Assignment of English For Life

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4ssiqnment of nq/ish for Life

1opic A successfu| person

,fe by Aqeel Ahmed Shaflque
Ahsan lqbal
lalzan Pafeez

5ubmitte to Mam Marla

, def|nat|on of success
Accordlng Lo me Lhe person who ls caplble of helplng oLher people
achelve hls LargeLs recognlzlng hls responslblllLes and aL Lhe end happy
wlLh whaLever he ls a successful person

ko|e mode| of successfu| person
1 8lll gaLes
2 Mlan Mansha
3 Shareef 8roLhers

|ograph of ,r as|m Lat|f Ch

Computer expert (des|gner)(co|umn wr|tter)(bus|ness man )
Lar| ||fe
Mr Aslm was born on13 aprll 1974 ln lahore aklsLan hls faLher was a famous crlmanl lawer 80s and had
a happy lalfe buL as every rlse has a fall Pls grand faLher was murdered and Lhe murderar was arrasLed
and he was a well known person so he and hls faLher applled all Lhelr efforLs and savlngs on a case flled
on Lhe murderar and Lhey goL caughL by flnenclal crlsls aL LhaL Llme Mr Aslm was ln lsc (pre engnerlng)
and for Lhls reason he sLarLed Leachlng buL hls alm was Lo be a successful person and a successful
busslness man buL aL LhaL Llme Lhey have noL so much resourses and were almosL hand Lo mouLh buL he
dld noL lose hls wlll power of becomlng a sucessfull person buL aL LhaL Llme he sLarLed Lo save money for
hls furLher educaLlon
WlLh Lhe earnlngs he sLarLed Lo do hls shorL courses of compuLer neLworklng and deslgnlng and he show
hls besL skllls ln Lhe shorL courses and he galn loL of experlence and he sLarLed Lo search for a sulLable
[ob for hlm so he applled ln severlal dlfferenL companles and was re[ecLed because of un graducaLe buL
dld noL lose hls hope and Lake Lhose re[ecLlons as compllmenLs and Lry Lo beLLer hlm self and afLer
lmprovemenL he goL Lhe [ob ln adverLlsmenL company as a presenLaLlon deslgner
Da|| 1|mes
AfLer so many [ob experlence now he ls worklng ln ually 1lmes (newspaper) as a head of deslgnlng
deparLmenL and he ls also runnlng hls own busslnes of onllne [obs frenchlse now he ls a marrled man
and glvlng a comforLable envlourmenL Lo hls parenLs and wlfe and ls a sucessful person
ersonal ld aslmlaLlfch786[yahoocom
Moblle no 03008843493
Cfflce adress 41 n lndusLrlal Area Culberg 2 Lahore


e|ng successfu| |s a|most |mpos|b|e
8ecause of sLrongwlll power and a falLh ln yourself can make any Lhlng posslble as Lhe world lmposslble
says lLself l am posslble
Success mean the same for everone
!usL a llLLle hardworkblesslngs of parenLsfalLh ln Cod and a sLrong wlll power ls requlred

Lstab||sh the v|s|on
A person can noL become successful wlLhouL a proper LargeL ln llfeand can noL be happy wlLh hls
achlevmenLs so Lo become sucessful esLabllshlng vlslon ls very lmporLanL
Deve|op pos|t|ve thoughts and be||efs
Llfe ls noL sLralghL and easy wlLh ouL dlscougaremenL one cannoL lmprove hlm self every rlse has a fall
and every fall has a rlse and Lhls ls law of llfe and always be poslLlve because negaLlve LhaughLs makes a
person confuse

1) uo you Lhlnk LhaL you are a sucessful person?
Ans ?es ! l Lhlnk l am a successful person because any one happy wlLh hls
professlon and hls llfe ls sucessful and l am happy wlLh my llfe and
professlon and l am sure LhaL l am a sucessful person
2) uo you Lhlnk shorLcuLs can make any body sucessful?
AnsMay be ! buL ln my openlon hardwork and blesslngs are more besL
ways of belng sucessful Lhan shorLcuLs

3) WhaL can you say abouL llfe ls a noL a bed of roses?
AnsWell lL depends ln whlch sence you are saylng LhaL As l sald before llfe
ls noL sLralghL buL lf you are dolng your efforLs ln rlghL Llme aL rlghL
professlon Lhan llfe csn be bed of roses

4) WhaL was your chlldhood alm?
AnsWell Llll 7
grade l wanL Lo become a soldler buL as llfe moves on Lhlngs
change and Lhen my alm was Lo be a good and honesL busslness man
3) WhaL was Lhe Lurnlng polnL of yourllfe?
Ansllnenclel crlses of my famlly was Lhe Lurnlng polnL of my llfe

6) Pow much Llme lL Look Lo become a sucessful person?
Ans1lme dosnL maLLer lL ls Lhe hardwork and sLruggle of a person Well ln
my case lL almosL Look 13 years Lo be whaL l am now

7) lf ln case you have Lo bear flnlclal crlses agaln wlll you be able Lo become
sLable agaln?
Ans?es l am dam sure LhaL l can easlly face all problems and become sLable

8) uo you Lhlnk lL ls enough for you?
Ansl Lhlnk lL ls noL enough for me and ln llfe l wanL Lo become Lhe besL
busslness man of aklsLan wlLh my efforLs

9) Slr you are a sucessful person and you have loL of money buL you are sLlll
llvlng a llfe llke a mlddle class person Why?
AnsWell a nlce quesLlon l Lhlnk LhaL one should noL forgeL hls Lrue llfe afLer
earnlng a loL of many and becomlng sucessful

10) Slr any suggesLlon for young generaLlon?
Ansnever lose hope always be poslLlve and above all don'L forgeL who you
are and whaL you are dolng be slncere wlLh your professlonalso en[oy
your llfe because Lhese movmenLs noL come agaln

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