Secrets of Athleticism - Yuri Shaposhnikov

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Yuri Shaposhnikov "Secrets of athleticism"

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Table of contents

1. to start the course

2. Exercises for development of the pectoral muscles and back muscles
3. Exercises for development of muscles in the arms and shoulder girdle
4. Exercise for the abdominals
5. Exercises for development of leg muscles
6. exercises to develop strength and mobility of the fingers
7. Exercises spring expanders
8. Exercises with a rubber bandage
9. Exercises with weights
10. Exercises with expanders
11. Exercises with dumbbells
12. Exercises with stone
13. Exercises on a crossbeam
14. Exercises with a metal stick
15. Sportzabavy
16. Athletic fun
17. For the curious
18. Exercises samosoprotivlenie
19. The system of Muller
20. Dynamic and isometric exercise Samson

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Begin classes

Every year more and more people are attached to physical culture. Some people
do morning exercises or run and get a charge of vivacity for the whole day, others
wanting to increase strength and get a nice athletic shape, take up the dumbbells,
expander, dumbbell or barbell. Exercises with free weights - an effective tool in
the fight for the harmonious development that has stood the test of time.

Now there is probably no sport in which athletes would not resort to exercises with
weights to achieve high results. But these exercises can be recommended to
anyone who is committed to improving the overall physical development, who
wants to be strong, resilient and healthy. Classes are from weight training
improves the functioning of internal organs, enhance blood circulation and
metabolism, they can be used to eliminate defects in the physical development -
round shoulders, bad posture, strengthen bones and ligaments, underdeveloped
muscles, etc.

Regular training with weights develop the ability to stretch and relax muscles,
which is very important in sports, and when performing any physical work.

Getting to self-employment, it must be remembered that long-term performance

of intense exercise poses a great burden, which is an incorrect application of its
potential to cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, first of all should be
examined by a doctor, consult with experts and carefully examine the
methodology of sports training in literature. Later during the training you need to
self-control, noting the heart rate, respiration and weight. mood, sleep, appetite,
performance, mood, etc. And, writing this blog, do not forget to regularly appear
in the medical office.

Do best in the outdoors or in well-ventilated room. Clothing should be light and

not to interfere with the movements. After the class, be sure to take a shower and
wipe dry with a towel.

You can engage in the afternoon or evening, but no sooner than two hours after
meals. In the morning exercises can include more than light exercise and
alternate them with non-weight bearing exercises.

It must be remembered that the weight of dumbbells, weights, number of springs

in the expanders, the thickness of the rubber bands, as well as the number of
repetitions of each exercise should be appropriate for the age and strength of
dealing with. Performing the exercises, follow the well-being, if the indicated
dosage for you is difficult, reduce the number of repetitions or the weight of
burdens. Gradual increase in load - the basic principle for exercise. Let not
confuse young people a small initial weight of burdens with which they begin to
deal with - only a gradual increase in workload yields positive results. The
principle of a gradual increase in load known in ancient times. Olympic champion
Milon Croton (VI century BC. Er.) Develops his strength, daily picking up and

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carrying on the shoulders of the calf. The calf grew, until it turned into a bull grew
and the strength athlete.

Russian professional athlete Alexander Zass (Samson) in notes about the system
of physical development, wrote that you can not force the burdening weight gain.
The young man left for 30 or more years in order to increase their physical
strength. He believed that systematic physical exercises (mainly with weights)
and the correct mode of work and rest will help preserve working capacity and
effect until a ripe old age. Sam Samson 60 years he worked in a circus at age 70,
wore his on stage at a special yoke two lions broke horseshoe, ripping chain.

The strongest man of his time, Georg Gakkenshmidt - "Russian Lion", he said that
to increase the load in the exercises to gradually, in training, as well as in life, to
avoid excesses. Gakkenshmidt abide scrupulously by the rules all my life until age
ninety distinguished by great physical strength.

The famous Russian athlete and wrestler Peter Krylov ("King of the weights) of
weight training wrote:" In recent years, among the amateurs, with whom I have
met, dominated by the desire to train exclusively on the record. This - the wrong
system and, moreover, hurtful. These records are tortuous. They not only failed to
prove force, but wear out a man. First, develop your muscles until you get their
greatest development through training, and only then can without harm to "work"
and for the record. I am now 43 years old, and I feel no less than a 25 year old
weightlifter. Musculature of my not deteriorated in quality and not diminished in
volume. This - the result of a rational exercise. And now that their very careful and
sustained system of training I owe the fact that the retained strength and muscle,
although I had a circus athlete former times sometimes speak several times a day
with a very heavy weight and is doing the most difficult tricks. "

Regular physical exercise and stronger dosages necessarily bring positive results,
forcing the same loads and lessons from case to case, not only will bring to
naught in shape, but may adversely affect health. Should cite the words of our
illustrious hero, Olympic champion Yuri Vlasov, who says: "Do not run itself! Let
the young workouts, but keep in order. Remember a simple truth: the restoration
is more difficult to maintain form. Sometimes a recovery becomes practical and
possible. Always update a training! "

Never place a task by any means to increase muscle mass, as preached

bodybuilders, Yuri Vlasov said: "Not all are aware that they do not value and
determine the abundance of muscle strength athlete. Ahead of someone who
knows how to train and who undo the internal systems of the body, but it all adds
up and what is called the natural data, or talent. Incorrectly perceive the state of
internal systems as something fixed once and for all the folded nature. These
systems are also excellent exercise. The quality of muscle tissue, I suppose,
depends directly on the stock of the nervous system and tone of the internal
systems. Hence the conclusion: powerful muscles is not necessarily large and
heavy. "

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Aimed with the help of physical exercises to improve health and achieve a
beautiful physique, it is important to have at least a general notion of human
muscular system, to know what functions are performed by some or other
muscles and how to develop them. It is known that muscles are of two types:
smooth, that line the walls of internal organs, blood vessels, skin, and skeletal. We
train the skeletal muscles.

Muscles consists of striated muscle fibers, their number determines the strength
of muscles. Fibers together in bundles and surrounded by connective tissue, which
moves in the tendon. With the help of tendons attach muscles to bones.

We must start with exercises that affect large groups of muscles, and then pull the

Figure 1

This scheme (Fig. 1) gives an idea about the location of major muscles. It also
recommended the most typical exercises, with which they can interact with.

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I. Biceps brachii (biceps). Located on the front surface of the shoulder.
This muscle flexes the arm at the elbow, is involved in turning the forearm

Exercise. Original position - the main stand, hands with dumbbells at your sides.
Alternating flexion and extension arms in the elbow joints. Breathing is arbitrary.

II. Neck muscles. Tilting your head forward, backward, sideways, turn left
and right.

Exercise. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. Circular
rotation of the head left and right. During the tilt head back - inhale, when
stooping - exhale.

III. Trapezius. Raises and lowers the shoulder blades closer to the spine,
rejects his head back.

Exercise. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, descended into the hands
of the charges (bar, dumbbells, weights). Raise and lower the shoulders. Lift your
shoulders, breathe, dropping - exhale.

IV. Deltoid. This muscle is involved in lifting the arms forward, to the side
and laid back.

Exercise. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, hands with the dumbbells
at your sides palms inward. Raise your straight arms in hand - breath, lower to the
starting position - exhale.

V. Pectoralis major muscle. Located in the upper chest on both sides of

the sternum bone. These muscles are your hands away from the trunk,
crossed in front of chest.

Exercise. Lie on your back, arms with dumbbells in hand. Raise your arms forward
until the vertical position - exhale, then slowly lower them to their original position
- the breath.

VI. Forearm muscles. The muscles are on the inside of the forearm, flex
the fingers and wrist, and being on the outside - unbend them.

Exercise. Wrap the cord on a stick with a weight at the end. Alternately grabbing
his fingers over the stick movement, wind the cord on a stick. Then, in the same
manner unwind the cord. Then wrap the cord movement on my own.

VII. Rectus abdominis. Located along the front wall of the abdominal
muscles . This muscle flexes the torso forward.

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Exercise. Sit on a chair, toes straight legs hooked on the heavy-duty feet and
hands with the weights lift his head. Slowly bend your torso back, trying to bend a
little more - breath, and then return to starting position - exhale.

VIII. Quadriceps femoris. Located on the front of the thigh. Unbends leg
in the knee joint is involved in hip flexion in the hip joint.

Exercise. Feet shoulder width apart. squats with the weights on your shoulders.
Squat, breathe out, returning to the starting position - the breath.

IX. Gastrocnemius. Located on the back of the leg. This muscle flexes the

Exercise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, your fingers Put a block of height
7.5 inches. Rise on your toes - a breath, then lower the heels - exhale. As the
fitness to do exercises holding weights.

X. Hamstring muscle (biceps femoris). This muscle flexes the leg at the
knee joint.

Exercise. In the prone position flexion and extension of legs in the knee joints with
overcoming the resistance (in this case - rubber bandage).

XI. External oblique muscle. Located at the side of the abdominal press .
Participates in the rotation and torso.

Exercise. Place your feet wider than shoulders, arms with the weights or lift up his
head. Perform circular motions with the torso to the left and right sides. At the
time of subsidence, breathe, while the torso forward - exhale.

XII. Long dorsal muscles (extensors of the trunk). These muscles are
located along the back, on both sides of the spinal column. They unbends
torso, as well as participate in the torso to the side and spins.

Exercise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lift burdening his head and hold his
hands. Without bending your knees, bend your torso forward - exhale, then return
to starting position - the breath.

XIII. Latissimus dorsi. Located on the rear surface of the chest. Causes
the shoulder to the trunk, rotates the arm inward, pulls her back.

Exercise. Attach the middle of the rubber bandage on the ceiling, raise your hand
up and grasp the ends of the bandages so that they were in the tense situation.
Without bending your elbows, lower them by hand down to touch the thighs -
exhale, then slowly raise your arms to starting position - the breath.

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XIV. Triceps brachii (triceps). Located on the back of the shoulder. This
muscle unbends arm at the elbow.

Exercise. Take the expander, expanding palm inward. Raise your left arm to the
side and bend the rules to push the chest. Without bending your left hand,
straighten the right to the side to complete the rectification - a breath. Bending
the right arm, return to starting position - exhale. Do the exercise with each hand.

Suggested exercises are designed for those who have decided, independently
engaged, improve your health, build strength, correct physical defects. In
accordance with the specific task that you set yourself. must choose one or
another set of exercises , according to their physique, health, age, etc.

The most curious are not limited to current guidelines, and usually turn to history,
searching popular in their time of physical development, which was used workouts
known athletes of the century. For them, we give the book a few of these sets of
exercises that develop strength.

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Exercises for development of the chest muscles
and back muscles

Develop all the muscles of the body must be proportional, harmonious. Excessive
development of the pectoral muscles can lead to stoop so exercises for pectoral
muscles must necessarily be combined with exercises for the muscles. Exercising
can take a special time or include them in the morning exercises. Each exercise
can be performed 10-15 times, and as fitness to increase the number of
approaches to 3-5. Between exercises pause (40-60 seconds). At this time, like,
relax your muscles, have experienced greater burden. Then take a deep breath,
raising his hands straight up through the sides, stretch as high as possible, then
lower your hands relaxed and breathe.

