Chapter 3 - Problems - Dennis Roddy

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The Geostationary Orbit 95

High earth orbit

Low earth

Hohmann transfer

Figure 3.10 Hohmann transfer orbit.

in the same plane. As shown in Fig. 3.11, it takes 1 to 2 months for the
satellite to be fully operational (although not shown in Fig. 3.12, the
same conditions apply). Throughout the launch and acquisition phases,
a network of ground stations, spread across the earth, is required to per-
form the tracking, telemetry, and command (TT&C) functions.
Velocity changes in the same plane change the geometry of the orbit
but not its inclination. In order to change the inclination, a velocity
change is required normal to the orbital plane. Changes in inclination
can be made at either one of the nodes, without affecting the other
orbital parameters. Since energy must be expended to make any orbital
changes, a geostationary satellite should be launched initially with as
Iowan orbital inclination as possible. It will be shown shortly that the
smallest inclination obtainable at initial launch is equal to the latitude
of the launch site. Thus the farther away from the equator a launch
site is, the less useful it is, since the satellite has to carry extra fuel to
effect a change in inclination. Russia does not have launch sites south
of 45°N, which makes the launching of geostationary satellites a much
more expensive operation for Russia than for other countries which have
launch sites closer to the equator.
Prograde (direct) orbits (Fig. 2.4) have an easterly component ofveloc-
ity, so prograde launches gain from the earth's rotational velocity. For
a given launcher size, a significantly larger payload can be launched in
an easterly direction than is possible with a retrograde (westerly)
launch. In particular, easterly launches are used for the initial launch
into the geostationary orbit.
The relationship between inclination, latitude, and azimuth may be
seen as follows [this analysis is based on that given in Bate et al. (1971)].
Figure 3.13a shows the geometry at the launch site A at latitude A.(the


f'21\ Station acquisition
o sun fj9\ Sun acquisition
20 Earth
TJ capture
+ 4.5 h VV TJ + 1 h

~ - ?" To sun f,B\ Deploysolararrays

@ / II
Orbit and atlltude




T0 + 215,
0 -~
'diJf "" ,~~"'"..


~ '"
/ injec~ion I{ <::1 G)
'" ~"""""
. /.,
CD ~~~::~;ationl1if
q, m
~,,~"""" , . ~ m ~ \ /.;;\
., ., -W" , ~
c Drift orbit veiocity

) ~
"... ~. . correction complete
" "0,
\c @ ::;;~~e;2motor
"" ""'",,...
"" ~"-"'

s : second
m : minute


"rPo. ~ 0""'"~,,,,,,
0~""",f6\ Spinup

. (5
qm q, 'f'
. '"~tf?;]-w-
i::\. ~
T - 2.4 h

ntation to apogee
/ >0 ,",,,.,,°," 0."
@ veloCitycorrecllon
',' ~""
h : hour T, + 20 m \.!V ~:~; fire attitude

@ t. n
14 Reonenta 10 fordrift.
orbit velocity correction
T2 + 20 h

by From courtesy
K. Miya, 1981; launch toof station of INTELSAT
KDD Engineering V (by Atlas-Centaur).
& Consulting, Inc., Tokyo.)(From Satellite Communications Technology, edited
AMF - apogee motor firing
- Stable gyro"at
AKM apogee kick motor Earth j! geosynchmnous
RF radio frequency pointing (" orbit
PKS -perigee kick stage mode
RCS -reaction control system
STS -space transportation system
station and 8--------
RF beecon
------', Spacecraft
, control

