and observations were

made at fifteen stations throughout the harbor, in a variety of environments ranging from near oceanic conditions at the harbor entrance channel to areas receiving land runoff with high sediment loads and turbidity. All organisms were identified to species or the highest practicable taxonomic level, and results were compared to previous published and unpublished marine biological surveys conducted in the harbor, published taxonomic descriptions of organisms collected from the harbor and Pearl Harbor specimens cataloged in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum collections. All data were entered on a relational database which enables tracking the appearance of individual species with time. Based on a number of criteria, nonindigenous and cryptogenic (i. e. origin unsure, but with good evidence of being introduced) species were designated and their introductions noted on a timeline beginning from the first organisms reported in Pearl Harbor in the last century.

Although Pearl Harbor was heavily utilized by Hawaiians for fishing, food gathering and fish cultivation in dozens of fishponds prior to twentieth century, it was relatively isolated from the open ocean before completion of the Pearl Harbor entrance channel in 1911. This marked the

beginning of access to the harbor of ocean going vessels with a draft of greater than 5 m and greatly increased the opportunity for species introductions. Other dramatic environmental

changes such as the increased runoff of sediment-laden water from the Pearl Harbor watershed that began in the middle of the nineteenth century, filling of fishponds and conversion of shorelines to accommodate docking of U. S. Navy ships and disposal of wastes into the harbor greatly altered the conditions in which organisms lived. The habitat of Pearl Harbor has therefore been an environment of shifting characteristics since at least the beginning of European contact at the end of the eighteenth century.

This study collected or observed a total of 434 species or higher taxa (36 algae, 1 spermatophyte, 338 invertebrate and 59 fish) from the 15 stations sampled, the highest number of taxa that have been collected for any Pearl Harbor study. Ninety six species, or about 22%, are considered to be introduced or cryptogenic. The areas of highest species richness were in the entrance channel and in Rainbow Bay at the northeast head of East Loch where number of taxa were around 150. Lowest species richness occurred in the areas of high sedimentation and turbidity at the head of West Loch where fewer than 50 taxa occurred. Dendrographs based on Sorensen Indices of Similarity of species composition among stations suggest three types of communities in the harbor, one associated with relatively oceanic conditions in channel areas, one with the highly

turbid West Loch sedimentary environment and one with conditions prevailing throughout the rest of the harbor.

Historically, a total of 1141 taxa have been reported by all sources (including the present study) for the harbor, with 1061 of these reports dated. One hundred sixty six of the total 434 taxa found in the present study are new species reports for Pearl Harbor, and 33 of these are new reports for Hawaii. Analysis of the data for numbers of taxa reported for Pearl Harbor by decade suggests three periods when there were large increases in the numbers of species reported: in the 1920s to 1930s, the 1970s and the 1990s. All of these correspond to periods of increased sampling activity in the harbor and are therefore primarily effort related.

The 96 species collected in the present study that are considered to be introduced or cryptogenic include 55 previously reported in Hawaii and considered introduced, 19 previously reported and considered cryptogenic, 14 new reports for Hawaii considered cryptogenic and eight new reports considered introduced. The eight new introductions were comprised of four bivalve molluscs, one pycnogonid, one barnacle, one grapsid crab and one ascidian. Except for the barnacle, none of these recently introduced species have attained large population sizes or wide distributions, and none appear to represent a serious competition to other species already established in Pearl Harbor or elsewhere in Hawaii. By contrast, the barnacle Chthamalus proteus, which is

widespread in the Pearl Harbor intertidal and appears to have been introduced to Hawaii since the early 1970s, is now the most abundant intertidal organism in many areas in the harbor and abounds in other Hawaiian embayments on Oahu, Maui, Hawaii and Kauai.

A total on 99 species that are considered to be nonindigenous and introduced have been collected from Pearl Harbor since sampling began at the beginning of this century. The 63 introduced species that occurred in the harbor in 1996 represent an average of 64% of total introductions, indicating a high level of persistence of introduced species after their introduction. Persistence rates by decade ranged from as high as 100% for the six species that were first collected in the harbor in 1911-1920, to 30% for the six introduced species first reported in the 1960s.

Most of the introduced species (42%) occur in tropical or temperate oceans worldwide, prohibiting conclusions about their origin of introduction. For the reminder, the majority (27%) have

previously known distributions or origins extending to the western Indo-Pacific and Red Sea, and the general Indo-Pacific region (12%). Introduced species from the eastern Pacific region

accounted for only 3% of the total introductions, and species with Atlantic and Mediterranean distributions were only 15%, with over half of these coming from the western Atlantic region.


Comparison of the present studys results with comprehensive surveys that were conducted in Pearl Harbor in the early 1970s suggests that the environmental conditions in the harbor are higher in quality and can support more stenotopic marine organisms than was the case 20 years ago. Naval shipboard effluent release in the harbor ceased in 1975, sewage discharges were removed in the 1980s except at the Fort Kamehameha outfall in the ship channel, and non-point source runoff has probably decreased in East and Middle Lochs due to completion of development and better land management practices. Probably as a result, reef corals are

beginning to colonize hard substrata in the harbor along the ship entrance channel, West Loch and Middle Loch channels, near the entrance to Southeast Loch, and even on the Hawaiian Electric Co.s discharge sheet piling and along the shoreline at Rainbow Bay in East Loch. No corals were found in the extensive studies conducted in the 1970s, and this change may suggest a reversion to conditions that probably have not existed in the harbor since pre-European contact.

In contrast to conditions that have been reported in many areas where recent introductions of nonindigenous aquatic species have eliminated native residents through rapid growth rates, competition for food resources and/or predation, we found little or no indication of monopolization of resources by a single species or population outbreaks of a recently introduced species. With the exception of the intertidal barnacle Chthamalus proteus, recently introduced species were few in number or single reports. Most previously reported introduced or cryptogenic species showed high abundances primarily in areas receiving specific environmental stress or enriched energy sources that favored the development of low diversity communities. Further studies should be conducted to determine whether other harbors and embayments in Hawaii have shown a similar levels of invasion by nonindigenous species or indications of recent introductions.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PLATES I. INTRODUCTION A. Marine Invasions as a Worldwide Problem B. Status of Native and Introduced Species in Hawaii C. Hawaiis Remote Location vs. Crossroads of World Shipping D. Pearl Harbor 1. Environmental Setting and Biological Communities 2. Historical Perspective 3. Previous Biological Studies II. METHODS A. Literature Search B. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Collections C. Field Surveys D. Data Analysis III. RESULTS A. Station Locations and Descriptions B. Benthic Macrofauna and Visual Fish Surveys C. Fish Trap Catches D. Sediment Fauna and Micromolluscs E. Comparison with Previous Pearl Harbor Reports of Marine Organisms F. Introduced Species in Pearl Harbor G. Persistence of Introduced Species H. Origins and Distributions of introduced Species F. New Species Reports and Changes in Biota IV. DISCUSSION V. REFERENCES APPENDIX A. Chronology of Important Events in Pearl Harbor APPENDIX B. Annotated Bibliography of Pearl Harbor Literature APPENDIX C. Listing of Occurrences of Marine or Estuarine Organisms Collected or Observed in Pearl Harbor from all Available Sources APPENDIX D. Station Records for Non-sediment Invertebrates and Fishes Collected or Observed in Pearl Harbor Legacy Project Surveys, 1996 161 104 i v vi viii 1 1 4 5 7 7 9 17 21 21 21 21 26 27 27 35 42 42 45 47 54 55 59 64 69 77 84

APPENDIX E. Report by Dr. E Allison Kay on Micromolluscs Sampled in 1996 Pearl Harbor Legacy Study 174 APPENDIX F. Introduced or Cryptogenic Species Collected in Pearl Harbor in 1996 APPENDIX G. Genera and Species not Previously Reported in Pearl Harbor that were Collected or Observed in 1996 APPENDIX H. List of Authors, Taxonomic Consultants and Acknowledgments LIST OF TABLES 179 183 175


Table 1 2 3 4 5 6

Title Sampling dates and activities for Pearl Harbor stations Total number of taxa observed or sampled at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996 and numbers of genera or species never previously reported in Pearl Harbor Fish and invertebrates caught in Pearl Harbor fish traps from 12 September to 23 October 1996 Organisms occurring in sediments at Pearl Harbor stations, 1996 Total reports by decade of introduced species collected or observed in Pearl Harbor in 1996 Total reports by decade of introduced species not collected or observed in Pearl Harbor in 1996

Page 23 35 43 44 55 56

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Dispersal routes of introduced species in the North and South pacific Oceans First chart of Pearl Harbor, prepared from surveys by Malden and Frembley of the HMS Blonde in 1824-25 Pearl Harbor in 1902, prior to deepening of entrance channel, dredging of lochs, or alteration of shoreline in Southeast Loch Pearl Harbor in about 1920, showing many of the fishponds that still remained after the initial development of the naval base Pearl Harbor in 1990, at full development Map of Pearl Harbor showing sampling stations Locations and dates of fish traps deployed 12 September to 23October 1996 Total Numbers of taxa and new species collected or observed at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996 survey Total taxa observed or collected at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996 Abundances of taxonomic groups at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996 Dendrograph of stations based on benthic fouling and fish species presence and absence Dendrograph of stations based on benthic fouling taxa with no fish included Dendrograph of stations based on fish taxa alone Cumulative numbers of total taxa (bars) and taxa added by decade (line) for Pearl Harbor A flow chart for determining the status of individual taxa collected and identified from Pearl Harbor Page 6 11 12 13 16 22 25 36 36 38 39 40 41 46 48

First occurrences of introduced or cryptogenic species (bars) and total taxa (line) reported by decade in Pearl Harbor 49 Distribution of Saccostrea cucullata (solid circles) and Sphenia sp. (open circles) in Pearl Harbor, 1996 51 Distribution of Chama sp. A (solid circles), C. fibula (open circles), C. lazarus (solid squares) and C. pacifica (open squares) in Pearl Harbor, 1996 51 Distributions of barnacle Chthamalus proteus.(solid circles), grapsid Nanosesarma minutum (closed circles) and ascidian Symplegma reptans (solid squares) 53 Distributions of sponges Mycale (Aegogropila) armata (solid circles), Gelliodes fibrosa (open circles), Sigmadocia cf. caerulea (open squares), Echinodictyum asperum (solid squares) and Biemna fistulosa (solid diamonds) Percent of nonindigenous species introduced by decade which were collected in the present study Origin or geographic distribution of the introduced species collected in 1996. Distribution of reef corals found in Pearl Harbor in 1996: Pocillopora damicornis (solid circles), Pocillopora meandrina (open circles). Leptastrea purpurea (solid squares), Porites compressa (open square), Montipora patula (solid diamond) LIST OF PLATES

53 54 57

21 22 23



Plate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Title Space Shuttle telephoto showing Pearl Harbor on the Ewa plain between the Koolau Mountains to the right and the Waianae Range to the left Hawaiian rock oyster Ostrea sandvichensis on wooden piling at Station 2, Middle Loch channel

Page 8 18

Soft bodied sea cucumber Ophiodesoma spectablis, first indentified and described from specimens collected in 1906 from near Station 15 in Rainbow Bay, East Loch 18 Pocillopora damicornis coral at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock, at 3 m depth Porites compressa coral at Station 2, West Loch Channel at 4 m depth Heavy growth of polychaete tubeworm Chaetopterus variopedatus at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock Polychaete tubeworm Salmacina dysteri with red sponge Mycale (Aegogropila) armata at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock Colony of the bryozoan Amathia distans and polychaete tubeworms Chaetopterus variopedatus at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock 28 28 30 30 31

Solitary tunicate Phallusia nigra, red sponge Mycale (Aegogropila) armata and tubeworm Chaetopterus variopedatus on piling at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock 31 Colonies of the introduced gorgonian Carijoa (=Telesteo) riisei growing on piling at Station 6, Hospital Point 32



A. Marine Invasions as a Worldwide Problem

Since the 1970s a striking surge of exotic species invasions, largely resulting from shipping activities, has occurred in harbors, ports, and other coastal ecosystems around the world (Carlton, 1987, 1989, 1996c). However, human-mediated transport of nonindigenous species is not a new phenomenon. Vessels have sailed across and between oceans for thousands of years, and there is little question that they have transported boring organisms such as shipworms and gribbles and fouling organisms such as barnacles and seaweeds (Carlton, 1992b; Carlton and Hodder, 1995). However, because few marine biological surveys are available prior to the mid-nineteenth century - thousands of years after ocean-going vessels first crossed the seas and 500 years after European-based exploration and colonization began - the scale of these early transports remains largely speculative. Nevertheless, some of the earliest biological collections from Pacific Rim ports - such as barnacles collected in the 1850s in San Francisco Bay - revealed that introductions had indeed already occurred (Carlton and Zullo, 1969).

Global exploration and colonization by ships were not the only means of introduction of non-native species (Carlton, 1992a, 1994). Simultaneous with human colonization around the world was the transport of foods from the colonists' homelands, such that many edible species were transported and released in bays and estuaries in the hopes of establishing new harvestable resources. An important example of this was the global movement of commercial oysters, commencing after the mid-nineteenth century. Accompanying them were the many species that lived on and in the oyster shells as epizoics, predators, commensals, and parasites. Often the oysters died out, never to become established or support new fisheries, whereas the species unintentionally transported with the oysters often flourished (Carlton, 1979).

An inevitable result of these and other commercial activities was to produce the initial stages of a global harbor dwelling biota, with the same species of barnacles, sea squirts and bryozoans often occurring around the world in major port estuaries with similar climates. Many of these species came to be so widely distributed that they were recognized in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as part of a so-called "natural" cosmopolitan biota whose modern distributions had resulted from centuries of post-invasion dispersal. The result of this dispersion is that numbers of introduced species are almost always underestimated in marine environments which are subjected to human activities that transport species. Many such species must now be recognized as cryptogenic because their natural distribution is now obscured (Carlton, 1996a).

With this "background" cosmopolitan harbor biota having been seeded and spread through the centuries, a new wave of invasions began to appear in the last quarter of the twentieth century, despite the fact that modern, global commercial shipping has been in place for well over a century. Carlton (1996b) has examined six hypotheses that attempt to explain this apparent new invasion surge, which, in some regions, appears to continue essentially unabated. Cohen and Carlton (1995) have estimated that a new invasion now occurs in San Francisco Bay on the average of one new species every 12 to 24 weeks, and new introductions continue to be documented (Cohen et al., 1995; Gosliner, 1995; Mills and Sommer, 1995, Cohen and Carlton, 1997). The responsible vector for many of these invasions is the ballast (not bilge) water of ocean-going ships (Carlton, 1985). Ballast water is taken up in one port or coastal and released at distant ports or coastal regions, inoculating regions across or between oceans with a rich diversity of holoplanktonic and meroplanktonic life (Carlton and Geller, 1993). It is estimated that 3000 or more species are now moved globally on a daily basis in ships' ballast water and sediments.

Since the 1970s critical changes in dominant and functionally dominant species of coastal ecosystems have resulted from these invasions and are now found on virtually every studied coastline:

In California scores of ballast-mediated invasions appeared in San Francisco Bay in the 1980s and 1990s - notable among them being the Chinese river clam Potamocorbula amurensis, which has established populations in the hundreds of millions in the Bay, sufficient to strip the bay of phytoplankton blooms that form the basis of the food chain (Carlton et al., 1990).

In the Great Lakes of the United States and Canada, a series of mollusc, crustacean, and fish invasions commencing in the early 1980s - all due to ballast water - led to striking ecosystem alterations and tens of millions of dollars in management costs. The most famous of these species, which single-handedly resulted in federal government legislation on the control of ballast water, is the European zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (and its sibling species the quagga mussel Dreissena bugensis) (Nalepa and Schloesser, 1992). A major fouling organism that blocks water pipes and water treatment plants, Dreissena has, like the Chinese river clam in San Francisco Bay, led to fundamental ecosystem alterations in North American freshwater ecosystems. The economic costs of cleaning clogged pipes and water intakes plugged by the uncontrolled growth this species have been estimated to be between $2 and $3 billion by the end of this century (Ruiz et al., 1995).

In the Gulf of Mexico, the fouling mussel Perna perna appeared in the late 1980s and began to spread along Texas coast jetties to the point that it now forms monospecific reefs (Hicks and Tunnell, 1993). Perna is believed to have been introduced by ballast water or in a ship's fouling community - perhaps in the sea chests of bulk carriers on global trade routes.

In Long Island Sound, the Japanese shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus became the second most common intertidal crab by 1996, following its invasion of the Sound in 1993 (Carlton, pers. obs.). It was first found in New Jersey in 1988, where it is believed to have been introduced by ballast water (McDermott, 1991).

In the Black and Azov Seas a North American comb jellyfish (ctenophore), Mnemiopsis leidyi, was introduced by ballast water in the early 1980s, and within ten years had become a primary cause of the demise of the anchovy fishery, leading to millions of dollars of lost revenue and jobs (Shushkina et al. 1990).

In Australia in the late 1980s, Japanese red tide-causing dinoflagellates (Alexandrium spp.) closed commercial shellfish operations, a Japanese seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) began to proliferate across sublittoral ecosystems, and a Japanese starfish (Asterias amurensis) became abundant on natural abalone beds. All were introduced by ballast water (Sanderson, 1990; Hallegraeff and Bolch, 1991; Buttermore et al. 1994).

These are only a few examples of hundreds of invasions that began to first appear in new regions in the last quarter century. As noted above, the majority of these invasions are believed to be related to shipping activities and specifically to ballast water release. Contributing to this late twentieth century surge of invasions may be a number of factors, including faster and larger ships, the universal adaptation of segregated ballast tanks and thus cleaner ballast water (without petroleum contamination), and improved water quality conditions both in donor and recipient regions. This could lead to higher diversity in the former regions (thus more species to "donate" to transport corridors such as ballast water) and to higher susceptibility to invasions in the latter regions (Carlton, 1996b). These and other factors may operate synergistically, and, as in the case of Pearl Harbor discussed below, port water quality may have improved over the last decade. In addition, ship fouling - long "depressed" by advanced antifouling chemicals, faster ships and low port residency times - may be on the increase due to the decreased usage of Tri Butyl Tin-based antifouling paints (A. Taylor, BHP, Australia, personal communication, 1996).

The total number of new global invasions recorded since the 1970s remains to be calculated. Such is the frequency of invasions worldwide that every major port (especially those that have not been resurveyed since the 1970s or early 1980s) receiving international shipping that has been investigated has revealed new invasions, suggesting that species introductions are steadily increasing.

B. Status of Native and Introduced Marine Species in Hawaii

An estimated 6500 marine species are known from Hawaiian waters, with approximately 1100 (17%) considered to be endemic (occurring only in Hawaii) (Allison et al., 1995). The most

diverse animal groups are the cnidarians, parasitic flatworms, molluscs, polychaete annelids, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

The marine and aquatic organisms of Hawaii have recently been reviewed in regard to their status as introduced or cryptogenic species (Carlton and Eldredge, ms in prep.). To date more than 150 marine and brackish water species are considered to be introduced or cryptogenic. The majority of these species are sponges, polychaete annelids, molluscs, crustaceans, and bryozoans. Recently introduced aquatic species reported in Hawaii include the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Eldredge, 1995), some bivalve molluscs (Paulay, 1996) and the Asian freshwater clam Corbicula. A number of species need further investigation to determine whether or not they might be introduced.

The potential importance of species invasions in Hawaii has recently received attention. In 1992, the transport of a floating drydock, the USS Machinist, to Pearl Harbor from Subic Bay, Philippines caused considerable concern for the potential opportunity this large structure might present for introducing nonindigenous species into Pearl Harbor and from there elsewhere to Hawaii. The policies and legislation pertaining to marine species introductions into Hawaiian waters have been described and needed programs for increasing public awareness of this issue have been proposed (Mundy, 1994). The subject has even received recent coverage in a Hawaiian shipping industry publication (Pochereva, 1996).

C. Hawaiis Remote Location vs. Crossroads of World Shipping

The main Hawaiian Islands are the most isolated land area in the world, lying more than 2666 miles (4300 kilometers) from the nearest major landfalls in North America and the South Pacific and more than 3968 miles (6400 kilometers) from Japan, the nearest Asian land mass. Prior to the arrival of Europeans in the Islands in the late eighteenth century, the only opportunity for introductions of new species of marine benthic organisms or non-pelagic fishes to Hawaiian waters was in fouling communities attached to drifting objects or infrequently arriving Polynesian canoes from the South Pacific, or by settlement of planktonic larvae that had survived the time required to be carried to Hawaii by ocean currents.

In the 81 years after European discovery of the Hawaiian Islands in 1778, more than 300 ships from foreign ports made landfall in Hawaii, with the maximum number of arrivals (78) occurring in the 1840s, coinciding with the peak of whaling activity and the discovery of gold in California (Judd, 1920). This was only the beginning of Hawaiis interaction with the outside world, and shipping traffic continued to increased as steam replaced sail and Hawaii commercial and shipping requirements expanded with urbanization and development of the plantation-based economy.

Development of Hawaii as a crossroads of the Pacific Ocean has meant increasing frequency of ship and boat arrivals and increased probability of introductions of nonindigenous marine species from foreign origins. Carlton (1987) analyzed the potential dispersal patterns from ports in the Pacific and determined at least 14 intra-oceanic and four inter-oceanic routes for introduced species (Figure 1). Of these, Hawaii is the major receiver area, with incoming transport routes from six major origins within the Pacific, four from the western Pacific, one from French Polynesia, and one from western North America. An additional inter-oceanic route to Hawaii may originate in the Atlantic Oceanic through the Panama Canal.

Figure 1. Dispersal routes of introduced species in the North and South Pacific Oceans (from Carlton, J. T. (1987). Patterns of transoceanic marine biological invasions in the Pacific Ocean. Bull Mar Sci. 41:452-465).

Carlton (1987) estimated a total of 25 to 28 Western Pacific and two Pacific Coast species to have been transported to Hawaii, but surmised that investigations would show the actual number to be many times greater, especially in the fouling and benthic communities of Kaneohe Bay and Pearl Harbor. To date no studies have been conducted to specifically define the presence or abundance of nonindigenous marine organisms in Hawaiian waters which would revise or refine the Carlton (1987) estimates. The present study, conducted in Pearl Harbor, compares the

marine and estuarine organisms sampled in 1996 with all previous reports of organisms collected from the harbor with the objective of detecting recent introductions.

D. Pearl Harbor

1. Environmental Setting and Biological Communities

According to Handy and Handy (1972) the original Hawaiian name for Pearl Harbor was Ke-awalau-o-Puuloa (The Many Harbors of Puuloa), or Awawa-lei (Garland of Harbors). Another early name used for the harbor was Waimomi or Pearl River (Sterling and Summers, 1978). Pearl Harbor is a coastal plain estuary located between the Koolau and Waianae mountain ranges in central Oahu, Hawaii (Plate 1). The harbor is the most landlocked large estuarine body of water in Hawaii and has about 8 square miles (21 square kilometers) of surface water area with a mean depth of 28 feet (9.2 meters) and about 36 miles (58 kilometers) of shoreline. It is divided into three main lochs (East, Middle and West Lochs) and one smaller loch (Southeast Loch) which are remnants of drowned river valleys joined together by a main channel connecting the harbor with the open ocean. With this relative isolation of the harbor from oceanic circulation, water exchange of the harbor with the open ocean is relatively slow, and residence time of water within the harbor has been estimated as about six days maximum for bottom water and one to three days for surface water (Grovhoug, 1992).

Water temperature in the harbor varies annually from 23 to 29 C, and salinities have ranged from 10 to 37%0 (mean 33%0). Salinity is highly influenced by terrestrial and ground water runoff, especially at the heads of the three main lochs. The harbor receives five perennial streams and three intermittent streams draining approximately 109 square miles (285 square kilometers) of watershed and the discharges from five large springs along the lochs shorelines. Warming of surface water and freshwater discharge contribute to the development of a pronounced vertical stratification of harbor waters, which in turn promotes differing current conditions between surface and bottom and relative isolation between surface and bottom water masses. Surface water circulation is primarily offshore and driven by tradewinds, while weak tidal flood and ebb flows of 0.15-0.3 m/s control the movement of bottom water in and out of the harbor (Grovhoug, 1992).

Vegetation along the shoreline is dominated by mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) at the heads of the three main lochs, which has formed dense growths of bushes and trees up to 10 m high. Elsewhere the shoreline vegetation is cultivated grass, trees and plants in populated areas and kiawe trees (Prosopis sp.) along channels.

Plate 1. Space Shuttle telephoto showing Pearl Harbor on the Ewa plain between the Koolau Mountains to the right and the Waianae Range to the left. The water of Pearl Harbor has apparently always been relatively turbid from stream runoff and other sources of sediment. A traditional Hawaiian chant recites Ewas lagoon is red with dirt/A plumage red on the taro leaf/ An ocherous tint in the bay (Emerson, 1909). However, runoff related sedimentation undoubtedly increased dramatically in the nineteenth century with deforestation, ranching and grazing of hillsides, declining use of taro ponds which would act to retain storm water, and development of sugar cane cultivation. S. Bishop (1901, in Sterling and Summers, 1978) described her memories of Pearl Harbor of 1836: The lochs or lagoons of Pearl Harbor were not then as shoal as now. The subsequent occupation of the uplands by cattle denuded the country of herbage and caused vast quantities of earth to be washed down by storms into the lagoons. This resulted in the harbor historically being a highly turbid environment, with thick deposits of fine silt on the bottom throughout most of the lochs. Stream input of sediments have been estimated to exceed 96 thousand tons annually, and maintenance dredging of about nine million cu. yd. has been required by the Navy on four to five year cycles (Nystedt, 1977 in Grovhoug, 1992). Turbidity measurements indicated by Secchi disk readings in 1990 averaged only 2.5 m harbor-wide, resulting from suspended sediments and organic material produced by eutrophic conditions (Grovhoug, 1992).

Since the beginning of this century Pearl Harbor has been the center of Pacific Naval Operations and the Pearl Harbor Naval Base, with berthing and maintenance facilities for hundreds of ships. In addition, two recreational marinas are located in the harbor at Iroquois Point near the channel

entrance and at Rainbow Bay at the head of East Loch. Development of the naval base and urbanization of the watershed areas has greatly altered the shoreline and quality of water entering the harbor in this century. At one time more than 100 treated or untreated sewage discharges were estimated to enter the harbor, and coliform bacterial levels indicated extremely polluted conditions. Heavy metals and pesticides in sediments indicated further environmental

degradation. These conditions have been largely abated in the last twenty years with the removal of sewage effluents from the harbor and changes in naval operations (Grovhoug, 1992).

Early reports (see below) abound describing the abundance of fish and shellfish in Pearl Harbor and the importance of the area as a major Hawaiian population center supported by numerous and extensive fish ponds. According to Handy and Handy (1972) the bays of the harbor offered the most favorable locality in all the Hawaiian islands for the building of fish ponds and fish traps into which deep sea fish came on the inflow of tidal water(the bays) provided a greater variety and abundance of edible shellfish, and were famous as the summer home of mullet. Like many aspects of the Hawaiian culture, fish traps and fishing in the harbor declined in the nineteenth century. However, more than 30 fish traps still existed by the early 1930s (Costa-Pierce, 1987) and oysters introduced in the 1920s thrived for a time. By 1972 the number of fishponds had decreased by 1972 to four, and 99% of the oysters in Pearl Harbor died that year from an undetermined cause that appeared related to a fungal infection (Kawamoto and Sakuda, 1973). Even at that time, however, an extensive survey of the harbors biota revealed a diverse and abundant estuarine community (Evans et al., 1974), and abundant fish and invertebrates continued into the 1990s when water quality improved (Grovhoug, 1992).

This brief introduction to the physical and biological characteristics of Pearl Harbor points out the uniqueness of its environment in Hawaii and suggests many events that could have influenced the capacity of the harbor to receive, support and propagate introduced marine species. These

events are described below and discussed from the perspective of their possible influence on producing changes in the harbors biodiversity, as well as affecting marine communities in Hawaii.

2. Historical Perspective

A detailed chronology of events important in the development, utilization and ecology of Pearl Harbor is presented and referenced in Appendix A. These events are here reviewed in terms of their potential for influencing biodiversity in Pearl Harbor and promoting introduction of exotic species into harbor habitats.

The events can be grouped into four main periods. In the first period, prior to the twentieth century and the construction of the Pearl Harbor entrance channel, the harbor was more restricted

from the open ocean by a sand barrier at the entrance which limited depth to about 5 m and prohibited access of all but the most shallow draft ocean going vessels (Figures 2 and 3). The harbor may have been even more isolated in the past if the legend of the deepening and widening of the channel by the chief Keauniu is accepted. With a more restricted ocean access, the harbor is likely to have been less saline, considerably more estuarine and much less likely to have received immigrant species that could have colonized and prospered in the relatively pristine environment that characterized the harbor waters at that time. Prior to European contact and through most of the last century, the harbor was intensively utilized by Hawaiians and supported the abundant fishponds and shellfish, including the pearl oysters from which the harbor derived its English name. Water quality was reportedly high and sedimentation and turbidity low until

damaging land practices in the mid-nineteenth century increased the sediment load of land runoff reaching the harbor. The first attempts to introduce a non-native species, the commercial oyster Crassostrea virginica, apparently were of only limited success, perhaps because of relatively low levels of phytoplankton productivity or detrital food in the water at that time. Other intentional introductions in this period were mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), sailfin mollys (Mollinesia latipinna) and kilifish (Fundulis grandis) in 1905, and the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) which probably began colonizing the harbor shores not long after it was introduced to Molokai in 1902 (Wagner, et al, 1990).

The second period was from about 1910 to 1940, beginning with the completion of the entrance channel and ending with the start of World War II (Figure 4). With the access provided by the dredged channel, ocean going vessels were no longer restricted from the harbor, and the potential for introduction of exotic marine species from hull fouling or ballast water increased dramatically. The first collections of introduced marine species in the harbor other than cultured organisms occurred just after the turn of the century. Following completion of the entrance channel in 1911, many habitats of the harbor were drastically altered as shorelines, especially in the Southeast Loch and Ford Island areas, were converted to docks and naval operations facilities. Formerly shallow areas in the lochs were deepened by dredging to accommodate ships, and fish ponds in the vicinity of the naval base were filled with dredged material. Urbanization of the East Loch area progressed as the Pearl City area was developed, and the HECO Waiau Power Station began discharging heated effluent. Discharge of sewage waste, pollution by metals from shipyard


Figure 2. First chart of Pearl Harbor, prepared from surveys by Malden and Frembley of the HMS Blonde in 1824-25. Note minimum depth at channel entrance of 2 1/2 fathoms and 3 fathoms at entrance to Middle Loch.


Figure 3. Pearl Harbor in 1902, prior to deepening of entrance channel, dredging of lochs, or alteration of shoreline in Southeast Loch (Map from Paradise of the Pacific; Anon. 1902, 15(12), based on latest government surveys).


Figure 4. Pearl Harbor in about 1920, showing many of the fishponds that still remained after the initial development of the naval base. Of these only the four underlined still existed in 1972 (adapted from Grovhoug, 1992 and based on an undated Oahu Fisheries chart).


activities and nutrification of waters receiving runoff from sugarcane cultivation can all be assumed to have increased greatly during this period. Further attempts to introduce eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) as commercial species were made, which apparently established a breeding and thriving population, especially in West Loch. Introductions of Japanese clams

(Venerupis (Ruditapes) philippinarum) and Japanese oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were also attempted.

In the third period, from 1940 to 1970, Pearl Harbor ship traffic and shipyard activities were at their peak and the environmental quality of the harbor reached its lowest point. Introduced marine species were sampled from fouling on ships and barges brought into the harbor, and at least one of species thought to be introduced by this means, the alga Acanthophora spicifera, became dominant throughout Hawaiis marine environment (Doty, 1961). Alteration of the shoreline and nearshore areas in the harbor continued, and all but four of the more than 30 fishponds that had still remained in 1920 were eliminated. The harbor became a receiving vessel for an estimated more than 100 treated or untreated sewage discharges and uncontrolled runoff from sugarcane plantations and mill wastes. Non-point pollution sources from hillsides under urban development and naval shipyard activities further degraded water quality. Coliform bacterial counts at stream mouths in East Loch and near oyster beds in West Loch ranged from hundreds of thousands to billions of bacteria per 100 ml. Possibly because of such a ready, albeit polluted, supply of particulate food, the oyster population soared, reaching an estimated 36 million oysters in West Loch in the 1960s. However, this was followed by a massive die-off of 99% of the oyster population in West Loch and a fish and invertebrate kill in Middle Loch in 1972 (Kawamoto and Sakuda, 1973).

Early in the final period from 1970 to the present, the first major surveys of Pearl Harbor water quality, sediment pollution load and biological communities were conducted by the Navy and by the Hawaiian Electric Co. for its thermal outfall in East Loch. Despite the considerably degraded conditions in the harbor at that time and the occurrence of the mass mortalities described above, the Navy survey (Evans, et al., 1974) found 394 species or higher taxa, including 90 species of fish from 46 families, living in the harbor environment. Diverse communities were also found by the HECO surveys. Although the studies were not evaluated from the standpoint of introduction of introduced species, their extensive data provides a resource for investigating this question per conditions of twenty years ago and comparing with results of the present study.


These studies in the early 1970s preceded the removal of substantial pollution sources from the harbor. In 1975 the Navy instituted shipboard wastewater collection, holding and transfer tank systems to replace release of vessel wastewater effluents into the harbor. Between 1982 and 1984 sewage effluent discharge ended from all major sources except the Fort Kamehameha plant, which still discharges treated sewage near the harbor entrance. Urbanization of hillsides of the East and Middle Loch watersheds moderated as developments were completed, and better land management practices during construction helped to alleviate surface runoff related sedimentation, although this continues to be a problem in West Loch. Generally, Pearl Harbor water quality is indicated to have generally improved substantially since its low point in the 1970s. A 1990 study in the East and Southeast Lochs indicated that, water quality parameters were within acute state water quality standards and that sediment concentrations were significantly less than 1972 values for most metals, although polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were substantially elevated in the Southeast Loch shipyard area (Grovhoug, 1992).

Two major petroleum hydrocarbon spills have occurred in Pearl Harbor, one of 100,000 gallons of aviation fuel at the head of Middle Loch in 1987 (AECOS, 1987) and one in 1996 of an estimated 39,000 gallons (982 barrels) of bunker fuel oil from the Chevron pipeline supplying the HECO station at the head of East Loch. The 1987 spill produced leaf yellowing, defoliation and some mortality for in about 9.5 acres of mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) along the Middle Loch shoreline (AECOS, 1987). The 1996 spill resulted in intense oiling of the intertidal flats at the point of discharge near the HECO station intake, and deposition of oil and tar in the intertidal zone along the shores of Ford Island and Waipio Peninsula that were in the direct path of the oil spill. Although initial mortality to marine organisms or birds was only four pufferfishes and two prawns, other organisms within the intertidal were directly exposed to oil and tar deposits which remained after the initial spill. The long term consequences of this spill on the intertidal and other

communities in Pearl Harbor have not been assessed.

Opportunities for species introductions into Pearl Harbor have existed since the first Polynesians came to Oahu and have continued to the present, and colonizing organisms could have established themselves for the last half century from hull fouling or discharge of ballast water by ships within the harbor as part of their normal operations. However, an event which triggered substantial renewed interest in species introductions into the harbor was the relocation of the floating drydock Machinist from Subic Bay, Philippines in 1992. In correspondence and public affairs releases the Navy affirmed that the hull had been thoroughly cleaned and inspected before leaving the Philippines and the drydock deballasted at sea, that water from ballast tanks had been microscopically inspected for pathogens, and that the hull had been inspected and additional


Figure 5. Pearl Harbor in 1990, at full development. All fishponds have been filled, including the large Loko Hanaloa and Loko Eo which formerly comprised a large part of Waipio Peninsula, and the shoreline of Southeast Loch has been greatly altered (from Grovhoug, 1992).


cleaning performed on arrival. However, no investigations have been made of whether marine introductions from this drydock have occurred or whether such introductions have had any measurable impact on the biota of Pearl Harbor or Hawaii.

The present study is the first attempt to evaluate the extent and impact of species introductions into Pearl Harbor in terms of the systems natural biodiversity. The latter concept is illusive, since the above historical summary has shown that the physical environment and ecology of the harbor has undergone numerous changes in the last hundred years, and extensive data on the characteristics of the biological communities of the harbor were first determined only twenty years ago. Nonetheless, analysis of species introductions will be attempted based upon the information available for species records in the harbor and knowledge of the origins and normal distributions of exotic species.

3. Previous Biological Studies

Information on the marine and estuarine life of Pearl Harbor prior to the year 1900 is sketchy. Pearl oysters and other mollusks were reported from what was to become the modern Pearl Harbor as early as the eighteenth century (Appendix A). Early expeditions collected marine

invertebrates, particularly mollusks, from Pearl Harbor, before 1850 (thus, for example, the type locality of the mussel Brachidontes crebristriatus, described by Conrad in 1837, is Pearl Harbor (Kay, 1979, p. 511). Newspaper accounts exist of the introduction into Pearl Harbor of the Atlantic oyster Crassostrea virginica from the 1860s to the 1890s (Kay, 1979). Indicative of the absence of formal surveys is that the first living organisms collected from Pearl Harbor that are in the Bishop Museum collections date only from 1902, and were collected by J. W. Thompson and the U.S. S. Albatross. Rathbun (1906) described many crabs that had been taken from Pearl Harbor, and the type specimen of the soft sea cucumber Ophiodesoma spectabilis (Plate 3) was described by Fisher (1907) from a specimen that had been collected from Rainbow Bay at the head of the Harbors East Loch. After 1910 collecting activity, especially of molluscs (Plate 2), increased in the harbor. Taxonomic descriptions and monographs on Hawaiian marine molluscs and other fouling organisms were published up through the 1930s which included many type specimens collected from Pearl Harbor (Pilsbry, 1917, 1921, 1928; Bartsch, 1921; Miller, 1924; Dall, Bartsch and Rehder, 1938). Pilsbry (1928) also published a report of the first barnacles collected from Pearl Harbor in 1913.


Plate 2. Hawaiian rock oyster Ostrea sandvichensis on wooden piling at Station 2, Middle Loch channel. (Photo by John Hoover).

Plate 3. Soft bodied sea cucumber Ophiodesoma spectabilis, first identified and described from specimens collected in 1906 from near Station 15 in Rainbow Bay, East Loch. (Photo by S. Arthur Reed).


Earlier work on fouling organisms was later expanded on by C. H. and Edmondson and W. M. Ingram who sampled fouling panels in Pearl Harbor in 1936. This study was the basis of series of papers on Hawaiian fouling organisms (Ingram, 1937; Edmondson and Ingram, 1939; Edmondson, 1940, 1942, 1944) Additional work on Pearl Harbor fouling was done in the 1940s by Hutchins (1944, 1949). Other studies by Edmondson in Pearl Harbor during the 1930s

produced reports of the first introductions of crustacean crabs into the harbor (Edmondson, 1931).and collections of the first caprellid amphipods (Edmondson and Mansfield,1948) and isopods (Miller, 1941). Access to the harbor was restricted during World War II, but some

sampling by C. H. Edmondson continued. Buoy fouling communities were extensively sampled by the U. S. Navy and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution during World War II in Pearl Harbor (Hutchins, 1944), but few of these samples were ever formally worked up (an exception being the work of Miller (1968) on isopods from these buoys). The increased opportunity for species

introductions during this period of high shipping activity was reflected in numerous reports of nonindigenous species introductions sampled in the 1940s and early 1950s (Edmondson 1951, 1952, 1954; Doty, 1961). This period also marked the first sampling and identification of Pearl Harbor sponges (de Laubenfels, 1950).

The only significant sampling activity in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor in the 1960s was done outside of the harbor entrance by the privately owned research vessel Pele. However, in the 1970s the most comprehensive sampling which has been done in the harbor was conducted. Long (1969, 1970, 1972) conducted fouling studies inside and outside of the harbor on contract to the U. S. Navy. The Naval Undersea Center (NUC) conducted its own extensive biological studies of the East, Southeast, and Middle Loch areas of the harbor that has been the most comprehensive study of the harbors ecology to date (Evans, et al. 1971, 1972, 1974; Grovhoug, 1976). Further studies were made of the biological effects of the Navys three small power stations in Southeast Loch (Grovhoug, 1979), and Hawaiian Electric conducted extensive marine environmental and biological studies in the vicinity of its Waiau Power Station in East Loch (McCain, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1977). The combined results of these studies more than doubled the total number of taxa that had been reported for Pearl Harbor during the previous six decades.

Environmental studies by the Navy continued in Pearl Harbor during the 1980s and 1990s (Grovhoug and Rastetter, 1980; Grovhoug et al., 1987; Grovhoug, 1992; Seligman et al., 1989a, 1989b; Lenihan, 1990), and at least 15 project related marine environmental studies were conducted by private consultants during this period. Marine monitoring continued in the vicinity of at the Waiau Power Station outfall (Brock, 1994, 1995). Reports of taxa were somewhat

increased by these activities, but not nearly to the extent that occurred in the 1970s.


The present study is the first attempt to comprehensively examine Pearl Harbor marine and estuarine biological communities since the NUC study of the early 1970s. Many stations in the East, Southeast and Middle Lochs originally sampled in the NUC study and by the HECO Environmental Department were re-sampled in the present study to detect specific changes in the biota that may have occurred in the approximate 20 years between the surveys. In addition, stations were located in West Loch, which was not sampled in the NUC study, in order to more comprehensively determine the composition of the present Pearl Harbor biological communities.



A. Literature Search

A variety of sources of information on the environmental conditions and biological communities of Pearl Harbor were examined. Literature consulted included published papers in the open

scientific literature, taxonomy-based monographs and books reporting organisms collected from Pearl Harbor, unpublished reports for environmental studies in the harbor performed by and for the U. S. Navy and private organizations, and newspaper and magazine articles that were concerned with the development or environmental and biological communities of the harbor. Resources that were consulted in this search were the libraries of Bishop Museum, the University of Hawaii, and the Pacific Division, Naval Facilities Command at Pearl Harbor. Environmental reports and Environmental Impact Statements and Assessments were reviewed from the University of Hawaii Environmental Center, the Hawaiian Electric Co. Environmental Department and AECOS Inc. Appendix B. An annotated bibliography of all the literature assembled is presented in

B. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Collections

Bishop Museum collections for algae, invertebrates, malacology and ichthyology were reviewed for all marine or estuarine organisms indicated to have been collected in or near the entrance of Pearl Harbor. For the malacology and ichthyology collections this involved noting the specimens in the collection catalogs that were designated as collected from Pearl Harbor and entering these on a database with information on species name, year of collection, collectors name, and collectors notes if available. For the algal and invertebrate collections the entire collections were entered on a database and the Pearl Harbor specimens were retrieved by computer query. The retrieved data were combined and assembled into a general computer Access database of Pearl Harbor organisms which have been cataloged and stored in Bishop Museum. This information is included with the general listing of all taxa in Pearl Harbor developed from all sources and presented in Appendix C.

C. Field Surveys

Benthic biota were sampled and observations of fishes were made at 15 stations in 1996. Station locations are shown in Figure 6, and dates of sampling and descriptions of type sampling activity are given in Table 1. Eight sampling sites in Southeast, East and Middle Lochs and in the


Figure 6. Map of Pearl Harbor showing sampling stations.

Table 1. Sampling dates and activities for Pearl Harbor stations. SL=Shoreline, BF=Benthic Fouling, BC=Benthic Sediments, FO=Fish Observations Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Depths Sampled (m) 0.5-4.0 0.5-2.0 0-4.0 0-1.0 0.5-1.0 0-0.5 0-5.0 0-0.5 0.5-2.0 0-0.5 0-5.0 0-5.0 0-7.0 0-8.0 0-8.0 0-5.0 1.0-5.0 0-7.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-0.5 0-2.0 Sampling Date 13Feb96 30Apr96 16Apr96 6Feb96 16Apr96 16Apr96 30Apr96 11Jan06 27Feb96 13Feb96 21Feb96 27Feb96 12Sep96 18Sep96 2Apr96 2Apr96 27Mar96 21Mar96 12Mar96 21Mar96 11Jan96 5Feb96 NUC Analogue BC11 BW13 None None None BC10 BC09 BC07 None Sampling Activity BF BS FO BF FO BF BS FO SL BF BS FO BF BS FO BF BS FO SL BF BS FO SL BF BF BC FO SL BF BF BS FO BF BS FO BF FO BF FO BF BS FO SL BF BS FO BF BS FO BF BS FO BF BS FO BF BS FO SL BF BF BS FO

10 11 12 13 14 15

BE17 BE03 BE05 None None None


entrance and West Loch channels corresponded to previous sites used in the 1971-73 NUC study (Evans et al., 1974). In addition, three stations were located in West loch, one in Middle Loch at the moored USS Machinist, and three in East Loch which were not sampled in the NUC study.

Sampling at each station consisted of collecting fouling organisms growing on hard surfaces from the intertidal zone to the bottom, which ranged in depth from 0.5 to 8 m for stations not at the shoreline. Collections were made by two experienced investigators sampling as large a variety of habitats as possible while snorkeling or using scuba. Both organisms and the substrata they were growing in were collected, retained in a 200 nm mesh net and then preserved in 70% alcohol on site before returning the samples to the laboratory for sorting and identification of organisms. Investigators also recorded presence of megafauna, macroalgae and fish species observed at each station.

Sediment-dwelling organisms and their substratum were collected at Stations 1-14 by inserting a 12.5 cm cylinder 15 cm into the sediment, closing off the bottom and top with lids and then transporting the sample to the laboratory where it was sieved through a 0.5 mm mesh size screen. A subsample of 10 to 25 cm was retained from each sample for determination of micromollusc populations.

Specimens collected were sorted and identified to species or the highest practicable taxa, using dissecting or compound microscope magnification where necessary. Identifications were made using descriptions available in Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii Sections 1 to 4 (published) and 5 to 6 (unpublished), various taxonomic references, and voucher specimens in the Bishop Museum collections. Specimens from various groups were sent to taxonomic experts for identification or verification of preliminary identifications (see Acknowledgments).

A trapping program was conducted for six weeks from 12 September to 23 October 1996 at stations in East, Middle and West Lochs and the entrance channel. Locations and dates for the trap deployments are shown in Figure 7. Traps were rectangular (79x76x38 cm) with one funnel opening each and a mesh size of 1.27 cm. Five traps were used in each deployment, checked weekly and were at each site a total of two weeks. Fish and invertebrates caught in the traps were identified on site and released, or returned to laboratory for identification when identification on site was not feasible.