Exercises for development of breast muscle

1. Pushups -ups on the floor, put your

hands wider than shoulders (as the
chest muscles receive a greater load).
Keep the torso and legs were straight
line. Bending the arm, touch the chest
floor and breathe, and straightening -
exhale. Then start push-ups on chairs,
trying to sink deeper between the

2. Lie on your back on the bench.

Under the shoulder blades can put a
soft cushion. Pick up a metal stick or a
dumbbell and place without bending
your hands on your hips. Then lift up
burdening the direct hands and lower
as low as possible behind your head.
Take a breath. Return to starting
position - exhale. Weight 10.5 kg
weight bearing.

3. Lying on your back (on the bench or

on the floor), lift the dumbbells
straight up. Dissolve hand in hand,
take a deep breath. Return to starting
position - exhale. Hands should be
slightly bent at the elbows.

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4. Lying on your back (on the bench or
on the floor), squeeze the breast bar
or metal stick wide grip. Straightening
arms, breathe in, bending their -

5. Attach the rubber bandage on the

shoulder or waist to two opposite
walls. Stand with feet shoulder-width
apart, grab the ends of bandages,
raise your hands to the sides.
Bandages must be stretched. Cross
your arms straight in front of chest
and exhale, slowly return to starting
position and take a deep breath. As
the fitness can increase the amount of
rubber bandages and their degree of

6. Measure centimeter circumference

of the chest. Take a deep breath and
note the number. Take another deep
breath, tighten your chest muscles
and lats dorsi and try to increase the
result of a centimeter or more. After
each inhalation make a lasting and full
exhalation, while relaxing the muscles,
which accounted for the load.

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Exercises for development of back muscles

7. Place your feet wider than shoulders. Lift

the dumbbells up. Do the slopes of the
luffing movement of hands, reminiscent of
the movement Lumberjack. During tilt
exhales, hands miss as far as possible
between the legs. Straightening, rotten, and
take a deep breath. During the exercises at
the knees do not bend.

8. Pull on the bar wide grip, so to touch her

neck. Bending your arms, breathe in,
straightening - exhale.

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9. Put left hand on the chair seat, the right-
hand grab a dumbbell and lower the arm
down. Put feet shoulder-width apart.
Bending the right arm and drawing arm up,
lift the dumbbell to your chest - inhale,
return to starting position - exhale. Do the
exercise with each hand.

10. Put your feet apart, lift the dumbbell

behind your head, holding her hands, do the
torso forward. The legs do not bend. Leaning
forward, breathe out, straightening up - a

11. Sit on the floor, feet uprites to a fixed

support, lift your hands forward and grab the
ends of the rubber bandage, which was set
at mid-head level.
Overcoming the resistance of the rubber
bandage and keeping your back upright, lie
on your back - inhale. Then return to the
starting position - exhale.

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Exercises for development of the biceps
Exercises for development of muscles in the
arms and shoulder girdle

The first time, some exercise is better to switch to morning exercises, and then
you can take for the entire complex of all special time. Repeat each exercise 15-
20 times, as far as fitness exercises are done in 3 or 4 approaches. Pause between
exercises in 40-50 seconds to relax the muscles, which accounted for the largest

1. Take a dumbbell , lower them down,

turn the palms forward (grabbing the
bottom). Alternating flexion and
extension arm at the elbow. Breath of
arbitrary uniform. During the exercise
keep your elbows still, looking straight
ahead. Do the exercise with their
hands grip the top.

2. Pull in the Vis on the crossbar to

touch her chin. Pulling, breathe in,
sinking in the VIS - exhale. You can
perform an exercise grip bottom, the
top grip, wide grip at the top to touch
the crossbar neck, pull-ups with
weights, attached to the waist or legs.

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3. Sit on a chair, put his feet shoulder-
width apart, elbows down on his
knees. Flexion and extension arm at
the elbow. Bending your arms, breathe
in, straightening - exhale.

4. Attach the rubber bandage on the

shoulder to the two opposite walls.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart,
the ends of bandages and grab a lift to
the side. Rubber bandage should be
taut position. Bend your elbows -
breath, slowly with the resistance
straighten your elbows - exhale.

EXERCISES FOR triceps brachii

5. Lift the dumbbells up. Bending the

arm at the elbow, lower the dumbbell
behind your head, then return to
starting position. Performing the
exercise, do not lower your elbows.
Straightening arms, breathe in,
bending their - exhale.

6. Stand in the middle of the rubber

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bandage, the ends of his wound on his
hands and lift up to the shoulders,
elbows, push to the torso. Bandage
should be tight. Raise your hands up -
inhale, slowly lower your arms to the
resistance to the starting position -

7. In the emphasis on the uneven bars

or the backs of two chairs bend and
unbend his hands. As the fitness
exercises can be performed by tying
the belt weights. Bending your arms,
breathe in, straightening - exhale.

8. Fold the rubber bandage twice or

four times, grasp the ends so that the
arms were slightly wider than
shoulders, and carry the bandage, well
pulled it behind his back. Dissolve
hand in hand to complete the
rectification - breath, bending arms,
return to starting position - exhale.

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Exercises for development of trapezoidal and
deltoid muscles

9. Dumbbells at your sides descended

into his hands. Raise and lower the
shoulders. Lift your shoulders as high
as possible, breathe in, dropping -
exhale. Then the exercises can be
performed, making his shoulders a
circular motion back and forth.

10. Feet shoulder width apart, hands

with the dumbbells at your sides
palms inward. Spread the direct hand
in hand - breath, lower to the starting
position - exhale.

11. Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart, torso slightly leaned forward.
Do the hands of motion, as when
swimming front crawl in the way of
breasts. Bending and lifting his right
hand, take a breath, straightening it
forward - exhale.

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12. Legs apart, hands with the
dumbbells at your sides palms inward.
Perform the simultaneous circular
motion straight arms forward, then
backward. Raising his hands up,
breathe in, dropping down - exhaling.

13. Sitting on the bench, squeeze the

bar wide grip because of the head.
Raising the bar up, breathe in,
lowering his head - exhale.

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EXERCISES FOR abdominals

Developed abdominal muscles not only give the slender figure, but also carry out
important life functions: support the internal organs in the correct position,
prevent herniation and so on. These exercises can include additional (2-3
exercises) in the morning exercises or take a special time for them. Each exercise
is carried out 15-20 times, and as fitness exercise is repeated three or four

1. Starting position: bismuth on the

bar or gym wall. Raise your
outstretched legs to the right angle,
hold them in position for 2-3 seconds,
then slowly lower. As the fitness try to
touch toes crossbar. In the initial
position, breathe in, and lifting his feet
- exhale.

2. Feet shoulder width apart, on the

shoulders of the head with a metal
stick or light rail. Without moving the
feet from the spot, do a slow-gate by
the torso up out left and right. Turn the
torso, breathe in, returning to the
starting position - exhale.

3. Sitting on a chair, hooked toes for a

fixed pillar, her hands behind her
head. Slowly bend your torso back,
trying to bend a little more - breath,
and then return to starting position -
exhale. Gradually during torso begin
to make the turns to the left, then
right. Can complicate the exercise,
doing it with dumbbells .

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4. Lie down sideways on the bench, as
shown in the figure. Secure the feet of
a fixed support (belt loop), his hands
behind his head. Lower the body
down, then return to starting position.
Complicate the exercise, holding the
head of the dumbbell . Omitting the
body, breathe in the starting position -
5. Lie on your back, arms at your
sides. Lift straight legs and lower them
behind your head until it touches the
toes of the floor - breathing out. Slowly
return to starting position - the breath.
This exercise can be complicated -
back to its original position, do not
touch the floor with his heels.
6. Emphasis, sitting on my left leg,
right - to the side. By shifting the
weight on the hands, feet and repel at
the same time, without touching feet
sex, change the position of the feet.
Transferring the burden on your hands,
breathe in the original position -
7. Lie on your back, arms at your
sides. Lifting his legs for 10 - 20
inches, alternating flexion and
extension of them in the hip and knee
joints, but not touching the floor with
his heels. Breath of uniform. As the
fitness Perform each exercise with the
weights attached to the legs.

8. Feet shoulder width apart, hands

behind his head. Perform circular
motions with his body to the left, then
right. During the torso forward
exhales, and caving - a breath.
Exercise can be complicated, holding
his head weights.

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Exercises for development of leg muscles

Some exercises include a morning exercises. If you feel that your leg muscles are
underdeveloped in comparison with other muscles of the body, take the whole
complex of special time. Difficult exercises are performed first without
encumbrances, hereinafter dvuhkilogrammovye use dumbbells or a barbell light
weight (8-10 kg), but always remember that the burden should be feasible and
should be increased gradually. Each exercise is carried out 15-20 times, and as
fitness repeat another 2 or 3 times (2 or 3 sets). Between exercises pause (40-60
seconds). At this time, shake, rub and knead the muscles, which accounted for the
largest load. All exercises are performed correctly and accurately. Do not hold
your breath. In addition to these exercises to develop the leg muscles, you must
walk a lot, and also include a running mode of the day.

1. Sit on a chair, his legs crossed.

Perform circular movements right foot
to the left, then right. Repeat with left

2. Sit on a chair. Attach the strap to

the soles of the charges ( a dumbbell ,
a bag of sand). Simultaneously or
alternately bend and unbend your
knees. Straightening the leg, hold it in
this position for two or three seconds,
then slowly lower. Repeat the exercise
until exhaustion of the thigh muscles.

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3. Stand with feet shoulder-width
apart, beneath the heel bar height of 5
centimeters. On his shoulders behind
his head, place a bar (or metal stick).
Take a deep breath and sit down -
exhaling. Return to starting position -
a breath. Performing the exercise,
keep your torso upright.

4. Accord in turns legs to the side,

forward and back, overcoming the
resistance of the rubber bandage,
fastened to the ankle joint. Attach the
other end of the bandage at the height
of the belt to a fixed support at a
distance of 1,5-2 meters.

5. Squat on your toes, hold on

outstretched arms behind the rump
bar (narrow grip, palms back). Squat,
breathe out, straightening his legs -
breath. This exercise is called "lift
Gakkenshmidta. Estonian famous
athlete and a wrestler Georg
Gakkenshmidt served him with a five-
pood bar.

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6. Flexible jiggle up and down in the
precipitation of (in turn) with one foot
forward, hands on his belt. As the
fitness to do exercises holding the
folded hands at shoulder dumbbell.
Breath of uniform.

7. Put your feet on the width of the

shoulders , under your fingers Put a
bar of height 7.5 inches. Rise on your
toes - a breath, then lower the heels -
exhale. Progress to exercise with the
weights in your hands, doing it on one
leg. Repeat the exercise until
exhaustion of muscles.

8. Bend your left leg, put it on the

chair seat, the left hand grab a
dumbbell. Shifting weight on his left
leg, straighten it and stand on the
seat. Bending your leg, lower to
starting position. The first time
perform non-weight bearing exercise.
Straightening the leg, take a breath,
sinking into the starting position -

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9. Squatting on one leg, another pull
forward ("pistol"). First time doing an
exercise, you can stick with one hand
on a support in the future, squatting,
pull your hands forward. Squat,
breathe out, straightening up - a

10. Lying on your stomach, bend and

unbend your knees, overcome the
resistance of the rubber bandage
attached to a fixed support at the
back. Bending your legs, breathe in,
straightening - exhale.

