TARGET MARKET: y y PLACE: y y y Supermarket Malls Roadside Locations Bracket of Davao. For everybody
Vision Our company bears the visi on of providi ng fun, deli ciousl y appetizing, u n i q u el y e n ch an ti n g foo d a nd b e ve ra g e p ro d u ct s . Wh i l e m a i n t a i n i n g o u r co mmi tment to uncompromi sed quality at economi cal rates wi th a heartening purpose to cater to society s needs, taste and preferences; rather than simply convincing our customers to try and like whatever products we develop. Mission y To provide the best quality, reasonably priced products in the food and beverage industry. y To be the leader in our industry, attained by the following a well planned expansion through retail outlets and wide product distribution. y To continuously generate awareness, interest and desire for our products, resulting in frequent/repeat purchase. y To established Zagu as a highly regarded international brand name. Objectives To promote, protect and maintain our image at all times. To make sure that each employees provid es quality products and offer excellent service to all customers. To m a k e s u r e t h a t a l l o u t l e t s a r e p r o p e r l y l a n d o u t , m a i n t a i n e d a n d profitable.
y y y
II Situational Analysis S.W.O.TAnalysis It captures the key stren gth and weaknesses wi thin the company and describes the opportunities and threats facing. Strength Brands strength and uniqueness The companys brand name is original and attractive to the customers New variety of flavours to choose from the company is not concentrated in a particular flavour of shake but rather it offers different kind of shake in a variety of flavours Products that tend to make consumers lifestyle healthy The products contains nutritional benefits for the consumers Weaknesses Reliant upon particular pearl shake drink The product is seasonal The product is intended for summer season and because of the company should expect that during rainy seasons shake drinks is not the in demand and probably volume of sales will decrease Opportunity Introduction of new product Brand is attracti ve to the consu mers; the produ cts colourful and unique name seems to be attractive to the consumers. Threats The company is not alone in this kind of business t h e r e a r e l o t s o f c o m p a n y in the same field that might become a big threat The company is in the field of beverages industry, it offers a product that the customers intake
ZAGU the leader in the pearl shake business, is looking for dynamic entrepreneurs to be part of this dynamic business. ZAGU introduces the Pearl Drink to the Philippine market. The drinks uniqueness and the variety of flavors it offers broaden its appeal to the customers and keeps them interested. Taste and flavor is the essential component, keeping customers coming back for more. ZAGU considers AUTHORIZED DEALERS as partners and we welcome your ideas. On the other hand, ZAGU views you as an internal customer, whom we serve so both of us can succeed. ZAGU is determined to help foreign Authorized Dealers, just like their local partners, to meet and exceed their expectations. ZAGU Authorized Dealers make a significant commitment both in financial and in personal resources to their business. We match their commitment with our own. We are committed to customizing the perfect combination of marketing and support to meet our partners individual needs. We even own and operate 80 outlets as part of our promise to walk in your shoes and continue to learn and know the business first hand. Whats in it for authorized dealer? * No franchise fee, no royalty fee * Instant Market * Additional Source of Income * Use of ZAGU Trademark and Logo * Proprietary Recipes, Ingredients and Procedures * High Profile National Presence * Discount on Purchases * Ongoing Training and Operational Support * Marketing and Advertising Support * Exclusive Product Distribution * Contemporary Design and Decor Package * Assistance with Site Selection * Customized Operational System * Continuous Research and Development