JO Arabic Language Lessons

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Peace Corps Jordan

Pre-Departure Arabic Language Materials

Pre-departure Arabic language materials for Jordan contain 10 lessons, grammar notes, cultural notes, and language learning tips.

Welcome Basic: 1. Greetings & Personal Identification 2. Physical State 3. Family 4. Useful Expressions 5. Communication Difficulties Advanced: 6.Food 7. Directions 8. Numbers & Money 9. Question Words 10. Time Sense Grammar Notes Cultural Notes Useful Tips
The text accompanies the following 10 audio tracks:

i 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 18 21

JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_1.mp3 (Time: 8:38) (File Size: 7.90 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_2.mp3 (Time: 3:4) (File Size: 2.52 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_3.mp3 (Time: 1:51) (File Size: 1.27 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_4.mp3 (Time: 2:57) (File Size: 2.03 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_5.mp3 (Time: 1:28) (File Size: 1.01 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_6.mp3 (Time: 2:31) (File Size: 1.73 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_7.mp3 (Time: 1:39) (File Size: 1.14 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_8.mp3 (Time: 2:01) (File Size: 1.38 MB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_9.mp3 (Time: 1:08) (File Size: 804 KB) JO_Arabic_Language_Lesson_10.mp3 (Time: 1:27) (File Size: 1.00 MB)

This manual is a brief presentation of the spoken Arabic language and some cultural behaviors in Jordan. With the help of the enclosed interactive language digital audio files, you will be able to hear and pronounce the sounds of Arabic and become familiar with them.

In this manual, several topics are introduced where you will find some Arabic words and expressions along with their transliteration and English meaning. Some grammatical and cultural notes are also included in order to help you familiarize yourself with the language as well as the culture.

Classical Arabic is the formal language in Jordan. It is used in books, newspapers, radio and T.V. However, you should know that the normal Jordanian conversation is often quite different from the formal language. Dialects of the people you meet will vary based on ancestry and regions within Jordan. For example the word (coffee) is pronounced "gahwa" in rural areas, but in Amman it is pronounced "ahwa". These lessons will help you learn normal conversation in Jordan, rather than focusing on formalities.

As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Jordan, you will have to adjust to some pronunciation difficulties and deal with some social attitudes and cultural norms. In this manual we have divided the lessons into basic and advanced. All are important, but if you have a limited time for study, concentrate on the basic necessities. So get ready for a new experience and challenge and welcome to Jordan...

Basic Lessons 1 - 5: Lesson 1: Greetings & Personal Identification

I will read each word/ phrase twice. When I finish reading the second time I will give you some time to practice saying it after me.

Peace be upon you (common greeting) (and) Peace be upon you (reply) Hello Hello (reply) Good morning Good morning (reply) Good bye May God give you strength (M) May God give you strength (F) May God give you strength (M)(reply) May God give you strength (F) (reply) What is your name? (male) What is your name? (female) My name is.... And you? (m.) And you? (f.) English

)( / ... Transliteration

assalamu alaikum (wa) alaikum assalam marHaba ahlain / hala SabaH elKhair SabaH ennoor Ma asslamah YaTiik elafya YaTiikii elafya Allah yaafiik Allah yafiikii shuu ismak? shuu ismek? ana ismi .... u inta? u inti? Arabic

(1) Listen to how two people greet each other. A: Peace be upon you. B: (and) Peace be upon you. I will greet you and you reply A: assalamu alaikum. B: (wa) alaikum assalam .: .: )( .: ................:

Now you greet first

.................: .: )(

The following greeting is very common in Jordan and can be used any time during the day. (2) Listen to the following people greeting each other. A: Hello. B: Hello. I will greet you first and you reply A: marHaba. B: ahlain or hala .: .: / .: ..................: ....................: .: /

Now, you greet first (3) Listen to the following morning greeting. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: SabaH elKhair B: SabaH ennoor

.: .: .: .............. : ...................: .:

I will greet you first and you reply Now you greet first

(4) Listen to how people greet, and ask and answer about their names. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: What is your name? (m) B: My name is Ahmad. A: marHaba. B: hala A: shuu ismak? B: ana ismi Ahmad. .: .: : .: .: ................: : ................: Now you start. ...................: . :

Lets practice. I will initiate the conversation and you reply.