Figure 7. Locations and dates of fish traps deployed 12 September to 23October 1996.

D. Data Analysis

All organisms identified from the field study were entered on an Access database relational with the databases for previous literature reports and museum collections of organisms from Pearl Harbor. The combined information was used to track the occurrence of species chronologically as they were reported in Pearl Harbor.

The Sorensons Index of Similarity, based on presence-absence of species at station pairs, was used to measure the degree of association between stations. By this index, the more species two stations share relative to their total species complements, the greater their ecological similarity. Based on a matrix of Sorensen Index values, cluster analysis was used to arrange stations into groups or clusters. Intercluster distances were calculated using an unweighted pair group

average method. In this analysis, similar stations will form clusters distinct from other stations. These clusters are arranged in a hierarchical, treelike structure called a dendrogram (see Figures 11-13). Calculation of the similarity measures and cluster analysis were performed using the Multi-Variate Statistical Package, ver. 2.1 (Kovach 1993).



A. Station Locations and Descriptions

Station 1. (Latitude 2119.453N, Longitude 15758.206W)

North side of entrance channel to Pearl Harbor, adjacent to a now unused discharge pipeline from Iroquois Point sewage treatment plant. This station is the most exposed to oceanic conditions, with characteristics of a coral reef environment. A shallow shoreline bench about 0.5 m deep lies along a calcareous sand beach and rises from the adjacent channel of about 10 m depth. The primary substrata are consolidated calcareous submerged beach rock, reef with a low coverage of live corals, and intermittent coral boulders and cobbles. The site is frequently exposed to short period waves generated by northeast trade winds and shows characteristics of a windward reef environment. It also is directly exposed to large storm waves from the south generated by local Kona storms. A variety of reef fish are present. Benthic fauna are dominated by sponges, tunicates, bryozoans and macroalgae, with a few reef corals.

Station 2. (Latitude 2120.828, Longitude 15758.677W)

North side of West Loch entrance channel about 600 m SE of Kekaa Point, on the western shore of Waipio Peninsula. The substratum is consolidated limestone, within medium to fine calcareous white sand areas on the shore and channel sides of the hard substrata. Bottom depths range from 6 m outside of the hard substratum to 1-3 m inshore. Many abandoned wooden pilings provide habitat for wood borers and fouling organisms. This is one of the two sites within the harbor where numerous reef corals occur. A single colony of Porites compressa (Plate 4) and small Leptastrea purpurea colonies occur in shallow areas. Many live Pocillopora damicornis corals (Plate 5) occur along the edge of the hard substratum at approximately 4 m depth.

Station 3. (Latitude 2121.802N, Longitude 15758.555W)

Shoreline of Walker Bay, on the west shore of Waipio Peninsula, about half way up West Loch. Substratum is fine, loose silt and mud sediment, with abundant mangroves along a calcareous shoreline bench. Macrofauna growing in and on sponges occur only on mangrove roots and on debris in shallow water offshore. Water is highly turbid and sediment laden; depth is 0.5 m Oysters are abundant on mangrove prop roots.


Plate 4. Pocillopora damicornis coral at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock, at 3 m depth. (Photos by John Hoover).

Plate 5. Porites compressa coral at Station 2, West Loch Channel at 4 m depth.


Station 4. (Latitude 2121.831N, Longitude 15801.386W)

West bay at head of West Loch near Pearl Harbor National Wildlife Refuge, 100 m offshore of mangroves. Substratum is the remains of a metal hull of boat wreck covered with a heavy growth of oysters and sponges. Depth 0.5-1.0 m; water highly turbid and sediment laden.

Station 5. (Latitude 2122.469N, Longitude 15800.742W)

In mangrove area at head of West Loch at mouth of Waikele stream. Environment similar to Station 3, with substratum mostly deep, soft, mud-silt sediments and intermittent sponges. Water is highly turbid and sediment laden, depth is 0.5 m. Large oysters are very abundant on

mangrove prop roots. Numerous shells of the Japanese little-neck clam Venerupis (Ruditapes) phillippinarum were found in the sediments. None of these were alive, but the shells were intact and appeared to be recently formed.

Station 6. (Latitude 2120.835N, Longitude 15758.025W)

West side of channel entrance just northwest of Drydock Number 4 and Hospital Point and south of the presently unused thermal outfall from the Naval Station Power Plant Number 3. Substrata are concrete wall shoreline and a calcareous bench and slope ranging from 1 m depth to a flat sand bottom at 6 m, and concrete walls and pilings of the drydock. Macrofauna varies from reef coral and associated organisms (Plate 4) on the bench to a very dense coverage of a suspension feeding fouling community on walls and pilings (Cover Plate) of the drydock, especially chaetopterid polychaete worms (Plate 6) and sponges, bryozoans and tunicates (Plates 7-9). Water turbidity was generally low, with underwater visibility of ca. 5 m. An oil sheen was often observed on the water at this station, and the shoreline showed tar deposits from previous oil exposures. Macrofauna varies from reef coral and associated organisms (Plate 4) on the bench to a very dense coverage of a suspension feeding fouling community on the drydockwalls and pilings, especially chaetopterid polychaete worms (Plate 6) and sponges, bryozoans and tunicates (Plates 7-9) and the introduced gorgonian Carijoa (=Testeo) riissei (Plate 10).

Station 7. (Latitude 2121.595N, Longitude 15758.555W)

Shallow bench area in Middle Loch Channel along the west side of Waipio Peninsula and across from Ford Island. Bench is approximately 10 m wide and covered with a dense growth of the red


Plate 6. Heavy growth of polychaete tubeworm Chaetopterus variopedatus at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock. (Photos by John Hoover).

Plate 7. Polychaete tubeworm Salmacina dysteri with red sponge Mycale (Aegogropila) armata at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock.


Plate 8. Colony of the broyozoan Amathia distans and polychaete tubeworms Chaeotopterus variopedatus at Station 6, Hospital Point. (Photos by John Hoover).

Plate 9. Solitary tunicate Phallusia nigra, red sponge Mycale (Aegogropila) armata and tubeworm Chaetopterus variopedatus on piling at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock.


Plate 10. Colonies of Carijoa (=Telesteo) riisei growing on piling at Station 6, Hospital Point Drydock.


macroalgae Gracilaria salicornia which forms a substratum for macroinvertebrates. At edge of the bench depth increases to 2-3 m to a flat, coarse sand bottom with abundant coral rubble.

Station 8. (Latitude 2122.498N, Longitude 15758.658W)

On west side of Waiawa Peninsula on Middle Loch, at the former Pan American Clipper Landing Dock. Two sites were sampled, one at the shoreline which has a dense coverage of Gracilaria salicornia on a shallow bench similar to Station 7. The other site was on concrete and wood pilings offshore of the dock, from the intertidal zone down to 5 m depth.

Station 9. (Latitude 2123.197N, Longitude 15759.440W)

At the head of Middle Loch in the vicinity of the floating drydock USS Machinist, which was brought to Pearl Harbor from the Philippines in 1992. Samples were taken from the steel hull of the Machinist itself from the shallow subtidal to the bottom of the hull at 8 m depth, and from nearby wooden pilings from the intertidal to 4 m depth.

Station 10. (Latitude 2121.457N, Longitude 15757.190W)

East of the repair basin in Southeast Loch on pilings of Dock B-21, adjacent to Pearl Harbor Navy Shipyard. This is the site most exposed to Navy and industrial operations, with considerable ship traffic, hull cleaning and ship maintenance being conducted in the area. Despite this high industrial use of the area, a very abundant fouling fauna was noted on all hard surfaces present. A light sheen of oil was noted on the water at the time of sampling. Sampling was conducted on wooden and concrete dock pilings from the shallow subtidal down to 6 m, and in the sediment at 8 m.

Station 11. (Latitude 2121.687N, Longitude 15757.064W)

North side of the entrance to Southeast Loch, on concrete pilings, the concrete dock wall and a fossil oyster reef at the bottom of the concrete wall. Samples were taken from 0.5 to 5 m. Despite the proximity to the industrial operations of Southeast Loch and the distance of this area into Pearl Harbor, water clarity was relatively high and a few Pocillopora damicornis and Leptastrea purpurea reef corals were found.

Station 12. (Latitude 2122.263N, Longitude 15757.038W)


Northeast of Ford Island and the USS Arizona Memorial and just northwest of Mokunui Island, near the terminus of the new Ford Island bridge. Substratum is clay, compacted to the

consistency of rock but still capable of being broken apart by hand, and outcroppings of calcareous beach rock and reef. The compacted clay supported a high density of polychaetes that could be seen when the clay was broken apart. An encrusted anchor chain provided

additional hard substratum. The bottom ranges from a nearshore flat area of 1 m depth to a rugose vertical face extending down to 5 m which provided habitat for abundant fishes, especially the yellow fin surgeonfish, Acanthurus xanthopterus.

Station 13. (Latitude 2122.154N, Longitude 15757.639W)

On the northwest side of Ford Island, on concrete dock pilings near the USS Utah Memorial along the north channel into East Loch. Samples were taken from the intertidal to 7 m depth on the concrete pilings. Underwater visibility ranged from about 3 m near the surface to 5 m near the bottom.

Station 14. (Latitude 2123.064N, Longitude 15757.601W)

On the sheet piling separating the intake and discharge zones for cooling water used for the Hawaiian Electric Waiau Generating Station at the head of East loch on its northwest side. Samples were taken from the discharge side near the end of the sheet piling from the intertidal to the base of the piling at 2 m, about 500 m from the thermal effluent discharge point where the temperature is approximately 3C above ambient. More observations were made next to the discharge point, where temperatures are about 5C above ambient. Fish are very abundant next to the discharge, where the substratum is a massive sponge reef which covers the entire bottom along the sheet piling side of the discharge. Sponges also abound on the sheet piling along its entire length, along with dense populations of the anemone Aiptastia puchella, hydroids and bryozoans.

Station 15. (Latitude 2122.282N, Longitude 15756.138W)

Rainbow Bay Marina, at the northeast head of East Loch. The substratum is a shallow, gently sloping intertidal to subtidal zone composed of calcareous rock and rubblewith a thin sediment cover, and soft sediments dominating further offshore. Both substrata were dominated by a moderately heavy growth of a fine filamentous green algae (cf. Chloradesmis caespitosa), and the soft sediments offshore also have intermittent patches of high coverage of the branching leafy green macroalga Caulerpa sertularoides. Two areas were sampled, one at the boat launching


ramp from the shoreline to the shallow subtidal at 0.5, the other from the surfaces of floating buoys and dock floats of the Marinas piers and docks.

B. Benthic Macrofauna and Visual Fish Surveys

The organisms observed or collected at the fifteen stations of the present study are listed in Appendix B, and total numbers of taxa at each station are shown in Table 2. A total of 394 species or higher taxa occurred at the various stations, ranging from a maximum of 169 at Station 1 in the entrance channel to only 31 at Station 5, in a mangrove area at the head of West Loch. Of the total taxa observed or collected, crustacean arthropods accounted for 108 taxa (27.4%), fishes 59 taxa (15.0%) polychaete annelids 54 taxa (13.7%), molluscs 46 taxa (11.7%), sponges 33 taxa (8.4%), ascidians 19 taxa (4.8%) and the remaining groups less than 15 taxa each. Table 2. Total number of non-sediment taxa observed or sampled at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996 and numbers of genera or species never previously reported in Pearl Harbor. Phylum or Lower Taxa Algae Angiosperms Sponges Cnidarians Nematods Sipunculids Platyheminths Polychaetes Molluscs Pycnogonids Crustaceans Bryozoans Echinoderms Ascidians Urochordates Fishes Total Total Number of Taxa 36 1 33 10 1 1 1 54 46 4 108 13 7 19 1 59 394 % of Total Taxa 9.1 0.3 8.4 2.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 13.7 11.7 1.0 27.4 3.3 1.8 4.8 0.3 15.0 100.0 New Pearl Harbor Reports 23 1 27 4 0 0 0 12 12 3 52 1 3 7 0 12 157 % of New P. H. Reports 14.6 0.6 17.2 2.5 0 0 0 7.6 7.6 1.9 33.1 0.6 1.9 4.5 0 7.6 100





Total Taxa Observed or Collected Species New to Pearl Harbor


Number of Taxa






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Figure 8. Total Numbers of non-sediment taxa and new species collected or observed at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996 survey

Figure 9. Total non-sediment taxa observed or collected at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996.


The distribution pattern of total numbers of non-sediment taxa at the 15 stations is shown in Figures 8 and 9. The greatest numbers of taxa were found at Station 1 in the mouth of the main entrance channel, and Station 15, at the northeast end of East Loch. The next most abundant taxa were in the West and Middle Loch channels and the main channel at Hospital Point Drydock, and at Stations 9 at the USS Machinist and on the HECO discharge sheet piling at Station 14. The remaining stations had intermediate numbers of taxa ranging from 50 to 100, except for Stations 4 and 5 in the highly turbid areas at the head of West Loch, which had less than 50 taxa.

Figure 10 shows the distribution abundances for the principal taxonomic groups making up the total community represented in Figures 8 and 9. All groups had minimal numbers of taxa at Stations 4 and 5 in West Loch, with bryozoans, echinoderms and ascidians not occurring at all in this area. Station 1 at the harbor entrance had the greatest number of taxa in most of the groups, ranking first for cnidarians, arthropods, echinoderms and fishes. Station 15 in Rainbow Bay at the head of East Loch had the most taxa of sponges, polychaetes and ascidians, whereas Stations 10 and 11 in Southeast Loch tied for the most taxa of bryozoans. Station 9 had the highest number of mollusc taxa, and this station, in the vicinity of the USS Machinist, also had the second highest number of polychaetes taxa. Station 11 was second for numbers of cnidarians and ascidians, and Station 14 at the HECO discharge had the second highest numbers of crustacean taxa.

A dendrograph of the Sorensens Indices of Similarity among the stations based upon presence or absence of all benthic fouling and fish taxa is shown in Figure 11. Three distinct clusters are indicated, with a high degree of association within those clusters. Cluster A is comprised of Stations 1, 6 and 7, which had high to intermediate numbers of total taxa and were located along main channels where they were probably directly influenced by various degrees of ocean circulation. These were also stations which had a well developed carbonate subtidal benches which may have offered a suitable natural substratum for settlement of organisms requiring a hard surface. Cluster C has only Stations 4 and 5, the two stations furthest inside of West Loch and which had the lowest numbers of total taxa. These stations were the most obviously influenced by land runoff, high sediment load and turbidity and were dominated by oysters and associated fauna. Cluster B is comprised of the remaining stations, which included all areas in Middle, East and Southeast Lochs.

The dendrograph in Figure 12 shows the grouping of Sorensen Indices of Similarity of the benthic fouling community with no fish included. Clustering of stations is less distinct than for all the taxa


Sponges 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Station 10 11 12 13 14 15 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5

Cnidarians 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6 7 8 9 Station 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5


Number of Taxa

Number of Taxa

Number of Taxa

8 9 Station







Molluscs 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Station 10 11 12 13 14 15 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5

Arthropods 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6 7 8 9 Station 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5


Number of Taxa

Number of Taxa

Number of Taxa

8 9 Station







Echinoderms 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Station 10 11 12 13 14 15 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ascidians 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7 8 9 Station 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6


Number of Taxa

Number of Taxa

Number of Taxa

8 9 Station







Figure 10. Abundances of non-sediment taxonomic groups at Pearl Harbor stations in 1996



1 6 7 9 11 8 10 13 2 12 14 15 3

4 5
Figure 11. Dendrograph of stations based on benthic fouling and fish species presence and absence




8 14 9 11 2 10 13 15 3 6 12 7 1 4 5

Figure 12. Dendrograph of stations based on benthic fouling taxa with no fish included.




7 12 1 6 2 9 15 14 10 11 8 3 4 13 5

Figure 13. Dendrograph of stations based on fish taxa alone


in Figure 11, with Stations 4 and 5 in West loch showing the only clear separation from the remaining stations. This suggests limited sensitivity of this method for detecting relationships and differences among the Pearl Harbor benthic community except where the distinctions are obvious. The dendrograph for fish presence-absence (Figure 13) shows more distinct clustering, similar to the dendrograph in Figure 11. Three major station clusters occur, with Cluster A associated with Stations 1, 2, 6 and 7, all located on channels, and Station 12, northeast of Ford Island. Fishes were both abundant and diverse at these locations. Cluster C includes Stations 3 and 4 in West Loch and Station 13 on the northwest side of Ford Island, where fish were scarce and few species reported. Station 5, which had no fish reported, was separate from all other stations, and the remaining stations in Cluster B were all located well into the harbors lochs, with intermediate numbers of fish species observed.

C. Fish Trap Catches

Results of the fish trapping program conducted from 12 September to 23 October 1996 at the locations shown in Figure 7 are listed in Table 3. A total of only 125 individuals among 13 species of fish and invertebrates entered the traps during the study. Most of the total catch was

comprised of only three species, the portunid crab Thalamita integra (48 individuals), the puffer fish Arothron hispidus (25 individuals) and the nonindigenous snapper Lutjanus fulvus (23 individuals). These species also comprised most of the species obtained at the traps located at the heads of East, Middle and West Lochs. A single specimen of the nonindigenous Samoan mud crab Scylla serrata was observed but not trapped in the mangrove area at the head of Middle Loch, and one specimen of the sea cucumber Ophiodesoma spectabilis was trapped at the Middle Loch channel site. The remainder of the catch was reef-associated species such as the trumpet fish Aulostomus chinensis (6 individuals), the nightmare weke Upaenus taeniopterus (2 individuals), the Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus, the yellowfin goatfish Mulloidicthyes vanicolensis, the squirrelfish Sargocentron sp., and the white spotted toby Canthagaster jactator (1 individual each). All of these species were taken only at traps at the entrance channel, West Loch Channel or Hospital Point drydock where reef corals and reef conditions occur.

D. Sediment Fauna and Micromolluscs

The organisms that were collected from sediments at Pearl Harbor Stations 1 to 14 are listed in Table 4. These include the macrofauna that were sampled using the 12.5 diameter X 15 cm depth cylinder and the 10 to 25 cm subsamples that were analyzed for micromollusc composition
Table 3. Fish and invertebrates caught in Pearl Harbor fish traps from 12 September to 23 October 1996. (See Figure 7 for sampling locations).


Trap 1

Location Rainbow Bay

Nearest Sta. 15

Dates Sep 12-18 Sep 18-25 Sep 25-Oct 2 Oct 2-9 Oct 9-16 Oct 16-23 Sep 12-18 Sep 18-25 Sep 25-Oct 2

NE Ford Island 2 HECO Discharge HECO Intake



Oct 2-9 Middle Loch Mangroves 9 Oct 9-16 Oct 16-23

Middle Loch Pan Am Dock Middle Loch Channel

Sep 12-18 Sep 18-25 Sep 25-Oct 2 Oct 2-9

Hospital Pt. Drydock 4 West Loch Walker Bay

Oct 9-16 Oct 16-23 Sep 12-18

Sep 18-25 West Loch Channel 2 Sep 25-Oct 2 Oct 2-9

Oct 9-16

West Loch Oyster Bank

Oct 16-23 Sep 12-18 Sep 18-25

West Loch Mangroves West Loch Coral Bench

5 4

Sep 25-Oct 2 Oct 2-9 Oct 9-16 Oct 16-23

Species Thalamita integra None Arothron hispidus Foa brachygramma Foa brachygramma Arothron hispidus Scarus sp. juv. Arothron hispidus Arothron hispidus Lutjanus fulvus Arothron hispidus Arothron hispidus Foa brachygramma Thalamita integra Arothron hispidus Foa brachygramma Thalamita integra Foa brachygramma Thalamita integra Scylla serrata Thalamita integra Foa brachygramma Thalamita integra Foa brachygramma Arothron hispidus Thalamita integra Ophiodesoma spectabilis Aulostoma chinensis Arothron hispidus Zanclus cornutus Arothron hispidus Lutjanus fulvus Thalamita integra Arothron hispidus Thalamita integra Upaenus taniopterus Arothron hispidus Mulloidicthyes flavolineatus Upaenus taniopterus Aulostoma chinensis Canthagaster jactator Sargocentron sp. Aulostoma chinensis Arothron hispidus Thalamita integra Lutjanus fulvus Thalamita integra Thalamita integra Thalamita integra Arothron hispidus Thalamita integra Arothron hispidus Thalamita integra Total Species Total Individuals

Number 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 observed 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 12 6 3 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 10 2 4 6 1 7 2 8 13 125


Table 4. Organisms occurring in sediments at Pearl Harbor stations, 1996.

Genus and Species Unident. spp. Unident. sp. Ostrea sp. Hiatella arctica Sphenia sp. A Ctena bella Pillucina spaldingi Abra sp. A Tellina sp. Unident. sp. Lioconcha hieroglyphica Venerupis (Ruditapes) phillipinarum Caecum sepimentum Unident. sp. Cerithidium perparvalum Diala varia Eatoniella sp. Diodora granifera Diodora octogona Leptothyra candida Leptothyra rubricincta Williamia cf. radiata Bulla vernicosa Atys kuhnsi Crepidula aculeata Crucibulum spinosum Bittium zebrum Cerithiopsis sp. A Finella pupoides Balcis sp. Hipponix sp. Rissoina miltozona Rissoina turricula Zebina tridentata Triphora {Triphoridae} Seminella sp. Peristernia chlorostoma Hinemoa indica Odostomia stearnsiella Pyramidella sp. Pyrgulina oodes Kermia sp. Umbraculum sp. Gastrocopta servilis TOTAL MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA COPEPODA Unident. sp. ARTHROPODA OSTRACODA Unident. sp. ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Amphilochus likelike ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Grandidierella japonica ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Lembos macromanus ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Corophium insidiosum ARTHROPODA GAMMARIDAE Eriopisa hamakua ARTHROPODA GAMMARIDAE Eriopisella sechellensis upolu ARTHROPODA ALPHEIDAE Alpheus sp. ARTHROPODA ALPHEIDAE Alpheus paracrinitus ARTHROPODA CALLIANASSIDAE Callianassa variabilis ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Unident. sp. ARTHROPODA PORTUNIDAE Thalamita integra ARTHROPODA XANTHIDAE Unident. sp. ARTHROPODA APSEUDIDAE Apseudes sp. A TOTAL ARTHROPODA ECHINODERMATA OPHIACTIDAE Ophiactis savignyi TOTAL TAXA Phylum MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA Family BIVALVIA EURYCYNIDAE OSTREIDAE HIATELLIDAE MYIDAE LUCINIDAE LUCINIDAE SEMELIDAE TELLINIDAE TELLINIDAE VENERIDAE VENERIDAE CAECIDAE CEPHALASPIDAE DIALIDAE DIALIDAE EATONIELLIDAE FISSURELLIDAE FISSURELLIDAE TURBINIDAE TURBINIDAE SIPHONARIIDAE BULLIDAE HAMINOEIDAE CALYPTRAEIDAE CALYPTRAEIDAE CERITHIIDAE CERITHIIDAE CERITHIIDAE EULIMIDAE HIPPONICIDAE RISSOIDAE RISSOIDAE RISSOIDAE TRIPHORIDAE COLUMBELLIDAE FASCIOLARIIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE TURRIDAE UMBRACULIDAE PUPILLIDAE Station 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 19 8 18 1 3 21 15 0 0 4 0 10 7 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 X 20 9 19 2 5 30 15 0 0 4 0 13 9 4 1


by Dr. E. Allison Kay (see Appendix E for detailed results of the micromollusc analysis). A total of 60 taxa occurred in these samples, including 36 taxa in the micromollusc samples and 26 taxa in the sediment samples, with two taxa ( Ctena bella and Tellina sp.) common to both collections. The sediment samples consisted of 10 micromollusc taxa, 15 crustacea and one echinodermata, and included many species that also occurred in the fouling community.

Micromollusc and sediment fauna were unevenly distributed among the Pearl Harbor stations, with no organisms found at Stations 8, 9 and 11, and only 2 to 5 taxa found at Stations 4, 5 and 11. The stations with the highest diversity were Stations 6 and 1, with 30 and 20 taxa

respectively, both located on located on the main entrance channel. Intermediate numbers of species were at Station 3, in West Lochs Walker Bay, at Station 7 along the main channel, and at Station 12, northeast of Ford Island.

The micromollusc analysis (Appendix E) concluded that the composition of this community in 1996 was similar to that found in Pearl Harbor in 1972, except that both species and numbers of individuals were fewer in 1996. Micromolluscs were more abundant at stations located on the channels, with few to no organisms occurring at the heads of the lochs. The total sediment dwelling community represented in Table 4 shows the same pattern as micromolluscs, suggesting that the sediment organisms became more depauperate in the fine grained silt to clay sized sediments that make up the bottom at the heads of the lochs.

E. Comparison with Previous Pearl Harbor Reports of Marine Organisms

The present surveys collected and identified a total of 434 (36 algae, 1 spermatophyte, 338 invertebrate and 59 fish) species and higher taxa among the 15 stations sampled in 1996. Three hundred ninety four of these taxa were from fouling, sediment samples or fish observations and the remaining 40 taxa exclusively from sediments. By comparison, the largest and most comprehensive previous survey in Pearl Harbor (Evans et al. 1974) listed 388 taxa (23 algae, 278 invertebrate and 87 fish) collected or observed in 1971-73. Another study in 1978 (Grovhoug, 1979) reported 130 taxa (79 invertebrate and 51 fish). Other studies in the 1970s all recorded less than 100 taxa, and the surveys by Brock (1994, 1995) determined 96 taxa in 1993 and 99 in 1994. All studies previous to the 1970s reported ten or fewer taxa or were single species reports.

The total cumulative number of taxa and the number of new taxa added by decade for Pearl Harbor which have been reported in the literature or are in Bishop Museum collections (listed in Appendix C) are shown in Figure 14. A total of 1096 taxa that are datable have been reported for




400 1000 350

Cumulative Number of Taxa



Cumulative Taxa 600 Increases in Taxa





100 200 50

0 1890's 1900's 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's


Figure 14. Cumulative numbers of total taxa (bars) and taxa added by decade (line) for Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor by all sources. (An additional 45 records in the BPBM collections are undated, bringing the total reports to 1141). Prior to 1899 only two reports were made, which were

newspaper references (see Kay 1979) to oysters (Crassostrea sp.) imported to be grown and harvested in Pearl Harbor. Collections and new reports of organisms in Pearl Harbor began in 1899 but increased only slightly from 1900 to 1920. Three periods of substantial increments are indicated for the rest of the century. The first was in the 1920s and 1930s when total taxa reported approximately doubled in each decade. In the 1970s over 400 new taxa were reported, more than doubling the total to 791 total taxa, and in the 1990s 275 new taxa were recorded, increasing the total dated reports for the harbor to 1096. These decades of new reports

represented times of markedly increased sampling activity in the Harbor, and therefore are probably based more on effort than on actual new species having been introduced to the harbor during those periods. The 1920s and 30s were a period of pronounced shell collecting in the harbor by P. Bartsch, L. A. Thurston, T. T. Dranga and H. E. Alexander, and fouling studies by C. H. Edmondson and W. M. Ingram. During the 1970s seven environmental studies were

conducted in the harbor, most notably the comprehensive Naval Undersea Center study of 197173 (Evans, et al., 1974). The 1990s included the two surveys by Brock in East Loch in 1993 and 1994, and the 166 new species reports determined for the harbor from the present study.


Taxa Added by Decade

F. Introduced Species in Pearl Harbor

The taxa identified from Pearl Harbor in this survey were evaluated in terms of their status as endemic, indigenous, cryptogenic, or introduced. The assignment of individual taxa to a particular status was, in part, based on a decision making process similar to the flow chart depicted in Figure 15. Initially, the status of an individual identified to specific level is unknown pending further investigation. If this species is known only from Hawaii, it is tentatively categorized as endemic. If the species is known to occur elsewhere, a decision is made regarding its presence in Hawaii. If the species can be shown to occur in Hawaii naturally (e.g., fossil evidence of prehistoric distribution including Hawaii), it is considered to be indigenous. If no evidence exists regarding the natural occurrence of a species in Hawaii, there is a possibility the species may be introduced. A species can be shown to be introduced on the basis of several criteria (Chapman 1988, Chapman and Carlton 1991). These include appearance in local regions where not found previously, association with human mechanisms of dispersal (e.g., as fouling on ship bottoms), association with other introduced species, restriction to artificial (or disturbed) habitats (e.g., harbors), and widespread, disjunct geographic distributions. associated attributes are categorized as introduced. Species with these and other

Species that are not demonstrably

introduced or native are here considered to be cryptogenic (Carlton, 1996). Pending further study and additional evidence, a species may move from one status category to another (Figure 15 dashed lines). A review of previously recorded cryptogenic and introduced marine and brackish invertebrates of Hawaii can be found in Carlton and Eldredge (ms., in prep). Other authorities for status of species collected in Pearl Harbor include Brock (1960), Maciolek (1984) and Randall (1987) for fishes, Paulay, (1996 and pers. comm.) for bivalves, Kelly-Borges, et al., (ms. in prep.) for sponges, Lambert, (pers. comm.) for ascidians, Newman, (pers. comm.) for barnacles and Child (pers. comm.) for pycnogonids.

Of the total 434 species and higher taxa found for Pearl Harbor in this study, 96 or about 22% are considered to be introduced or cryptogenic (Appendix F). Fifty five of these are species previously reported in Hawaii and considered introduced, 19 are previously reported and considered cryptogenic, 14 species are new reports for Hawaii considered cryptogenic and eight are new reports considered introduced. The pattern of first occurrences by decade of the introduced or cryptogenic species found in the present study is shown in Figure 16, along with the total new taxa added in each decade from Figure 14. Both patterns are quite similar, with first reports of

introduced or cryptogenic species generally increasing during decades of high collecting


Species collected in Pearl Harbor


Is species known only from Hawaii?



Is species demonstrably native*?



Is species demonstrably introduced?

no yes

Cryptogenic Introduced
Figure 15. A flow chart for determining the status of individual taxa collected and identified from Pearl Harbor. * Native refers to a species that includes Hawaii as part of its natural (i.e. prehistoric) distribution. Dashed lines indicate the possible reassignment of taxa in light of additional evidence.






New Introduced or Cryptogenic Species





Introduced Cryptogenic Total Taxa 250

10 200 8 150 6 100


0 1860's 1870's 1880's 1890's 1900's 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's


Figure 16. First occurrences of introduced or cryptogenic species present in 1996 (bars) and total taxa added by decade (line) in Pearl Harbor. activity. However, the first period of numerous reports of introductions occurred in the 1910s and 1920s, preceding the first decade of high total taxa reports in the 1930s. This could have been due to a combination of two factors: 1) introduced and cryptogenic species had been in the harbor for many years and were only discovered when collection activity increased after the turn of the century, or 2) the dredging of the Pearl Harbor entrance channel and frequent entry of oceangoing ships that occurred only after 1910 provided a means for a genuine increase in species introductions.

The other period of relative high frequencies of reports of introduced or cryptogenic species occurred from 1941 to 1950. Despite relatively low collecting activity indicated by total taxa

reports of less than 50 during that decade, nine newly introduced or cryptogenic species were reported in the 1940s, compared to a total of only two introduced and two cryptogenic species in the 1950s and the 1960s. This suggests that increased shipping activity during the World War II and early Korean War periods promoted increases in species introductions, and this was a time when many on site reports were made of non-indigenous species being collected from ships and barges recently transported to Pearl Harbor (Edmondson 1951, 1952, 1954; Doty, 1961).


Total Taxa Added


The maximum numbers of introduced and cryptogenic species were reported in the 1970s. Introduced species totaled 20, more than twice the number of any preceding decade, and this may represent a delayed response to increased shipping activity during the Vietnam War. However, this possibility is masked by the fact that collecting effort, as indicated by total new taxa reported and the number and extent of surveys that were conducted, were substantially greater during this decade than in any other.

The introduced species first detected in Pearl Harbor in the 1990s include four previously reported in Hawaii and the eight species new to Hawaii found by the present study. This is a relatively high number, considering that they came from a single survey of 15 stations throughout the harbor. Twenty cryptogenic species, including the 14 from the present study, were also detected in the 1990s, the highest of any decade. This number of cryptogenic species may decrease as further information becomes available that will allow reclassification of their status to introduced or indigenous.

The new reports of introduced species for the present study include four bivalves (Saccostrea cucullata, Chama elatensis, Abra sp. and Sphenia sp. A), one pycnogonid (Pigrogromitus timsanus), one barnacle (Chthamalus proteus), one grapsid crab (Nanosesarma minutum) and one ascidian (Symplegma reptans). through 19. Distributions of these species are shown in Figures 17

The bivalves were identified by G. Paulay, who has previously examined Hawaiian material in the Bishop and U. S. National Museums. This is the first report in Pearl Harbor for the oyster According to

Saccostrea cucullata, which was found throughout the harbor (Figure 17).

Edmondson and Wilson (1940) and Brock (1952), Australian oysters (Ostrea cucullata) were planted in Kalihi and Kaneohe in 1928 and 1929 but did not survive. If the present S. cucullata are the same species they may represent a surviving population of those introductions which has not been observed elsewhere. The unidentified species of Sphenia is a new record for Hawaii and was abundant at many stations (Figure 17). It resembles Hiatella arctica, which was reported in the harbor in the 1980s. However, Hiatella normally occurs on wave-exposed reefs, suggesting that the H. arctica reports were misidentifications of this species (Paulay, pers. comm.). Of the four species of Chama that were found in this study (Figure 18), three are considered to be introduced and one to be cryptogenic. Two introduced Indo-Pacific species, C. lazarus and

Chama pacifica, probably were brought into Pearl Harbor on ship bottoms in the 1950s (Paulay,


Figure 17 . Distribution of Saccostrea cucullata (solid circles) and Sphenia sp. (open circles) in Pearl Harbor, 1996.

Figure 18. Distribution of Chama elatensis (solid circles), C. fibula (open circles), C. lazarus (solid squares) and C. pacifica (open squares) in Pearl Harbor, 1996.


1996). The third, newly introduced, Chama species has been identified as Chama elatensis. This species was previously unknown outside of the Red Sea (Paulay, pers. comm.) and in densities up to 0.6 ft (5 m ) on the hull of the USS Machinist floating drydock in Middle Loch and as a single specimen at the entrance of West Loch. The fourth species, Chama fibula, was reported in Pearl Harbor early in this century (Bryan, 1915; Dall, Bartsch and Rehder, 1938) but is at least cryptogenic (Carlton and Eldredge, ms. in prep.) based on its distribution, which ranges to the Philippines and Australia (Kay, 1979). Only one specimen was found of the unidentified species of Abra, the remaining newly introduced mollusc.
. -2 . -2

The barnacle Chthamalus proteus (identified using DNA analysis, W. Newman, pers. comm.) is perhaps the most surprising new introduction detected by this study. This origin of this species the Caribbean, and this is the first report for it in the Pacific. The chthamalid species Chthamalus hemblii and C. intertextus have been reported from Hawaii since the 1920s, but barnacles previously placed in the genus Chthamalus in Hawaiian waters are now placed in other genera (Euraphia and Nesochthamalus). Thus this is the first confirmed report of true Chthamalus in the Hawaiian Islands. Brock (1994, 1995) reported Chthamalus hemblii from mangrove roots near the HECO discharge in East Loch, which was probably a misidentification of the Chthamalus proteus of the present study. This species occurs throughout Pearl Harbor (Figure 19) and is very abundant on smooth hard surfaces in Kaneohe Bay and Honolulu Harbor (Coles, pers. obs.), and therefore is probably widely distributed around Oahu. It was also observed in abundance in Nawiliwili and Kahului Harbors in 1996 (Defelice, pers. obs.). No Chthamalus were reported by the extensive biological surveys in Pearl Harbor in 1971-1973 (Evans, et al., 1974), by Matsuda (1973) or by the many other studies in the harbor in the 1970s. Therefore, it is likely that this species has been introduced and proliferated throughout the Hawaiian Islands in the last 20 years.

The other newly introduced crustacean detected in the present study is Nanosesarma minutum, a small grapsid crab previously reported from East Africa to Japan. This species was moderately abundant at stations near the shorelines of Middle and East Loch and at the station at the channel entrance to Middle Loch (Figure 19). The newly reported ascidian Symplegma reptans, which is a Japanese species (G. Lambert, pers. comm.), occurred only on the hull of the Machinist, and the introduced pantropical pycnogonid Pigrogromitus timsanus occurred as a single juvenile only at Station 14 in the HECO discharge area.


Figure 19. Distributions of barnacle Chthamalus proteus.(solid circles), grapsid Nanosesarma minutum (open circles) and ascidian Symplegma reptans (solid squares).

Figure 20. Distributions of sponges Mycale (Aegogropila) armata (solid circles), Gelliodes fibrosa (open circles), Sigmadocia cf. caerulea (open squares), Echinodictyum asperum (solid squares) and Biemna fistulosa (solid diamonds).


G. Persistence of Introduced Species

The 63 introduced species that were collected in Pearl Harbor in 1996 (Appendix F) represent 64% of a total of 99 introduced species that have been sampled from Pearl Harbor since collecting began. The introduced species still present in 1996 are listed in Table 5 and those not found in 1996 are listed in Table 6. The percentages of the total species introduced by decade still present in 1996 are shown as the line graph in Figure 21. Percent persistence by decade ranged from 100% for the ten species introduced in the 1910s to a low of 30% for species introduced in the 1960s, with no indication of decreasing presence with time of species that have been introduced.

This indicates a high level of persistence by nonindigenous species in the harbor once they have been introduced. Moreover, these estimates of species persistence are probably conservative, since our sampling methods probably missed some previously reported nonindigenous species which still occur in the harbor. For example, three small species of previously reported introduced fishes (Fundulis grandis, Gambusia affinis and Mugilogobius parvus ) would have been more likely to be sampled by seining, and four species of wood boring molluscs (Lyrodus affinis, L. affinis, Teredo clappi and T. furcifera) may have occurred further within wood structures than we were able to penetrate in our sampling.



90 25 T o ta l In tro d u c tio n s % P e rs is te n t to 1 9 9 6 80

Numbers of Introduced Species

70 20 60



40 10 30

20 5 10

0 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s

D ecade

Figure 21. Percent of nonindigenous species introduced by decade which were collected in the present study.


% Present in 1996

Table 5. Total reports by decade of introduced species collected or observed in Pearl Harbor in 1996.
Phylum RHODOPHYTA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA PYCNOGONIDA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA Genus and Species Acanthophora spicifera Halochondria melanodocia Mycale (Carmia) cecilia Zygomycale parishii Suberites cf. zeteki Halocordyle disticha Carijoa (=Telesto) riisei Hydroides dirampha Hydroides elegans Pomatoleios kraussii Salmacina dysteri Diodora ruppelli Crepidula aculeata Crucibulum spinosum Vermetus alii Crassostrea virginica Saccostrea cucullata Chama cf. elatensis Chama fibula Chama lazarus Chama pacifica Abra sp. Venerupis (Ruditapes) philippinarum Sphenia sp. A Martesia striata Teredo bartschi Pigrogromitus timsanus Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Balanus eburneus Balanus reticulatus Chthamalus proteus Limnoria tripunctata Corophium ascherusicum Corophium baconi Corophium insidiosum Ericthonius brasiliensis Grandidierella japonica Elasmopus rapax Podocerus brasiliensis Stenothoe gallensis Scylla serrata Nanosesarma minutum Panopeus pacificus Gonodactylus falcatus Amathia distans Aetea truncata Bugula neritina Bugula stolonifera Savignyella lafontii Schizoporella errata Schizoporella unicornis Watersipora edmondsoni Ascidia sydneiensis Ascidia sp. B Herdmania momus Microcosmus exasperatus Phallusia nigra Symplegma oceania Symplegma reptans Poecilia cf. latipinna Oreochromis mossambicus Sarotherodon melanotheron Lutjanus fulvus 1st Rept. 1952 1993 1973 1947 1948 1929 1972 1929 1929 1976 1972 1962 1915 1950 1973 1866 1996 1996 1920 1950 1950 1996 1918 1996 1920 1935 1996 1913 1929 1915 1996 1973 1973 1973 1978 1938 1996 1948 1938 1937 1972 1996 1929 1973 1948 1972 1921 1940 1972 1973 1935 1972 1976 1996 1972 1996 1985 1975 1996 1905 1973 1987 1973 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1 1960s 1970s 2 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 2 1980s 1990s 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 Total 5 2 2 4 4 10 7 16 26 3 4 2 14 6 5 8 1 1 5 2 1 8 1 9 3 1 25 13 5 1 2 2 3 2 5 1 8 10 8 3 1 15 4 5 3 23 14 2 4 6 4 2 1 4 1 3 3 1 3 5 2 5

1 2 2 8 9

1 1 3

1 1 2 1

1 4 1

2 4

1 2 1 1 1 9 3 1 4 6 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

6 2

4 7

3 2

3 1 2 2 4 3 1 1 2 3 1 2

1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1


Table 6. Total reports by decade of introduced species not collected or observed in Pearl Harbor in 1996.
Phylum CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA Genus and Species Clytia hemispherica Obelia bidentata Obelia dichotoma Cassiopea medusa Phyllorhiza punctata Diadumene leucolena Ficopomatus enigmaticus Hydroides crucigera Neodexiospira foraminosa Nereis areanaceodonta Polydora websteri Hyotissa hyotis Crassostrea gigas Sphenia luticola Lopha cristigalli Lyrodis affinis Lyrodis pedicillatus Teredo clappi Teredo furcifera Paracerceis sculpta Sphaeroma walkeri Caprella scaura Shyzophrys aspera Charybdis helleri Glabropilumnus seminudus Neoliomera immigrans Panopeus herbstii Zoobotryon verticillatum Didemnum candidum Ciona intestinalis Fundulus grandis Gambusia affinis Mugilogobius parvus Total Reports 1st Rept. 1978 1978 1975 1941 1941 1977 1937 1937 1993 1973 1966 1950 1938 1972 1951 1973 1935 1923 1921 1968 1973 1929 1950 1950 1950 1950 1947 1921 1985 1975 1905 1905 1987 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Total 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 1 1 6 1 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 9 7 13 1 4 27 4 3 70


H. Origins and Distributions of Introduced Species

The probable origins or previously known geographic ranges of the introduced species still present in 1996 are listed in Table 6, and the totals and percentages of the species by origin or range are shown in Figure 22. Most of the species (42%) were of indeterminate origin, occurring in temperate or tropical waters worldwide. Most of those for which an origin or previous range can be designated can be traced to the Western Indo-Pacific (24%) and the general Indo-Pacific (12%), with a additional fraction (3%) from the Eastern Pacific and the Red Sea, totaling 45% for the Pacific basin. The Atlantic basin accounted for a total of only 15% of the introduced species, with over half of these coming from the western Atlantic region.

RS 3% W IP 24% WW 42%

IP 12%

EP 3%

CA 3%

WA 8%

A 3%

EA 2%

Figure 22. Origin or geographic distribution of the introduced species collected in 1996. WW: Temperate or Tropical Worldwide; RS: Red Sea; WIP: Western Indo-Pacific; IP: IndoPacific; EP: Eastern pacific; CA: Caribbean; WA: Western Atlantic; A: Atlantic; EA: Eastern Atlantic, including Mediterranean


Table 6. Origins or previously known distributions of introduced species collected in Pearl Harbor in 1996 (listed phylogenetically within geographic category).
Phylum ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA CNIDARIA ARTHROPODA CNIDARIA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA PORIFERA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA CHORDATA CHORDATA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA PORIFERA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA CHORDATA RHODOPHYTA PORIFERA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA PORIFERA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA PYCNOGONIDA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA BRYOZOA Genus and Species Corophium insidiosum Savignyella lafontii Carijoa (=Telesto) riisei Chthamalus proteus Halocordyle disticha Corophium baconi Schizoporella unicornis Mycale (Carmia) cecilia Chama lazarus Chama pacifica Scylla serrata Watersipora edmondsoni Symplegma oceania Lutjanus fulvus Chama cf. elatensis Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Halochondria melanodocia Vermetus alii Crassostrea virginica Balanus eburneus Poecilia cf. latipinna Acanthophora spicifera Suberites cf. zeteki Pomatoleios kraussii Salmacina dysteri Diodora ruppelli Saccostrea cucullata Chama fibula Venerupis (Ruditapes) philippinarum Grandidierella japonica Nanosesarma minutum Gonodactylus falcatus Symplegma reptans Oreochromis mossambicus Sarotherodon melanotheron Zygomycale parishii Hydroides dirampha Hydroides elegans Crepidula aculeata Crucibulum spinosum Martesia striata Teredo bartschi Pigrogromitus timsanus Balanus reticulatus Limnoria tripunctata Corophium ascherusicum Ericthonius brasiliensis Elasmopus rapax Podocerus brasiliensis Stenothoe gallensis Amathia distans Bugula neritina Bugula stolonifera Schizoporella errata Ascidia sydneiensis Ascidia sp. B Herdmania momus Microcosmus exasperatus Phallusia nigra Abra sp. Sphenia sp. A Panopeus pacificus Aetea truncata 1st P. H. Rept. 1978 1972 1972 1996 1929 1973 1935 1973 1950 1950 1972 1972 1975 1973 1996 1913 1993 1973 1866 1929 1905 1952 1948 1976 1972 1962 1996 1920 1918 1996 1996 1973 1996 1973 1987 1947 1929 1929 1915 1950 1920 1935 1996 1915 1973 1973 1938 1948 1938 1937 1948 1921 1940 1973 1976 1996 1972 1996 1985 1996 1996 1929 1972 Origin and/or Previous Range North Atlantic (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Tropical Atlantic (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Florida-Brazil (Bayer, 1961) Caribbean (Newman. pers. comm.) European Atlantic, Worldwide (Cooke, 1977) Bering Sea- Peru (Barnard, 1970) Northwest Pacific (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Panama-Palau (Kelly-Borges et al., ms.) East Afica-Tonga (Paulay, 1996) Thailand-Line Islands (Paulay, 1996) Guam, Red Sea-Tahiti (Brock, 1960) Tropical-Subtropical Pacific (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Temperate and Tropical Pacific (Abbot et al. 1997) Tropical Indo-Pacific (Randall, 1987) Red Sea (Paulay, pers. comm.) Red Sea, Worldwide (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Tropical West Atlantic (Bergquist, 1967) Florida (Hadfield, pers. comm. in Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Eastern N. America, Worldwide Western N. Atlantic, Worldwide (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Eastern North America (Randall, 1987) Guam-Australia (Doty, 1961) Philippines-Palau (Kelly-Borges et al., ms.) Tropical Indo-West Pacific (Bailey-Brock, 1987) Tropical Worldwide (Bailey-Brock, 1987) Tropical Indo-West Pacific -Red Sea (Kay, 1979) Australia (Edmondson & Wilson, 1940) Philippines-Australia Japan, Indo-West to East Pacific Japan (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) East Afica-Thailand (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Eastern Pacific- Phillipines (Kinsey, 1968) Japan (Lambert, pers. comm.) East Africa, Tropical Worldwide (Randall, 1987) West Africa, Tropical Worldwide (Randall, 1987) Tropical Worldwide (Kelly-Borges et al., ms.) Tropical and Temperate Worldwide (Bailey-Brock, 1987) Worldwide (Bailey-Brock, 1987) Worldwide (Kay, 1979) Worldwide (Kay, 1979) Throughout Atlantic and Pacific (Kay, 1979) Worldwide (Kay, 1979) Suez Canal, Tropical Worldwide Worldwide (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Worldwide (Muir, pers. comm.) Tropical and Temperate Worldwide (Barnard, 1971) Tropical and Temperate Worldwide (Muir, pers. comm.) Tropical Worldwide (Bernard, 1970) Tropical and Temperate Worldwide (Muir, pers. comm.) Tropical Worldwide (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Tropical Worldwide (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Tropical Worldwide (Soule &Soule, 1967) Tropical Worldwide (Gordon & Maatvatari, 1992)) Worldwide (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) Tropical Worldwide (Abbot et al. 1997) Tropical Western Pacific (Abbot et al. 1997) Tropical Worldwide (Abbot et al. 1997) Tropical Worldwide (Abbot et al. 1997) Worldwide (Abbot et al. 1997) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown (Carlton & Eldredge, ms) ID A A CA CA EA EP EP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP RS RS WA WA WA WA WA WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW


I. New Species Reports and Changes in Biota One hundred sixty six of the 434 total taxa reported for this study were species or genera never previously reported in Pearl Harbor (Appendix F). Of these new reports nine were sampled from sediments and the remaining 157 were fouling community organisms or fishes. New reports for these non-sediment organisms ranged from 16% of the total taxa at Station 5 to 47% of total taxa at Station 1, with new reports more than 35% of total taxa at 7 of the 15 of the stations. Approximately the same proportions of the total number of new reports for the harbor were accounted for by each phylum as applied for the total community, except that algae comprised 14.6% sponges 17.2% and fishes only 7.6% of the new reports, compared to 9.1%, 8.4% and 15% for those groups respectively in the total taxa (Table 2).

