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Enrolment No._______________
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE SEM-IV Examination-Nov/Dec-2011 Subject code: 140604 Date: 05/12/2011 Subject Name: Engineering Geology Time: 02.30 pm -5.00 pm Total marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) Elaborate the role of geology in civil engineering practices. 07 (b) Describe the chemical weathering of rocks through the processes 07 of oxidation and reduction. (a) Describe how Lustre and Form properties can be used to identify 07 various minerals. (b) Narrate the merits and demerits of a tunnel alignment passing 07 through the folded sequence of rocks. OR (b) State the objects of geological investigations for civil engineering 07 projects. (a) Discuss the remedial measures for the prevention of landslides. (b) Describe the structures developed in igneous rocks due to mobility of magma / lava. OR (a) What are sedimentary rocks? Describe the formation of clastic sedimentary rocks. (b) Describe the factors and kinds of metamorphism. 07 07
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(a) Drawing neat sketches, write brief notes on: (i) Horst - Garben and 07 (ii) Stratification - Lamination. (b) Define: (i) Mineral (ii) Rock (iii) Earthquake (iv) Faults (v) Folds 07 (vi) Permeability (vii) Weathering
(a) Give the classification of folds based on position of axial plane. 07 (b) What are joints? Give their types and engineering geological 07 significance. (a) Write brief notes: (i) Frost Action and (ii) Mohs Scale of Hardness (b) Discuss the subsurface distribution of groundwater. OR (a) Write brief notes on: (i) Effects of dip and strike of rocks on the foundation of dams and (ii) Crystallographic Axes (b) Write brief notes on: (i) Earthquake Prediction and (ii) Sandstones and Limestone as Building Stones
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