behaviour - Challenges and opportunities for organization behaviour - A managerial perspective. UNIT: II Individual in the organization: Individual - nature of man - Models of manPersonality - stages of development of personality - Determinants of Perception Factors influencing perception - Learning - Theories of Learning- Attitudes Formation of attitudes. Personality and emotions - Managing emotions and tress in organizations - Individual decision making - Motivation theories - Application of motivation. UNIT: III Groups in organization: Basic group concepts Formation - Types Group decision making- Group Cohesiveness- Dissonance - Small Group behaviour Groups Vs. Teams- Understanding work teams - Types of teams - Creating effective teams. Conflicts- Types of Conflicts - Strategies for resolution of Conflicts in Groups. UNIT: IV Group Dynamics: Communication- Hindrances in achieving effective communication- Leadership and managerial effectiveness- Trust and Leadershippower and politics- Basis of power- organizational politics. UNIT: V Organizational Systems: Organization Structure- Size and design- Organizational culture- Creativity and innovation- Organizational change- Resistance to changeIntroducing change in large organizations- Organizational stress- Factors contribute to Stress- Coping strategies- Stress and performance. Organizational effectiveness- Quality of work life- International Organizational behaviour- New options- Virtual Organization- Technology and Organization. Suggested Readings: 1. Robbins: Essentials of Organizational Behaviour, Pearson Education, 2008. 2. Gordon. J.R: Diagnostic approach to Organizational behaviour: Allyn and Bacon: New York, 1987. 3. Lorbch J.W. (Fd.) Handbook of Organization Behaviour: Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. 4. Harrison M.LK.: Diagnosing Organizations: Methods, Models and Processes: Sage Publishers, New Delhi, 1987. 5. Ford. R.C.: Organization Theory- An Integrative Approach: Harper & Row Publishers: New York, 1988. 6. Robbins P. Stephen: Organizational Behaviour, Concepts, Controversies and Applications, Pearson Education. 7. Sarma,VVS: Organizational Behaviour, Jaico Publishing House
8. Ashwatappa: Organizational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House 9. Subba Rao,P: Management and Organisational Behaviour,Himalaya Publishing House. 10. Andre Organizational Behaviour, Pearson Education. 11. LM Prasad: Organizational Behaviour: Sulthan Chand. 12.Gerlad Green Berg and Robart A Baron: Organizational Behaviour Pearson Education. 13. Nelson: Organizational Behaviour, Cengage Learning. 14. Hellireigel: Organizational Behaviour, Cengage Learning.
313-ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT Unit-I : The Field of OD Definition Evolution Different Stems The laboratory straining stems The Survey Research and Feed back stem The Action Research Stem The Socio Technical and Socio Clinical Stem Second Generation Values Assumptions and belief in O.D. Implications of O.D. O.D. Values in Indian Organisations. Unit-II : Foundations and Interventions of O>D> Models and theories of planned change Participation and Empowerment Parallel learning structures Normative, Re-educative Strategy of Changing Action Research Managing the OD Process OD Interventions Team Interventions Teams and work groups Process Consultation Interventions - A gestalt approach to Team Building Techniques and Exercises used in Team Building Large Scale Change and High Performance Systems Trans
Organisational Development Structural Interventions and the applicability of O.D. Unit-III: Key Considerations and Issues Issues in Consultant Client Relationships Defining the client System Entry and Contracting The Issue of Trust The Nature, Expertise, Diagnosis, Appropriateness and Depth of Interventions The Consultant Team as a model and microcosm Ethical Standards in O.D. Unit-IV: Power, Politics and O.D. Team work for analyzing power and politics Importance in the planned change and practice of O.D. O.D. Practitioner Competencies of an effective O.D. Practitioner Professional Values and Ethics Evaluation of O.D. Interventions Managing in Turbulent Times Organisational Deconstruction Distributed Intelligence - Technological connectivity Creative Destruction Disruptive Innovation Clash of Culture and Implications of O.D. Incorporating future in to the present. Unit-V: The Future and O.D. Fundamental Strengths of O.D. and Changing Environmental Diffusion of Techniques Integrative Practice The Search for High Performance Community Organisation Transformation for large scale Paradigm Shift The O.D. Value Cycle O.D. Interventions for special situations like turnaround situations, Managing Discontinuities The New Agenda for O.D. Suggested Readings:
1. Wendell L. French Cecil H. Bell, Jr. Veena Vohra Wendell L. French Cecil H. Bell Jr. Robert A. Zawacki Organization Development 6th Edition Pearson Education, 2008 Organization Development and Transformation - Managing Effective Change, 6th Edition Tata McGrawHill, 2008 Organization Development & Change, 8th Edition Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 05 Organization Design & Development Concepts & Applications, Himal Impressions, New Delhi, 2009 Organization Development & Change, 8th Edition Cengage Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009 Human Resource Development and Organisational Effectiveness Excell Books, 2009 Organisational Theory, Design and Change, 5th Edn Pearson Education, 2007 Organisations Structures, Process and Outcomes 9th Edn. Pearson Education, 2007
Bhupan Srivatsava
Gareth R. Jones