Nineteen of the 32 sponges (~60%) collected in Pearl Harbor are new species reports for the Hawaiian Islands. Eleven of these may represent undescribed species unique to Hawaii, and three are considered to be introduced species (Kelly-Borges, et al, unpublished ms. and Carlton and Eldredge, unpub. ms.). Of the 23 species previously recorded from Pearl Harbor, only five were verified by the present study to occur in the harbor in 1996. Because few specimens exist from previous collections in Pearl Harbor, it is not possible to compare our species identifications with previous reports (De Laubenfels, 1950; McCain, 1974,1975; Brock 1994, 1995). It is highly probable that many of the species identified as new reports in the present study have occurred in Pearl Harbor for some time. It is also possible that some species previously reported in Pearl Harbor do occur there but were not collected by this survey. The lack of information regarding the historical presence of sponges in Pearl Harbor makes it difficult to designate the status (i. e. native or introduced) of many of the species identified by this study. As a result many species of sponges are herein categorized as cryptogenic, pending further study. Several specimens that have been assigned specific names with some certainty and are presently considered cryptogenic are discussed below.

Mycale (Aegogropila) armata is perhaps the most abundant and conspicuous sponge in Pearl Harbor, found at all sampling stations except those of upper West Loch (Figure 20). As abundant as it is, it is not likely that this sponge was overlooked by previous collectors in the harbor. It has probably been previously misidentified as Zygomycale parishii, a species with a similar complement of spicules and an orange color. The known distribution of M. (A.) armata is the Great Barrier Reef, Indo-Malaysian region (including the Philippines) and the west-central Pacific. An ongoing survey of the fouling communities in commercial harbors throughout Hawaii did not encounter this species in Nawiliwili or Kahului Harbors (DeFelice, pers. obs.), suggesting that this species may be introduced.


Gelliodes fibrosa, a black sponge that forms a thick fibrous mat, occurred at seven sampling stations, including the USS Machinist hull (Figure 20). This sponge may have been overlooked or misidentified by previous researchers, but it is important to note that this species has not been recorded elsewhere to date except in the Philippines. Sigmadocia cf. caerulea may eventually be regarded as an introduced sponge. This species was originally described from the Caribbean, and nothing similar has been recorded anywhere in the Indo-Pacific, including Japan. If the Pearl Harbor specimens are confirmed to be S. caerulea, it is highly improbable that the resulting distribution of this species (i. e. the Caribbean and Hawaii) is natural.

Echinodictylum asperum is very common and widely distributed from the Arabian Gulf through the Indo-Pacific, including the western coast of Australia, the Palau marine lakes, Guam, Likiep, Pohnpei, northern and southern Papua New Guinea and Zanzibar. This sponge may have been overlooked by previous researchers since it is covered with sediment, but it could not have been mistaken for any other sponge known from Hawaii. If the distribution of this species in Hawaii proves to be restricted to Pearl Harbor, this sponge may be considered an introduced species. If it is found to be widely distributed throughout the state, it would be difficult to determined whether it is introduced or the Hawaiian Islands are part of this sponges normal distribution.

Biemna fistulosa is another species that may have been overlooked by previous researchers. This sponge is known from Zanzibar, Chuuk, and the Palau marine lakes, which have similar environments to Pearl Harbor. A human-mediated transport between Pearl Harbor and these remote locations is unlikely; therefore, it is possible that Hawaii may be part of this species natural distribution.

The locations where reef corals were found in Pearl Harbor during the present study are shown Figure 23 Four coral species occurred, and two of them penetrated well into East Loch.

Leptastrea purpurea, a recognized hardy species, occurred at six stations, extending to the shoreline at Rainbow Bay and even to the sheet piling in the path of the HECO warm water effluent. Colonies of this species were all small, but their survival in these environments was surprising. A single small colony of Pocillopora damicornis (Plate 4) occurred at Station 11 at the entrance to Southeast Loch, and a few medium size colonies were near the Hospital Point drydock. However, this species was relatively abundant at Station 2 in West Loch channel, where colony sizes ranged from 1-2 cm up to ca 15 cm, and an incipient new reef appears to be forming.


Figure 23. Distribution of reef corals found in Pearl Harbor in 1996: Pocillopora damicornis (solid circles), Pocillopora meandrina (open circles). Leptastrea purpurea (solid squares), Porites compressa (open square), Montipora patula (solid diamond). This was also the location of the only colony of Porites compressa found in this study (Plate 5), which was about 15 cm in diameter. Small, scoured colonies of Pocillopora meandrina, P.

damicornis and Montipora patula occurred at the main channel entrance, which is the location most exposed to wave turbulence and the site most similar to a normal coral reef environment.

This is the first report of widespread occurrence of reef corals in Pearl Harbor. No corals were found by the extensive 1971-73 NUC study (Evans et al., 1974) or any of the other studies conducted in the harbor in the 1970s. Since most of the stations of the present study were established as close as possible to many of the original NUC stations, it is not likely that corals found in 1996 were missed by the previous study. Brock (1994) was the first to report occurrence of coral in Pearl Harbor, which were several small colonies of Leptastrea purpurea on the west shore of Ford Island in December 1993. All coral colonies in the present study were small to medium in size, suggesting the conditions in the harbor have only become amenable to coral settlement and growth in recent years.


Fifty four species or higher taxa of polychaetes were tentatively identified, and 12 of these were not previously reported from Pearl Harbor. Four species of introduced Serpulidae previously reported in the harbor were re-collected in this study. Five species previously reported as

cryptogenic were also collected. Twelve species of polychaetes are tentatively listed as new reports to Pearl Harbor and one eunicid species may be a new report for Hawaii. Polychaetes listed in Appendix C as unidentified will require further examination before their status can be determined.

One of the cryptogenic species, the large tube building worm Chaetopterus variopedatus, occurred throughout the harbor and was extraordinarily abundant at the Hospital Point Drydock. C. variopedatus is one of the few species observed in the harbor to have monopolized a habitat. It is likely that, with further taxonomic and biogeographical investigation, this species will be categorized as introduced.

Eighteen of the total 166 genera and species newly found in Pearl Harbor by this study were molluscs, including four species considered introduced or cryptogenic. Of the remaining 14, six occurred only at Stations 1 or 2, where conditions most resemble an oceanic reef environment. This may also reflect a change in water quality in the last twenty years that has favored the settlement and survival of reef corals.

All four pyconogonids that were identified to species in the present study are new reports for Pearl Harbor, and one, Pigrogromitus timsanus, was a new report and introduction for Hawaii. Two isopods and one amphipod species were collected in the present study that are considered to be new Hawaiian records. The isopod, Mesanthura sp., has not yet been identified to the specific level. It is somewhat similar to Mesanthura hieroglyphica, a species considered native, but differs substantially from that species (Muir, pers. comm.). M. hieroglyphica was reported in the harbor in 1973 (Evans et al. 1974), but none were collected in this survey. Several Mesanthura sp. were collected from Station 6, 7, 9, and 15, and specimens are also present in Kahului Harbor, Maui (DeFelice, pers. obs.). Another isopod, Exospheroma sp., is not identified to species. This is a new record for this genus in Hawaii and, once identified, will probably be considered an introduction. Three individuals were collected from Station 10. The amphipod, Grandidierella bispinosa, was found only at Station 14. This amphipod is known from Indonesia and Fiji and may also be classified as an introduced species pending verification of the identification.

Twenty one species of decapod crustacea never previously reported in Pearl Harbor were collected or observed in this study, including the newly introduced species Nanosesarma minutum. Ten of these species occurred only at Stations 1 or 2, and five are species symbiotically associated with the corals Pocillopora meandrina and P. damicornis. This provides further


indication of a transition of the environment at the mouth of the harbor toward coral reef conditions which is being reflected in the benthic fauna species composition.

The present study identified a total of 19 taxa of ascidians, seven of which were not previously reported in Pearl Harbor, and one, Symplegma reptans, which is a new introduction to Hawaii. Most of these ascidians were widely distributed in the harbor, and two, Phallusia nigra and Herdmania momus, occurred at virtually every station except those furthest into West Loch. The most taxa of ascidians reported by a previous study in Pearl Harbor was nine (Grovhoug, 1976) and most studies, e. g. Evans, et al (1974), reported four or less. This is surprising, considering that this group is well adapted to live in the organically rich, high turbidity environment that has historically existed in Pearl Harbor. The relatively high number of new reports of ascidians for this study may represent a real increase in species richness in the harbor for this group. However, it is equally or more likely that previous studies did not fully identify the ascidians that may have been sampled.

Of the 59 taxa of fishes reported in the present study, only 12 were not previously recorded in the harbor. Four of these occurred only at Station 1, at the channel entrance, and can be considered coral reef associated species. The visual observations and trapping methods used in this study were limited in their capability for detecting the fishes resident in the harbor, and many species were undoubtedly missed. However, by comparison, the 1971-1973 NUC study used a variety of techniques including seines, gill nets, traps and diving observations, and detected a total of 88 taxa of fishes, only about 1.5 the total number determined in the present study.

All shore areas of West Loch which provide a hard surface for settlement are dominated by large edible oysters (Crassostrea ?virginica). These oysters, possibly descended from the first eastern oysters reported introduced into the harbor in the 1860s or more probably from oysters planted in West Loch in the 1920s, suggest that a full recovery has been made from the nearly complete oyster mortality that occurred in 1972 (Kawamoto and Sakuda, 1973).



As a result of geographic and evolutionary isolation, island ecosystems are generally thought to be more sensitive to biological invasions than are continental areas (Moulton and Pimm, 1986; Vitousek and Walker 1989). Yet, despite the potential for detrimental effects to the nearshore environment, fundamental information regarding the occurrence and distribution of introduced marine species in Hawaii is limited (Eldredge, 1987). Most information regarding introduced

marine and brackish-water species in Hawaii comes from past research conducted on Oahu (Carlton and Eldredge, ms. in prep.).

Even after allowance for a bias in data collection effort, Pearl Harbor appears to have been a major receptacle and incubation ground for introduced species. It is clear that Pearl Harbor has received both intentional and accidental species introductions since at least 1866 when the first attempts at culturing eastern oysters (Crassostrea sp.) in the harbor were made. Earlier

undocumented introductions almost certainly occurred from the fouling communities of the first European ships or even from earlier Polynesian migrations to Hawaii. The majority of invasive species have probably been introduced accidentally to Pearl Harbor. In most cases, the dispersal mechanism of unintentionally introduced species is assumed to be ships. These undocumented introductions could have originated from fouling on the hulls of the first European ships to reach the islands or, more recently, from ballast water. Some species may have been released along with intentionally introduced species (e.g. oysters).

The rate of introductions in the harbor apparently increased substantially in this century after the completion of the ship channel in 1911 enabled entry of ocean going vessels into the harbor and provided the opportunity for release of marine organisms from ballast water or fouling. However, all six introduced species that were first detected from 1911 to 1920 were still present in the harbor in 1996. This suggests that these species were well established in Pearl Harbor before sampling activity increased, and that they have persisted as a normal component of the harbor community. Rates of new species introductions appear to have increased during periods of high shipping activity during and after war time in the 1920s, 1940s and 1970s, although this effect is difficult to separate from variations in sampling effort.

Our sampling indicated that 96 species, or about 22% of the total number of species obtained in Pearl Harbor in 1996 could be considered introduced or cryptogenic based upon the criteria described for these categories. Of these 96 species 22, or about 5% of the total 434 species found, were introduced or cryptogenic species first detected in the present study, and these putative new introductions exceed those of any previous decade. Some of the species classified as recent introductions or cryptogenic may be reclassified to be indigenous as further taxonomic


information becomes available. However, these results suggest that introduced species comprise a substantial portion of the total biological community in Pearl Harbor and that species introduction continues to occur at a moderate and measurable rate.

A substantial portion of the Pearl Harbor biological community is comprised of inonindigenous species, and the fouling communities in many areas are dominated by introduced or cryptogenic sponges, tunicates, bryozoans and polychaetes which may cover virtually 100% of available surfaces. West Loch areas receiving highly turbid runoff and sedimentation were dominated by Crassostrea ?virginica oysters wherever hard substrata were available for oyster settlement and growth. The filter feeding cryptogenic polychaete Cheatopterus variopedatus was very abundant under Drydock 4 at Station 6. Two species of introduced sponges Mycale (Carmia) cecilia and Suberites cf. zeteki were so abundant in the vicinity of the heated discharge water at the HECO outfall that they form a virtual sponge reef that is unique in Hawaii. Both the elevated water temperature and the high particulate levels in the discharged effluent may promote the growth of these and other sponges in this area.

However, we saw little evidence of dominance of the sublittoral community or monopolization of resources by any recently introduced cryptogenic species such has been reported for San Francisco Bay (Cohen and Carlton, 1995) and the Great Lakes (Mills, et al., 1993). With one exception these organisms occurred in Pearl Harbor in low abundance, and many were single reports. The only recently introduced species that has achieved high numbers or densities

throughout the harbor is the small barnacle Chthamalus proteus, which was unreported in the harbor or elsewhere in Hawaii before 1993. This organism now occurs in high densities in the upper intertidal in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu Harbor and Kaneohe Bay and has been observed in Nawiliwili and Kahului Harbors (DeFelice, pers. obs.). It is surprising that this organism, which could have easily been transported as fouling or in its larval stages in ballast water at any time, would be so late in reaching Hawaii and then so rapidly disseminated and propagated to become a dominant intertidal organism. However, distribution charts of barnacle species prepared by Matsuda (1973) for surveys made in Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe Bay show no Chthamalus species present, indicating that introduction and explosive proliferation of this species within the past 20 years has been a real occurrence (Newman, pers. comm.). Although C. proteus occurs in the upper intertidal where few other marine organisms reside, it may represent serious competition to native species in this zone. Its high densities and rapid growth rate potentially may act to

dominate or exclude competing organisms, and it can completely cover the shells of intertidal limpets with its growth.

As noted in the Results, at least eight newly introduced species have been identified in this 1996 survey of Pearl Harbor. Given that the major previous surveys of the Harbor were more than 20


years ago, this number may appear to be relatively low when compared to the number of new invasions over the past two decades in other active ports on the Pacific Rim (such as San Francisco Bay, San Diego Bay, and Hong Kong (Cohen and Carlton, 1995; J. T. Carlton, unpublished summaries)). However, a number of factors hamper clear interpretation of the actual number of invasions that have occurred in Pearl Harbor over the past 20 years: 1) it is difficult to clarify in the 1990s the biogeographic status and history of many tropical and subtropical marine invertebrates, thus at least 14 of the newly recorded species in this survey must tentatively be regarded as cryptogenic, 2) numerous smaller taxa (such as bryozoans, hydroids,

micropolychaetes, turbellarian flatworms, small nemerteans, benthic copepods, and so forth), that are common in ballast water and/or ship fouling, are often not adequately sampled or resolved taxonomically in broad scale macroinvertebrate surveys, 3) previous studies in the 1970s differed considerably in their foci, techniques, and level of taxonomic resolution, making the appearance (or, indeed, disappearance) of certain taxa somewhat uncertain.

Notably, Pearl Harbor may have sustained a fairly large number of ascidian invasions since World War II. However, earlier biological collections in Pearl Harbor may not have completely sampled habitats (such as float fouling communities) where sea squirts may dominate, nor were ascidian taxonomic characteristics examined in detail. In the meantime, taxonomists have systematically recorded many species of ascidians from the Hawaiian Islands (Abbott et al., in press) that were not seen in the 1940s. Our survey found many of these same species (by default not here recorded as "new records for Hawaii"), many of which may in fact have arrived since the 1960s or 1970s. Other studies (Carlton and Eldredge, ms in prep.) are attempting to assemble the first dates of collection of these ascidians, as well as of other taxa, in order to more clearly understand if a pulse of invasions occurred in Pearl Harbor during and since the 1970s as seen elsewhere in the world.

Some of the more vigorous vectors promoting species introductions in other world ports to may operate at a relatively lower scale in Pearl Harbor. Most ballast water, for example, is transported in large bulk cargo carriers that arrive "empty" (but in fact often with 25,000 or more metric tons of ballast water) to pick up cargo. The majority of traffic in and out of Pearl Harbor is military traffic, which generally carries far less ballast water than commercial traffic. The majority of traffic for the Hawaiian Islands in general are container ships and inbound petroleum tanker vessels, neither of which carry the quantities of ballast water utilized by bulk carriers. (In the case of container ships, ballast water is usually measured in the hundreds of tons, or in the single-digit thousands of tons, whereas in the case of loaded petroleum tankers, ballast water may be virtually absent or used for trim purposes only). There have been no studies, however, on the amounts of ballast water

actually released annually in Pearl Harbor or anywhere else in Hawaii, nor on their biological contents.


Because of the nature of vessel traffic coming into Pearl Harbor with a speculated relatively low "ballast signature", ship fouling (in the form of both hull fouling communities and sea chest fouling communities) may play a role equal or exceeding that of ballast water, depending on vessel type, length of service out of the drydock, and source region. As with ballast water, however, there are no modern-day studies on what organisms are arriving in Pearl Harbor via ship fouling. The probable post-1970s appearance of various new fouling bivalves, at least one new ascidian, at least several new sponges, and of a new barnacle (Chthamalus proteus) may implicate either the modern day role of ballast water or fouling communities.

No recent imports of commercial shellfish (such as oysters, clams, mussels, or abalones) are known to have occurred in Pearl Harbor in the last two decades that would have released either the target species in question or associated unintentional introductions. This lack of mariculture activity, increasingly active in many other parts of the world, has spared the harbor from new marine invasions by this vector, although introductions of commercial shrimp (Macrobrachium) in streams and rivers in Hawaii have occurred (Eldredge, 1994).

Along with the introduction of new species that may have been occurring in the last two decades, the results indicate that the environment in Pearl Harbor has been changing to conditions that may be considered more pristine and favorable to organisms formerly excluded from the harbor. Five species of corals were found in this study, some of them occurring well within the harbor and removed from oceanic conditions normally considered necessary for coral survival. Grovhoug (Appendix F in Evans, et al., 1974) noted that stony corals were conspicuously absent from all biostations in Pearl Harbor (including BC-11 located at the harbors mouth in the entrance channel). BC-11 was the site of Station 1 where the present study found three coral species, and two more coral species occurred further into the harbor, with the distribution of one extending to shoreline at the head of East Loch.

Few data are available to verify the general improvement of water quality in the harbor since comprehensive surveys were made in the early 1970s. However, the above observations of coral occurrence within the harbor, subjective observations of water clarity over a 20-year period (Coles, pers. obs.) and the abatement of many sources of pollution to the harbor since the 1970s (Grovhoug, 1992) combine to indicate that water conditions have improved considerably over the last twenty years. Organisms more sensitive to sedimentation, turbidity and other pollution

stresses appear to be establishing themselves within the harbor. Given that harbor water quality conditions continue to improve, it will be interesting to determine if these conditions favor futher establishment of nonindigenous species or the continuation of the relatively stable conditions that now apparently prevail for the biological community.


This study constitutes the first comprehensive study of a bay or harbor in Hawaii conducted with the objective of detecting the introduction of nonindigenous marine or brackish water species. Although Pearl Harbor provides one of the best opportunities for such a study because of the amount of sampling that has been conducted there, it is a relatively unusual environment that has only been open to oceanic ship traffic for the last 85 years. Since that time there has been ample opportunity for introductions of species from areas throughout the world, especially from other regions of the Pacific during war time. However, other ports of call in Hawaii, especially Honolulu and Hilo Harbors, have received trans-oceanic shipping for a much longer time than has Pearl Harbor. The marine biological communities of these and other harbors in Hawaii have never been systematically surveyed, and they would act as strategic distribution points for dissemination of introduced species to other areas in Hawaii. Studies such as the present one are needed to determine the present composition of the marine communities of other Hawaiian harbors and to determine the history of species introductions in these areas.



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APPENDIX A Chronology of Important Events in Pearl Harbor


Undated enterprising Ewa Chief, Keaunui, son of Mawaeke, about twenty-six generations ago, accomplished the task of deepening and widening the channel of the harbor The writer is inclined, however, to surmise the date as about thirteen generations ago, when the building of walled fish ponds must have been sufficiently novel to the native chronicler to be recorded (Stokes, 1909). Undated But to Keanui, the head of the powerful and celebrated Ewa chiefs, is attributed the honour of having cut a navigable channel near the present Puuloa saltworks, by which the great estuary, now known as the Pearl River, was in all subsequent ages rendered accessible to navigation.the estuary doubtless had an outlet for its waters where the present gap is; but the legend is probably correct in giving Keanui the credit of having widened it and deepened it, so as to admit the passage of canoes, and even larger vessels, in and out of the Pearl River estuary (Fornander, quoted in Sterling and Summers, 1978) 1792 Entrance to Pearl Harbor noted by officers and crew of the HMS Discovery, under command of Capt. George Vancouver. Ships naturalist Archibald Menzies comments on small pearls brought for trade from the harbor, considering them badly shaped and ill colored, so consequently of little value(Menzies 1920) To the westward of Fair Haven (Honolulu) is another (harbor) which is formed in a large bason [sic] when the reefs are passed. Pearls of good quality are collected in this bason. (Broughton, 1804) On the Island is a pearl oyster. It is in a river about three or four miles from where we anchored. We got some pearls and some of the pearl oyster shells (Townsend, 1888) Pearls and mother-of-pearl shells are found in considerable quantity. Since the King [Kamehameha I] has learned their value, he has kept the fishing to himself, and employs divers for that purpose (Campbell, 1822) About six miles to the westward of this harbour is Wy Momi, or Pearl Water.There is not more than about fifteen feet of water on the bar or reef at high water, and inside about six to eighteen fathoms mud and sand.At the head of the inlet is a run of very fine fresh water, and provisions are here cheap and plentiful. There are many divers employed here, diving for Pearl Oysters, which are found in great plenty. (Corney, 1896).





1821-22 Wereached the Pearl River, so called from the pearls which are found in small quantities in its bed. The specimens I saw appeared to be of a very inferior quality. The sea here forms a small bay, which has the appearance of a salt-water lake, being landlocked on every side except at the narrow entrance.on every estate the is a fishpond surrounded by a stone wall, where the fish are strictly preserved for the use of their rightful owners,(Mathison, 1925) 1824-25 First surveys of the entrance and Lochs of Pearl Harbor by Lt. C. R. Malden and J. Frembly of the HMS Blonde under command of Capt. Lord Byron (Figure 2). Minimum depths at harbor entrance charted as 2 fathoms and at entrance to Middle Loch as 3 fathoms. Pearl Harbor was described by the ships botanist. Pearl River is about seven miles west of Hanaruru, [sic] and is improperly called a river, being rather inlets from the sea, branching in different directions.The entrance to Pearl River is very narrow and shallow,it is fit for very small vessels to enter, but over the bar there is deep water, and in the channels leading to the lochs there are from 7 to 20 fathoms. The lochs themselves are rather shallow.The oysters that are found in Pearl River are small and insipid and of no value or consequence. (Macrae, 1922).


1838-40 Pearl-River Harbour affords an abundant supply of fine fish. Two species of clams are procured here, called by the natives okupe and olepe. Mr. Drayton, who went to Pearl Rover for the purpose of examining its shores, and obtaining fossils, reported that he found a large bed of fossil oyster shells, extending into the bank in a bed one to four feet wide and a half a mile in length: (Wilkes, 1840, in Sterling and Summers, 1978). After the mid-19 century water quality conditions in Pearl harbor apparently declined substantially, resulting in loss of the pearl oysters and decrease in other shellfish populations: From that time it was much found in Ewa up to recent years, about 1850-53, the time when this race of people [Hawaiians] were being destroyed by the small pox. The oyster began to vanish from that time to the present. (Manu, 1885; quoted in Sterling and Summers, 1978) In some unknown era of the past, the population of the whole islandmight have been supplied from the banks of this inlet with excellent oysters. There are no oysters to be gathered in any of these islands now. (Bowser, 1880). the pearl oysters vanished from the places where they were found in great numbers as far as the shore. They were no longer found. The few found today are merely nothing. (1899 Hawaiian newspaper article, quoted in Sterling and Summers, 1978) No where else in all Hawaii were there so many kinds of bivalves as in Pearl Harbor. There were large and small ones, thin-shelled and thick-shelled ones besides the pipi, these too have dwindled in number (Pukui, 1944),


Visit to Honolulu by the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) under command of Capt. John Percival (Judd, 1929). In 1846 ships officer Lt. I. W. Curtis prepared a secret report to the Hawaiian government which outlined and proposed a comprehensive plan to set aside and fortify Pearl Harbor as a naval base (Taylor, 1912) Planting of a barrel of imported seed oyster by Capt. John Paty (Honolulu Advertiser, 1895, cited in Kay, 1979; Eldredge, 1994) First Treaty of Reciprocity between the United States and Hawaii, in which the U. S. was granted no special privileges in Pearl Harbor, but the Hawaiian government agreed that it will not lease or otherwise dispose of or create any lien upon any port, harbor or other territoryor grant any special privilege or right of use therein to any other government. (Taylor, 1912). Oyster planting by James Campbell at Honouliuli (Honolulu Advertiser, 1947, cited in Kay, 1979) Granting of exclusive franchise of Pearl Harbor to the United States by King Kalakaua Introduction of seed oysters from San Francisco by S. M. Damon at Moanalua (Maclellan, 1938; Eldredge, 1994)




1887 1890

1893-95 Successful plantings of eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica at Ewa which established the species in Pearl Harbor (Brock 1960). Successful culture and marketing of eastern oysters by John Colbourn from his fishpond on Pearl City peninsula (Independent, 1895, cited in Kay, 1979)



Treaty of annexation of Hawaii to the United States enables U. S. Navy to proceed with plans to develop Pearl Harbor as a coaling station and ships drydock.


Contract awarded for dredging of Pearl harbor entrances to 30 feet deep by 200 feet wide to accommodate ocean-going ships. (Anon., Paradise of the Pacific, 1901, 14(1) and 1902, 15(2)) Introduction of the red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle to southwest Molokai for soil retention on mud flats (Wagner et al, 1990). No information is available when this plant began growing in Pearl Harbor, where it has come to totally dominate and cover the shoreline at the heads of the three major lochs. Introduction of mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), sailfin molly (Mollienesia latipina) and killifish (Fundulis grandis) at Moanalua, near Pearl Harbor (Brock, 1960). First two deep draft boats, four and five masted schooners, enter Pearl Harbor to deliver lumber to be used in construction of naval drydock. (Anon. Paradise of the Pacific, 1910, 23(4)) Official opening of the Pearl Harbor channel for navigation on Dec. 15, 1911, first entered by the cruiser USS California. (Anon., Paradise of the Pacific, 1912, 25(1)). Nearly completed first Naval drydock is destroyed when the bottom began to rise as the coffer dam was being pumped, and a nine foot hole opened in the floor. Suddenly it blew with the force of dynamite shattering heavy timbers as sections collapsed (Scott, 1968). An engineering study (Stanford, 1915) explained this to be due to fresh water intrusion into the geological substratum below the drydock, but a more interesting explanation was provided in Hawaiian lore. When a drydock was built at Puuloa about thirty years ago, the old timers shook their heads. The drydock was all right, but the location was not good, for it was directly over the home of Kaahupahaus (the shark goddesss) son. When the crash came and the dock, well built as it was, fell shattered and broken, it was no surprise to the old timers (Pukui, 1944). Further When the water was once again pumped from the cofferdamthe backbone and ribs of a fourteen foot hammerhead shark were found on the cofferdam floor (Scott, 1968). Completion of first drydock and beginning of major ship repair operations. Commissioning of Naval Ammunition Depot at Magazine Island (Grovhoug, 1992). Introduction of Japanese clam Venerupis (=Tapes) phippinarum into Pearl Harbor (Edmondson and Wilson, 1940; Brock, 1960; Eldredge, 1994).








1921-22 Introduction of five barrels of the eastern oyster Ostrea elongata (Crassostrea virginica) into Pearl Harbor by the Hawaiian Fish and Game Commission (Coleman, 1923). Oysters from this planting reported in 1940 as scatteredbut not enough for commercial purposes (Anon., Paradise of the Pacific, 1940, 52(12); Kay, 1979; Eldredge, 1994). 1920-40 Acquisition of Ford Island and construction of Naval Air Station and Battleship Row. Acceleration of development of Pearl harbor Naval Complex and alteration of shoreline in East and Southeast Lochs by dredging and filling (Grovhoug, 1992). 1926-35 Introduction of the Samoan Crab Scylla serrata to various localities on Oahu, probably including Pearl Harbor (Brock, 1960).



Beginning of operation of Waiau Electrical Generating Station at the head of East Loch. The first two units utilized fresh water from wells for cooling condensers, while Units 3 to 8 (completed from 1947 to 1968) use salt water from East Loch that is taken from o one side of a 365 m long sheet piling and discharged on the other side at 5-7 C above 3 ambient. A maximum of 2.07 million m per day of cooling water has been cycled and heated by the station since it reached maximum capacity in 1968 (McCain, 1975). Attempted introduction of Japanese oyster (Crassostrea gigas) into Pearl Harbor (Eldredge, 1994), considered by Brock (1960) not to have survived. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor forces U. S. entry into WWII, and Pearl Harbor ship activity escalates. Massive expansion Pearl Harbor Naval facilities and activities. Between 1940 and 1945, 6 miles of piers and wharves were constructed and a new marine railway was completed (Scott, 1968). Thomas drydock was completed and opened in Sept. 1943. Large areas of the Waipio Peninsula in West Loch were filled and converted to dry land by depositing dredged material (Grovhoug, 1992). As a result of this and other dredge and fill operations most of the Hawaiian fishponds existing early in the century were destroyed. A map compiled from information available from 1873 to 1915 shows 30 fishponds along Pearl Harbors shoreline, including the two largest, Loko Hanoloa and Loko Eo, on Waipio Peninsula. Over half still remained after intitial development of the Pearl Harbor naval Base (Figure 4), but only four fishponds existed by 1974 (Apple and Kikuchi, 1975).



1940-50 Massive increase in ship traffic to Pearl Harbor from Pacific and America increases probability of species introductions. A heavily fouled barge which had been towed to Pearl Harbor from Guam in 1950 was examined and found to have numerous crustacean species new to Hawaii, and latter proposed to have been the source of introductions of exotic species of algae and cnidarians (Doty, 1961) 1950-70 Increasing usage of Pearl Harbor for receiving sewage effluent and sugar mill wastes. In 1957 69 outfalls were counted and over 100 outfalls estimated to release treated or untreated effluents into the harbor. Water quality was highly degraded with coliform bacteria counts reaching as high as 130,000 MPN/100 ml at mouths of streams in East Loch and 2.4 billion(!) MPN/100 ml in the vicinity of oyster beds in West Loch (Cox and Gordon, 1970). 1962 Population of eastern oysters in West Loch, Pearl Harbor, had grown to 19 major beds containing approximately 36 million oysters equivalent to about 56 thousand bushels (Kawamoto and Sakuda, 1973).

1971-73 First comprehensive biological survey of Pearl Harbor conducted by the Naval Undersea Center (NUC). The report published from this study defined the characteristics and condition of the Pearl Harbor marine and estuarine communities and related these to ongoing studies of physical and chemical parameters (Evans et al. 1974). Other studies of the environmental impacts of the thermal outfalls from the Waiau Power Station (McCain 1974, 1975, 1977) and three smaller power plants operated by the Navy (Grovhoug 1979) provided further information on Pearl Harbor biological communities during this period. 1972 Drastic 99% mortality of the 35 million oysters previously estimated in 1972 to occur in West Loch, Pearl Harbor. Cause of mortality not specified but suggested to be similar to fungal infection which caused massive oyster kills that previously occurred on the eastern and gulf coast U. S. mainland (Kawamoto and Sakuda, 1973). About on month before this event, researchers conducting the NUC Pearl Harbor Biological Survey observed an extensive fish and invertebrates mortality that affected organisms throughout most of Middle Loch, apparently due to anoxic conditions that were


generated by an oxygen scavenging substance that was released into the Loch by a sewage diffuser. Red tides were observed periodically in all lochs throughout the study (Evans, et al., 1974). Ca. 1975 Navy completed installation of shipboard wastewater collection, holding and transfer tank systems and stops release of wastewater effluents into Pearl Harbor (Grovhoug, 1992). 1982-84 End of sewage effluent discharge into Pearl Harbor from all major treatment plants except the Fort Kamehameha plant which still releases an average 6.5 mgd at the Harbor entrance. Within the Harbor or its tributaries, effluents totaling over 14 mgd were diverted from outfalls at Pearl City, Waipahu, Mililani, Pacific Palisades, Halawa and Iroquois Point. (Grovhoug, 1992). 1987 Spill of ca. 100,000 gallons of aviation fuel from a pipeline near the mouth of Waiawa Spring at the head of Middle Loch. This produced leaf yellowing on about 10 acres of mangroves of the total 46 acres of forest along the shore of Middle loch, but appeared to have little toxic effect on the subtidal organisms near the affected mangrove swamp (AECOS, 1987). Resampling of nine NUC stations previously sampled in 1971-73 indicated improving conditions in the East and Southeast Lochs of Pearl Harbor. With the exception of light extinction at two stations, water quality parameters were within state standards. Metal concentrations in the water were far below state acute standards at all stations and were below state chronic standards for all but two stations, in the shipyard area of Southeast Loch. Sediment metal concentrations showed significant decreases from 1972 values for most metals. Only silver showed elevated concentrations in the entrance channel area, probably from sewage effluent release from the Fort Kamehameha sewage outfall. Polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations were substantially elevated in sediments in the area of the Southeast Loch shipyard (Grovhoug, 1992). Transport of the floating drydock, the Machinist to Pearl Harbor from the Philippines aroused concern by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Department of Aquatic Resources, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Army Corps of Engineers and interested scientists about the danger of introduction of exotic marine species or diseases living within ballast water or as fouling organisms on the hull. The Navy assured all concerned that the drydock would be thoroughly cleaned of fouling organisms and inspected, deballasted while still at sea and ballast water samples tested for cholera and coliform bacteria. However, the Navy declined access to non-navy observers who wish to confirm the report that the hull is free of fouling organisms and did not provide other items requested by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture that would help to confirm absence of introduced organisms. Spill of ca. 39,000 gallons of bunker fuel oil from Chevron oil pipeline at head of East Loch where it supplies the Waiau Generating Station. The intertidal and subtidal mud flats and mangroves in the area of the spill point of discharge were heavily oiled, and heavy oiling occurred on the shores of Ford Island Waipio Peninsula that were in the direct path of the oil slick. The Arizona Memorial on Ford Island was closed for four days for cleaning operations. Short term mortality to marine organisms or wildlife caused by the spill was limited to four pufferfishes and two prawns, but other organisms in the intertidal zone may have been impacted by heavy oil deposits, which stuck to hard surfaces or were retained within intertidal and subtidal sediments.





APPENDIX B Annotated Bibliography of Pearl Harbor Published and Unpublished Literature


AECOS (1979). A reconnaissance survey of the nearshore marine environment at Iroquois Point Naval Housing area, O'ahu, Hawaii, Rep. No. AECOS 216. U. S. Army Engineering Div., Honolulu. Visual survey and water quality analysis of area offshore of Iroquois Point N. of P. H. Channel entrance. Communities typical of wave stressed coral reef under influence of discharge from sewage outfall from Fort Kam WWTP. AECOS (1979). Oahu Coral Reef Inventory. Part A , Atlas, and Part B, Sectional Map Descriptions, Rep. No. 0072. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu. Basic descriptive resource for Pearl Harbor and all Oahu nearshore marine environments, containing extensive annotated references. AECOS (1980). A plan for dredged material testing for maintenance dredging of Magazine Loch, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. AECOS No. 277. PacDiv Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Honolulu. Plan submitted to test toxicity of dredged material from Magazine Loch, P. H. prior to disposal at sea. AECOS (1982). Dredge material testing for maintenance dredging of Magazine Loch, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. AECOS No. 277a. PacDiv Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Honolulu. Results of toxicity of testing of dredged material from Magazine Loch, P. H. prior to disposal at sea. No test organisms showed any toxic effects. AECOS (1983). Bioassay testing of dredged materials for dredging , Pearl Harbor, (Phase II) Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Prefinal report., Rep. No. Contract No. 62742-81-C0139. M & E Pacific Inc., Honolulu. Results of toxicity testing and chemical analyses of dredged material from numerous sites in East Loch, P. H. prior to disposal at sea. No test organisms showed any toxic effects from sediments, which contained trace metals organohalides, PCB's and petroleum hydrocarbons. AECOS (1987). Preliminary assessment of the biological impact of the May 13, 1987 fuel spill on the mangrove environment in Middle Loch, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. AECOS No. 495. Chevron Inc., Honolulu. Short term assessment of effects of 100,000 gal spill of aviation fuel at head of Middle Loch on mangrove, intertidal and subtidal communities. AECOS (1990). Laboratory results. Bioassay and bioaccumulation for Pearl Harbor dredged material disposal, Rep. No. Contr. No. DACW83-89-D-0006. PacDiv Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Honolulu. Results of toxicity testing and bioaccumulation of chemicals from dredged material from numerous sites in Pearl Harbor. No test organisms showed any toxic effects, but bioaccumulation of metals was found for Penaeus vannamei and Mercenaria mercenaria. AECOS (1993). Environmental assessment,, sea wall and drainage system at 98-165 Aiea Kai Way, Kaluaao, 'Ewa, O'ahu, Rep. No. AECOS No. 742, Honolulu. Brief EA describing effects of modifying existing seawall to mitigate flooding Alton, H. (1972). Oysters perish at Pearl Harbor. In Honolulu Star Bulletin, pp. A-3, Honolulu. Massive dieoff of more than 90% of 3.5 million oysters in West Loch reported by unknown causes. No mortality observed in East or Middle Lochs. Anon. (1892). Correspondence with reference to Pearl Harbor, reprinted from the Hawaiian Gazette for Mr. Theo. H. Davies. In Hawaiian Gazette, pp. 1-29, Honolulu. Reprints of letters printed in Hawaiian Gazette in 1892 in favor and against ceding of


Pearl Harbor to U. S. Navy by T. H. Davies A. F Hartwell, C. L. Carter, L. A Thurston, W. B. Oleson, J. Emmeluth and S. E. Bishop. Anon. (1896). The value of Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 9, 68. Brief description of potential of Pearl Harbor as port and the barrier of the bar at the Harbor's mouth. Anon. (1901). Pearl Harbor bar. Paradise of the Pacific 14. Announcement of specifications and pending award of contract for Pearl Harbor channel dredging. Anon. (1902). Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 15, 36-37. Description of progress of channel dredging to be to depth of 30 ft and width of 200 ft, and waters teeming with mullet. Map on back cover gives depths from latest government surveys at that time. Anon. (1904). Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 17, 20. Brief description of early recognition of value as a strategic harbor and plans of naval development. Anon. (1910). First into Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 23, 7. Brief report of first two full size vessels entering P. H. dredged channel, to deliver lumber for building drydock. Anon. (1912). Pearl Harbor channel opening. Paradise of the Pacific 25, 27-29. Description of two first warships to enter P. H. channel on Dec. 15, 1912 through waterway that had taken 10 years to create into navigable channel 600 ft wide. Anon. (1936). When pearls were found at Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 48. Brief review of anecdotal reports on presence of pearl oysters and clams in P. H. in 1798, 1816, 1818, 1825, 1826, 1840 and 1843. Anon. (1940). Oysters in Hawaii. Paradise of the Pacific 52, 77. Brief description of attempted introduction of Eastern oysters into Pearl harbor and Kaneohe Bay in 1921,1923, and 1924 by Territory Fish and Game. Those in P. H. did well for a time but were scattered and not abundant enough for commercial purposes by 1940. Anon. (1971). Conference in the matter of pollution of the navigable waters of Pearl harbor and its tributaries in the State of Hawaii. , Vol. 1, pp. 426, Honolulu. Transcript of proceedings of conference attended by politicians and activists Anon. (1975). Appraisal of alternative means to alleviate erosion and sedimentation damages in the Pearl Harbor basin, Island of Oahu, Hawaii,. Economic Research Service/Forest Service/Soil Conservation Service, Honolulu. Information on soil erosion sedimentation and related problems in Pearl Harbor Basin Anon. (1993). Alien organisms threaten Hawaii's marine resources. Hawaii Fishing News 18, 31. Brief description of some species introduced to Hawaii via Pearl Harbor and call for political action. Apple, R. A., and Kikuchi, W. K. (1975). Ancient Hawaii shore zone fishponds: An evaluation for historical preservation,. National Park Service, U. S. Dept Interior, Honolulu. Aerial photos and brief descriptions of four fishponds in Pearl Harbor of only 13 total on Oahu considered in suitable condition for restoration. Ashwood, T. L., and Olsen, C. R. (1988). Pearl Harbor bombing attack. A contamination legacy


revealed in the sedimentary record. Mar. Poll. Bull. 19, 68-71. Sediment cores from Middle and West Lochs revealed bands of high metal content, esp. lead, corresponding to Dec. 7, 1941 bombing attack buried under more than 1 m of sediments. Au, D. W. K. (1965). Survey of the distribution of the eggs and larvae of nehu (Stolephorus purpureus) in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. M.S., Hawaii, Honolulu. Greatest number of Nehu eggs occurred in P. H. channel entrance, while larvae tended to be randomly distributed. No correlations found with any environmental features. Current measurements showed maximum speed of 0.95 k at harbor entrance. B-K Dynamics (1972). Marine environmental impact analysis , Waiau Power Plant, Rep. No. NV9. Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc., Honolulu. Analysis of physical and biological impact of Waiau Power Station on waters and biota of East Loch. Bailey-Brock, J. H. (1976). Habitats of tubiculous polychaetes from the Hawaiian Islands. Pac. Sci. 30, 69-81. Report of polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus from Pearl Harbor in 1976. Bailey-Brock, J. H., and Hartman, O. (1987). Class Polychaeta. In Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 2: Platyhelminthes through Phoronida and Section 3: Sipuncula through Annelida (D. M. Devaney and L. G. Eldredge, eds.), BPBM Spec. Publ. 64 (2 & 3), pp. 461 pp. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Description of polychaete Spinther japonicus, occurring in Pearl Harbor. Barayuga, D. and Ohira, R. 1996. Nearly all oil gone from harbor waters. Honolulu Star Bull. May 17, 1996. Final report of 1996 oil spill from Chevron pipeline at head of East Loch. Barnard, J. L. (1955). Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea) in the Collections of the Bishop Museum. B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 215, 1-46. Barnard, J. L. (1970). Sublittoral Gamaridea (Amphipoda) of the Hawaiian Islands, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C. Bartsch, P. (1921). A new classification of the shipworms and descriptions of some new wood boring molluscs. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34, 25-32. Taxonomic descriptions of Teredo parksi from Pearl Harbor. Bathen, K. (1972). Current measurements in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, Rep. No. 72-M6. Look Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Honolulu. Current meters off Bishop Point at entrance to Pearl Harbor and at S. end of Ford Island measured currents July-Aug 1972. Flood tide currents set generally to NW at 0.1-0.2 k and ebbed to SE at 0.2-0.5 k. Bloxam, A. (1925). Dairy of Andrew Bloxam, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Brief observations on Pearl Harbor by the naturalist of the HMS Blonde in 1824. Bowser, G. (1880). An Itinerary of the Hawaiian Islands; with a description of the Principal Towns and Places of Interest., The Hawaiian Kingdom Statistical and Commercial Directory and Tourist's Guide, 1880-81., Honolulu. Brief description of lochs of Pearl Harbor with numerous fish and fish ponds, and conjecture of why oysters no longer found. Brewer, W. A., and Assoc. (1987). Baseline marine surveys, upper West Loch Basin, Pearl


Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, Rep. No. West Loch Golf Course and Shoreline Park EIS, Mar. 1988. R. M. Towill Corp., Honolulu. Brief description of water quality and biological characteristics of West Loch at time of survey. Brock, V. E. (1952) A history of the introduction of certain aquatic animals to Hawaii. Bienn. Rept. Bd. Agric. Hawaii, 114-123 Brock, V. E. (1960). The introduction of aquatic animals in Hawaiian waters. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 45, 463-480. Description and history of culture based introductions of marine species to Hawaii, including oysters into Pearl Harbor. Brock, R. E., and Kimmerer, W. J. (1980). A bioassay evaluation of proposed discharge of Pearl Harbor dredged material (West Loch) at the Honolulu disposal site,, Honolulu. Bioassays of Pearl Harbor sediments from narrow mouth of West Loch on one coral, a polychaete, shrimp, oyster fish and zooplankter showed low mortality and insignificant negative impacts. Brock, R. E. (1994). An analysis of benthic communities in the zone of mixing for the Waiau Electrical Generation Facility., Rep. No. JA619. Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc., Honolulu. Report on 1993 visual census of epibenthic fouling organisms on natural and artificial hard substrata and fishes on and near HECO Waiau discharge, on W side of Ford Island and at head of Aiea Bay. Brock, R. E. (1995). An analysis of benthic communities in the zone of mixing for the Waiau Electrical Generation Facility. Year 2 Report - 1994, Rep. No. JA619. Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc., Honolulu Repeat of 1993 visual census of epibenthic fouling organisms on natural and artificial hard substrata and fishes on and near HECO Waiau discharge, on W side of Ford Island and at head of Aiea Bay. No apparent or significant changes found from previous years survey. Broughton, W. R. (1804). A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean in his Majesty's Sloop Providence...1795, 1796, 1797, 1798.,, London. Description of Pearl Harbor in 1796 and comment on quality of pearls obtained. Bryan, W. A. (1915). Natural History of Hawaii, Hawaii Gazette Co., Honolulu. Descriptions of oyster species occurring in Pearl Harbor and attempts to introduce and culture oysters in last century. Bryan, W. A. (1919). A Hawaiian form of Tapes philippinarum. Nautilus 32, 124-125. Estimates presence of this species to Ewa, Oahu in late 1880's based on reports of native fisherman under name of "okupi". The clams died out around 1890, then reappeared in abundance at Kalihi and Moanalua mud flats. Burgess, P. (1959). Where did this shell come from? Hawaiian Shell News 7, 73-74. Report of five species of cowries and the venerid Vitularia miliaris introduced into Pearl Harbor by barge YO-146 from Guam in 1950. Burgess, P. (1963). Vitularia miliaris introduced into Hawaii. Hawaiian Shell News 11, 1. First report of Vitularia miliaris elsewhere than in Pearl Harbor, this species previously reported introduced on barge YO-146 from Guam in 1950. Burgess, P. (1995). Strangers in Hawaii. Hawaiian Shell News 43, 1, 10, 12.


