Paper ID (A04801: Roll No. Total No. of Questions: 091 (Total No. of Pages: 02

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Roll No. Total No. of Questions: 091 [Total No.

of Pages: 02

PaperID [A04801
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B.Tech. (Sem. - 7thl8th)

(CS - 402) SYMBOLTC LOGIC & LOGIC PROCESSTNG Maximum Marks : 60 Time : 03 Hours Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section A is Compulsory. from Section- B. 2) Attempt any Four questions from Section- C. 3) Attempt any Two questions Section- A Ql) a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) i) j) What is recursionexplainwith example. which methodwill be best. series fabonacci To calculate What is the basicbehindfirst orderlogic? What do you think aboutquantifiers? of Whereyou find application SLD trees? Namesomeextralogic features. of What do you think aboutfeatures prolog? logics. Name sometypesof prepositional How normalforms can be used? logic? the Briefly describe syrnbolic Section- B (4x5:20) Q2) Differentiatebetweencut & negationcarestudies. can be used? Q3) How horn clauses Q0x2:20)



datarepresentation? Qa) What is structured in Q5) Explain world knowledgerepresentation first orderlogic? features prolog? of Q6) Whatisprologandwhat do you think aboutnon-declarative Section- C (2 x I0:20) logic?Also what usingprepositional world knowledge how represent Q7) Explain arethe validity andconsequence? and applicationof fizzy logic. QS) Explain the importance Q9) Write shortnoteson: (a) NeuralNetworks. (b) NormalForms:




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