Anatomy Syllabus 14-15

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Coach Shurtzs

Anatomy & Physiology Policies and Procedures

For 2014-2015 School Year
A. Contact Information:

Instructor: Coach Shurtz
Email: [email protected]
Tutorial Hours: Room 239 - Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday - 6:50 to 7:20

B. Course Description:

The MISD High School Course Description Guide, states that in this course, Students will study the structures and functions of
the human body systems. Students will do a comparative study of mammals with an in depth dissection of the cat. Human
development, maintenance of homeostasis, transport systems and energy processes will also be topics of study. As part of the
laboratory investigative process, students will be active in the dissection of prepared specimens.

C. Resources:

1. Textbook Our textbook is an online version only. There will be no copies of the book kept in the classroom. If you should
require a hard copy of the text please contact Ms. Johnson the assistant principal in charge of textbooks.
2. Internet/Websites -
a. MISD Curriculum:
3. Library -
a. The Lake Ridge High School Library as well as your local public library maintains computer banks for public use if the
student does not have access to one at home.

D. Materials:

Item #1 (Composition Notebook or Binder) must be obtained prior before Tuesday September 2
. (This is part of your first
homework assignment.) All other materials should be obtained no later than Monday September 8th. Items #1 through #7 are
for personal use and #8 through #12 are for communal use.

1. 1 Comp. Notebook or Binder w/ Paper
2. 1 Package Colored Pencils
3. 1 Package #2 Pencils
4. 1 Red Grading Pen
5. 2 Highlighters (1 Yellow, 1 Orange or Pink)
6. 1 Package 3 x 5 Notebook Cards w/ Card Ring
7. 1 Box of Dissecting Gloves
8. 4 Glue Sticks
9. 2 Scotch Tape Refills
10. 1 Box of Kleenex
11. 1 Box of Plastic Bags (Gallon or Quart)
12. 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer or Hand Soap

E. Class Rules:

1. At All Times
a. Be Respectfulof others...of yourselfof your school
b. Be Responsiblefor your assignmentsfor your actionsfor your future
c. Class begins with the bell and ends when you are dismissed, not when the bell rings.
2. When You Enter the Class...
a. Bring all of your materials with you daily
b. You are expected to be in your assigned seat when the bell rings failure to do so will result in being marked tardy. Per the
Student Handbook missing more than 10 minutes of the class period constitutes an absence.
c. Bell ringers will be posted at the front of class daily and are to be completed upon taking your seat.

3. Homework/Daily Work
a. Unless otherwise specified, all assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the Tuesday or Thursday following the
date it was assigned.
b. Unless otherwise specified, all work should be hand written (in your own hand.)
c. Place your name, the date, and class period in the upper right hand corner of the paper. Write the title of the assignment on
the top line. If your name is not on your paper you will receive a 10% penalty.
d. Students failing to complete an assignment are required to complete a form to be retained by the instructor that details the
assignment, the due date, and an explanation as to why the assignment was not completed. The student will receive a zero
and will become ineligible to have their lowest grade dropped for that six weeks period.
4. Late Work
a. Any work turned in once the assignment has been graded and returned to class will be considered to be late
unless previous arrangements are made with the teacher.
b. Late work will not be accepted. (This policy is separate from the policy on work missed or late due to absence.)
5. Lab Areas
a. The laboratory can be a fun place, but it is NOT a playground. Any horseplay will result in IMMEDIATE expulsion from the
lab; & referral to the office in addition to a separate assignment.
b. Clean up your area daily. Do not leave your lab table until I have checked it for cleanliness and order.
c. Leave all lab equipment clean and in the same location as you found it.
d. Return safety equipment (e.g., goggles & aprons) to their appropriate storage location.
e. Wash your hands with soap before leaving the lab.
f. See Attached Lab Safety Rules and Contract (This is part your first homework assignment.)
6. Absences
a. Regardless of whether the absence was excused or unexcused it is your responsibility to take the initiative for make-up
work. I will not pursue you to ensure that you do it.
b. See me immediately on the first day back after your absence to collect missed assignments.
c. Turn in Make-up Work by the specified date; otherwise, the policy on late work will apply.
d. REMINDER: School policy allows one day for every day that you were absent plus one day to make up work. This applies
to work that was ASSIGNED on the day that you were absent. Work that was DUE on the day of your absence is DUE on
the day that you return. Please see the Student Handbook with any questions.
e. You cannot make up a missed lab. You will be given an alternative written assignment in lieu of the lab.
7. Restrooms
a. You may not leave during lectures, videos, or other activities that involve the entire class.
b. Only one person may leave at a time.
c. If conditions (a) and (b) above are satisfied, you may ask to leave.
d. If you abuse this privilege, you will lose it.

F. Class Discipline:

1. Failure to follow basic class rules will result in the following consequences
a. 1
Infraction - Verbal Warning & Student Conference
b. 2
Infraction Parent Notification & Possible Conference
c. 3
Infraction Office Referral
d. Severe Disruptions or Abusive Behavior will be referred to the Office Immediately

G. Grading Policy:

1. Per the Lake Ridge High School Student Handbook grades will be determined as follows:
Daily Homework 20%
Labs/Quizzes 30%
Tests/Projects 50%
2. Semester Exams equal 20% of the Final Semester Grade
3. Students that fail a test will be allowed the opportunity to re-test material for a maximum of 70% of the original score provided
the following conditions are met:
a. All retests must be completed prior to the end of the 5
week of the six weeks.
b. All students must complete a mandatory remediation and schedule the retest with the teacher.
c. There will be only one retest opportunity per major assessment.
4. Grades arent given, theyre earned. Dont wait until the last week of the grading period to be concerned about your grade.
5. Dont ask me about your grade during class time. If you have a question about your grade, including the marks you earned on
a particular assignment, see me before or after school.

H. Notebook:

1. You MUST keep a notebook for this class.
2. You must keep all notes and lab observations in the notebook.
3. DO NOT tear pages out of your journal. ALL pages need to be utilized for recording data or taking notes.
4. Do not throw completed journals away. You will need them to help you study for the semester and year-end exams.

*Dissection of a cat is an integral portion of this course. Failure to dissect
will likely result in failure of the course


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I. Acknowledgment

I have read Coach Shurtzs Anatomy Policies and Procedures handout and I fully understand all classroom expectations and
consequences, the tardy and grading policies, issues regarding late and missed work, the required supplies, and the tutoring
hours. If I have any questions or concerns regarding Coach Shurtzs class, I will immediately contact her via one of the methods
listed above, because I realize that the key to any relationship is communication.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

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