11. Sit on a chair, put his feet

shoulder-width apart, hands on hips.
Overcoming resistance to conceding
the hands, knees, connect, and then
return to starting position. Combining
his feet, breathe out, returning to the
starting position - the breath. As the
fitness should be more to repeat the
exercise and the degree of voltage
change from light to maximum.

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12. Put your feet together. By shifting
the weight on your heels, toes dilute
as much as possible, then, shifting
weight on toes, dilute the heel. Then
again, dilute the toes and heels again.
The legs will be much wider than
shoulders. After that, making a similar
motion in the opposite direction,
return to starting position. Breath of

13. Set a chair at a distance of

incomplete step. Lift your right leg
straight and swept from left to right
over the back of the chair, and then
perform the same movement in the
opposite direction. Do the same
exercise with the left foot. As the
fitness follow urazhnenie by attaching
to the ankle weights.

14. Jumping on their toes through the

rope. The length of the rope should
correspond to growth: if the rope up
the middle, its ends must be up to the
armpits. You can do jumping, pushing
off the floor by two feet, one and then
jumping from foot to foot. Rope to
rotate not only forward but back,
making 1 or 2 turns. After 3-5 minutes,
start walking, doing at this time
breathing exercises. As fitness,
gradually increase the time and rate of

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From an early age and until the ripe old age of our hands are constantly in use.
Naturally, they get tired. However, when performing the same work they do not
get tired at all in the same degree. First-grader, for example, displays the sticks or
the first letters slowly, and can continuously work no more than an hour, and the
student usually writes very quickly, and without tiring the arm, working 5-6 hours
at a time. The more the hand is trained, the less she gets tired. Systematic work
develops finger strength, their agility and endurance. Especially need strong
fingers to those who engaged in sports. Featured exercises will not only increase
strength and mobility of the fingers, but still serve and recreation for tired hands
(1-4-s exercise).

1. Starting position - the fingers

separated apart. Starting with the little
finger sequentially (fan-shaped
motion) bend all the fingers into a fist.
Then reverse the movement, starting
with the thumb, fingers straighten to
its original position. After that, start to
bend the fingers from a large and
unbend with the little finger. Exercise
should be done 10-15 times.

2. Starting position - the fingers

straight, thumb taken aside. Repeat
10-15 times circular movements with
your thumb left and right.

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3. Starting position - the fingers
straight. Flexion and extension of
fingers in the first two phalanges.
Repeat this exercise 15-20 times.

4. Starting position - the fingers

clenched in a fist. Unbend and bend
each finger individually. Straightening
a finger, aim to ensure that all others
were collected in a fist. Repeat this
exercise 10-15 times.

5. Well-developed finger strength

exercise, which consists in winding the
cord on a stick with the weights.
Take a round stick with a diameter of
4-5 cm and a length of 40-50 cm in
the middle part of it, drill a hole and
insert it into the cord length of 50-60
cm at the end of the cable tie the knot
with so that he could not crawl into a
hole. To the other end attach a weight
5-10 kg. Athletic sleep-nyad ready.
With it you can do the following
exercise: intercepting alternately stick
hands, wind the cord on it with the
cargo. Then rotate the stick in the

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opposite direction to unwind the cord.
Exercise can be performed by holding
a stick in front of and behind your
back, grip the top and bottom grip,
wind the cord to itself and from itself.
Perform exercise should be weary of
forearm muscles.

6. dumbbells in the hands of the

downtrodden. Flexion and extension of
the hands. Exercise is carried out
before the fatigue of forearm muscles.

7. Grip at the top and bottom grip

bend metal bars, clenching their
fingers. As the fitness increases the
thickness of the rod. '

8. Pushups -ups on his fingers. Trunk

and legs should form one straight line.
As the fitness pushups follow, based
on four and three fingers.

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9. Daily exercise, squeezing a tennis
ball with your fingers or a special
rubber ring. Compress the ball to the
fatigue of muscles.

10. Check finger strength can be

carpal dynamometer. Take it in hand
scale to ourselves and jerks shrink.
Remember the result. Then try to
squeeze the dynamometer slow
motion. If the result is much less, your
muscles are not yet sufficiently
trained. The dynamometer can be
used as sports equipment. Include a
set of exercises squeezing the
dynamometer is not only a deep grip,
but also extremely phalanges, as well
as each finger individually.

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With regular exercise spring expanders developed mainly muscle power arms,
chest and shoulder girdle.

Exercises are performed standing. In this case, you need to put his feet shoulder-
width apart, trunk to keep straight. Each exercise should be performed until such
time until it is easy fatigue of working muscles. All movements prodelyvat without
jerks. The proposed complex could be included in morning exercises.

1. Starting position - expander kept his

hands folded in front of chest, grip the
bottom. Pushing on the handle
Expander, connect their - exhale.
Return to starting position - a breath.

2. Starting position - expander keeps

grip bottom, right hand lowered, bent
left - tightly presses the handle
Expander to the right shoulder.
Bending the right arm at the elbow,
join hands Expander - exhale. Return
to starting position - a breath. Do the
same with your other hand.

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3. Starting position - arms out,
expander keeps grip bottom. Without
bending your arms, push the handle
Expander and connect them - exhale.
Return to starting position - a breath.

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4. Starting position - expander keeps
grip on top of his head. Pushing on the
handle Expander, connect their -
exhale. Return to starting position - a

5. Starting position - expander is kept

behind the grip bottom left hand
pressed to the waist. By pressing the
right hand on the handle Expander,
encircle them waist - exhale. Return to
starting position - the breath.

6. Starting position - arms out,

expander keeps grip on top. Without
bending your arms, join the back of
the hand - exhale. Return to starting
position - a breath.

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7. Starting position - right arm is
lowered, expander keeps grip on top,
the left bent at the elbow, holding
expander grip bottom. Pressing the
left hand on the handle Expander,
bring it to the right arm - exhaling.
Return to starting position - a breath.
Do the same with his right hand.

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Rubber bandage - a rubber band length of 3,5 meters and a width of 5 inches and
weighs 200 grams. In the collapsed form is not more than a tennis ball. Compact
size and light weight make it possible to always have it with you and engage in
any, even equipped for athletic training site. Classes with a rubber bandage are
very effective, and no wonder athletes commonly use it to warm up and training.

Compared with expanders rubber bandage provides much more flexibility: with it
you can do these exercises, which with expanders just not get it.

Classes with a rubber bandage can be included in morning exercises or take a

special time for them. With classes, observe the following rules: in the original
position the bandage should be slightly extended. All exercises should be done
with full amplitude and without any sudden movements, and the reset should take
place smoothly and with the resistance. Repeat each exercise 10-15 times, first in
one approach, and then in two or three.

After each exercise pause of 30-40 seconds, relax your muscles, which accounted
for the largest load.

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1. Raise your hands with rubber
bandage up shoulder-width apart.
Stretching the bandage, lower direct
hand in hand so that the bandage was
in front of the breast - a breath. Then
slowly raise your arms to the starting
position - exhale.

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2. Stand in the middle of the rubber
bandage, wound on the ends of his
hands and push down. Turn the palm
forward and, without bending arms, lift
them up by hand - breath, then slowly
lower to starting position - exhale.

3. Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart, stepping in the middle of the
rubber bandage. Tilt your torso
forward, the ends of bandages Pick up
and hold them at the back. Straighten
the body - breath, and then return to
starting position - exhale.

4. Stand in the middle of the bandage,

feet shoulder width apart. The ends of
the bandage take in hand and drop
them at your sides palms forward.
Alternating flexion and extension arm
at the elbow. Breath of arbitrary

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5. Stand in the middle of the bandage,
the ends of its holding in your hands
behind your head, elbows, lift up.
Straighten your arms without
changing the position of the elbows -
inhale, return to starting position -

6. Attach the middle of the rubber

bandage ourselves at waist level,
bring the ends of the bandages in his
hands, bend your torso forward and
stretch your arms forward. Do the
straight arms simultaneous circular
movement forward, as in the way of
swimming, "dolphin". Do not hold your
breath. Hands up, breathe in, and
dropping - exhale.

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7. Attach the middle of the rubber
bandage on the ceiling, raise your
hand up and grasp the ends of the
bandages so that they were in the
tense situation. Without bending the
arms at the elbows, lower them
through the sides down to touch the
thighs, then slowly raise the starting
position. Dropping your hands down,
breathe out, throwing up - breath.

8. Lie on your back, toes secure a

fixed support, fasten the middle of the
bandage over his head and, holding
the ends, bend your arms to your
shoulders. Without bending your legs
at the knees, lift your torso up to a
sitting position, then slowly return to
starting position. In the initial position,
breathe in, raising his torso - exhale.

9. Lie on your back, attach the rubber

bandage for his head, arms lift up.
Wrap the ends of the bandage on the
hands and, without bending their
elbows, dip down to touch the thighs -
exhale, then raise your arms to the
starting position - a breath.

10. Lying on your stomach, bend and

unbend your knees, overcome the
resistance of the rubber bandage,
fastened to the ankle joints. Mid-
rubber bandage secured to a fixed
support. Exercise fulfill up to fatigue

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11. Stand in the middle of the rubber
bandage his feet shoulder-width apart.
Sit down and take a hands ends of
bandages, so that the bandage was
taut, her hands holding around her
Keeping torso straight, stand up -
breath, and then, bending his legs,
return to starting position - exhale.
Repeat until your thigh muscles

12. Rubber bandage on his back. Push

straight left hand to the hip and bend
your right shoulder. In this position,
the bandage should be taut position.
Straighten your right hand up to the
complete rectification - breath,
bending the arm, return to starting
position - exhale. Performing the
exercise, keep your torso upright.
Perform the exercise with your other

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Exercises with weights

Weights allow you to perform many strength exercises of diverse nature, which
explains their popularity. Special recognition weights used in Russia, no wonder
they are called classic exercise equipment Russian strongman. Engaged with
kettlebells Ivan Poddubny, Peter Krylov, Jakub Chekhov, George Gak-kenshmidt,
Alexander Znamensky, Ivan Shemyakin, Nicholas Vahturov and many others. In a
program of speeches circus athletes necessarily includes a variety of stunts and
spectacular power.

Begin classes with weights can be those who have at least been regularly
engaged in exercises with weights, in particular with the dumbbells , and carried
their weight to 10-12 kg. Initially, exercise should be done with free weights 16 kg.
If this weight will not under force, it is possible to use hollow plastic weights and
filling them with sand, to pick an optimal weight. Hurry with the increasing load is
not worth it. It should increase gradually. As fitness weight can be increased by
implementing the following rule: if you can perform an exercise without breaking
technology moves 15 times, then the weight can be increased so that you can do
the exercise 5-6 times. Engage in recommended three times a week during
daylight hours for 1,5-2 hours before the dinner in the evening - no later than 3
hours before bedtime.

Carrying out exercises, to ensure that all movements were correct and clear.
Before classes with weights did a good workout , it should include exercises for
flexibility and stretching. Finish workout jumping and running (3-5 minutes) with
the transition to walking. After performing each exercise with weights to make a
pause of 2-3 minutes, during which the like, do the breathing exercises and relax
those muscles, which accounted for the largest load. The number of repetitions of
each exercise to the end of the year can be increased to 15-20, performing them
in the three approaches. Periodic medical monitoring during the entire time

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1. Stand with feet shoulder-width
apart. Lean forward and grasp the
handle with both hands grip the
weights at the top. Straightening the
trunk, lift the dumbbell up, carrying it
close to the body - breathing. Having
recorded its highest position, lower the
dumbbell to the floor - breathing out.
As fitness exercise is carried out with
Davis, that is in the initial position
weight should be placed in the closed

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2. Place a dumbbell in front of him on
the floor. Lean forward and grasp your
right hand handle weights from the
bottom, and left - top. Straightening
the torso, lift a weight to the right
shoulder so that the weight was on the
outside of the forearm and elbow
dropped down - a breath. Fixing the
position taken, lower the dumbbell to
the starting position - exhale. Then do
the exercise with your left hand. As
the fitness lift weights to shoulder
using one hand.

