Oct Newsletter
Oct Newsletter
Oct Newsletter
Important Dates 10/06- Picture Day Bring Bag Lunch 10/08- Mountain Glory Festival 10/10- Columbus Day CENTER CLOSED 10/10-10/14- Fire Prevention Week 10/13- Open House Drop-in from 6:30-7:30 10/14- Book Orders Due 10/18- TOY DAY! 10/20- Happy Birthday Andrew!!! ~Homecoming Parade 10/26- TOY DAY! Ms. Rachaels Butterflies have welcomed new friends to their group. Alexa and Dawson have moved from Ms. Audras class. The focus this month will be on nature & fall observations and scissor skills. We invite you to our Open House event on Oct. 13 from 6:30-7:30. We will have examples and parent information on the topic of Early Literacy Skills. Also the teachers are prepared to share the portfolio process with you. 10/31- Special Treat Day Ms. Tamaras Busy Bees have been talking about manners and friendliness. It has been wonderful to see the big kids welcome younger friends to our group. The Busy Bees have shown themselves to be very helpful friends. We will be working on our scientist skills and using our senses to investigate our environments. Our scientists have already started studying things that grow on trees.
Wow- the first full month of the school year has flown by! We are so pleased at the way the children have settled in so quickly. Group times with music and movement are a favorite part of the day. The children are using work time to build, create, and imagine and we have been able to display some amazing work from the children. The storyboard and party for Ms. Joys retirement were initiated & created by the children. They had even presented her with a puppet show using puppets they had made from paper bags. The power of play is incredible!!!
Teacher Schedules Ms. Rachael: 7:30-3:30 Ms. Tamara: 8:30-5:30 (break from 1:00- 2:00) Classroom Phone: 652-0612 In the Garden Its time to change season in the garden and plant our cold weather plants. Pansies, cabbages, kale, cauliflower, garlic, and broccoli will thrive in the cooler fall weather. If you are able to help us with any of these items please do we would love to carry the gardening experience into the cooler months. OPEN HOUSE