West Acres Package
West Acres Package
West Acres Package
Fargo - Moorhead
VOL 93, NO. 155 c@FI , F A R G O ,N . D . , T U E S D A YA P R I L2 0 , I 9 7 I
6cmd cr.rr PorrB! P.td rl F.rgo, No
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y, August 2,,1
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\C.rlElo4 940t'Prik!4. $d lMonl
wcre seaboad u, l-l*u*m.ll"H,ffi'$',ll*'u' XT iHo'Es*m -fib{li: "*ill,,iii{l-T+r S:#l "ru$T,." ltl[ ln " '-r'ua 'dr si*orry' h'd; 'n'""'"DU c.r.to-"". | ,iiilfJonll" ,it'thqa$"s !h"{| 1utl'aolT*J""lfii",l1Tlilhnm-l};,r,rlf*. 0ptions Tonorrow 0n ; ;ri T"il"l"1fl,"fJ""J"FlJ" s'",f# 1",[il,"?*",* I ",::*-5,-": *.,,,. :Tij'il'"1.'" wirho,rt porver | .tnt""*fflJ""S"3lo'l3T"T'f;"'flt"**""J"FlJ:$'",ffiX """",, ll;:iiT".lF:'li*,*v;"i" Guaranteed ' l1i"i',''"1'"." di:J,lWithorrtPorver | "q":r"":*:y::.*;91"'li lffftt"""#'"T;'"uo,H"*or'"
, r*io ilr mrlmm It 11 |ruf .. wih pr F lb d. ffimy wlll dld.l. s.ntry F.6 nillls Inrur!^s ndt d Ffr.F dfill 6I..: frn i. Sla |.il. Wh.l ll h h-nol lBor.lb rh otdd? AIt r.16 .ru s h ry...d.d sl.h LHa ldr@ will .nd wdl*n lEs ydr ut m b 4ll@ Fdl& euaradd l* th. lururi w6l.n SLl6 Lllo lF tloff h pr h't 3uranca ylll goaaanh InturFo ffi6 tolun wl6 .d wr lraffilldn[ B''I'I. CALL JIM SESINARY NMI
An Un Re
SAIGON Arrtry has mandeof Decauso h( oFratlon I taleYLdon copters ud posiuors, I day. u. col Orlando, I sl$ed tqr mmmo Jones, a s northeast phaslng ou A spoB Avlatlon D Itriller b r of the 5'ha Plltu. The sF ' hB beD FTelzeU , lnterests Brlgade."
Amer In Br
Bangtol .Det8ons I calltt EeFe i fire af usd by familles. TIE ffI rhop otr ttr srld tiey 8rd erpc sald they nlrY Aml
Me Co
STANN Uoroer C Elsdorm t PeU0ons cilnty N lecdon1 Yal. Tbe Peu h8voa pri bullt tn I Stanto||, munty s devs. ' County, lng lald U Dtlllons het the
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inr llt rr
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to lrcn rl.rtli
lll. rirl
rsnlnI rlt.
LB.n Irrldr.ilon rlon 6 ti. ltrri pir.r itlt Frri lr r.r otx n. f, (l.rrdr
ai lif
\ t r r u r ( l ( i l h l t { h n r i l n r r t t t ,I n H l r t r r i l i l r r ) l r , 1 r e n} l n t r . l ltrrnr0 pniloli. untlnlihr(l srxxlr [ilrl (lrrk lrflrsn.gold (.Irtx.t. \lrlx' i. a ,ltt rhop ltxrli ltl0 r liiilsflltrn ill,ilnlIlI Cll]tn. \rhllr lhr lloil r'l thr lltrtoly lnIIr lrxrl illff rciotlbl0t nn 'rltl l),ilt1 l l l a rI i h a r I r l r [ t r r I r l r u t x l x . r l l i l t (I r r l c t t o r s h l l o
Everybody's lnvlted . .,
. ItANDttAGS o Cosl.l,Jflln J ltllVl,il,lty .lflll,'l's . IVIGS{r lll,irtl)lyt,}lR
lro, !$F-r
tsur lrr
lho party r on ur-through A u o .6 .C o m oc c l o b f r t ot h o | 2 l ! l Annlvollery dl I Grort Amcr. lgrq InvonllonllsAAc str{GEA s MACHINE IXAT SEWS' Wo'ilgtvc 'Ou aplclrl bu}!lWo hs9or Crodlt Phn to ltt your budgotl
lerrn tohw
I d,.ra|r|tlln! antttnlt @urxr. tron f tl,t0lo tlll'to. Ort r l.rlbool ire. 3llt of ,t,t0 FR!! r||h.|chOu.|.l
OPE}|lllG TO,Ti0RR0W
At 9:30 o.m.
ii)r f {r rtt r'| '' s ^ lt \t ti}At " , \ / q l r t i i r r t l{ r t i . t f f f , r i f , r r l N . - l t F , ,l||l rtrf\i Lr\rr16|r|,rHr9,r ^lt
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rqll l*.lrt
r.t,.rrla cotpotallon dytlo4 Dt
';iT"l"''illl 'i o'.!nd lffi'-rri;;"i' l'oft., ,.lfq.. Itrd.{i loca,lllx'.' ...vln l), bra tour olhar N ,,.-\ililrr
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|| i.{r. h.r ban oFralhl i . { r . h . r b . n o t n r r t t ntn'th.lt h r l ' ttn' i | nr,q .hrfgtnt crifr ttncr mrd.l [utrry'r, I rnlto0rl rhr|n oll llrll ilton Shffr. \trrrhrll.l r07.1. 8..n (tr[.t [r tlrrnuilniwfinan'r rnd ctrtldtln'a rlotlrqlltovn, tosr. bmd chrfii rhx,hl tm iltlrto lml ilott. whl(i rlm tloru t --.^- _,_ ^.- .. -, I
#f,: il#i,ijffil.lii;.r[1*.,,[. ji r ur"l; r :lronfi lli l'11: ;}fl j''ll; ,.i."i;'lll; [H::.l1.-f,},{,ilr*il " "''
"l l,i-i;',,H:,lill",'l'lii'^l'ff,'?lilli"n,l'f;l"TlX-',fi[lt'urio'*nri,"nrrryoilno:
tl,rrierrl rlll ofFn lla llnh lrl c..r \,r.r r l r;urrc ,'u "ln
s,,,,'h In :.,';ili';:1,;1"ff',lir,ll"i,,lil r'f,r,rnlr.d.rh!'r.l ,:t;;;l:,1,:''".i,i,.'j';;,iii;:l:'ailtf,tl{lnrrtnlJtill0lrcnl rxllil0hr ilta. L ). loraa la l..t AtIq .llLtal tl. lall.l .F.lr{ lGda'| a.r .r l.|{, rlll br {rrUffxllf,itl.hol!
r , r r r r r r i lr,
f,'1. (ladnt,E {htrfi lt0r . hlililcy fllrrrr n51|qa14; ,1tr1o ,r'illbf,rol l'r'trtr'ili r,r lilt', sttt,hdl.ohdr{rlrilot0slldl ll|tx{tnrl tr rtr}r lll(anllrlhllhrlarllthrr lhn I'lr.tcr l)c[ Ittr. lr,n,t.(v AR({trts ln llmusnrcfil rr(rrL lo lF ostarl daf,tr ',r',t r'rFr {r!,d rto.a aun h a lu|lnlllyn-7llln
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Pet Center
.r wtrl A{lft },ts
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nltflilf tt
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'l,f t{rtr. .dt}l.'ra qtrltr'hF lrrth d|,.rr,t Itf It,s lt'* x(ltrftk lt' All,!r,lfl'
c0n0tCrt?l riltrt ,'
tGl rdr* fir {f { d|rr
NOW ()l'l,lN
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Su-r t' ltDb r blr*11 Q|lr O
Thr SfngrrCo.