3. Alternately squeezing ("mill").

Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders,
put his feet shoulder-width apart.
Alternately Squeeze weights up. When
one arm unbent, and the other bent.
Your knees do not bend. To facilitate
the first time, you can skip the torso
toward the hands that drive a weight.
As fitness exercise is carried out
without departing the body.

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4. Raise the dumbbell to the right
shoulder in the manner specified in
Exercise 2. Put your left hand on the
belt, and lift the right (squeeze) a
weight up - breath. Clearly stated its
highest position your hands with
weights, lower burdening the starting
position - exhale. If the press does not
work, then lift the dumbbell push.

5. Put your feet apart. Raise the

dumbbell with both hands on the
handle and put on the back of his
head. Hold the dumbbell hands, torso
forward - exhale. Return to starting
position - a breath. Performing the
exercise, your knees do not bend.

6. Lie on the floor on your back, place

the dumbbell behind your head. Take
the dumbbell straight arms of the
handle grip bottom and lift it up. Fixing
a vertical position with the weights,
gently lower it to its original position.
In the initial position, breathe, and
when lifting weights - exhale.

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7. Raise the dumbbells to your
shoulders, sit on the bench, and then
gently lie on your back, all the while
holding the dumbbells near your
shoulders. Straightening arms, lift the
dumbbells up - breath, bending the
arms, lower the dumbbells to your
shoulders - exhale. This exercise can
be performed on the floor.

8. Stand on a stool, holding a

dumbbell in the lowered arms. Take a
deep squat and slightly bend your
torso forward - exhale. Straightening
his legs and straightening the body,
stand up, turn your shoulders and

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Exercises with Expander

Expander is well developed muscle strength, especially the hands, shoulders,

torso. Exercises with expanders can make as an independent cycle and serve as a
good complement to the morning exercises. Expander factory manufacturing
consists of several springs or rubber bands attached to two handles. Depending
on the physical preparedness and dealing with the nature of the exercise of the
springs can be changed.

Catching up with expanders, do not forget about the principle of gradual increase
in load. Initially, expanders can be left in one or two springs and make another
approach to each exercise. After the recommended number of repetitions in the
exercises will be carried out easily, you can increase the number of approaches,
and then a number of springs.

Performing the exercises, be careful to keep the hands back to starting position
slowly, with resistance and not due to a sharp muscle relaxation. Repeat each
exercise 6-10 times.

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1. Stand with feet shoulder-width
apart, hands with espandersm lift
forward, palms inward. Spread the
direct hand in hand - breath, and then
return to starting position - exhale.
Performing an exercise, try not to
reject the body back, look straight

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2. Pull the foot left or right foot into
the handle Expander, a second hand
clasp hands and torso forward, push
the handle Expander to the chest.
Without taking his hands from his
chest, straighten your torso, and the
rotten - a breath. Return to starting
position - exhale. This exercise can be
done with the addition of a spring.

3. Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart, raise your hands with
expanders up, palms outward. Without
bending your arms, dissolve them in
hand so that the springs were
Expander behind - a breath. Raising
his hands up, return to starting
position - exhale.

4. Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart, right foot in the handle thread
the Expander, the right hand take the
other hand grip underneath.
Not rejecting the torso, bend your
right arm at the elbow to touch handle
Expander shoulder - inhale. Unbending
arm, return to starting position -

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5. Feet shoulder width apart. Turn the
expander for a back, bend your arm,
palm outward. Straighten your arms to
their full rectification - a breath.
Bending the arms, return to starting
position - exhale. This exercise can be
done with the addition of a spring.

6. Take your hands out expander and

put it behind his back so that the right
arm was bent at the shoulder and
straight left was pulled to the left
thigh. Straighten your right hand up to
the complete rectification - a breath.
Bending the arm, return to starting
position - exhale. Repeat the exercise
with each hand.

7. Take your hands inside the

expander. Raise your left arm to the
side and bend the rules to push the
chest. Without bending your left hand,
straighten the right to the side to
complete the rectification - a breath.
Bending the right arm, return to
starting position - exhale. Do the
exercise with each hand.

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8. This exercise is better prodelyvat
two Expander with adding to every
one spring.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
and insert foot in the pen expanders,
sit down and take the other hand bent
handle grip bottom and press them to
her shoulders.
Without bending the body, stand up -
breath, and then, bending his legs,
return to starting position - exhale.
When performing this exercise with
one expanders should pass a one foot
into the handle Expander, and two
hands to squeeze the other hand to
her chest.

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Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbell exercises - a great tool that allows a wide range of handling stress
during exercise.

With regular exercises with dumbbells increases stamina, increase muscle

strength and size, improved motor coordination, improves joint mobility, posture,
and athletic figure takes shape.

By training with weights is best to start at age sixteen, first talking to your doctor.
But you could also start in the forty years of age or older, only with lighter
dumbbells .

At first practice with the lungs, dvuhkilogrammovymi dumbbells, three or four

months - with trehkilogrammovymi. As fitness, gradually increase the load,
bringing the weight of the dumbbells up to 10-12 pounds. After that you can
include in training exercises with kettlebells. Each exercise with dumbbells do 15 -
20 times, first in one approach, and then in two and three.

Ensure that all movements done the correct breathing is not delayed and strained
only those muscles that are involved in this movement. Exercises to perform
better in front of a mirror. Before the training ventilate the room. After finishing
each exercise, lower the dumbbells to the floor and make a pause of 40-60
seconds, during which the pace around the room, relax your muscles working.
Completed exercise walking and simultaneously breathing exercises. After that,
we must take a shower and wipe dry with a towel.

1. Original position - the main stand,

dumbbell in hand descended. Getting
up on your toes, lift your arms straight
up through the sides - a breath.
Dropping his hands, return to starting
position - exhale. Exercise develops
the muscles of the shoulder girdle and
calf muscles.

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2. Take a dumbbell, lower them down,
turn the palms forward (grabbing the
bottom). Alternating flexion and
extension arm at the elbow. Breath of
arbitrary uniform. Performing the
exercise, keep your elbows still,
looking straight ahead.
Exercise develops the biceps brachii
( biceps ).

3. Lift the dumbbells up. Lower them

with his hands behind his head to the
neck, bending the arm at the elbow.
Straightening arms, return to starting
position. Performing the exercise, do
not lower your elbows. Straightening
arms, breathe in, bending their -
Exercise develops the triceps brachii
( triceps ).

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4. Dumbbells in the hands descended
along the trunk. Raise your shoulders
as high as possible - breath, lower -
exhale. Then do shoulders circular
motion back and forth. Exercise
develops the trapezius muscle.

5. Feet shoulder width apart, hands

with the dumbbells at your sides
palms inward. Spread the direct hand
in hand - breath, lower to the starting
position - exhale. Exercise develops
the deltoids.

6. Put left hand on the chair seat, in

your right hand grab a dumbbell and
then lower it down. Put feet shoulder-
width apart. Bending the arm and
leading arm up, lift the dumbbell to
your chest - inhale, return to starting
position - exhale. Do the exercise with
each hand. Exercise develops the
muscles of the back , deltoids and

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7. Lying on your back (on the bench or
on the floor), lift the dumbbells up.
Slowly your arms to the side and take
a deep breath. Return to starting
position - exhale. Exercise develops
the pectoral muscles and helps
enhance the chest.

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8. Place your feet wider than
shoulders. Lift the dumbbells up. Do
the slopes of the forward luffing
movement of hands, reminiscent of
the movement Lumberjack. During tilt
exhales, hands miss as far as possible
between the legs. Straightening,
rotten, and take a deep breath. Your
knees do not bend. This exercise is
carried out with dumbbells, a small
weight. Exercise develops the muscles
of the back and shoulder girdle.
9. Sit on a chair, feet attach near the
floor for heavy-duty feet, hands to lift
the dumbbells behind your head.
Slowly bend backward, turning the
torso to the left - inhalation. Return to
starting position - exhale, then do the
exercise, turning the torso to the right.
Exercise develops the abdominal
muscles and mobility of the lumbar

10. Standing dumbbell in the lowered

arms. Flexion and extension of the
hands. Exercise is carried out before
the fatigue of forearm muscles. Then
take the dumbbell at one end, lift your
arms and rotate the hands. Breath of
uniform, arbitrary.

11. Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart, beneath the heel bar height of
five centimeters. Lift dumbbells to
your shoulders. Take a deep breath
and sit down - exhaling. Return to
starting position. Performing the
exercise, keep your torso upright.
Exercise develops the quadriceps

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12. Starting position - standing, feet
shoulder-width apart, arms raised up
with dumbbells. Perform circular
motions with his body to the left and
right sides. At the time of subsidence,
breathe, while the slope - exhale.
Exercise develops the abdominal
muscles and mobility of the lumbar

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Suggested exercises are performed while walking outdoors.

Before you start the course, do a little workout to include a motion that mimic the
recommended exercises.

When throwing a stone to be careful. Be sure to throw in a radius of no one there.

Stone for the exercise pick a sleek, weighing 3-8 kg. Repeat the exercise 6-10

1. Starting position - standing, feet

shoulder-width apart, a stone on the
ground near his feet. Bend over, grab
the stone with both hands - exhale.
Straighten your torso and lift the stone
on his chest - breath. Pause. Then lift,
squeeze the stone up - breath. Clearly
stated the top position of stone, in
reverse order lower it down and return
to starting position.

2. Starting position - standing, feet

shoulder-width apart, a stone in the
straightened arms above your head.
Bending your elbows, lower the stone
at his head - a breath. Slightly bend
your legs, rotten and sharply upright,
throw a stone forward and upwards -

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3. Starting position - standing, feet
shoulder width apart, arms bent in a
stone on his chest. Slightly bend your
legs and rotten - a breath. Abruptly
straightening your arms and legs,
push the stone from the chest forward
- exhale.

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4. Starting position - standing, feet
shoulder-width apart, stone in direct
hands down. Turn the torso to the left,
throw a stone back - Exhale. Same
with turning the torso to the right.

5. Starting position - standing, feet

wider than shoulders, the stone in the
direct hands down. Leaning, make
flapping motion of his hands back
between your legs - breathe out and
straightening up, throw the stone
forward and upward - a breath.

6. Starting position - standing, feet

shoulder-width apart, a stone in the
hands of the downtrodden. Lean
forward - exhale, then straightening
up, raise your hands up and throw a
stone back - inhale.

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7. Starting position - standing up,
heels together, toes apart, stone in
the hands of the downtrodden. Arc to
the left-top straight arms lift the stone
above his head - a breath, then arc to
the right and down dip the stone in
the starting position - exhale. With
each repetition exercises direction is

8. Starting position - standing up,

heels together, toes apart, a stone in
their hands folded on his chest. Sit on
your toes while squeezing a stone up -
exhale. Lower the stone on his chest
while straightening legs - breath.

