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A report submitted to R.T.M Nagpur University in partial
fulfillment of course in MASTER OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION (M.B.A) specialization in

Submitted By
Punam prajapati
4rd sem 2019-2020

Guided by

Prof. suchitra labhane



360 degree performance appraisal
The modern history of Human Resources as we know it starts with the British Industrial Revolution.
The foundation of large factories increased a demand for the workforce significantly. It was in the 18th
century, and it is the moment when the evolution of new people management practices begins. It is the
important landmark in the history of Human Resources.
The second rapid development of Human Resources started at the beginning of the 20th century. Most
organizations launched the Personnel Management (more on Personnel Management, also you can find out
more about the Personnel Management in Communism). The personnel department had large
responsibilities however it was still a service department. It was dealing with all employee related issues,
and it was responsible for the full compliance with the newly introduced law requirements.
The introduction of the HR Management has begun in 70’s of the 20th century (more on Early HR
Management). New technologies allowed the growth of large multinational organizations; that was the
moment when the new wave of globalization has begun. The Personnel Departments turned into Human
Resources Departments. They started to manage processes and procedures around the globalized workforce.
From that times, most HR Functions are running complex HRIS solutions, which make information about
employees available anywhere and anytime to HR Professionals.
The second significant change in the history of the HR Management was the introduction of the HR
Business Partnering Model (more on Advanced HR Management, HR Roles and Responsibilities and HR
Model). The demand of the organizations changed dramatically as economies of the wealthy western
countries shifted towards the services economies. The role of Human Resources has changed significantly
because the Leadership Development and Succession Planning became crucial processes securing the future
of the business. Also, the quality of provided HR services became the significant competitive advantage.
Nowadays, managers and leaders have to think globally; they have to understand employees coming from
completely different cultural backgrounds. They have to manage the global corporate culture. They have to
find values that energize employees around the Globe.
The corporate culture cannot be country specific anymore; it has to reflect employees with many
nationalities work for the organization. This is a fantastic opportunity for Human Resources. However, it is
also a pressure. The International HR Management drives global HR processes and procedures in different
countries. It has to make sure that they produce similar and comparable results.
The future of Human Resources is full of new challenges (more on Future of Human Resources). The
globalization will continue; even local businesses will hire new talents from other continents. The shortage
of skilled employees will push Human Resources to introduce global 360 performance appraisal policies and
practices. The international relocation of employees will become a standard HR service. The organizations
become less country specific, and they cannot identify themselves with one country. The lose their face, and
Human Resources has to help to identify and introduce the new corporate culture.
Tablets and smartphones change the way we work. They will bring a new wave of changes in Human
Resources, as well. Leaders and managers can access data about the organization anywhere, and HR Big
Data will become the next big topic. Human Resources collect many pieces of information about employees,
and it has to connect its data with other departments.
The commute working is quite a standard today, but it will become a norm. The technology will connect
employees as they would sit in the next cubicle. On the other hand, it will create another pressure on Human
Resources. New assimilation procedures will be required. The networking will be still important for the
successful career. The future of Human Resources will be about new networking methods and processes
how to make commute employees know each other.
Today, Human Resources runs many processes, which are crucial for the modern organization. We cannot
believe that the successful business could exist without the 360 performance appraisal and Staffing,
Compensation and Benefits, Training and Development or the Leadership Development. However, the story
of Human Resources Management has started in ancient China. In the past the companies and nations did
not use many the HR value added processes; they used just procedures they needed to be successful.
The story of the modern Human Resources started as evidence of all employees. It dealt with issues and
requests. Later, the negotiations with Trade Unions were added as a strategic relationship of the
organization. Over time, Human Resources evolved into a strategic business partner, and it makes the HR
Management History fascinating.
In this HR practices the performance appraisal is one of the practice. In performance appraisal there are two
methods ie., Traditional methods of performance appraisal and Modern methods of performance appraisal.
The 360 degree performance appraisal system is one of the modern methods of performance appraisal. The
German Military first began gathering performance appraisal from multiple sources in order to evaluate
performance during World War II (Fleenor & Prince, 1997). Also during this time period, others explored
the use of multi-rater performance appraisal via the concept of T-groups. One of the earliest recorded uses of
surveys to gather information about employees occurred in the 1950s at Esso Research and Engineering
Company (Bracken, Dalton, Jako, McCauley, & Pollman, 1997). From there, the idea of 360-degree
performance appraisal gained momentum, and by the 1990s most Human Resources and Organization
Development professionals understood the concept. The problem was that collecting and collating the
performance appraisal demanded a paper- based effort including either complex manual calculations or
lengthy delays.
The first led to despair on the part of practitioners; the second to a gradual erosion of commitment by
recipients In human resources or industrial/organizational psychology, 360-degree performance appraisal,
also known as "multi-rater performance appraisal," "multisource performance appraisal," or "multisource
assessment," is performance appraisal that comes from all around an employee. "360" refers to the 360
degrees in a circle, with an individual figuratively in the center of the circle. Performance appraisal is
provided by subordinates, peers, and supervisors. It also includes a self-assessment and, in some cases,
performance appraisal from external sources such as customers and suppliers or other interested
stakeholders. It may be contrasted with "upward performance appraisal," where managers are given
performance appraisal by their direct reports, or a "traditional performance appraisal," where the employees
are most often reviewed only by their managers.
The results from 360-degree performance appraisal are often used by the person receiving the performance
appraisal to plan training and development. Results are also used by some organizations in making
administrative decisions, such as pay or promotion. When this is the case, the 360 assessment is for
evaluation purposes, and is sometimes called a "360-degree review." However, there is a great deal of
controversy as to whether 360-degree performance appraisal should be used exclusively for development
purposes, or should be used for appraisal purposes as well (Waldman et al., 1998). There is also controversy
regarding whether 360-degreeperformance appraisal improves employee performance, and it has even been
suggested that it may decrease shareholder value.