Reports of six introduced species of cowries and one muricid gastropod in Pearl Harbor area (Fort Kam and outside channel). Buske, N. (1972). Pearl Harbor circulation. Data Report, Summer 1972, Rep. No. T.R. 3. NUC Hawaii Laboratory, Honolulu. Buske, N. (1972). Pearl Harbor circulation. Data Report, Fall 1972, Rep. No. T.R. 5. NUC Hawaii Laboratory, Honolulu. Buske, N. (1973). Pearl Harbor circulation. Data Report, Winter 1972-1973, Rep. No. T.R. 6. NUC Hawaii Laboratory, Honolulu. Buske, N. (1973). Pearl Harbor circulation. Data Report, Spring 1973, Rep. No. T.R. 8. NUC Hawaii Laboratory, Honolulu. Byron, L. G. A. (1826). Voyage of the HMS Blonde to the Sandwich Islands in the Years 182425., John Murray, London. Lithograph of earliest view of Pearl Harbor area, looking from channel toward Barbers Point. "Of shell fish the pearl oyster is the most valuable and the pearls are generally good. We found, besides, the Bulla Amplustra, Buccinum Arabica, Volutae papalis and Episcopalis, Conus Ebraeus, Cypraea Arabica, C. Carneola, C. Guttata, C. Mauritiana and C. Isabella; also several varieties of Murex, Nerita, Patella, and Turbo." Campbell, A. (1822). A Voyage Around the World, from 1806 to 1812..., 3rd/Ed., Honolulu. Mention of pearl harvesting in Pearl harbor in 1810. Chamberlain, T. (1972). Marine environmental impact analysis, Waiau Power Plant, Rep. No. TR-3-170. B-K Dynamics Inc., Rockville, Maryland for HECO. Analysis of physical and biological impact of Waiau Power Station on waters and biota of East Loch. Chave, K. E., and Miller, J. N. (1977). Baseline studies and evaluation of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of nearshore dredge spoil disposal, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Part A. Baseline studies, investigation and selection of a suitable dredge spoil site; Part B. Immediate effects of dumping; Part C. Long term effects of dumping; Final summary, Rep. No. N62742-76 C-0050. PacDiv Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Honolulu. Environmental impact study of offshore dredge spoil site off Pearl Harbor and potential effects of dumping sediments dredged from Pearl Harbor. Clark, A. H. (1949). Ophiuroidea of the Hawaiian islands. B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 195, 1-33. Coles, S. L. (1979). A description of the wetlands adjacent to the Waiua Generating Station , Oahu, Hawaii and a history of its land utilization., Rep. No. NV-144. Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc., Honolulu. Description of wetland and fill area SW of Waiau Power Plant, including wetland vegetation, birds, freshwater chemistry, invertebrates and fishes, and history of land use in last century. COMPACNAVFACENGCOM (1971). Pearl Harbor Pollution Model Study,. OICC, MICPAC, and DCE (COMFOURTEEN) staffs, Pearl Harbor. Identification and compilation of all significant sources of pollution contributing to the degradation of Pearl Harbor as of 1971. Cooke, W. J., Grovhoug, J. G., and Ching, P. J. (1980). A survey of marine borer activity in Hawaiian nearshore waters: Effects of environmental conditions and epifauna. In 5th Int. Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Vol. 1, pp. 155-174, Madrid.


Fouling and boring communities studied on wooden blocks deployed at three sites in Pearl Harbor and eight sites elsewhere on Oahu. In P. H. and Kaneohe Bay boring activity and abundance was reduced by competition of epifaunal fouling competing for habitat space. Corney, P. (1896). Narrative of Several Voyages from 1813 to 1818, between the Northwest Coast of America, the Hawaiian Islands and China, with a description of the Russian Establishments on the Northwest Coast, Thomas Thrum, Honolulu. Description of Pearl Harbor and pearl harvesting in 1821-22. Costa-Pierce, B. A. (1987). Aquaculture in Ancient Hawaii. Bioscience 37, 320-331. Map of fishponds in Pearl Harbor in ca. 1933 and description of fishpond characteristics. Cox, D., and Gordon, G., Jr. (1970). Estuarine pollution in the State of Hawaii. Vol. 1. Statewide survey, Rep. No. Tech. Report No. 31. Water Resources Research Center, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. General description of Pearl Harbor water resources, stream and spring flow and pollution sources in early 1970's. Cuttress, C. E. (1977). Order Actiniaria. In Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 1: Protozoa through Ctenophora (D. M. Devaney and L. G. Eldredge, eds.), BPBM Spec. Publ. 64(1), 278 pp., Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Description of anthozoan Diadumene leucolena occurring in Pearl Harbor Dall, W. H., Bartsch, P., and Rehder, H. A. (1938). A manual of the recent and fossil marine pelecypod molluscs of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Mus. Bull. 153, 233. Taxonomic descriptions of two species of shipworms collected from Pearl Harbor, later synomized to previously described species. de Laubenfels, M. W. (1950). The sponges of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. Pac. Sci. 4, 3-36. Description of some sponges occurring in Pearl Harbor. Doty, M. S. (1961). Acanthophora, a possible invader of the marine flora of Hawaii. Pacific Science 15, 547-552. Description of first report of Acanthophora spicifera in Pearl Harbor in fall of 1952 and subsequent spread to rest of Oahu and other islands. Mention of heavily fouled oil barge "YO-146" in Pearl Harbor arrival in Feb. 1950 which may have provided the vector. Cutress note on medusae of Cotylorrhizoides pacificus (Mayer) and Cassiopea medusa (Light) (Rhizostomae) being introduced into Pearl Harbor in 1941-45 and in Honolulu Harbor, Ala Wai and Kaneohe Bay in 1950's. E.K._Noda_&_Associates (1994). Application for Section 401 water quality certification for the Ford Island Bridge Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. PACDIV Contract N62742-92-C-0601. Naval Station Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. Description of estimated environmental impacts of Ford Island bridge construction Edmondson, C. H. (1931). New crustaceans from Kaui, Oahu and Maui. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus 9, 3-18. Taxonomic description of Panopeus pacificus and Pilumnus oahuensis from bouys in Pearl Harbor, probably introduced on fouling of ships. Edmondson, C. H. (1933). Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii, 1 Ed. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Edmondson, C. H., and Ingram, W. M. (1939). Fouling organisms in Hawaii. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 14, 251-300.


Reports of Bivalves Anomia nobilis and Ostrea sandvicensis sampled in Pearl Harbor in 1936. Report based primarily on investigations in Kaneohe Bay, but include observations made in Pearl Harbor in 1935 (See Ingram 1937). Edmondson, C. H., and Wilson, I. H. (1940). The shellfish resources of Hawaii. In 6th Pacific Science Congress, Vol. 3, pp. 241-243. Brief descriptions of introductions of Japanese little neck clam T. philippinarum and oyster C. virginica to Pearl harbor and other Oahu sites in 1920 and Samoan crab S. serrata "a few years ago", along with observations on other commercial species. Edmondson, C. H. (1940). A recent shipworm survey in Hawaii. In 6th Pacific Science Congress, Vol. 3, pp. 245-250. Descriptions of species of shipworms and rates of fouling and destruction at various site in Hawaii, including Pearl Harbor, where Teredo bartschi was the dominant species with the fastest growth rate. Edmondson, C. H. (1942). Teredinidae of Hawaii. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 17, 97-150. Taxonomic descriptions of species of shipworms occurring in Hawaii, including three species from Pearl Harbor. Edmondson, C. H. (1944). Incidence of fouling in Pearl Harbor. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 18, 1-34. Study of fouling in 1940 at two stations at the coaling dock in East Loch and comparison with previous measurements made at junction of East and Middle Lochs (See Ingram 1937). Edmondson, C. H. (1944). A report on the incidence of fouling of two similar units (described below) off the coast of Oahu,, Honolulu. Brief unpublished reports describing the general characteristics of the fouling of bouys of Pearl Harbor and Barbers Point, used by Hutchins (1949). Edmondson, C. H. (1946). Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii, 2 Ed. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Edmondson, C. H., and Mansfield, G. S. (1948). Hawaiian Caprellidae. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 29, 201-218. Taxonomic description of a species of caprellid amphipod reported from Pearl Harbor. Edmondson, C. H. (1951). Some Central Pacific crustaceans. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 20, 183-243. Taxonomic description of Schizophrys aspera from Pearl Harbor, introduced on fouling of drydock from Guam in 1950. Edmondson, C. H. (1952). Additional Central Pacific crustaceans. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 21, 67-86. Taxonomic description of Glabropilumnus seminudus from Pearl Harbor, introduced on fouling of drydock from Guam in 1950. Edmondson, C. H. (1954). Hawaiian Portunidae. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 21, 217-274. Taxonomic description of Charybdis hellerii from Pearl Harbor, introduced on fouling of drydock from Guam in 1950. Edmondson, C. H. (1962). Xanthidae of Hawaii. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 22, 215-309. Descriptions of four species of xanthid crabs collected from Pearl Harbor, introduced on fouling of drydock from Guam in 1950 or on earlier ship movements.


Eldredge, L. G. (1987). Coral reef alien species. In Human Impacts on Coral Reefs: Facts and Recommendations (B. Salvat, ed.), pp. 215-228. Antenne Museum, Tahiti. Descriptions of some important species invasions in the Pacific, especially in Hawaiian waters, many of which were first reported in Pearl Harbor. Eldredge, L. G. (1994). Perspectives in aquatic exotic species management in the Pacific Islands. Vol. 1. Introductions of commercially significant organisms to the Pacific Islands, Rep. No. 78. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. Comprehensive accounting of species introductions throughout the Pacific, including Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Eldredge, L. G. (1995). First record of the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Hawaii (Decapoda:Brachyura). Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 42, 55-58. Reports six specimens of C. sapidus collected from Kaneohe Bay since 1985, and mentions a specimen of Callinectes sp. collected by Bartsch in 1920 from Pearl Harbor which could not be identified to species (see Stephenson, 1976). Ely, C. A. (1942). Shallow water Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea of Hawaii. B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 176, 1-63. Reports of one species of brittle star from Pearl Harbor. Emerson, (1909). Unwritten Literature of Hawaii. The Sacred Songs of the Hula. U. S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, C. C. Hawaiian chant describing Ewas laggon red with dirt. Engineering Concepts, Sea Engineering, AECOS, and OCEES (1991). Draft environmental assessment for dockside chlorination units Pearl Harbor Shipyard Oahu Hawaii,. Pearl Harbor Navy Shipyard, Honolulu. Assessment of effects of chlorination cleaning of submarine condensor units on Pearl Harbor receiving water organisms. Evans, E. C., III, Murchinson, E., Peeling, T. J., and Stephen-Hassard, Q. D. (1971). Pearl Harbor - Quik Survey (13 May to 18 June 1971),. Naval Undersea Center, San Diego. Preliminary draft of first report on NUC biological findings and overall descriptions of biological communities of Pearl Harbor. Evans, E. C., III, Murchinson, E., Peeling, T. J., and Stephen-Hassard, Q. D. (1972). A proximate biological survey of Pearl Harbor, Oahu. 13 May to 18 June 1971, Rep. No. NUC TP290. Naval Undersea Center, San Diego. Preliminary report on NUC biological findings and overall descriptions of biological communities of Pearl Harbor. Evans, E. C. I., Buske, N. L., Grovhoug, J. G., Guinther, E. B., Jokiel, P. L., Kam, D. T. O., Kay, E. A., Peeling, T. J., and Smith, S. V. (1974). Pearl Harbor Biological Survey - Final Report, Rep. No. NUC TN 1128. Naval Undersea Center (NUC), San Diego. Final report of extensive environmental study conducted by Navy in 1971-73. Most complete database of marine biological communites and environmental parameters affecting the marine biological system of Pearl Harbor. Fellows (Undated). Checklist of marine invertebrates recorded from the Hawaiian Islands by the mid-1800's,, Honolulu. References to marine invertebrate species recorded through the middle of the 1850's. Fisher, W. K. (1907). The Holothurians of the Hawaiian Islands. Proc. U. S. Nat Mus. 32, 637-744. Taxonomic description of Opheodesoma spectabilis, type specimen taken from Aiea Bay, Pearl Harbor.


Fisher, L. J. (1961). Field report, Pearl Harbor dye dispersal tests,. FWPCA (1969). Report on pollution of the navigable waters of Pearl Harbor,. U.S. Department of Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Pacific Southwest Region. Description of water quality problems affecting P. H. at time of report such as waste flows from Waipahu sewerage system, Oahu Sugar Co. Honolulu dump in West Loch and high nutrient loads in Waikele and Waiawa streams. Programs for pollution abatement reviewed. FWPCA (1971). Report on the navigable water of Pearl Harbor,. Federal Water Quality Admin., Dept. of Interior, Honolulu. Summary of history of Pearl Harbor to 1969 and description of results of bacteriological survey conducted July-Aug 1971. Greco, S. B. (1982). An assessment of the hazards to U. S. Navy Divers in Pearl Harbor to potentially pathogenic bacteria of the genus Vibrio. M. S., University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Thirteen Navy divers evaluated for presence of halophilic bacteria of genus Vibrio during 39 sample dives in Pearl Harbor. Only V. alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus were found, and these did not cause colonizations or wound infections. Grigg, R. W., and Krock, H. (1983). Outfall inspection of Fort Kamehameha Wastewater Treatment Plant, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, March 1983, Rep. No. Contr. No. N62742-82-D0048. PacDiv Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Honolulu. Brief inspection of Fort Kam sewage outfall pipeline, description of visually dominant benthic organisms associated with pipeline and discharge, and statement of environmental impact. Grovhoug, J. G. (1976). A preliminary evaluation of environmental indicator systems in Hawaii., Rep. No. NUC TN 1689. Naval Undersea Center, San Diego. Follow up fouling study at three stations in Pearl Harbor and four in Kaneohe Bay to determine indicator species for degrees of pollution. 55 benthic infaunal stations sampled in K-Bay to compare with previous sampling in Pearl Harbor. Grovhoug, J. G. (1979). Marine environmental assessment at three sites in Pearl Harbor, Oahu August-October 1978, Rep. No. Tech. Rept 441. Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC), San Diego. Assessment of effects of thermal effluents from power stations at Hospital Point and near Shipyard on biotal of SE Loch of Pearl Harbor. Grovhoug, J. G., and Rastetter, E. B. (1980). Marine fouling dynamics in Hawaii nearshore ecosystems. A suggested technique for comparison and evaluation. In 5th Int. Congress on Mar. Corrosion and Fouling, Vol. 1, pp. 249-266, Madrid. Measurement of rate of fouling of test panels in Kaneohe Bay and Pearl Harbor indicated one month exposure times optimal and that fouling communities of P. H. considerably different from K-Bay. Grovhoug, J. G., Franshaw, R. L., and Seligman, P. F. (1987). Butyltin concentrations in selected US harbor systems. A baseline assessment., Rep. No. TR 1155. Navy Ocean Systems Center, San Diego. TBT concentrations given for water, sediments and oyster tissue burdens for Pearl Harbor, Honolulu Harbor and Kewalo Basin, as well as 13 other harbor areas in the U. S. For total organotin, Pearl Harbor ranked "clearly at the low end of the range, while Honolulu Harbor exhibits some of the highest levels detected". Grovhoug , J. G. (1992). Evaluation of sediment contamination in Pearl Harbor, Rep. No. Tech.


Rept. 1502. Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, San Diego. Review of all available data and studies relating to Pearl Harbor sediments indicate P. H. supports diverse biological communities that are minimally affected by sediment contamination. Contaminants in sediments, tissues and water are at or below levels reported for Hawaiian Bays and generally lower than averages for Mainland harbors. Only silver and PCB's showed concentrations in sediments above national averages. Bioassays for sediment toxicity showed minimal effects due to sediment contamination. No decline indicated in P. H. water quality, critical habitats or marine resources indicated for the last 20 years; some improvement indicated due to sewage diversion. Handy, E. S. C., and Handy, E. G. (1972). Native planters in Old Hawaii. Their life, lore and environment. Bernice Bishop Mus. Bull. 233, 260-473. Descriptions of early general appearance of Pearl Harbor fish ponds and traps, and terracing of taro fields around harbor shore. Harry, H. W. (1985). Synopsis of the supra-specific classification of living oysters (Bivalvia: Gryphaeidae and Ostreidae). Veliger 28, 121-158. Reports Nanotrea exigua (Osteidae) from 35-40 ft. in Pearl Harbor Hartman, O. (1966). Polychaetous annelids of the Hawaiian Islands. Occ. Pap Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 23, 163-252. Taxonomic descriptions of polychaetes from Pearl Harbor. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Henry, D., and Mclaughlin, P. (1975). The barnacles of the Balanus amphitrite complex (Cirripedia, Thoracica). Zoolog. Verhandl. 141, 1-254. Tables listing previous reports and museum collections for Pearl Harbor Balanus. Hirashima, G. T. (1971). Availability of stream flow for recharge of the basal aquifer in the Pearl Harbor area, Hawaii, Rep. No. Water-Supply Paper 1999-B. USGS, Washington D. C. Description of hydrology of Pearl Harbor area aquifer. Hochman, H. (1972). Evaluation of pile preservatives at Coco Solo and Pearl Harbor, Rep. No. R 757. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. Evaluation of wood preservative using creosote and variety of chemical treatments to prevent wood borers in Pearl Harbor. After 5-8 years preliminary finding that piles treated with creosote containing toxic additive performed better than those with creosote alone. Honolulu City & County (1988). West Loch Golf Course and Shoreline Park Environmental Impact Statement,. C & C Honolulu, Honolulu. Brief description of shallow water marine biota of West Loch. Marine survey by Brewer included as appendix. Hurlbut, C. J. (1990). Variations in larval density and settlement in space and time: Important determinants of recruitment in sessile marine invertebrates? Ph. D.Dissertation, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Factors influencing recruitment, temporal and spatial variation in settlement and juvenile mortality were measured for colonial ascidian Didemnum candidum and six other species of fouling organisms in Pearl Harbor. Hutchins, L. W. (1944). Progress in the investigation of the fouling on fixed installations., Seventh Report to the Bureau of Ships from Woods Hole Institution of Oceanography, April 20, 1944. Hutchins, L. W. (1944). Progress in the investigation of the fouling on fixed installations., Seventh Report to the Bureau of Ships from Woods Hole Institution of Oceanography,


April 20, 1944. Fouling of buoys and test panels measured outside channel entrance and at two stations within Pearl Harbor and five other sites in the Hawaiian Islands, as well as many sites throughout tropical Pacific. Studies oriented to practical aspects of rate of cover and fouling accumulation, but some species identifications given. IFourthCorp. (1978). Phase II. Environmental surveys of deep ocean dredged spoils disposal sites in Hawaii, Rep. No. DACW84-77-C-0063. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu. Descriptions of biota at disposal sites off Pearl Harbor and Honolulu dumping sites. Ingram, W. (1937). Fouling organisms in Kaneohe Bay and Pearl Harbor, Oahu. MA, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Classical study of fouling rates, dominant organisms and effects of antifouling paint on fouling communities occupying panels over 12 month period (1935-36) in Pearl Harbor and 18 months in Kaneohe Bay. Jones, E. C. (1966). A new record of Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato (Copepoda: Calanoida) from brackish waters of Hawaii. Crustaceana 10, 316-317. This species, originally described from Japan, was sampled in abundance from Ala Wai canal in 1964-65. Most abundant near inland end, in salinity about 18 ppt. Judd, B. (1929). Voyages to Hawaii before 1860, Hawaiian Children's Mission Society, Honolulu. Chronology of voyages and ships officers arriving in Hawaii before 1860 Kakesako, G. K. and Barayuga, D. 1996. 8400 gallons on oil spilled in isle stream. Honolulu Star. Bull., May14, 1996. First report of 1996 oil spill from Chevron pipeline at head of East Loch. Kakesako, G. K.,Ohira, R. and Matsuoka, A.. 1996. Oil spill 3 times larger than reported. Honolulu Star Bull., May 15, 1996 Second report of 1996 oil spill from Chevron pipeline at head of East Loch. Kawamoto, P. Y., and Sakuda, H. M. (1973). Commercial oyster fishery development investigation, Rep. No. Proj. No. H-2-R/H-13-R. State of Hawaii DLNR Div. Fish and Game, Honolulu .Fish and Game conducted surveys of oyster abundance in 1971 and feasibility studies for commercial development and aquaculture of American oysters (Crassostrea viginica) in Pearl Harbor West Loch and in intake and discharge zones of HECO Waiau power plant. Oysters in West Loch grew to commercial size in three weeks utilizing artificial feeding and could be dupurated in clean sea water in one week to be suitable for direct marketing. Oyster transplanted to power plant zone showed lower condition indexes and lower growth in warm water discharge than in cooler intake water, which stimulated growth by water movement. Oysters in West Loch were drastically depleted in 1972 by undetermined cause. Kay, E. A. (1979). Hawaiian Marine Shells. Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 4: Mollusca Bernice P. Bishop Museum Spec. Publ. 64(4), 652 pp. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Description of various molluscs occurring in Pearl Harbor. Kela (1897). Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 10, 119-120. Description of land area surrounding Pearl Harbor and lagoon as partly filled with aluvial deposit, with depth at mouth only 15 ft deep at high tide and coral bar 400 ft wide. Kennedy, Jenks, and Chilton (1989). Ecology of Pearl Harbor,. U. S. Navy PacDiv Naval Facilities Eng. Command, Honolulu.


Summary of findings of NUC Pearl Harbor Biological Survey. Kimmerer, W. J., and Brock, R. E. (1980). Report on bioaccumulation study of Pearl Harbor sediments,, Honolulu. Bioaccumulation experiments for the clam Quadrans palatum in Pearl Harbor dredged material tested for variety of heavy metals and pesticides showed significant increases only for DDE. Laevastu, T., Avery, D. E., and Cox, D. C. (1964). Coastal currents and sewage disposal in the Hawaiian Islands, Rep. No. HIG-64-1. Hawaii Inst. Geophysics, Honolulu. Brief description of sewage contamination of Pearl Harbor and unpublished studies of current movements in the harbor. Flood tide set generally to NW and ebb to SE and Ford Island. Superimposed on tidal oscillations was prevailing seaward flow resulting from stream discharge and wind drag. Lenihan, D. J., ed. (1990). Submerged cultural resource study. USS Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor National Historical Landmark, 2nd ed., Vol. Professional Papers No. 23, pp.. 1192. Southwest Cultural Resources Center. Survey of biofouling organisms growing on USS Arizona conducted in 1986 Long, E. R. (1969). Oceanographic cruise summary marine fouling studies off Oahu, Hawaii, Rep. No. IR No. 69-86. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington D. C. Long, E. R. (1970). Oceanographic cruise summary. Second year of marine biofouling studies off Oahu, Hawaii, Rep. No. IR No. 70-48. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington D. C. Description of offshore fouling of wood and asbestos panels near Pearl Harbor entrance and off Barbers Point. Long, E. R. (1972). Marine fouling studies off Oahu, Hawaii. Veliger 17, 23-36. Fouling in main channel of Pearl Harbor exceeded offshore fouling which in turn decreased with depth. Community composition, nos. of species and biomass varied from year to year in Pearl Harbor and was dominated by tunicates, barnacles. gastropods and hydroids on test panels. Long, E. R. (undated). Marine fouling studies off Oahu, Hawaii,. U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington D. C. Draft ms. of paper later published in The Veliger comparing fouling in Pearl Harbor channel with sites off Ewa and Barbers Pt. M & E Pacific (1983). Environmental impact assessment for the proposed Pearl Harbor dredging and disposal,. U. S. Navy PacDiv, Honolulu. Summary of dredging of East Loch and disposal of sediments offshore and expected environmental impacts. Maciolek, J. A. (1984). Exotic fishes in Hawaii and other islands of Oceania. In Distribution, Biology and Management of Exotic Fishes (W. R. Courtenay and J. R. Stauffer, Jr, eds.). Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore Macrae, J. (1922). With Lord Byron at the Sandwich Islands in 1825. Being Extracts from the MS Dairy of James Macrae, Scottish Botanist, W. F. Wilson, Honolulu. Description of shallow entrance to Pearl Harbor and pearls in 1824-25. Makai Ocean Engineering (1973). A two dimensional computer analysis of East Loch and Middle Lochs for the evaluation of Waiau Power Plant thermal diffuser studies., Rep. No. NV-39. Hawaiian Electric Co., Honolulu. Two dimensional model to evaluate thermal effects of various diffuser sites for the Waiau


Power Plant Marine Research Consultants (1990). Marine environmental assessment of Pearl Harbor in the vicinity of Foxtrot 5 pier.,. Belt,Collins and Assoc, Honolulu. Superficial analysis of impact of dredging and construction of pier and landing at Ford Island. Environmental data taken from 1972 NUC study. Mathison, G. F. (1825). Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands during the years 1821 and 1822, Charles Knight, London. Description of Pearl Harbor and pearls obtained inn 1821-22. Matsuda, C. (1973). A shoreline survey of free-living intertidal barnacles (Class Crustacea; Subclass Cirrepdia; Order Thoracica) on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. M. S. Thesis, Dept. Zoology, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, 60 pp. Results of barnacle surveys conducted on shoreline of Pearl harbor and elsewhere on Oahu in 1973. . McCain, J. C. (1974). Environmental survey - Waiau Generating Plant, Rep. No. NV-43. Hawaii Electric Company, Honolulu. Results of one year study of environmental effects of operation and discharge of cooling water effluent from Waiau Power Plant. McCain, J. C. (1975). Fouling community changes induced by the thermal discharge of a Hawaiian power plant. Environ. Pollut. 9: 62-83. Summary of HECO's Waiau plant operations and effects on local receiving waters, including fouling study in intake and discharge area of East Loch McCain, J. C. (1977). A benthic survey in the vicinity of the Waiu Generating Station, Rep. No. NV99. Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc., Honolulu. Soft bottom benthos near Waiau Generating Station intake composed of two communities of organisms with high density and diversity relative to adjacent areas. However, number of species not as high as other areas of Pearl Harbor except where most polluted. McClellan, E. N. (1938). Hawaiian Oysters. In Paradise of the Pacific, Vol. 50, pp. 27-28, 38-39. Description of planting of seed oysters imported from San Francisco at Moanalua. Menzies, A. (1920). Hawaii Nei 128 Years Ago,, Honolulu. Description of entrance to Pearl Harbor and pearls obtained by crew of the HMS Discovery in 1792. Meyen, F. J. F. (1981). A Botanist's Visit to Oahu in 1831, Press Pacifica, Kailua, HI. Brief description of scenes going from Honolulu to Pearl Harbor in 1831. Miller, M. A. (1924). Wood-boring mollusks from the Hawaiian, Samoan and Philippine Islands. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 22, 401-414. Description of Teredo trulliformis collected from Pearl Harbor Miller, M. A. (1941). The isopod crustacea of the Hawaiian Islands, II. Asellota. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus 16, 305-320. Taxonomic descriptions of three species of isopods reported in Pearl Harbor. Miller, M. A. (1968). Isopoda and Tanaidacea from buoys in coastal waters of the continental United States, Hawaii, and the Bahamas (Crustacea). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 125, 1-53. Report of isopod Paracerceis sculpta collected from Pearl Harbor in 1943, and probably introduced by ship movement.


Morris, D. E., and Youngberg, A. D. (1972). Methods of collections and reporting of sediment samples from Pearl Harbor, Rep. No. EPDB 73-001. Naval Civil Engineering Lab., Port Hueneme. Description of sampling schedule and methods for Youngberg (1973) study of Pearl Harbor sediments. Morris, D. E., Surface, S. W., and Murray, J. P. (1973). Completion report for the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii study covering the test period through calendar year 1972, Rep. No. EPDB 73005. NCEL Report, Port Hueneme, CA. Summary of findings of various Navy water quality studies in Pearl Harbor in 1970's. NCEL (1973). A study of sediments and soil samples from Pearl Harbor area, Rep. No. MPA Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. Strong relationship between total metal concentration and biological quality in Pearl Harbor . High metal concentrations associated with low numbers of species and organisms. O'Neill, T. B. (1983). 1982 inspection of experimental marine piling at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. N-1672. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. Evaluation of wood preservatives demonstrated effectiveness of chlorinated hydrocarbons in tests from 1963 to 1966. However, search for an environmentally more acceptable substitute suggested basic zinc sulfate to be promising for prevention of Teredo, Martesia and Limnoria. PacDiv (1971). Improvement dredging study for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,. Facilities Planning Dept., PacDiv, Honolulu. Short history of dredging in Pearl Harbor and master plan for future dredging. PacDiv (1974). Monitoring results and evaluation of the receiving water quality of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,. PacDiv Nav. Fac. Eng. Com., Honolulu. Water quality data taken in support of NUC 1971-74 biological study with significant findings and recommendations. PacDiv (1989). Ecology of Pearl Harbor,. PacDiv, Nav. Fac. Eng. Com, Honolulu. Summary of environment of Pearl Harbor mostly based on 1971-74 NUC study PacDiv (1990). Final EIS for proposed developments at Naval Base Pearl Harbor Oahu, Hawaii,. Department of Navy, Honolulu. EIS describing effects of naval development in East Loch resulting from pontoon bridge from Halawa to Ford Is. Very little biological analysis. Paulay, G. (1996). New records and synonymies of Hawaiian bivalves (Mollusca). Bernice P. Bishop Mus Occ. Pap. 45, 18-29. New state records for four species of bivalves originally found on barge in Pearl Harbor in 1950. Peeling, T. J., Grovhoug, J. G., and Evans, E. C., III (1972). Pearl Harbor biological survey: Report for first survey cycle (August 1972), Rep. No. NUC TN 801. Naval Undersea Center, San Diego. First summary report for Navy Pearl Harbor study describing initial findings on sediment infauna, micromolluscs, fouling communities and fishes. Pendelton, D. E., and O'Neill, T. B. (1986). 1985 inspection of experimental marine piling at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. N-1757. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. Evaluation of wood preservatives demonstrated effectiveness of chlorinated hydrocarbons


in tests from 1963 to 1966. However, search for an environmentally more acceptable substitute suggested basic zinc sulfate to be promising for prevention of Teredo, Martesia and Limnoria. Tributyl tin oxide (TBO) and copper naphenate found to be ineffective in preventing wood borers. Pilsbry, H. A. (1917). Marine mollusks of Hawaii I-XV. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69:207-30, 309-33. Taxonomic descriptions of Hawaiian bivalves found in Pearl Harbor. Pilsbry, H. A. (1921). Marine mollusks of Hawaii I-XV. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 72:296-328, 360-82. Taxonomic descriptions of Hawaiian bivalves found in Pearl Harbor. Pilsbry, H. A. (1928). Littoral barnacles of the Hawaiian Islands and Japan. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 79, 305-317. Report of Balanus amphitrite found in Pearl Harbor in 1913. Pukui, M. K. (1944). Ke awa lau o Pu'uloa (The many harbored sea of Pu'uloa), Rep. No. 52nd Annual Report. Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu. Eloquent recounting of the legends of Pearl Harbor, with emphasis on shark gods and pearl oysters. R. M. Towill Inc. (1973). Physical oceanography study - Waiau Power Plant biological support data, Rep. No. NV-45. Hawaiian Electric Co. Inc., Honolulu. Measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and other parameters in support of biofouling study on intake and discharge sides of Waiau outfall jetty. Randall, J. E. (1987). Introductions of marine fishes to the Hawaiian Islands. Bull. Mar. Sci. 41:490-502. Randall, J. E., Earle, J. L., Hayes, T., Pittman, C., Severns, M., and Smith, R. J. F. (1993). Eleven new records and validations of shore fishes from the Hawaiian Islands. Pac. Sci. 47, 222239. Report of Mugilogobius parvus in 1987 and 1991 in Pearl Harbor near East Loch shore. Rathbun , M. J. (1906). The Brachyura and Macrura of the Hawaiian Islands. Bull. U. S. Fish Commision 1903, 827-930.Taxonomic descriptions of some crabs reported in Pearl Harbor Reid, D. G. (1986). The Littorinid Molluscs of Mangrove Forests in the Indo-Pacific Region, 1 Ed. British Museum, London. Taxonomic description of Littoraria intermedia, formerly Littorina scabra var newcombi, from Pearl Harbor. Roe, T., Jr. (1977). 1977 inspection of experimental marine piling at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. N-1505. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA. Report of inspection of piles at Pearl Harbor treated with creosote containing toxic additive, solution with two toxic additives or a dual treatment. S. O. Hirota Inc. (1977). Environmental impact assessment U. S. S. Arizona Memorial,. PacDiv Nav. Fac. Com, Honolulu. Brief description of environment in vicinity of Arizona Memorial on Ford Island, including fouling species lists. Sakuda, H. M. (1964). Experimental purification of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Hawaii, Honolulu.


Experimental cleaning of oysters taken from Pearl Harbor at Honolulu Bait Station. Coliform levels in oysters reached < 2400 coliform MPN in about one week. Sakuda, H. M. (1966). Condition of the American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in West Loch, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 95, 426-429.Condition of oysters in West Loch determined through two year period indicated better growth in lower than upper or middle West Loch, due to excessive siltation in latter areas. Scott, E. B. (1968). The Saga of the Sandwich Islands, 4 Ed. Sierra-Tahoe Publishing, Honolulu. Anecdotes and photographs of Pearl Harbor area through WWII. Seligman, P. F., Grovhoug, J. G., Valkirs, A. O., Stang, P. M., Franshaw, R., Stallard, M. O., Davidson, B., and Lee, R. F. (1989). Distribution and fate of tributyltin in the United States marine environment. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 3, 31-47. Highest concentrations of TBT have been found in yacht harbors and near vessel repair centers. 75% of sites measured had no detectable TBT. Pearl harbor among the lowest concentrations found for TBT. Seligman, P. F., Grovhoug, J. G., Franshaw, R. L., Cola, S. Y., Stallard, M. O., Stang, P. M., and Valkirs, A. O. (1989). Butyltin concentration measurements in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. April 1986 to January 1988 Pearl Harbor case study., Rep. No. TR 1293. Navy Ocean Systems Center, San Diego. Follow up study to 1984 baseline assessment confirmed low levels of TBT in Pearl Harbor, from undetectable to max of 21 ppb in SE Loch water. By contrast, Honolulu Harbor ranged 4.8 to 580 ppb . Sediment samples from near Drydock No. 2 had TBT concentrations 10X the harbor average, up to 420 ppb (dry wt.). Oyster tissue burdens ranged from non-detectable in W. Loch to 360 ppb (wet wt.) at Rainbow Bay. Somerton, D. A., Kobayashi, D. R., and Landgraf, K. C. (1993). Stock assessment of Nehu, Encrasicholina purpurea, using the egg production method. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53, 768-777. Spawning biomass of nehu in Pearl Harbor was estimated weekly over two year period and varied from 0.5 to 5 metric tons in response to fishing and seasonal cyclicity in reproduction. Sparks, A. K. (1963). Survey of the oyster potential of Hawaii,. Hawaii DLNR, Div. Fish and Game, Honolulu. Report on condition of oyster fishery in Pearl Harbor. Stanford, H. R. (1915). Pearl Harbor dry dock. Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. Pap. No. 1354, 223-337. Extensive engineering description of construction of first Pearl Harbor dry dock and reasons for collapse. Stephenson, W. (1976). Notes on Indo-Pacific portunids (Decapoda, Portunidae) in the Smithsonian collection. Crustaceana 31, 11-26. Describes a specimen of Callinectes sp. collected by Bartsch in 1920 from Pearl Harbor which could not be identified to species (see Eldredge, 1995). Sterling, E. P., and Summers, C. C. (1978). Sites of Oahu, Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. General information on early appearance and history of Pearl Harbor (Puuloa) area with Hawaiian legends. Historical descriptions of abundances of pearl oysters, reasons of disappearance and opening of main channel by ancient chief. 1959 map of Pearl Harbor compiled from 1873-1915 data included. Stickney, H. L. (1945). Colossus of the Pacific. Paradise of the Pacific 57, 10-12. Description of first drydock opening in 1919 and recent opening in 1943 of one of the


worlds largest drydocks. Massive alteration of shoreline occurred after 1940 with 6 1/2 miles of 10 total miles of piers and wharves and massive dredge and fill operations. Stokes, J. F. G. (1909). Walled fish traps of Pearl Harbor. Occ. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 4, 199-36. Description of shapes and locations of walled fish traps in Pearl Harbor main channel in 1909, just before they were destroyed by Naval dredging and widening of channel. Principal species of fish caught are named. Straughan, D. (1969). Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Oahu, Hawaii. Bull. South. Calif. Acad. Sci. 68, 229-40. Reports of various species of polychaetes from Pearl Harbor sampled 1929-1940. Sun, Low, Tom, and Hara (1967). Dispersion study of effluent from the proposed Pearl Harbor sewage treatment plant outfall, Rep. No. NBy 82365. U. S. Public Works Center, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. Dye studies of current movements in Pearl Harbor channel entrance by Fort Kam relative to sewage effluent disposal. Takahashi, C. E. (1986). Tales of Honolulu's Fort Kam reef. In Hawaii Shell news, Vol. 33, pp. 5.Reports findings of exotic species Cyprea arabica Linn. and C. staphylea Linn. on ledges at entrance channel to Pearl Harbor. Attributes to blowing of ballast water by submarines that they have taken on at Apra Harbor, Guam. (However, see Byron, 1826). Taylor, A. P. (1912). Pearl Harbor. Paradise of the Pacific 25, 69-71. Detailed history of development of idea of use of Pearl Harbor for a naval base, beginning with Lt. I. W. Curtis on USS Constitution in 1846 and culminating with construction of 1000 ft drydock to be completed in 1914. Thaanaum, D. (1921). Tapes philippinarum in the Hawaiian Islands. Nautilus 34, 107. Describes planting of this introduced species on mud flats twice pre-1920 at Moanalua and states they are frequently imported from Japan for sale by the barrel. Tokioka, T. (1967). Pacific tunicata of the United States National Museum. Smithsonian Institution Bull. 251, 1-247. Report and description of tunicate Polyclinum vasculosum from Pearl Harbor. Townsend, J. K. (1839). Narrative of a Journey Across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chile, etc., with a Scientific Appendix.,, Philadelphia. Description of pearls obtained from Pearl Harbor in 1798. Turner, B. W. (1975). Mineral distribution with the sediments of Pearl Harbor. M.S. Thesis, Hawaii, Honolulu. Study of mineralogy , organic content and metal content of Pearl Harbor sediments and inter-relationships of these parameters. Visscher, J. P. (1928). Nature and the extent of fouling of ships' bottoms. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish. 43, 193-252. General description of fouling organisms occurring on ships throughout the world, mechanisms of organism settlement and fouling and attempts to prevent using the technology of the time. Visscher, J. P. (1937). Fouling of ships' bottoms, Pearl Harbor, 1935-1936. Section II. Ships examined in dry dock., Bureau of Ships Library.


Wagner, W. L., Herbst, D. R., and Sohmer, S. H. (1990). Manual of Flowering Plants of Hawaii, Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Date of introduction of red mangrove to Hawaii Walter Lum & Assoc. (1969). Investigation of pollution of harbor waters, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. N62471-69-C-0585. Nav. Fac. Eng. Com., Honolulu. Study to locate and determine source of oil contamination in vicinity of Oscar-1 pier using soil borings. Ward, L. A. (1987). Family Spionidae. In Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 2: Platyhelminthes through Phoronida and Section 3: Sipuncula through Annelida (D. M. Devaney and L. G. Eldredge, eds.), Vol. Special Publ. 64 (2&3), pp. 461. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Water Resources Engineers (1973). Data report for the Pearl Harbor system of Hawaii, Rep. No. Contr. No. 68-01-1800. EPA Systems Development Agency, Washington D. C. Effects of Waikele Stream runoff on water quality and circulation of West Loch and Pearl Harbor. Water Resources Engineers (1974). Validation and sensitivity analyses of stream and estuary models applied to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rep. No. Contract No. 68-01-1800. EPA Systems Development Branch, Washington D. C. Calculation and validation of stream and estuarine circulation in Pearl Harbor. Wentworth (1951). Geology and ground-water resources of the Honolulu-Pearl Harbor area, Oahu, Hawaii,. Board of Water Supply, Honolulu. Description of hydrology and groundwater resources of the Pearl Harbor area, including surface and artesian spring sources. Wilson Okimoto & Assoc. (197?). Aiea Bay State Recreation Area Conceptual Master Plan and DEIS,. Hawaii Dept. Land and Nat Resources, Honolulu. Superficial description of near shore waters of Aiea bay with limited hydrographic data. Wyrtki, K., Graefe, V., and Patzert, P. (1969). Current observations in the Hawaiian Archipelago, Rep. No. HIG-69-15. Hawaii Inst. Geophysics, Honolulu. Results of current meter studies conducted 1965-69, including waters seaward off Honolulu Harbor and Barbers Point Yap, W. G. (1978). Population biology of the Japanese Little-neck clam, Tapes philppinarum, in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Pac. Sci. 31, 223-244. This clam was first introduced to Hawaii from Japan in 1920 and planted in Kalihi Basin, Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe Bay, had disappeared from Pearl Harbor and Kalihi, but was still thriving at time of study in Kaneohe Bay on a 1.35 hectare mudflat after depletion in six other beds in the Bay. Youngberg, A. D. (1973). A study of sediments and soil samples from Pearl Harbor area, Rep. No. ETDB 73-004 LIMDIST. Naval Civil Engineering Lab., Port Hueneme, CA. Description of sediment characteristics and heavy metal content of Pearl Harbor sediments and effects of Navy operations on sediment metals, primarily restricted to SE Loch and S Channel. Middle and West Loch strongly affected by urban development and agriculture. Stations with highest metal content had lowest number of species. Youngberg, A. D. (1973.). A study of groundwater contamination beneath landfills at Pearl Harbor, Rep. No. EPDB 73-004 LIMDIST. Nat. Fac. Eng. Com., Honolulu.



Listing of Occurrences of Marine or Estuarine Organisms Collected or Observed in Pearl Harbor from all Available Sources


Legacy Project - Species Report

Phylum: CYANOPHYCOTA Class: CYANOPHYCEAE Order: NOSTOCALES Family: OSCILLATORIACEAE Genus: Lyngbya Lyngbya sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Phormidium Phormidium crosbyamum Tilden 1982 Spec - BPBM-AL 523155

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha.

Phylum: CHRYSOPHYTA Class: CHRYSOPHYCEAE Genus: Chrysonephos Chrysonephos lewisii 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Order: DICTYOCHALES Family: DICTYOCHACEAE Genus: Dictyocha Dictyocha sp.? 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Phylum: BACILLARIOPHYTA Class: BACILLARIOPHYCEAE Order: CENTRALES Family: CHAETOCERACEAE Genus: Chaetoceros Chaetoceros sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: COSCINODISCACEAE Genus: Coscinodiscus Coscinodiscus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: MELOSIRACEAE Genus: Melosira Melosira sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: THALASSIOSIRACEAE Genus: Skeletonema Skeletonema sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Order: PENNALES Unidentified Pennales 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: DIATOMACEAE Genus: Thalassionema Thalassionema sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979

(Taylor, 1951)


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: NAVICULACEAE Genus: Navicula Navicula sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: NITZSCHIACEAE Genus: Nitzschia Nitzschia sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Phylum: CHLOROPHYCOTA Class: CHLOROPHYCEAE Order: ULOTRICHALES Family: ULVACEAE Genus: Enteromorpha Enteromorpha intestinalis 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Ulva Ulva sp. 1943 Ulva fasciata 1973 1978 1979 Ulva lactuca 1973

(Linnaeus) Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Ref - Hutchins, 1949 Delile, 1813 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Linnaeus, 1753 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Off Pearl Harbor.

Ulva reticulata Forsskal, 1775 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. Order: CLADOPHORALES Family: CLADOPHORACEAE Genus: Chaetomorpha Chaetomorpha indica 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Cladophora Cladophora sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Cladophora fascicularis 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: CAULERPALES Family: CAULERPACEAE Genus: Caulerpa Caulerpa racemosa 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 (Mertens) Off Pearl Harbor.

Kutzing Off Pearl Harbor.