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Exercises on the crossbar

These simple exercises are well developed muscles of the shoulder girdle and
arm, chest muscles and abdominals , develop flexibility and coordination.

Starting position for all exercises - vis the high bar. The body should be slightly
arched, to look straight ahead. Repeat each exercise 5-10 times.

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1. Upper grip (palms away from you)
grasp the crossbar hands shoulder
width apart. Swing back and forth and
left and right. When moving back,
breathe, and forward - to breathe.
When swinging to the right - breath
left - exhalation.

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2. Grasp the bar hands shoulder width
apart, grip the top. Lower the left hand
and hang on for 2-3 seconds on the
right. Then do bismuth on the left
hand. Breath of uniform.

3. Grasp the bar arms (already

shoulders, grip the top). Intercepting
arms to move from one end of the
crossbar to the other. Your knees do
not bend, breathing evenly.

4. Grasp the bar hands shoulder width

apart, grip the top. Take a breath.
Bend your legs and lift your knees as
high as possible - exhale. Gently lower
the leg to the starting position - a
breath. As of fitness raise the
outstretched legs to the right angle,
and then to touch his feet crossbar.

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5. Grasp the bar hands shoulder width
apart, grip the bottom (palm facing
you). Bending the arm, pull up so your
chin to touch the crossbar.
Straightening arms, slowly return to
starting position. The body should not
wobble. Pulling, breathe, sinking -
vydoh.17. Lavrov, J. Shaposhnikov

6. Grasp the bar hands shoulder width

apart, grip the top. Bending at the
hips, lift your feet up and swept them
under the crossbar between your
hands until Davis bent. Fixing the
position taken, gently lower the leg. In
the initial position - breath, lifting his
feet - exhale. This exercise is
necessary to comply with insurance.
Partner must keep dealing with one
arm under his back, and another - by
the hand.

7. Grasp the bar hands shoulder width

apart, grip the top. Raise the bent leg,
swept them between your hands and
you will be hooked for podkolenkami
crossbar. Then lower your arms and
slowly straightening the body, hang on
the bar upside down. Fixing the
position taken by the (3-5 seconds),
again clasp hands and the crossbar,
razognuv feet, lower them to starting
position. Do not hold your breath. This
exercise is also necessary to comply
with the insurance (a partner to keep
the shoulder).

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To perform the exercises require a metal rod, such as a metal pipe about a meter
long with a diameter of 3 - 5 centimeters. Initial weight burdening -5-8 kg. As the
fitness increases the weight of falling asleep pipe with sand.

Each exercise was repeated 15-20 times. Over time, exercises can be performed
in two or three approaches.

1. Starting position - standing up,

holding the stick horizontally in the
lowered hand grip on top, wider than
shoulders. Straight arms lift the stick
up and inhale. Slowly lower to starting
position - exhale. Exercise develops
the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

2. Standing, stick in hand grip

descended from the bottom. Bending
your arms, lift the stick on his chest -
inhale, slowly lower down - exhaling.
Performing the exercise, do not move
the torso and legs.
Exercise develops the biceps brachii
( biceps ).

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3. Standing, stick horizontally over his
head, hands wider than shoulder grip
on top. Stay straight, look ahead.
Lift the stick up (squeeze) and inhale.
Clearly stated at the top of the stick,
dip it into the starting position -
Exercise develops the muscles of the
shoulder girdle and triceps brachii
( triceps ).

4. Standing, feet shoulder width apart,

stick horizontally over his head.
Holding the stick hands, turn left and
then right. In the initial position,
breathe in, during cornering - exhale.
Performing the exercise, place your
feet with no slide.
Exercise develops the muscles of the
back , abdominal muscles and mobility
of the lumbar spine.

5. Sit on a chair, feet shoulder width

apart. Take the stick grip bottom and
put his elbows on his knees. Flexion
and extension arm at the elbow.
Bending your arms, breathe in,
straightening - exhale.
Exercise develops the biceps.

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6. Starting position - standing, take
the stick by the middle of different
grip, pull the arm so that the stick was
Slowly turn the hands left and right.
Breath of uniform. Exercise develops
the muscles of the arms and shoulder

7. Sit on the floor, attach the feet of

heavy-duty feet, lift the stick on his
chest. Slowly lower the back - inhale,
return to starting position - exhale.
Exercise develops the abdominal
muscles .

8. Lie on your back, stick on the floor

behind your head. Arms outstretched
grab a stick, inhale, slowly lift it up,
then lower the hips - exhale. Again, lift
the stick and drop to the floor behind
your head.
Exercise develops the muscles of the
shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles.
9. Lie on your back, grab a stick hand
grip wider than shoulders and place it
on his chest. Squeeze the stick up -
inhale, slowly lower the chest - exhale.
Exercise develops the muscles of the
shoulder girdle, chest and triceps

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10. Standing, feet shoulder width
apart, stick horizontally over his head.
Holding the stick hands, lean forward,
your knees do not bend. Return to
starting position. In the initial position,
breathe in, while stooping - exhale.
Exercise develops the muscles of the

11. Stick horizontally in the lowered

arms behind his back, grip the top.
Bending your arms, lift the stick as
high as possible - a breath. Lower to
the starting position - exhale.
Exercise develops the muscles of the
shoulder girdle and hands.

12. Standing, feet apart, stick

horizontally over his head. Holding the
stick arms, lean left, and then return
to starting position and lean to the
right. In the initial position - inhaling
during tilt - exhale.
Exercise develops the lateral
abdominal muscles and increases
mobility of the lumbar spine.

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13. Standing, heels together, toes
apart, stick horizontally over his head.
Inhale, slowly squat down on their
toes, while squeezing the stick up -
exhale. Return to starting position.
Exercise develops leg muscles ,
shoulder muscles and triceps brachii.

14. Pick up the stick with both hands

on his chest, looking straight ahead.
Do the spring-loaded swinging up and
down in the precipitation of (in turn)
with one foot forward. Breath of
Exercise develops the muscles of the

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Sportzabavy requiring a certain agility, strength and coordination, can be included

in fizkultpauzu day's work or used as a fun active holiday at the beach, a meadow
or in the gym.

1. Get down on your knees and sit on

your heels. Socks at the same time
should be drawn and his hands laid
back. Then jump, with a simultaneous
movement of the hands forward and
come up in the squat position
immediately on two legs.

2. Lie on your back, arms at your

sides, palms down. Holding the foot
ball, lift your legs with the ball up and
dip his head - exhale. Then razozhmite
foot and leaving the ball on the floor,
return to the starting position - the
breath. Similarly, the movement again
raise your legs, grab a foot lying
behind his head the ball and return
with him to the starting position.

3. In front of him at his feet spend a

hell. Sit down, firmly grasp hold of the
big toes and hold them, try to jump
over the line, pushing with both feet

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4. Stand back to back, hold the elbow
on his hands and make a half-step
forward. In this position, try to sit
down together and then stand up.
After a successful attempt do the
same on one leg (for example, on the
left), raised his right ahead.

5. Stand in a circle drawn on the

ground with a diameter of 2-3 meters.
Bend your right leg, grasp the right
hand of her ankle joint, removing the
other arm behind his back. Hopping on
one leg, try to push your partner out
of the circle. Whoever turns out to be
outside the circle or stand on two legs,
is considered to be defeated.

6. Exercise for two. Lie on your back

their heads in different directions,
Press firmly to each other and clasp
your hands bent at the elbows. Raise
your legs, as shown by inserting them
at the bottom of the leg, and pressing
the pace partner, try to squeeze his
leg a partner to the floor or turn it over
her head.

7. Sit facing each other and, bending

his knees slightly, uprites feet in foot
partner. Straight arms grab a stick at
chest level and pull over, trying to pull
a partner from the ground. The defeat
set off and if the stick was pulled out
of his hands.

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8. Sit in chairs facing each other. One
has to put her legs between the knees
and a partner, overcoming the
resistance, to try to dilute your knees
shoulder-width apart. Budge a foot is
not allowed. Then change the starting
position and repeat the exercise.

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9. Sit across the table from each other,
as shown in the figure. Bend your right
arm at a right angle and lean his
elbow on the table. Clenched hand
partner, try to squeeze his hand to the
table with the back of the brush,
without moving from their seats and
elbow without changing position of the

10. Stand with right side together and

set your right foot so that the outer
part of the foot rested against the foot
partner. Obh-vativshis right middle
finger, start pulling on a partner for as
long as one of the contestants did not
razognetsya finger or his left leg did
not come off the floor.

11. Stand facing each other, holding

hands straight in front of chest stick in
an upright position. The right hand
should clasp a stick at face level, and
the left - at waist level. Now,
overcoming the resistance of a
partner, without bending your arms,
move the stick in a horizontal position
by turning it clockwise.

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12. Attach to the wall sheet of white
paper so that the bottom edge of the
sheet was at 15-20 inches above the
toes lifted up his hands.
Pick up a pencil, and getting very
close to the wall, make a jump up from
their seats, and mark in pencil on a
sheet of paper, the highest point of
the jump.
These jumps can be done in the form
of competition. In this case, each
participant takes a colored pencil, to
avoid confusion mark.

13. Grasp the corner unfolded the

newspaper and start to crumple it with
one hand, trying to collect the entire
sheet into a fist. Correct the list with
your other hand is not allowed.
In this exercise may be involved
several people. The winner will be the
one who, having a stronger and more
nimble fingers quickly crumpled up
the sheet.

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Athletic FUN

The proposed athletic fun (stunts) are designed for fans of athletic gymnastics,
which is used in their training exercises with dumbbells and barbell.

Among these athletes past athletic stunts were popular, and record achievements
are reflected in the sporting press.

Young athletes can not only try their hands at these exercises, but also include
them in their training.

Before you begin any of the stunts, you need to do an intensive workout to
include exercises involving the work of the muscles and joints, which would
account for the main load. For the initial studies using dumbbells weighing 16 kg.
During the summer, be engaged in the open air, and in winter - in the gym with
gymnastics mat.

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart, lift the dumbbells to your
shoulders and then up. Slowly lower
the direct hand in hand, to a horizontal
position so that the weights were
down on the forearms. After two or
three seconds back, raise your arms
and drop to the shoulders. As the
fitness try to keep the weight of the
headband on top.
This power trick enjoyed great
popularity among athletes of the past.
The famous Russian athlete Sergey
Eliseev took in his right hand a weight
of 61 kg, lifted her up, then slowly
lowered his hand on the line to one
side and a few seconds with a hand
held weights in a horizontal position.
Georg Gakkenshmidt ("Russian Lion"),
raising up-pound weights and slowly
lowered the direct hand in hand to a
horizontal position, holding dumbbells
down down. Then raised his arms up
and again lowered to the sides. And so
five times.

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2. "Full term" - is a complex exercise,
requiring great strength and good
Raise the dumbbell with his right hand
up. Keep it on the line arm, sit down,
take off the floor with his left hand
dumbbell, straight, and, bending his
arm at the elbow, raise dumbbell to
the shoulder, and then squeeze the
top. Clearly stated raised weights,
drop them to the shoulders, and then
put on the floor.
Prominent Estonian athlete and
wrestler George Lurih raised his right
hand in a 105 kg barbell and hold it
up, took the floor with a weight of 34
kg and also raised up.