r|rr q4p lrr'|frrtl' l
Itxlilfly l)lltr,. fitrltphcrr
lt, lhll,Allon fihx'r ll. lllrctr t0 X[or llut(, t'cnlor ll fhlt llr0^, tillrnr ll Itnyronr. 2 t 3l ilr,ro, A tl ll|0y0nm0't L t, ' ll It I YoungAl|Frlca Von[y lll0s'r liowlnl (holar llull.rtr
lluhllc llorlimnu h llrnttom0fll, llwtralr'Ain. llm Forum tlfrurlly 0lrlco , (llntnunlly |u,m
Worl At.u'r I,rquoai ll lt ll tt lJ llrrl||,hhop. Pol (hntot Zrb Jrs{lry 0d!or'r ttrddt(.rrtt $lrrtl f,hop
o . {l llollr thruly fiilon. {l llalch'r (,'rrd lih.n {t rhlirdnchr fi, nlchmn Si6, t5. llollrorhoodlhtornlly. {| l{lnrhrhto. {?. -., li ltlrrlor ltan l f O lloilourlnl. ll llorlxrl
4 J n. Itdllon ltftfttlon lhtcr lihrr' !4. (Noncn| Je$hn fl Xlnrhy_f,hrrq . lt. (furl ltrul $$t tl. t(t!F|l. Dhrnoad(!h$ . S. lt. fl. ll. Wlct|,n'nlcb Fr'rrrdr StirO -i
^ I
01,llrslr'r $ rutrr lt, illt*ory frnnr t., UnlmElrh $ril lt, aulry l(tclFr ,
?r. ??.nlo[d.rt A, tum Ednilc. tf, Sd|.l'r |||Irlflr f, qild ilddlha il, Wrbut drcnt . I, wr|nra l|, P.l0 Dldot
il,$, nrrt
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tr c NE
Vest Acresl l P h \ r \ I h r sa t e a ''lhe lrrnervas r i p e l n r s 0 m o l h r n gl 0 h d o n e ' I n a n o N d r m c n s r o n a n ( l t h e o p p o r t u n r l y\ v a s h c r e ,' he says lrhc thrs, you (an'l do \rNrself so )ou goila have a go{,d tcanl lo su\tarn t \\'ith their osn rcsDonsibilitics ''I kno\ ny oNn rcsponsibilitics g0l vcry heay\' through nruch of lhis devel0pmcnt. bul I think lhal \!hal \r'as al)lc lo s u s t a i nn r e t h r o u g h s o m e o f t h i s \ r a s n y t a i t h t h a l t h i s c o n repl \as rrg[t in thc plentise and il s(,uld be right in thc conclusion ''And I kncw thal I \asnt doing lhis mysell I had to haye failh rn the good Lord berause I iust couldn't do il mlsclI And lhis ts a facl It s tn ilbsoluteruth ' t Hands clasped acro.sshls chest Schlossnranrccrlls ,,1,1\ ( r l d ) l o r w c g r i r nn r o t h c l u s c d l l r l e l l n t e Y o u k n r r r v , o u ( a n i l f \ lour osn self do nothtng ll s the !'ather in you thal doeththe work' Othcr than trusting the lrrd and having a business retali(,n.ship with Sears,$hy did you, Bill Schlossman.put togeth. er this package called tvest Acrcs? A synopsis, rvith scaticred direct quotations, ot his del.diledreply: Market analysis indicated substantial lcakage of rolail sales for the Farg0-Moorhead .sitopping areas-about J0 pcr cent Eoing to LheTwin Cities and other markets. "lI $e (.an rust (rp(urc a tra(ll0n or a reasonable lx'rrcntagc ol lhcsc lcaking sales and aho ctfecl s0nlc addltlonal salrs bl perltaps brlnglng ncrver, bciler mcrclrandist at at(ra(llve prlccs lo the nlarkot arer In a (onvcnien( and lotclt alm0sphcre, I lhlnk lhat lvc ran cstabllsh a vlable lfcs( Acres Shopplng Center rvlthou( havlng anl malor irupa(t on eithfr thc cenlrRl buslness dlslrlc( ol do$nto$n I'argo or lloorhead or lhc surround. ing tradc tctrllorl lrB,ns " l,cakilgc to olhcr trrilrl(cts devcl{,Fd ,bccausc rve rcally dr(ln't have ul>to,dateretailihg facilitics. In reality, whcn 5rru lake a lmk at the situatton. lhcre's becn verv litile miior change in relaiting in the FargcMoorhcacl arciin the hst Z0 years," Schlossnlannakcs sonte ex(eptions to the Iast .staternenl: Holiday Mall in Moorhead, $'hich is a communit),sized shol} ping ccnter: Ilrookdale in llloorhead, Northt)or(. K Dlart a;d south crde Shopping( cntcr, all in l'argrF...l'hcy're ncighborh(nd renter s " llo\rcvcr, in thc last ?0 ),ears !ho populations ol both FarKr and iuoorho?(l and Cass and Clav counties increased. bringing correspondtng gains ln the number of householdsl,t'r capila inconte Incteas('d alnl(ist lt(] per cenl dtsposablc ln( ome ilp at least 50 [Er (rnl On lhe othrr stdc ot thc c0!n, l'argo and luoorhead losl soille Dajor rctailcrs Iixrnrplc. llood) s Depailment Store at lhe l.xrl of Broadway wcnt out wrth Urban rcnesal and rcorganized on a lruch stl)aller scale as Sgult's 0n Broadway \\'alernan \ Dcpartmcnl Slorc In l\loohrril(l burned drrs,n anrl ruxs not rcplaccd ol the ncw galns \rcre offst by the loiscs in rctail rrg llut lhe nol elfcct is lhat thcre s bcrenn0 nrajor changc {n lhc ?0-ycar penod in this \rh{,le market arca. And this is a lr enrendousmarkel " Anolher aspcclt 'l'he nctNork of highc'als serring Fargo, trloorhead, parlicularl! l-94 rnd 1.29. have nradc these tu.o los'ns an elen nlote rrgional n)arkel hul) than ever bcfore l 100-nlile sh('pping trip. a big occa.slona gcneration ago, is (onrmonplacc nor\ Thcse rhangrcs - arid ltt')s{. that didnt come aboul _ convrn(ed ,Schlossrtanthat. tor lhts arca. .thc time \vas rioe frx sonrclhing l{r he donc: lhc 0plnntuni(y sas here. and lhcrc ra: i real opl)orlltnil\to Ino|idc ne$ jobs ot a sul). slnrlirl nalur? Gmslruction al \lcst Afres hrd iltxrul 6110 persons $.orkinA Sonc 1,500wrtl bc cntllloYcd in thc conlDlcx when all slolesate ol*tl, S(hlossntan also looks on thc lVest Acres prote(l as onc NaI lo help provlde 0pporlunllics to keop loung pcoptc nere. Ins(cad of lc(tinfi lhcill Ao h.r dcfaula lo bc(onrc buslnessleaders al sratlcred p0lnts and ]eally slsh lhel wcre honle - ll thls arca ollered sultable oi com. parablc entplol nlcnt. "We illwavs talk about ncw job opportunities, iicw gro\'lh. I lust fclt il was tinlc to rcally get out flnd do a litile devclopnrcnt o[ our o\I and develop sonle ne$, opportunitics 'Sonlc
hcre. I thlnk these 1,800 Jobs Out horo. plus all thc new people il.wiu brlng In, lr one ot thc t)i8 raasons why t got into this business." It hen l'argcMmrhead obscners talk at)out tlill Schl0se man, a recurrlng pattrn ot qucslions conres up lsn't he abandoning Fargo's CUD, the crntral burincss drslrict. that he claims lo bf supportrngl' Ii Schlossman can put all thrs cffort inlo thc ili milli0n \l'cst Acres projcct. whv dws hc fight lhc ptopostiion for thc 14.5.millon cnclosd mall atong lhtec bl0cks ol tlroad$'ay, Nhere he has business propertie$? lf lvest Acres is a silccrss. $on't il lrc at the exponse ql do\r'ntoNn Fargo an(l j\loorhcad nu'tchanl.\, itn(l ulttnlalcltf. til\pavcrs ot bolh cittcs? Thcso Nill do lor starlcts rcplio\ lo lhcse queslhrns: \:itin. lcl hiu, resgrnd llis