360 degree appraisal has four integral components:

1. Self appraisal
2. Superior’s appraisal
3. Subordinate’s appraisal
4. Peer appraisal.
Self-appraisal : it is a gives a chance to the employee to look at his/her strengths and weaknesses his
achievements, and judge his own performance.
Superior’s appraisal: it is forms the traditional part of the 360 degree appraisal where the employee
responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the superior.
Subordinates appraisal : it is gives a chance to judge the employee on the parameters like communication
and motivating abilities, superior’s ability to delegate the work, leadership quality etc.
Peers appraisal: it can help to find employee abilities to work in a team co-operation and towards other

Self appraisal

360 degree
Peer appraisal performance


Self assessment is an indispensable part of 360 degree appraisals and therefore 360 degree Performance
appraisal have high employee involvement and also have the strongest impact on behavior and performance.
It provides a "360-degree review" of the employee’s performance and is considered to be one of the most
credible performance appraisal.

What is 360 degree performance appraisal ?

It is an assessment process used to improve managerial effectiveness by providing the manager with a more
complete assessment of their effectiveness & their performance & development needs. 360 degree
performance appraisal is also a powerful developmental tool because when conducted at regular intervals
(say yearly) it helps to keep a track of the changes others’ perceptions about the employee’s. A 360 degree
appraisal is generally found more suitable for the managers as it helps to assess their leadership and
managing styles. This technique is being effectively used across the globe for performance appraisals. Some
of the organizations following it are Wipro, Infosys, and Reliance Industries etc.
Need of 360-Degree Performance Appraisal in Organizations

Business is towards surplus generation. Without surplus no organization can grow. Here the effort to grow
the business and the surplus should come from employee part. The performance of the employees is at work
here matters in business development and organizational development. The performance of the employees
should then align with the strategic decisions that integrate the business goals in an increasingly competitive
environment. It is the responsibility of the HRM to integrate the culture of the organization with all available
resources to the optimum out put. The 360 Appraisal helps the H Department to have better understanding of
the competitive advantage and disadvantages of the current manpower resources and tune them towards
performance excellence and productivity .