3. Get down on his right knee, place

right hand on the floor with your palm
up and place a weight on it. Stand up,
uprite elbow in the stomach and arm
bending at the elbow, raise dumbbell
to the shoulder. Turning the hand palm
forward, squeeze the dumbbell
upward. Clearly stated position, lower
the dumbbell to shoulder once again
become a knee, and straightening his
hand, lower the dumbbell to the floor.
Repeat the exercise with weights in his
left hand.

4. "Juggling". Stand with feet shoulder-

width apart, place the dumbbell in
front of him on the floor at a distance
of half-step across the handle. Lean,
slightly bend your legs and take a
right hand grip handle weights from
the top and the left lean of the lower
thigh. Raise the dumbbell from the
floor and make it max back between
his legs, and then forward. Once the
weight is on the height of the chin,
and release it abruptly, pushing

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himself from the shackle, give Gyra
rotational movement. Once the weight
will turn, hold the handle the weight
and make it max back, then forward.
Repeat the exercise. Do the exercise
with your left hand.
You can juggle one or two dumbbells,
and rotate them in different planes
with one or two turns. Juggle singly or
with a partner.
Now the record demonstrates
exercises with dumbbells Artist of the
Soviet circus Valentin Dikul. He juggles
with dumbbells weighing 80 kg.

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5. Raise the dumbbell with one hand
up. Without dropping it, sit down, then
sit down and lie on your back. After
that, continuing to hold a weight in a
straightened arm stand up.
A similar exercise is carried out athlete
Eugene Sando , who in 1896 did this
trick with a power bar, weighing 115
kg, while the Russian Konstantin
Stepanov athlete perform this room,
holding a dumbbell trehpudovuyu
upside down.

6. Stand on his right knee, place the

dumbbell on the floor on one side,
vertical bow to him. Right hand grasp
the handle of the base, and pushing
on it, put a weight upside down.
Letting go of a weight, quickly press it
with his hand.
Do the exercise with your left hand.

7. "Windmill" - alternately squeezing.

Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders,
put his feet shoulder-width apart.
Alternately Squeeze weights up: one
arm unbent, and the other bent. Legs -
straight. To facilitate the first time, you
can skip the torso to the side arm, the
lowering dumbbell. As the fitness to do
exercises will not reject.
Famous athlete IV Lebedev (Uncle
Vanya), this exercise-pound weights
with a few dozen times.

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8. Raise the dumbbell to shoulder,
holding her hand on the handle of the
bottom up. Not rejecting the body and
maintaining balance weights, squeeze
it up. Clearly stated on the dumbbell
straight arm, slowly lower it to
shoulder. Do the exercise with your
other hand. As you follow the fitness
exercise simultaneously with both
hands, and then one by placing a
weight on one another.
Russian athlete Alexander Znamenskii
take-pound dumbbell for the
headband and holding her upside
down with one hand, put it another-
pound dumbbell and squeezed both of

9. Bench rod standing on the bridge

wrestling. Exercise is carried out at the
gym mat or on the floor, beneath a
soft head support. Having taken the
initial position wrestling bridge, take
both hands behind his head lying
barbell, lift the chest up and squeeze.
Clearly fix the rod in direct hands,
slowly lower it to the chest, and then
on the floor behind your head.
The famous Russian athlete Peter
Krylov, standing on the bridge,
wrestling, squeezed with two hands
barbell weighing 134 kg, and a
phenomenal athlete I cube Chekhov,
making a "bridge", held on the
platform itself, which housed ten

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10. Balancing on one leg, holding a
barbell above his head. French athlete
Louis Uni (Apollon) teetered on the left
leg, keeping the right hand bar
weighing 152 kg.
Champion of the World Wrestling Ivan
Shemyakin three times bouncing on
one leg, holding a barbell above his
head semipudovuyu.
Famous IV Lebedev (Uncle Vanya),
squeezed his right hand 72 kg and 95
kg in both hands while standing on
one leg.

11. "Most of Samson." Take a

horizontal position, drawing his heels
on the edge of a chair, and the back of
his head to another. Hands at your
sides. Lock the position taken by 5-10
As the fitness does the trick, keeping
the chest any weight. Russian athlete
Alexander Zass (Samson) to carry out
this power room, holding his chest
three people.
12. "Unscrewing. Applying this type of
bench press with one hand, you can
pick up more weight than the usual
Put your feet apart. Raise the bar with
his right hand to shoulder. Since
squeezing a bar, a torso to the left
and, with the forearm of his left hand
on the lower part of the hips bent at
the knee, his left leg, begin to bend
down even lower, as would podlezaya
barbell, which must remain at the
same height. When the right arm fully
razognetsya, straighten the trunk and
lock the rod in a straight arm above
his head.
Athlete Peter Krylov twisting one arm
118.6 kg, and the athlete Ivan Sedykh
twisting his right hand three
unrelated-pound dumbbells.

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For the curious

Many enthusiasts athletic gymnastics is not limited to modern recommendations

and physical exercises, they turn to the history of athleticism and familiar with the
popular in their time of physical development of systems known athletes
beginning of this century.

For them, we report the most popular in their time of physical development.


At the beginning of XX century, has gained great fame system of physical

development of the Russian athlete Dr. A. Anokhin (alias B. Ross). Book describing
the system Anokhin withstood seven editions in his lifetime, even far from the
sports magazine "Niva" in 1909 published her completely, calling the "best room
in gymnastics." The principles used in their training, many Russian athletes of the
past. As is known, the system worked Anokhin Civil War hero GI Kotovsky. This
system is notable for the fact that for exercise did not require special sports
equipment and special facilities. Author of numerous articles on health and
physical development, Anokhin a new principle came to exercise. He believed that
no new movements, they did not invent, we can only talk about this or that
principle of their execution.

Its system Anokhin called "new system", and she later became known as
"volitional exercises. Its principle lies in the fact that performing the exercises
without charges (that is, without dumbbells , Expander, weights and other
projectiles), we must consciously exert appropriate muscles, mimicking the
overcoming of a resistance. Anokhin system has not lost its relevance today. His
exercises provide an opportunity to not only increase strength, but also to achieve
the ability to strain and relax individual muscle groups, which is very important in
sports and any physical work. Ability to control the muscles attached great
importance to professional athletes of the past. Often in their speeches, they
included the "posturing" during which the rays of searchlights take poses of
ancient sculptures discus thrower, Hercules. Demonstrated they are "playing
muscles, reducing and relaxing certain muscle groups. Excellent knowledge of his
muscled Peter Krylov, Georg Lurih, Georg-Gak kenshmidt, Konstantin Stepanov.

Familiarity with the system Anokhin, we start with the recommendations of the
author. First, he says: "volitional exercises will not make you Poddub-nym or
Gakkenshmidtom. She will not give you biceps to 45 inches possible go Squeeze
7.6 pounds with one hand, but will significantly enhance health. Give the beauty
of forms and shapes and that the normal force for each of which is lost by modern
man. "

Then Anokhin leads 8 main principles to be followed by the mastery of his

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technique. These principles are:

1. Should focus attention on the working muscle or muscle group.

2. Do not hurry with the number of exercises and their dosages.

3. Performing the exercises, follow the right breathing.

4. Each movement is performed with the greatest muscle tension.

5. To ensure that when doing the exercises just strained the muscles that are
involved in this movement.

6. Desirable to perform exercises in front of a mirror.

7. After exercise to take a shower, and then vigorously rub the body with a

8. Petro Krylov, "King of the weights, having an outstanding volume and the
relief of muscular, preferred vegetarian food.

Exercises to perform twice a day, morning and evening. A total of 20 minutes.

Each exercise lasts for 5-6 seconds and repeat 10 times. The first two weeks to
carry out the first five exercises, and then each week add one exercise. Three
months later, you can engage in the program whole complex.

1. The main stand. Raise your arms

and squeeze your fingers into a fist,
palms turn up. Severely straining
biceps ( biceps ), bend your elbows.
Bending your arms, simulates the big
attraction of gravity. Referring to arms
shoulders, rotate your hands in fists
hand and begin to straighten his
hands as if you push toward greater
severity. In this case, the strain to the
triceps brachii ( triceps ), and biceps
should be relaxed. Bending your arms,
breathe in, and straightening - exhale.
Inhale through your nose and exhale
through the mouth.
2. Feet shoulder width apart. Raise
your arms forward, clench your fingers
into a fist. Severely straining the
muscles of the arms and back, your
arms in hand, then begin to reduce
them in front of him, straining mainly

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thoracic muscles, as if something is
heavily compacted before him. At a
dilution of hands, breathe, and
intelligence - exhale. Try to avoid
participating in an exercise the
muscles were relaxed.

3. Lie on your back, hands behind his

head. Save still torso, turns quickly
and with the voltage raise and lower
legs. The legs should be approximately
up to an angle of 50 degrees. During
exercise heels touching the floor.
Breath of uniform. Strain to the
abdominal muscles and leg muscles .

4. Put your hands back in his chair,

heel band together, toes apart,
straighten your back, look ahead.
Slowly squat down with voltage up to
touch her buttocks heels. Then begin
to straighten his legs with such stress
quadriceps muscle, as if you raise a
great weight on their shoulders. Squat,
breathe out when lifting - a breath.

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5. Put your feet apart. Dissolve hand in
hand, fingers clench into a fist, palms
up. Look straight ahead, his chest
forward. Straining muscles, raise your
straight arms up as if you pick up the
cargo. Then inhale and start with a
voltage drop lat hands down -
exhaling. ,

6. Do the push -ups on the floor,

holding in suspense the whole body.
Keep the torso and legs were straight
line. As the fitness pushups follow the
fingers. Bending your arms, breathe in
and touch the chest floor,
straightening - exhale.

7. The main stand. Raise your arms

straight, squeeze your fingers into a
fist, palm down. With the start stress
alternately raise and lower the brush.
Breathing is arbitrary.

8. Lie on your back on the floor. Hands

crossed on his chest. Leaving a fixed
lower torso and legs, with strong
abdominal muscles begin to stress, lift
head and chest as if you go with a
load lying on your chest. When lifting
exhales when sinking - a breath.

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9. Put your feet apart, polusognuv
their knees. Lift your left arm forward,
right-hand sides. With the stress of
thoracic and lat lower left hand down
and right arm with a voltage of deltoid
lift forward. In the next class raised
their hands in hand, and then -
forward again. Breath of uniform.

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10. Put your hands back in his chair,
put your heels together, back, do a
little stooped. Since muscle tension
straighten your back, lift both feet up
as high as possible, relying on his
heels. During exercise have greatly
strained thigh muscle and tibia. When
lifting your feet breathe, with a
dwindling - exhale.

11. Put your feet apart. Alternating

flexion and extension arm at the
elbow, keeping your elbows stationary.
When bent, hands palms facing
upward, while straightening - to the
body. Bending arms all the attention
and stress should focus on the biceps,
while straightening - triceps. Breath of

12. Put your feet apart. Raise your

hands up to the voltage and connect
them to the "castle". Make a right turn
and, straining his abdominal muscles,
torso down. Then do the exercise in
the left side. During tilt exhales,
raising his hands up - breath.

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13. Starting position is the same as in
Exercise 10. Severely strained calf
muscle, rise on your toes, then lower
the entire foot. During exercise, your
knees do not bend. Rising on his toes,
breathe in, and sinking - exhale.

