B.tech. Biotechnology Notes

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1 ;r ifL! l ) NA i\ lli!rrctr(r( u dud $r bds[ libny DNA '[o'rrdot rrf ll0 f , i r li\ i(Llil l)n!L.fr chlrcs : \!qr c ' c c c c s lhcs.q' ctrco assc g rlI s nbled usine by o \cl r tr i s rNnr lrlick (, c\F nl)

L . r ' ! cs c r 0 sc(rcn u a n rsrrrc(ttr.nc rg Evenr elativety Uvoy .r sl) NA liagmctr ls !nrlL bnclcrirL gor]li]lrls conl.nrDrilLioN nu0lcolnbs. thc!!!u!!u!t!9ma!qD{ ol and rlorcoll.1i,rsrhoN 246nriLlnnr srncrp!ruachcscoDsistofcuninB !.!!q\ rlicrLtorc.

($nh {wiLh rlnnrqvfnrcs)o! shoarnrs fcchrnicrLtbrccs) DNA fragneib al]tf tarsc i..ro.tr, r' DNA lrcdrrc ,. l l'c t'Jrri. ic,t UNA A JutqJ rnro D!A \el!! 6ua y ._ s Jb i re rij l rl as rd.rrddp.rfi edi na r 4 , , r ' . 4 t . . . / r . lt e a m p t r f ie d D\ A t u r lc n b c .i l . pr,ted tromfie badoDlelh rad.sdd\ankAe ofbrter.a,ctones rqwncineis ddi[: lor .o n.D\A seclenre. beinr Fnr \ rr-/onJrr. in some d ar.ir;bt. b&bid: mdj or i{. s.ra .n ,.dL"roJ el ek nous etfecr o f r h e c io n e J s e q u e n c e o n lh e h o llb a d:e i i u m o r o l h e r ' L r l ..L 'Jl'c s <s ho 4t'.;r,c .i s p r , t t r L r io n , r o r L iL , t b d . e r ; t . o , o , * a e r n e n i i i uN

JbJ { r l s..o (r.Jco- 1trDN^.

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porer{,J ctrur-Fonc pdrt., ry Jtrty in L,cprcsence :!!!!!,j. Lf

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rhous.n!s ornillioDsofsequcnces once. ar

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nDlccule As ir,lc!rhf dcl.dntr,nrllr)Js rt ollcr Dolscrsiln0rnoushlor siru,le gcnclale mrr.pproac|.sus.rn t, rtrd clonirgslcnro nrany copiesofqch scqNfciir8. DNAntolccules i , r L i f n n tr,l (rl 0 i ' n l \ 1 ,,L j (l ( i r o r ! tr cLhod- iogiDdividud u is,l"r lIl)l,l.s \vil[id otroil fl'Nc. A B!]!rE&lg rfurt\irri,r]nr'(nrrc(lbc ls ir n(ttrtotr\ rrr r r' 1 . .1 . , hr Jr qr l .ofcsotr [cisoLar edlibr ar y l . ! L . . ! t t r r 'l r .(, ' lu' J . , ' - t . . ". 1 ' n .-." ..'-," ." ,-,tru 1 l )i r.r'ol/fJior lar er scqLcncing.Em llsion

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and I'oreca er al. (alsoknown 6 . .i !qi9r!!!, rccenily acquircdby Rocho)and shendure { " ! I 'polory .l o) aUencourland Eenrlj acquiedby Apblied . 'eqLercins.(otrirneruia|ao ,*L llioj: r(r N).Ea Anorl,er merhoLl dr r tf, clonslmplincalion is "bndg. PCR",, Jt, . "rbr *h e t , B g m efl sa -e a n ,p l i fi mu p o ro,,nc' scr kchedr u.soldsqhc,dev;lopdad.* !- ..- '.- dr both Lscd Solexa by (rF* ohnedby ll. ir-).'fheseInerhods prcd(e m&y physicallXji:'.'i!..,"*, q The3ln8l.- 1 q . s u l l r c t l . o co ri u n sw h rcl ru a (h cor r Jii' r liycop,cs!ibsr ql.r r asm en' *l Lto'y{rar$ cofrn.Eitll4d bt. .1. .. drvcl.p6 by skplrcr QLo\.! ltrbu' molccu,jn,erho'l ,

