1 Aug 8-12

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Third Grade News

August 8-12, 2011

We hope all is going well with 3rd grade. The newsletter will come home weekly on Mondays. Your child should keep it in the paper sleeve in their daily take home folder/binder. The newsletter will be needed at school and home on a daily basis.
Spelling Words Test- Friday, Aug. 12th Homework
The weekly subject schedule for homework will remain the same as follows.

Mon.-Lang. Arts practice page Tues. Spelling activity and math concepts sheet Wed. Reading comprehension passage and math facts Thurs.-Spelling activity, study for spelling test and math concepts sheet

Current Units of Study

ask laugh matter thank black catch SaturdayJanuary class after apple hammer subtract match half

Vocabulary Words We will begin vocabulary the week of Aug.15th.


Reading: identifying fiction/ nonfiction and story elements L.A. : identifying complete sentences Writing: narrative writing Math: Place value and begin with the fact family _______________________ S. S.: map skills
*District Benchmark Assessments will be given three days this week. Important dates and reminders *Sept. 5-Labor Day- no school *Sept. 8- PTA Open house 6p.m. Sept. 19-23- Fall Break
*Frozen fruit treat Fridays - $1.00 each Friday during lunch *The students should be at school by 7:50a.m. when buying breakfast. *Please label all lunch money in Ziplock or envelope .

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