a h r a y s h a s b 0 c n a n ' n t c n s ec o m l E t i t i \ e
Slrll. he rcall) \rils st. solrdly ilnd had enough othcr 'l'tris lhrngs to kecp hrm busv wasn't absolutely necessalJ-lle reservcd enough time to play an occastonal gaine ol l)addleball al lhe "Y," cnough to play in lNo national tournanrents. !or nronths ontnd n"ow,nbwever, his days have becn slrelched into 1?-hour midnighl oil-burning study sessions: paddleball is irlmosl a lond mcnOry. 'l'hls is lYilllam Alexls (bttcr known as Blll) Srhloss' nan. sho undcrtook wha( evcn hc (lassitlcs as "somcBha( an cxpanslonlst rlsk vcnturc." \l csl Arrcs Il \ lhc 52-\'ear'old Schlossnrirn higgest business cOms pcljlron prizer an 800000-squar0 fOol relail space ragi0nal shopping (cnter cornmandin( al[(.nlliln Iar beyond its Fargo soulh\vestcdge l0cation Jls $15hillion conslilrcllon ( {rsl no\r'{.stintalcd to go to $18 rDrllion-and ils l4'acre roof ovcr a tive-block-long cliD r a l c - c o n t r o l l es l t u c l u r e n r a k c ' t t h e l a r g e s t p r i v a t c l y c o n d slruclcd burldinr In Norlh I)akota It's lplicvcd lo l)e thc larlcst shoppinlj rcnlcr in the l.400inile stretch betwecn lrlinncaprrls and Scaltlc, ll s \\hat Schlossrilan(alls "an cxlcnsion of thc Drcscni s [ a c r l r l r o s n I h c I r a r g o - I l r x ) r h c a d h o p p i n ga r c a s , " w h i c h h e i leels 'bullish" ahout on onc hand and is cillical about on lhe olhor hand, f(x- lheir gcnetal lack of modernired 1clailinq Dlothods schlossman quallflcs as an expcrl lo nrake such apprillsals I'roFrtl managemrnt. leaslng atrd salcs broIcrase havc been hls huslnesshcre slnce 1S46. An aplrenticcship follov'nR a Navy stinl in World lvar II rvas scrvcd under Fargo l)usiilesslegend, (;eorgc M Black, h i s l a l h c r - i nl a w , w h o d i e d l a s l , l a n u a r y l n r c c c n t y c a r s a s chiel cxe|utive of the (;eotgc M tllack Co, rvhichhas the largesl l0ntal olllce and businessbuilding and othct holdings ln doq,nlown Fargo, Schlossntanditcctod the managcmenl of nunrerous other downtown propcrttIs ll wa8 the Scars store, formcrly In lhc lllilck lluil(ltng an(l no\\ fl Wssl -,\liresRnchor,lhat. lirsl sel S(hlossntan lrr ltrokirg ;rl (lr!clopmcnl ol property sorne dislilnce l)oyond lllrild\r,iry, IJar!r, s n)ern rctilil bu^ln0sfirtlar ) 'lh,rl !rirs l,ilck in l[05 'l'he Mern AvcIuc uLl)Hnrcnowill In D t r r t r I l r i r ( lI n t c t c s l c d s o v c r a l p r o ; p o ( l i v p t e d e v c l { r l r e t s , . ( ( ludrnq il (il[D callod Willlanl n S( hlossmfln & 'leitm s , l r l o s s r n ; rk n r w S c a t s w [ s D ' l g r ) t n gt 0 s l i l y w l l h h i r n I n n l h r l l l i l r k l l u r l ( l l n I l l s l h r r 0 s t o r c l r ( i t l t o n l is ( . f i ( c f c d i l r i , u n d r k ) \ | r l o $ n d t d i l t n t i r k c t ( n g o o d ,D l i t ( h t n r d t I l l l n g p r t r c t i ( r s l l 0 $ , i l r r r ( lr { ) l | t d h l $ p t t z r .t c i l t n l l r n l q h o n t c .a n d t h c u r l ) i l n r r n r ' \ . r l : i l r r I h r . nk r 0 k c t l t k c I r o i t s r ) i l i t b l O c u t l o n 0 Il\ kcrt' lll\ , r l r, i l ' . i d b t l r , r rI l[\l thIudtt wr\ thIl lx)s$ll,ly r'Dlghl l)c Il)k,til $ ' , i l r ., ' l l h o r r ' t i i l l [ l l n l s { | U u f i l 0 w n l l w o ( o t r k l g r { l , r ( , n r t r r l { l r .s r h l o s $ i l t r i lr I r ' i r l l \ ' , ' l ' h c o n l y s r y t o w r t l t; l f l u l t s t ( l t l r { l i l , g r [ [ r o l s 0 D t c l n d ' , k D
:u ti
"lU)'pasl histor! sill shor I \lf,nl as nlu(h ns li; to S0 pcr rent of nrl' linre ln prontottnll lhc dorrnl0\rn o[ Iatgo for a long time_ ''. . . lye're \r(xking r'rj dtligentlJ on lcasrn,,l lilack_-. I3uilding -space and s'e. have some inlercslcd Dnrlies. but they're nol intelestcd in pa],ing ar-v additional tenl bcceuse of the possibilill' ol putting in an enclosd rtall Some 0f lherc companies ha!e had e\perience \rilh sonlr o[ thcse imprQ-r,emcnls. "Bul I lccl lhat dotrnlorn ntusl rontlnue to bc a slr0ng communllj- shopplng rcnter bcrausc lt has all lhcsc mal0r bulldlngs - lhe old anrhors: lhc Btack Bu[d. Ing, lbe banhs and sarlngs and loans, North\cstcrn Bell Telephonc, The Forum. thr ledoral bultdlngs. Therc,s ovcr 5,001 pcople worllng In a 2l6.bloct radlus hcrc. ''\ll of thesc pople, thc girls in the ofli(cs, hilvc rctall necds And thcre arc the governmenlal and entertainntcut lactors. I Just continue to be bullish about the fulure 0I downtos'n " . Some lunctionalll obsolete, old buildings \vill hilve lo g0 down il creatiye, ne\r' uses aren't fountl fo-r thenr- probabiy scflLossltAN (Continued on D-2)
j'. t'
I r t ' , i l r r c i l r . $ r l I ' r , r \ ' , t 0 l lt h t r t l i l r r l I r l i U b J l t l y . . . S r , ,w t i l l lh,rl 'r Irtnrl, \tt.l'il1,'ilr l)toltrrsnl h0 sUl(l StIrt WIi lrr lr.r| 1,,|[ r'ril.nI,lr',r ilr lhnl (lr\r'l0tnltonlllul thrxt lht,|.
,'r\ rlrrl Sr hlr'\{ril[n lhtrt I lttfi hr'tet Ii .rr,ilh',t xtrr lr,r llr' ' , 'r I l0trxttrrr Silo Ir I oiilltlllly l(I lhr. " rr{ 'r ilr,ilkot r"' I I !r \,,rtr, rn toittl(lC(l ltv lrrrll(Ullt-$[r i,, Inrl \l'nI ltrlrl l,:rDBniton ltol0illlrl | | | ,rl ,,,,Irri,t, , ,l It[ ill{0 wnflo I t0
r' r'rf,',rl r.\ lill(rtrltrlo tirutrr 10 i '!r' ,i'\trh , \t'rt.ttrt Al trt[ t'ttl i r r'r,'$ 'r lr,rr t' ilr, sta ' tilitn{trrl ,,r I,r,r [r ilili url,n0 ilr[rsnl lt0lirl
l,r,r lha$ anrl ilthrr "r'rti tnil tftr rtrnttr. ottr.t alolt
fio, tled prollorr wcrG bclnr DurhGal t Wert Airix tor u3. At lclt, Etnue
mond Canter, oparalcd {lder al separatc corpotruon os4ed by1 crffienl. Mll festu$ lewelry I i tor rnc lt-20 ete group. Iur lhe rd''o E'E truuP'
ti"it' l[ l*;;r"i."*""oltz '' u-"*0" tltit' "i' whtchalso,--metrdctorhes ,911:f'r -.ll]:h ,lr.,L9.l]:::,r*nr