(5) Listen to how people greet, ask about others names and take leave. A: Peace be upon you. B: (and) Peace be upon you. A: What is your name? (f) B: My name is Noor. A: Good-bye. B: Good- bye. I will start and you reply. A: assalamu alaikum. B: (wa) alaikum assalam A: shuu ismek? B: ana ismi Noor. A: Ma asslamah. B: Ma asslamah. .: .: )( : .: .: .: .: ................: : ................: .: ................: ...................: .: )( ...................: .: ...................: .: (6) Listen to how people greet, ask about others names, and use a very encouraging expression to those who do good work. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: What is your name? (m) B: My name is Ahmad and you? A: My name is Noor. B: May God give you health (f) A: May God give you strength A: SabaH elKhair B: SabaH ennoor A: shuu ismak? B: ana ismi Ahmad u inti? A: ana ismi Noor. B:YaTiikii elafya. A: allah yaafiik (m reply) .: .: : : .: .: .:

Now you start.

I will initiate the conversation and you reply. .: ................: : ................: .: ................: : Now you start. ..................: .: . ..................: : ...................: .: ...................:

Lesson 2: Physical State

I will read each word/ phrase twice. When I finish reading the second time I will give you some time to practice saying it after me.

How are you? (m.) How are you? (f.) Thank God (common reply) OK (lit."Perfect") Good (m.) Good (f.) Happy (m.) Happy (f.) Tired (m.) Tired (f.)


kaif Halak? kaif Halik? alHamdu lillah tamam kwayes kwayesa mabSuuT mabSuuTa Taban tabana

(1) Listen to how these two people greet each other, and inquire about the health questions. A: Peace be upon you. B: (and) Peace be upon you. A: How are you? (m.) B: Thank God. A: assalamu alaikum. B: (wa) alaikum assalam. A: kaif Halak? B: alHamdu lillah. .: .: )( : .:

Now, we will do the same thing we did in the first lesson; I will do the (A) part of the dialog and you take the (B) part. I will read (A) and you reply with (B) part : ................: : ...............: Now you start.

...................: .: )(

...................: .: (2) In this and the following dialogs you are given the opportunity to initiate the conversation. Listen to this dialog. A: Hello. B: Hello. : A: How are you? (f.) B: OK A: marHaba. B: hala. A: kaif Halik? B: tamaam. . : . : : . :

You start and I reply. ...................: . : ...................: . . : Now my turn to start.

. :
.............: : .............:

(3) Here is another dialog about greeting, and well being.

A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: How are you? (m.) B: Good (m) and you? A: Good (f) You start and I reply. ..................: .: ..................: : ..................: A: SabaH elKhair B: SabaH ennoor A: kaif Halak? B: kwayes u inti? A: kwayesa. .: .: : : .:


.Now my turn to start : . :............... : :............... : .


Lesson 3: Family
I will read each word/ phrase twice. When I finish reading the second time I will give you some time to practice saying it after me.

Family Father Mother Brother Sister Son Daughter Husband Wife I have...

Arabic ...

aila abu umm aKhu oKht iben bent zawj zawja ana endi ...

I lll will read each sentence twice and I will stop for a while after the second reading to let you say it after me. 1. 2. 3. 4. I have a family. I have a father. I have a mother. I have a sister. 1. ana endi aila. 2. ana endi abu. 3. ana endi umm. 4. ana endi okht. .. .. .. ..


Lesson 4: Useful Expressions

I will read each word twice and I will stop for a while after the second reading to let you say it after me.

Sorry (m) Sorry (f) Excuse me It's OK No problem Would you please Thank you You welcome (reply) Be my guest/ Here you go (m) Be my guest/ Here you go (f) Yes No Here There Later on! Never Now It is possible / Is it possible? Come on!

