Initiation of Willermoz
Initiation of Willermoz
Initiation of Willermoz
work documents the early stages of training given by the Master to his disciple; which I quote now to some extent. INITIATION OF WILLERMOZ The practical initiation of Willermoz began August 13, 1768, by a letter of four pages, from which we make the following extract, treating upon the alimental regimen and the primary astrologic data. REGIMEN --- ASTRONOMIC CORRESPONDANCES --- PRAYERS "In regard to that which you should do, and the life you should follow, let it be this for your spiritual and temporal functions. For the temporal I will say nothing other than the interdiction which I made to you of temporal food, which is, that you should no more, during your whole life, eat the blood of any species of animals nor of the domestic pigeon nor any species of kidney nor the fat of any kind of animals. "You will fast carefully during the periods which are ordered in every Equinox. You will begin your fast -- the watch that you wish to work -- on the fourth of a circle. You will not be able nor should you work in your quality of apprentice of the Rosy Cross, but three days following the beginning of the Equinoxes. You will follow the Moon of March and September and not the days which have been appointed for the Equinox, since the ordinary days, and the months which fixes them, are of no use but in marking well the lunar star. For this purpose you will observe the Moon of March and September, and you will never forget the days for the worship of the Holy Spirit. If you desire to follow, in order, the methods of the apostles, you will not omit to say the 'Miserere mei,' at the center of your chamber at night, before sleeping, the face turned towards the angle facing the rising Sun; afterwards you will repeat the 'De Produnis,' your knees upon the earth and face prostrated towards the earth. The Miserere mei is repeated when upright on the feet. If you have other daily prayers, according to your custom, you can repeat them; but these, which I have ordered you, are obligatory, the same as the order of living." It is evident that the prayers which Martines employed in his operations are Catholic.
Still further we note that the Master, as a true Magician, attached very great importance to the Astronomic and Astrologic data. It is only from the time of the Equinoxes that the principal operations have place as the letter of September 2, 1768, shows, giving full information: ASTROLOGIC DATA --- PRAYERS "It is the month of September which guides us. We have from the first quarter to the full to work; that is to say, by beginning four or five days before the full. "As to keeping your spiritual obligations, you will personally recite the office of the Holy Spirit, the Miserere mei and the De Profundis, once a week, which is Thursday, as the sign and day of Jupiter, even as David used it for his reconciliation, which I will teach you in due order. When you have experienced the value and force of this prayer you will recite the office of the Holy Spirit at the same hour of the day. I do not limit you, but for the Miserere mei and the De Profundis, you will recite them at night, before sleeping; the De Profundis with the face against the earth, and the Miserere mei with the face towards the Orient. "You will be wholly anticipated upon the points about which you inquire as touching our work, and your eight days; or, at the start, five hours will place you in due form. The mode of placing the wax candles will also be fully forwarded. You will purchase a small ritual that you may have the prayers, benedictions and exorcisms, which I will indicate for you at the conclusion." THE MAGIC CIRCLE After the elementary data, let us take up the practice of the Magic Circle, and let us proceed to explain it in due order. Some explanations are indispensable, to remove as much as possible the inherent obscurity to similar questions. In every experience of ceremonial magic, the operator is isolated -at the center -- from the exterior by means of the circle traced upon
the earth, and including the mystic names, which, according to tradition, have a great influence upon the invisible world. Generally, three concentric circles are drawn, at the center of which is traced a cross, the arms of which touch the largest circle, and which divides each of the three circles into four circles, each corresponding to one of the cardinal points. In each of these quarters are traced the mystic names analogically corresponding to the powers of each of the four cardinal points. Martines had very slightly modified the ritual in order to constitute each of these grades. After having examined the different passages from these letters, and in the absence of every explanatory chart, we conclude that the Master's ritual was as follows: In place of tracing the complete circle, the apprentice only traced the quarter of fourth of a circle corresponding to the East. This quarter was traced in the eastern angle of the chamber of operation. It was limited by the half of the vertical branch and the half of the horizontal branch of the great central cross. Outside this fourth of a circle (itself perhaps embracing another small circle) was traced, at the western angle of the chamber of operation, a circle named by Martines the "Circle of Retreat." A small circle could also be optionally embraced within the fourth of the great circle. To resume, a fourth of a circle to the East, and a circle to the West, separated one from the other by a space of two feet, such seems to be the ritual of first personal operations. In case of error, on my part, the reader will be able to make corrections by pondering the following letters: THE EQUINOXES (Letter of September 11, 1768.) I write you for the first and last time of our mysterious equinoctial year, which includes the time from one Equinox to the other, in order to anticipate your being at the Eastern angle of observation, September 27, 28, and 29, there to receive your sympathetic ordination of virtue and power relative to your dignity and quality as a
