Algebra II by Key Curriculum!

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Algebra II by Key Curriculum!

Welcome to Mr. Crabtrees Algebra II class! I am very excited about our year together! Succeeding in this class -- No one gets everything right the first time. Learning is fun but it is also (at times) very challenging. If you are not achieving at the level you think you should be achieving here are a few ways you can get help. Contact me at Go to the website at Like me on Facebook If you need extra help, please send me an email and we can set up a time to meet either before school or after

Course Content

Problem Solving with Algebra Sequences Describing Data Linear Models Systems Functions, Relations and Transformations Exponential Functions and Power Functions Logarithms Matrices and Linear Systems Quadratic and Other Polynomial Functions Conic Sections and Rational Functions Probability Applications of Statistics Series End of Course Exam REVIEW!

Classroom Expectations
1. Classroom Rules: All rules of Highline High apply to this classroom. Specifically, keep in mind the rules concerning the following: Food and Drink You are not to have any food or drink in any classroom with a carpet other than water. I will confiscate any food, candy, mints, juice, soda or gum etc. that you bring into this classroom. Electronic devices The rule for MP3 players, CD Players, Walkmen, cell phones and any other electronic device: Out of sight out of mind. Turn them off and keep them where they wont distract anyone. This includes you. 2. Your attendance in this class is vital to your learning. If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to get your absence excused, to find out what you missed, and to make it up quickly. All assignments will be posted on the website at 3. Positive language will be used in this classroom. This means no profanity, racial slurs, or other language that anyone in the class interprets as offensive or distracting from learning. 4. Be engaged in class activities. Participation in group and individual classroom projects and assignments is crucial for your understanding. Keep your work and discussions focused on the task at hand. Work on outside materials only with the teachers permission.

5. Come prepared to class each day. Do not expect to borrow materials from me or from your classmates. Pencil, pen and eraser Lined paper (graph paper is strongly encouraged but not absolutely required) 3-ring binder with the following sections: a) Warm-Ups / Classwork / Homework b) Quizzes and Tests Textbook A graphing calculator (TI-83+) is strongly recommended. We will make extensive use of these as a tool throughout the semester. I have a small classroom set so that people can borrow a calculator during class, but you must complete your homework on your own. Please get one of your own if you can. 6. If you must leave during class to use the bathroom or to see the nurse, you must have your own planner for me to sign. This privilege will be revoked if abused. 7. Class begins when the tardy bell rings. If you are not in the seat, prepared to work at that time, you are tardy to class. Class is dismissed when I dismiss you, not by the bell. 8. Late work must be made up before each unit test. I will not accept any late work past this time.

Organization and Grading

1. Notebook What, How, Why? Each day you will be expected to copy this down on the slip provided. These will be worth 2/10 of your class participation points for the day. Warm-Ups will begin class each day. Be ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Copy down the answers and notes we take as a class. If you can, use a different colored pen. This is worth 5/10 of your class participation points for the day. Exit Task: There will be a short two question exit task each day. This is my way of checking what you understood from the lesson for the day. I may do some preassessment here as well. This will be worth 3/10 of your class participation points for the day. Investigations and other class work will be done individually or in groups. All work should have your name and date on it and be stapled to the What, How, and Why when you turn it in. These will be graded frequently during class and collected as needed. Homework will be collected or checked off almost every day. These will be turned in with your class work at the end of the period. If you have an excused absence you will have one day for each day absent to make up the homework. Your teacher reserves the right to collect any homework assignment at any time. Late homework may be made up before any unit test for partial credit. I will reduce credit by 10% for each day late not to be reduced by more than 50%. Journal -- this section is for keeping notes and entering postulates. These items should stay in your journal for the entire semester and will come in handy in future math classes as well! Depending on the test, I may allow these to be used, so keep them up to date!

Tests and quizzes will be given frequently to check for understanding. Quizzes may or may not be announced. If you know you will be absent ahead of time for a test or quiz, make arrangements with the teacher to take it at another time. If you are unexpectedly absent, talk with the teacher ASAP to find a time before or after school to make up the test. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING UP ALL WORK DUE TO ABSENCES. Retakes will be offered at my discretion only. 2. Grading System Grading Scale Tests 30% 90% - 100% A Quizzes 20% 80% - 89% B Classwork 20% 70% - 79% C Homework 20% 60% - 69% D Participation 10% Below 60% F 3. Consequences Below are the consequences for undesirable behavior. This may include profanity, use of electronic devices, bullying, harassing other students, throwing items in the classroom, distracting from the learning process, etc. PLEASE NOTE THAT I DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE A WARNING. SOME BEHAVIORS WILL RESULT IN DIRECT DISCIPLINARY ACTION! LEVEL 1: Verbal Warning - This will be the starting place for most offences the first time. - Generally the warning will be given with an explanation of the choice that you will be making by continuing the behavior. LEVEL 2: Appropriate Behavior Aid - Depending on the behavior, you will be asked to fill out a reflection form, or the item causing the distraction will be confiscated, or your seat will be changed etc. LEVEL 3: Disciplinary Action - Depending on the behavior you will have lunch detention with me, or a referral will be written. - IMMEDIAT LEVEL THREE ACTIONS INCLUDE: Physically harming another student, play fighting, possession of weapons, possession of illegal substances or any other items prohibited by the school, etc. Signature: __________________________ __________________________________
Student Parent/ Guardian

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