Arabic ! ! / /

aassef aassfah afwan basiiTa' mish mushkelah! law samaHt! shukran! afwan tfaDDal tfaDDalii Aywa / naam la haun hunaak badain! abadan hassaa mumken yallah!


Ok- I agree Ok Normal If God wills

tayyeb mashii aadii inshalla

Lesson 5: Communication Difficulties

I will read each phrase or sentence twice, then pause so that you can repeat after me.

I (don't) understand (m.) I (don't) understand (f.) I (dont) know I (dont) like I (dont) want Another time/ Again I can't speak much Arabic Slowly!

)( )( )( )( )( /

ana (mish)faahem ana(mish) faahema ana (ma) araf ana (ma) aHeb ana (ma) beddi Kamaan marra/ marra thanya ana ma aHkii arabii kthiir shwaya shwaya!


Advanced Lessons 6 - 10: Lesson 6: Food

I will read each word twice, and then pause so that you can repeat after me.

Bread Cheese Rice Salt Sugar Water Tea Coffee Milk Juice Vegetables Fruit Breakfast Lunch Dinner Delicious Hungry (m.) Hungry (f.) Thirsty (m.) Thirsty (f.) Full (m.) Full (f.)

- 10 -

Khubez jebna ruz mileH sukkar maii shaii gahwa Haliib aSiir KhuDar fawakeh fuTuur Ghada

zaaki juaan juaana aTshaan aTshaana shabaan shabaana

Lesson 7: Directions
I will read each word/ phrase twice, and then pause so that you can repeat after me.

Where? On (lit. "In") Street Peace Corps Office Post office Bus station Left Right Next to Up Down Straight

Arabic /

wain ? fii share firaq assalam maktab maktab barid mujamma shmaal / yassaar yamiin janb faug taHt duGhri

Lesson 8: Numbers (0-10) and Money

I will read each word/ phrase twice, and then pause so that you can repeat after me.

Zero One Two Three

- 11 -

Siffer waHad ethnain thalatha

Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

arbaa Khamsa sitta saba thamania tesa ashara

Money Gersh (s.) Gersh (pi.) Dinar Quarter of a dinar Half a dinar The change

maSari gersh gruush laira / diinar rube diinar nuS diinar elbagii

- 12 -

Lesson 9: Question Words:

Ill read each word twice, and then pause so that you can repeat after me.

What ? Who ?
When ? How ? Where ? How much? How many ? Which ? Why ?


shuu? miin? aimta? / mata? kaif? wain? gaddaish? ayy? Leesh ?

- 13 -

Lesson 10: Time Sense

Ill read each word twice, and then pause so that you can repeat after me.

Today Yesterday Tomorrow Early Late Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night Week Month Year


eliaum embaareH bukra bakkiir mita'aKher eSubeH eDhuhor ElaSer elmasaa ellail usbuu shaher sana

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Grammar Notes
(no recording available)

Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Sound English equivalent Example

aa ba ta tha ja Ha Kha da The ra za sa sha Sa Da Ta Dha


A B T (same as "thin") J (emphatic "h" with strong expulsion of breath) (same as German "Bach") D (same as "the") R Z S (same as "shine")
(emphatic "s" pronounced with the teeth slightly apart pressing the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth) (emphatic "d" pronounced with the tongue pressing
against the edge of the upper teeth with the tip protruding)

jacket - apricot book tall three juice no equivalent no equivalent dark this room zoo small short no equivalent no equivalent no equivalent no equivalent no equivalent no equivalent father goal kind lemon month number

(emphatic t where you should be able to bite the sides of the tongue as flat as possible) (emphatic "Th") (pronounced with the constriction of the larynx) (like Parisian r, sound of gargling)

Gha fa ga ka la ma na

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ha wa - u ya - i


happy way - food yard - visa

- Arabic script is read and written from right to left. - The shape of letters changes according to their position (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word).