Forsskal Off Pearl Harbor.

Caulerpa sertularioides (Gmelin) Howe, 1905 Unknown Spec - BPBM-AL 515478 Middle Loch. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Caulerpa verticillata J. Agardh 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: CODIACEAE Genus: Chlorodesmis Chlorodesmis caespitosa 1996 This Project Genus: Codium Codium arabicum 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Codium dichotomum 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Codium edule 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Codium reediae 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Halimeda Halimeda discoidea 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: SIPHONOCLADALES Family: SIPHONOCLADACEAE Genus: Cladophoropsis Cladophoropsis luxurians 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979

J. Agardh

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Kutzing Off Pearl Harbor. (Hudson, 1762) Off Pearl Harbor. Silva

Silva Off Pearl Harbor.

Decaisne Off Pearl Harbor.

Gilbert Off Pearl Harbor.

Family: VALONIACEAE Genus: Boodlea Boodlea composita (Harvey, 1905) Unknown Spec - BPBM-AL 92645 1996 This Project Boodlea hiloense (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1908) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Dictyosphaeria Dictyosphaeria versluysii 1996 This Project

Weber-Van Bosse, 1905

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Phylum: PYRROPHYCOPHYTA Class: DINOPHYCEAE Order: PROROCENTRALES Family: PROROCENTRACEAE Genus: Prorocentrum Prorocentrum gracile Schott 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: DINOPHYSIALES Family: DINOPHYSIACEAE Genus: Dinophysis Dinophysis sp.? 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Dinophysis caudatum (Kent) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: PERIDINIALES Family: CERATIACEAE Genus: Ceratium Ceratium ferka (Ehrenberg) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: GONYAULACEAE Genus: Gonyaulax Gonyaulax minutum Michener 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: GYMNODINIACEAE Genus: Cochlodinium Cochlodinium catenatum Okamura 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: NOCTILUCACEAE Genus: Noctiluca Noctiluca minuta (McCartney & Kofoid) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: PERIDINIACEAE Genus: Peridinium Peridinium crassipes (Kofoid) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: POLYKRIKACEAE Genus: Polykrikos Polykrikos schwartzi (Butschli) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Phylum: PHAEOPHYCOPHYTA Class: PHAEOPHYCEAE Order: ECTOCARPALES Family: RALFSIACEAE Genus: Ralfsia Ralfsia occidentalis 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: DICTYOTALES Family: DICTYOTACEAE Genus: Dictyota Dictyota acutiloba 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Dictyota divaricata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Lobophora Lobophora variegata 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Padina Padina japonica 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Padina pavonica 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Order: FUCALES Family: SARGASSACEAE Genus: Sargassum Sargassum echinocarpum 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Sargassum obtusifolium 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979

Hollenberg Off Pearl Harbor.

J. Agardh Off Pearl Harbor. Lamouroux, 1809 Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.


New record for Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Boergesen Off Pearl Harbor. (Linnaeus, 1753) Off Pearl Harbor.

J. Agardh Off Pearl Harbor. J. Agardh Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Sargassum polyphyllum 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: SCYTOSIPHONALES Family: SCYTOSIPHONACEAE Genus: Colpomenia Colpomenia sinuosa 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Hydroclathrus Hydroclathrus clathratus 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Phylum: RHODOPHYCOTA Family: GELIDIACEAE Genus: Gelidium Gelidium sp. 1996 This Project Gelidium arenaria 1996 This Project Gelidium pusillum 1996 This Project Family: PEYSONNELIACEAE Genus: Peysonnelia Peysonnelia sp. 1996 This Project Class: RHODOPHYCEAE Order: NEMALIALES Family: BONNEMAISONIACEAE Genus: Asparagopsis Asparagopsis taxiformis 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Family: GELIDIELLACEAE Genus: Gelidiella Gelidiella sp. 1982 Spec - BPBM-AL 585470 Gelidiella sp. 1 1996 This Project Gelidiella sp. 2 1996 This Project Gelidiella myrocladia 1996 This Project Order: GIGARTINALES Family: GRACILARIACEAE Genus: Gracilaria Gracilaria bursapastoris 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Kylin New record for Pearl Harbor. New record for Pearl Harbor. J. Agardh Off Pearl Harbor.

(Roth) Off Pearl Harbor. (C. Agardh) Off Pearl Harbor.

(Stackhouse) Lejolis, 1863

(Delile) Off Pearl Harbor.

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. New record for Pearl Harbor. New record for Pearl Harbor. (Borgesen) Feldmann & Hamel, 1934 New record for Pearl Harbor.

(Gmelin) Off Pearl Harbor.

Gracilaria coronopifolia J. Agardh, 1852 1978 Spec - BPBM-AL 561794 Reef flat between W end of the Reef Runway & entrance to Pearl Harbor; opposite the National Guard hanger area. 1978 Spec - BPBM-AL 561795 Reef flat between W end of the Reef Runway & entrance to Pearl Harbor; opposite the National Guard hanger area. 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. Gracilaria lichenoides Linnaeus 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Gracilaria parvispora Abbott, 1985 1978 Spec - BPBM-AL 562094 Reef flat between W end of the Reef Runway & entrance to Pearl Harbor; opposite the National Guard hanger area. Identified by fide.I.A.Abbott 1994. New record for Pearl Harbor.

Gracilaria salicornia 1996 This Project

(Agardh) Dawson

Family: HYPNEACEAE Genus: Hypnea Hypnea cervicornis J. Agardh 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Hypnea spinella 1996 This Project Hypnea valentiae 1996 This Project Family: PLOCAMIACEAE Genus: Plocamium Plocamium sandvicense 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: CRYPTONEMIALES Family: CORALLINACEAE Genus: Amphiroa Amphiroa fragilissima 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Corallina Corallina sp. 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Jania Jania sp. 1979

Off Pearl Harbor. New record for Pearl Harbor.

(C. Agardh) Kutzing, 1849

(Turner) Montagne, 1841

New record for Pearl Harbor.

J. Agardh Off Pearl Harbor.

(Linnaeus) Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Ref - AECOS, 1979

Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Lithothamnium Lithothamnium byssoides 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Porolithon Porolithon onkodes 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project Family: CRYPTONEMIACEAE Genus: Halymenia Halymenia formosa 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Family: RHIZOPHYLLIDACEAE Genus: Chondrococus Chondrococus hornemannii 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: RHODYMENIALES Family: CHAMPIACEAE Genus: Champia Champia parvula 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor.

(Heydrich) Foslie, 1909 New record for Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Harvey Off Pearl Harbor.

(Harvey) Off Pearl Harbor.

(C. Agardh)

New record for Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: RHODYMENIACEAE Genus: Coelothrix Coelothrix irreqularis 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Order: CERAMIALES Family: CERAMIACEAE Genus: Aglaothamnion Aglaothamnion sp. 1 1996 This Project Aglaothamnion sp. 2 1996 This Project Genus: Anotricium Anotricium sp. 1996 This Project Anotricium secundum 1996 This Project Caormaci, Funari & Pizzuto New record for Pearl Harbor.

(Harvey) Off Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Centroceras Centroceras clavulatum (C. Agardh) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Centrocerus Centrocerus sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Ceramium Ceramium sp. 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project Ceramium sp. 1 1996 This Project Ceramium sp. 2 1996 This Project Ceramium clarionense 1996 This Project Genus: Griffithsia Griffithsia sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Griffithsia heteromorpha 1996 This Project Kutzing, 1863

Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Setchell and Gardner, 1930

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Recorded as Griffitsia. Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Griffitsia. New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Spyridia Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Tolypiocladia Tolypiocladia sp. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Tolypiocladia glomerulata 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor.

(C. Agardh) Schmitz, 1897

New record for Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: RHODOMELACEAE Genus: Acanthophora Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl, 1802) 1961 Ref - Doty, 1961 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Laurencia Laurencia brachyclados 1996 This Project Laurencia nidifica 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Polysiphonia Polysiphonia sp. 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project


Off Pearl Harbor.


New record for Pearl Harbor.

J. Agardh Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Polysiphonia mollis J. Hooker & Harvey in Harvey, 1847 Unknown Spec - BPBM-AL 189658 Unknown Spec - BPBM-AL 189659 West Loch. Polysiphonia scopulorum 1996 This Project (Harvey) Hollenberg, 1968 New record for Pearl Harbor.

Polysiphonia subtilissima Montagne 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Phylum: PROTOZOA Class: GRANULORETICULOSEA Order: FORAMINIFERIDA Unidentified Foraminiferida 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1982 Spec - BPBM-A 174 Family: AMPHISTEGINIDAE Genus: Amphistegina Amphistegina lessonii 1977 Spec - BPBM-A 160 Amphistegina lobifera 1977 Spec - BPBM-A 161 Class: CILIATEA Family: FOLLICULINIDAE Genus: Parafolliculina Parafolliculina violaceae 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976

Pearl Harbor dredge spoil dumping site.

d'Orbigny, 1826 Off Pearl Harbor. Identified by Philip Papish, 1980. Larsen, 1976 Off Pearl Harbor. Identified by Philip Papish, 1980.

Giard, 1888


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Phylum: BRYOPHYTA Class: HEPATICOPSIDA Order: JUNGERMANNIALES Family: MASTIGOPHORACEAE Genus: Mastigophora Mastigophora sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Phylum: MAGNOLIOPHYTA Class: MAGNOLIOPSIDA Order: ROSALES Family: LEGUMINOSAE Genus: Lathyrus Lathyrus sp. 1933 Spec - BPBM-MO 205313 Order: CORNALES Family: RHIZOPHORACEAE Genus: Rhizophora Rhizophora mangel 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor.

Ford Island. Catalogue XIV.


New record for Pearl Harbor.

Phylum: PORIFERA Unidentified Porifera 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1982 Spec - BPBM-C 437 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Class: CALCAREA Order: LEUCOSOLENIIDA Family: LEUCOSOLENIIDAE Genus: Leuconia Leuconia n. sp. 1996 This Project Order: SYCETTIDA Family: HETEROPIIDAE Genus: Heteropia Heteropia glomerosa 1996 This Project Family: SYCETTIDAE Genus: Sycon Sycon sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Class: DEMOSPONGIAE Order: DICTYOCERATIDA Family: SPONGIIDAE Genus: Hyatella Hyatella intestinalis 1996 This Project

light-purple. orange. blue-green. Off Pearl Harbor dredge spoil dumping site. encrust. red. blue-green. branch. brown.

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

(Bowerbank, 1873)

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Lamarck, 1814

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Spongia Spongia oceania 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Order: DENDROCERATIDA Family: APLYSELLIDAE Genus: Aplysilla Aplysilla cf. rosea 1996 This Project Genus: Chelonaplysilla Chelonaplysilla violacea 1996 This Project Family: DICTYODEDRILLIDAE Genus: Dictyodendrilla Dictyodendrilla n. sp. 1996 This Project Family: DYSIDEIDAE Genus: Dendrilla Dendrilla cactus 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Genus: Dysidea Dysidea n. sp. 1 1996 This Project Dysidea n. sp. 2 1996 This Project Dysidea n. sp. 3 1996 This Project Dysidea avara 1996 This Project Dysidea cf. arenaria 1996 This Project Dysidea herbacea 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Genus: Euryspongia Euryspongia lobata 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Order: HAPLOSCLERIDA Family: CALLYSPONGIIDAE Genus: Callyspongia Callyspongia diffusa 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Family: CHALINIDAE Genus: Toxiclona Toxiclona n. sp. 1996 This Project de Laubenfels, 1950

Barrois, 1876

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Lendenfeld, 1883

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

(Selenka, 1867)

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

sensu de Laubenfels 1950

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Bergquist, 1965

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

(Keller, 1889)

(Ridley, 1884)

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: HALICLONIDAE Genus: Gellius Gellius n. sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Haliclona Haliclona aquaeducta 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: NIPHATIDAE Genus: Gelliodes Gelliodes fibrosa 1996 This Project Order: POECILOSCLERIDA Family: ADOCIIDAE Unidentified Adociidae n. gen. n. sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Pellina Pellina eusiphonia 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Genus: Sigmadocia Sigmadocia cf. caerulea 1996 This Project Genus: Toxadocia Toxadocia violacea 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: AMPHILECTIDAE Genus: Biemna Biemna fistulosa 1996 This Project Family: MICROCIONIDAE Genus: Clathria Clathria (Microciona) n. sp. 1996 This Project Clathria (Microciona) maunaloa 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: MYCALIDAE Genus: Mycale Mycale sp. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Mycale (Aegogropila) armata 1996 This Project

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Schmidt, 1862 Recorded as H. aquaedactyla. Recorded as H. aquaedactyla.


New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Ridley, 1884

Hechtel, 1965

New record for Hawaii. Introduced.

de Laubenfels, 1950

Topsent, 1897

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

de Laubenfels, 1951 Recorded as Microciona maunaloa. Recorded as Microciona maunaloa.


Thiele, 1903

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Mycale (Carmia) cecilia (de Laubenfels, 1936) Introduced. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Mycale sp.. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 Recorded as Mycale cecilia. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Recorded as Mycale cecilia. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as Mycale cecilia. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as Mycale cecilia. 1996 This Project


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Mycale (Carmia) contarenii 1996 This Project Mycale (Carmia) maunakea 1996 This Project sensu de Laubenfels, 1951 New record for Pearl Harbor.

de Laubenfels, 1936

New record for Pearl Harbor. Known only from Hawaii.

Genus: Zygomycale Zygomycale parishii (Bowerbank, 1875) Introduced. 1947 Ref - de Laubenfels, 1950 Recorded as Zygomycale parishi. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 Recorded as Zygomycale parishi. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Recorded as Zygomycale parishi. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as Zygomycale parishi. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as Zygomycale parishi. 1996 This Project Family: MYXILLIDAE Genus: Tedania Tedania ignis 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Tedania macrodactyla 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Tedania reticulata 1996 This Project Family: PHORBASIDAE Genus: Damiriana Damiriana hawaiiana 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: RASPAILIIDAE Genus: Echinodictyum Echinodictyum asperum 1996 This Project

(Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864)


(Lamarck, 1814)


Thiele, 1903

New record for Pearl Harbor.

de Laubenfels, 1951

Ridley and Dendy, 1886

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Genus: Phycopsis Phycopsis aculeata (Wilson) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: HALICHONDRIDA Family: HALICHONDRIIDAE Genus: Amorphinopsis Amorphinopsis n. sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Ciocalypta Ciocalypta sp. 1963 Spec - BPBM-C 196 Genus: Halichondria Halichondria sp. 1963 Spec - BPBM-C 195 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Halichondria coerulea 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

Waiau; Hawaiian Electric Company condensers and tunnel outlets 3, 4, 5, 6.

Waiau; Hawaiian Electric Company condensers and tunnel outlets 3, 4, 5, 6.

Bergquist, 1967



Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Halichondria dura 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Halichondria melanadocia 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Topsentia Topsentia cf. halichondrioides 1996 This Project Family: HYMENIACIDONIDAE Genus: Hymeniacidon Hymeniacidon sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: HADROMERIDA Family: CLIONIDAE Genus: Cliona Cliona sp. 1996 This Project Cliona vastifica 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: SPIRASTRELLIDAE Genus: Spirastrella Spirastrella coccinea 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: SUBERITIDAE Genus: Prosuberites Prosuberites oleteira 1996 This Project Genus: Suberites Suberites cf. zeteki 1948 Spec - BPBM-C 201 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Terpios Terpios granulosa 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Order: CHORISTIDA Family: CHONDROSIIDAE Genus: Chondrosia Chondrosia chucalla 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: STELLETTIDAE Genus: Stelletta Stelletta n. sp. (cf. purpurea) 1996 This Project Lundgren, 1897

de Laubenfels, 1936


Dendy, 1905

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.


Hancock, 1849

(Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864)

de Laubenfels, 1957

New record for Pearl Harbor. Known only from Hawaii.

de Laubenfels

Introduced. Recorded as Terpios zeteki. Recorded as Terpios zeteki. Recorded as Terpios zeteki.

Bergquist, 1967 Recorded as Terpios granuloma. Recorded as Terpios granuloma.

de Laubenfels, 1936


New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Phylum: CNIDARIA Unidentified Cnidaria 1996 This Project Class: HYDROZOA Unidentified Hydrozoa 1982 Spec - BPBM-D 753 1983 Spec - BPBM-D 971 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1996 This Project Order: HYDROIDA Unidentified Hydroida 1948 Spec - BPBM-D 283 1950 Spec - BPBM-D 307 1950 Spec - BPBM-D 308 Family: BOUGAINVILLIIDAE Genus: Garveia Garveia humilis 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Family: CAMPANULARIIDAE Genus: Clytia Clytia hemisphaerica 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Obelia Obelia sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Obelia bidentata? 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Obelia dichotoma 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: CLAVIDAE Genus: Turritopsis Turritopsis nutricula 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Family: HALECIIDAE Genus: Halecium Halecium sp.? 1948 Spec - BPBM-D 288 Introduced.

Off Pearl Harbor. Mamala Bay; Pearl Harbor disposal site.

(McCrady, 1856)


(Linnaeus, 1767)


Off Pearl Harbor.

(Linnaeus, 1758)


(McCrady, 1856)


Drydock #2.

Family: HALOCORDYLIDAE Genus: Halocordyle Halocordyle disticha (Goldfuss, 1820) Introduced. 1929 Spec - BPBM-D 183 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 Recorded as Pennaria sp.. 1944 Spec - BPBM-D 250 Off Pearl Harbor. 1948 Spec - BPBM-D 289 Drydock #4. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Recorded as Pennaria tiarella McCrady. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Pennaria tiarella McCrady. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Recorded as Pennaria tiarella. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: PLUMULARIIDAE Unidentified Plumulariidae 1948 Spec - BPBM-D 290 Genus: Plumularia Plumularia goodei? 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: TUBULARIIDAE Genus: Tubularia Tubularia sp. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Class: SCYPHOZOA Unidentified Scyphozoa 1929 Spec - BPBM-D 240 1982 Spec - BPBM-D 751

Drydock #4.

Nutting, 1900 Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Order: SEMAEOSTOMEAE Family: ULMARIDAE Genus: Aurelia Aurelia labiata? Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1820 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Balanus labiata. Order: RHIZOSTOMEAE Family: CASSIOPEIDAE Genus: Cassiopea Cassiopea medusa 1941 Ref - Doty, 1961

Light, 1914


Family: MASTIGIIDAE Genus: Phyllorhiza Phyllorhiza punctata von Ledenfeld, 1884 Introduced. 1941 Ref - Doty, 1961 Recorded as Cotylorhizoides pacificus. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Class: ANTHOZOA Unidentified Anthozoa 1937 Spec - BPBM-D 227 1948 Spec - BPBM-D 291

Drydock #4.

Order: TELESTACEA Family: TELESTIDAE Genus: Carijoa Carijoa (Telestea) riisei Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860 Introduced. 1972 Spec - BPBM-D 454 Near channel buoy #11. Identified by Rees. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Telesto riisei. 1974 Ref - Cuttress, 1977 Recorded as Telesto riisei. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as Telesto riisei. 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Recorded as Telesto riisei. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as Telesto riisei. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as Telesto riisei. 1996 This Project Order: ALCYONACEA Family: ALCYONIIDAE Genus: Anthomastus Anthomastus sp. 1982 Spec - BPBM-D 637 Anthomastus fisheri 1982 Spec - BPBM-D 750 Bayer Off Pearl Harbor. Identified by D.M. Devaney.

Off Pearl Harbor. Identified by D.M. Devaney, 21 April 1982.

Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)


Order: GORGONACEA Unidentified Gorgonacea 1950 Spec - BPBM-D 309 1950 Spec - BPBM-D 310 1982 Spec - BPBM-D 752 Order: ZOANTHIDEA Family: ZOANTHIDAE Genus: Zoanthus Zoanthus pacificus 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Order: ACTINIARIA Family: ACTINIIDAE Genus: Cladactella Cladactella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cladactella manni? 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Family: AIPTASIIDAE Genus: Aiptasia Aiptasia pulchella 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Family: DIADUMENIDAE Genus: Diadumene Diadumene leucolena 1977 Ref - Cuttress, 1977 (Verrill, 1899)

Off Pearl Harbor.

Walsh & Bowers, 1971

Off Pearl Harbor.

Carlgren, 1943

(Verrill, 1866)


Family: HORMATHIIDAE Genus: Calliactis Calliactis polypus? (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: ISOPHELLIIDAE Genus: Epiphellia Epiphellia humilis (Verrill, 1928) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: STOICHACTINIDAE Genus: Antheopsis Antheopsis papillosa (Kwietniewski, 1898) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Radianthus cookei (Verrill 1928). Order: SCLERACTINIA Family: ACROPORIDAE Genus: Montipora Montipora sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Montipora patula 1996 This Project Family: DENDROPHYLLIIDAE Genus: Tubastraea Tubastraea sp. 1950 Spec - BPBM-SC 340 Verrill, 1864

Off Pearl Harbor. New record for Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor drydock.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: FAVIIDAE Genus: Leptastrea Leptastrea purpurea 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Family: FUNGIIDAE Genus: Fungia Fungia sp. Unknown Dana, 1846

Common name(s): mushroom coral; Hawaiian name(s): ko`akohe; hu`ahu`a akai. Spec - BPBM-SC 399

Family: POCILLOPORIDAE Genus: Pocillopora Pocillopora damicornis 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1996 This Project Pocillopora ligulata 1904 Spec - BPBM-SC 142

Linnaeus, 1758

New record for Pearl Harbor. Hawaiian name(s): `ako`ako`a. Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Pocillopora cespitosa laysanensis Vaughan.

Pocillopora meandrina Dana, 1846 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: PORITIDAE Genus: Porites Porites compressa 1996 This Project Porites compressa f. fragilis 1904 Spec - BPBM-SC 456 Phylum: CTENOPHORA Class: TENTACULATA Order: CYDIPPIDA Family: PLEUROBRACHIIDAE Genus: Pleurobrachia Pleurobrachia sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Phylum: PLATYHELMINTHES Unidentified Platyhelminthes 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project Class: TURBELLARIA Order: POLYCLADIDA Family: PLANOCERIDAE Genus: Planocera Planocera sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Class: CESTODA Genus: Tylocephalum Tylocephalum sp. 1965 Ref - Rifkin & Cheng, 1968 Phylum: NEMATODA Unidentified Nematoda 1996 This Project

New record for Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Dana, 1846

Hawaiian name(s): pokahu puna. New record for Pearl Harbor. Hawaiian name(s): `ako`ako`a.

Outside Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor. Black polyclad.



Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Phylum: ANNELIDA Class: POLYCHAETA Unidentified Polychaeta 1982 Spec - BPBM-R 1584 1982 Spec - BPBM-R 1585 1982 Spec - BPBM-R 1586 Family: AMPHINOMIDAE Unidentified Amphinomidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Eurythoe Eurythoe complanata (Pallas, 1776) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. 1996 This Project Family: APHRODITIDAE Unidentified Aphroditidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: ARABELLIDAE Genus: Arabella Arabella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Arabella iridescens Treadwell, 1906 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: CAPITELLIDAE Unidentified Capitellidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Dasybranchus Dasybranchus lumbricoides Grube, 1878 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: CHAETOPTERIDAE Unidentified Chaetopteridae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Chaetopterus Chaetopterus variopedatus (Renier, 1804) Cryptogenic. 1976 Ref - Grovhoug & Rastetter, 1980 Recorded as Chaetopterus variodoptecus. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as C. variopedus. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as C. variopedus. 1996 This Project Genus: Phyllochaetopterus Phyllochaetopterus verrilli Treadwell, 1943 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. Family: CIRRATULIDAE Unidentified Cirratulidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Cirratulus Cirratulus sp. 1929 Spec - BPBM-R 1451 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Pearl Harbor dredge spoil dumping site. Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil dumping site. Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil dumping site.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Cirriformia Cirriformia sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cirriformia hawaiensis Hartman, 1956 1966 Ref - Hartman, 1966 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cirriformia punctata 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1996 This Project Family: COSSURIDAE Unidentified Cossuridae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: DORVILLEIDAE Unidentified Dorvilleidae 1996 This Project Genus: Dorvillea Dorvillea sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Family: EUNICIDAE Unidentified Eunicidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Eunice Eunice sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Eunice antennata (Savigny, 1820) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Eunice australis Quatrefages, 1865 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Eunice cariboea 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor. (Grube, 1856)

Eunice filamentosa Grube, 1856 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Eunice vittata (Delle Chiaje, 1828) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Lysidice Lysidice ninetta Audoin & Milne Edwards, 1833 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Lysidice collaris Grube, 1870. 1996 This Project Genus: Marphysa Marphysa sp. 1931 Spec - BPBM-R 1504 1931 Spec - BPBM-R 1505 1931 Spec - BPBM-R 1508 Marphysa sanguinea 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1364

Identified by G. Tien. Identified by G. Tien. Identified by G. Tien. (Montagu, 1815) Identified by G. Tien.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1973 1996 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 This Project

Genus: Nematonereis Nematonereis unicornis Schmarda, 1861 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1996 This Project Genus: Palola Palola siciliensis 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Paramarphysa Paramarphysa sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: GLYCERIDAE Genus: Glycera Glycera tesselata 1996 This Project Family: HESIONIDAE Unidentified Hesionidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Syllidia Syllidia armata 1996 This Project Family: LUMBRINERIDAE Unidentified Lumbrineridae 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Genus: Lumbrineris Lumbrineris sp. 1996 This Project Family: LYSARETIDAE Genus: Oenone Oenone fulgida (Savigny) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: NEREIDAE Unidentified Nereidae 1931 Spec - BPBM-R 1488 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Ceratonereis Ceratonereis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Laeonereis Laeonereis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975

Recorded as Eunice siciliensis.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)


Genus: Leonnates Leonnates sp. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Genus: Micronereis Micronereis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Nereis Nereis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Nereis sp. 1 1973 1973 Nereis sp. 2 1973 1973

Ref - McCain, 1974 Ref - McCain, 1975

Recorded as Nereis sp. 1. Recorded as Nereis sp. 1.

Ref - McCain, 1974 Ref - McCain, 1975

Recorded as Nereis sp. 2. Recorded as Nereis sp. 2. Introduced. Recorded as Nereis (Neanthes) caudata (Delle Chiaje).

Nereis areanacoedonta Moore, 1903 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Nereis corallina 1966 Ref - Hartman, 1966 Kinberg, 1866

Genus: Perinereis Perinereis sp. 1929 Spec - BPBM-R 1502 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987

Identified by G. Tien.

Perinereis cultifera floridana Iwajima, 1972 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Perinereis cultrifera. Genus: Platynereis Platynereis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: ONUPHIDAE Genus: Diopatra Diopatra sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: OPHELIIDAE Unidentified Opheliidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Armandia Armandia sp. 1996 This Project Family: ORBINIIDAE Unidentified Orbiniidae 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: PARAONIDAE Unidentified Paraonidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: PHYLLODOCIDAE Unidentified Phyllodocidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Eulalia Eulalia sp. 1996 This Project Eulalia sanguinea 1966 Ref - Hartman, 1966 1996 This Project Genus: Eumida Eumida sanguinea 1966 Ref - Hartman, 1966 Unidentified Eumida 1996 This Project Genus: Phyllodoce Phyllodoce sp. 1996 This Project Family: POLYNOIDAE Unidentified Polynoidae 1996 This Project Genus: Hololepidella Hololepidella nigropunctata 1972 Spec - BPBM-R 563

(Oested, 1843)

Harbor entrance, from buoy "1". Identified by D.M. Devaney.

Genus: Iphione Iphione muricata (Savigny, 1818) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Paralepidonotus Paralepidonotus ampulliferus (Grube, 1878) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: SABELLARIIDAE Unidentified Sabellariidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: SABELLIDAE Unidentified Sabellidae 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Genus: Branchiomma Branchiomma nigromaculata (Baird, 1865) 1966 Ref - Hartman, 1966:235 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 1976 Ref - Grovhoug & Rastetter, 1980 1986 Ref - Henderson, 1990 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project Genus: Demonax Demonax leucaspis Kinberg, 1867 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Genus: Potamilla Potamilla sp. 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Cryptogenic. Recorded as Branchiomma cingulata. Recorded as B. cingulata. Recorded as Branchiomma cingulata. Arizona Memorial. Recorded as B. cingualata.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Sabella Sabella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Sabellastarte Sabellastarte sanctijosephi Gravier, 1906 Cryptogenic. 1976 Ref - Grovhoug & Rastetter, 1980 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. 1980 Ref - Grovhoug & Rastetter, 1980 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Family: SERPULIDAE Unidentified Serpulidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Ficopomatus Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, 1923) Introduced. 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1330 1937 Ref - Straughan, 1969 Recorded as Mercierella sp.. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Mercierella sp.. 1976 Ref - Bailey-Brock, 1976 Genus: Hydroides Hydroides sp. 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1235 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1238 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Hydroides crucigera (Morch, 1863) 1937 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1938 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Hydroides dirampha (Morch, 1863) 1929 Spec - BPBM-R 1083 1929 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 1935 Ref - Ingram, 1937 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1089 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1090 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1093 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1231 1937 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1094 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1095 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 1996 This Project

Identified by D. Straughan. Identified by D. Straughan.


Introduced. Recorded as H. lunulifera (Claparede, 1868). Recorded as H. lunulifera (Claparede, 1868). Recorded as H. lunulifera.

Identified by D. Straughan. Recorded as H. lunulifera (Claparede, 1868).

Recorded as H. lunulifera (Claparede, 1868). Recorded as H. lunilifera. Recorded as H. lunilifera. Recorded as Hydroides norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. Recorded as H. lunulifera (Claparede, 1868).


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Hydroides elegans (Haswell, 1883) Introduced. 1929 Spec - BPBM-R 1101 Identified by D. Straughan. 1929 Ref - Straughan, 1969 Recorded as H. norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 Recorded as H. norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. 1935 Ref - Ingram, 1937 Recorded as H. norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1108 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1120 Identified by D. Straughan. 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1109 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1110 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1111 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1113 1938 Spec - BPBM-R 1114 1940 Spec - BPBM-R 1115 1940 Spec - BPBM-R 1366 Identified by D. Straughan. 1941 Spec - BPBM-R 1122 Identified by D. Straughan. 1947 Spec - BPBM-R 1123 Identified by D. Straughan. 1948 Spec - BPBM-R 1118 1948 Spec - BPBM-R 1121 Identified by D. Straughan. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Recorded as H. norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as H. norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 Recorded as H. norvegica. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Recorded as H. norvegica. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Recorded as Hydroides norvegica Gunnerus, 1768. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1996 This Project Hydroides sanctaecrucis 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Hydroides uncinata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Genus: Neodexiospira Neodexiospira foraminosa 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Genus: Pileolaria Pileolaria semimilitaris 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Morch, 1863 Off Pearl Harbor. Phillipe, 1844

(Moore & Bush, 1904)


Vine, 1972

Genus: Pomatoleios Pomatoleios kraussii (Baird, 1865) 1976 Ref - Grovhoug & Rastetter, 1980 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Salmacina Salmacina dysteri 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project


Huxley, 1855


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)


Genus: Serpula Serpula vermicularis 1938 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1940 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1948 Ref - Straughan, 1969 1996 This Project Genus: Simplicaria Simplicaria pseudomilitaris 1996 This Project Genus: Spirobranchus Spirobranchus tricornis 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Genus: Spirorbis Spirorbis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Genus: Vermiliopsis Vermiliopsis torquata 1937 Spec - BPBM-R 1317

Linnaeus, 1767


New record for Pearl Harbor.

Morch, 1863 Off Pearl Harbor.

Treadwell, 1943 Identified by D. Straughan.

Family: SPINTHERIDAE Genus: Spinther Spinther japonicus Iwajima & Hartman, 1964 1976 Ref - Grovhoug & Rastetter, 1980 1987 Ref - Bailey-Brock & Hartman, 1987 1996 This Project Family: SPIONIDAE Unidentified Spionidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Polydora Polydora websteri 1966 Ref - Hartman, 1966 Genus: Streblospio Streblospio benedicti 1987 Ref - Ward, 1987 Family: SPIRORBIDAE Unidentified Spirorbidae 1996 This Project Family: SYLLIDAE Unidentified Syllidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Autolytus Autolytus sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Branchiosyllis Branchiosyllis exilis 1996 This Project Genus: Brania Brania rhopalophora 1996 This Project


Hartman, 1943


Webster, 1879


New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Exogone Exogone verugera 1996 This Project Genus: Haplosyllis Haplosyllis spongicola 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Langerhansia Langerhansia cornuta 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Myrianida Myrianida crassicirrata 1996 This Project Genus: Opisthosyllis Opisthosyllis sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Syllis Syllis sp. 1973 Syllis gracilis 1996 New record for Pearl Harbor.

Recorded as Syllis spongicola.

Recorded as Syllis cornuta.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Ref - Evans et al., 1974 New record for Pearl Harbor. This Project

Typosyllis variegata (Grube, 1860) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Syllis variegata. Genus: Trypanosyllis Trypanosyllis zebra (Grube, 1860) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Typosyllis Typosyllis sp. 1996 This Project Typosyllis hawaiiensis 1996 This Project Typosyllis hyalina 1996 This Project Typosyllis prolifera 1996 This Project Family: TEREBELLIDAE Unidentified Terebellidae 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Thelepus Thelepus setosus (Quatrefages, 1865) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Class: OLIGOCHAETA Order: RHYNCHOBDELLIDA Family: PISCICOLIDAE Unidentified Piscicolidae 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Phylum: MOLLUSCA Unidentified Mollusca 1914 Spec - BPBM-MO 65001 1917 Spec - BPBM-MO 18 1922 Spec - BPBM-MO 37 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205580 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205581 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205584 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205585 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205586 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205587 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205588 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205591 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205592 1947 Spec - BPBM-MO 41 1947 Spec - BPBM-MO 42 1947 Spec - BPBM-MO 47 1947 Spec - BPBM-MO 61 1948 Spec - BPBM-MO 44 1948 Spec - BPBM-MO 59 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 5 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 56 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 66 Family: CORALLIOPHILIDAE Genus: Quoyula Quoyula madreporarum Sowerby 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198765 Class: GASTROPODA Family: CAECIDAE Genus: Caecum Caecum sepimentum 1996 This Project Family: CEPHALASPIDAE Unidentified Cephalaspidae 1996 This Project Family: DIALIDAE Genus: Cerithidium Cerithidium perparvalum 1996 This Project Genus: Diala Diala semistriata 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Diala varia 1996 Ford Island. Catalogue V. Off Pearl Harbor. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Bottom of ship Jacona. Bottom of ship Jacona. Bottom of ship Jacona. Drydock, hull of ship Jacona. Drydock. Hull of Barge YC-1024, Dry Dock #3.. Power House intake tunnel.. U.S.S. Deal.

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

de Folin, 1867

New record for Pearl Harbor.

(Watson, 1886)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Recorded as Diala varia. A. Adams, 1861 New record for Pearl Harbor.

This Project

Family: EATONIELLIDAE Genus: Eatoniella Eatoniella sp. 1996 This Project Order: ARCHAEOGASTROPODA Family: FISSURELLIDAE Genus: Diodora Diodora granifera (Pease, 1861) Hawaiian name(s): `opihi. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 225792 Opposite Ford Island on Railroad Wharf on Peninsula. Catalogue XVI. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1996 This Project Reeve, 1850 New record for Pearl Harbor. Diodora octogona 1996 This Project Diodora ruppelli 1962 Ref - Kay, 1979 1996 This Project Family: NERITIDAE Genus: Nerita Nerita sp. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199261 Nerita picea 1912 1912 1923 1930 1930 1930 1930 1932 1932 1932 Recluz, 1841 Spec - BPBM-MO 64253 Spec - BPBM-MO 64264 Spec - BPBM-MO 228140 Spec - BPBM-MO 195621 Spec - BPBM-MO 195622 Spec - BPBM-MO 195623 Spec - BPBM-MO 195624 Spec - BPBM-MO 198798 Spec - BPBM-MO 198800 Spec - BPBM-MO 198801

Catalogue XIV. Hawaiian name(s): pipipi kai; pipipi; pipipi; pipipi. Catalogue V. Catalogue V. Along shore near Railroad Wharf opposite Ford Island. Catalogue XVI. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Locks, Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Locks, Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Locks, Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Fishpond wall on Eastern side of Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Fishpond wall on Eastern side of Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, shore along Cobb's place. Catalogue XIV.

Genus: Theodoxus Theodoxus cariosa Gray 1912 Spec - BPBM-MO 64294 Theodoxus kanaka Pils 1912 Spec - BPBM-MO 64313 Theodoxus neglecta Pease 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198799 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198802 Family: PATELLIDAE Genus: Cellana Cellana sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205577 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 55 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Known only from Hawaii. Catalogue V.

Catalogue V.

Fishpond wall on Eastern side of Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, shore along Cobb's place. Catalogue XIV.

Hawaiian name(s): ka`ala; ko`ele; `opihi kapua`i lio. Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Family: PHASIANELLIDAE Genus: Tricolia Tricolia variabilis (Pease, 1861) Hawaiian name(s): pupu kanaloa. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. Family: PHENACOLEPADIDAE Genus: Phenacolepas Phenacolepas sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: SCISSURELLIDAE Genus: Scissurella Scissurella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: SKENEIDAE Genus: Lophocaclias Lophocaclias minutissimus (Pilsbry, 1921) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Cyclostremiscus minutissimus (Pilsbry, 1921).

Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: STOMATELLIDAE Genus: Syncera Syncera giffardi Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65725 Family: TROCHIDAE Genus: Danilia Danilia eucheliformis 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217634 Genus: Euchelus Euchelus gemmatus Gould, 1845 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Tholotia Tholotia subangulata 1917 Ref - Pilsbry, 1917 (Pease. 1861) Recorded as Alcyna lineata Pease, 1861. MCZ 31724.

Pearl City. Catalogue V.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Genus: Trochus Trochus sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205576 Trochus histrio Reeve 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Trochus intextus Unknown Unknown 1918 1918 1923 1924 1930 1932 1932 1932 1932 1996 Kiener, 1850 o Haupu. Spec - BPBM-MO 200688 Spec - BPBM-MO 227198 Spec - BPBM-MO 198674 Spec - BPBM-MO 198675 Spec - BPBM-MO 227202 Spec - BPBM-MO 240750 Spec - BPBM-MO 195331 Spec - BPBM-MO 198940 Spec - BPBM-MO 198941 Spec - BPBM-MO 198942 Spec - BPBM-MO 200036 This Project

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Hawaiian name(s): pupu o Ha`upu; ha`upu; haupu; `okole `oi `oi; pupu Catalogue XIV. Catalogue XVI. Catalogue XIV. Catalogue XIV. Catalogue XVI. Catalogue XVII. Pearl Locks Peninsula, makai face of little pier just mauka of Dr. Whitney's place.. Catalogue XIV. Eastside of Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Harbor channel. Catalogue XIV.

Family: TURBINIDAE Genus: Leptothyra Leptothyra candida (Pease, 1861) New record for Pearl Harbor. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. 1996 This Project Leptothyra rubricincta (Mighels, 1845) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Turbo Turbo chrysostomus Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 200698 Turbo sandwicensis Menke, 1846 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 200699 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64380 Order: MESOGASTROPODA Family: ARCHITECTONICIDAE Genus: Architectonica Architectonica sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205570 Hawaiian name(s): Kahelelani eilaula; Kahelelani `okala.

Catalogue XIV. Catalogue XIV. Catalogue V.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Architectonica perspectiva Common name(s): Sundial shell; Hawaiian name(s): pupu puhi. 1906 Spec - BPBM-MO 217662 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Genus: Heliacus Heliacus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Philippia Philippia sp. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 220737 Family: BARLEEIIDAE Genus: Barleeia Barleeia sp. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 230902 Family: BURSIDAE Genus: Bursa Bursa affinis Brod. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199149 Bursa cruentata Sowerby 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 233988 Family: CALYPTRAEIDAE Genus: Crepidula Crepidula sp. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200164 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200185 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 201516 Crepidula aculeata (Gmelin, 1791) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64006 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64798 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 231366 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 231368 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 231370 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Pearl City. Catalogue XVI.

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha reef. Catalogue XVI.

Waipio Peninsula, end. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Introduced. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue XVI. At Railroad Wharf, opposite Ford Island, Peninsula. Catalogue XVI. Fort Kamehameha reef. Catalogue XVI.

Genus: Crucibulum Crucibulum spinosum (Sowerby, 1824) Introduced. 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 231372 Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 76 Reef at Fort Kamehameha. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as Calyptraea spinosum. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as Calyptraea spinosum. 1996 This Project Family: CAPULIDAE Genus: Capulus Capulus bicarinatus Pease Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65647 1922 Spec - BPBM-MO 77

Catalogue V.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: CASSIDIDAE Genus: Casmaria Casmaria vibex 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218261 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218262 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218263 Genus: Cassis Cassis viber 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200430 Genus: Phalium Phalium (Semicassis) umbilica 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218248 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218249 Family: CERITHIIDAE Unidentified Cerithiidae Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 229571 Genus: Bittium Bittium impendens (Hedley, 1899) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Bittium manti Unknown Dall Spec - BPBM-MO 65642 Catalogue V.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Channel entrance, seaward. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Dredged in entrance channel to Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XVI.

Bittium parcum (Gould, 1861) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Bittium zebrum (Kiener, 1841) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 229462 Catalogue XVI. 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 229463 At Railroad Wharf on Peninsula opposite Ford Island. Catalogue XVI. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Cerithiopsis Cerithiopsis sp. A 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Cerithiopsis sp. B 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cerithiopsis acaria Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65649 Genus: Cerithium Cerithium sp.? 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205561 Cerithium articulatus 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217761 Cerithium diminutirum Phil. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63339 Cerithium locticum Pease Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63176 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63229 Cerithium matukense Watson 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217694 1982 Spec - BPBM-MO 207403

Recorded as Cerithiopsis sp. A.

Recorded as Cerithiopsis sp. B.

Catalogue V.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha?. Catalogue XV.

Ford Island. Catalogue V.

Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue V.

Off Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XV. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Cerithium nesioticum Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1905 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Hawaiian name(s): pupu maka`aha; maka`aha.

Genus: Finella Finella pupoides A. Adams, 1860 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 229372 Catalogue XVI. 1996 This Project Genus: Rhinoclavis Rhinoclavis fasciata 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217848 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217849 Family: CERITHIOPSIDAE Unidentified Cerithiopsidae Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 230301 Family: CYMATIIDAE Genus: Cymatium Cymatium sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205568 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205569 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cymatium aquatile Reeve, 1844 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 240863 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 240862 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218307 Cymatium gemmatum Reeve, 1844 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 249233 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 69 1928 Spec - BPBM-MO 240865 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 233927 1996 This Project Cymatium intermedius Pease, 1869 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 240869 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 240872 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 240868 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 233764 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 240866 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 240867 1996 This Project Cymatium muricinum Roding, 1798 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 240859 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 233908 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 233913 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 233974 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198709 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198710 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198711 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198712 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 233919 Cymatium nicobaricum 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199158 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218320 1996 This Project Cymatium pileare Linnaeus 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198718

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha?. Catalogue XV.

Catalogue XVI.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Entrance Channel. Catalogue XVII. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Catalogue XVII. Naval Station. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Catalogue XVII. Catalogue XVII. Entrance Channel off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Reefs at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Reef off Fort Kamehameha, under loose coral blocks. Catalogue XVII.

Hawaiian name(s): pupu `ole kiwi; naunau; `anaunau. Catalogue XVII. Ford Island. Catalogue XVI. Ewa side, near entrance. Catalogue XVI. Naval Station. Catalogue XVI. Naval Station, Hospital Pt.. Catalogue XIV. Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Harbor channel, at Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Reefs at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Pearl Harbor entrance Channel, off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 198719 Spec - BPBM-MO 198726 Spec - BPBM-MO 198728 Spec - BPBM-MO 199880 Spec - BPBM-MO 199950 Spec - BPBM-MO 199951 Spec - BPBM-MO 218337 Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Naval Station, Hospital Point. Catalogue XIV. Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Watertown, Pear Harbor Channel. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Waipio Peninsula, end. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Cymatium rubeculum (Linnaeus, 1758) 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200063 Fort Kamehameha, reef. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200065 Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 240875 Reef off Fort Kamehameha, under loose coral blocks. Catalogue XVII. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 70 Reefs at Fort Kamahameha. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Distorsio Distorsio sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205565 Genus: Gyrineum Gyrineum pusillum Broderip 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 233981 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 71 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218370 Genus: Triton Triton tuberosus Lam. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 62157 Family: CYPRAEIDAE Genus: Cypraea Cypraea sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215701 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215704 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215705 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215706 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215707 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215708 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215709 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215710 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215711 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215712 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215713 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215714 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215715 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215716 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215717

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Reef at Fort Kamehameha. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Catalogue V.

Hawaiian name(s): leho; leholeho; leho `oma`o. Dredgings. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XV.

Cypraea alisonae Burgess, 1983 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 247888 Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. 1982 Spec - BPBM-MO 9953 Fort Kamehameha, 4ft under large coral slab. Catalogue I. Cypraea arabica 1976 Ref - Burgess, 1995 (Linnaeus, 1758) Off Pearl Harbor.

Cypraea caputserpentis Linnaeus, 1758 Hawaiian name(s): leho kupa; leho maoli. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 196399 Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197104 Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197112 End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. 1939 Spec - BPBM-MO 246606 Pearl City T.H.. Catalogue XVII. 1957 Spec - BPBM-MO 246610 Fort Kaahamaha (Fort Kamehameha). Catalogue XVII.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Cypraea carneola Linnaeus, 1758 Indigenous. Hawaiian name(s): leho pauhu. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197216 Pearl Harbor channel. Catalogue XIV. 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1959 Off Pearl Harbor. Cypraea childreni 1996 This Project Cypraea chinensis 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198042 Cypraea clandestina 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1959 Cypraea cribaria 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1959 Cypraea cylindrica 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1959 Cypraea depressa 1991 Ref - Burgess, 1995 Linnaeus, 1767 New record for Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor channel, Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor. Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor.

Linnaeus, 1758


Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor. Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor.

Grey, 1825

Cypraea fimbriata Gmelin, 1791 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197303 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 231689 1957 Spec - BPBM-MO 247674 Cypraea gaskoini Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 247840 Cypraea gaspardi 1993 Ref - Burgess, 1995

Fort Kamehameha; along edge of channel. Catalogue XIV. Reefs at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII.

Pearl City. Catalogue XVII.

Biraghi & Nicolay, 1993 Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor.