Objective of the study

1. To know the different appraisals followed by the organization.
2. To know whether the employees are satisfied by 360 degree appraisal method.
3. To know why the company has selected only this method 360 degree for appraisal of performance.
4. To know whether the 360 degree appraisal improves the performance of the employees or not.
5 .To review the performance of the employees over a given period of time
6. To judge the gap between the actual and the desired performance.
7 .To help the management in exercising organizational control.
8. Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication between superior – subordinates and
management – employees.
9 .To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals so as to identify the training and
development needs of the future.
10 .To provide performance appraisal to the employees regarding their past performance.
To know the function of the organization as a whole, work culture of the organization and as well to know
the policies are made and implemented and conveyed to the employees. The study is to know in brief about
the following departments:
• Training and development center
• Human resource development department

problem statement
The problem that arises in performance appraisal system is what method has to be implemented and
when to evaluate the performance of the employees and whose performance had to be measured within the
This performance appraisal system had difficulty in identifying the problem and how to solve that
problem to achieve results.

Hypothesis :

 There is no association between the demographic factors and performance appraisal

 Individual factor does not vary with the demographic characteristics of the respondents.
 There is no significant effect of individual factors on performance appraisal.
 There is no relationship between performance appraisal and outcome variables.
Literature review

Manuel London, Edward M. Mone, John C. Scott (2004) Greater emphasis has been putted on
human resource capability as it is the core competitive advantage for the success of an organization. People
are important resource, Wright (2001), and like all resources they must be managed properly so as to assist
them perform at their peak. According to Marcky and Johnson (2000) Human Resources Management
(HRM) refers to all the processes and activities aimed at utilizing all employees to achieve organizational
ends. This was further explained by Mathis and Jackson (1997), as “the strategic role of human resource
management emphasizes that the people in an organization are the valuable resources representing a
significant investment of organizational efforts. These human resources can be a source of competitive
strength if managed effectively”. Performance appraisals are one of the most important HRM processes
(Kauhanen 2010; Sumelius 2014). Therefore considering these as a base the researcher be able to
review some literatures.
This paper deals with performance appraisal systems in organizations and evaluate how it follows the
principles of good management supported by extensive research in organizational psychology and human
resource management. This paper mainly focuses on two key elements of performance management systems
such as rate accuracy and goal setting.

Performance Management and Performance Appraisal

Performance management can be defined as a systematic process for improving organizational performance
by developing the performance of individuals and teams. It is a means of getting better results by
understanding and managing employee performance within an agreed framework of planned goals,
standards and competency requirements (Armstrong, 2009). It includes any management activity aimed at
improving performance through training and developing employees, establishing performance standards,
appraising performance, setting performance plan, and through managing career mobility (Matheny, 2003).
According to Armstrong (2006) this PM processes exist for establishing shared understanding about what is
to be achieved, and for managing and develop.
According to Ann & Jerry Gilley (2009) the performance challenge facing every organization is to
develop management systems that make employees the firm’s greatest asset. Designing, developing, and
implementing an organization-wide performance management that links performance to the organization’s
strategic goals and objectives, constituent needs and expectations, and employee compensation and rewards.
Applying the concepts, principles, and ideas of the performance management process at both the
organizational and individual levels promotes maximum efficiency and performance throughout the firm.
Greenberg & Haviland (2008) note that Performance appraisal can be an important tool that can be used to
manage performance and get the expected results from the employee.