No equivalent letters
- Some Arabic letters have no English equivalent but can be pronounced in English: () , , - Some letters do not exist in the English language and also have no equivalent. They need some practice to be pronounced correctly: () , , , , , , ,

The hamza "

- It is a glottal stop that is sometimes added on long vowels and other times is by itself. Long vowels Long Vowels Pronunciation aa (e.g. flag) uu (e.g. shoes) ii (e.g. piece) Example (delicious) zaaki - (sweater) bluuza - (rent) iijar -

Short vowels
The short vowels are certain symbols put above or below the letters and as a result change the pronunciation. Short vowels are often not written but with practice you will grasp the way to use them. Symbol ..... .....



a very short a (e.g. animal) a very short u (e.g. full) a very short i (e.g. fridge) This symbol is added to indicate that no vowel is used.
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(ate) akal - (bear) dub - (apricot) mishmish (dog) kalb



doubling the letter (e.g. attack)

(bathroom) Hammam -

Subject pronouns English

I You (m.) You (f.) You (pi.) He She They We

ana inta inti intu hwwa hyya humma

Verb "to be"

-The verb "to be" is not used in the present tense.

Masculine & Feminine

- The sound "a" is added to adjectives to transfer them from masculine to feminine. Example: A - Kaif Halak? B - ana kwayes. A - shuu malik? B - ana mariDa. - How are you? (speaking to a male) - I am good. - What is the matter with you? (speaking to a female) - I am sick.

Nouns in Arabic are either masculine or feminine. For example, the word "kursi" (chair) is masculine but the word "Tawla" is feminine. Adjectives which describe the nouns must also "agree" with them.

- Verbs in Arabic change according to the pronouns preceding them. Example: - ana aktub. - inta tuktub. - inti tuktubi. - intu tuktubu. - hwwa yuktub. - hyya tuktub. - humma yuktubu. - iHna nuktub.
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- I write. - You write. (m.) - You write. (f.) - You write. (pl.) - He writes. - She writes. - They write. - We write

Cultural Notes
(no recording available)

The greetings "marHaba" and " assalamu alaikum " are very common between Jordanians; they are used all day long. Usually, the person who enters the room salutes the one who is already there and the other one replies back. Shaking hands is the common greeting way when meeting people for the first time or when they meet after a long time. In villages, shaking hands between a male and a female is usually unacceptable unless the male initiates it.

Hospitality and generosity are highly valued in Jordan. It reflects on the individual's and family's

honor and respect. So, Jordanians like to socialize a lot, especially in villages, they visit each other frequently at any time without an appointment and the host has a big responsibility to show generosity to guests. So don't be surprised if your host family is inundated with visitors while you are there.
When visiting people, it is not polite to leave immediately after having a meal. The host would never ask

a guest to leave so if you feel that it is time to leave, you should come up with a good excuse like "my host family is worried about me by now" or "I have to study for tomorrow's test".

It is common in Jordan to call parents with: father / mother of (the name of the eldest son in the family) e.g. "Abu Husam", Husam's father, to a man whose eldest son is called Husam. His wife would be called "Umm Husam", Husam's mother.

Common names
There are some very common names that Jordanians name their children by, like for boys: Mohammed, Ahmed, Ali, Omar and Abdullah. And for girls: Fatima, Nawal, Samira, Huda and Amina.

The Jordanian family

Most Jordanian families are extended and large. Jordanians generally identify themselves according to family kinship, as well as tribal affiliation. The bonds in the Jordanian family are very strong. Parents watch over and are involved in every aspect of their children's lives. Children show large amount of respect for parents especially the father. Children are also considered to be a sign of wealth and prosperity.

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Respect for elders

Traditionally, the eldest male is undisputed head of the extended family and no undertaking could be begun without his approval. Elders are also considered integral family members and sources of wisdom and spirituality. In everyday life respect toward elders is easily noticed. In fact, the word of any older person is usually unquestionably followed or at least not publicly questioned.

To Jordanians, being around people all the time, whether neighbors, relatives or friends, is very important and Jordanians find it hard to understand why someone would need some privacy and spend some time on his/her own. In fact, the term "privacy" has no equivalent meaning in Arabic; it would be regarded more as isolation or loneliness. The personal life may not be as private in Jordan as you think. So don't be disturbed if people in Jordan ask you about your weight, how much money you make or why you aren't married.

