Seven Mysterious Prayers

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The passage describes seven mysterious prayers to recite each morning of the week for spiritual protection.

Prayers are described for Monday through Saturday, invoking blessings and protection from God and Jesus.

When confronted by those searching for him, Jesus asks 'Who are you searching for?' and says 'I have already told you that it is I for whom you search, leave them alone.'


By Abbe Julio Abbe Julio made a point of spiritual protection for each day of the week. Each prayer is to be recited in the morning on getting up. MONDAY + O Great God, by whom all things have been delivered, deliver me also from all evil. O Great God who has accorded your consolation to all beings, console me in my afflictions. O Great God who has succoured and helped all things, help me and succour me in all my necessities, my troubles, my enterprises and my dangers; deliver me from all the oppositions and attacks of my enemies, visible and invisible, + in the Name of the Father who created the world, + in the Name of the Son who has redeemed it, + in the Name of the Holy Spirit who has accomplished the law in its perfection; I throw myself into your arms and I put myself entirely under your protection. + May the blessing of God, the Omnipotent Father, through whose Word alone created all things, be always with me. So may it be! + May the blessing of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the Great living God be always with me. So may it be! + May the blessing of the Holy Spirit with its seven gifts be always with me. So may it be ! + May the blessing of the Virgin Mary, with that of her Divine Son be always with ( here say your name and optionally, the names of those for whom you desire protection ) their servant(s). So may it be! TUESDAY + May the blessing which Our Lord, Jesus Christ gave , when he consecrated the bread and gave it to his disciples , saying : Take and eat , this is my body which is given for the remission of all sins be always with ( here say your name and optionally, the names of those for whom you desire protection ), poor sinner(s). So may it be! + May the blessings of the saints, Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Thrones, Dominations, Principalities, Cherubim and Seraphim be always with me ! + May the blessings of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors and all the Saints of God be always with me. So may it be! + May the blessing of all the Heavens of God be always with me. So may it be! + May the majesty of the All-Powerful God sustain and protect me; may his eternal kindness lead me; may his limitless Charity enflame me. + May the power of the Father conserve me; may the wisdom of the Son vivify me; may the Virtue of the Holy Spirit be between me and my enemies, visible and invisible. So may it be!

+ Power of the Father, fortify me; Wisdom of the Son enlighten me; Consolation of the Holy Spirit, console me. The Father is Peace, the Son is Life, the Holy Spirit is the remedy, consolation and health. May the Divinity of God bless me, may his Piety enflame me, may his Love ignite me in love. So may it be! WEDNESDAY + O Jesus Christ, Son of the Great Living God, have pity on me. O Emanuel! Defend me against the malignant Enemy and against all my enemies, visible and invisible, and deliver me from all evil. God made man, who has suffered patiently for us, Jesus Christ, King come in Peace. +Jesus Christ commands, + Jesus Christ reigns, +Jesus Christ triumphs. May Jesus Christ, the good-natured King, be always be between me and my enemies in order to defend me. So may it be. May Jesus Christ deign to give me the grace to triumph over all my adversaries. So may it be! May Jesus Christ deliver me continually from all my pains. So may it be! + Here is the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Flee therefore, my enemies at its sight. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, of the family of David, has triumphed. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Saviour of the World, succour me and save me, you who has redeemed me by your Cross and precious Blood; succour me, I conjure you, O my God, + Agios o Theos, + Agios Ischyros, +Agios Athanatos, elleison imas: Holy God, God of Might, Immortal God, have pity on me N (here pronounce your name and optionally the names of those whom you wish to protect ) your creature(s). Be my support Lord, do not abandon me, do not reject my prayers. Lord of my salvation, always be my help. So may it be! THURSDAY + Lord illuminate my eyes with true light, so that they will never be closed with eternal sleep, from the fear that my enemy will never be able to say that he has an advantage over me. May the Lord will be always with me so much, that I will never fear the evil of my enemies. O very sweet Jesus! +protect me, +help me, +save me . So may it be! At the mere mention of the Name of Jesus, may all kneel, in Heaven, on Earth and in Hell! I know and cannot doubt that as soon as I invoke the Lord, in that day and hour I will be saved. + Very sweet Lord Jesus Christ, who has manifested such great miracles solely by the power of your very precious Name, and have enriched the poor so abundantly, since by this power the demons will flee, the blind will see , the deaf