slore In lllt Acres to opn,lltsetbyoun8people'rfashlon: lGtore; I Sctrs h86 Dcon opraun8 ln Uol | | netr shopplng cntr slnce mld-l Butiry'6, a regfonal chain ofl IIall..\llcn Shoes, ltarshall.i .\prll. S.r8.closedlt6 domto$nls'omn'8 and.chlldrcnt clothlngl6q,l, Ioq.a, based chain uhichj
'i.frd;-;i;;l.,l4oIers c_oYe. oPentt6iwnrcn a down rru has _._.,rln.rdFartGiloorhced pip and jtuo "",.,1tt.r4 ptpe FarFGiloorhced and greenhou*s. ,tso greenhou*s. shop, othersare Ini lhe ltobacco ltobacco shop, lhe others are Ini
Sch*l's. which abe8d!' haslggwnloBn Fargo and dosnto$nr C0untry Kttchen. reslauant. four hardware_stolts,.in.Fargc .uoornead: chaln Nith other area locartons: i lloorhead. $'lll oDen lts flflh inr
ond generatlon dor, run by Fred Green, son ol one of the founders,R&GBootery oIFn a slore In llest ,\cre6 lo s'ith ils downtown storc. uhich s.ill renrain open. I
The plrale's Den R & G Bootery ffiother sec- PetCenter,whlchslrcadyha6, lamurerientarcadet0 b I emu&ment arcade t0 b o downtosD *t Fargo store; Fargo8trore:
of the Nerv
Pet Center
Pets fot the whole lamily to enjov - Tfopical F ish, Palakeets,Puppies Kittel)s and man) Dlore. We'r'e a dellghlful shop a n d d o h o p y o u ' l l s l o pi n and seeus
ou ",n50Yo
Regulorpricecotlonr -Suilings- Knits. Blends Mochinewoshoble 45". 6U'width
Fbr Folds
o*,rsl l?r.,
WestAcres tiquors
ToucH stw itAcHtltI &
Complsfo With Corry Cose
Mochinc in hondsome Cobinct
. (Hcodorly)
$| "'il
on,,$ 6700
Oprn9rt0 to 9-Soturdoyt9r30to 6
: , - ; : r l
r . . ,
. rfli
China a n d C f y s t a l d e p & f t m e n t Uhlno and crystal department g f e a t l y e x p greatly expahded in nerv itelendrecie storr.r
I w\r.lirrirll
_ lq}. a:-ii
rnij:j1""-"."","_,,.":":: I you've wanted is here now $ri'i,:tffi'rixil:lJui
Iit(,r.olhcrncscrrn|lan\de\rl profrlshanngprogra|rslDcethc,I l)rl-cndrccie's ltscll \o-s es- be secn checking how f
I)cl.en(lr(Lic. bDrn in llonlrtil. \\rs t.(lu(iltt(l to bc a l{l(ltf| hr'r.nd('d ul, ln I,ails t h , l i r r l i l r , , l r r ro f a l i r ( 1 ' l i n l . . irrd cilnrc 1o (he Nes $orld thc \i'ar i)frte thc U.S. lx'ught .Uaska
Th| on{rlirl 2r l)t l0ll ft'r)l trurktmr 'ir trrni sirrr.r .i,,nl lrt\r'ttt llI hli r . lrrug r,ndlh,. I'irrk ll,,lfl. rr rsoslirr l,.r,l, -lru(lure r\lth _ : l p l t l e g l a - . s . \ n o t h c r c ( r n \ e n i e n ta s p e c t o [ lfont lrulll f.,r 37 flllD the nes, operation rvill hx, a r l t u b k ' - s i z e d a u t ys h o p s l t l l l n b n c ( l e l . ' n d r n u r er u ( Eur( ' . f c r l 1 l l i t \ , , , ' ,L - O . - . f , l n f r , n - l x l s l o r e r r ' l h a l ) - n c ws l l a t t l r q t ' tttutttment Tlent\'lul' beaul\ , 1 1 i , t , . , 1 . i ' , ; , , , i ; r . i i p ^ .i i , r ' i l l F r i r r ' i r \ s r l l h { " r r r h ; ' n { !r r r h o rr,.irr ,'r rrre 'i;;;;1 ;ii';; 1.,;; ')nr\
t75 Iill".'il:${r'"':.ll,",
lrce-Iorm setting of l4 Kar.rt gold.
( 'rl,"t"l
. \.rr,r n.rnlc dlld
i Cltrster briJnl scl, l:l d i a D r o n d s , 1 . 1K . r a t B,)l(l 5299 t). ( hrndelicr (linnrr rr nf,, l9 rlranxnds, l{ K.rr.rr t.,'i(i
i,linitllll'"1;lll:^o r('d'r'\5
il'll;;,:;;i"' ?rc
( 1,ril, h'r,.t.r it,,,,til. l r , r 1 I l X r r . r E , ' t , tl l l c l ( ,!,r \ r'r'rrt., t,r,,rr r { r r, rr r,,t,t t7 .,0 ll,,r\r t,'.,r,t.t I r,i, r,rr t,,l,l la I t;.tU
| , r,,r
/,,. t1 r
| {trltx,ilr,l
Vlv. coivaalfnl w.yr lo buyr .rolvtnlChrtlc..7a1..r("\r,'il'( tl.n\Am..l..r.l. [l..tr'r ( l,i'*0 l'r1 r'"1Y
ol Elteel wtll ove dhoppers mall ol west oI e l9untflin D North Dakota's on the rsln which ol Abun hlcb wlll b 2$ fet work ol P- Richard ld ol the Moorhrad 8rt dcpr bt bullder of tNn' ggl created in less t*t' months o[ bil(lilo cDrkdayB ln his home tAll stalks {,1 !]iiln the backhrrc oI
Dllola's econ,tntt cten
Szeilz explarned tndt lDo tall slender copNr illch ringer oul rl llrtr ' Water wrll flo$ ft d'
for lhe fl6t nlrnulf
fountarn's cycle water rs pr{grilnrnl.d onc rninutd ohr.r'!0t tltte |[ Ug sccoild nlnute Il $,ll mt r'lse so hrth, conrrna fr,'n1 cTPI&e llrruers about l{l lfel
lall For lhe tinsl minute the frxlntarn will cu( off lhe floN; Naier lrom lhc firt two glsh. es sill driD Inlo lherrnks of slender. mhn-stz(d 6irds wall' ins $ith oDcn lrouths b('low, lhe-ndrsin to thc b&se of lhe fountain Thc (raNs are 8 Frscelul renrlodcr ol tfte rral all llvlronr nlan lo lnq $catur6. hls cnF, dcFnd or lb wrler whlch onlv Nature cltr -lountuttr wlu Drovlde. The bubble as constant erldence lo ihls, crfn ltr ahe ccntcr ol mllllon dollar shopplrg a lts erlraraganza Iar renlovd lrom tha Naltlng lsdd tt8t'r Its econonrlr backbore. Szeitz and hls ilSC student hFIrFr Dean Feye hsve h8m' nrered and brazed llst strctchcs ol copper slnce the cnd of lhe colleSe tcrm ln \/crlz' larqe home \t'orkroom lhe .oonr looks out over lhe
"Ih EUr{Do ctpDar strtu8 rnd.nuntslilB' luni thls color ox' tho lrllst neh['slly," Dlslnod. "Theje, theY u8o I doal of coal. The soot hrrt contsllts hom burnlng co8l sullur: lt seltles on outdoor EtRtues and t{hsn lt r8ln8, bt. comos acld. Thls lcld tunl the c{ppor g$con nctullly but here- whcm cosl ls nol lo c{mmon, se must do lt ouf' telvos "
Tbcto$tali'6 vrrlor! Gl+ tr| tb uc crt fron rlhy siccg ol I lilrly [Grvy 8!r8c ef coplcl tlo FsFr prttGn plcc!., mrci lllc cEtdrt aol r &ar PetLr|. Ib lorn ltrc mctrl Llo re uldGdr Eora urblG arD6. stclb ud lb lcbct lt Dou-rd oll av.l lollovcd
scrlbe! mellln8 motsl lnto eoch othor lor ths Jolnt; brst. lns ls achlovlng tho t|me nd by usinS 8 tIlrd menl &lqer bi.usinr e. thtrd motrl lolder Phlch molts tt I lorttr tq|l.,,..'i 'r , I Prreturc. Szeltz lolns copper to coppc( pte(t vlth 8n suoy ol c{pp.r, USht bond lha rchlovln8 nacdd on curved !ur{lcG! uP crqy qrwhll. mrsN!8 plsnltloru of lhs tecinlquc h! uses.
rnd rtuilGit
This is the fashion,the value that's made OualiCraft America's best-sellingfashion shoe brand. Here,fresh styling with a young, sporty mood. The flaw[ess Such richly soft genuine leathers. constructionthat usuallv means dollars more. Come see all the new shoe excitement,plus go-with handbags
h a n d b a g ,6 9 9
Shoes shown,12.99
G n a n dO p e n i n gS p e c i a l s !