Moxley (1996) Edwards and Ewen, 1996 states about making managers more effective by using 360 degree
performance appraisal. 360 degree performance appraisal is actually one part of the management
development process. At the same time 360 degree performance appraisal provides an in-depth performance
appraisal which helps in encouraging and motivating efforts by the individual themselves. 360 degree
performance appraisal is a regular process through which managers need to motivate themselves and
reenergizing themselves throughout their career. The performance appraisal which is generated has to be for
development purpose and should be handled carefully. In selecting these works, we found the following
areas mentioned repeatedly: (1) history, (2) benefits, (3) tactics, (4) strategies, and (5) future trends. To
complement the information in the annotations, each of these areas is discussed in the second section of this
report within the framework of these frequently asked questions: How and when did 360-degree
performance appraisal develop? What are its benefits? How should it be used? How can it be integrated into
development programs in organizations? What does the future hold for 360- degree performance appraisal?
This bibliography does not attempt to answer these questions definitively for the reader. It does, however,
attempt to reflect the available knowledge in these areas. Further, it provides a foundation on which
judgments about the use of 360-degree performance appraisal in organizations can be based. The literature
was located in part by searching two relevant databases— Psych-Lit (January 1987 to June 1994) and ABI-
Inform (January 1987 to June 1994)—with additional sources up to 1997 also included. Only current
(published since 1990), relevant sources were used. Other information was gathered from various contacts in
the field and from on-line research .

Dennis E. Coates. Multi-source performance appraisal: Seven recommendations. Career

Development International 1:3, 1996, pp. 32-36. The author discusses his seven suggestions for preventing
360-performance appraisal assessments from losing impact and effectiveness: (1) Learn the technology
before investing in it. (2) Make sure the organization is prepared for the 360- degree process. (3) Use well-
researched and well-constructed survey items. (4) Protect the confidentiality of raters. (5) Use skilled
facilitators to implement the process. (6) Follow up with developmental activities. (7) Separate
developmental performance appraisal from personnel and compensation decisions. Coates bases these
suggestions on seven years of research and development of 360-degree-performance appraisal instruments.
Each suggestion is followed by information that will allow users to resolve issues, evaluate options, prepare
well, and increase the probability of success. The author asserts that experi- 9 ence has shown that 360-
degree performance appraisal can be a powerful tool, but it must be used wisely. He predicts that 360-
degree-performance appraisal technology will continue to increase its versatility and accessibility. Careful
preparation will allow users to implement a 360-degree system that will meet organizational needs. (
John F. Welch, Jr., CEO, GE was taken from the book
360 DEGREE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (Edwards & Ewen, 1996, pg. 3).
360-Degree performance appraisal is aimed at improving performance by providing a better
awareness of strengths and weaknesses. The employee receives performance appraisal, in anonymous form,
on performance ratings from peers, superiors and subordinates (Kaplan & Palus, 1994).
The supervisor-only performance appraisal is subjective and relies on the supervisor’s judgment. They are
time-consuming and are generally disliked by those who give and receive them. They are typically given
once a year assessing the employees work
7 performance from a subjective point of view and providing management information for decisions on pay
and promotions (Edwards & Ewen, 1996).
In the research paper Subordinate Appraisal Of Supervisors An Improvement In
Appraisal Technique (Simms, 1996) recommended an action plan be developed to implement a subordinate
appraisal system in the Texarkana, Texas Fire Department. The results of his study indicated that
subordinate appraisal of supervisors could be a viable accepted system that could improve the overall
performance appraisal process.
David Lobdell in his research project Selecting An Appropriate Performance Appraisal Program For
Spokane Valley Fire Department, (1997) recommended that 360 degree appraisal was the most beneficial
for a fire department in today’s work environment. Four basic methods were identified in his research: (1)
the conventional top down, (2) the peer rating, (3) the bottom up where employees rate their supervisors, (4)
the 360 degree evaluation which he states is a combination of the other three. Lobdell recommended that the
evaluation be implemented carefully and that they should be used only for employee self evaluation and
development. The individual ratings should be kept confidential and should be fairly short. He
recommended that training must be conducted for both giving and receiving performance appraisal before
the program is implemented, and the program should be evaluated periodically and modified to meet the
changing needs of the organization.
He recommended the evaluation be fairly short and that it should be able to be completed in about
thirty (30) minutes. The performance on which the employee is being rated should be clearly understood and
related to the position held. There should be a minimum of five to six evaluators to protect anonymity and
provide sufficient perspective. The immediate supervisor of the appraisee should receive the completed
evaluations. He should tabulate them onto a clean form with the comments.