Cypraea helvola Linnaeus, 1758 Indigenous. Hawaiian name(s): leho `opule. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 231763 Entrance. Catalogue XVI. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197225 Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 231768 Reefs at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. 1939 Spec - BPBM-MO 246957 Catalogue XVII. 1958 Spec - BPBM-MO 246958 Catalogue XVII. 1960 Spec - BPBM-MO 246923 Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Cypraea hirundo 1993 Ref - Burgess, 1995 Cypraea isabella 1932 1932 1932 1936 1957 Linnaeus, 1758 Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor.

Linnaeus, 1758 Hawaiian name(s): puleho; puleho holei; puleho kani`o; puleholeho; puleho palaoa; puleho `ula; puleholeho; leho kupe`e lima; momi Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Harbor entrance channel. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha; along edge of channel. Catalogue XIV. Reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Indigenous. Off Pearl Harbor.

Spec - BPBM-MO 197271 Spec - BPBM-MO 197272 Spec - BPBM-MO 197273 Spec - BPBM-MO 231793 Spec - BPBM-MO 246270 Gaskoin, 1849

Cypraea labrolineata 1993 Ref - Burgess, 1995

Cypraea maculifera Hawaiian name(s): kuoho; leho; leho kolea. 1957 Spec - BPBM-MO 246540 Fort Kaahamaha (Fort Kamehameha). Catalogue XVII. Cypraea moneta Unknown Unknown 1932 Linnaeus, 1758 leholeho. Hawaiian name(s): leho palaoa; leho puna; leho `uala; `uwala; pupu At Naval Station. Catalogue XVI. Catalogue XVII. Fort Kamehameha, about 150 ft. S.E. of the Ft. Kam. Wharf, 100 ft. from shore. Catalogue XIV. Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor.

Spec - BPBM-MO 231864 Spec - BPBM-MO 240815 Spec - BPBM-MO 197205

Cypraea poraria 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1959

Linnaeus, 1758


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Cypraea punctulata Gmelin 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197286 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198043 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 68 Cypraea reticulata Martyn 1916 Spec - BPBM-MO 67 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 196358 Cypraea scurra Gmelin, 1791 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198044 Fort Kamehameha; along edge of channel. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Harbor channel, Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Reef at Fort Kamehameha.

Reef Waikiki of entrance to Pearl Harbor. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Keahi Point. Catalogue XIV.

Cypraea semiplota Mighels, 1845 Hawaiian name(s): puleholeho. 1926 Spec - BPBM-MO 231883 Fort Kamehameha reef. Catalogue XVI. 1926 Spec - BPBM-MO 231884 Fort Kamehameha reef. Catalogue XVI. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198045 Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Cypraea shilderorum 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197146

Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV.

Cypraea staphylaea Linnaeus, 1758 1939 Spec - BPBM-MO 247051 Pearl City T.H.. Catalogue XVII. 1939 Spec - BPBM-MO 247052 Pearl City T.H.. Catalogue XVII. 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1959 Off Pearl Harbor. Cypraea sulcidentata Gray 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197173 Cypraea talpa 1928 1932 1932 1936

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Linnaeus, 1758 Spec - BPBM-MO 240832 Reef off Fort Kamehameha, under loose coral blocks. Catalogue XVII. Spec - BPBM-MO 197277 Fort Kamehameha, off. Catalogue XIV. Spec - BPBM-MO 198046 Pearl Harbor channel. Catalogue XIV. Spec - BPBM-MO 60 Reef at Fort Kamehameha.

Cypraea teres Gmelin, 1791 1954 Spec - BPBM-MO 246850 1957 Spec - BPBM-MO 246865 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218101

Fort Kamehamaha reef. Catalogue XVII. Fort Kaahamaha (Fort Kamehameha). Catalogue XVII. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Cypraea tessellata Swainson, 1822 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 197197 Keahi Point. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198047 Pearl Harbor channel. Catalogue XIV. Family: DIASTOMIDAE Genus: Alaba Alaba goniochila (A. Adams, 1860) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. Genus: Alabina Alabina pearlensis Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65635 Genus: Obtortio Obtortio fulva Watson 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Obtortio perparvulum (Watson) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: EULIMIDAE Genus: Balcis Balcis sp. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 1996 This Project

Catalogue V.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Balcis thaanumi Pilsbry 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 230613 Genus: Leiostraca Leiostraca sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: HIPPONICIDAE Genus: Amalthea Amalthea sp. (?W.H.) 1930 Spec - BPBM-MO 195332 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200163 Reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Pearl Locks Peninsula, makai face of little pier just mauka of Dr. Whitney's place.. Catalogue XIV. Waipio Peninsula, end. Catalogue XIV.

Amalthea barbatus 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200171 Genus: Antisabia Antisabia foliacea Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 209902 Genus: Hipponix Hipponix sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Hipponix (Cochlear) imbricatus Gould, 1846 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64817 Hipponix antuguatus Linnaeus 1930 Spec - BPBM-MO 196836 Hipponix australis 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217888 Hipponix grayanus 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217892 Hipponix imbricatus Gould, 1846 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63956 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 231294 1949 Spec - BPBM-MO 231301 1996 This Project

Fort Kamehameha and Barber's Point, beach between. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha Army Housing (S.C.) 910509AS. Catalogue XIV.

Catalogue V.

Peninsula. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Ford Island. Catalogue V. Ford Island, on pearl oyster, along shore, on rocks. Catalogue XVI. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Hipponix pilosus (Deshayes, 1832) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Hipponyx cf. barbatus. 1996 This Project Hipponix pilosus imbricatus Gould Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 204603 Family: LITTORINIDAE Genus: Littoraria Littoraria coccinea 1930 Spec - BPBM-MO 196989 Littoraria intermedia 1930 Spec - BPBM-MO 196735 1930 Spec - BPBM-MO 196745 Littoraria pintado 1996 This Project

Catalogue XIV.

Common name(s): Periwinkle; Hawaiian name(s): pupu kolea. Peninsular, Pearl Lochs, N. of Dr. Whitney's place. Catalogue XIV.

S.E. coast of peninsular Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. New record for Pearl Harbor.

Littoraria scabra (Linnaeus, 1758) Hawaiian name(s): kukae kolea; pupu kolea; kolealea; pipipi Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 204655 Ford Island. Catalogue XIV. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63606 Catalogue V.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Unknown Unknown 1915 1923 1923 1930 1930 1930 1930 1932 1973 1993 1994 1996 Spec - BPBM-MO 63608 Spec - BPBM-MO 64830 Spec - BPBM-MO 228535 Spec - BPBM-MO 228540 Spec - BPBM-MO 228541 Spec - BPBM-MO 196741 Spec - BPBM-MO 197004 Spec - BPBM-MO 197005 Spec - BPBM-MO 197006 Spec - BPBM-MO 200143 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Brock, 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 This Project Catalogue V. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue XVI. Peninsula; sea wall at Dowsett's Wharf. Catalogue XVI. Peninsula; along shore near Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XVI. Peninsular Pearl Lochs, North of Dr. Whitney's place. Catalogue XIV. Peninsular, Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. Peninsular, Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. Peninsular, Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Recorded as Littorina scabra. Recorded as Littorina scabra. Recorded as Littorina scabra.

Family: MODULIDAE Genus: Modulus Modulus sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205575 Modulus tectum Gmelin 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199280 Family: NATICIDAE Genus: Natica Natica sp. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218130 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Natica gualteriana Recluz, 1844 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 64034 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199329 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199336 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199337 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Natica tessellata 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218143 Genus: Polinices Polinices sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205566 Polinices virginea 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218188 1962 Spec - BPBM-MO 218195 Family: RISSOELLIDAE Genus: Rissoella Rissoella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: RISSOIDAE Genus: Cithna Cithna sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Merelina Merelina sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Parashiela Parashiela beetsi Ladd, 1966 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Hawaiian name(s): pupu. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Hawaiian name(s): pupu kui; kio noho one. Catalogue V. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Entrance Channel. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Just Ewa of restricted area. Catalogue XV.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Rissoina Rissoina ambigua (Gould, 1849) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Rissoina miltozona Tomlin, 1915 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Rissoina rhyssa Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 228923 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65714 Rissoina turricula Pease, 1861 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Schwartziella Schwartziella gracilis 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Catalogue XVI. Catalogue V.

Recorded as Rissoina gracilis.

Genus: Zebina Zebina tridentata (Michaud, 1830) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63855 Catalogue V. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. 1996 This Project Family: STROMBIDAE Genus: Strombus Strombus dentatus 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217932 Strombus helli 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217953 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217954 Strombus maculatus Nutt 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199101

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Hawaiian name(s): mamaiki; pupu mamaiki; pu leholeho. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Family: TONNIDAE Genus: Tonna Hawaiian name(s): pu`oni`oni`o. Tonna perdix Linnaeus, 1758 Hawaiian name(s): puleho. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 240897 Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Family: TRIPHORIDAE Genus: Triforis Triforis flammulata Pease Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 62886 Genus: Triphora Triphora {Triphoridae} 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198048 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Viriola Viriola incisa Pease 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 230149 Family: VERMETIDAE Unidentified Vermetidae Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 229146 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 51 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65695 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205562 1948 Spec - BPBM-MO 43

Ford Island. Catalogue V.

Pearl Harbor entrance channel. Catalogue XIV.

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Catalogue XVI. Catalogue V. Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Bottom of portable dry dock in Dry Dock #4..


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Dendropoma Dendropoma sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1996 This Project Dendropoma platypus Morch, 1861 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Dendropoma psarocephala 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Hadfield & Kay, 1972

Dendropoma psarocephala? Hadfield & Kay, 1972 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Vermetus Vermetus sp. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 63578 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Vermetus alii 1973 1975 1986 1993 1994 1996 Hawaiian name(s): pohokupele; kauno`a. Catalogue V.

Hadfield & Kay, 1972 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Ref - Brock, 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 This Project


Family: VITRINELLIDAE Genus: Cyclostremiscus Cyclostremiscus sp. A 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cyclostremiscus sp. B 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cyclostremiscus sp. C 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cyclostremiscus sp. D 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cyclostremiscus emeryi Ladd, 1966 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: XENOPHORIDAE Genus: Xenophora Xenophora pallida 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 217922 Order: NEOGASTROPODA Family: BUCCINIDAE Genus: Cantharus Cantharus farinosus (Gould, 1850) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Colubraria Colubraria obscura Reeve, 1844 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 240920 Genus: Engina Engina sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Cyclostremiscus sp. A.

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Cyclostremiscus sp. B.

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Cyclostremiscus sp. C.

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Cyclostremiscus sp. D.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Channel. Catalogue XVII.

Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)


Genus: Prodotia Prodotia ignea Gmelin, 1791 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 235895 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65702 1928 Spec - BPBM-MO 240939 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199738 Prodotia iostomus 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199731

Catalogue XVI. Catalogue V. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Family: COLUMBELLIDAE Genus: Anachis Anachis miser (Sowerby, 1844) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as A. zebra. Genus: Columbella Columbella varians Sowerby 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199827 Genus: Euplica Euplica varians 1996 This Project Hawaiian name(s): pupu Ni`ihau. Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Mitrella Mitrella margarita Reeve 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 221163 Genus: Seminella Seminella sp. 1996 This Project Family: CONIDAE Genus: Conus Conus sp. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220384 Conus abbreviatus Reeve 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199015 Conus acutangulus Lamark 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220118 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220119 Conus catus 1932 1936 Hwass, 1792 Spec - BPBM-MO 198911 Spec - BPBM-MO 238941 Linnaeus

Off Fort Kamehameha?. Catalogue XV.

Common name(s): Cone shell; Hawaiian name(s): pupu`ala; pupu Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Conus clavus 1929 Spec - BPBM-MO 63 Conus dactylasus 1929 Spec - BPBM-MO 64

Brought up by dredger opperations in entrance to Pearl Harbor. Kiener Brought up by dredger opperations in entrance to Pearl Harbor. Hawaiian name(s): ohana o ka pupu`ala; ke`oke`o; `ele`ele. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Conus ebraeus Linnaeus 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199614 Conus flavidus Lam. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199052 Conus lividus Hwass 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198981 Conus marmoreus Linnaeus 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200269 Conus miles 1932 1932 Linnaeus Spec - BPBM-MO 199134 Spec - BPBM-MO 199135

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Pearl Harbor channel; entrance, near seaward end. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha, near outer edge of the reef. Catalogue XIV. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.1


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1936 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 2 Spec - BPBM-MO 239251 Off Fort Kamehameha, on the reef. Off Fort Kamehameha, on the reef. Catalogue XVI.

Conus nussatella Linnaeus, 1758 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 241003 Off Fort Kamehameha, under loose, dead coral. Catalogue XVII. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 239257 E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 62 Reef at Fort Kamehameha. Conus pennaccus Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 239602 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199642 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200257 Conus quercinus Lightfoot 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199691 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220303 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220304 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220305 Conus rattus 1932 Hwass Spec - BPBM-MO 199084

Catalogue XVI. Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha, reef. Catalogue XIV.

Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Conus sponsalis 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199201 Conus textile 1915 1936 Linnaeus Spec - BPBM-MO 239129 Spec - BPBM-MO 65

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Reef Waikiki of entrance to Pearl Harbor, under a rock in five feet of water. Catalogue XVI. Fort Kamehameha Reef.

Conus vexillum 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199346 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199347 Conus vitulinus Hwass, 1792 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199673 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199674 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 239424 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 52 Family: FASCIOLARIIDAE Genus: Fusinus Fusinus sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205567 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218747 Fusinus sandvicensis Saverly 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 215733 1940 Spec - BPBM-MO 249147 Genus: Fusolatirus Fusolatirus kuroseanus? 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222218

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Reef at Fort Kamehameha.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha, Station 2. Catalogue XV.

West Lock, Dredging. Catalogue XV. Dredging. Catalogue XVII.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Genus: Peristernia Peristernia chlorostoma (Sowerby, 1825) Hawaiian name(s): kolealea. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 204253 Catalogue XIV. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 240953 Catalogue XVII. 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 237440 At Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XVI. 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 237442 Near inside entrance to Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XVI. 1924 Spec - BPBM-MO 237447 At Naval Station. Catalogue XVI. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198883 Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198891 Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198892 End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1996 This Project Family: MAGILIDAE Genus: Coralliophila Coralliophila d'orbignyana Petit 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198738 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 235759 Coralliophila violacea Kiener, 1836 1928 Spec - BPBM-MO 240915 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198753 Unidentified Coralliophila erosa 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198732 Family: MARGINELLIDAE Genus: Cystiscus Cystiscus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Granula Granula sandwicensis (Pease, 1860) Hawaiian name(s): pupu `aha`aha. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Kogomea sandwicensis (Pease). Genus: Marginella Marginella sp. a-1 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 61271 Family: MITRIDAE Genus: Cancilla Cancilla granatina Lamark 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219301 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219302 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219303 Genus: Imbricaria Imbricaria punctata Swainson 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219471 Genus: Mitra Mitra sp. 1973

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVII. Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Catalogue V.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Mitra assimilis 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199442 Mitra brunnea 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 6 Mitra litterata 1936 Mitra mitra 1961 Pease

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamahameha.

Lam., 1811 Spec - BPBM-MO 238093 Linnaeus Spec - BPBM-MO 219381

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Mitra pellisserpentis 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199367 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199470 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 238107 Mitra ticaonica 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199503 Genus: Neocancilla Neocancilla waikikiensis Pilsbry 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219594

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV. E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Scabricola Scabricola newcombii Pease 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219413 Genus: Subcancilla Subcancilla flammea 1982 Spec - BPBM-MO 242714 Genus: Vexillum Vexillum (Pusia) lautum 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199456 Vexillum bellum Pease, 1860 1962 Spec - BPBM-MO 219200 Vexillum filistriatum 1982 Spec - BPBM-MO 243097 Vexillum pacificum Reeve 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219231 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219232 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219233 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219234

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Entrance to west. Catalogue XVII.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Entrance to west. Catalogue XVII.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Off Fort Kamehameha. Off Fort Kamehameha. Off Fort Kamehameha.

Catalogue XV. Catalogue XV. Catalogue XV. Catalogue XV.

Family: MURICIDAE Genus: Aspella Aspella producta (Pease, 1861) 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200760 Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Chicoreus Chicoreus insularum 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218423 Genus: Drupella Drupella elata 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198217 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218493 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218494 Genus: Morula Morula sp. 1932 1932 1932 1932

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Spec - BPBM-MO 198193 Spec - BPBM-MO 198194 Spec - BPBM-MO 198196 Spec - BPBM-MO 198197

End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV.

Morula dermosa 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198253 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198254 1996 This Project Morula foliacea Conrad 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198180 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 234727 Morula granulata Duclos Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 204188 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 62001 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 234751 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 74 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198242 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198243 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198300

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Reef off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Reefs at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Hawaiian name(s): pupu maka`awa; maka`awa. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. May be M. uva. Catalogue V. Naval Station. Catalogue XVI. Naval Station. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. May be M. uva. Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. May be M. uva. End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198301 Dall Naval Station. End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Morula mitosa? 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 73

Morula spinosa 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198280 Morula uva 1949 Roding Spec - BPBM-MO 234787

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Morula vexilla 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222217 Genus: Murex Murex sandwichensis Pease 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198399 Genus: Vitularia Vitularia miliaris Gmelin, 1791 1916 Spec - BPBM-MO 234532 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 234537 1950 Ref - Burgess, 1963 Family: NASSARIIDAE Genus: Nassarius Nassarius crematus 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220604 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220605 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220606 Family: NEPTUNEIDAE Genus: Caducifer Caducifer decapitata Reeve 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 235879 Caducifer decapitata hawaiiensis Dall 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200762

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Cryptogenic. Reef Waikiki of entrance to Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XVI. E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI. Recorded as Vitularia milaris.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Family: PYRAMIDELLIDAE Genus: Evalea Evalea peasei Dautzenberg & Bouge, 1933 Hawaiian name(s): pupu po`ai. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Odostomia eclecta Pilsbry. Genus: Herviera Herviera patricia Pilsbry, 1918 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Recorded as Odostomia patricia Pilsbry.

Genus: Hinemoa Hinemoa indica (Melvill, 1896) Cryptogenic. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Odostomia indica Melvill. 1996 This Project Genus: Miralda Miralda paulbartschi Pilsbry, 1918 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Recorded as Odostomia paulbartschi Pilsbry.

Miralda scopulorum Watson, 1886 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Odostomia scopulorum Watson. Genus: Odostomia Odostomia sp. 1943 Spec - BPBM-MO 11 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Odostomia stearnsiella Pilsbry, 1918 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

From Railroad Wharf, Peninsula.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1996 This Project Genus: Pyramidella Pyramidella sp. 1996 This Project Pyramidella dolabrata 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220403 Pyramidella miralis hawaiiensis Dall 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200124 Pyramidella nitida A. Adams Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64185 Pyramidella oahuanus Pils 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200126

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Fort Kamehameha, reef. Catalogue XIV.

Ford Island. Catalogue V.

Fort Kamehameha, reef. Catalogue XIV.

Pyramidella sulcata A. Adams, 1859 Hawaiian name(s): pupu `ole. 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 64201 Catalogue V. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220435 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Genus: Pyrgulina Pyrgulina oodes (Watson, 1886) Cryptogenic. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Odostomia oodes Watson. 1996 This Project Genus: Turbonilla Turbonilla sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: TEREBRIDAE Unidentified Terebridae 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222351 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222352 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222353 1982 Spec - BPBM-MO 246144 Genus: Hastula Hastula matheroniana Desh 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219838 Hastula nitida Hinds 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220973 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 221008 Hastula penicillata Hinds 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220950 Genus: Terebra Duplicaria gouldi Deshayes 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 54 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219771 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219772 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219773 Terebra sp. 1932

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Entrance to west. Catalogue XVII.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Hawaiian name(s): loloa; `oi `oi. Off entrance, M. 5, l. 1. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Spec - BPBM-MO 199570

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Terebra achates Dall 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199574 Terebra amoena 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222344 Terebra cerithina Lam. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220041

Catalogue XIV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Terebra cerithina? Lam. 1991 Spec - BPBM-MO 246085 Terebra columellaris Hinds 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219725 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 221205 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 222330 Terebra funiculata Hind 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 19 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219728 Terebra lanta 1915 Pease Spec - BPBM-MO 9 Dredged off entrance to Pearl Harbor, Map 34, loc. 1. Hawaiian name(s): pupu `ole. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Fort Kamehameha south end housing area. Catalogue XVII.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Dredged off entrance to Pearl Harbor, Map 35, loc. 1. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Terebra maculata Linnaeus 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219863 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219864 Terebra pertusa 1917 Spec - BPBM-MO 29 Terebra plumbea 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 7 Born

Off Pearl Harbor. Quoy Dredged off entrance to Pearl Harbor, Map 35, loc. 1.

Family: THAIDIDAE Genus: Muricodrupa Muricodrupa funiculus Wood Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 234516 Genus: Nassa Nassa sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205582 Nassa serta 1932

Catalogue XVI.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Spec - BPBM-MO 198407

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Genus: Pinaxia Pinaxia versicolor Gray 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 234832 Genus: Vexilla Vexilla sp. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 198326 Family: TURRIDAE Unidentified Turridae 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Anacithara Anacithara perfecta Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 9817 Genus: Carinapex Carinapex sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Cymatosyrinx Cymatosyrinx mighelsi Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65654 Genus: Etrema Etrema sp.? 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220816 Genus: Gemmula Gemmula interpolata Powell 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220825

E shore of entrance; reef at Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XVI.

Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV.

Honouliuli, West Loch. Catalogue I.

Catalogue V.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Gemmula monilifera Pease 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220764 Genus: Kermia Kermia sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Lora Lora sp. a-7 Unknown Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Spec - BPBM-MO 61097

Catalogue V.

Genus: Philbertia Philbertia katharia Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65696 Philbertia lutea Pease Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65697 Genus: Turris Turris crispa intricata 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220826 Order: CEPHALASPIDEA Family: ACTEONIDAE Genus: Pupa Pupa alveola 1938 Spec - BPBM-MO 12

Catalogue V.

Catalogue V.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Souverbie Fossil near Yacht Club.

Pupa tessellata 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220460 Family: ATYIDAE Genus: Haminea Haminoea galba 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 13

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Pease Fossil near Yacht Club.

Family: BULLIDAE Genus: Bulla Bulla vernicosa Hawaiian name(s): pupu waha loa. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220487 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220488 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. 1996 This Project Family: HAMINOEIDAE Genus: Atys Atys kuhnsi 1996 This Project Atys kuhnsi? 1961

Spec - BPBM-MO 220543 Pease, 1860

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Atys semistriata 1921 Ref - Pilsbry, 1921

Recorded as Atys semistriata fordinsulae.

Family: HYDATINIDAE Genus: Hydatina Hydatina amplustre Hawaiian name(s): pupu leholeho oni`oni`o; pupu lei hala. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220478 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Order: BASOMMATOPHORA Family: ELLOBIIDAE Genus: Melampus Melampus castaneus 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 1


Hawaiian name(s): `aoa. Near Railroad Wharf.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: SIPHONARIIDAE Genus: Siphonaria Siphonaria normalis Gould, 1846 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60569 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Williamia Williamia cf. radiata sp. 1996 This Project Order: SACOGLOSSA Family: CALIPHYLLIDAE Genus: Cyerce Cyerce elegans 1996 This Project

Hawaiian name(s): `opihi awa; `opihi maikauli. Catalogue V.

(Pease, 1861)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Family: JULIIDAE Genus: Julia Julia exquisita Gould, 1862 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: NOTASPIDEA Family: UMBRACULIDAE Genus: Umbraculum Umbraculum sp. 1996 This Project Umbraculum sinicum 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200038 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200039 Order: NUDIBRANCHIA Unidentified Nudibranchia 1996 This Project Family: DENDRODORIDIDAE Genus: Dendrodoris Dendrodoris nigra 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Family: TETHYIDAE Genus: Tethya Tethya sp. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Tethya dipoderma 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Order: CRYPTOBRANCHIA Family: DORIDIDAE Genus: Hypselodoris Hypselodoris infucata 1996 This Project Family: HEXABRANCHIDAE Genus: Hexabranchus Hexabranchus sanguineu Schmidt, 1870

Off Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor channel. Catalogue XIV. Fort Kamehameha, reef. Catalogue XIV.

(Stimpson, 1856)

New record for Pearl Harbor.


Spec - BPBM-MO 209630

Found at Pearl Harbor (#15). Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 209631 Spec - BPBM-MO 209632 Spec - BPBM-MO 209633 Spec - BPBM-MO 209634 Spec - BPBM-MO 209636 (#16). Catalogue XIV. From open shore (#17). Catalogue XIV. (#18). Catalogue XIV. (#19). Catalogue XIV. Probably Pearl Harbor (#21). Catalogue XIV.

Order: ARCHAEOPULMONATA Family: MELAMPODIDAE Genus: Allochroa Allochroa bronni Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 10998 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64832 Genus: Laemodonta Laemodonta octanfracta Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64874 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64875 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 14 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 16 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 15 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 17 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 67478 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199237 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199238 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199241 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199242

Catalogue II. Hoaiai. Catalogue V.

Hoaiai. Catalogue V. Hoaiai. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Ford Island. Under rocks near Railroad Wharf, opposite Ford Island. Near Railroad Wharf, opposite Ford Island. Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue V. Fort Kamehameha, shore at. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; along shore at Cobb's place. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, near Railroad Wharf, along shore at Cobb's place. Catalogue XIV. Eastern side of Peninsula, Fish Pond wall. Catalogue XIV.

Genus: Plectotrema Plectotrema sp. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199243 Class: POLYPLACOPHORA Order: ISCHNOCHITONIDA Family: ISCHNOCHITONIDAE Genus: Ischnochiton Ischnochiton petaloides Gould Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64604 1931 Spec - BPBM-MO 78 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 199796

Eastern side of Peninsula, Fish Pond wall. Catalogue XIV.

Hawaiian name(s): pupu mo`o. Ford Island. Catalogue V. Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV.

Family: MOPALIIDAE Genus: Plaxiphora Plaxiphora kamehamehae Ferreira & Bertsch, 1979 1977 Spec - BPBM-MO 207066 Fort Kamehameha Beach. Catalogue XIV. Order: ACANTHOCHITONIDA Family: ACANTHOCHITONIDAE Genus: Acanthochiton Acanthochiton viridis Pease Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64598 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64600 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64601 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64783 Class: BIVALVIA Unidentified Bivalvia 1996 This Project Family: EURYCYNIDAE Unidentified Eurycynidae 1996 This Project

Hawaiian name(s): kuakulu; kuapa`a; pe`elua; pupu pe`elua. Ford Island. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue V. Ford Island. Catalogue V.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Order: ARCOIDA Family: ANOMIIDAE Genus: Anomia Anomia nobilis Reeve, 1856 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60317 1912 Spec - BPBM-MO 68170 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 20 1915 Ref - Bryan, 1915 1919 Spec - BPBM-MO 60319 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 30 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 67480 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200174 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200175 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 201515 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 1936 Ref - Edmondson & Ingram, 1939 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 1947 Spec - BPBM-MO 46 1948 Spec - BPBM-MO 40 1948 Spec - BPBM-MO 48 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1996 This Project Family: ARCIDAE Genus: Arca Arca sp. 1973 Arca sp. a-3 Unknown

Cryptogenic. Hawaiian name(s): pa; papaua. Ford Island. Catalogue V. (Pliocene). Catalogue V. Map 35, l.2. Drydock. Catalogue V. At Railroad Wharf opposite Ford Island, Peninsula. Railroad Wharf, Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue V. Pearl City Peninsula, end. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV.

USNM 337552. USNM 321285. USNM 337554. Bottom of barge in dry dock.. Motile dry dock in Dry Dock #2.. Bottom of steel barge..

Hawaiian name(s): kupukele. Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Spec - BPBM-MO 60151 Fossil.

Catalogue V.

Arca antiguata 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 21 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Genus: Barbatia Barbatia sp. 1982 Spec - BPBM-MO 207410

Near Ford Island Wharf in short bluffs. Recorded as Arca vetula. USNM 36158.

Off Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XIV.

Barbatia divaricata Sowerby, 1833 1959 Spec - BPBM-MO 218776 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Barbatia foliata Forskal, 1775 Fossil. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Barbatia hendersoni. BPBM 351286. 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 250728 Ship bottom (with Mytilidae). Catalogue XVII. Barbatia nuttingi (Dall Bartsch & Rehder, 1938) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Barbatia tenella 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Indigenous.

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Calloarca hua. USNM 427760.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Bentharca Bentharca asperula Dall 1959 Spec - BPBM-MO 221099 Family: GLYCYMERIDIDAE Genus: Glycymeris Glycymeris molokaia D.B.R. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218786 Family: GRYPHAEIDAE Genus: Hyotissa Hyotissa hyotis 1950 Ref - Paulay, 1996 1950 Ref - Paulay, 1996

Off Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XV.

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Linnaeus, 1758

Introduced. USNM 700474. USNM 699996.

Genus: Parahyotissa Parahyotissa numisma (Lamarck, 1819) Indigenous. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60242 Catalogue V. 1902 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as O. thaanami Dall et al., 1938. USNM 335600. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200507 Fort Kamehameha, reef off. Catalogue XIV. 1935 Ref - Ingram, 1937 Recorded as O. thaanumi. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Ostrea hanleyana. Family: ISOGNOMONIDAE Genus: Isognomon Isognomon sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205583 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Isognomon sp. m-2 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60199 Isognomon anomioides Reeve 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200513 Isognomon incisum Conrad Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 203996 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60162 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 22 1949 Spec - BPBM-MO 23 Isognomon legumen 1996 This Project

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Off Pearl Harbor.

Catalogue V.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.

Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV. Catalogue V. Reef at Fort Kamahameha. Reef at Fort Kamahameha.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Isognomon perna (Linnaeus, 1767) Hawaiian name(s): nahawele. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60176 Catalogue V. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Isognomon costellatum. USNM 428275. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Isognomon costellatum. USNM 337484. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: LIMIDAE Genus: Lima Lima aperta 1932

Sowerby Spec - BPBM-MO 200194

Fort Kamehameha; along edge of channel. Catalogue XIV. Questionable ID.

Family: MALLEIDAE Genus: Malleus Malleus daemonicus? Reeve, 1858 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 250727 Malleus regula 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949

Ship bottom. Catalogue XVII.

(Forsskal, 1775) Recorded as Malleus nuttalli.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: MYTILIDAE Unidentified Mytilidae 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 250729 Genus: Brachidontes Brachidontes crebristriatus Unknown 1902 1920 1921 1923 1938 1938 1973 1996

Ship bottom (with BPBM 250728). Catalogue XVII.

(Conrad, 1837)

Indigenous. Hawaiian name(s): `owa`owaka; nahawelepahikaua; Catalogue V. USNM 335839. USNM 428391. Recorded as Mytilus crebristiatus. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. BPBM 159. USNM 337445. Recorded as Hormomya crebristriatus (Conrad).

Spec - BPBM-MO 60320 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Pilsbry, 1921 Spec - BPBM-MO 196317 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 This Project (Pilsbry, 1921)

Brachidontes crebristriatus 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Genus: Lithophaga Lithophaga fasciola 1996 This Project Genus: Musculus Musculus oahuensis 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Genus: Septifer Septifer bryanae 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: OSTREIDAE Unidentified Ostreidae 1996 This Project Genus: Crassostrea Crassostrea sp. 1996 This Project Crassostrea gigas 1938 Ref - Brock, 1960 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

USNM 428270.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Dall Bartsch & Rehder, 1938 USNM 484181.

Pilsbry, 1921 Off Pearl Harbor.

(Thunberg, 1793)


Crassostrea retusa Sowerby 1899 Spec - BPBM-MO 67990 1912 1923 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 68168 Spec - BPBM-MO 67483 Spec - BPBM-MO 200301

Fossil. 1/4 mile E. of Waipio Station in Railway cut near Pearl Harbor 30ft. above Tide.. Catalogue V. (Pliocene). Catalogue V. Shore. Eastside of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue V. Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Introduced.

Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 50 1866 Ref - Kay, 1979 1893 Ref - Kay, 1979 1920 Ref - Edmondson & Wilson, 1940 1962 Ref - Sparks, 1963 1964 Ref - Sakuda, 1964 1965 Ref - Rifkin & Cheng, 1968 1972 Ref - Kawamoto & Sakuda, 1973 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1996 This Project Genus: Dendrostrea Dendrostrea sandvichensis Sowerby, 1871 Cryptogenic. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60225 Catalogue V. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60226 Catalogue V. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60228 Catalogue V. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60231 Catalogue V. 1902 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as O. kupua Dall et al., 1938. USNM 335586. 1902 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. USNM 335584. 1912 Spec - BPBM-MO 68169 (Pliocene). Catalogue V. 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 31 Ford Island. 1915 Ref - Bryan, 1915 Recorded as O. rosacea. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as O. kupua Dall et al., 1938. USNM 321289. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as O. kupua Dall et al., 1938. USNM 321284. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as O. kupua Dall et al., 1938. USNM 484156. 1921 Ref - Pilsbry, 1921 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. MCZ 31714. 1921 Ref - Pilsbry, 1921 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 32 At Railroar Wharf opposite Ford Island, Peninsula. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200209 Pearl City Peninsula, East side. Catalogue XIV. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200508 Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1936 Ref - Edmondson & Ingram, 1939 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. USNM 337472. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as O. kupua Dall et al., 1938. BPBM 60225. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Recorded as O. sandvichensis var. thaanumi. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as Ostrea sandvichensis. 1996 This Project Genus: Lopha Lopha cristigalli 1951 Ref - Paulay, 1996 Genus: Nanostrea Nanostrea exigua 1985 Ref - Harry, 1985 1996 Ref - Paulay, 1996 Genus: Ostrea Ostrea sp. 1923 1932 1932 1932 1950 1950 1972 1973 1986 1996 Ostrea lima 1972

(Linnaeus, 1758) Introduced. USNM 699998.

Harry, 1985 USNM 337556.

Spec - BPBM-MO 241135 Spec - BPBM-MO 198727 Spec - BPBM-MO 200186 Spec - BPBM-MO 201517 Spec - BPBM-MO 57 Spec - BPBM-MO 58 Ref - Long, 1974 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 This Project Sowerby, 1871 Ref - Long, 1974

Pearl City Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XVII. Naval Station, Hospital Point. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Pearl City Peninsula, Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Pahu, Ship bottom.. Recorded as Ostrea frons.

Indigenous. Recorded as O. kavaia Dall et al., 1938.

Ostrea margaritae Dall Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 65691

Catalogue V.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Saccostrea Saccostrea cucullata 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.

Family: PECTINIDAE Genus: Anguipecten Anguipecten lamberti Sowerby 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218856 Genus: Chlamys Chlamys sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205571 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205572 Genus: Laevichlamys Laevichlamys irregularis Sowerby Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60247 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 39 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 196278 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218823 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218824 Genus: Pecten Pecten n. sp. p-4 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60291 Pecten n. sp. p-5 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60292 Family: PINNIDAE Genus: Pinna Pinna sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Pinna muricata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: PTERIIDAE Genus: Pinctada Pinctada sp. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 45 Pinctada cumingi Reeve 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 196332 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 196322 Linnaeus, 1758

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Questionable ID.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Indigenous. Catalogue V. Ford Island Wharf on Penisula. Pearl Harbor channel, at Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Ford Island. Catalogue V. Questionable ID.

Catalogue V. Questionable ID.

Off Pearl Harbor.

End of Wipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Questionable ID. Reef off Fort Kamehameha, shallow water, in hole in reef. Catalogue XIV. Questionable ID.

Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) Common name(s): mother-of-pearl shell; Hawaiian name(s): pa; 1915 Ref - Bryan, 1915 Recorded as Avicula margaritifera. 1926 Spec - BPBM-MO 208454 Shore, rocks east of Mokapu. Catalogue XIV. 1936 Spec - BPBM-MO 24 Reef at Fort Kamahameha. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 203988 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 203989 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60216 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 67565 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 25 1915 Ref - Bryan, 1915 1917 Spec - BPBM-MO 60222 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 196320 Indigenous. Hawaiian name(s): unahi pipi; pipi. Catalogue XIV. Catalogue XIV. Catalogue V. Catalogue V. Recorded as Margaritifera fimbriata. Catalogue V. Waipio Peninsula, extreme seaward end. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1923 1924 1936 1938 1938 1939 1996 Spec - BPBM-MO 26 Spec - BPBM-MO 67482 Ref - Edmondson & Ingram, 1939 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 This Project At Railroad Wharf, Ford Island, Peninsula.. Railroad Wharf, Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue V. Recorded as P. nebulosa. Recorded as P. nebulosa (Conrad, 1837). USNM 337475. Recorded as P. nebulosa (Conrad, 1837). BPBM 9. Recorded as P. nebulosa (Conrad, 1837). USNM 382878.

Genus: Pteria Pteria loveni 1972 Ref - Long, 1974

(Dunker, 1872) Off Pearl Harbor. Questionable ID.

Family: SPONDYLIDAE Genus: Spondylus Spondylus sp. 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 250726 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 53 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Spondylus sp.? 1950 Spec - BPBM-MO 49 Spondylus linguaefelis 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Sowerby

Ship bottom. Catalogue XVII. Bottom of YOC-41 in Dry Dock #2..

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Spondylus gloriosis.

Spondylus linguaefelis? Sowerby 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 221073 Spondylus sparsispinosus 1918 Spec - BPBM-MO 28 Spondylus violacescens Reeve, 1856 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60310 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200223 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Hawaiian name(s): `okupe; pupu momi. Catalogue V. Fort Kamehameha; along edge of channel. Catalogue XIV. Recorded as Spondylus hawaiensis Dall et al., 1938. Recorded as Spondylus tenebrosus. Recorded as Spondylus tenebrosus.

Order: VENEROIDA Family: CARDIIDAE Genus: Trachycardium Trachycardium orbita Sowerby, 1833 Hawaiian name(s): `olepe kupa; pupu kupa. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as T. hawaiiensis. USNM 346229. 1932 Spec - BPBM-MO 200248 Pearl Harbor Channel; Watertown. Catalogue XIV. Family: CHAMIDAE Genus: Chama Chama sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Chama brassica 1951 Ref - Paulay, 1996 Chama elatensis 1996 This Project Chama fibula 1920 1920 1935 1979 1996 Reeve, 1847 Introduced. USNM 700006. New record for Pearl Harbor. Introduced.

Delsaerdt, 1986

Reeve, 1846 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Spec - BPBM-MO 35 Ref - Kay, 1979 This Project

Introduced. Recorded as C. hendersoni. USNM 341296. Recorded as C. hendersoni. USNM 484174. Near Yacht Club.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Chama iostoma Conrad, 1837 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60395 Catalogue V. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 USNM 484173. 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 36 Near entrance. Chama lazarus 1950 Ref - Paulay, 1996 1996 This Project Chama pacifica 1950 Ref - Paulay, 1996 1950 Ref - Paulay, 1996 1950 Ref - Paulay, 1996 1951 Ref - Paulay, 1996 1996 This Project Linnaeus, 1758 Introduced. USNM 699558.

Brodrip, 1835

Introduced. USNM 699565. USNM 699561. USNM 699558. USNM 699563.

Family: GLOSSIDAE Genus: Meiocardia Meiocardia hawaiana D.B.R. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218932

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Family: KELLIIDAE Genus: Lasaea Lasaea hawaiensis Dall Bartsch & Rehder, 1938 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 240097 Crevices in shore rocks, Peninsula. Catalogue XVI. 1923 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Lasaea hawaiiensis. BPBM 3. Family: LUCINIDAE Genus: Anodontia Anodontia edentula Linnaeus 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 218798 Genus: Ctena Ctena sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205589 Ctena bella 1920 1920 1920 1923 1923 1938 1961 1973 1996

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Hawaiian name(s): `olepe kupe. Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

(Conrad, 1837) Hawaiian name(s): `olepe kupe `opiopio. Ref - Dall et al., 1938 USNM 428390. Ref - Dall et al., 1938 USNM 428228. Ref - Dall et al., 1938 USNM 341291. Spec - BPBM-MO 196300 Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Spec - BPBM-MO 33 At Railroar Wharf opposite Ford Island, Peninsula. Spec - BPBM-MO 34 Near Yacht Club. Spec - BPBM-MO 218950 Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV. Ref - Evans et al., 1974 This Project

Genus: Pillucina Pillucina spaldingi (Pilsbry, 1921) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: MACTRIDAE Genus: Mactra Mactra thaanumi D.,B.,& R. 1963 Spec - BPBM-MO 221087 Family: SEMELIDAE Genus: Abra Abra sp. A sp. 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor. Catalogue XV.

New record for Hawaii. Introduced.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Semele Semele australis Sowerby, 1832 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 209617 Catalogue XIV. Family: TELLINIDAE Unidentified Tellinidae 1996 This Project Genus: Macoma Macoma dispar (Conrad, 1837) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60512 Ford Island. Catalogue V. 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 27 Ford Island. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Scissulina dispar. USNM 341298. 1935 Spec - BPBM-MO 3 In a road cut near Yacht Club. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Scissulina dispar. USNM 33754. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Scissulina dispar. USNM 337353. Macoma obliquilineata 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 (Conrad, 1837) Recorded as Jactellina obliquilineata. USNM 331294.

Genus: Pharoanella Pharoanella variabilis Nutt Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64344 Genus: Tellina Tellina sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205593 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 219133 1996 This Project Tellina sp. A 1996 Tellina sp.? 1934

Catalogue V. Questionable ID.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

New record for Pearl Harbor. This Project

Spec - BPBM-MO 205579

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Tellina (Arcopagia) robusta (Hanley, 1844) 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Pinquitellina robusta. USNM 341229. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Pinquitellina robusta. USNM 337359. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Angulus nucella Dall et al., 1938. Tellina palatam Iredale, 1929 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 209618 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60526 Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60527 1902 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 60524 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 1924 Spec - BPBM-MO 8 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 196248 1930 Spec - BPBM-MO 196571 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Family: TRAPEZIIDAE Genus: Trapezium Trapezium sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205590

Catalogue XIV. Ford Island. Catalogue V. Catalogue V. Recorded as Quidnipagus palatum. USNM 335579. Catalogue V. Recorded as Quidnipagus palatum. USNM 341287. E. side Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. Recorded as Quidnipagus palatum. BPBM.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Family: VENERIDAE Genus: Lioconcha Lioconcha hieroglyphica (Conrad, 1837) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 196259 E. side Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 204102 Catalogue XIV. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 209620 Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1920 1927 1930 1938 1961 1996 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Spec - BPBM-MO 196258 Spec - BPBM-MO 196449 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Spec - BPBM-MO 218979 This Project USNM 42195. E. side Pearl City Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Lochs. Catalogue XIV. BPBM 165. Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Genus: Periglypta Periglypta sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205573 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205574

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Periglypta reticulata (Linnaeus, 1758) Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 196218 Fort Kamehameha, 100 ft. inland from outer edge of reef.. Catalogue XIV. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 209622 Catalogue XIV. 1916 Spec - BPBM-MO 38 Reef Waikiki of Pearl Harbor channel entrance. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as P. edmonsoni. USNM 428286. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as P. edmonsoni. BPBM 2016c. Genus: Venerupis Venerupis (Ruditapes) phillipinarum Introduced. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 209621 1918 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 1919 Ref - Bryan, 1919 1920 Ref - Edmondson & Wilson, 1940 1920 Ref - Thaanaum, 1921 1924 Spec - BPBM-MO 10 1924 Spec - BPBM-MO 67484 1937 Ref - Edmondson & Wilson, 1940 1996 This Project Genus: Venus Venus sp. 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205578

Catalogue XIV. Recorded as Venerupis philippinarum. USNM 337389. Recorded as Tapes philippinarum okupi. Recorded as Tapes philippinarum. Recorded as Tapes philippinarum. Bought in fish market in Honolulu. Catalogue V. Recorded as Tapes philippinarum.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV.

Order: MYOIDA Family: GASTROCHAENIDAE Genus: Gastrochaena Gastrochaena gigantea Spengler, 1783 Hawaiian name(s): `olepe waha nui;. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 204046 Ford Island. Catalogue XIV. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60547 Catalogue V. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60548 Ford Island. Catalogue V. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60549 Ford Island. Catalogue V. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60550 Ford Island. Catalogue V. 1915 Spec - BPBM-MO 4 Ford Island. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Rocellaria hawaiiensis. USNM 341293. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Rocellaria hawaiiensis. BPBM 94. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Rocellaria hawaiiensis. USNM 337310. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Rocellaria hawaiiensis. BPBM 60549. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Rocellaria hawaiiensis. USNM 361952. Genus: Rocellaria Rocellaria sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Rocellaria gigantea Desh 1923 Spec - BPBM-MO 196238 1925 Spec - BPBM-MO 196241 1927 Spec - BPBM-MO 196237 Hawaiian name(s): `olepe waha nui; pupu olepe waha nui. End of Waipio Peninsula. Catalogue XIV. Peninsula; Railroad Wharf. Catalogue XIV. Pearl Harbor channel, off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: HIATELLIDAE Genus: Hiatella Hiatella arctica (Linnaeus, 1767) Cryptogenic. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Hiatella hawaiensis Dall et al., 1938. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Recorded as Hiatella hawaiensis Dall et al., 1938. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Hiatella hawaiensis Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938. 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Recorded as Hiatella hawaiensis Dall et al., 1938. 1996 This Project Sphenia luticola 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: MYIDAE Genus: Sphenia Sphenia sp. A sp. 1996 This Project Family: PHOLADIDAE Genus: Martesia Martesia sp. 1939 Spec - BPBM-MO 205356 (H. & A. Adams, 1854) Introduced. Recorded as S. cf. fragilis (H. & A. Adams, 1846).

New record for Hawaii. Introduced.

Catalogue XIV.

Martesia striata (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduced. Hawaiian name(s): `olepe makaloa. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 60554 Catalogue V. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as M. hawaiiensis. USNM 484213. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as M. hawaiiensis. USNM 218042. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as M. hawaiiensis. USNM 484214. 1920 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as M. hawaiiensis. BPBM 30. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project Genus: Pholas Pholas sp. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 67987 Family: TEREDINIDAE Unidentified Teredinidae 1996 This Project Genus: Bankia Bankia bipalmulata (Lamarck, 1801) Introduced. 1936 Ref - Edmondson, 1942 Recorded as Bankia hawaiiensis. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Genus: Lyrodus Lyrodus affinis Deschayes, 1863 Introduced. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 Recorded as Teredo ?milleri. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Recorded as Teredo ?milleri. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Lyrodus pedicillatus (Quatrefages, 1849) Introduced. 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1940 Recorded as Bankia hawaiiensis. 1938 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as Teredo kauaiensis. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Genus: Teredo Teredo sp. Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 67988 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Hawaiian name(s): wawahi wa`a. Said by Dr. C.M. Cooke to have come from Pearl Harbor. Catalogue V.

