Darry Saunders: Phone: 203-578-6008

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Darry Saunders

Phone: 203-578-6008
E-mail: [email protected] Objectives To secure a position as a Science Instructor in a public school. To secure a position as an interscholastic coach. To secure a position as a Science Curriculum Specialist, Coach and/or Educational Consultant. To obtain a position as an assistant principal or principal in a public, private, or charter school with the opportunity to shape curriculum through peer groups, data analysis, and community involvement. Education University of New England, Biddeford, ME MSEd in Educational Leadership Teacher as Leader Differentiation Theory & Strategies Motivational Theory & Classroom Management Educational Leadership School Law Supervision and Evaluation of Instructional Personnel School Finance Organizational Theory & Strategic Planning Action Research Portfolio Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, NC B.S. Physics 2011


Teaching Experience Cumberland County Schools Pine Forest Senior High School, Fayetteville, NC 2007-present 11th-12th grade Chemistry (H), Physics (H) and (AP) and Physical Science instructor. Data Analysis Design and create purposeful weekly lesson plans based off of Blooms Taxonomy. Designed and created hands on activities, labs and virtual labs for students to use in class to enhance inquiry, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Served as Co-Chair of the Science Department. Worked with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (D.P.I.) to create meaningful assessment for Physical Science as a member of the Measurement of Student Learning Design Group. Worked with the NC D.P.I. on Accountability and Curriculum Reform Efforts (ACRE) in response to A Frame Work for Change; in response to the Race to the Top Federal Grant. Developed curriculum for Cumberland County Public Schools to coincide with the New Common Core/Essential Standards and Unpacking documents for Chemistry, Physics and Physical Science. Provided data driven instruction. Worked in Professional learning communities to assess student performance and establish effective measures to improve the quality of student learning. Contact parents via phone, email and through conference to discuss achievement levels, behavior and/or other concerns as well as to provide positive feedback regarding student performance.

Tutoring Licenses and Certificates State of Connecticut: Interim Provisional Educator Certificate to teach Physics (032), Grades 7-12 State of Connecticut: Provisional Educator Certificate to teach General Science (034), Grades 7-12 North Carolina Standard Professional II Educators Licensure Science 9-12 (Comprehensive, Secondary) 300. AP Certified Physics-B Instructor NCHSAA (North Carolina High School Athletic Association) Certified Coach

Coaching Experience Science Olympiad Interscholastic Cheerleading Interscholastic Track & Field Other Professional Experiences GlaxoSmithKline Science in the Summer Trained Instructor

2007-present 2008-present 2007


Interned at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 2006 Tracer Technology Group-Urban Dispersion Program Improved the permanent network of wind stations in and around NYC to provide the data necessary to accurately predict how released hazardous materials will be transported; Conducted field studies in NYC to advance knowledge about the movement of contaminants in and around NYC, into subways, buildings, and within building interiors; Improved and validate computer models that simulate the atmospheric movement of contaminants in urban areas using data collected in the field studies; and, Transferred the improved capabilities to NYC emergency management agencies. Interned at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Department of Applied Sciences and Engineering Professor Michael Tinkham Conducted research on Superconductivity and Nanoscience Created Zinc Nanowires Utilized a clean room and measures to limit contamination Utilized a Helium Three Refrigerator http://www.eduprograms.seas.harvard.edu/reuprog_2005.htm 2005

Hobbies Taking care of my Family Competitive Cheerleading Track & Field Science Olympiad Shopping

References Available Upon Request

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