Introduction Arabic English Translation

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Translation from

Arabic into English

Course Description
• Introducing the notion of of text types and its importance in
• Getting the students acquainted with the techniques and
strategies of solving translation problems.
• Highlighting the three main phases of the translating process:
understanding the source text (ST),
 rendering it into the target language (TL), and finally
proofreading and editing the target text to produce a
grammatically correct, communicatively equivalent text.
Text type
• The way we use language differs according to many elements
including geographical, historical, or social background.
• It also varies according to subject matter, level of formality and
whether it is spoken or written.
• These aspects are referred to as ‘register’ distinctions‫ هوية ا&&لنص‬and
should be taken into consideration by translators all the time.
• For example, when translating an article written by a scientist, the
translator should determine whether the scientist intends just to review
a sequence of events or to criticize a stated claim.
Text Type (Cont.)

•That is why the ‘text-type‫ ”أنماط ا لنص‬view is recommended

when translating.
•This text-context relationship may be viewed as a continuum:
on one end the writer intends to be extremely detached while
on the other end s/he is extremely involved.
Text-Type View

•Such a view can be represented as follows:

Extremely detached extremely involved
and non-evaluative highly evaluative
(contracts) (news report; story) (editorial article)
Varieties of Arabic Language
•  Arabic language is usually referred to as a language that
occurs in a situation of diglossia;
• Diglossia means that its native speakers often learn and use
two linguistic forms greatly different from each other:
Modern Standard Arabic (often called MSA in English) as the
official language;
a Local Colloquial variety called ‫ا&&لع&امية‬, al-ʿāmmiyya in many
Arab countries, meaning "slang" or "colloquial"; or
called ‫ا&&لدارجة‬, ad-dārija, meaning "common or everyday
language", in different aspects of their lives.
Varieties of Arabic in Egypt (Al Said Badawi)
• Egyptian linguist Al-Said Badawi proposed the following five
"levels of speech“ used by Egyptians :
• ‫فصحى التراث‬ fuṣḥá at-turāṯ, 'heritage classical variety’: which is
primarily a written language, but is also heard in spoken form at
the mosque or in religious programmes on television, but with
a modernized pronunciation.
• ‫فصحى العصر‬ fuṣḥá al-ʿaṣr, 'contemporary classical' or 'modernized
classical': This is what Western linguists call Modern Standard
Arabic (MSA). It is a modification and simplification of Classical
Arabic that was deliberately created for the modern age.
Varieties of Arabic in Egypt (Al Said Badawi)
• ‫عامية المثقفين‬ ʿāmmiyyat al-muṯaqqafīn, 'colloquial of the cultured' (also
called Educated Spoken Arabic, Formal Spoken Arabic, or Spoken
MSA by other authors): heavily influenced by MSA, and used in
serious discussions by well-educated people; generally not used in
writing except informally. It is often used on television, and it is also
becoming the language of instruction at universities.
• ‫عامية المتنورين‬ ʿāmmiyyat al-mutanawwarīn 'colloquial of the limited
educated': This is the everyday language that people use in informal
contexts, and that is heard on television when non-intellectual topics
are being discussed.
• ‫عامية األميين‬ ʿāmmiyyat al-ʾummiyyīn, 'colloquial of the illiterates’
Varieties of English Language: Standard
• Standard English is the dialect used nationally for official purposes.
• It is the dialect that
appears in print;
taught in schools,
used by students in their essays.
is the norm for dictionaries and grammars.
found in official printed communications, national news broadcasts
and on official websites.
Varieties of English Language: Non-Standard
• Non-standard English(es) is the use of regional dialects
that can vary from region to region and can be quite
difficult to understand for people who are not familiar
with them.
• Another example of non-standard English is the use of
slang words and expressions, which can be specific to
age groups or social groups and can be difficult for
outsiders to understand.
Types of Sentences in English
1- Simple sentences
• A simple sentence communicates one idea, and is made up of one
clause:[S + V + …..]
• One thing (usually) happens in a simple sentence.
The night was dark.
The plane is landing
• They are very clear, simple direct and straightforward.
• That’s why they are often used in children's books.
2- Compound sentences
• Compound sentences communicate more than one idea.
• A compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences which are linked
by conjunctions and, or, or but:
 [The night was dark], and [the moon was hidden].
clause 1 conjunction clause 2
• This compound sentence contains three clauses:

Clause 1 + conjunction + clause 2
[He opened every cupboard] and [he looked in every drawer], but [ the
photograph had vanished]. conjunction Clause 3
3- Complex sentences
• They communicate more than one idea;
• They are made of
one main idea + one or more subordinate ideas
(Independent clause) + (dependent clauses)
• Dependent clauses give more information about the main idea (independent
• The subordinate/dependent clause is the clause which adds another action to
the sentence, but which could not make sense or its own.
dependent clause + independent clause
[As soon as Amira saw the man], [she recognized him].
Complex sentences:
Dependent clauses
• Dependent clauses usually begin with one of the following
subordinate conjunctions:
Who since that
Whom until in case
Whose before so
Which because if
That how unless
When than though
Where as much as although
As so that even though
• multilingual In Arabic - Translation and Meaning in English Arabic Dicti
onary of All terms Page 1 (
• Arabic-English dictionary | English translation | Reverso
‫ترجم الفقرة التالية الى اإلنجليزية‬
‫• الفانوس المصري ينتصر والصيني يتراجع والفاطمي يعود من جديد‪.‬‬

‫• كل الشواهد في سوق الفوانيس المصرية هذا العام تشير إلى أن الفانوس المصري برونقه وألوانه وقوته وأسعاره ينتصر ويسترد عرشه‪،‬‬

‫• فقد كانت مصر تدفع ماليين الدوالرات سنويا في استيراد الفوانيس وتتمادى الصين في تصديرها إلينا فندفع بالعملة الصعبة حتى صدر‬
‫القرار‪ ‬ب َمنع االستيراد قبل ‪ ٦‬سنين‪،‬‬

‫• استطاعت خاللها أيادي المصنعين استرداد الفانوس المصري لعرشه‪ ،‬رغم دخول بعض الكميات بطرق التهريب تحت مسمى لعب أطفال‪.‬‬

‫• ورغم المنافسة التي يعلنها الفانوس المستورد أو المهرب إال أنه لم ينجح خالل تلك السنوات في زعزعة جذور الفانوس المصري القديم وإزالة‬
‫صورته الخالدة والمنقوشة في أذهان وقلب‪ ‬القاهرة الفاطمية‪،‬‬

‫وألن كل مصري يعشقه فقد رحب المصريون بالفانوس المصري التقليدي وبعودته مرة أخرى إلى أيدي أطفالهم أو ربما أحفادهم •‬

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