aft and PKS
~~~~~~~cs~~: 81

spacecrand separated and extend

- TS panel
" , ",

. ,','",

/-"""'j,. ~,. , "",""'"'","",,"',,',',',,

I "_/
i:I\, ""~. i
nutation /
/ ,.. ,~"" :
\ - - Spin axis

~" A \ ,"",."., C2
\ .......
'" -"". ransfer , \ geosy
,., 1117 .

",_"~ "
PKS 'i, ".. ," \ " it

.~ ",--
", ._m,
from PKS '~''''''-
\ .
trim ~nd preburn / /

' @d: \ uSing RCS i'i',,'i.

'iii --- Spacecr aft

00" "" ". reoriented

41.. '- -'~-'--'-:~
Spacecraft - :,:~
and tracked

Figure 3.12 STS-7/Anik C2 mission scenario. (From Anik C2 Launch Handbook; courtesy of Telesat,
-J Canada.)

--- ---

98 Chapter Three


(a) (b)

Figure 3.13 (a) Launch site A, showing launch azimuth Az; (b) enlarged version of the
spherical triangle shown in (a). Ais the latitude of the launch site.

slight difference between geodetic and geocentric latitudes may be

ignored here). The dotted line shows the satellite earth track, the satel-
lite having been launched at some azimuth angle Az. Angle i is the
resulting inclination.
The spherical triangle of interest is shown in more detail in Fig. 3.13b.
This is a right spherical triangle, and Napier's rule for this gives

cos i = cos AsinAz (3.23)

For a prograde orbit (see Fig. 2.4 and Sec. 2.5), 0 :s i :s 90°, and hence
cos i is positive. Also, -90° :s A:S 90°, and hence cos also positive.
It follows therefore from Eq. (3.23) that 0 :S Az :S 180°, or the launch
azimuth must be easterly in order to obtain a prograde orbit, confirm-
ing what was already known.
For a fixed A, Eq. (3.23) also shows that to minimize the inclination i,
cos i should be a maximum, which requires sin Az to be maximum, or
Az = 90°. Equation (3.23) shows that under these conditions

cos imin = COS A (3.24)


~min = A (3.25)

Thus the lowest inclination possible on initial launch is equal to the

latitude of the launch site. This result confirms the converse statement
made in Sec. 2.5 under inclination that the greatest latitude north or south
is equal to the inclination. From Cape Kennedy the smallest initial incli-
nation which can be achieved for easterly launches is approximately 28°.
The Geostationary Orbit 99

~ - Explain what is meant by the geostationary orbit. How do the

~rionary orbit and a geosynchronous orbit differ?

1.:. ~a)Explain why there is only one geostati~nary orbit. (b) Show that the
~ d from an earth station to a geostationary satellite is given by

d = Y(RsinEl)2 + h(2R + h) - RsinEl,

r.zere R is the earth's radius (assumed spherical), h is the height of the

~tionary orbit above the equator, and El is the elevation angle of the earth
~n antenna.

~ Determine the latitude and longitude of the farthest north earth station
-jch can link with any given geostationary satellite. The longitude should be
&en relative to the satellite longitude, and a minimum elevation angle of 5°
~d be assumed for the earth station antenna. A spherical earth of mean
~us 6371 km may be assumed.

3.4. An earth station at latitude 300S is in communication with an earth

~tion on the same longitude at 300N, through a geostationary satellite. The
;;irellite longitude is 20° east of the earth stations. Calculate the antenna-look
2!lgles for each earth station and the round-trip time, assuming this consists of
~pagation delay only.

3.,5. Determine the maximum possible longitudinal separation which can exist
!:!etween a geostationary satellite and an earth station while maintaining line-
of-sight communications, assuming the minimum angle of elevation of the earth
5t8.tion antenna is 5°. State also the latitude of the earth station.

3.6. An earth station is located at latitude 35°N and longitude 1000W Calculate
the antenna-look angles for a satellite at 67°W.

3.7. An earth station is located at latitude 12°S and longitude 52°W Calculate
the antenna-look angles for a satellite at 700W

3.8. An earth station is located at latitude 35°N and longitude 65°E. Calculate
the antenna-look angles for a satellite at 19°E.

3.9. An earth station is located at latitude 300S and longitude 1300E. Calculate
the antenna-look angles for a satellite at 156°E.

3.10. Calculate for your home location the look angles required to receive from
the satellite (a) immediately east and (b) immediately west of your longitude.

3.11. CONUS is the acronym used for the 48 contiguous states. Allowing for
a 5° elevation angle at earth stations, verify that the geostationary arc required
to cover CONUS is 55° to 136°W
100 Chapter Three

3.12. Referring to Prob. 3.11, verify that the geostationary arc required for
CONUS plus Hawaii is 85° to 136° Wand for CONUS plus Alaska is 115° to

j 3.13. By taking the Mississippi River as the dividing line between east and
west, verify that the western region of the United States would be covered by
satellites in the geostationary arc from 136° to 163°W and the eastern region
by 25° to 55°W. Assume a 5° angle of elevation.

3.14. (a) An earth station is located at latitude 35°N. Assuming a polar mount
antenna is used, calculate the angle of tilt. (b) Would the result apply to polar
mounts used at the earth stations specified in Probs. 3.6 and 3.8?

3.15. Repeat Prob. 3.14 (a) for an earth station located at latitude 12°S.
Would the result apply to a polar mount used at the earth station specified in
Prob. 3.7?

3.16. Repeat Prob. 3.14 (a) for an earth station located at latitude 300S.
Would the result apply to a polar mount used at the earth station specified in
Prob. 3.9?

3.17. Calculate the angle of tilt required for a polar mount antenna used at your
home location.

3.18. The borders of a certain country can be roughly represented by a

triangle with coordinates 39°E, 33.5°N; 43.5°E, 37.5°N; 48.5°E, 300N. If a
geostationary satellite has to be visible from any point in the country,
determine the limits of visibility (i.e., the limiting longitudinal positions for
a satellite on the geostationary arc). Assume a minimum angle of elevation for
the earth station antenna of 5°, and show which geographic location fixes
which limit.

3.19. Explain what is meant by the earth eclipse of an earth-orbiting satellite.

Why is it preferable to operate with a satellite positioned west, rather than east,
of earth station longitude?

3.20. Explain briefly what is meant by sun transit outage.

3.21. Using the data given in Fig. 3.7, calculate the longitude for INTELSAT

3.22. Calculate the semimajor axis for INTELSAT 901.

3.23. Calculate the apogee and perigee heights for INTEL SAT 906.

3.24. Calculate the rate of regression of the nodes and the rate of rotation of
the line of apsides for INTELSAT 907.
" The Geostationary Orbit 101

~~~. D. Mueller, and J. E. White. 1971.Fundamentals ofAstrodynamics. Dover,

':~£'I'i" York.

~~ at http://celestrak.comlNORAD/elements/intelsat.txt
.~ J., and J. Wild. 1984. "Commercial Launch ¥ehicles and Upper Stages." Space
~un. Broadcast., Vol. 2, pp. 339-362. -
l~ G., and M. Bousquet. 1998. Satellite Communications Systems. Wiley, New York.
~J. J. 1977. Digital Communications by Satellite. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Te;;L J. R (ed.). 1984. Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control. D. Reidel, Holland.


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