Research obtained by Roberto Rivera’s research project Performance Appraisals A Change From Single
Source To Multi Source Evaluations (1996) indicated that multi source assessments are the wave of the
future. The purpose of his research project was to evaluate existing performance appraisals in the fire service
and determine their effectiveness. The El Paso Fire Departments current performance appraisal system was
examined and compared to those revealed in his research. The results of his research lead to choosing 360-
degree performance appraisal as a replacement for El Paso Fire Departments performance appraisals.
The procedures used in this research project was to exercise an extensive literature research to obtain as
much information as possible on the most recent type of performance appraisal being utilized today. It was
mostly directed at exploring information and research pertaining to 360-degree performance appraisal. The
author was searching for other fire 11 departments that were using the 360-degree performance appraisal
system to find out how successful it was for their organization and any problems they had encountered.
Three research papers found at the Learning Resource Center at The National Fire Academy
provided valuable information needed to complete the project. The three paper’s reviewed are contained in
the literature review section of this paper. Several books written on multi- source evaluations were also used
which are listed in the reference section. Telephone conversations were conducted with the authors of two of
the research paper’s reviewed in this project.

Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd. As a consultant company (In Software Marketing) established in 2018
based at Nagpur, India. Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd provide website development with digital marketing

Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd. Is a digital company in a market and its work is digital. In this company
work is a general marketing, and this company is a consultant those are sell software in international market.

Shovij Technology PVT LTD is a digital marketing services and technology company Providing
quality services and solutions to our global clientele. Our services include Lead Generation, Demand
Generation/ Appointment Setting, Event Registration, Database Validation, Content Syndication, Email
Marketing Data, Email Marketing and Web Development. With great expertise in Digital Marketing, Shovij
Technology PVT LTD provides the above mentioned services and help our clients build a strong sales

Nagpur, Maharashtra
Year Founded
Company Type
Privately Held
40 employees
2.3 Employee’s structure

Business employee hierarchy is the pyramidal type arrangement of the organizational employees,
departments and functions. It is the process of analyzing, dividing and arranging the work or activities into
manageable portions for individuals, sections and departments. In such arrangements, the activities are
grouped around functions such as production, finance, marketing and operations.

Such kind of organizational pyramid gives us a vertical hierarchy and the delegation of authority
based on the span of control creates multiple levels of employees. Each level in the hierarchy becomes an
integral part of the chain of command and acts as the channel for transmission of authority to the succeeding
lower level of the Business management.

A hierarchical structure of an organization predefines the role of employees within the organization
setup and also pre-sets the nature of the relationship that employees will share with each other. Hierarchical
structures in organizations narrow down as we move in the upward direction and showcase centralization in
the whole setup. The general organization hierarchies observe the following business employee hierarchy:

Board of Director

The first level in the hierarchy is acquired by the trustees or the board of directors from whom they
select a chairman with a simple vote of majority. These are the supreme authority of the organization that
are required to direct and are responsible for the governance of the organization.  The members at this level
of the organization hierarchy help to develop new perspectives for the organization and provide their
guidance at the required places.

Top management

This level includes presidents, vice presidents, executive directors and chief executive officers. The
professionals at this level are the most important strategists of the organization and are responsible for all the
aspects right from the formulation of policies to the review of management practices. These professionals
act as architects of the organizational purpose and behave as motivators & mentors. These act as the link
between the company and the Board of Directors, and are responsible for managing the external
environments & relationships.

Senior management

This level is comprised of the designations like general management, Project head, and chief project
coordinators. The professionals at this level are responsible for certain areas ore Business departments of the
organizations. These are more focused on their product line or the sub – objective of the organization on
which they are working. These professionals are more seen in the implementation and the supervision role
Middle management

Middle managers work on implementing the strategies and plans, but are not involved in the formulation
phase but they actively participate in the execution of the strategies and the business functions. This level includes
project coordinators, managers and deputy managers. 