People in Jordan usually respond to "how are you? with "alHamdu lillah" which means "Thank God" even if they are not in a good condition or not feeling fine. It's a religious concept, which assures the idea of thanking God in any situation.

The traditional dish

The traditional dish in Jordan is "Mansaf" which consists of rice, cooked yoghourt and either chicken or meat. It is usually served at big celebrations like weddings as a way of showing great respect for guests.

Eating on the floor is very normal in Jordan and eating is always with the right hand. Lunch is considered the main meal in Jordan. There are lots of dishes served at lunch such as "magluba" which consists of rice and vegetables with either meat or chicken. And also "warag dawali" which consists of stuffed grape leaves and stuffed zucchini. To Jordanians, breakfast is not an essential meal. It usually consists of white cheese, olives, eggs, oil and thyme, tomatoes and sometimes falafel, Humus or fuul on Fridays. Dinner is usually served late at night. It consists of the same elements as in breakfast. Bread is a very important element, which is served with each meal. It is never thrown away; people would have a separate bag for it when it gets hard. When someone drops a piece of bread on the floor, he/she should pick it up and kiss it then put it on his/her forehead before putting it back on the table.

Public transportation
Buses, taxis and services (a shared taxi) are the public transportation available in Jordan.

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Buses are the most used public transportation. Usually, men and women do not sit next to each other unless there is not any other place available. Old people are given seats immediately as a way of showing respect. In taxis, women should not sit in the front seat. They should also avoid any eye contact or any talking with the driver. The "service" is a shared taxi. You can share this taxi with about 4 people and the direction of it is already identified.

The currency
The "diinar" is the official currency in Jordan. It is also called "laira". One "diinar" equals 100 gersh and in dollars it almost equals 1.5 US$.

Bargaining is common in Jordan. You can always ask "Is this the last price?" Usually, you can bargain at small boutiques for clothes or shoes and handcrafts/gifts but you never bargain at pharmacies, supermarkets and big stores.

The weekend in Jordan is on Friday and Saturday.

Time value
To Jordanians, time is important but not as much as their relationship with each other. People may prefer to take time to help someone and be late for an appointment. So don't be personally offended if someone is late.

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Useful Tips
(no recording available)

Don't worry too much about making cultural mistakes, rather enjoy learning. Jordanians are tolerant people and they will always tell you that you don't have to feel bad about it. (Still watch what other doand follow suit if appropriate) Greetings are a sign of self-respect and a part of honoring your guest and host. Take time to greet everyone and ask about family. When you meet people, you are often invited to a person's house. Although they really want you to come over, they dont usually mean immediately and most often, it is simply a gesture of good will. You better refuse the invitation, but if they are really serious about the offer they will usually propose a date and a time. Make sure that your clothes are appropriate. Jordanians generally dress more formally and conservatively than Americans do. When doing your laundry, designate a corner of your room in which to dry underclothes because they shouldn't dry out in the open - especially women's. There are sometimes special slippers to be worn in the bathroom and others to be worn at home. Don't wear your shoes in the home. Sponges and soaps used in the bathroom shouldn't be used in the kitchen. When you are offered something to drink or eat by a Jordanian, it is preferred to take it with your right hand. When having food with your host family, watch your sitting position. For men, it is acceptable to sit the Indian style or with your legs underneath you, but women should sit with their legs pulled in to one side. Never point the soles of your feet at anyone. If someone asks you to critique their cooking, always give the most positive opinion. When eating, try a little bit of everything and if you try something you don't like, say you tried it, but you liked something else better. Your host family will appreciate knowing when you will be coming home and you should call them whenever you will be late. Jordanians have the habit of staring at others, especially when they are foreigners. Ignoring them is the best reaction. It is unacceptable for women to smoke on the streets, in the car, or in public places, especially in rural areas. However, you might see some women in Amman who smoke in cafes or restaurants.

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