This document contains summaries of various conjurations, invocations, and exorcisms from different magical traditions. It includes summonings and bindings of spirits, angels, and demons through the use of sacred names, symbols, and prayers in languages like Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic. The purpose seems to be ceremonial magic for protection, divination, and commanding spiritual entities.
This document contains summaries of various conjurations, invocations, and exorcisms from different magical traditions. It includes summonings and bindings of spirits, angels, and demons through the use of sacred names, symbols, and prayers in languages like Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic. The purpose seems to be ceremonial magic for protection, divination, and commanding spiritual entities.
This document contains summaries of various conjurations, invocations, and exorcisms from different magical traditions. It includes summonings and bindings of spirits, angels, and demons through the use of sacred names, symbols, and prayers in languages like Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic. The purpose seems to be ceremonial magic for protection, divination, and commanding spiritual entities.
This document contains summaries of various conjurations, invocations, and exorcisms from different magical traditions. It includes summonings and bindings of spirits, angels, and demons through the use of sacred names, symbols, and prayers in languages like Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic. The purpose seems to be ceremonial magic for protection, divination, and commanding spiritual entities.
Caput mortum, imperet tibi Dominus per vivum et devotum serpentem! Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Jot-Chavah! Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per alas tauri! Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton per Angelum et Leonem! Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael! Fluat udor per Spiritum Elohim! Manet in terra per Adam Jot-Chavah! Fiat firmamentum per Yod-He-Vau-He Sabaoth! Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael! Angel of the Blind Eyes, obey, or pass away with this holy water! Work, Winged Bull, or revert to the earth, unless thou wilt that I should pierce thee with this sword! Chained Eagle, obey my sign, or fly before this breathing! Writhing Serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tortured by the Sacred Fire and give way before the perfumes that I burn in it! Water, return to water; fire, burn; air, circulate; earth, revert to earth, by virtue of the Pentagram, which is the Morning Star, and by the name of the Tetragrammaton, which is written in the centre of the Cross of Light! Amen. Amen. Amen. CONJURATION OF THE SEVEN: In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee, and drive thee hence, Chavajot! In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee and drive thee hence, Belial! In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel! By Samael Sabaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andrameleck! By Zachariel and Sachel-Meleck, be obedient unto Elvah, Sanagabril! By the divine and human name of Shaddai, and by the sign of the Pentagram which I hold in my right hand; in the name of the Angel Anael, by the power of Adam and of Heva, who are Jot-Chavah, begone, Lilith! Leaveus in peace, Nahemah! By the Holy Elohim and by the names of the genii Cassiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel and Zarahiel, at the command of Orifiel, depart from us, Moloch! We deny thee our children to devour. Amen. Amen. Amen. INVOCATION OF SOLOMON THE SAGE: Powers of the Kingdom, be ye under my left foot and in my right hand! Glory and Eternity, take me by the two shoulders, and direct me in the paths of victory! Mercy and justice, be ye the equilibrium and splendour of my life! Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me! Spirits of Malkuth, lead me betwirt the two pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of the temple! Angels of Netzah and Hod, establish me upon the cubic stone of Yesod! O, Gedulael! O, Geburael! O, Tipheret! Binael, be ye my love! Ruach Hochmael, be thou my light! Be that which thou art and thou shalt be, o Ketheriel! Ischim, assist me in the name of Shaddai! Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai! Beni-Elohim, be my brethren in the name of the Son, and by the powers of Sabaoth! Elohim, do battle for me in the name of Tetragrammaton! Malachim, protect me in the name of Yod-He-Vau-He! Seraphim, cleanse my love in the name of Eloah! Hasmalim, enlighten me with the splendours of Elohim and Shekinah! Aralim, act! Ophanim, revolve and shine! Ha-Joth-Ha-Kadosh, cry, speak, roar, bellow! Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh! Shaddai, Adonai, Jot-Chavah, Eiazereie! Hallelu-Jah, Hallelu-Jah, Hallelu-Jah! Amen. Amen. Amen. ROYAL SPELL: I conjure all your enemies, whether internal or external, at the crib of Bethlehem. I conjure them, and I conjure them again, should they have pacts with the devil, Black magic, or inverted creeds. I conjure them and they will come humbly to your feet, like the Lamb of the Christ arrived at the feet of the Cross. I conjure them and they will come as meekly as the Lamb of the Cross was when it reached the Eternal Father. I see them with Two; I tie them up with Three - in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. CONJURATION OF JUPITER: In the name of Jupiter, Father of all Gods, I conjure you away, (. . .) Te Vigos Co Silim. CONJURATION OF TETRAGRAMMATON: In the name of Tetragrammaton, I conjure you away, (. . .). CONJURATION OF CHRIST: In the name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the majesty of Christ, conjure you away, (. . .). AGAINST ALL DANGERS: Fons Alpha et Omega, Figa, Figalis Sabaoth, Emmanuel, Adonay, O, Neray, Ela, Ihe, Reutone, Neger, Sahe, Pangeton, Commen, Agla, Matheus, Marcus, Lucas, Johannes, Titulus Triumphalis, Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum, Ecce Dominicae Crucis Signum Fugite Partes Adversae, Vicit Leo De Tribu Juda, Radice David, Aleluyah, Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Et Ne Vos, Et Veniat Super Nos Salutare Tuum. Oremus. TO FORM A PENTAGRAM: Klim, Krishnaya, Govindaya, Gopijana, Vallabhaya, Swaha! SOLOMONS CLAVICLE Per Adonai Elohim, Adonai Jehova, Adonai Sabaoth, Metraton, On Agla Adonai Mathom, Verbum Pitonicum, Misterium Salamandrae, Conventum Silphorum, Antra Gnomorum, demonia celi Gad, Almousin, Gibor, Jeshua, Evam, Sariatniatmic, (. . .), veni! Veni! Veni! INVOCATION BY CHRIST Blessed Master (. . .), glorious Master (. . .), powerful Master (. . .), I call you! I invoke you! By the glory of Christ! By the love of Christ! By the charity of Christ! Attend! Attend! Attend! Antia Dauna Sastaza! CONJURATION WITH THE ANGEL GABRIEL: The sun has thirteen thousand rays. The moon has thirteen thousand rays. Let the enemies I have be thirteen thousand times repented and warded off. TO FORM A MAGICAL CIRCLE: Helion, Melion, Tetragrammaton. MANTRIC CHANT OF THE ANGEL AROCH: Belilin, Belilin, Belilin! Amphora of salvation, I would like to be beside you. Materialism has no force upon me. Belilin, Belilin, Belilin! EXORCISM OF THE FIRE: Michael, king of the sun and lightning; Samael, king of volcanoes and earthquakes; Anael, prince of the astral light, assist us, in the name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the majesty of Christ. EXORCISM OF THE AIR: Spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas, et inspiravit in faciem hominis spiraculum vitae. Sit Michael dux meus, et Sabtabiel servus meus, in luce et per lucem. Fiat verbum halitus meus, et imperabo spiritibus aeris hujus, et refrenabo equos solis voluntate cordis mei, et cogitatione mentis meae, et nutu oculi dextri. Exorciso igitur te, creatura aeris, per Pentagrammaton, et in nomine Tetragrammaton, in quibus sunt voluntas firma et fides recta. Amen. Sela: Fiat. So be it. EXORCISM OF THE WATER: Fiat firmamentum in medium aquarum, et separet aquas ab aquis, que superius sicut quae inferius, et quae inferius sicut quae superius, ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater rest, luna mater, et ventus hunc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum et rursus a coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te, creatura aquae, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi, in operibus ejus, et fon vitae, et ablution pecatorum. Amen. Sela, fiat. EXORCISM OF THE EARTH: By the magnet nail that goes through the heart of the world, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the seven metals that run inside the veins of the earth, and in the name of Gob, obey me, subterranean workers. EXORCISM OF THE SALT: In isto sale sit sapientia, et ab omni corruptione servet mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per Hochmael et in virtute Ruach-Hochmael! Recedant ab isto fantasmata hylae, ut sit sal coelestis, sal terrae et terra salis, ut nutrientur bos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua tauri volantis. Amen.