Operational Employees

The professional at this level are generally hired for a specialized expertise and for performing the basic tasks
in the organization. These employees perform administrative, technical, financial or other specialized activities which
are the building blocks of major company’s function and which are required to be performed on the day today basis in
the organization.





Product details
 Digital Marketing Inbound Marketing
 Website Development and Design,
 Content Marketing,
 Email Marketing,
 Marketing Automation and Lead Generation
 Content syndication
 Email marketing data
 Email marketing and wed development

Be a leading global firm delivering impact through both online and traditional channels for our clients. We
believe in BUILDING VALUE for our customers and that is how we differentiate our business from our

 Shovij technology follows an approach to help in consistent and sustainable growth to maximise the
business opportunity.
 We aim to become an organisation that has a conducive working environment, is open to new ideas,
supports teamwork and is trustworthy enough.
 Our vision is to meet the expectations of our clients and partners.
 We appreciate the hard work and improvised approach of our clients and safeguard the intellectual
property of the organisations.
 We also have a vision to operate across the globe and provide IT Solutions and services at
competitive prices.
Shovij technology aims to reach the pinnacle in the IT industry by following the standards and tough
benchmarks. We aim to follow our mission in every possible manner so that we fulfil our vision with
credibility and hard work. Our strive towards excellence has made us to improve our quality and set an
example for others to follow.

To provide innovative, high quality and best-in-class IT Consulting and IT Solutions & Services to our
customers, enabling them to achieve their business objectives. Making it a wonderful and rich experience for
all customers, associates and partners while working together. shovij technology focuses on the mission to
provide IT Services to every firm, be it small or big, local or international, irrespective of the services it
provides or the products it manufactures. We are determined to make our presence felt in places where the
IT giants do not focus on. We aim to provide functional IT Solutions which is customer-centric, affordable,
result-oriented and that meet the quality standards. Our IT Solutions enable our clients to act dynamically
with the changing market scenario.

 We aim to explore new verticals and maximise the business output and provide sustainability.
 We utilize the technology to resolve the needs and requirements of our clients.
 We enable them to become street smart and implement new technologies in their processes
 We help our clients to consolidate the market research and bring new products in less time and more
 We partner our clients in their efforts to succeed in all fields.

 The main objectives of the study are as follows:

 To understand the process of 360 performance appraisal.
 To know the sources of 360 performance appraisal at various levels and various jobs.
 To critically analyze the functioning of 360 performance appraisal procedure.
 To identify the probable area of improvement to make 360 performance appraisal procedure more
 To know the managerial satisfaction level as well as to know the yield ratio.
 To search or headhunt people whose, skill fits into the company’s values
 To Study the concepts of 360 performance appraisal process from theoretical angle.
 To obtain the performance appraisal of the employees about the 360 performance appraisal process
and procedures followed in Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur

Scope of study:
The benefit of the study for the researcher is that it helped to gain knowledge and experience and also
provided the opportunity to study and understand the prevalent 360 performance appraisal procedures.
The key points of my research study are:
 To Understand and analyze various HR factors including 360 performance appraisal procedure at
company level.
 To suggest any measures/recommendations for the improvement of the 360 performance appraisal

 The problem that arises in performance appraisal system is what method has to be implemented and
when to evaluate the performance of the employees and whose performance had to be measured
within the organization.
 This performance appraisal system had difficulty in identifying the problem and how to solve that
problem to achieve results.
HR contact details.

