Note Bio Siap!!!
Note Bio Siap!!!
Note Bio Siap!!!
• Meaning – use of natural • Meaning – conducted formally through • Meaning – energy that exists in the
predators to control the schools or informally through seminars, environment & can be harnessed
population of pest exhibitions and mass media for the benefit of man
• Example : • Inexhaustible & does not pollute
• To reduce the population of
- reusing resources such as the environment
animal pests by using another bottles & plastic • Examples :
organism - reducing the use of fossil o Solar energy ,wind
• This method does not use fuels & metals which are not energy ,wave energy
agro chemical such as easily replenished ,geothermal energy
• It will not upset the natural Efficient uses of energy
ecological balance or polute
the environment • must be increased to
avoid wastage
• the fuel efficiency of
Preservation & Conservation of vehicles & machine need
the Ecosystem to be improved to give
maximum performances
• Enforcement of the • help to conserve the
National Forestry Act to energy available &
control activities such as : prolong the usage of
- deforestation non-renewable energy
- cutting down of
mangrove tree
• Replanting trees Use of Technology
• Avoid throwing the Implementation of Laws
rubbish, toxic substances, • Use of oil –
discharging hot water into • The Environmental Quality Act 1974,1985 disintegration bacteria
rivers ( amendment ) to clean up oil spillage
• The con served of natural o control & prevent pollution in the sea
resources o fix the maximum limit of waste to be disposed • Recycle wastes made
- enforcement of laws to o charge & punish any party that obey laws of manufactured
protect plants & animals • Factory and Machine Act 1967/1983 materials
- avoid uncontrolled o Protect the workers from being exposed to noise • Change organic wastes
logging activities which levels more than 95 dB for 4 hours continuously into biogas
destroys the natural • Pesticides Act 1974 • Introduce unleaded
habitats of plants & o Control the usage of pesticides petrol to reduce air
animals • National Forestry Act 1984 pollution
o Protect & preserve forests