7 9 9 s i d e s h o wt i e
A Ia.. ,t.i ,' I ,,)1,',t ! ,.,{ ,,t /,pt A ,,, r'r, t, r\!. l!Old t,i lOa
Iodrv i Or..r rhtpat Tha backilr.p ctog wrrh . O.ntrour rl'ca ol corl u^darnarilr Ind navv
I h . r l r c ! a t t _w r y l o l r a i n t o l . l l l l h . g l o n m Y iorcdlrcar hat nolchad axta^r'o^ r6lc rnd naw
young-set ssvings
Rog I 90 su0(,0 tpoadltcr hrkcrhra lrrllratd .o1., prddod l,nini. brrc t t to 3, now 7'lO
' ",,
rpcc'r,c,fo m;i'":li:'.il'.",*,"4
: i
cl . oo
'*J,iii"iii,1",i,iii rrr"""_
.. 'ftr l"orum
Vest Aeres'
DDtn-orf tvear
' t J {
#IO Million
llhill s iil. shill's uldcr conBtruclionund whill's frlsnncd In lhc Inlnledrill(. tuturc lor lhe gcncrill area ol lvcst Acre$ Shopping('entcr involvcs no ler{ lrcnnies llow's il round flgue ol fl0 milllon lot openers? Obviously " .that doesn't tnclude the llfi milllon or 60 slrcady slEilt or (hc shoppnrgcrntcr it$elf })lilnncd rn 'l'hc llolda.v Inn. just north ol the shopping conlplex. ls lhc .lirrtcsl ot thr rrea's spin.ofl constructlon Thc lg0.rmm molcl, lts land and ils turnrshrngshad a pre.cor\lrucaion cosl sel ar 13,430,0m lvcslgrtc \ lllagc a f2 5-DrillronaDarlllcnl con)plcx, is undcr (onslroction cilst of Inlerslate 20, along lSth l\venue 6oulh 'fhe N'rth I)akolil'r\uto ('lull s ofiice scrvice tacility at,thr ol Jurrcrron I-94 and I 29 is expecled l0 cost about 1450,0{0 'l'hc I'argo zone office ol Ltcvrolet Motors Division of (;on. eral illotors ( ffp hils o(cupicd its nc$.building Jusl north ol lhc llolrdil\' lnn Bullt l)y Fargo Invostnrent Co and lcrscd to (ienerfll iUillors, lhe 8,l00.square'foot structure cost alx)ut 1250.000. A ( a r c a s h a n d s c r r r c es t a t i o ni s l o l E b u i l t b y D o n ' s ( ' a r l\ ashes ol l argo gn6 Billings. Ilont , ju6t south of the lloliday Inn lls cost rs sel at aboul flG{,000-t'0nstruc(ron is to bcgtn lntcr thrs monlh Goldfine's Discounl l)eparlnen( Slore, a Duluth,brsed tilm, announced lilst year it would siart constructton this year 0n a 12 million store along lSth Avenue Soulh easl of l. 29 No burlding hm ben started Discussed but not announced yet ls a lunchcon-itghtcluti establishmentplanned lor I ltration across ISlh Avenue lrom (lold(rne lOcatrOn This establishmenl is being consrdered by Gar!' Paulsrud ol Erie, N D and Brcnt Jenkins, 415 7th Ave S , Fargo a.'nconstructlon (ost has lf,tn announccd Also unannouncedbut kn6yn 1.0b nlade Dublic soon arr plaN for a new IrletropolrtanSavlngs and Loan Asociatton ol l ar to br anch oflice on the \\ esl Acres \^itebul not attachcd t(' the sh0Dprngcentcr lhe -\lruclure ls unotftclally reportcd lrl ro\l alnul 3100000 \\ rllrirnr 0DDrrnl ( o ,\Ltcs \ruld arca \rlhln r c a l l l\ A Schlossnliln, Dr('stdcnt ol \t'est \(rcs l)cvclsatd sr\cral )ears ago that he belicvcd thal t\'est t|ggcr S:15 nlllton \rorth of (1)nstru([lon In thc f l \ t \ c a l s I I r s e s l r n l a t er s u e l l o n l h e w a y t o
-! wrt6 -Ko{ VonMgut,
D Ror. M.oDon.ld: ffil uflotionouxo HAtl, Cool, prugmltrc drl.cllva L.w Arch.t lr btoughl to e lr.grc lrrr lhsl..vioo! 6 6oulhorn C.t,lorntr hlliard. commun[y t\d Inlo lho lrvc! ot r hmrly onta^glod nr s wlb ol murdor-oxtol ton atrotchrn0 bncf, lhrolgh l5 y63r!. Psb at 5 95. Spoflar 1.00 f, ootNo ILL rHE WlY. By Oan Wahc_ totd ,I rs tho Lucst and tunntost sex noval 6n, Amolcan wril ovcr Jr Pub El 005 Spccrat | 00
n'H K*lgs
fiot o ?l{t olilLo tH! t!A. e9 Ellr.brlh ooudg.. HUC!,78C pEcc hlrtotlc!l tomlnor ol lha atorcl wll. ll ot ol Ch6.l.r Engl.nd,..i torhrt tho oanoramr ot 17tlt golltlor. c6nlury Pub. tl 8.05. Olly 1,00 n Honry Sullon: lHl YOYEUn. RoDo. mut dar. iulcld. ln W..h. Ingion, ! Juallor Ocpt, loud, lnd $4ld dolnga In r nolotlou! gla!tutc doma form th! nuclaul o l l h lltt l a llii..m oo v nn O , m vl l C, ---
t-l IOUCHINO. 8y Owoh O.vl! Powortut. tunnv. 6rc,lrng novol lhal trlr! B probrng look bch,nd ilr. ldcado ol lodayt 6octoly.36trn Cslrto'nrn,a stn,/ o! two young womon dfio aoet meanrng In a w,,ild prrronal communrcrtion en4 too nuctr dvord ol l6,.uro um. Pub .t 5 05 S!to t.m . : Jrh6i Jon6r: tHE MERRY MONTH OF itly. Jons r'rth nov!|. . ltory woycn around n Dand ol Amofican sr-p!trtols In Pal! duilnq rho May rovo[ ol 196E, I lrmo in r6c6nt Frnch hrsrory il,ar Daratreis what rs happrntng in Amalca tooay puU. !t 5 95 SElo 1,00 I AN AFFAIn OF 8TATE. A humorous novct by Kon John6on and OBvtd Wtch. Tho prasrdnt ot th; U S. ha! r probl.m . lr'r cwoct 22 ye6r otd daughl6r -.lho dsrIno ot wa!htnolon !oc,.ly h.! 9ot
ip ! H J
I t
i'ii.Irlt?ii""ili8o* "n
f John M!rt6r!: fHE nOCX. trcitinO nov6t ol hr!lonc.Gbrattar !r !sn throuqh th1 oyr3 ot Homrn rogronn6trcl. blrblriln Goth!, gtiltah occup,rt and frcnch woutd.b! Invadors_ongroallng pub !t 6.95. i.Oo sloil! about tarcihtling poopto. tYOiLD'A !E!?.LOWOPOEI8. O tr.r.urtotlHl 'l09 lovcly Diln!, lyrlc rnd drthttlc, trom lha Btble lo Whrlfiln. gltharad In ! batutilul voluma bound In alnulrlod la.lha. and atangcd In pold, Ertr! Sp.ci!l VlIu.. Only l,0O n SOIilEtE OF 8HAXE8FEAnE Int.od, by R, O. Bailou. wlth lh. llmour TrmDtr Nob[, iliu.. Atl 154 ol lhc gr.!t!tl Fnnrb lvor wrinln. colllctod 6nd bound-ln b.rutlful dmul!t!d lcrthtr wlth gold llEmping.Etkr6p.ctalV.tu!,Only1.00 { D tY rROlllEF LYllDOll, By 8rn Hourron Johnron. gy LBJ'! brolhar lnd fohaa tdmlnlrkrilv! ard, 9onirll coun!61 and troublalh@lar, a candid, wlry, 9ll.n _rhocting, r.y6trlloD ol the porrond rnd poililcd llc ot lhr .r.Prctldlnti 20 ghotot. Pub. rt 6.95. 