April Homework (15-2)

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Tinney April Homework

**Read 10 minutes each night as part of your homework.

Monday: Draw and Write

1. Sort your words and read them to an adult or older sibling.
2. Write two sentences using no more than two words in
each sentence from the list. Underline the words used in
each sentence. This activity will be completed in the Word
Study Notebook.
Tuesday: SAW (sort, alphabetize, write)
Your child will sort his/her words into the appropriate
column. After sorting he/she must put each column in
alphabetical order and then write the alphabetized
columns into the word study notebook.
Wednesday: Speed sort your words 2 times. Record time.
Choose one math activity to do:
1. Play games on EM online for 5-10 minutes. You
may get to it from the Lower School Paw Page. It is
under Student Bookmarks. Make sure to logIn using the
info on your green Take Home Folder.
2. Practice math facts using the sheet sent home.
No need to send back to school. Your child should:
a. Practice saying the problem and the answer aloud.
Research says this verbal part is critical for recall.
b. Give your child 2 or 3 minutes to write the answers
to the facts on the bottom part. They do not need
to finish. In fact, it is good for them to practice
NOT finishing. Please check them.
3. Practice math facts using your Fact Triangles.
Thursday: Practice for Fridays spelling dictation. The
following is a good way to practice but is not required. Your
child will set up his/her notebook into the weeks columns.
Adult calls out words and the child writes the words in the
appropriate column.

Week of 3/30

Thursday April 2nd. Grandparents Day

No school Friday, April 3rd.

Due Thursday April 2nd- Make five fact families and

record on paper. An example of one fact family is:
2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2. Family Letter for Unit 7
is attached for parents.
Words to sort and study this week but no High
Frequency Words to practice for Thursdays dictation.

Week of 4/6

Thursday April 9th- Parent Teacher

Word Study Homework. All groups will have the same
Due Friday April 10th- Write in your Writing Journal
last weeks3 day weekend or another topic of your
Due Friday- Math Home Link 7.3.

Week of 4/13
Tuesday April 14th Wear yellow 1st grade tshirt for field trip to Delcua Gelato

Due 4/17- Home Link 7.4. Fact Triangles 7.5 to keep at

home and practice. Write in Writing Journal about
plans for our class business.
Friday, April 17th- Keep a Poem in Your Pocket Day Find a poem you love to keep in your pocket.
There are words to sort and these 3 High Frequency
Words unique to our class- friends, trip, went

Week of 4/20
Math Homework due Friday April 24th- Home Link 7.7.
Fact Triangles 7.5 are to keep at home to practice.
No High Frequency Words or word sorts due to
spelling review.
Wednesday April 2ndt is Earth Day. Wear blue and
green to celebrate our earth! Blue jeans are allowed.
We will have Earth Day Centers in First Grade.
Your child should practice the last words 55 -100 on
the High Frequency Word List. We will have a pretest
on them Monday. if your child gets them all correct he
or she can skip practice tips. Our

dictation/assessment on them will be on Friday, April

24th. Find the words on our class web site. We have
practiced and assessed all 100 words earlier in the
year so this is review. Check below for practice tips.
Monday - A parent should give a practice assessment of
words 55-80. The parent will call out the words and the
student will write them without seeing the words.
Parents and students can check the test together by
comparing it to our list. Make flashcards for misspelled
words. Begin practicing these words.
Tuesday - Repeat Mondays procedure for words 81-100.
Wednesday - Practice your challenging words with the
flashcards you made on Monday and Tuesday. All
flashcards will be held by a parent to begin. The parent
will call out a word on a flashcard. If your child spells
the word correctly, he may keep the card. If not, the
word goes back into the parents pile for more practice.
Thursday - Practice the tricky works. We will have an
assessment tomorrow.

_______ Practice adding a pocket or handful of coins from an adult.
Remember to start counting with the coin thats worth the most.
______ Write about a springtime activity that you did with your family.
It could be something simple that weve talked about in class. (For
example: making a bird feeder out of a used milk carton; planting
flowers; watching what happens with a birds nest over a period of
time; going on a nature hunt to look for baby animals, etc.)
______ Make a list of at least 10 SPRING words. Go outside and
look at whats happening around you for some clues.

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