Personal and Group Ethics
Personal and Group Ethics
Personal and Group Ethics
• Integrity
• Selflessness
• Honesty
• Loyalty
• Equality and fairness
• Empathy and respect
• Self-respect
Professional Ethics include:
•Respect for others
•Adherence to the law
•Doing good and avoiding harm to others
What is Group Ethics?
Stealing personal property, sabotaging a coworker's client presentation, or taking someone's
idea and making it your own are all ways that dishonesty creeps into the workplace.
Employees with strong ethics refrain from lying or cheating to make others look bad in the
hopes of making themselves appear smarter. Instead, they take responsibility for mistakes,
own up to failures and keep the lines of communication open with everyone involved.
Refrains from Gossip Workplace gossip can be destructive. When employees gossip about
their peers, bosses or even clients, it's considered deviant behavior. An employee with good
workplace ethics refuses to engage in gossip or even listen it.
This person will encourage others to mind their own business, or else address the person or
situation head-on so that assumptions and badmouthing can stop. Doing so helps eliminate
resentment among coworkers and helps keep morale up.
Professional Ethics :
Professional ethics refers to a person’s values and principles that are
introduced to an individual in a professional organization.Each employee
in the organization has to follow these rules and they do not have any
choice. These ethics are very important to import in the professional world
as it helps in bring the sense of disciple into the person’s life and maintain
the decorum of the organization.