6rl. 1.00 tr THE COUPL:. By Mi r4d i,to..K 8tunntngty. rrahx, oorailao tccount ot r murhea rlmolt wf6c&od by r6xull dlftlcultl.! rnd r.vltrll4d .t th. M.rl.r. rnd Johnron Cltnlc. Pub..t S.05. Onty f.OO tr AilEI: fHE DIARY OF i^lDt l^iflra I|EGEL Ed. by M.l Zlcglor. Onc men'a eccount ot wnat ii ii lt6 lo br I rabbl let6 In tha 20th cCnt!ry - m lnlrmala dty.by{8y Into ! lltC thtirlngss eltmplo ron tn6 subtimi to thc ridiculou!, Pub, tt 0.9S. l-.OO tr CRltlE ANO SCIENCE: Th6 New Frontrer In Crimlnology. By JurEn Thofrald. Th. eog.osing story ot Scienc v!. Crlme, hlghllohtlng Incrasrngly rrlinad dtloollon wotk link6 lhe progrsr ol scienco lo famous Coud ca6s throuohout lhe worrd. 16 photos: 8ibtiq,. 463 pD. Pub. al 6.95. Salo 1.00 T Cigarltss: GOODBYE TO ALL lHlT 8y H- Lw'ne Ovr !50 photog and drawtngs 55 'n Fult.Color Devaslalrng chronrcle ol the domrnant role crga.elle smokrng has played rn our popular cullu.e. Pub at 6 95 Onlyl.O0 n CHILDREII'S SPECIAL B.lutllulty llluglralod In tull color on hoaw iln.i trnish pap6r. Thoso 3 Mr. Baei tlilar lor lhe pro-school let will bo ! wal@m lddillon rnd dallghl to a[ry girl lucky cnough to hM boy uq lhem. il& BEAR GOES tO 8EA. Ii. AEAR IH TTE AIR, HF, EEAiI'; YRUiIPET. E6ch publlchsd !t 3lO,: Salo Dfico t.0O.r. E S.L.A Mrrshall: ataaD, O, BOO. An minent historian's account "* ol three ballls, eEch remarkebte a! an exampt ol lhe day.by-dly cof oar u.s. rorces hav6 erorienGd ln Vrelnam: together they chsractorlta lhe war itr hrcrocosm. 1S photot. Pub, at 6.95. Sp6crd 1.0O
. : ;
Atrderson . , r l ( eI l e n s o r l r n { r ) n A n d e r s o n s
o,l,avin,s slaff also includesl Mrs. Ruth Anderson, \v ho lsl "'l'.'i,, ,,,",,^",", "."r,i.- ,^F rh. "t *-''''' { i ' n l c r r s h a n d l e do n a c o n t r a c l i ; " "
i : : : , i
lj:::. S u r v i c c . I n c . , o f Fi 'a"r; g.o .- a s t e n b a u e r i r n ( c .l:.,,'l^"t"Tleo^ t ' - h '*rii a s s i s t sM r s A n d e r .l.t*, ul,tt tr*ue-'a -:...sun tr secretary ,.,.^:,. ..,....-;__ ;,^_.;.:.._: ^ l('oplr cl|anlng aller nours, slx rrrghts 1rcr week central records and all bookWcstcrn Protection handlcs keDins will be handlcd at the keping De lhe s(.cuflty of West Acres on a.corlorale offis, Strite joi, 'lrnlra(1 l)asis. Andcrson dircctsltilack Building. Mis Donna $ilcrrntracl lxsis. And(,rsondircctslBlatk Buildine. Wil both 0f these conlractual ser- son will tp lhe entral olficl will be lhe entral olfice lmenrgpr ln rhrroa I,cg\
i;i;'l;d;;l l".1ft1:,1,f ?r$1",1'v"ll^"0'oTftn"i'#l c".rr souL n r"e rRrAL.John By Inqs.and seances. lo aslrology, prophecy G. Fuller. cilpDinq prosbecto.
and letepalnrc crlme deleclion - wilh psych'c erpriences orpuDlrclrgures,morc.Pub.at4.95-Salet.00 f _COUtrTlNC SHEEP: Th6 Log and Compll ptay or"shosponrheSunway.'ByArtEuchwatd Bvrhe lamed columnist/humorisl/6uthor. lhe hitanous lrials and ribulations. asonis and ecstacies or wtn'ng nd producrng a Broadway play. Inct. the 9o-ToLr9 !eI! ol his smash hir. 5 phoros. Pub !r 5.95.Sa|s1,00 story ot Jams Kidd who lett a tortune to a sludy ol th6 sout - and of the inc.edible kiat which ensucd belween do/ens ol clarmants. Pub. al 65: Special1.00 i SOFT UNDEnBELLY: The AnqtoAmelcdn Conkoversyover il'F ltai,m Campa,sn 1939,1945. By T. H:sgins. First complel American account ol
SkBsl, 1920i930. By John Brooks Marylousty lunny, olten Incrdible, Elway! aulhorilalive accounl ol Wsll Sl., ils xt.evagant evenls and extraordinary moni capluring lho drama and lanlasy ol two wild dgga-d,es-91ru90d indivlduallBm;14 photos. Pub,
Doug (,hrist ians-'l'obao orrist
D NONMAN FOCKWELL ILLUETNA. lOR. Ay Arlhur L. cuplrtt. Protaco by Oorolhy Crnllold Fl!hor. 437 lllus.. 43 In Full Color. Boeufltur. bost.sotitnO volume Vhlch !hows tho wo,k. ol Am.rlca'! hosl bolovod nrtist flod otlota a plctoilsl prnornnrn ot f, otow.. Inq nid chsnOlnq Anroriun. irrtrtv ynRr3. ol Selrdry Evonilry Post Louor.. hunr,rrrtt ol rilocdolF!. oll ol noclwoll! ilx)!l Innrou6 *ntr" nnO Bn.c'rl llluilrntton. dono lunr tor thtr I book. 0 x !2 Pub. nt I7.5o.Onry Z.et I | | I Mol To.m6'i Tlls OrHEn BIDE OF I TIE nAINOOW wiltr Ju,ty Gnrtr'r't on I lho t)rwn l)rlrol 2trd t'1,'t'nq Wtrrnt.
oDtoclrvo conrp6rirol.lo (lrrlnrxl JtilV durn0 hil. l.nl lr!0. lrnl .r trrotrtdnlt h'nny Shnw 0 06 nil'l tt ol tilrdnt'rr l,uilrtrfirr0 6utn,tr t,a! p"rlrn'l Inrt l^ th. Jrly tihutili ol tnlDor. cr(tt. cdrI'ub.
fl Doublr Ag.nt: THE I,ANY SIDES OF GEORGE DLAKE EgO. By E. H. Cookndgo. Fully Fgrossins slory ol Georg Blake. lor I ybars purueyor ot BriL ish and U S sc.els to lhe Russians - unseen 6nd unheard ol sinc his daaing 1966 escape honr Wormwood Scrubs Proi6on.12 lllus, Pub. at 6.95. Special 1 00 n HOW TO PROBATE AH ESTATE. By Wllliam J. Moody. Handy "what lo do nsxl" guld6 for Enyone who suddonly linds himsoll oxecutor or administralor or aqgslalo: checkrisl ol dutias: sdvic on eslflt plnnning and willa; saving xpenBs; much mo16. Pub. rt 3.95. Sil 1.00
fl R6ms6y ClRrk: CntME lll ll|Ep. lcA. lntro. by Tom Wckor. NY. Ttmor: rh6 iormsr U.S. Allornoy Glnlral'r hoad-on conkonlalion wilh tha l6rh chargod ll8ua. Cdmo In Am6rlo! - a Dottom-to-top dtagnosl6 tom lha roolr ol anlla-oclal bohevlor dnd n!. luro ol domolllc crimo to orlma Drcvdion ond cilmo conrol. pub: at
nrslo.y- ot Amonc6'r turld bualUAUa woffo ftom arro At.c, Arcoh ol 1666 to Gypoy Roao Lao, Ann Corlo an6 urnro bt0rr - ail thc hoolohla.lool. cnro. bump! and grlnda. dlvat. hua. ilor rouurtllot, contor flghlr. raF oila, conilca, choru! llnot. ntora. tl lllu!. Pub. 0l 0.06. Onty t.tl
SOMEQUANTITIES LIMITED Cllp and mall lh16 lodnylOr oall B. Dalton od Plo0so add !alos l0x and35Spoltagc/handtlng.