;t;iil;;1,;,il;;iil;ili,i;;il".8"jil;i; ("";;i"iliJJulGrlrrJ,:

rhr,cosr rhiJ slips drpr;ficaria,r $;p,.r.,(rry rstrr DNA nrokcures lyrac:l|]:fi;: ro:

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nre to positioos srdmc,lri:i: Onc.clomlDNAscqucoccs p|ysi.alltlocilizod sctaFle ona \i ,o .'" '.q uenc i .'g"pp,oo,h$,r' J J b eo d ,(rd , m . n - r h e DNA r q L e n c e " o f a.ll us c loca(ions,padllcl. SequencinBbysyrdresis".lilie$epopula,dye'leminalion..i in lscs flo$ss oIDNA srndEeh DNAholvmcE*to electophoreric sequemitrg. rLrc by idcnlil'rlt h6cst'cscnr lIc oon!loNcrlary in l)NA nroLcc!lc. Rcverciblc lcrminabr v.rsions rr{hds (Ncdb} llltrnrirM.trd llclioog$c rcversitrlc ofdys*rminarors, dcreclnig nrcEsccnce corespondingth.l posilion, lo ddlns onenucleoridca rirDc, !L rlrtrLcnrovirsllEbloctnrssroupro!llo* 1epolylr$ialionoldotd.ucleodde, | \ rn ro u e n(i ns Alsouscs DNApolynr.arion roodd nucleotides, ore type adding of addedI,o-.d,16 rn(nd(recunc ,t&r r 'yindIhpndnbs oi nucrmLids ,n.l ' In,e. ,, udl .hel ,s nre.l n c J b ] r h e Rlc 6 . o ln r a c h . d p y lo p h o s p h a t e s.T t$ t S( ,r n ( tr cinlht l i c x ri ,tl ]

(7) ()Ihcr sc(tnc cin g t c c lt pologic s

o ri. Lnt)NA jLl]&,c r| tr y ,rvc r( virrnlcs itr lc|rsoj.cl.ljcicroyor "dt'.Lr . , . . \.1 i ..'.!l 'i ,1 ,t.t Lcr lr ctr lr ( Jto5eouenonc

,L t,!]} Ji![4 tr !:,," r o n + r ym a r ic . . . n e r ' ! J th Jtu 5 ,sJt)N 4 fi ..,,[a \.ttr ,t.) ne,l,od.,nnttepoototLnlnoMDNA.h. . .I I r r i . cn ) a b ce J6 ,Jh j b r,l i rIlo5r ar tuyutr novnfqr tr s iflher knod .. u N ^ Dvd rd k,n rc.,cl )to J;i \<r,sf!r or r tc.,r 1J.fIsnUdlo,,tir hr up.,,lhendar ,.. - . r q u . . t rj F In r{rcJtu crn q rt r.h( 1,.\nJ"nJN/^ bein!sc,tucnccd. ! M nr $ccrn,rncrry.r. J $ r u.e,lo eo rn,e D.,rarot(Lies: c-*,io"f,il*n.. . :.1 .* " I R r ,M r ro n ,e a xn r! ro th e D NA nr ,t.( ucjotdr ncr enr tentlhr d d r hetensLhofr h6: b ,rr '{a. rirG,e.,-s> bLnc.l rhem ,o* trir wng gd r, .y.Jj,' i:lj l.r. 'Jil*,"r..J
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. 'r( t s r J r ! . . ' N ^r ' . ' c , , r , . t s r .r ,r r ,(

Mrrinr' landmarks DNAscqucncrng irr

l 'l _ l l(' i f,!..ru ,l f.(l o L r ir .tsc) .or ' nt( \pr lr LJEencr LithES.s rrxn ,c$ cu :cq L (' j rtt. !r l j )'i r.r.i r\ idh

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!:.21wJllld orl Mrr , \r r(r, ( c .(, rearCrl.bridCe, UK. 'r. 'cT'dr r n c (o ! . , r u a r n b ..e n r is..( s | o sAh m o sr Do E) lo NCBI(N rH ). I.r |
\J i .l rr-a,r,t $r . , t ' t . . . j, r t i. r c , , r c uflt e .t . v : n r o r y a n is m, ,r'. ,t.'!!:r.ttt, +llj::!-... ,gcDotr1,ri(ut | Mbr |

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r"'sitssd ,rr(^srrrosequ.nce.


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