14. Put your feet apart and slightly

bend their knees. Tensing abdominal
muscles, torso forward,
simultaneously bend your elbows and
tense your biceps. Then start with a
voltage of triceps straighten arm at
the elbow as far back, simulating
moving aside ago severity. Straighten
your torso and lower your arms down.
During the torso breathe out,
straightening up - a breath.

15. The main stand. Raise your right

hand, bend your left shoulder. With
alternating voltage change hand
position. Lifting his hand up and strain
your triceps , and putting his hand to
his shoulder, strain your biceps and
lats dorsi . Breath of uniform.

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Exercise SAMOSOPROTIVLENIE (Instead of
burdens - the resistance of muscles)

At the beginning of this century amateur athletics were very popular exercises
samosoprotivlenie. In their effect on the muscles they are similar to exercises with
weights, with the only difference being that the role of the latter are themselves

For example, if the exercises with weights for the development of biceps brachii
(biceps), you need to take a dumbbell or a weight, and bend the arm at the elbow,
then in this case impose a palm on his hand and, bending his arm at the elbow,
have the other hand, conceding the resistance.

Exercises on samosoprotivlenie found in books G. Schmidt hack "Path to the

power and health", J. Muller, "My System", E. It-tmana "gymnastic exercises in the
room", which were published at the beginning of the century.

Similar exercises are used in their training, many athletes and wrestlers of the
past. Writes in his memoirs, Russian athlete Alexander Zass (Samson): "When due
to circumstances I could not do exercises with weights, then do exercises on
samosoprotivlenie that are not only well-maintained my physical shape, but also
well developed muscle strength .

As in exercises with free weights ( dumbbells , expanders , dumbbells), in

exercises on samosoprotivlenie must be maintained over the principle of gradual
increase in load, ie the number of repetitions of the exercises and the degree of
tension should be increased gradually.

As the fitness should increase the number of repetitions of each exercise from 5 to
15, and the degree of tension from light to maximum, and, approaching the
maximum voltage, the first 2-3 movements are performed half-heartedly. Number
of approaches also increased from one to five. During exercise should only tighten
the muscles that are involved in the movement to them and to concentrate all the
attention. After performing each exercise, take a break, during which time try,
shaking, kneading and stroking, to relax those muscles, which accounted for the
largest load.

Exercises on samosoprotivlenie can include, in addition to the complex morning

exercises or take time for them during the day.

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1. Put left hand on the right.
Overcoming resistance to conceding
his left hand, bend your right at the
elbow - a breath, then begin to press
the left hand on the right side and,
overcoming her resistance, return to
starting position.
Repeat the exercise, changing the
initial hand position. This exercise
develops the biceps brachii ( biceps )
and triceps brachii ( triceps ). Then
exercise can be done by turning the
brush of bent arm palm down.

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2. Grasp the fingers of his right arm
and left shoulder, overcoming
resistance, start to pull his left hand to
the right side of his chest, and then,
overcoming the resistance of the right
hand, return to starting position. Do
this same exercise, replacing the
original position, that is, grasp the left
arm, right shoulder. In the initial
position, breathe in, pulling his hand
to his chest - breathing out.
This exercise develops the biceps,
deltoids and back muscles .

3. Sit on a chair. Clasp your hands

knees, inhale, and overcoming the
resistance of his feet, pull knee toward
your chest - breathing out. Then,
resisting hands, straighten the leg to
the starting position - exhale. This
exercise develops the biceps and thigh

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4. Connect your fingers behind your
head. Overcoming the resistance of
the left hand and holding his elbow
right in the top position, straighten
your right hand up - a breath. Then,
overcoming the resistance of the right
hand, fold it left up to the starting
position - exhale. This exercise
develops the triceps and biceps.

5. Connect your fingers on the back.

Overcoming the resistance of the neck
muscles, arms bend your head down
until it touches your chin chest -
breathing out. Then, overcoming the
resistance arms, twist his head back -
inhale. This exercise develops the
muscles of the neck .

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6. Uprites hands to the chin.
Overcoming the resistance of the neck
muscles, slowly push your hands on
the chin, dismissing his head back-
breath. Then, overcoming the
resistance of the hands, bend your
head down - exhaling. This exercise
develops mainly the neck muscles.

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7. Turn your head to the refusal of the
left and right hand uprites the chin.
Overcoming the resistance of the right
hand, rotate your head up out right - a
breath. Return to starting position -
exhale. Repeat the exercise, turning
his head to the starting position to the
right and the chin uprites his left hand.
This exercise will mainly develop the
neck muscles.

8. Bend your right arm at the elbow at

a right angle, grasp the fingers of his
left upper right hand. Overcoming the
resistance of the left hand, lift as high
as possible right shoulder up - breath.
Lower the arm to the starting position
- exhale. Do the same exercise, lifting
up my left shoulder. This exercise
develops the trapezius muscle.

9. Clasping extreme finger bones,

begins to contract into a fist fingers of
his right hand, breaking the resistance
of the left. Then do the exercise,
flexing his fingers into a fist of his left
hand. This exercise develops the
muscles of the forearm.

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10. Take the ends of the towel and put
it behind his head so that the left arm
was straightened away, and his right
hand bent to the shoulder. Resisting
with your left hand, straighten your
right away. Then, overcoming the
resistance of the right, straighten your
left hand side. Breath of uniform. This
exercise develops the triceps brachii

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Very popular in the beginning of the century enjoyed a system of physical
development Dane IP Muller. He himself was an excellent versatile athlete, a
multiple record holder and champion in Denmark for several sports. Having tried
to imagine different systems of physical development, including a set of exercises
with dumbbells, athlete Eugene Sandovo , Mueller still preferred the non-weight
bearing exercises, of which the complex, which was published in 1904 titled "My
System" ("15 minutes of daily work health "). This book has been translated into
many languages, including the Russian, and immediately won enormous
popularity. Muller's fascination with the system is reflected in the poems of
Mayakovsky. In the poem "Love" has such lines:

... Old age herself.

Woman greasy.

Man Muller mill waving.

Over time, Muller has published several other works: "My system for children",
"My system for ladies ',' My system for the Army and Navy." In 1925, in Russian
book "5 minutes a day."

At the invitation of the Society of People's University in March 1911 Mueller visited
Russia several times and played in the capitals, Moscow and Petrograd, the busy
gatherings, showing a correct execution of exercises, "my system". In Moscow,
speaking at the Polytechnical Museum in front of a crowded audience, after which
he was presented with a thanksgiving address, covered with hundreds of

Some of the recommendations and exercise system Mueller did not am-286

tili its relevance to the present day. Advocating the need for physical exercises,
Muller believed that there are no miracle cures, magic or secret means, giving to
human health. Crux of the matter is not some magic bullet, but a healthy lifestyle.

"My system contributes to the three main goals: stabilizing functions of the skin,
strengthening the lungs, the digestive processes of normalization," - wrote to
Mueller. Muller believed that "life force" is concentrated not in the arm muscles. In
his opinion, far more important to have a healthy internal organs than strong

Muller system consists of 8 exercises of increasing difficulty. Then we recommend

a shower or bath followed by a thorough body rub with a towel, followed by 10
exercises to perform self-massage. When we first started stroking massage is
carried out, and further applying pressure on the hands massaged areas. Muller
believed that a very useful and even necessary for the health of every day a little

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sweat, which is achieved by exercise and running, but, of course, after this
necessary water treatment. Of great importance he attached to the run,
considering it the best way to promote and maintain health. He constantly
promoted the quenching. All exercises are recommended prodelyvat outdoors,
and if in a room with the windows open. Incidentally, in his opinion, need to sleep
with the windows open.

"Enjoy the fresh air and clean water, do not avoid the sun and do not miss a single
day, to set in motion every muscle, every organ of the body, at least for a short
time. In this case, as in all things in nature, stagnation is abnormal and implies the
invalidity and premature death. In a move lies life movement increases and
maintains vitality for years to come "- he wrote.

The first eight exercises are as follows.

1. Starting position - feet shoulder

width apart, hands up, fingers
intertwined. Circular rotation of the
torso to the left and then right. At the
time of subsidence - a breath, when
stooping - exhale. Repeat 5 times on
each side. In the lightweight version of
his hands on the belt or behind the

2. Starting position - standing, his right

leg on a small hill, right hand on a
fixed support at the waist level.
Flapping motion of the straightened
left leg forward and back. Repeat 16
times each foot. Maximum force to
work with leg abduction ago. Trunk to
keep straight. In moving his legs back
- inhale, while moving forward -

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3. Starting position - lying on his back
on the floor, toes are assigned to a
fixed support, hands on his belt. Sit -
breathe out, lie down - a breath. Over
time, exercise can be performed
sitting on a bench, hands behind your
head or top. Caving in, try to touch the
nape of sex. Repeat 12 times.

4. Starting position - standing, feet

wider than shoulders, toes turned
inward, hand in hand, fingers clenched
in a fist. Legs still. Rotate the body 90
° left, and then tilt to the right hand to
touch the floor between your legs -
breathe out. Straighten up - breath.
However, in another direction. Repeat
10 times in each direction.

5. Starting position - standing in the

attacks, left foot forward, hand in
hand, palms up. Circular movements
with his hands back (16 reps). The last
three to perform with maximum
amplitude. Then do the exercise,
changing the position of the feet,
turning the palm down and making a
circular motion forward. As the fitness
attack do more and perform
community more vigorously. Then try
to perform community in the same
attacks, but the torso forward so that
it was a straight line with his foot, an
elongated back.
6. Starting position - lying on his back,
hands behind his head. Lift the
straight leg off the floor by 30-35
centimeters, separate them apart,
then pick up (to describe each foot
half-circle). When your feet touch each
other, tighten them as much as
possible. Then put his feet down and
not touching the floor with his heel,
squeeze your feet to one another.
Repeat the exercise 8 times. The last 3

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times to perform the movement with
the maximum amplitude.

7. Starting position - standing, feet

wider than shoulders, toes slightly
turned inward, hand in hand. Without
moving the feet from the spot, turning
the torso to the left by 90 °, to make
the slope on the left, slightly bent at
the knee, leg, lift your head up -
exhale. Then twist the torso to the
right by 180 °, bend, and tilt the head
back - inhale. Repeat 10 times.

8. Flexion and extension of hands-ups

on the floor. Trunk and legs should
form one straight line. Bending of
hands - a breath, when straightening -
exhale. After some time, bending the
arm, can in turn raise up one, then
another leg, and push-ups performed
on the fingers. Repeat 10 times.
Check out this complex should be as follows: lying on stomach, raise your hands
up and pull the toes. Off the floor the upper torso and legs bend and hold this
position for several seconds.

After completing this complex to take a cool shower or bath followed by a

thorough and vigorous rubbing of the body with a towel, a good wipe feet and

This is followed by an exercise of self-massage.

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9. Starting position - standing, holding
his left arm for heavy-duty feet,
rubbing the inner and outer surface of
one foot the other, repeat 25 times. At
the same time rubbing his right hand
back of the head, neck and upper
back. Then the same with the other
leg and hand.

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10. Starting position - standing, pull
your left hand forward, palm down.
Rubbing his left hand, right hand from
fingertips to shoulder and shoulder to
the neck. Then rub the inside of the
arm to the armpit and on the left side
of his chest. Enfold himself with his
hands so that the right hand touches
left shoulder blade, and the palm of
his left hand was lying on his right
Continue rubbing. Over time, rubbing
can be combined with squats on the
entire foot. Repeat 10 times. An
exercise is given 25 seconds.