a. ,
ntnll stolbs. A collDlet DcrlNolcr ol lire hy(h'ilnls wRs 0lN0 lnItRllcd. I,:ttsl.wesl f,nd south nlfllls ln Wosl r\cms ilrt 40.ft!t'lwido: lhe norlh rrnll. ulxnr Nh(ch\lhc (iriuxl ('0nlrill Enlrllncs opctrs, is 50 tccl smnller'{cc\ss nrtatles, uDrnr s'hi(h no slores ol)cn, ille onll,!5 widc. llolh lxtrlulrlc scillltrg nnd t|cilniurcnl conerolo hoilchcs arc scilllcrg(l through th nrnits. The cilst.\r'osl ilrcn hlls ntovcilble seatlng \rhich cnn bf rcrilrriltgc(l ilruutrd sl)cclltl disDloys; llko boal, car or fftrtt machlncrt shorvs.4.ll.cl(hllr lls, whnl hnlrb yoil. Tho [orth Rnd lsrgcsl nlflll cfln nls0 b0 srrangcd for 6pecltrl ptsscntntlons such as co[(r'rls or lce shoNs. Thc oulslde ol lh? htrlkllng ls,ot nssonry consirucllon lrlah somc prc'cesl mhertte taclng, sonre rppllcd slone trgfirogrtc (ahe l)ebbly stulf) snd sontc rDplled brlcl Scrillne Norlh Dnkota llcbron brtck. l'our lruck courts nre parllRllt' scrr0nHl 0ll lronl thc publl(6 AEzc, hkllng clc(lrl(il| snd nlcehonlcol nDp0rtrtus us -well rs dellv. frlcs. I.inlilcd lilndscaDinAls plannod fOt ilround the buildinE, wilh 8rilss ilrd trees Hnd sotne fxlrnlilncnl seillinA In lhc parkiilg krl Hr(rn lrcils are licilttcrfd ilrouild, rvllh lrocs (lippod bilrc lo a hcight of ci$ll lccl ftrr lhe silkc of sno$ renloval. Thc pilrlung lot U8hting is unusufll in lhal. \rhile normal lishl[mles atc .10or 50 fcet tall, lhesc are 100 fccl liach pole (arrics cight l,00ll wnll ntelalarc lanrFs. covcring il Dtax. inruur 0l arcil Nith light shile cluttellng up lhe lot \vilh a nlinlrnun of polcs.
. l,:.14,^JJE,[gl,LT^"
.+ I'ut!r!_8y,lLut!9j! !L !1. ABound syslonl hdoorr wlll provlde bnckgroUnd r0und ior lhc nlillls Rnd courln, whllc Indlvl(lunl Blolcs t|lt|y In0lflll lh0h own soulrl. 'l'ho Indmr llghtlng ls u mlxturc'of lluor. r)sr0nt trnd lnctrn(klscoqt, slth glolp.shulxd Inc8ndgsrlql, lights sctrttcrod In vRrlous grouplngB and fluorerCcQt uBSd,foi* hdlr0ct llghtlnB 0r tho wnll8, Tho lltht lovol cnn De chnntlSo,, ,li. by uslng varlous comblnutlonflol lheso llght8. Thr m0ll ltrell hrs tr shttb crltt[fl sni Billc col0mbi, i'i' ahc brltcr to nolnt llp colortul rnd lntglnullvo filorolrdtt ;]t ' crcsllon8..Tho nculrsl lcrtezo lloiil ls 0osrrd tio s0m! , ; end. Qurrr.y tllc ls uscd rrould lho !.rmnrcnl serlhf,r' '1. irhlcb ls lsced wlll s&irc8ato stono. , 'Ihe ,'woni' Dtanncrswho workcd on dcslgning wcrt Acqos to s(hool" at vallous shopping centor tiltrctlons oltctr durlng lhe llvc yenrs lor ldea bornlng to tod8y. Thclr studlos un. (loubtedlyspotllghtod fcw shopplngccntet'6whlrh $'lll silrvivo as archltcclural, oslhelic trcasures. Bul rvhllc Wesl Acrcs cun't look ftnlrilrd to il luturc Acropolis-typc repulntl0n, lt cim l0ok forwald lo a luncllonal, cusily nlainlslncd llfq\pan. Tho nleudo$lilrks wlll slccr claef of thls nc(l Rlvcr Vallcy colos6uswherc wlcal .llelds uscd tb bclonS. But lhcir music Nill b griltrfull)' supplrntod, ['om lhc shopplng cchlcr vlcwpolnt, s'ith lhc nrcrry ring ol (oun. lless chccrful cash rogistcrs
('ouDl a cily block as:10{l lR}l squilrc, of llll,llllllsquilrc tccl. l)cl,ctrdrccie is feol. Soxrs alone ic nc.llt thilt, or tt6,0{10 i l I n l o v c t . 9 1 . 0 f i 1 m f l t x ) ro n c i n i l t l l h c l ) d ] i l i l n s \ t i l l 8 ' u p o n oll Nhi(h consttuctlo[ starls neNt rlonlh. ts 115.000 lhe gtoilnd floor i\nd lhe Enrallerstorcs st[( licd intrr the [ntll ildtl alnrost square fect nrore. 300.t100 llrg, )os. .\lr condltlonr'd nfil h('nled, Ics, \'ilh lxrwer 'lhe n\alls and courl.s d'.nrrnas that bo8gte the imaglnalion. hil\'e their own alr conditioninS.heatingsl'slcn]. whilc slorcs hilc arrrlf,td lor thelr o\\'n coolnessnnd rvarDrth. Each ol the largc dcpartnent store \vings ts ctnslructed and con' on (oi\rd s(.perately: so \r'hilc ilrost o[ \\'esl Acrcs depeil(|.\ a con)bitrationol hot \rster ilild folcgl Ril fot heutlDg, d0lfn' (lre( ra s rs all clectflc ll'Tsl lcrs ls onc ol the hr8cst (on(I'ctc lrilnlc slrut' tuirs In the Norlhuesl. ltrgcsl bulldlnA lor s[rt In Norlh lltlo(e .rlth conrrrlo ('onslruttlontirss crPlsincd thrt controtc rilthet thiln \tccl \\ns usod lor thc lranre ol the ono-stor) areas duc lo lllsulilrcP dcnlnrtds ln lhe lN(tsslor\ Datls. ho\eter, slfl'l franlcs \velc u.('d srnce thls sork\ oul lcss erpnslvc t0\r'ilrd the silnle endAcrcs is In a ('lnss l0 [rrc l([r, ['oss crDlalntd: ln (asc of some catastroPhenerther l'al80 nol \l'esl !'ilrgo lire dcpartmenLs\\ould sclre tt fhcrt'fott' lho buildlng hild to be llrcproof ln slruclurc. as l|cll as co|rl)leteh sprinliled b)' a $ater srstem FircsRlls separalc the larS dcpartncnl slores lrom the '|\est
llrr( tr''Dill
rrtorc cnlr anclnt illr(l Inler ror. :tlYa storefronts dluontng lhan ils rntr r[rr( lx'rut\,
sln(e r\ ptlnlrttl\ lnterior landscaprn: Slct'tl:rrl(l l)lrsll( gtr\\lh -llo natural light ls a\irrl rhlc fllr nurlililDg rof,l !rren - I:irstet llllc\ fot Sc|sonal l l o w e r s \ \ l l l l r ' ' r ( l ( l o ( 1 ,h o \ e \ q EnSler, p{trnsotties for { hr r\tilli\ ltk. lhxl
and tr honlc\
r(,1il1 l,Inl:rn In lhf (r'Ih4rl ((nlll h\ ror{s rrl Ih( shrrle ilr ',il llrr' e,trthbduttd lrrpPlnHs .oots rrc ol dcrp lhc lI
lhe natir e soil ll,hcn RIChite(ts eboul Size the Ilac and fo*. plilnilfii rr*',f \\(' fi\\{ (re:rled l:ntelstad subJcct ln fos\ rs srz. aild lo(al lrlks llu{e frn)taqr l('rlrzzo
captured llooring
flosn the East llqll fronr the Fountain Court, there's seating for visiaors and lots of rrinrlou space illuminntcd b1' the unique ceiling lightilrg systenr. shopping HALLMATK CARDS I IFT5
Schlossrnorr((lnrtinucd frortr D.l) tnorc pukrng will lx' rttedc(l; bolh.t(n olnployosllld
CfS. | |
lo lxt bcillcd sonrcwhol'd ncar cily l{trll for tho convonlonco ol $nnc o[ oul: poopl0 nnd bolleri collrnrunlcilllons |)otwdon thc clly nnd counly. cNion} "l fcol thorc slll bo rulflclelt rctfill buslnoa$ dortnlown lo susl8in.linc lttRll storrs, b0sed on tho numbol ot periple and lhc rcllyity gonernted hcl\.. I don't ncccssarlly thlnk lhe orD slon Nlll tRko plaec. t "You could havo I comparablo erodlon ll, lor oxample, you trled lo lhanco tho Bmrdway mall. . ." schlossmsn's consorvatlve, buslnels mlnd makes hl8 volce tonse I bll whcn dlscustlng tie mall proposal, -^- "The whole tax take In the enur.e CBD lB sornothtng tko 1252,000a ycar," hc con$itu6!, i,thls rtpfoEGnt8 ,an o-n.themarkt valuatlon ot about f8l, muUon. "Tbe ca$ylng charges and amoruzatlon of lntetlst and primipal 0n the prcposd mnl would add another f,N0,m0 0n top of lhe 1252,000. Thst, ln it$eu, ls ebout I 160to l?0 pet cent lncreflse. ''l jusl don't think lt's tcnsible. lt nllght be more attractivc il lhere wRs some wny of flnancing it through urban renerval 0r the Deportment 0f Houslng and Urban Devel. opnrentor sonlc olhor mcthod, "l prsonally know, bocsuse ol nly lnunlncy sith proper. ty o\r'nem up and down t\gst{at, that the cagfilng dhaigec
