M. Tech 1st Year 2nd Sem

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.

ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS UNIT: I Review Computer Networks and the Internet: What is Internet, The Network edge, The Network core, Access Networks and Physical media. ISPs and Internet Backbones. Delay and Loss in PacketSwitched Networks, History of Computer Networking and the Internet. Foundation of Networking Protocols: 5-layer TCP/IP Model, 7-Layer OSI Model, Internet Protocols and Addressing, Equal-Sized Packets Model: ATMNetworking Devices: Multiplexers, Modems and Internet Access Devices, Switching and Routing Devices, Router Structure. UNIT: II The Link Layer and Local Area Networks: Link Layer: Introduction and Services, Error Detection and Error Correction techniques, Multiple Access Protocols, Link Layer Addressing, Ethernet, Interconnections: Hubs and Switches, PPP: The Point-to-Point Protocol, Link Virtualization. Routing and Internetworking: Network-Layer Routing, Least-Cost-Path algorithms, Non-LeastCost-Path algorithms, Intradomain Routing Procols, Interdomain Routing Protocols, Congestion Control at Network Layer. UNIT: III Logical Addressing: IPv4 Addresses, IPv6 Address Internet Protocol: Internetworking, IPv4, IPv6, Transition form IPv4 to IPv6 Multicasting Techniques and Protocols: Basic Definitions and Techniques, Interdomain Multicast Protocols, Interdomain Multicast Protocols, Node-Level Multicast algorithms Transport and End-to-End Protocols: Transport Layer, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Mobile Transport Protocols, TCP Congestion Control Application Layer: Principles of Network Applications, The Web and HTTP, File Transfer: FTP, Electronic Mail in the Internet, Domain Name System (DNS), PSP File Sharing, Socket Programming with TCP and UDP, Building a Simple Web Server. UNIT IV Wireless Network and Mobile IP: Infrastructure of Wireless Networks, Wireless LAN Technologies, IEEE 802.11 wireless Standard, Cellular Networks, Mobile IP, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) Optical Networks and WDM Systems: Overview of Optical Networks, Basic Optical Networking Devices, Large Scale Optical Switches. Optical Routers, Wavelength Allocation in Networks, Case Study: An All-Optical Switch. UNIT V VPNs, Tunneling and Overlay Networks: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Overlay Networks VoIP and Multimedia Networking: Overview of IP Telephony, VoIP Signaling Protocols, Real-Time Media Transport Protocols, Distributed Multimedia Networking, Stream Control Transmission Protocol Mobile A-Hoc Networks: Overview of wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, Routing Protocols for AdHoc Networks Wireless Sensor Networks: Sensor Networks and Protocol Structures, Communication Energy Model, Clustering Protocols, Routing Protocols TEXT BOOKS: 1. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 2. Computer and Communication Networks, Nader F. Mir, Pearson Education, 2007

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM SYLLABUS
ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE UNIT: I Fundamentals of Computer design, Changing faces of computing and task of computer designer, Technology trends, Cost price and their trends, measuring and reporting performance, quantitative principles of computer design, Amdahls law. Instruction set principles and examples Introduction, classifying instruction set memory addressing type and size of operands, operations in the instruction set. UNIT: II Pipelines: Introduction, basic RISC instruction set, Simple implementation of RISC instruction set, Classic five stage pipe line for RISC processor, Basic performance issues in pipelining, Pipeline hazards, Reducing pipeline branch penalties. Memory hierarchy design: Introduction, review of ABC of cache, Cache performance, Reducing cache miss penalty, Virtual memory. UNIT: III Instruction level parallelism the hardware approach: Instruction level parallelism, Dynamic scheduling, Dynamic scheduling using Tomasulos approach. Branch prediction, high performance instruction delivery hardware based speculation. ILP software approach Basic compiler level techniques, static branch prediction, VLIW approach, Exploiting ILP, Parallelism at compile time, Cross cutting issues Hardware verses Software. UNIT: IV Multi Processors and Thread level Parallelism Introduction, Characteristics of application domain, Systematic shared memory architecture, Distributed shared memory architecture, Synchronization. UNIT: V Inter connection and networks Introduction, Interconnection network media, Practical issues in interconnecting networks, Examples of inter connection, Cluster, Designing of clusters. FSIntel Architecutre: Intel IA-64 ILP in embedded and mobile markets Fallacies and pit falls. TEXT BOOKS: 1. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3rd Edition, An Imprint of Elsevier. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. John P. Shen and Miikko H. Lipasti, Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Super Scalar Processors 2. Computer Architecture and Prallel Processing, Kai Hwang, Faye A. Brigs., MC Graw Hill. 3. Advanced Computer Architecture A Design Space Approach, Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Pearson ed.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM SYLLABUS
DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING UNIT: I Introduction: The different forms of computing Monolithic, Distributed, Parallel and cooperative computing, the meaning of Distributed computing, Examples of Distributed systems, the strengths and weaknesses of Distributed computing, operating system concepts relevant to distributed computing, the architecture of distributed applications. UNIT: II Distributed Computing Paradigms: Paradigms of Distributed Applications Message Passing Paradigm, The Client Server Paradigm (Java Socket API), The peer-to-peer Paradigm, Message system (or MOM) Paradigm the point-to-point message model and publish/subscribe message model, RPC model, The Distributed Objects Paradigms RMI, ORB, the object space Paradigm, The Mobile Agent Paradigm, the Network Services Paradigm, The collaborative application (Groupware Paradigm), choosing a Paradigm for an application. UNIT: III Distributed Objects Paradigm (RMI): Message passing versus Distributed Objects, An Archetypal Distributed Object Architecture, Distributed Object Systems, RPC, RMI, The Java RMI Architecture, Java RMI API, A sample RMI Applications, steps for building an RMI application, testing and debugging, comparison of RMI and socket API. Distributed Object Paradigm (CORBA) The basic Architecture, The CORBA object interface, Inter-ORB protocols, object servers and object clients, CORBA object reference, CORBA Naming Service and the Interoperable Naming Service, CORBA object services, object Adapters, Java IDL, An example CORBA application. UNIT: IV Distributed Document based Systems: WWW, Lotus Notes, comparison of WWW and Lotus Notes, Distributed Coordination-based systems Introduction to coordination models, TIB, JINI, comparison of TIB and JINI Software Agents, Agent Technology, Mobile Agents. Distributed Multimedia Systems characteristics of multimedia data, QOS of services management, Resource Management, Stream Adaptation. UNIT: V Grid Computing Definition of grid, grid types computational grid, data grid, grid benefits and applications, drawbacks of grid computing, grid components, grid architecture and its relation to various Distributed Technologies. Cluster Computing: Parallel computing overview, cluster computing Introduction, Cluster Architecture, parallel programming models and Paradigms, Applications of Clusters. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Distributed Computing, Principles and Applications, M.L. Liu, Pearson Education. 2. Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms, A.S. Tanenbaum and M.V. Steen, Pearson Education. 3. Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA, second edition, R. Orfali & Dan Harkey, John Wiley & sons. 4. Grid Computing, J. Joseph & C. Fallenstein, Pearson education. 5. High Performance Cluster Computing, Rajkumar Buyya, Pearson education.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM SYLLABUS
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A Networking Approach to Grid Computing, D. Minoli, Wiley & sons. 2. Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Applications, A. Abbas, Firewall Media. 3. Java Network Programming, E.R. Harold, 2nd edition, OReilly, SPD. 4. Distributed Systems, Concepts and Design, 3rd edition, G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore and Tim Kindbirg, Pearson Education. 5. Java Programming with CORBA, 3rd edition, Brose, Vogel, Duddy, Wiley Dreamtech.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM SYLLABUS
DISTRIBUTED DATABASES UNIT: I - Features of Distributed versus Centralized Databases, Principles of Distributed Databases, Levels of Distribution Transparency, Reference Architecture for Distributed Databases, Types of Data Fragmentation, Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases, Distributed Database Design. UNIT: II - Translation of Global Queries to Fragment Queries. Equivalence transformations for Queries. Transforming Global Queries into Fragment Queries, Distributed Grouping and Aggregate Function Evaluation, Parametric Queries. Optimization of Access Strategies, A Framework for Query Optimization, Join Queries, General Queries. UNIT: III - The Management of Distributed Transactions, A Framework for Transaction Management, Supporting Atomicity of Distributed Transactions, Concurrency Control for Distributed Transactions, Architectural Aspects of Distributed Transactions. Concurrency Control, Foundation to Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed Deadlocks, Concurrency Control based on Timestamps, Optimistic Methods for Distributed Concurrency Control. UNIT: IV - Reliability, Basic Concepts, Nonblocking Commitment Protocols, Reliability and concurrency Control, Determining a Consistent View of the Network, Detection and Resolution of Inconsistency, Checkpoints and Cold Restart, Distributed Database Administration, Catalog Management in Distributed Database, Authorization and Protection. UNIT: V - Architectural Issues, Alternative Client/Server Architectures, Cache Consistency, Object Management, Object Identifier Management, Pointer Swizzling, Object Migration, Distributed Object Storage, Object Query Processing, Object Query Processor Architectures, Query Processing Issues, Query Execution, Transaction Management, Transaction Management in Object DBMSs, Transactions as Objects Database Integration, Scheme Translation, Scheme Integration, Query Processing Query Processing Layers in Distributed Multi-DBMSs, Query Optimization Issues Transaction Management Transaction and Computation Model, Multidatabase Concurrency Control, Multidatabase Recovery, Object Orientation and Interoperability, Object Management Architecture CORBA and Database interoperability, Distributed Component Object Model, COM/OLE and Database Interoperability, PUSH-Based Technologies. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Distributed Database Principles & Systems, Stefano Ceri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, TMH. 2. Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M. Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Data Communication and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Fourth Edition, TMH, 2007. 2. Guide to Networking Essentials, Greg Tomsho, Ed Tittel, David Johnson, Fifth Edition: Thomson. 3. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, S. Keshav, Pearson Education. 4. Campus Network Design Fundamentals, Diane Teare, Catherine Paquet, Pearson Education (CISCO Press) 5. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall. 6. The Internet and Its Protocols, A. Farrel, Elsevier.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM SYLLABUS
INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS ELECTIVE III UNIT I: Introduction: Definition, Objectives, Functional Overview, Relationship to DBMS, Digital Libraries and Data Warehouses, Information Retrieval System Capabilities Search, Browse, Miscellaneous. UNIT II: Cataloging and Indexing: Objectives, Indexing Process, Automatic Indexing, Information Extraction, Data Structures: Introduction, Stemming Algorithms, Inverted file structures, N-gram data structures, PAT data structure, Signature file structure, Hypertext data structure Automatic Indexing: Classes of automatic indexing, Statistical indexing, Natural language, Concept indexing, Hypertext linkages. UNIT III: Document and Term Clustering: Introduction, Thesaurus generation, Item clustering, Hierarchy of clusters User Search Techniques: Search statements and binding, Similarity measures and ranking, Relevance feedback, Selective dissemination of information search, Weighted searches of Boolean systems, Searching the Internet and hypertext Information Visualization: Introduction, Cognition and perception, Information visualization technologies. UNIT IV: Text Search Algorithms: Introduction, Software text search algorithms, Hardware text search systems, Information System Evaluation: Introduction, Measures used in system evaluation, Measurement example TREC results. UNIT V: Multimedia Information Retrieval Models and Languages Data Modeling, Query Languages, Indexing and Searching Libraries and Bibliographical Systems Online IR Systems, OPACs, Digital Libraries. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Information Storage and Retrieval Systems: Theory and Implementation By Kowalski, Gerald, Mark T Maybury Kluwer Academic Press, 2000. 2. Modern Information Retrival By Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Pearson Education, 2007. 3. Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics By David A Grossman and Ophir Frieder, 2nd Edition, Springer International Edition, 2004. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Information Retrieval Data Structures and Algorithms By William B Frakes, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Pearson Education, 1992. 2. Information Storage & Retrieval By Robert Korfhage John Wiley & Sons. 3. Introduction to Information Retrieval By Christopher D. Manning and Prabhakar Raghavan, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1ST YEAR 2ND SEM SYLLABUS
INFORMATION SECURITY ELECTIVE-IV UNIT I : Security Goals, Security Attacks (Interruption, Interception, Modification and Fabrication), Security Services (Confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity, Non-repudiation, access Control and Availability) and Mechanisms, A model for Internet work security, Internet Standards and RFCs. UNIT II: Conventional Encryption Principles & Algorithms (DES, AES, RC4) Block Cipher Modes of Operation, Location of Encryption Devices, Key Distribution. Public key cryptography principles, public key cryptography algorithms (RSA, RABIN, ELGAMAL, Diffie-Hellman, ECC), Key Distribution. UNIT III: Approaches of Message Authentication, Secure Hash Functions (SHA-512, WHIRLPOOL) and HMAC Digital Signatures: Comparison, Process Need for Keys, Signing the Digest, Services, Attacks on Digital Signattures, Kerberos, X.509 Directory Authentication Service. UNIT IV: Email Security: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and S/MIME: IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Association and Key Management. Web Security Requirements, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). UNIT V: Basic concepts of SNMP, SNMPv1 Community facility and SNMPv3, Intruders, Viruses and related threats, Virus Countermeasures Firewall Design principles, Trusted Systems, Intrusion Detection Systems TEXT BOOKS: 1. Networks Security Essentials (Applications and Standards) by William Stallings Pearson Education, 2008. 2. Cryptography & Network Security by Behrouz A. Forouzan, TMH 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Information Security by Mark Stamp, Wiley India, 2006. 2. Information Systems Security, Godbole, Wiley Student Edition. 3. Cryptography and Network Security by William Stallings, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education 2007. 4. Fundamentals of Computer Security, Springer. 5. Network Security: The complete reference, Robert Bragg, Mark Rhodes, TMH 6. Computer Security Basics by Rick Lehtinen, Behorah Russell & G.T. Gangemi Sr., SPD OREILLY 2006. 7. Modern Cryptography by Wenbo Mao, Pearson Education 2007. 8. Principles of Information Security, Whitman, Thomson.

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