1. Vikas Waghmare (Director CEO + HR) – 8793621681

2. Snehal Waghmare (HR & Quality Manager)

E-mail id –[email protected]
live :vikaswaghmare280489

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting a research project. The research design used
for this project is a descriptive research design as it is used in describing facts and characteristics of a sample
population under observation. In this project, it is used to describe the key motivator of individual
employees and to determine their various motivational profiles.
Research is a systematic effort to achieve the truth. Research is a careful, systematic & scientific
investigation or inquiry for search of new facts in any branch of knowledge. In short, "Research is
systematized effort to gain in new knowledge."
Research as “ the manipulation of things, concepts of symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend,
correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an
Research methodology is purely and simply the framework or a plan for the study that guides the
collection and analysis of data. Research is the scientific way to solve the problem and it’s increasingly used
to improve market potential. This involves exploring the possible method, one by one, and arriving at the
best solution, considering the resources at the disposal of research.
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a
science of studying now research is done systematically. In that various steps, those are generally adopted by
a researcher in studying his problem along with the logic behind them. It is important for research to know
not only the research method but also know methodology. ”The procedures by which researcher go about
their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomenon are called methodology.” Methods
comprise the procedures used for generating, collecting and evaluating data. All this means that it is
necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the same may differ from problem
to problem. Data collection is important step in any project and success of any project will be largely depend
upon now much accurate you will be able to collect and how much time, money and effort will be required
to collect that necessary data, this is also important step.

Research steps
o Study about organization
o Setting of objective
o Instrument-design(questionnaire)
o Main study
o Tabulated and cross tabulation
o Analysis and interpretation
o Findings
o Conclusion
o Suggestion and recommendation
The project is a systematic presentation consisting of the enunciated problem, formulated hypothesis,
collected facts of data, analyzed facts and proposed conclusions in form of recommendations.
The data has been collected from both the sources primary and secondary sources.

Primary Data:
Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to employees. The
questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into account the parameters of my study.
Secondary Data:

Data was collected from web sites, going through the records of the organization, etc. It is the data
which has been collected by individual or someone else for the purpose of other than those of our particular
research study. Or in other words we can say that secondary data is the data used previously for the analysis
and the results are undertaken for the next process.

The research done by

Sample Design:

A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees was not possible so a sample was
chosen that consisted of 40 employees. The research was taken by necessary steps to avoid any biased while
collecting the data.

Tools of Analysis:
The data collected from both the sources is analyzed and interpreted in the systematic manner with
the help of statistical tool like percentages.
A research design is the arrangement of the condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that
aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the information needed
to structure or to solve problems. It is the overall operation pattern or framework of the project that
stipulates what information is to be collected from which source and be what procedures.

 What is study about?

 What is study being made?

 Where will the study be carried out?

 What type of data is required?

 Where can the required data are found?

 What will be the sample design?

 Technique of data collection.

 How will data be analysed?


1. About Interview at Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur

No. Of Responses Response Response Percentage

Employee reference 25 50%

Walk-in interview 6 12%

Website 4 8%

Newspaper 4 8%

Consultancy 11 22%

Total 50 100%
Figure No.1

50% of Candidates are coming through consultancies, 22% are coming through employee reference,
12% are through walk-in interview,8% through website and 8% through newspaper and 22% through
2. 360 degree performance appraisal selection procedure of the Company

Procedure Response Response Percentage

Simple and Short 35 70%

Complex and Long 03 06%

Can’t say 12 24%

Total 50 100%
Figure No.2

It can be inferred that 70 % Employees find the Selection procedure Simple and Short, 6% find it Complex

and Long, and 24% says Can’t Say.360 degree performance is the most complicated to find the employee

3. Type of test given at the time of Selection of 360 degree performance appraisal

Procedure Response Response Percentage

Aptitude Test 11 22%

Technical or Functional Test 10 20%

Medical Test 02 04%

Personality Assessment Test (Psychometric Test) 27 54%

Total 50 100%
Figure No.3

It can be inferred that 22% of employees has given Aptitude Test at the time of selection 360 degree
performance appraisal , 20% has given Technical Test, 4% has given Medical Test and 54% has given
Personality Test.
4. Selection Test conducted by the Company

Parameter Response Response Percentage

Yes 28 56%

No 02 04%

Partially 20 40%

Total 50 100%

Figure No.4

It can be inferred that 56% employees said that Yes they are satisfied with the selection test, 4%
employees said that No they are not satisfied with the selection test, 40% employees are Partially satisfied
with the selection test. Thus 56% of Employees are satisfied with the Selection test conducted by the
5. Job profile provided by the Company

