Gujarat Technological University: Instructions
Gujarat Technological University: Instructions
Gujarat Technological University: Instructions
Q.1 (a) (i) Discuss in detail factors affecting selection of dam type. 06
(ii) What is HR & CR? Enlist functions of each? 04
(b) Explain the following terms: 04
(i) Chute blocks (ii) Sills and Dentated Sills
Q.2 (a) Describe with neat sketches various methods adopted for controlling seepage 07
through the body of an embankment dam and through foundation.
(b) Explain different types of settlements in a rockfill dam. How they can be 07
(b) Explain various conditions for which the stability of the side slopes of an earthen 07
dam needs to be analyzed.
Q.3 (a) (i) Write design features for good construction of embankment dam. 04
(ii) Show forces acting on a gravity dam with sketch. 03
(b) Write design principles of sarda type fall. 07
Q.3 (a) (i) Explain how construction operation is carried out in earthen dams? 04
(ii) Classify concrete dams. Briefly discuss each type. 03
(b) Write design principles of glacis type fall. 07
Q.4 (a) Discuss stepwise analytical procedure for analyzing the stability of gravity dam. 07
(b) Justify the statement ‘Roller compacted concrete gravity dam is more economical 07
than other dams.’
Q.4 (a) (i) Draw a neat sketch of elementary profile of dam. 03
(ii) Discuss the properties of concrete used in the construction of a gravity dam. 04
(b) Write a short note on ‘cracking of concrete during the construction of gravity dam 07
& its remedial measures’.
Q.5 (a) Define spillway. What is the purpose to provide it? What are the essential 07
requirements? Where the spillway is located?
(b) Differentiate Jump Height Curve (J.H.C.) and Tail Water Curve (T.W.C.). What are 07
the different possibilities of occurrence of J.H.C. and T.W.C.?
Q.5 (a) Discuss Bucket types of energy dissipators with neat sketches. 07
(b) (i) Define ‘Energy dissipators’. What are the needs to provide it? 03
(ii) What is stilling basin? Why they are provided? Enlist the components of it. 04