11. Starting position - standing, feet

shoulder width apart. Torso back and
strongly Arch, rubbing his hands the
body down from the collarbone to the
chest, abdomen and thighs. Then tilt
your torso forward, draw his stomach
and his hands to massage the body
from the waist to the thighs, calves
and heels. Your knees do not bend.
Repeat 16 times.

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12. Starting position - standing, feet
shoulder width apart, right leg bent at
the knee, the torso is tilted to the left,
palms of hands are on the left leg near
the hip of the knee. Straightening the
torso and right leg, hold both hands
along the thigh, pelvis. Then the left
hand moves across the abdomen and
the right - in the sternum. Change the
starting position. Repeat each side 10

13. Starting position - standing at

arm's length from the support, located
at an altitude zone (chair, door
handle), feet shoulder width apart.
Make a big circle forward with his right
hand while turning the torso to the left
by 60 °, put his hand on the support.
Then, pressing heavily on the support
arm straightened, one hand rubbing
follow the zig-zag back down to the
waist. Complete the exercise by
clicking on a footing with the other
hand. Repeat 16 times.

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14. Starting position - standing at
arm's length from the fixed support
(for example, the door jamb), feet
shoulder width apart. Straightened
right hand to press on the jamb
inward, while the left hand rubbing the
side surface of the body - 3 times up
and down. Then change the hand
position. Repeat 8 times with each
As the fitness perform the following
exercise: starting position - standing,
arms bent to the armpits. Lift your
right leg straight away, while his right
hand down, start rubbing the side
surface of the torso, and then the
outside of the thigh. Rubbing his thigh,
inferior to exert resistance instep.
Then, lowering his leg, rub the bottom
up the inside of the thigh, ending
movement of the hand from the

15. Starting position - standing up,

heels together, toes apart, lift his leg
bent at the knee as high as possible,
torso straight. Hands clasp the heel.
Omitting the foot to slide on her
fingers up to the knee. Then do the
exercise the other leg. Repeat the
exercise 20 times.

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16. Starting position - standing up,
heels together, toes apart. Torso left
and right hand slides up and rubs his
side to the armpits, the left hand
slides down the left hip to the knee.
Perform 10 repetitions on each side.
Over time, exercise can be performed
faster and more pressed his hands to
the body.

17. Starting position - standing, feet

wider than shoulders. Rapid
movement to turn the body by 90 °,
while putting his hand on the right
side of his chest, one above the other.
Then a rapid movement to turn the
torso to the right by 180 °, while
strongly pushing hands and moving
them across the chest (in the opposite
direction to the movement of the
body). At the end turn to the right
hand should be on the left breast.
Repeat 20 times.

After each movement requires a 12-second pause for breathing exercises. Starting
position - standing, hands on his belt. Rising on his toes - breath, squatting -
exhale. Starting position - standing, arms at your sides. Rising on tiptoe, hand in
hand - breath, squatting, hands down - exhaling.

In addition to the basic movements Mueller recommended exercises for the neck
muscles, they are all performed in the original position - standing.

1. Connect your fingers behind your head. Overcoming the resistance of muscles
in the neck, arms, tilt your head down until it touches your chin chest - breathing
out. Then stretch your hands to the chin, and overcoming the resistance of the
neck muscles, slowly press your hands on the chin, dismissing his head back -

2. Tilt your head left, right hand to put on his head. Overcoming the resistance of

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your hands, tilt your head to the right. Complete the exercise in the opposite

3. Turn your head to the refusal to the left, right palm rest against the chin.
Overcoming the resistance of the right hand, turn your head to failure right - a
breath. Return to starting position - exhale. Complete the exercise in the opposite

Over time, exercise should be carried out at a faster pace, and self-massage - with
more intense pressure on her hands massaged the body.

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Dynamic and Isometric exercises SAMSON
The cornerstone of the physical development of Samson is the development of
strength of tendons - a link between bones and muscles. Epigraph to his system
can serve as a signature under the photograph, where Samson is on his horse:
"The muscles themselves do not raise a horse, but the tendon will raise, but they
need to train, they need to develop, and how to increase their strength there."

The system of Samson is a combination of dynamic exercises with isometric.

Dynamic exercises

For the exercises used burdening - bag (in the form of pillows), which can be made
of leatherette, oilcloth, leather and so on bag filled with sawdust, which, as the
fitness gradually being replaced by sand, and subsequently shot. After two weeks
of classes with an initial weight of 4-7 kg from a bag take out a handful of sawdust
and replace a handful of sand. Subsequently, this change is made every 3-4 days.
No need to hurry with weight gain weight bearing. The focus on exercise is half
the success. Exercises should be done morning and evening daily.

After each exercise needs to be done a few breathing exercises with relaxation of
the muscles, which accounted for the largest load. Breathing exercises are done
from the original standing position, heels together, toes apart, arms along the
body: a) making a deep breath, raise your hands through the sides to a position
slightly above shoulder level while taking up on your toes. Return to starting
position - exhale, and b) the original position - the same. Making a deep breath,
raise your arms forward (palms inward) and diluted in hand. Return to starting
position - exhale.

When performing exercises with a bag of special attention should be paid to the
formulation of proper breathing. Breath must coincide with the most favorable
conditions for expansion of the chest and at the least expenditure of effort in
doing the exercises. Such conditions are created when erect housing and
breeding, or lifting the hands.

Exhalation the most favorable position is bending the body, reducing or lowering
the hands.

The pace of movements in the exercises at first to be slow, and as fitness -


It should be said that this initial stage of training, further training takes place on
individual schemes which are recommended Samson.

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1. Bag on the floor near the socks.
Lean, slightly bent legs, and lift the
bag to his chest. Taking a break,
squeeze up on straight arms. Have
clearly stated at the lower chest to the
floor. Repeat exercise 10-15 times.

2. Bag in his hands on his chest.

Slowly sit down on his toes while
squeezing the bag up on straight
arms. After fixing a distinct drop the
bag on his chest while straightening
the legs. Watch for the simultaneous
movement of arms and legs. Repeat
10-15 times.

3. Bag in the palm of one hand at

shoulder height. Squeeze bag to
straight arm, rotate it twice to the left
and right. Return to starting position.
Repeat until tired working muscle
groups. Then do the exercise with your
other hand. After some time in this
exercise is to changes (mainly for the
development of fingers). After lifting
the weight bearing on the straight arm
start to move each finger individually,
as if you are trying to raise the bag is
even higher. Run to fatigue the
working muscles.

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4. Bag in the palm of his hands bent at
the shoulder, elbow taken aside. Due
to shake hands and legs to throw bag
with one hand to another so that he
described a semicircle. Gradually
increase the flight path. Repeat 10-15

5. Bag in his hands around his knees.

Straightening the legs and torso,
throw bag up over a one-half meter.
Catch him on the neck and shoulder
(to the amortization of the legs). Then
push the left dump on my own and not
letting fall on the floor, catch hands.
Again, toss up, catch on the neck and
shoulder, and throw right. Repeat 10-
15 times.

6. Lying on your back, take a direct

hand bag on the floor behind your
head and slowly pull up to the vertical
position of the hands. Omitted on his
chest, squeeze and slowly return to
starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

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7. Lying on the floor, lift your feet,
bend their knees and hips and put a
bag over your feet. Squeeze burdening
their feet. After fixing a clear lower leg
to starting position. As the fitness to
perform the exercise with each foot in
turn. Run to fatigue working muscle

8. Arc to the left-top straight arms lift

bag over his head, then right-down
lower to starting position. Then
complete the exercise by the arc to
the right and upwards. Repeat 10-15

Isometric exercise

Twenty-five years ago, the use of isometric exercises, created a sensation in the
sports world. Many athletes, including in training, these exercises are to improve
the results. Numerous experiments are still going on. isometry - not a novelty in
recent years. Already at the beginning of our century, the Russian professional
athlete Alexander Zass (Samson) included isometric exercises in the workout, but
in the twenties, has promoted its original system of static exercises with chains, to
which came empirically. Samson said: "We must develop what lies at the heart
muscle, especially the tendons, rather than the surface mass, volume." Samson
thought that the development of this athletic power to raise poods iron is not
enough. Need to add something else. If, for example, to try to bend the thick
metal, rod, or break the chain, these seemingly futile efforts under repeated will
be very effective for developing strength of tendons and muscle strength. This is
an example of isometric exercises in which muscles tense though, but their length
does not change and there is no motion in joints. The duration of isometric
exercises depends on the degree of muscular tension. The maximum muscle

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tension should last 2-3 seconds. As the fitness it can bring up to 6 seconds. Each
exercise should be repeated 2-5 times. Training should not exceed 15 minutes.

Including isometric exercises in the workout, remember: the power gained by this
method, the maximum appears only in the torso, arms and legs, in which she
"was elaborated. Before starting the exercise should do a thorough workout
mainly for muscles and joints, which would account for the largest load.
Otherwise, possible injury. At first, exercises to perform with minimal stress, and
only after a month of training you can go to maximum effort. Maximum force is
applied is not a jerk, but with a gradually rising voltage. Exercises are done on
inspiration. After performing each exercise minute walk around, do breathing
exercises relax the muscles, which was sent to the maximum load. Isometric
exercises will give good results if you combine them with dynamic exercises with
weights, dumbbells , expanders . And in conjunction with jogging, swimming,
tempering procedures they will help improve health and increase efficiency.

People with weakened cardiovascular system with hypertension and having

excess weight, isometric exercises are contraindicated.

Do the exercises you can use different shells - a metal rod, chain, wooden sticks, a
thick cord. You can perform isometric exercises, and without any devices. For
example, you press the palm to the palm of your chest or trying to stretch a hand
clasped to his chest. Samson, for example, used metal rods and chains. He was
attached to the chains, metal handle of a triangular shape with a hook, if
necessary peretseplyal, lengthening or shortening the interval of the chain.
Initially, the chain must be tight.

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1. Chain in the folded hands in front of
chest, elbows at shoulder level.
Putting effort, try to stretch the chain.

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2. Chain in the folded hands behind
your head. Changing the working
distance circuit, try to stretch the

3. For this exercise we need two

chains. Pull the handle to the soles of
your feet, grab the chain in his hands
and raise them to the shoulders. Try to
lift the chain up. Then peretsepite
handle on the level of the head, above
your head and stretch the chain.

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4. Breathe out, wrap a chain around
his chest and secure it. Then, deep
breathing, straining chest muscles and
back muscles and try to break the

5. Feet shoulder width apart. One

handle circuit in direct hand in his left
knee, the other - in the bent at the
elbow, right hand at his waist. Stretch
the chain. Repeat with the change of
the original provision.

6. Attach one end of the chain the

hook in the wall at waist level, and
another pick in hand. Put feet wider
than shoulders. Pull the chain, trying
to wrest the hook from the wall.

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7. Attach one end of the chain for a
fixed hook in the floor, attach the
other end of the handle and grasp it at
the knees. Straining the muscles of
the legs , back and arms, trying to tear
off the hook from the floor. Repeat the
exercise, keeping the chain at the
waist and behind.

8. Pick up a thick metal rod bent in the

shape of a horseshoe. Put feet
shoulder-width apart, slightly bend
your knees. Putting effort, try to
connect the ends of the rod, holding
hands, first in front of chest, then at
the knees. Then bend the bars of
varying thickness to form a horseshoe.

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