Rosicrucian. THE CIRCLE OF RETREAT AND THE QUARTER CIRCLE When the Eternal is named you are instructed to prostrate yourself, in the circle towards the West, where the letters I A B are inscribed precisely at midnight between the 27th and 28th. Understand clearly that you will only make this prostration after having thoroughly traced all the emblems which are in your fourth of the circle, beginning by the figure and finishing with all that is generally dependent upon it, as it was given you at Paris. You will place three wax candles at the angle of your fourth of the circle, one at the interior of the circle, which is in your quarter circle, upon the bar west, inscribed RAP; you will uniformly place two wax candles at each extremity of your fourth of the circle and one only at the center of the quarter, at the middle of the second line, which divides the names, and the hieroglyphics which are written there within; this single light is the symbol of my presence with your operations. The circle where you should make your prostration will be at two feet distance from the western angle, which is in front of the eastern angle where your fourth of the circle will be traced. After having made this preparation you will perform your prostration with regalia. REGALIA You will be clad above with vest, pants and black stockings, stripped of all metal -- not a single pin upon you; you will not even have shoes upon your feet at the time of your prostration, but you will have slippers on your feet at the time of your invocations, waiting until you are well prepared. If it is possible to be more thoroughly in due form, have your shoes soled and your hat lined with cork, and finally have nothing within the place or about you immodest and impure, and then you have duplicated the Pope's slippers; you doubtless understand me. After that you will have above your first dress a long white robe, around which there will be a great border, the color of fire, about a foot broad; and about the sleeves which are made in the fashion of an alb, there will be likewise a border, the color of fire, about a half a foot; there will be also around the collar of the said robe, a lining of the same color, outside of said collar, about five fingers broad. Moreover, you will have upon you all the colors of the Order, to understand, viz., the sky-blue cord, in the form of a Saint Andrew's cross, on the neck, without any emblem, afterwards, the black cord, passed from the right to the left; afterwards, the red scarf, from right to left around the waist, below
and under the belly; afterwards you will pass the sea-green scarf from left to right upon the chest. The place of the two scarfs upon the body indicates the separation between the animal and spiritual natures. THE PROSTRATION Being thus dressed, you will take out the light which is lighted in your circle of prastration and place it, upon your right, outside of said circle. Afterwards you will prostrate youself within, entirely stretched out, the belly upon the earth, and you will support your forehead upon your two closed fists. This prostration will last, without pmprecation, six minutes, being taken on account of your ordination of virtue. Afterwards you will lift yourself upright and light all the wax-candles which are in your circle of prostration, leaving no doubt that new fire is used, and when all are lighted, make your prostration within your fourth of the circle, in the range of the two wax candles within at the extremities of the quarter circle; and when you will pronounce some one of the names which are traced, you will ask from God, in virtue of the power which he has given to his servants, such and such -- naming all the names written within the angle. The grace which you seek from him of a sincere heart, and truly; contrite and humble, and to assure you of his compassion, obliges you to repeat the hieroglyphic or some one of the hieroglyphics which you will have traced before you, with white chalk, in the midst of the chamber between your quarter circle and your circle of retreat, which is towards the West, where you will always be placed, when you wish to work in future, awaiting your time, when I will exchange work for you, which will be more advangageous and profitable, if possible, than that of an Apprentice. After your two prostrations you will restore the words of the two circles, the same as those which are about the quarter circle, the knees straight and the two hands set square, flat upon the earth; you will speak in risinng three words; "In quali que die tel, tel, tel invocavero te vetociter exaudi me." After you have done all these things, you will take your perfumes and place them in a small plat of fresh earth, in which there shall be charcoal lighted with a new fire, and you will perfume your quarter of circle, East, and your circle of retreat, which is towards the West. Ther first days of your operation you will only go out from your circle of retreat an hour and a half, about two hours after midnight; and you will observe to dine that day precisely at noon and to finish eating at a fixed hour. You will take no food until you have finished
your operation. You will drink water if necessary, but neither coffee nor spirits. Observe carefully the precise nature of your duties. THE WAX CANDLES -- THE WORK OF THE CIRCLES (Letter of October 2, 1768) "I have forwarded a small triangular talisman which you will turn from point to point during your three days' work. As to the situation of your apartment it is better in future to prefer one towards the West for your quarter circle than towards the North. "The wax candles useed are placed within the circumference of the quarter circle. The wax candle which alone should be lighted is at the center of your quarter circle, which you will bear to your angle of retreat, the circle of correspondence, and as to the other wax candles, have them will placed. "It is the usage, and even ordered and prescribed by oath, that every principal chief, ruler of circles of operation, spiritual and divine, shall hold his circles open by quarter, by half, and every year; to be proof against surprise, and not go astray, either by his success or on account of the Order, or the particular and general instructions, or any evils, or on account of the propagation of the Order and the conservation of the faithful members." ORDER OF INITIATION "Observe the ritual of first operations. It is necessary, after a lapse of two years, to retrace our steps (Feb., 1770), in order to recover the order of practical instruction, with the new modifications, concerning the higher initiatory degree. "In addition to the circle of retreat to the West, there is also a great circle at the center of the chamber and the customary quarter of Circle at the East."