1. Introduction There are a number of similarities in schools around the world. School system differs according to countries due their cultures. The educational system reflects a countrys culture. 2. Kenya Majority of the students only completed their primary school education. Many dont proceed to secondary school because they are required to pay tuition. In rural areas, children have to sacrifice their education to work on their families farms. Rural tribes do not encourage their children to receive formal education because they do not see the importance and necessity of it. 3. Japan Japanese emphasizes a lot on their education. Majority of them complete high school. Due to social reason, it is crucial for them to receive a university degree. Thus, the students have to go through many tough examinations for entrance to all universities. Students need great discipline and make sacrifices for education. Results of these exams affect the entire family because it portrays a high status or social position when the children do well in the exams. 4. Britain Educational system reflects the class system. A minority of the British students attend pricey private schools. These students are from the upper class families. Half of the students from prestigious universities are from said expensive high schools. Only graduates from good universities get the best jobs. Social class greatly affects ones success. 5. The United States Education here is more democratic compared to other countries, but it also has serious problems. Students themselves decide if they want college-preparatory or vocational classes in high school. Many secondary schools face disciplinary problems such as drugs and crimes. Public schools receive money from local taxes, so schools in poor areas do not have enough good teachers and not well-equipped. U.S. education reflects both the best and the worst of the society.