Said by Dr. C.M. Cooke to have come from Pearl Harbor. Catalogue V.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Introduced. Teredo bartschi Clapp, 1923 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1940 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1942 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 1996 This Project

Teredo clappi Bartsch, 1923 Introduced. 1923 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as T. trulliformis Miller, 1924. USNM 361888. 1924 Ref - Miller, 1924 Recorded as T. trulliformis Miller, 1924. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Teredo diegensis Bartsch, 1916 1924 Ref - Edmondson, 1940 1924 Ref - Edmondson, 1942 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Teredo furcifera van Martens, 1894 Introduced. 1921 Ref - Bartsch, 1921 Recorded as T. parksi Bartsch, 1921. 1921 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as T. parksi Bartsch, 1921. USNM 489211. 1921 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as T. parksi Bartsch, 1921. USNM 345311. 1921 Ref - Dall et al., 1938 Recorded as T. parksi Bartsch, 1921. USNM 341132. 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1942 Recorded as T. parksi Bartsch, 1921. 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Teredo oahuensis 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Edmondson, 1942

Class: SCAPHOPODA Order: DENTALIDA Family: DENTALIIDAE Genus: Dentalium Dentalium sp. 1961 Spec - BPBM-MO 220733 Class: CEPHALOPODA Order: OCTOPODA Family: OCTOPODIDAE Genus: Polypus Polypus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Phylum: ARTHROPODA Unidentified Arthropoda Unknown Spec - BPBM-S 5962 Unknown Spec - BPBM-S 5963 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5323 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5628 Class: PYCNOGONIDA Unidentified Pycnogonida 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1996 This Project Order: PANTOPODA Family: AMMOTHEIDAE Genus: Achelia Achelia plicata Dillwyn 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Off Fort Kamehameha. Catalogue XV.

Hawaiian name(s): he`e mahola. Off Pearl Harbor.

Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard.

Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: ENDEIDAE Genus: Endeis Endeis nodosa Hilton, 1942 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Endeis procera 1996 This Project Family: PYCNOGONIDAE Genus: Anoplodactylus Anoplodactylus sp. 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8605 Anoplodactylus californicus 1996 This Project Hall (Loman) New record for Pearl Harbor.

Identified by C.A. Child, 1969. New record for Pearl Harbor.

Anoplodactylus portus Calman 1937 Spec - BPBM-S 4963 1945 Spec - BPBM-S 7219 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 7227 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 7243 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8786 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Anoplodactylus projectus 1938 Spec - BPBM-S 4702 Anoplodactylus pyncnosoma 1996 This Project Genus: Pigrogromitus Pigrogromitus robustus 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8606 Pigrogromitus timsanus 1996 This Project Class: CRUSTACEA Unidentified Cirripedia 1931 Spec - BPBM-B 277 1976 Spec - BPBM-B 587 1982 Spec - BPBM-B 499 1982 Spec - BPBM-B 513 Unidentified Copepoda 1996 This Project Unidentified Ostracoda 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Order: CYCLOPOIDA Family: SAPPHIRINIDAE Genus: Copilia Copilia sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: THORACICA Family: BALANIDAE Unidentified Balanidae 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205563 1934 Spec - BPBM-MO 205564 Genus: Balanus Balanus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Hilton

Identified by J.H. Stock, 1967 (Loan #1616).


Identified by Dr. Hilton. (Helfer) New record for Pearl Harbor.

Calman Identified by C.A. Child, 1969. Calman New record for Hawaii. Introduced.

Merry Point. Off Pearl Harbor; from dredge spoil dumping site. Off Pearl Harbor; from dredge spoil dumping site.

Dredge. Catalogue XIV. Dredge. Catalogue XIV.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1975 1976 1986 1996 Spec - BPBM-B 565 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 This Project Introduced.

Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Darwin, 1854 Unknown Spec - BPBM-B 332 1913 Ref - Pilsbry, 1928 1915 Spec - BPBM-B 233 1929 Spec - BPBM-B 270 1929 Spec - BPBM-B 272 1931 Spec - BPBM-B 276 1933 Ref - Edmondson, 1933 1935 Ref - Edmondson & Ingram, 1939 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 1935 Ref - Ingram, 1937 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 312 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 313 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 314 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 315 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 316 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 331 1946 Ref - Edmondson, 1946 1948 Ref - Henry & Mclaughlin, 1975:33 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Balanus amphitrite? 1975 Spec - BPBM-B 568 1977 Spec - BPBM-B 615 Balanus crenatus 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Broch., 1922

Identified by Pilsbry. Weinrich's place. Middle Loch. Recorded as Balanus amphitrite. Recorded as Balanus amphitrite. Recorded as B. amphitrite hawaiiensis Broch. Recorded as Balanus amphitrite. Recorded as Balanus amphitrite. Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as B. amphitrite hawaiiensis.

Recorded as B. amphitrite hawaiiensis Broch.

Recorded as B. amphitrite hawaiiensis Broch. Recorded as B. amphitrite hawaiiensis Broch.

Identified by T.L. Smalley. Pearl Harbor?. Identified by T.L. Smalley. Bruguiere, 1789 Off Pearl Harbor. Introduced.

Balanus eburneus Gould, 1841 1929 Spec - BPBM-B 271 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 1946 Ref - Edmondson, 1946 1948 Spec - BPBM-B 349 1950 Spec - BPBM-B 368 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1975 Spec - BPBM-B 567 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1975 Ref - Henry & Mclaughlin, 1975 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project

Identified by T.L. Smalley. Station number obtained from specimen cited in this publication.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Balanus reticulatus Utinomi, 1960 Unknown Spec - BPBM-B 350 1915 Ref - Henry & Mclaughlin, 1975:90 1948 Ref - Henry & Mclaughlin, 1975 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1996 This Project Balanus tintinnabulum 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Introduced.

(Linnaeus, 1758) Off Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Balanus trigonus Darwin, 1854 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 1948 Spec - BPBM-B 345 1948 Spec - BPBM-B 350 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Chelonibia Chelonibia sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: CHTHAMALIDAE Genus: Chthamalus Chthamalus sp. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Chthamalus proteus 1996 This Project Family: LEPADIDAE Genus: Lepas Lepas anatifera 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 1944 Spec - BPBM-B 330 Lepas anserifera anserifera 1943 Ref - Hutchins, 1949 Order: MYSIDACEA Unidentified Mysidacea 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Order: CUMACEA Unidentified Cumacea 1996 This Project Order: TANAIDACEA Family: APSEUDIDAE Genus: Apseudes Apseudes sp. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Apseudes sp. 1 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Apseudes sp. 2 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Introduced. Recorded as Chthamalus hembeli. Recorded as Chthamalus hembeli. New record for Hawaii. Introduced.

Linnaeus, 1758 Off Pearl Harbor. Linnaeus, 1759 Recorded as L. anserifera.

Recorded as Apseudes sp. 1. Recorded as Apseudes sp. 1.

Recorded as Apseudes sp. 2.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as Apseudes sp. 2. New record for Pearl Harbor. Apseudes sp. A 1996 This Project Apseudes tropicalis 1996 This Project Genus: Parapseudes Parapseudes neglectus 1996 This Project Parapseudes pedispinis 1996 This Project

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Family: PSEUDOZEUXIDAE Genus: Leptochelia Leptochelia dubia (Kroyer, 1852) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Family: TANAIDAE Genus: Anatanais Anatanais insularis Miller, 1940 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Order: ISOPODA Family: ANTHURIDAE Genus: Mesanthura Mesanthura sp. A 1996 This Project


New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Mesanthura hieroglyphica Miller & Menzies, 1952 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: CIROLANIDAE Unidentified Cirolanidae 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Genus: Cirolana Cirolana sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Cirolana parva? 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Hansenolana Hansenolana sphaeroformis (Hansen) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: IDOTEIDAE Genus: Colidotea Colidotea edmondsoni Miller, 1940 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: JAEROPSIDIDAE Genus: Jaeropsis Jaeropsis hawaiiensis 1927 Ref - Miller, 1941

Miller, 1941


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: JANIRIDAE Genus: Carpias Carpias sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Cerpias Cerpias algicola 1996 This Project Genus: Janira Janira algicola 1927 Ref - Miller, 1941 Family: LIMNORIIDAE Genus: Limnoria Limnoria sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 1996 This Project Limnoria lignorum 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Miller, 1941

Limnoria tripunctata Menzies, 1957 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: MUNNIDAE Genus: Munna Munna acarina 1996 This Project Family: SCYPHACIDAE Genus: Armadilloniscus Armadilloniscus litoralis 1996 This Project Family: SPHAEROMATIDAE Genus: Dynamenella Dynamenella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Exosphaeroma Exosphaeroma sp. A sp. 1996 This Project


New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

Genus: Paracerceis Paracerceis sculpta (Holmes, 1909) 1968 Ref - Miller, 1968 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Sphaeroma Sphaeroma walkeri (Stebbing, 1905) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Unidentified Sphaeroma 1996 This Project




Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: STENETRIIDAE Genus: Stenetrium Stenetrium medipacificum 1929 Ref - Miller, 1941

Miller, 1941


Family: TEREDICOLIDAE Genus: Teredicola Teredicola typicus Wilson, 1942 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Order: AMPHIPODA Unidentified Amphipoda 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Family: AMPHILOCHIDAE Genus: Amphilochus Amphilochus kailua 1996 This Project Amphilochus likelike 1996 This Project Genus: Gitanopsis Gitanopsis pele 1996 This Project Family: AMPITHOIDAE Genus: Ampithoe Ampithoe waialua 1996 This Project Genus: Paragrubia Paragrubia vorax 1996 This Project Family: AORIDAE Genus: Grandidierella Grandidierella bispinosa 1996 This Project Grandidierella japonica 1996 This Project Genus: Lembos Lembos sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Lembos macromanus (Shoemaker, 1925) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Lembos pualani 1996 This Project Lembos waipio 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

New record for Hawaii. Introduced.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Family: CAPRELLIDAE Genus: Caprella Hawaiian name(s): `ami kai. Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 Introduced. 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 5251 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 5252 1948 Ref - Edmondson & Mansfield, 1948 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Paracaprella Paracaprella pusilla 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: COLOMASTIGIDAE Genus: Colomastix Colomastix lunalilo 1996 This Project Colomastix pusilla 1996 This Project Mayer, 1890

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Family: COROPHIIDAE Genus: Corophium Corophium ascherusicum Costa, 1857 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project

Introduced. Recorded as Corophium acherusicum.

Corophium baconi Shoemaker, 1934 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Corophium insidiosum 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Crawford, 1937



Genus: Ericthonius Ericthonius brasiliensis (Dana, 1853) 1938 Ref - Barnard, 1955 1938 Spec - BPBM-S 5947 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Family: GAMMARIDAE Genus: Elasmopus Elasmopus diplonyx 1996 This Project

Introduced. Recorded as Ericthonius brasilensis. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Recorded as Ericthonius brasilensis. Recorded as Ericthonius brasilensis.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Elasmopus ecuadorensis hawaiensis Schellenberg, 1938 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Elasmopus molokai 1996 This Project Elasmopus pectenicrus 1937 Ref - Barnard, 1955 1937 Spec - BPBM-S 5993 1944 Ref - Barnard, 1970 1948 Ref - Barnard, 1970 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5994 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8717 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8718 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8719 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5995 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 6010 Elasmopus piikoi 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Elasmopus rapax 1948 Ref - Barnard, 1955 1948 Ref - Barnard, 1970 New record for Pearl Harbor.

(Bate, 1862) Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Elasmopus pectinicrus. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Elasmopus pectinicrus. Recorded as Elasmopus pectinicrus. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Drydock. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Drydock. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Drydock. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Barnard, 1970

(Costa, 1853)



Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1948 1948 1950 1973 1978 1996 Spec - BPBM-S 5989 Spec - BPBM-S 5991 Spec - BPBM-S 5990 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 This Project Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard.

Genus: Eriopisa Eriopisa hamakua 1967 Spec - BPBM-S 7273 1996 This Project Genus: Eriopisella Eriopisella sechellensis upolu 1996 This Project Genus: Maera Maera kaiulani 1967 Spec - BPBM-S 7276 Maera pacifica 1996 This Project Family: HYALIDAE Genus: Hyale Hyale grandicornis bishopae 1996 This Project Family: ISAEIDAE Genus: Gammaropsis Gammaropsis alamoana 1996 This Project

Barnard, 1970

New record for Pearl Harbor. Off W end of Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Barnard, 1970 Off W end of Pearl Harbor. New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Photis Photis hawaiiensis Barnard, 1955 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Family: LEUCOTHOIDAE Genus: Leucothoe Leucothoe sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Leucothoe hyhelia Barnard, 1965 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Leucothoe tridens 1996 This Project Paraleucothoe flindersi 1996 This Project Family: LILJEBORGIIDAE Genus: Liljeborgia Liljeborgia heeia 1996 This Project Family: PODOCERIDAE Genus: Podocerus Podocerus brasiliensis Unknown Spec - BPBM-S 5964 1938 Ref - Barnard, 1955 New record for Pearl Harbor.

Stebbing, 1888

New record for Hawaii. Cryptogenic.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

(Dana, 1853)

Introduced. Identified by J.L. Barnard.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1938 1948 1948 1948 1950 1951 1973 1978 1996 Spec - BPBM-S 5959 Ref - Barnard, 1955 Spec - BPBM-S 5958 Spec - BPBM-S 5960 Spec - BPBM-S 5961 Ref - Barnard, 1955 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 This Project Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard. Identified by J.L. Barnard.

Podocerus talegus lawai 1996 This Project Family: STENOTHOIDAE Genus: Stenothoe Stenothoe cattai 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5966 Stenothoe gallensis 1937 Ref - Barnard, 1955 1944 Ref - Barnard, 1955 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5965 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Stenothoe valida 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Order: DECAPODA Unidentified Caridea 1996 This Project Family: ALPHEIDAE Unidentified Alpheidae 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Identified by J.L. Barnard. Walker, 1904 Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor. Identified by J.L. Barnard.

Dana, 1853


Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Alpheopsis Alpheopsis equalis Coutiere, 1896 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Alpheus Alpheus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project Alpheus sp. 1 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Alpheus brevipes 1996 This Project Alpheus collumianus 1996 This Project Alpheus crassimanus 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 8928 1938 Spec - BPBM-S 6442

Recorded as Alpheus sp. 1.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Heller, 1865 Identified by Banner. Identified by A.H. Banner.

Alpheus diadema Dana, 1852 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus gracilipes Stimpson, 1860 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1996 This Project Alpheus gracilis simplex (Banner, 1953) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus heeia Banner & Banner, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus lanceloti Coutiere, 1905 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus lobidens 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.

Alpheus lobidens polynesica Banner & Banner, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus lottini 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.

Alpheus mackayi Banner & Banner, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Alpheus pacificus 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5302 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5317 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5337 Alpheus paracrinitus Miers, 1881 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Alpheus paralcyone Coutiere, 1905 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus platyunguiculatus (Banner, 1953) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Alpheus rapacida deMan, 1911 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Alpheus rapax Fabricius, 1798 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Leptalpheus Leptalpheus pacificus Banner & Banner, 1974 1972 Spec - BPBM-S 8550 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Metalpheus Metalpheus paragracilis 1996 This Project

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Synalpheus Synalpheus bituberculatus deMan, 1911 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Synalpheus pachymeris Coutiere, 1905 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Synalpheus paraneomeris 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Synalpheus streptodactylus Coutiere 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Synalpheus thai Banner & Banner, 1966 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Unidentified Synalpheus 1996 This Project Family: AXIIDAE Genus: Enoplometopus Enoplometopus occidentalis (Randall) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: CALAPPIDAE Genus: Calappa Calappa gallus 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Calappa hepatica 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Common name(s): Western Lobster; Hawaiian name(s): `opae; ula.

Hawaiian name(s): pokipoki; papai pokipoki. (Herbst, 1803) Off Pearl Harbor. (Linnaeus, 1767) Common name(s): Hepatic Box Crab; Hawaiian name(s): pokipoki; pokipoki `au moana; pokipoki kuapa`a; popoki.

Genus: Cryptosoma Cryptosoma granulosum Unknown Spec - BPBM-S 1500 Family: CALLIANASSIDAE Genus: Callianassa Callianassa sp. 1996 This Project Callianassa variabilis 1996 This Project Family: CHIROSTYLIDAE Unidentified Chirostylidae 1982 Spec - BPBM-S 10099


New record for Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Family: DIOGENIDAE Genus: Calcinus Calcinus latens (Randall, 1839) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: DROMIIDAE Genus: Cryptodromiopsis Cryptodromiopsis tridens 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5626 Family: DYNOMENIDAE Genus: Dynomene Dynomene devaneyi 1982 Spec - BPBM-S 10098 Family: GERYONIDAE Genus: Progeryon Progeryon guinotae 1977 Spec - BPBM-S 10626


Takeda, 1977 Off Pearl Harbor.

Crosnier, 1976 3 miles off Pearl Harbor.

Family: GNATHOPHYLLIDAE Genus: Gnathophylloides Gnathophylloides mammillatus (Edmondson) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Gnathophylloides mammalatus.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: GRAPSIDAE Unidentified Grapsidae 1996 This Project Genus: Metapograpsus Metapograpsus messor 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3157 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3368 1939 Spec - BPBM-S 4427 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5331 Metapograpsus thukuhar (Owen, 1839) 1906 Ref - Rathbun , 1906 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Nanosesarma Nanosesarma minutum 1996 This Project

Middle Loch.

Recorded as M. messor. Recorded as M. messor.

New record for Hawaii. Introduced.

Genus: Plagusia Plagusia depressa tuberculata Lamarck, 1818 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5306 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Plagusia depressa tuberculata (Lameroux). Family: CRYPTOCHIRIDAE Genus: Hapalocarcinus Hapalocarcinus marsupialis 1996 This Project Family: HIPPOLYTIDAE Genus: Hippolysmata Hippolysmata sp. 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 6079 Hippolysmata vittata 1936 Spec - BPBM-S 4222 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5316 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5330 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5338 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5572 Genus: Leptodius Leptodius exaratus 1906 Ref - Rathbun , 1906

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Milne Edwards

Leptodius sanguineus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Lysmata Lysmata acicula (Rathbun) 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5329 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Saron Saron marmoratus 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

(Olivier, 1811)

Hawaiian name(s): `opae.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Spirontocaris Spirontocaris marmoratus 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5634 Family: HOMOLIDAE Genus: Homola Homola ikedai 1976 Spec - BPBM-S 10637 Genus: Paromola Paromola japonica 1976 Spec - BPBM-S 10811 1982 Spec - BPBM-S 10072

Entrance to Pearl Harbor; 2.5 miles off Buoy 1.

Parisi, 1915 Entrance to Pearl Harbor; 2.5 miles off Buoy 1. Identified by Guinot and Forges, 10 January 1990. Off Pearl Harbor dredge spoil site. Identified by Guinot and Forges.

Family: LEUCOSIIDAE Genus: Randallia Randallia distincta 1983 Spec - BPBM-S 11187 Family: MAJIDAE Genus: Hyastensus Hyastensus spinosus 1996 This Project Genus: Schizophroidea Schizophroidea hilensis 1996 This Project

Rathbun Mamala Bay; Pearl Harbor disposal site. Identified by E.H. Chave.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Rathbun, 1906

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Schizophrys Schizophrys aspera H. Milne Edwards, 1834 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5620 1951 Ref - Edmondson, 1951 Family: OCYPODIDAE Genus: Macrophthalmus Macrophthalmus telescopicus 1930 1973 1996 Spec - BPBM-S 3476 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 This Project


(Owen, 1839) Common name(s): Telescope-Eyed Ghost Crab; Hawaiian name(s): maka`aloa; `aloa; `ohiki makaloa. Middle Loch.

Genus: Ocypode Ocypode ceratophthalma 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Ocypode laevis 1996 This Project Family: PALAEMONIDAE Unidentified Palaemonidae 1996 This Project Genus: Brachycarpus Brachycarpus biunguiculatus 1996 This Project

(Pallas, 1872)

Common name(s): sand crab; Hawaiian name(s): `ohiki. Off Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Conchodytes Conchodytes tridacnae Peters, 1852 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Harpiliopsis Harpiliopsis depressus 1996 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Leander Leander sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Macrobrachium Macrobrachium grandimanus 1922 Spec - BPBM-S 717 Genus: Palaemon Palaemon debelis 1934 Spec - BPBM-S 3833 Palaemon dibilis 1906 Ref - Rathbun , 1906 Palaemon pacificus 1996 This Project Palaemon pacificus? 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Palaemonella Palaemonella sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Palaemonella rotumana 1996 This Project Palaemonella tenuipes 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5339 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1996 This Project Palaemonella tenuipes? 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 New record for Pearl Harbor. Dana, 1852


Hawaiian name(s): `opae `oeha`a.



Dana, 1852 Recorded as Palaemonella tenuides.

Dana, 1852 Recorded as Palaemonella tenuides. Recorded as Palaemonella tenuides.

Family: PALINURIDAE Genus: Panulirus Panulirus marginatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Off Pearl Harbor. Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: PANDALIDAE Genus: Heterocarpus Heterocarpus sp. 1982 Spec - BPBM-S 10095 Heterocarpus ensifer 1983 Spec - BPBM-S 11149 Genus: Plesionika Plesionika sp. 1982 Spec - BPBM-S 10096 Milne-Edwards Mamala Bay; Pearl Harbor disposal site. Identified by R.M. Moffitt.

Off Pearl Harbor dredge spoil site. Identified by D.M. Devaney.

Off Pearl Harbor dredge spoil site; in vicinity of hard outcrop. Identified by D.M. Devaney. (Anderson) Mamala Bay; Pearl Harbor disposal site.

Plesionika alcocki 1983 Spec - BPBM-S 11150 Family: PARTHENOPIDAE Genus: Parthenope Parthenope stellata 1982 Spec - BPBM-S 10097

Rathbun, 1906 Off Pearl Harbor dredge spoil site; in vicinity of hard outcrop. Identified by D.M. Devaney.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Parthenope whitei (Adams & White) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: PORTUNIDAE Unidentified Portunidae 1996 This Project Genus: Charybdis Charybdis erythrodactyla 1902 Spec - BPBM-S 4991 Introduced.

(Lam.) Common name(s): Red-Legged Swimming Crab; Hawaiian name(s): papa`i ako`ako`a.

Charybdis hellerii (A. Milne Edwards) 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5622 1950 Ref - Edmondson, 1954 Charybdis orientalis 1902 Spec - BPBM-S 4992

Genus: Libystes Libystes nitidus A. Milne Edwards, 1868 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Podophthalmus Podophthalmus vigil (Weber, 1795) Common name(s): Long-Eyed Swimming Crab; Hawaiian name(s): 1906 Ref - Rathbun , 1906 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Podophthalmus vigil (Fabricus). Genus: Portunus Hawaiian name(s): `ala`eke. Portunus longispinosus (Dana, 1852) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Portunus longispinosus Rathbun. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Portunus sanguinolentus 1973 1993 1994 Genus: Scylla Scylla serrata 1973 1987 1993 1994 1996 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Brock, 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 (Herbst, 1899) Common name(s): Blood-Spotted Swimming Crab; Hawaiian name(s): kuhonu; papa`i kuahonu; kuohonu.

(Forsskal, 1775) Introduced. Common name(s): Serrate Swimming Crab; Samoan Crab; Mangrove Crab; Red Crab. Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Ref - Brock, 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 This Project Recorded as Scylla serrata de Man.

Genus: Thalamita Thalamita admete (Herbst, 1803) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Thalamita crenata Latreille, 1900 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Thalamita crenata? 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5621 Thalamita edwardsi 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5619 Latreille, 1900


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Thalamita edwardsi? 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5335 Thalamita integra Dana, 1852 1915 Spec - BPBM-S 1590 1916 Spec - BPBM-S 741 1922 Spec - BPBM-S 1597 1922 Spec - BPBM-S 718 1922 Spec - BPBM-S 724 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3155 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3343 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3370 1938 Spec - BPBM-S 4418 1938 Spec - BPBM-S 4478 1939 Spec - BPBM-S 4426 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5305 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5312 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5322 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5332 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5334 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5618 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1996 This Project Thalamita medipacifica 1923 Spec - BPBM-S 3210 Thalamita quadridens 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5623 Unidentified Thalamita 1996 This Project Family: RANINIDAE Genus: Ranina Ranina serrata 1902 Spec - BPBM-S 4993

Middle Loch.

Common name(s): Kona crab, Red Frog Crab; Hawaiian name(s): papa`i kualoa;

Family: SCYLLARIDAE Genus: Parribacus Parribacus antarcticus (Lund, 1793) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Common name(s): Antarctic Slipper Lobster; Hawaiian name(s): ula Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Scyllarides Scyllarides squamosus (Milne Edwards, 1837) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: SERGESTIDAE Genus: Lucifer Lucifer sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Lucifer chacei 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Bowman, 1966


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: STENOPODIDAE Genus: Stenopus Stenopus hispidus (Olivier, 1811) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: XANTHIDAE Unidentified Xanthidae 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project

Hawaiian name(s): `opae huna.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Atergatopsis Atergatopsis immigrans (Edmondson, 1962) Introduced. 1950 Ref - Edmondson, 1962 Recorded as Neoliomera immigrans. Genus: Carpilodes Carpilodes bellus (Dana, 1852) 1916 Spec - BPBM-S 740 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Carpilodes ruber 1906 Ref - Rathbun , 1906 A. Milne Edwards, 1865

Genus: Chlorodiella Chlorodiella laevissima (Dana, 1852) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Etisus Etisus electra (Herbst, 1801) 1937 Spec - BPBM-S 4382 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Etisus laevimanus (Randall, 1839) Unknown Spec - BPBM-S 10394 1906 Ref - Rathbun , 1906 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3276 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3342 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3369 Middle Loch. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Glabropilumnus Glabropilumnus seminudus (Miers, 1884) 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5640 1950 Ref - Edmondson, 1952 1962 Ref - Edmondson, 1962 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Liocarpilodes Liocarpilodes binnguis 1996 This Project

Introduced. Pearl Harbor drydock. Pearl Harbor drydock.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Liocarpilodes integerrimus (Dana, 1852) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Lophozozymus Lophozozymus sp. 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Lophozozymus dodone (Herbst, 1801) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Madaeus Madaeus simplex (A. Milne Edwards, 1873) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Medaeus Medaeus simplex 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3162 Genus: Neoliomera Neoliomera immigrans Edmondson, 1962 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5625 1962 Ref - Edmondson, 1962 Genus: Neopanope Neopanope sp. 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3437 Genus: Panopeus Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards Introduced. 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5314 1947 Ref - Edmondson, 1962 Recorded as Panopeus herpstii. Panopeus pacificus (Edmondson, 1931) Introduced. 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3280 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3435 1929 Ref - Edmondson, 1931 1930 Spec - BPBM-S 5298 1930 Ref - Edmondson, 1962 1937 Spec - BPBM-S 4397 Identified by Takeda, Aug. 1979. 1947 Spec - BPBM-S 5304 Identified by Edmondson. 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5325 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5333 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 5336 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 6135 1949 Spec - BPBM-S 5578 Middle Loch. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1996 This Project Genus: Paramedeus Paramedeus simplex 1996 This Project


New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Phymodius Phymodius nitidus (Dana, 1852) 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3161 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Phymodius ungulatus 1996 This Project Genus: Pilumnus Pilumnus longicornis 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5624 Pilumnus minutus 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.


New record for Pearl Harbor.

Pilumnus oahuensis Edmondson, 1931 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3279 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3432 1929 Ref - Edmondson, 1931 1930 Ref - Edmondson, 1962 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3433 1932 Spec - BPBM-S 3852



Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1947 1948 1950 1950 1973 1973 1973 1987 1996 Spec - BPBM-S 5303 Spec - BPBM-S 5324 Spec - BPBM-S 5613 Spec - BPBM-S 6131 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - McCain, 1974 Ref - McCain, 1975 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 This Project

Genus: Platypodia Platypodia eydouxii (A. Milne Edwards, 1865) 1916 Spec - BPBM-S 735 1929 Spec - BPBM-S 3156 1931 Spec - BPBM-S 3344 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Platypodia eydouxi. 1996 This Project Platypodia semigranosa 1950 Spec - BPBM-S 5638 Unidentified Platypodia 1996 This Project Genus: Trapezia Trapezia guttata Ruppel, 1830 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Trapezia intermedia 1996 This Project Trapezia wardi 1996 This Project Genus: Xanthias Xanthias sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: STOMATOPODA Family: GONODACTYLIDAE Genus: Gonodactylus Gonodactylus falcatus (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as Gonodactylus alohoa. 1996 This Project Genus: Pseudosquilla Pseudosquilla ciliata (Fabricus, 1787) Hawaiian name(s): aloalo. 1938 Spec - BPBM-S 4567 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Pseudosquilla ciliata Miers. 1996 This Project Family: LYSIOSQUILLIDAE Genus: Lysiosquilla Lysiosquilla maculatus 1923 Spec - BPBM-S 2522 Family: SQUILLIDAE Genus: Squilla Squilla sp. 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990

Off Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.



Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Class: INSECTA Order: COLLEMBOLA Unidentified Collembola 1996 This Project Phylum: SIPUNCULA Class: SIPUNCULIDA Unidentified Sipunculida 1996 This Project Family: PHASCOLOSOMATIDAE Genus: Phascolosoma Phascolosoma perlucens Baird, 1868 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Phylum: BRYOZOA Unidentified Bryozoa Unknown Spec - BPBM-K 649 1975 Spec - BPBM-K 684 1976 Spec - BPBM-K 661 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Class: GYMNOLAEMATA Order: CTENOSTOMATA Family: VESICULARIIDAE Genus: Amathia Amathia sp. 1950 Spec - BPBM-K 214 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Amathia sp.? 1947 Spec - BPBM-K 234 Amathia distans Busk, 1886 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 207 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 210 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Amathia distans? Unknown Spec - BPBM-K 455 Genus: Bowerbankia Bowerbankia sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Genus: Zoobotryon Unidentified Zoobotryon 1996 This Project Zoobotryon verticillatum 1921 Spec - BPBM-K 236 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 233 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 310 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 216 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 346 1975 Spec - BPBM-K 601 (Della Chiaje) Introduced. Busk, 1886 Introduced.

Recorded as Phascolosoma dentigerum (Selenka, deMan & Bulo.

Hospital Point.

Off Pearl Harbor.


Off Pearl Harbor.

Merry Point; off Fuel Pier Array. Identified by J. Grovhoug.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Order: CYCLOSTOMATA Family: LICHENOPORIDAE Genus: Lichenopora Lichenopora sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: TUBULIPORIDAE Genus: Tubulipora Tubulipora sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Order: CHEILOSTOMATA Family: AETEIDAE Genus: Aetea Aetea rufopuncta 1916 Spec - BPBM-S 736 Aetea truncata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1996 This Project Family: BEANIIDAE Genus: Beania Beania discodermiae 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: BUGULIDAE Genus: Bugula Bugula sp. 1929 Spec - BPBM-K 232 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Bugula neritina (Linnaeus, 1758) Unknown Spec - BPBM-K 240 1921 Spec - BPBM-K 235 1921 Spec - BPBM-K 239 1935 Spec - BPBM-K 217 1935 Spec - BPBM-K 220 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 1935 Ref - Ingram, 1937 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 218 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 219 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 224 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 225 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 238 1947 Spec - BPBM-K 237 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 206 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 215 1950 Spec - BPBM-K 209 1950 Spec - BPBM-K 211 1950 Spec - BPBM-K 213 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Introduced. (Landsborough, 1852) Introduced. Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

(Ortmann, 1890) Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Bugula stolonifera Unknown Spec - BPBM-K 466 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 223 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 226 1940 Spec - BPBM-K 230 1946 Spec - BPBM-K 231 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 208 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 227 1948 Spec - BPBM-K 229 1950 Spec - BPBM-K 212 1950 Spec - BPBM-K 228 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Family: CELLEPORARIIDAE Genus: Celleporaria Celleporaria costazii 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Genus: Holoporella Holoporella sp. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: CELLEPORIDAE Genus: Cellepora Cellepora vagans 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: CRIBRILINIDAE Genus: Cribrilaria Cribrilaria radiata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: MICROPORELLIDAE Genus: Microporella Microporella ciliata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: MUCRONELLIDAE Genus: Parasmittina Parasmittina sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1996 This Project Parasmittina spathulata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: RETEPORIDAE Genus: Reteporellina Reteporellina denticulata 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Rhynchozoon Rhynchozoon sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 (Smitt, 1873) Off Pearl Harbor. Introduced.

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as Bugula californica. Recorded as Bugula californica. Recorded as Bugula californica. Recorded as Bugula californica. Recorded as Bugula californica.

(Audouin, 1826) Off Pearl Harbor.

(Busk, 1855) Recorded as Celleporaria vagans.

(Moll, 1803) Off Pearl Harbor.

(Pallas, 1766)

(Busk, 1884)

New record for Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: SAVIGNYELLIDAE Genus: Savignyella Savignyella lafontii 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1996 This Project Family: SCHIZOPORELLIDAE Genus: Schizoporella Schizoporella errata Unknown Spec - BPBM-K 253 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project

(Audouin, 1826)

(Waters, 1878)

Introduced. Recorded as Schizoporella sp.. Recorded as Schizoporella sp.. Recorded as S. unicornis (Johnston, 1847).

Schizoporella unicornis (Johnston, 1847) Introduced. 1935 Ref - Edmondson, 1944 1935 Ref - Ingram, 1937 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as S. unicornis (Johnston, 1847). 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as S. unicornis (Johnston, 1847). 1996 This Project Unidentified Schizoporella 1996 This Project Family: SCRUPOCELLARIIDAE Genus: Scrupocellaria Scrupocellaria sinuosa 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: STEGANOPORELLIDAE Genus: Steganoporella Steganoporella sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: THALAMOPORELLIDAE Genus: Thalamoporella Thalamoporella hawaiiana 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: VITTATICELLIDAE Genus: Vittaticella Vittaticella elegans 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Family: WATERISPORIDAE Genus: Waterispora Waterispora edmondsoni 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Phylum: ECHINODERMATA Class: STELLEROIDEA Order: PLATYASTERIDA Family: LUIDIIDAE Genus: Luidia Luidia hystrix 1902 Spec - BPBM-W 1023

Canu & Bassler, 1927 Off Pearl Harbor.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Soule & Soule, 1970 Off Pearl Harbor.

(Busk, 1852) Off Pearl Harbor.

Soule & Soule, 1968



Hawaiian name(s): la kai; pe`a.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1902 Spec - BPBM-W 654 Order: VALVATIDA Family: GONIASTERIDAE Genus: Plinthaster Plinthaster ceramoidea 1978 Spec - BPBM-W 3014 Family: OPHIODIASTERIDAE Genus: Linckia Linckia multiflora 1972 Spec - BPBM-W 2010 Family: OREASTERIDAE Genus: Culcita Culcita novaeguineae f. arenosa Unknown Spec - BPBM-W 627 1902 Spec - BPBM-W 1026 Culcita novaeguineae f. nesiotis Unknown Spec - BPBM-W 626 Order: FORCIPULATIDA Family: ASTERIIDAE Genus: Distolasterias Distolasterias euplecta 1982 Spec - BPBM-W 3028 Order: OPHIURIDA Family: AMPHIURIDAE Genus: Amphipholis Amphipholis squamata 1972 Spec - BPBM-W 2480 1973 1979 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Fisher

(Fisher, 1906) Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil site. Identified by D.M. Devaney.

(Lamarck) 150 yds NW from Buoy "1" at harbor entrance. Identified by D.M. Devaney.

Hawaiian name(s): pe`a.

Fisher, 1906 Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil site. Identified by D.M. Devaney, 1982.

(Delle Chiaje, 1829) On the N dolphin piling (wooden) near the sound measurement facility. Identified by D.M. Devaney. Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Ophionereis Ophionereis porrecta 1967 Spec - BPBM-W 2579 Family: OPHIACTIDAE Genus: Histampica Histampica cythera 1982 Spec - BPBM-W 3011 1982 Spec - BPBM-W 3052 Genus: Ophiactis Ophiactis sp. 1982 Spec - BPBM-W 3012 Ophiactis dyscrita 1949 Ref - Clark, 1949 Ophiactis modesta 1938 Spec - BPBM-W 1031 1942 Ref - Ely, 1942

Lyman Ewa End.

(A. H. Clark, 1949) Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil site. Identified by D.M. Devaney. May 1982. Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil site. Identified by D.M. Devaney, 13 Oct 1982.

Off Pearl Harbor; dredge spoil site. Identified by D.M. Devaney. May 1982. Clark, 1911 USNM 6927. Brock, 1888

Ophiactis savignyi (Muller & Troschel, 1842) Unknown Spec - BPBM-W 370 1929 Spec - BPBM-W 766 1933 Ref - Edmondson, 1933 1937 Spec - BPBM-W 957 1938 Spec - BPBM-W 965 1939 Spec - BPBM-W 969


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1942 1949 1949 1973 1973 1973 1979 1987 1996 Ref - Ely, 1942 Spec - BPBM-W 1180 Ref - Clark, 1949 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - McCain, 1974 Ref - McCain, 1975 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1987 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor.

Family: OPHIOCOMIDAE Genus: Ophiocoma Ophiocoma sexradia (Duncan, 1887) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: OPHIOTHRICIDAE Genus: Macrophiothrix Macrophiothrix demessa 1967 Spec - BPBM-W 2580

(Lyman) Ewa End.

Class: ECHINOIDEA Order: CIDAROIDA Family: CIDARIDAE Genus: Eucidaris Eucidaris metularia (Lamarck, 1816) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: DIADEMATOIDA Family: DIADEMATIDAE Genus: Diadema Diadema paucispinum Agassiz, 1863 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Order: TEMNOPLEUROIDA Family: TEMNOPLEURIDAE Genus: Mespilia Mespilia globulus 1950 Spec - BPBM-W 1200 Family: TOXOPNEUSTIDAE Genus: Pseudoboletia Pseudoboletia indiana 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979

Hawaiian name(s): ha`ue`ue; peni.

(Linn., 1758) From boat in dry dock.. Identified by D.M. Devaney.

(Michelin, 1863) Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Tripneustes Tripneustes gratilla (Linnaeus, 1758) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Order: ECHINOIDA Family: ECHINOMETRIDAE Genus: Echinometra Echinometra mathaei 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project

Hawaiian name(s): hawa`e; hawa`e maoli; hawa`e po`ohina.

(de Blainville, 1825) New record for Pearl Harbor. Off Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Heterocentrotus Heterocentrotus mammillatus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974

Hawaiian name(s): ha`uke`uke iwi loloa; ha`ue`ue; `ina `ula;


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Class: HOLOTHUROIDEA Order: ASPIDOCHIROTIDA Family: HOLOTHURIIDAE Genus: Actinopyga Actinopyga mauritiana 1996 This Project Genus: Holothuria Holothuria atra 1996 This Project Holothuria impatiens 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979

(Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Jager, 1833

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Forsskal, 1775 Off Pearl Harbor.

Holothuria pervicax (Selenka, 1867) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: APODIDA Family: SYNAPTIDAE Genus: Ophiodesoma Ophiodesoma spectabilis Fisher, 1907 1907 Ref - Fisher, 1907 1955 Spec - BPBM-W 1234 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Phylum: CHAETOGNATHA Class: SAGITTOIDEA Order: APHRAGMOPHORA Family: PTEROSAGITTIDAE Genus: Pterosagitta Pterosagitta sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: SAGITTIDAE Genus: Sagitta Sagitta sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Sagitta enflata 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Sagitta regularis 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Phylum: CHORDATA Unidentified Chordata 1921 Spec - BPBM-Y 121 1924 Spec - BPBM-Y 112 1929 Spec - BPBM-Y 128 1929 Spec - BPBM-Y 129 1929 Spec - BPBM-Y 130 1942 Spec - BPBM-Y 111 1947 Spec - BPBM-Y 167 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 171 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 172 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 174 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 176 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 177 Grassi, 1883

Indigenous. USNM 21226. On beach.

Aida, 1897


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 178 Unidentified Urochordata 1996 This Project Class: ASCIDIACEA Unidentified Ascidiacea 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1996 This Project Order: APLOUSOBRANCHIA Family: CLAVELINIDAE Genus: Clavelina Clavelina sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: DIDEMNIDAE Unidentified Didemnidae 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project Genus: Didemnum Didemnum sp. 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 Didemnum candidum 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Didemnum edmondsoni 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Savigny, 1816 Introduced.

Off Pearl Harbor.

Eldredge, 1966

Genus: Diplosoma Diplosoma listerianum (Milne-Edwards, 1841) Introduced. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Recorded as Diplosoma macdonaldi. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as Diplosoma macdonaldi. 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Recorded as Diplosoma macdonaldi. Genus: Trididemnum Trididemnum savignyi 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Family: POLYCLINIDAE Unidentified Polyclinidae 1947 Spec - BPBM-Y 168 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 173 1948 Spec - BPBM-Y 175 Genus: Polyclinum Polyclinum sp. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Polyclinum constellatum 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Polyclinum vasculosum 1920 Ref - Tokioka, 1967 Savigny, 1816

(Herdman, 1886)

Pizon, 1908 USNM 11755.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1972 Ref - Long, 1974 Order: PHLEBOBRANCHIA Family: ASCIDIIDAE Genus: Ascidia Ascidia n. sp. 1996 This Project Ascidia sp. Unknown 1973 1973 1973 1976 1996

New record for Hawaii. Known only from Hawaii.

Spec - BPBM-Y 205 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - McCain, 1974 Ref - McCain, 1975 Spec - BPBM-Y 245 This Project

Identified by D.P. Abbott, Nov 1980.

Identified by P. Ching.

Ascidia sp. B 1996 This Project Ascidia interrupta 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Ascidia melanostoma 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1996 This Project Ascidia sydneiensis Unknown Spec - BPBM-Y 217 1976 Spec - BPBM-Y 244 1996 This Project Genus: Phallusia Phallusia nigra 1985 Ref - Hurlbut, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project

New record for Pearl Harbor. Introduced.

Recorded as Ascidia interrupta.. Recorded as Ascidia interrupta.. (Sluiter, 1885)

(Stimpson, 1855) Introduced. Scraped from bottom of U.S.S. Dobin. Identified by D.P. Abbott, Nov 1980. Pearl Harbor?. Identified by P. Ching.

Savigny, 1816

Introduced. Recorded as Ascidia nigra. Recorded as Ascidia nigra.

Family: CIONIDAE Genus: Ciona Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1767) Introduced. Unknown Spec - BPBM-Y 218 Scraped from bottom of U.S.S. Dobin. Identified by D.P. Abbott, Nov 1980. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1976 Ref - Cooke et al., 1980 Family: PEROPHORIDAE Genus: Perophora Perophora sp. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Perophora annectens 1996 This Project New record for Pearl Harbor.

Order: STOLIDOBRANCHIA Family: PYURIDAE Genus: Herdmania Herdmania momus (Savigny, 1816) 1972 Ref - Long, 1974 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project



Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Microsomus Microcosmus exasperatus 1996 This Project Family: STYELIDAE Genus: Botrylloides Botrylloides sp. 1996 This Project Botrylloides sp. (grey) sp. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Botrylloides sp. (red) sp. 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 Botrylloides nigrum 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Genus: Botryllus Botryllus sp. 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Polyandrocarpa Polyandrocarpa sp. A 1996 This Project Polyandrocarpa sp. B sp. 1996 This Project Genus: Styela Styela sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Styela areoleata 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Styela partita Unknown 1975 1976 Heller, 1878 New record for Pearl Harbor. Introduced.

Recorded as Botrylloides sp. (grey). Recorded as Botrylloides sp. (grey).

Recorded as Botrylloides sp. (red). Recorded as Botrylloides sp. (red).

Introduced. Recorded as Botrylloides. Recorded as Botrylloides.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Spec - BPBM-Y 228 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 Spec - BPBM-Y 239

(Stimson, 1852) Scraped from bottom of U.S.S. Dobin. Identified by D.P. Abbott. Identified by P. Ching. (Stimson, 1852)

Styela partita? 1929 Spec - BPBM-Y 102 Genus: Symplegma Symplegma sp. 1929 Spec - BPBM-Y 110 1996 This Project Symplegma oceania 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1976 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Symplegma reptans 1996 This Project

Tokioka, 1949

Tokioka, 1961

Introduced. Recorded as Symplegma connectans. Recorded as Symplegma connectans.

New record for Hawaii. Introduced.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Class: THALIACEA Order: DOLIOLIDA Family: DOLIOLIDAE Genus: Dolioum Dolioum sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Class: APPENDICULARIA Order: COPELATA Family: OIKOPLEURIDAE Genus: Oikopleura Oikopleura sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Class: CHONDRICHTHYES Order: LAMNIFORMES Family: CARCHARHINIDAE Genus: Carcharhinus Carcharhinus limbatus (Valenciennes, 1841) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Glyphis Glyphis granifera Pease Unknown Spec - BPBM-MO 64518

Ford Island. Catalogue V.

Family: SPHYRNIDAE Genus: Sphyrna Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Order: RAJIFORMES Family: MYLIOBATIDAE Genus: Aetobatus Aetobatus nana 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 7208 1948 Spec - BPBM-S 8788

(Loman) Identified by Koichiro Nakamura, 1985. Drydock.

Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Class: ACTINOPTERYGII Order: ELOPIFORMES Family: ALBULIDAE Genus: Albula Albula vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: ELOPIDAE Genus: Elops Elops hawaiiensis Regan, 1909 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Order: ANGUILLIFORMES Family: CONGRIDAE Genus: Conger Conger cinreus marginatus Valenciennes, 1841 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as C. marginatus. 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as C. cinreus.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: MURAENIDAE Genus: Gymnothorax Gymnothorax sp. 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project Gymnothorax flavimarginatus (Ruppell, 1828) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Gymnothorax petelli (Bleeker, 1856) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepede, 1803) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Order: CLUPEIFORMES Family: ENGRAULIDAE Genus: Encrasicholina Encrasicholina purpurea Fowler, 1900 1961 Ref - Au, 1965 1964 Spec - BPBM-I 25806 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Somerton et al., 1993 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

Off Pearl Harbor.

Recorded as Stolophorus purpureus. Recorded as Stolephorus purpureus Fowler. Recorded as Stolephorus purpureus Fowler. Recorded as Encrasicholina purpureus. Recorded as Stolephorus purpureus Fowler. Recorded as Stolephorus purpureus. Recorded as Stolephorus purpureus.