Parameter Response Response Percentage

Yes 25 50%

No 02 04%

Partially 23 46%

Total 50 100%

Figure No.5

It can be inferred that 50 % employees said that Yes they are satisfied with the job profile, 4%
employees said No, 46% said Partially. Thus 50 % of employees are satisfied with their job profile
provided by the company.
6. Interview in the organization

Procedure Sample Size Response Response and

Telephonic Interview 50 40 80%
Preliminary Interview 50 45 90%
HR Interview 50 26 52%
Detailed Technical Interview 50 12 24%
Aptitude Test 50 49 96%
Personality Assessment Test 50 47 94%

Figure No .6

Inference: Maximum employees were selected through Telephonic Interview, Preliminary Interview,
Aptitude Test and Personality Test.
Minimum employees were selected through HR Interview, Detailed Technical Interview.
7. Major factors affecting the 360 degree performance appraisal policies of Shovij Technology Pvt.
Ltd., Nagpur

Procedure Response Response Percentage

Organizations policies 12 24%

Recruitment cost 22 44%

Government policies 6 12%

Policies of competitors 10 20%

Total 50 100%
Figure No.7

It can be inferred that 24 % of employees said that Organizations policies affect the recruitment
policies, 44 % of employees said that Recruitment cost affect the recruitment policies, 12 % of
employees said that Government policies affect the 360 degree performance appraisal policies and
only 14 % of employees said that Policies of competitors affect the 360 degree performance appraisal
8. Qualities of Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur Recruitment System

Procedure Response Response Percentage

Quick Response Time 6 12%
Bringing in Quality People 20 40%

Proper Co-ordination with other team or 8 16%

Efficient maintenance & updating of 16 32%
Total 50 100%

Figure No.8


It can be inferred that 12 % of employees said that Quick Response Time, 40 % of employees said that
Bringing in Quality People, 16 % of employees said that Proper Co-ordination with other team or
departments, 32 % of employees said Efficient maintenance & updating of database of Shovij
Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur Recruitment System.
9. Qualities emphasized for performance appraisal of candidates

Procedure Response Response Percentage

Qualifications 6 12%
Experiences 8 16%
Skills 6 12%
Personality 4 8%
All of the above 26 52%

Total 50 100%

Figure No.9

It can be inferred that 12 % of employees said that Qualifications, 16 % of employees said that
Experiences, 12 % of employees said that Skills, 8 % of employees said that Personality, 8 % of
employees said that Skills and maximum said that All of the above 360 degree performance appraisal
selection policy which of the qualities are emphasized for performance appraisal selection of
10. Present 360 degree performance appraisal policies

Parameter Response Response Percentage

Yes 22 44%

No 10 20%

Partly satisfied 18 36%

Total 50 100%
Figure No.10

It can be inferred that 44 % employees said that Yes they are satisfied with the present recruitment and
selection policies of database of Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur , 20% employees said No and 36%
said Partially satisfied the present 360 degree performance appraisal policies of database of Shovij
Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur

11. Regular feedback from superior regarding employee 360 degree performance .
The employee tells about companies superior regarding the performance. for employee job
satisfaction on work they are given respond are tabulated in table no. 5.

Responses Percentage
No. of respondent
Highly satisfied 30% 15
Satisfied 20% 10
Neutral 32% 16
Dissatisfied 12% 6
Highly dissatisfied 6% 3

Total 100% 0

Figure No. 11


Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied


Analysis: Out of 50 respondents 15 were highly satisfied by getting regular feedback from
their superiors, 10 were satisfied, 16 were neutral regarding their response, 6 were dissatisfied
whereas 3 were highly dissatisfied.

The study was thoughtful for knowing the existing Employee’s Recruitment and process at Shovij
Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur.

 The study was restricted to Shovij Technology Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur, only and other being the time as

 Most of the employees were not eager or prepared to fill the questionnaire.

 The superiors were not able to dedicate much time to fill up the questionnaire which results in
not so authentic data or information.

 The sample size being small, the results cannot be generalized.

 As the questionnaire is restricted to only 50 questions, the study could not cover the other
aspects of the topic.

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