will hear, the lame will walk correctly, the mute will speak, the lepers will be purified, the sick will be healed, the dead will be revivified, because at the same time that one pronounces this very sweet Name of Jesus, the ear is charmed and delighted, and the mouth is filled with that which is most sweet; at its mere pronunciation the demons disperse, everyone kneels; temptations, even the most evil are uprooted; all illnesses are healed; all the disputes and battles, which are between the world, the flesh and the devil are dissipated; and the heart is filled with all the celestial properties; because those who have invoked, invoke now and will invoke this Holy Name of Jesus, have been , are now and will always be saved; I also invoke you and call out with you : + Jesus, son of David, have pity on me N (here pronounce your name and optionally the names of those whom you wish to protect ) your servant(s). So may it be! FRIDAY + O sweet Name of Jesus, Name which fortifies the heart of mankind; Name of life, health and joy; precious Name, glorious and pleasant; Name which fortifies the sinner; Name which saves, conducts, governs and preserves all; may it therefore please you very sweet Jesus by the power of this same Name to ward off from me N., your humble servant, every evil spirit; light the way for me , I who am blind; dissipate my deafness , I who am deaf; make me stand upright, I who am lame; allow me to speak , I who am mute; heal my leprosy, I who am a sinner ; give me back my health , I who am sick; and resurrect me, I who am dead; vivify every part of me, my inner as much as my outer parts, so that being armed and strengthened by this holy Name, I will always live in you , in praise of you, in honoring you, because all praise is due to you, because you alone are worthy of glory. The Lord is the Eternal Son of God; by Him all things are joyful and are governed with justice. + May Jesus be always in my heart and in the depth of my being. May Jesus always be in front of me so that he may vivify me; may He always be around me so that He will preserve me; may He be before me in order to guide me ; may He always be behind me to guard me , may He always be close to me in order to govern me; may He always be above me in order to bless me , may He always be beneath me in order to fortify me; may He always be with me in order to deliver me from all pains and from eternal death ! + Praise, Honor and Glory are rendered to Jesus forever and ever. So may it be! SATURDAY + Jesus, Son of Mary, Saviour of the World, be favorable, sweet and propitious to me; give me a holy and voluntary spirit , so that I can give you the honor and respect that are due to you, to you who are the Liberator of the World, who has been , is and will be God and man, at the beginning and at the end. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, Son of the Virgin Mary, have pity on

me N., poor sinner conduct me according to your sweetness in the path of eternal salvation. So may it be! Now Jesus passed in the midst of them and no one could place their murderous hand on Him because his hour had not yet come.... Now, Jesus knowing the things that were going to come , arose and said to them "Who are you searching for? They answered Him Jesus of Nazareth. Now, Judas, who must deliver Him was amongst them. As soon as he had told them that it was Him, they fell over on the ground. Now, Jesus asked them once again Who are you searching for? They answered Him again Jesus of Nazareth Jesus answered them I have already told you that it is I for whom you search , leave them alone ( referring to his disciples ) . The lance, the nails, the thorns, the cross, the death that I have suffered prove that I have effaced and atoned for the crimes of the wretched . Preserve me Lord Jesus Christ from all the wounds of poverty and from the ambushes of my enemies. May the five wounds of Our Lord serve continually as a remedy. Jesus is the Way, Jesus is the Truth, Jesus is Life. + Jesus who has suffered, + Jesus who has been crucified, + Jesus who has risen, have pity on me. May the prayers I make be my eternal guarantee against my enemies, against all evil and all danger. So may it be! SUNDAY + Deliver me, Lord, I N., your creature from all past present and future evils, as much of the soul as of the body; give me by your kindness peace and health and be propitious to me. I pray to you through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and your holy Apostles Peter, Paul and Andrew and all the saints. Accord me peace and health during my life so that through the help of your mercy I will never become a slave to sin and neither never fear any trouble. I call on you through Jesus Christ your Son, Our Lord who being God, lives and reigns in unity with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. So may it be! May the peace of the Lord be always with me. So may it be! May this celestial peace Lord, which you have left to your disciples, always remain between me and my enemies, both visible and invisible. So may it be! May the peace of the Lord, may your Soul and your Blood help me, console me and protect me in my soul and in my body. So may it be! + Lamb of God who has deigned to be born of the Virgin Mary, have pity on my soul and my body. + Lamb of God, who has been sacrificed for the salvation of the World, have pity on my soul and my body. + Lamb of God, through whom all the faithful are saved, give me your peace, and may it remain always with me, as much in this life as in the other. So may it be!

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