Order: MYCTOPHIFORMES Family: SYNODONTIDAE Genus: Saurida Saurida gracilis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Saurida nebulosa 1992 Spec - BPBM-I 35396 Genus: Synodus Synodus sp. 1996 This Project Synodus variegatus (Lacepede, 1803) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: GONORYNCHIFORMES Family: CHANIDAE Genus: Chanos Chanos sp. (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Valenciennes, 1849


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Order: LOPHIIFORMES Family: ANTENNARIIDAE Genus: Antennarius Antennarius commersoni 1932 Spec - BPBM-I 3491

Near coral dock.

Antennarius pictus (Shaw & Nodder, 1974) 1923 Spec - BPBM-I 5144 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as chironectes Lacepede. Genus: Antennatus Antennatus tuberosus 1962 Spec - BPBM-I 25788 Order: GADIFORMES Family: CARAPODIDAE Genus: Carapus Carapus margaritiferae (Rendahl, 1921) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: ATHERINIFORMES Family: BELONIDAE Genus: Tylosurus Tylosurus crocodilus (Peron & LeSueur, 1821) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: CYPRINODONTIDAE Genus: Fundulus Fundulus grandis 1905 Ref - Brock, 1960 1905 Ref - Maciolek, 1984 1907 Ref - Van Dine, 1907 1987 Ref - Randall, 1987


Family: HEMIRAMPHIDAE Genus: Hemiramphus Hemiramphus depauperatus Lay & Bennett, 1839 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Family: POECILIIDAE Unidentified Poeciliidae 1996 This Project Genus: Gambusia Gambusia affinis 1905 Ref - Brock, 1960 1905 Ref - Maciolek, 1984 1907 Ref - Van Dine, 1907 1987 Ref - Randall, 1987


Genus: Poecilia Poecilia latipinna (LeSueur) 1905 Ref - Brock, 1960 1905 Ref - Maciolek, 1984 1907 Ref - Van Dine, 1907 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1987 Ref - Randall, 1987

Introduced. Recorded as Mollienesia latipina. Recorded as Mollienesia latipina. Recorded as Poecilia latipina. Recorded as Poecilia latipina.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Order: POLYMIXIIFORMES Family: HOLOCENTRIDAE Genus: Myripristis Myripristis berndti Jordan & Evermann, 1903 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as murdjan (Forsskal). 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as murdjan (Forsskal). 1996 This Project Genus: Neoniphon Neoniphon sammara (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Flammeo sammara (Forsskal). 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as Flammeo sammara (Forsskal). Genus: Sargocentron Sargocentron diadema 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37326

(Lacepede, 1802) Hawaiian name(s): 'ala 'ihi kalaloa. NE side of West Loch channel.

Order: GASTEROSTEIFORMES Family: AULOSTOMIDAE Genus: Aulostomus Aulostomus chinensis (Linnaeus, 1766) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: SYNGNATHIDAE Genus: Doryrhamphus Doryrhamphus exisis 1996 This Project Genus: Hippocampus Hippocampus kuda 1924 Spec - BPBM-I 3787

Kaup, 1856

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Bleeker, 1852

Genus: Micrognathus Micrognathus edmondsoni? (Pietschmann, 1930) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: SCORPAENIFORMES Family: SCORPAENIDAE Genus: Brachirus Brachirus barberi (Eschmeyer & Randall) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Scorpaenopsis Scorpaenopsis diabolus (Cuvier, 1829) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as S. diabolus (Eschmeyer & Anderson). Scorpaenopsis gibbosa 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 (Bloch & Snyder, 1801) Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as S. gibbosus.

Genus: Sebastapistes Sebastapistes coniorta (Jenkins, 1903) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Scorpaena coniorta (Jenkins). Order: PERCIFORMES Family: ACANTHURIDAE Genus: Acanthurus Acanthurus blochi 1996 This Project

(Cuvier, 1829)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Acanthurus dussumieri Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Bloch & Schneider, 1801 New record for Pearl Harbor. Acanthurus guttatus 1996 This Project

Acanthurus mata (Cuvier, 1829) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Acanthurus nigrofuscus 1996 This Project (Forsskal, 1775) New record for Pearl Harbor.

Acanthurus olivaceus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Acanthurus triostegus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as A. trigostegus sandvicensis. 1996 This Project Acanthurus xanthopterus Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Ctenochaetus Ctenochaetus strigosus (Bennett, 1828) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Naso Naso brevirostris 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project

(Valenciennes, 1835)

Naso unicornis (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Zanclus Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as canescens (Linnaeus). 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Zebrasoma Zebrasoma flavescens (Bennett, 1828) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

1996 This Project Zebrasoma veliferum (Bloch, 1797) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Family: APOGONIDAE Genus: Apogon Apogon sp. 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Apogon kallopterus Bleeker, 1856 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as snyderi, Jordan and Evermann. 1996 This Project Apogon snyderi 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Jordan & Evermann, 1903

Genus: Foa Foa brachygramma (Jenkins, 1903) Hawaiian name(s): 'upapalu. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as brachygrammus (Jenkins). 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37322 West Loch; Oyster Reef. Family: BLENNIIDAE Unidentified Blenniidae 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 Genus: Cirripectus Cirripectus vanderbilti 1996 This Project

(Fowler, 1938)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Entomacrodus Entomacrodus marmoratus (Bennett, 1928) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Exallias Exallias sp. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Exallias brevis (Kner, 1868) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Omobranchus Omobranchus elongatus (Peters, 1855) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37320 NE side of West Loch channel. Family: CARANGIDAE Genus: Carangoides Carangoides gymnostethoides Bleeker, 1852 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Caranx Caranx sp. 1996 This Project Caranx ignobilis (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Caranx mate 1973 1973 1973 1978 Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - McCain, 1974 Ref - McCain, 1975 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979

Caranx melampygus Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Gnathanodon Gnathanodon speciosus (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Scomberoides Scomberoides laysan 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

(Forsskal, 1775) Recorded as Scrombroides laysan. Recorded as Scrombroides laysan.

Scomberoides sanct-petri (Cuvier, 1831) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: CHAETODONTIDAE Genus: Chaetodon Chaetodon auriga Forsskal, 1775 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Chaetodon ephippium 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project Chaetodon lineolatus 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Cuvier, 1831

Cuvier, 1831

Chaetodon lunula (Lacepede, 1802) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project

Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)


Chaetodon miliaris Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Forcipiger Forcipiger flavissimus 1996 This Project

Jordan & McGregor, 1898

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Heniochus Heniochus diphreutes Jordan 1903 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: CICHLIDAE Genus: Oreochromis Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Sarotherodon Sarotherodon melanotheron 1987 Ref - Randall, 1987 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37324 Genus: Tilapia Tilapia melanopleura 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: GOBIIDAE Unidentified Gobiidae 1996 This Project

Recorded as acuminatus (Linnaeus).

Introduced. Recorded as Tilapia mossambica (Peters). Recorded as Tilapia mossambica. Recorded as Tilapia mossambica. Recorded as Sarotherodon mossambica (Peters). Recorded as Tilapia mossambica (Peters).

Recorded as Tilapia melanotheron. Middle Loch; under hull of U.S.S. "Machinist" Floating Drydock.

(Ruppell, 1852)

Genus: Asterropteryx Asterropteryx semipunctatus Ruppell, 1821 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37315 Middle Loch; W side of Waiawa Peninsula; near pier (Pan Am Clipper Dock); along shoreline. 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37316 W side of Middle Loch channel.

Genus: Bathygobius Bathygobius cocosensis (Bleeker, 1854) Hawaiian name(s): 'o'opu 'ohune. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as fuscus (Ruppell). 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Recorded as B. fuscus (Ruppell). 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 Recorded as B. fuscus. 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Recorded as B. fuscus. 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37313 Rainbow Bay Marina; docks and shoreline. 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37317 Sheet piling in thermal discharge from Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) Waiau Plant. 1996 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37319 Spec - BPBM-I 37321 Middle Loch; on wooden pilings near U.S.S. "Machinist" Floating Drydock. Middle Loch; on hull of U.S.S. "Machinist" Floating Drydock. Steindachner, 1880

Bathygobius cotticeps 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Ctenogobius Ctenogobius tongarevae (Fowler, 1927) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Eviota Eviota epiphanes 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37314

Jenkins, 1903 N side of entrance channel.

Genus: Gnatholepis Gnatholepis anjerensis Bleeker, 1850 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Mugilogobius Mugilogobius cavifrons 1991 Spec - BPBM-I 34997 Mugilogobius parvus 1987 Ref - Randall et al., 1993 1994 Ref - Eldredge, 1994

(Weber, 1909) Drainage area E of Blaisdell Park. Introduced.

Genus: Opua Opua nephodes Jordan, 1925 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Oxyurichthys Oxyurichthys lonchotus (Jenkins, 1903) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Genus: Psilogobius Psilogobius mainlandi 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

Baldwin, 1972

Family: KUHLIIDAE Genus: Kuhlia Kuhlia sandvicensis (Steindachner, 1876) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1987 Ref - Brewer & Assoc., 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Family: KYPHOSIDAE Genus: Kyphosus Kyphosus bigibbus (Lacepede, 1802) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as cinerascens (Forsskal). Genus: Microcanthus Microcanthus strigatus Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Family: LABRIDAE Genus: Anampses Anampses cuvieri? 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979

Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 Off Pearl Harbor.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Cheilinus Cheilinus bimaculatus 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Valenciennes, 1840

Genus: Cheilio Cheilio inermis (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Genus: Coris Coris flavovita 1996 This Project Genus: Gomphosus Gomphosus varius 1996 This Project

Bennett, 1929

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Lacepede, 1801

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Labroides Labroides phthirophagus Randall, 1958 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1996 This Project Genus: Stethojulis Stethojulis balteata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as balteatus (Quoy and Gaimard). 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Thalassoma Thalassoma duperrey 1996 This Project Thalassoma umbrostigma 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979

(Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

(Ruppell, 1838) Off Pearl Harbor.

Family: LUTJANIDAE Genus: Lutjanus Lutjanus fulvus (Bloch & Schneider) Introduced. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37323 West Loch; Oyster Reef. 1996 This Project Family: MUGILIDAE Genus: Chelon Valamugil engli 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995

(Bleeker, 1858) Recorded as Chelon engli. Recorded as Chelon engli.

Genus: Mugil Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: MULLIDAE Genus: Mulloidichthys Mulloidichthys auriflamma Forsskal, 1775 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Mulloidichthys flavolineatus (Lacepede, 1801) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as samoensis (Gunther). 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Recorded as samoensis (Gunther). 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Recorded as M. samoensis (Gunther). 1996 This Project Mulloidichthys vanicolensis 1996 This Project Genus: Parupeneus Parupeneus mutifasciatus 1996 This Project Valenciennes, 1831 New record for Pearl Harbor.

Quoy & Gaimard, 1824

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Parupeneus pleurostigma (Bennett, 1830) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Parupeneus porphyreus Jenkins, 1903 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Genus: Upeneus Upeneus arge Jordan & Evermann, 1903 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Upeneus taeniopterus 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37325 Upeneus vittatus 1992 Spec - BPBM-I 35395 1993 Spec - BPBM-I 37064 (Cuvier, 1829) Hawaiian name(s): weke pahulu; weke pueo. NE side of West Loch channel.

(Forsskal, 1775)

Family: POLYNEMIDAE Genus: Polydactylus Polydactylus sexfilis (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Family: POMACENTRIDAE Genus: Abudefduf Abudefduf abdominalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Abudefduf sordidus (Forsskal, 1775) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Genus: Dascyllus Dascyllus albisella Gill, 1862 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Family: PRIACANTHIDAE Genus: Heteropriacanthus Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede, 1801) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede). 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 Recorded as Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede). Family: SCARIDAE Genus: Calotomus Calotomus spinidens (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Genus: Chlorurus Chlorurus psittacus 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37327 Genus: Scarus Scarus sp. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1996 This Project

(Forsskal, 1775) NE of Ford Island.


Scarus sordidus Forsskal, 1775 Hawaiian name(s): uhu. 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Recorded as Scarus sordidus Forsskal. 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 Family: SPHYRAENIDAE Genus: Sphyraena Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum, 1792) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1987 Ref - AECOS, 1987 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Order: PLEURONECTIFORMES Family: BOTHIDAE Genus: Bothus Bothus pantherinus (Ruppell, 1830) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Order: TETRAODONTIFORMES Family: DIODONTIDAE Genus: Diodon Diodon holocanthus Linnaeus, 1758 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Diodon hystrix 1973 1978 1979 1996 Linnaeus, 1758 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 Ref - AECOS, 1979 This Project

Off Pearl Harbor. Recorded as D. hysterix.


Legacy Project - Species Report (Cont.)

Family: MONACANTHIDAE Genus: Pervagor Pervagor spilosoma (Lay & Bennett, 1839) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Family: OSTRACIIDAE Genus: Lactoria Lactoria fornasini 1996 This Project

(Bianconi, 1846)

New record for Pearl Harbor.

Genus: Ostracion Ostracion meleagris camurum (Jenkins, 1901) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1996 This Project Family: TETRAODONTIDAE Genus: Arothron Arothron sp. 1949 Spec - BPBM-I 25886 1996 Spec - BPBM-I 37318

Hawaiian name(s): makimaki. Sheet piling in thermal discharge from Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) Waiau Plant.

Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1974 1973 Ref - McCain, 1975 1978 Ref - Grovhoug, 1979 1986 Ref - Lenihan, 1990 1993 Ref - Brock, 1994 1994 Ref - Brock, 1995 1996 This Project Genus: Canthigaster Canthigaster coronata (Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974 Canthigaster coronatus ( Randall, P.C.). Canthigaster jactator (Jenkins, 1901) 1973 Ref - Evans et al., 1974



Species by Station Records for Non-Sediment Invertebrates and Fishes Sampled or Observed in pearl Harbor Legacy Project Surveys, 1996




Station Phylum PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA PORIFERA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA CNIDARIA PLATYHELMINTHES NEMATODA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA Family DYSIDEIDAE DYSIDEIDAE DYSIDEIDAE DYSIDEIDAE DICTYODEDRILLIDAE CALLYSPONGIIDAE HALICLONIDAE CHALINIDAE NIPHATIDAE ADOCIIDAE ADOCIIDAE AMPHILECTIDAE MICROCIONIDAE MYCALIDAE MYCALIDAE MYCALIDAE MYCALIDAE MYCALIDAE MYXILLIDAE RASPAILIIDAE HALICHONDRIIDAE HALICHONDRIIDAE HALICHONDRIIDAE CLIONIDAE SUBERITIDAE SUBERITIDAE STELLETTIDAE HALOCORDYLIDAE ?HYDROZOA TELESTIDAE AIPTASIIDAE ACROPORIDAE FAVIIDAE POCILLOPORIDAE POCILLOPORIDAE PORITIDAE ?CNIDARIA ?PLATYHELMINTHES ?NEMATODA AMPHINOMIDAE ARABELLIDAE CAPITELLIDAE CHAETOPTERIDAE CHAETOPTERIDAE CIRRATULIDAE Genus and Species Dysidea n. sp. 2 Dysidea n. sp. 3 Dysidea avara Dysidea cf. arenaria Dictyodendrilla n. sp. Callyspongia diffusa Gellius n. sp. Toxiclona n. sp. Gelliodes fibrosa Adociidae n. gen. n. sp. Sigmadocia cf. caerulea Biemna fistulosa Clathria (Microciona) n. sp. Mycale (Aegogropila) armata Mycale (Carmia) cecilia Mycale (Carmia) contarenii Mycale (Carmia) maunakea Zygomycale parishii Tedania reticulata Echinodictyum asperum Amorphinopsis n. sp. Halichondria melanadocia Topsentia sp. Cliona sp. Prosuberites oleteira Suberites cf. zeteki Stelletta n. sp. (cf. purpurea) Pennaria (=Halocordyle) disticha Hydrozoa Carijoa (Telestea) riisei Aiptasia pulchella Montipora patula Leptastrea purpurea Pocillopora damicornis Pocillopora meandrina Porites compressa Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematoda Eurythoe complanata Arabella Capitellidae Chaetopteridae Chaetopterus sp. Cirriformia punctata 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Station Phylum ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA Family DORVILLEIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE EUNICIDAE HESIONIDAE LUMBRINERIDAE NEREIDAE OPHELIIDAE PHYLLODOCIDAE PHYLLODOCIDAE PHYLLODOCIDAE PHYLLODOCIDAE POLYNOIDAE POLYNOIDAE SABELLIDAE SABELLIDAE SABELLIDAE SERPULIDAE SERPULIDAE SERPULIDAE SERPULIDAE SERPULIDAE SERPULIDAE SERPULIDAE SPINTHERIDAE SPIONIDAE SPIRORBIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE SYLLIDAE Genus and Species Dorvilleidae Eunice Eunice australis Eunice cariboea Eunice filamentosa Lysidice ninetta Marphysa sanguinea Nematonereis unicornis Palola siciliensis Syllidia armata Lumbrineris Nereidae Armandia Eulalia Eulalia sanguinea Eumida Phyllodoce Paralepidonotus ampulliferus Polynoidae Branchiomma nigromaculata Potamilla Sabellastarte sanctijosephi Hydroides dirampha Hydroides elegans Pomatoleios kraussii Salmacina dysteri Serpula vermicularis Serpula sp. Simplicaria pseudomilitaris Spinther japonicus Spionidae Spirorbidae Autolytus Branchiosyllis exilis Brania rhopalophora Exogone verugera Haplosyllis spongicola Langerhansia cornuta Myrianida crassicirrata Syllidae Syllis gracilis Trypanosyllis zebra Typosyllis Typosyllis hawaiiensis Typosyllis hyalina 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1


Station Phylum ANNELIDA ANNELIDA ANNELIDA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA Family SYLLIDAE TEREBELLIDAE GLYCERIDAE FISSURELLIDAE FISSURELLIDAE FISSURELLIDAE TROCHIDAE TURBINIDAE TURBINIDAE CALYPTRAEIDAE CALYPTRAEIDAE CERITHIIDAE CERITHIIDAE CERITHIIDAE CYMATIIDAE CYMATIIDAE CYPRAEIDAE EULIMIDAE HIPPONICIDAE HIPPONICIDAE HIPPONICIDAE LITTORINIDAE LITTORINIDAE RISSOIDAE RISSOIDAE RISSOIDAE TRIPHORIDAE VERMETIDAE VERMETIDAE COLUMBELLIDAE COLUMBELLIDAE FASCIOLARIIDAE MURICIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE PYRAMIDELLIDAE TURRIDAE BULLIDAE HAMINOEIDAE SIPHONARIIDAE SIPHONARIIDAE PUPILLIDAE CALIPHYLLIDAE UMBRACULIDAE Genus and Species Typosyllis prolifera Thelepus setosus Glycera tesselata Diodora granifera Diodora octogona Diodora ruppelli Trochus intextus Leptothyra candida Leptothyra rubricincta Crepidula aculeata Crucibulum spinosum Bittium zebrum Cerithiopsis sp. A Finella pupoides Cymatium intermedius Cymatium nicobaricum Cypraea childreni Balcis Hipponix Hipponix imbricatus Hipponix pilosus Littoraria pintado Littoraria scabra Rissoina miltozona Rissoina turricula Zebina tridentata Triphora {Triphoridae} Dendropoma Eualetes tulipa (=Vermetus alii) Euplica varians Seminella Peristernia chlorostoma Morula dermosa Hinemoa indica Odostomia stearnsiella Pyramidella Pyrgulina oodes Kermia Bulla vernicosa Atys kuhnsi Siphonaria normalis Williamia cf. radiata Gastrocopta servilis Cyerce elegans Umbraculum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 5 6 1 1 7 8 9 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Station Phylum MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA MOLLUSCA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA Family ?NUDIBRANCHIA DORIDIDAE CAECIDAE CEPHALASPIDAE DIALIDAE DIALIDAE EATONIELLIDAE ANOMIIDAE ISOGNOMONIDAE MYTILIDAE MYTILIDAE OSTREIDAE OSTREIDAE OSTREIDAE OSTREIDAE OSTREIDAE OSTREIDAE PTERIIDAE PTERIIDAE CHAMIDAE CHAMIDAE CHAMIDAE CHAMIDAE CHAMIDAE LUCINIDAE LUCINIDAE SEMELIDAE TELLINIDAE TELLINIDAE TELLINIDAE VENERIDAE VENERIDAE HIATELLIDAE MYIDAE PHOLADIDAE TEREDINIDAE TEREDINIDAE ?BIVALVIA EURYCYNIDAE ENDEIDAE PYCNOGONIDAE PYCNOGONIDAE PYCNOGONIDAE ?PYCNOGONIDA Genus and Species Nudibranchia Hypselodoris infucata Caecum sepimentum Cephalaspidae Cerithidium perparvalum Diala varia Eatoniella Anomia nobilis Isognomon legumen Brachidontes crebristriatus Lithophaga fasciola Crassostrea Crassostrea virginica Dendrostrea sandvichensis Ostrea Ostreidae Saccostrea cucullata Pinctada margaritifera Pinctada radiata Chama Chama macerophylla (=C. elatensis) Chama fibula Chama lazarus Chama pacifica Ctena bella Pillucina spaldingi Abra sp. A Tellina Tellina sp. A Tellinidae Lioconcha hieroglyphica Venerupis (Ruditapes) phillipinarum Hiatella arctica Sphenia coreanica? Martesia striata Teredinidae Teredo bartschi Bivalvia Eurycynidae Endeis procera Anoplodactylus californicus Anoplodactylus pyncnosoma Pigrogromitus timsanus Pycnogonida 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1


Station Phylum ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA Family BALANIDAE BALANIDAE BALANIDAE BALANIDAE CHTHAMALIDAE ?CUMACEA APSEUDIDAE APSEUDIDAE APSEUDIDAE APSEUDIDAE PSEUDOZEUXIDAE TANAIDAE ANTHURIDAE JANIRIDAE JANIRIDAE LIMNORIIDAE LIMNORIIDAE LIMNORIIDAE MUNNIDAE SCYPHACIDAE SPHAEROMATIDAE SPHAEROMATIDAE AMPHILOCHIDAE AMPHILOCHIDAE AMPHILOCHIDAE AMPITHOIDAE AMPITHOIDAE AORIDAE AORIDAE AORIDAE AORIDAE AORIDAE COLOMASTIGIDAE COLOMASTIGIDAE COROPHIIDAE COROPHIIDAE COROPHIIDAE COROPHIIDAE GAMMARIDAE GAMMARIDAE GAMMARIDAE GAMMARIDAE GAMMARIDAE GAMMARIDAE HYALIDAE Genus and Species Balanus Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Balanus eburneus Balanus reticulatus Chthamalus proteus Cumacea Apseudes sp. A Apseudes tropicalis Parapseudes neglectus Parapseudes pedispinis Leptochelia dubia Anatanais insularis Mesanthura sp. A Carpias Cerpias algicola Limnoria Limnoria lignorum Limnoria tripunctata Munna acarina Armadilloniscus litoralis Exosphaeroma sp. A Sphaeroma Amphilochus kailua Amphilochus likelike Gitanopsis pele Ampithoe waialua Paragrubia vorax Grandidierella bispinosa Grandidierella japonica Lembos macromanus Lembos pualani Lembos waipio Colomastix lunalilo Colomastix pusilla Corophium ascherusicum Corophium baconi Corophium insidiosum Ericthonius brasiliensis Elasmopus diplonyx Elasmopus molokai Elasmopus rapax Eriopisa hamakua Eriopisella sechellensis upolu Maera pacifica Hyale grandicornis bishopae 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1 1 1


Station Phylum ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA Family ISAEIDAE ISAEIDAE LEUCOTHOIDAE LEUCOTHOIDAE LEUCOTHOIDAE LILJEBORGIIDAE PODOCERIDAE PODOCERIDAE STENOTHOIDAE STENOTHOIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE ALPHEIDAE CALLIANASSIDAE CALLIANASSIDAE GRAPSIDAE GRAPSIDAE GRAPSIDAE HAPALOCARCINIDAE MAJIDAE MAJIDAE OCYPODIDAE OCYPODIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PALAEMONIDAE PORTUNIDAE PORTUNIDAE PORTUNIDAE Genus and Species Gammaropsis alamoana Photis hawaiiensis Leucothoe hyhelia Leucothoe tridens Paraleucothoe flindersi Liljeborgia heeia Podocerus brasiliensis Podocerus talegus lawai Stenothoe gallensis Stenothoe valida Alpheidae Alpheus Alpheus brevipes Alpheus collumianus Alpheus gracilipes Alpheus lobidens Alpheus lottini Alpheus mackayi Alpheus paracrinitus Metalpheus paragracilis Synalpheus Synalpheus bituberculatus Synalpheus paraneomeris Synalpheus streptodactylus Synalpheus thai Callianassa Callianassa variabilis Grapsidae Metapograpsus thukuhar Nanosesarma minutum Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Hyastensus spinosus Schizophroidea hilensis Macrophthalmus telescopicus Ocypode laevis Brachycarpus biunguiculatus Harpiliopsis depressus Palaemon pacificus Palaemonella Palaemonella rotumana Palaemonella tenuipes Palaemonidae Portunidae Thalamita Thalamita crenata 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1


Station Phylum ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA ARTHROPODA SIPUNCULA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA BRYOZOA ECHINODERMATA ECHINODERMATA ECHINODERMATA ECHINODERMATA ECHINODERMATA ECHINODERMATA ECHINODERMATA CHORDATA CHORDATA Family PORTUNIDAE PORTUNIDAE STENOPODIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE XANTHIDAE ?CARIDEA GONODACTYLIDAE GONODACTYLIDAE ?COPEPODA ?OSTRACODA ?COLLEMBOLA ?SIPUNCULIDA VESICULARIIDAE VESICULARIIDAE AETEIDAE BUGULIDAE BUGULIDAE BUGULIDAE MUCRONELLIDAE RETEPORIDAE SAVIGNYELLIDAE SCHIZOPORELLIDAE SCHIZOPORELLIDAE SCHIZOPORELLIDAE WATERISPORIDAE OPHIACTIDAE DIADEMATIDAE TOXOPNEUSTIDAE ECHINOMETRIDAE HOLOTHURIIDAE HOLOTHURIIDAE SYNAPTIDAE DIDEMNIDAE POLYCLINIDAE Genus and Species Thalamita integra Scylla serrata Stenopus hispidus Etisus laevimanus Liocarpilodes binnguis Panopeus pacificus Paramedeus simplex Phymodius nitidus Phymodius ungulatus Pilumnus minutus Pilumnus oahuensis Platypodia Platypodia eydouxii Trapezia intermedia Trapezia wardi Xanthidae Caridea Gonodactylus mutatus (=G. falcatus & G. aloha) Pseudosquilla ciliata Copepoda Ostracoda Collembola Sipunculida Amathia distans Zoobotryon Aetea truncata Bugula Bugula neritina Bugula stolonifera Parasmittina Reteporellina denticulata Savignyella lafontii Schizoporella Schizoporella sp. (=S. errata) Schizoporella unicornis Waterispora edmondsoni Ophiactis savignyi Diadema paucispinum Tripneustes gratilla Echinometra mathaei Actinopyga mauritiana Holothuria atra Ophiodesoma spectabilis Didemnidae Polyclinum constellatum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1


Station Phylum CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA Family ASCIDIIDAE ASCIDIIDAE ASCIDIIDAE ASCIDIIDAE ASCIDIIDAE ASCIDIIDAE PEROPHORIDAE PYURIDAE PYURIDAE STYELIDAE STYELIDAE STYELIDAE STYELIDAE STYELIDAE STYELIDAE STYELIDAE ?ASCIDIACEA MURAENIDAE SYNODONTIDAE POECILIIDAE HOLOCENTRIDAE HOLOCENTRIDAE AULOSTOMIDAE SYNGNATHIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE ACANTHURIDAE APOGONIDAE APOGONIDAE BLENNIIDAE BLENNIIDAE CARANGIDAE CARANGIDAE CARANGIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE Genus and Species Ascidia Ascidia n. sp. Ascidia sp. B Ascidia melanostoma Ascidia sydneiensis Phallusia nigra Perophora annectens Herdmania momus Microcosmus exasperatus Botrylloides Botryllus (=Botrylloides) sp/spp. Polyandrocarpa sp. A Polyandrocarpa sp. B Symplegma Symplegma brekenhelmi (=S. oceania) Symplegma reptans Ascidiacea Gymnothorax Synodus Poecilia cf. Latipinna Myripristis berndti Sargocentron diadema Aulostomus chinensis Doryrhamphus exisis Acanthurus blochi Acanthurus guttatus Acanthurus nigrofuscus Acanthurus triostegus Acanthurus xanthopterus Ctenochaetus strigosus Naso brevirostris Naso unicornis Zanclus cornutus Zebrasoma flavescens Apogon kallopterus Foa brachygramma Cirripectus vanderbilti Omobranchus elongatus Caranx Caranx melampygus Gnathanodon speciosus Chaetodon auriga Chaetodon ephippium Chaetodon lunula 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1


Station Phylum CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA CHORDATA Family CHAETODONTIDAE CHAETODONTIDAE CICHLIDAE CICHLIDAE GOBIIDAE GOBIIDAE GOBIIDAE GOBIIDAE KUHLIIDAE KYPHOSIDAE LABRIDAE LABRIDAE LABRIDAE LABRIDAE LABRIDAE LUTJANIDAE MUGILIDAE MULLIDAE MULLIDAE MULLIDAE MULLIDAE MULLIDAE POMACENTRIDAE POMACENTRIDAE SCARIDAE SCARIDAE SPHYRAENIDAE DIODONTIDAE OSTRACIIDAE OSTRACIIDAE TETRAODONTIDAE TETRAODONTIDAE ?UROCHORDATA Genus and Species Chaetodon miliaris Forcipiger flavissimus Oreochromis mossambicus Sarotherodon melanotheron Asterropteryx semipunctatus Bathygobius cocosensis Eviota epiphanes Gobiidae Kuhlia sandvicensis Microcanthus strigatus Coris flavovita Gomphosus varius Labroides phthirophagus Stethojulis balteata Thalassoma duperrey Lutjanus fulvus Mugil cephalus Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Mulloidichthys vanicolensis Parupeneus mutifasciatus Parupeneus porphyreus Upeneus taeniopterus Abudefduf abdominalis Dascyllus albisella Chlorurus psittacus Scarus Sphyraena barracuda Diodon hystrix Lactoria fornasini Ostracion meleagris camurum Arothron Arothron hispidus Urochordata 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Report by Dr. E Allison Kay on Micromolluscs Sampled in 1996 Pearl Harbor Legacy Study

(Not Available)



Introduced or Cryptogenic Species Collected in Pearl Harbor in 1996 Status: NR = New Record for Hawaii, PR = Previously Recorded I = Introduced, CR = Cryptogenic



Status Authority PR, I Doty, 1962 NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, ms SPONGIIDAE NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Hyatella intestinalis ms DYSIDEIDAE PR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Dysidea cf. avara ms DYSIDEIDAE NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Dysidea cf. arenaria ms CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia cf. diffusa PR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, ms NIPHATIDAE NR, I Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Gelliodes fibrosa ms ADOCIIDAE NR, I Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Sigmadocia caerulea ms AMPHILECTIDAE NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Biemna fistulosa ms MYCALIDAE NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Mycale (Aegogropila) ms armata MYCALIDAE PR, I Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Mycale (Carmia) cecilia ms MYCALIDAE PR, I Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Zygomycale parishii ms MYXILLIDAE NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Tedania reticulata ms HALICHONDRIIDAE Halochondria melanodocia PR, I Kelly-Borges & Defelice, ms HALICHONDRIIDAE Topsentia sp. NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, ms SUBERITIDAE PR, I Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Suberites cf. zeteki ms RASPAILIIDAE NR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Echinodictyum asperum ms CLIONIDAE PR, C Kelly-Borges & Defelice, Cliona sp. ms HALOCORDYLIDAE Halocordyle disticha PR, I Carlton & Eldredge, ms TELESTIDAE PR, I Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carijoa (=Telesto) riisei CHAETOPTERIDAE Chaetopterus sp. PR, C Carlton & Eldredge, ms PHYLLODOCIDAE PR, C Carlton & Eldredge, ms Eulalia sanguinea SABELLIDAE PR, C Carlton & Eldredge, ms Branchiomma nigromaculata SABELLIDAE Sabellastarte sanctijosephi PR, C Carlton & Eldredge, ms SERPULIDAE PR, I Carlton & Eldredge, ms Hydroides dirampha SERPULIDAE PR, I Carlton & Eldredge, ms Hydroides elegans SERPULIDAE PR, I Carlton & Eldredge, ms Pomatoleios kraussii SERPULIDAE PR, I Carlton & Eldredge, ms Salmacina dysteri SERPULIDAE PR, C Carlton & Eldredge, ms Serpula sp. Family or Higher Genus and Species Status Authority

Genus and Species Acanthophora spicifera Heteropia glomerosa

1st P. H. Rept. Source &/or Comment 1952 Introduced into Pearl Harbor on barge fouling 1996 This study 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1973 1947 1947 1993 1996 1948 1996 1947 1929 1972 1976 1996 1966 1976 1929 1929 1976 1972 1938 1st P. H. Rept. This study 1948 in Kaneohe Bay (de Laubenfels, 1950) This study 1948 in Kaneohe Bay (de Laubenfels, 1950) This study Poss. introduced if really S. caerula This study This study McCain (1975), 1947 in Kaneohe Bay (de Laubenfels, 1950) 1947 in Kaneohe Bay (de Laubenfels, 1950) 1947 in Kaneohe Bay (de Laubenfels, 1950) as T. ignis Brock, 1994 This study 1947 in Kaneohe Bay (de Laubenfels, 1950) This study 1947 in Kan. Bay as C. vastifica (de Laubenfels, 1950) BPBM Spec D-183 BPBM Spec D-454 Grovhoug and Rastetter(1980) as C. variopedatus Hartmann (1966) Hartmann (1966) Grovhoug and Rastetter(1980) BPBM Spec D-1083 as H. lunulifera BPBM Spec D-1101 as H. norvegica Grovhoug and Rastetter(1980) Long (1974) Staughan (1969) as S. vermicularis Source &/or Comment


Spinther japonicus Diodora ruppelli Crepidula aculeata Crucibulum spinosum Vermetus alii Hinemoa indica Anomia nobilis Crassostrea virginica Saccostrea cucullata Chama cf. elatensis Chama fibula Chama lazarus Chama pacifica Abra sp. Venerupis (Ruditapes) philippinarum MOLLUSCA MYIDAE Sphenia sp. A MOLLUSCA PHOLADIDAE Martesia striata MOLLUSCA TEREDINIDAE Teredo bartschi PYCNOGONIDA Pigrogromoitus timsanus ARTHROPODA BALANIDAE Balanus amphitrite amphitrite ARTHROPODA BALANIDAE Balanus eburneus ARTHROPODA BALANIDAE Balanus reticulatus ARTHROPODA CTHAMALIDAE Chthamalus proteus ARTHROPODA PSEUDOZEUXIDAE Leptochelia dubia ARTHROPODA PSEUDOZEUXIDAE Parapseudes pedispinis ARTHROPODA ANTHURIDAE Mesanthura sp. ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Paraleucothoe ?flindersi ARTHROPODA LIMNORIIDAE Limnoria tripunctata ARTHROPODA SPHAEROMATIDAE Exosphaeroma sp. ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Corophium ascherusicum ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Corophium baconi ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Corophium insidiosum ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Ericthonius brasiliensis ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Grandidierella bispinosa ARTHROPODA COROPHIIDAE Grandidierella japonica ARTHROPODA GAMMARIDAE Elasmopus rapax ARTHROPODA PODOCERIDAE Podocerus brasiliensis ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Stenothoe gallensis ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Stenothoe valida ARTHROPODA PORTUNIDAE Scylla serrata ARTHROPODA GRAPSIDAE Nanosesarma minutum ARTHROPODA XANTHIDAE Panopeus pacificus Phylum Family or Higher Genus and Species



PR, C PR, I PR, I PR, I PR, I PR, C PR, C PR, I NR, I NR, I PR, I PR, I PR, I NR, I PR, I NR, I PR, I PR, I NR, I PR, I PR, I PR, I NR, I PR, C NR, I NR, C NR, C PR, I NR, C PR, I PR, I PR, I PR, I NR, C NR, I PR, I PR, I PR, I PR, C PR, I NR, I PR, I Status

Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Paulay, pers. comm. Paulay, pers. comm. Carlton & Eldredge, ms Paulay, 1996. Paulay, 1996. Paulay, pers. comm. Carlton & Eldredge, ms Paulay, pers. comm. Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Child, pers. comm. Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Southward et al., in press Carlton & Eldredge, ms Muir, 1997 Muir, pers. comm Muir, 1997 Carlton & Eldredge, ms Muir, pers. comm Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Muir, 1997 Muir, 1997 Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Brock, 1960 Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Authority

1976 1962 1915 1950 1973 1973 1912 1866 1996 1996 1920 1950 1950 1996 1918 1996 1920 1935 1996 1913 1929 1915 1996 1973 1996 1996 1996 1973 1996 1973 1973 1978 1938 1996 1996 1948 1938 1937 1978 1972 1996 1929 1st P. H. Rept.

Grovhoug and Rastetter(1980) Kay (1979) BPBM Spec MO-231366 1946 in Honolulu Harb. (Edmondson, 1946) Evans et al. (1974) Evans et al. (1974) BPBM Spec MO-68170 Kay (1979) O. cucullata planted in Kalihi in 1928-29 This study Dall, et al. 1938 USNM Spec. 699558 USNM Spec. 699565 This study Dall et al. (1938) This study Dall et al. (1938) Edmondson (1942) This study Pilsbry (1928) BPBM Spec. B-271 Henry & McClaughlin (1975) This study McCain (1975), 1938 at Black Point (BPBM Spec) This study This study This study 1945 in Honolulu Harb. (BPBM Spec S-5722) This study 1943 at Waikiki (Barnard, 1955) 1967 in Kaneohe Bay (Barnard, 1970) 1959 at Hilo (Barnard, 1970) Barnard (1955) This study This study (See also Carlton & Eldredge, ms) 1937 in Kaneohe Bay (Barnard, 1955) 1935 in Kaneohe Bay (Barnard, 1955) 1935 in Kaneohe Bay (Barnard, 1955) 1967 on east coast Oahu (Barnard, 1970) Int. to Hawaii in 1932 (Brock, 1960) This study BPBM Spec. S-3435 Source &/or Comment




Gonodactylus aloha Amathia distans Aetea truncata Bugula neritina Bugula stolonifera Savignyella lafontii Schizoporella errata Schizoporella unicornis Waterispora edmondsoni Ascidia sydneiensis Ascidia sp. B Botryllus (=Botrylloides sp.) Herdmania momus Microcosmus exasperatus Phallusia nigra Polyandrocarpa sp. Polyclinum constellatum Symplegma brakenhielmi Symplegma reptans Poecilia cf. latipinna Oreochromis mossambicus Sarotherodon melanotheron Lutjanus fulvus


Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Carlton & Eldredge, ms Lambert, pers. comm. Brock, 1960 Brock, 1960 Maciolek, 1984; Randall, 1987 Maciolek, 1984; Randall, 1987

1973 1948 1972 1921 1940 1972 1973 1935 1972 1976 1996 1973 1972 1996 1985 1996 1975 1996 1905 1973 1987 1973

1963 at Waikiki (Kinzie, 1968) as G. falcatus 1935 in Kaneohe Bay (Edm .& Ing. 1939) 1935 in Kaneohe Bay (Edm .& Ing. 1939) BPBM Spec K-235 BPBM Spec K-223, 226, 230 1935 in Kaneohe Bay (Edm .& Ing. 1939) Poss. pre 1933 (Edmondson, 1933) Ingram (1937) 1966 in Ala Wai (Soule and Soule, 1968) BPBM Spec Y-244 Abbott et al. (in press), date unspec. McCain, 1975 Long (1974) Abbott et al. (in press), date unspec. Hurlbut (1990) This study McCain, 1975 Grovhoug (1976) as S. oceania This study P. lattipina introduced in 1905 Introduced in 1952 around Oahu Introduced in 1970 around Oahu Introduced in 1956 & '59 in Kaneohe Bay



Genera and Species not Previously Reported in Pearl Harbor that were Collected or Observed in 1996




Genus and Species Chlorodesmis caespitosa Dictyosphaeria versluysii Lobophora variegata Gelidiella sp. 1 Gelidiella sp. 2 Gelidiella myrocladia Gracilaria salicornia Hypnea spinella Hypnea valentiae Porolithon onkodes Champia parvula Aglaothamnion sp. 1 Aglaothamnion sp. 2 Anotricium secundum Ceramium sp. 1 Ceramium sp. 2 Ceramium clarionense Griffitsia heteromorpha Tolypiocladia glomerulata Laurencia brachyclados Polysiphonia scopulorum Gelidium arenaria Gelidium pusillum Rhizophora mangel Leuconia n. sp. Heteropia glomerosa Hyatella intestinalis Aplysilla cf. rosea Chelonaplysilla violacea Dysidea n. sp. 1 Dysidea n. sp. 2 Dysidea n. sp. 3 Dysidea avara Dysidea cf. arenaria Dictyodendrilla n. sp. Gellius n. sp. Toxiclona n. sp. Gelliodes fibrosa Adociidae n. gen. n. sp. Sigmadocia cf. caerulea Biemna fistulosa Clathria (Microciona) n. sp. Mycale (Aegogropila) armata Mycale (Carmia) contarenii Mycale (Carmia) maunakea Tedania reticulata Echinodictyum asperum Amorphinopsis n. sp. Topsentia cf. halichondrioides Prosuberites oleteira Stelletta n. sp. (cf. purpurea) Montipora patula Pocillopora damicornis Pocillopora meandrina Porites compressa

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Genus and Species Eunice cariboea Syllidia armata Simplicaria pseudomilitaris Branchiosyllis exilis Brania rhopalophora Exogone verugera Myrianida crassicirrata Syllis gracilis Typosyllis hawaiiensis Typosyllis hyalina Typosyllis prolifera Glycera tesselata Diodora octogona Leptothyra candida Cypraea childreni Littoraria pintado Euplica varians Williamia cf. radiata Cyerce elegans Hypselodoris infucata Caecum sepimentum Cerithidium perparvalum Diala varia Isognomon legumen Lithophaga fasciola Saccostrea cucullata Chama sp. A Abra sp. A Tellina sp. A Sphenia sp. A Endeis procera Anoplodactylus californicus Anoplodactylus pyncnosoma Pigrogromitus timsanus Chthamalus proteus Apseudes sp. A Apseudes tropicalis Parapseudes neglectus Parapseudes pedispinis Mesanthura sp. A Cerpias algicola Limnoria lignorum Munna acarina Armadilloniscus litoralis Exosphaeroma sp. A Amphilochus kailua Amphilochus likelike Gitanopsis pele Ampithoe waialua Paragrubia vorax Grandidierella bispinosa Grandidierella japonica Lembos pualani Lembos waipio Colomastix lunalilo Colomastix pusilla Elasmopus diplonyx

Station 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




Genus and Species Elasmopus molokai Eriopisa hamakua Eriopisella sechellensis upolu Maera pacifica Hyale grandicornis bishopae Gammaropsis alamoana Leucothoe tridens Paraleucothoe flindersi Liljeborgia heeia Podocerus talegus lawai Alpheus brevipes Alpheus collumianus Alpheus lobidens Alpheus lottini Metalpheus paragracilis Synalpheus paraneomeris Callianassa variabilis Nanosesarma minutum Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Hyastensus spinosus Schizophroidea hilensis Ocypode laevis Brachycarpus biunguiculatus Harpiliopsis depressus Palaemonella rotumana Liocarpilodes binnguis Paramedeus simplex Phymodius ungulatus Pilumnus minutus Trapezia intermedia Trapezia wardi Reteporellina denticulata Echinometra mathaei Actinopyga mauritiana Holothuria atra Ascidia n. sp. Ascidia sp. B Perophora annectens Microcosmus exasperatus Polyandrocarpa sp. A Polyandrocarpa sp. B Symplegma reptans Doryrhamphus exisis Acanthurus blochi Acanthurus guttatus Acanthurus nigrofuscus Cirripectus vanderbilti Forcipiger flavissimus Coris flavovita Gomphosus varius Thalassoma duperrey Mulloidichthys vanicolensis Parupeneus mutifasciatus Lactoria fornasini Total Species not prev. reported

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List of Authors, Taxonomic Consultants and Acknowledgments of Assistance for the Pearl Harbor Legacy Study


This study was conducted through the facilities of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Department of Natural Sciences-Invertebrate Zoology by: S. L. Coles R. C. DeFelice L. G. Eldredge J. T. Carlton R. L. Pyle A. Suzumoto TAXONOMIC CONSULTANTS Taxonomic expertise for identifying organisms was provided by the following individuals, and their efforts and contributions to this project are gratefully acknowledged. Algae: Dr. Isabella Abbott, Bernice P. Bishop Museum and University of Hawaii Sponges: Dr. Michelle Kelly-Borges, Natural History Museum, London Polychaetes: Dr. Julie Bailey-Brock, University of Hawaii Pycnogonids: Dr. C. Allan Child, Smithsonian Institution Amphipods, Isopods and Tanaids: Dr. David Muir, Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Affiliate) Isopods: Dr. Richard Brusca, College of Charleston Barnacles: Dr. William Newman, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Micromolluscs: Dr. E. Allison Kay, University of Hawaii Gastropods: Dr. Robert Cowie and Ms. Regie Kawamoto, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bivalves: Dr. Gustav Paulay, University of Guam Marine Laboratory Ascidians: Dr. Gretchen Lambert, California State University at Fullerton

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mr. Dan Moriarty of PACDIV facilitated logistics for the project until his tragic and untimely death in May 1997. We greatly acknowledge his assistance and extend our deepest regrets. Launching access to Pearl Harbor was provided by Mr. Doug Hasselbring, manager of the Rainbow Bay Marina. Lt. Nancy Whipple and Mr. Clyde Yokota of Pearl Harbor COMNAVBASE were helpful in arranging access to secure areas. The University of Hawaii Hamilton Library, Dr. John Harrison of the University of Hawaii Environmental Center, Mr. Donn Fukuda of Hawaiian Electrics Environmental Department and Mr. Eric Guinther , president of AECOS Inc., provided access to unpublished reports and other valuable information from their respective libraries. The assistance of the staffs of the Library and Department of Natural Sciences at Bernice P. Bishop Museum is most appreciated. Ms. Tamara Lim and Mr. Anthony Mann, summer interns in the Native Hawaiian Opportunities in Biology Program, provided valuable assistance in sorting samples and other aspects of the project. Mr. John Hoover took the Cover, Plate 2 and Plates 3-9 photographs and kindly provide them for use in this report.


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