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Corporate Ethics

A Challenge @ Zigron INC.

The Fact

 Feeling of discomfort …
 But, WHY?
 Reason:
“Ethics are so often poorly used,
if used at all.”
Ethics: A General Perception

 Ethics means a set of principles of right

 The right conduct is about making choices
that may not always feel good or seem like
they benefit you but are the “right” choices
to make.
Ethics @ Workplace

 Ethics in the workplace in its simplest terms

means doing the right things that guide your
behavior at work.
A Story to Remember

 Golden Rules of Ethics @ Workplace

Dos & Don’ts @ Zigron

 Effective Communication
 Reach
 Clarity
 Timing
 Body Language
 Avoid Creating Disturbance
 Trust & Respect for Others Work
 Don’t Interfere In Others Work
Dos & Don’ts @ Zigron : Contd.

 Respect the Privacy of your Co-workers

 Avoid Ethnic & Gender Biasness
 Improve Your Self Presentation
 Avoid Lobbying
 No/Least Personal Work During Work Hours
 Maintain the balance between
transparency/openness and confidentiality

 The list of potential benefits:

 Less observed misconduct at work

 Fostering a more satisfying and productive

working environment
 Building and sustaining Zigron’s reputation

 Maintaining the trust of staff to ensure

continued self-regulation
Benefits : Contd.

 Providing ethical guidance for employees

prior to making difficult decisions
 Aligning the work efforts of Zigronians
with the Zigron’s broader mission and
 Greater likelihood of “feeling valued” by

No one can make you ethical.

No one can make you behave ethically.
It must be a desire within you.
You must be fully persuaded to live your life
with integrity, with excellence, and with
pride in your work.

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