l0r thb rnsu wouldrctlnlly lxceld thclr n6t Incom! bctorc t8xo8.. ThlB ls lruc h mrny qREa!, lact mo8t cs8o! llp ln nnddownBrordwey,lncludlng own, oUr t't ll4 don'hmo[rrt lt'r In tio c'8rq8 thtt,thlr tyll. ot _ thlngrosuyls posslblt," fm -__What llnd dt. altdrnqtlv.er t[or! t0 ltgg. f rtr0ng CEDI' .i r Oriemtgt h rnorc wrtk thmtLhr, irte ubr coni**tnr stru!, Ktorry Flioo! $d Bhch'E Sabrc0t coniliruqt iijltieiri unul rhat rtfrc tlovrd to Wclt Acru). lilr srr i novd ddfln, 'tow0hn0yruonslrrtcdhlgl{, .lt Ar.UCrj rt.|o Ort trl|||ruir t nrr}, drtl|, b r ulLd giii cl||b. tcb rt "nrjh. .t d$rrhm u. l
I rn vcr) oplinristic rboul lhc ovcr.illl gro\rth of l'8rgo. . As a nrstter ol tscl, I go so fnr ns lo say, ll we c{n stabll8h betlrccn lvc.\t Acres 8nd the CBDS excllent corrrDrunicstion of bolh Fargo and Moorhc{d, se cnn brlng In Dlorc buslncs for er er) body I thinli onc ciln coilplenlcnt the other ''l kDos. in nr1'role as prcsidcnl of \\'st Acres Devel. opnrent Co. Ne ccrtai[l]-. \rll do cvcrylhing Pssible on our behalf to cooperatewilh llrc ('BDs in seirE that lve do eslablish comrnlnication. lt n)rghl tc bus service back 8nd lorth to establish illore business for c\ rrybody." llc sees lvst Acres scr ling as an exlcnsion ol lhe Fargo and lloorhead CBD, pro\r(lrrg the opFrlunily for lfl'Rl busi. nesses''lo expand thetr hutzons in rctRiling and be able lo c\pand their narketlng potcntrill bo!ond \!hnt il ls in the CUI)s' It'hy so yOu l)r'Ie\c lh('ttroad\ily tr)all projcct is lo0 big R blte fordo\r'nto\il propcrt)- o\rncrsl' lronr it-sstilrl, ]ou hare hcn opDosed thrs r on(cll ll h) ? to ''l think that. rn ordcr to finail(r it jusl lhroush taxfhon pmpert]'fronttng on the t||lee.l)10(karea 0l BroadNay of the .. lhis puls an unrlue burdrr on lhis DnlFrly lh-at ll can't/_ rarr)': lF "l don't think th] ha\c erlher rhf crcdits 0r the Ftential lo carry ll, particularl) ovcr the lon8 haul. . .fot ?0 or 30 lears And you haYe the problern of inlproving and upgradin8 lhe buildings, some ol them 70 yesrs old' I'nl not pssinlistrc aboul doNntown I leel \r havc a \eq stronR do\yntown, Onc of thc stlongst in the Upper srong do\ynt( (;real Plalns area ' Il downloNn Fargo has an) defrciencics,N0 I is its Rc. essibility to lhe outsrde nrarkcl area, Schlosman sa)'s, explaining that lhe lnlerstate ststem solates the CBD in nl&ny ways He believes Inrprorcmcnts l0 n)ajor access slrets rvould help prcsene a slrong downlo\rn In his book, these lnclude lglh and l:th \yenues N0rth, lSlh Avenue South (it 80es by lltest Acres) and pcssibl] sth Strcei S0uth exits lrom l-94. Srhlossmar blle\es lhsl evel mor do$ntorrr parllng should be pro\'lded lmmedletely adjscent to ahe malor mleu unlls. "ll nra] provlde more parklng than reall)' ls needdotr mant buslDcss dals. but, bt the sante loken. lt nould pror'lde thr Inlage ol (.onYenlencr lhill I thlnk ts so inrDorlaol llrg dt'lxrrtrDcntstorcs nced about l0 acrc.sfu lheir bilrklIng and parkrng rn rodrl s nlat lietlng conccpts, he sil)'s \t tth the cosl o[ do\rnloNn land out of euestion. \tilhoul a subst, dtztd progrilnl, thrs Is $h\ Dran],ol thesc retailers are Drovrng lo shopplngccnter conplues, he cxplalns ''t tlunk lhere nre Drore or,erriding faclors in peoplcs' rnolrvnlronto shop than;r(lually closlng Broad$ay." he sr)s. ''I thlnk there arc manl a(llantages to an open Broad\ray, abtlit) to windo$ shop froDl an automobile, for one." thc Do Iou feel lhat $est \cres, In ettecl, \\'ill erode the downto\vn lax base that ls proYidedlargelJ by retail shops, an crosron thal could mean lhat th entire cttv Nould havc t0 lalic up the tax loss: . F Ifiliam Acres Schlossman site since has heen on the nrore at \Tesi lho first turned. shovel of earth sa.s I ve heard the argunrenl put lorlh that the entire dos,nIr'\r'nluture sas dependent0n rctailtng and the retall aspecls ol the CBD Hereln, I (hink, Iies a misnomer ''I fecl that the lulure 0f downtownlies in man\.0ther areas - exFHnsionof otfi(e buildrngs and facilities, goverF mcntal lacilities. Personally. I fml the munty building ought
_ "WdVc fpt to triri I downf0trn,thet'! sorktnr tffdtirf ror I c0rt!tnc$v6 purDod: lilr tnfll.l.ter hds bcrn-e dlvhlvr f9rct, peceu!. lt's 0conomlcruy.'uittc$lbL. Wc hrvc to b. lrorung totolcr, Dtomoung togGthcr, stry !bort,,l tb . Thars EUISchloslmln. Hc sco! plmplo! undor Frrgo's malouD.yet lr ln tovc $lth tho sholc body{nou8h to rpcek rbouf lti rhortoilnqt end dlU hoF thAt everyonc wlll admln lt rr muchru [-c do!, . He elsolspr.hr ..n gci backto playlng romeparldlotrall.
SeeYqu TomorrowAi Ouf -Griqd OpeningIn The lVestAcres ghoppingCenter
rcuR tocATtoNS. ..
|tu. Williom Bvnce, President of Blck,s otMonoger ldo Amundrcn Stores, onnouncor the sleclio of Block's new tlore d Wert A(16 Rooiml lot rroie orm. of Mrs. ShopFxng Center, op.ning Ioudh Avgust 2nd. Thir Z,5OO rqrcre is glck,r rtore ;n the torgoA/oorheod
opened in 1912. During rhe ymrr of l%6t961, Elock r wos knom or "The Store Without A Mm.,, In 1961, thc pre*nt downtown jore rcropcncd ln 1965, o bromh rrore,.,Cro$rojr,,, wor oFned ol Milhtrr I Slnpprng Ccnrcr ond in | 966, onorhcr Cenrcr rn l,loorhcorl. bronch ol Block,s vror o1*ned ol Brookdolc Shopprng
Bla( k'! ltore in Wcrt A..cr ,! o(tuolly lwo ilorcr undcr onc roo{. Thc lo"cly nnrn orerr vall corry vannn s drcr.,cr, cmb ond spodrwcor. lhe c'cdrog ,uD,o, Sl,op rr mmrore<J froril thc tr{,,n 1rorc. Ihe ./un,or 5hop will hon o ron,fcrely d,{lcrcnr rirro ond corryrlcrcly drlloronr nnrchorrdr* ond lor tlu In Crovrd' rulr
Ihe me
ch P h
roug-h. thcir Wcst Acrcs o;nn-,rru rn otfice suppiics. Tfri fiin, *ureiu
Itlvt convrnlinl
rr.yt lo hut
Gr -.t
The vl/est Acres parking lot during the nhoppingcenter's oJx,ning dav $'ctlnrsday.
WelfareCrisis Predicted
)roposed Enclosed
y Mall Is Dead
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