Ηλεκτρονικός Θόρυβος Electronic NOISE: στο ραδιόφωνο: hiss Στο τηλέφωνο: σκρατς στην τηλεόραση: χιόνι

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Ηλεκτρονικός Θόρυβος

Electronic NOISE

Θόρυβος υπάρχει παντού σε όλα τα

Τηλεπικοινωνιακά Συστήματα

στο ραδιόφωνο : hiss

Στο τηλέφωνο : σκρατς

στην τηλεόραση : χιόνι









• 8 ΜΗΖ - 1.43 GHZ Υδρογόνο
• 20-120 ΜΗΖ ισχυρος

• 1-600 ΜΗΖ
γεννήτριες, κινητήρες


Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος

• Johnson-Nyquist noise (sometimes

thermal noise, Johnson noise or Nyquist
noise) is the noise generated by the
equilibrium fluctuation of the electric
current inside an electrical conductor, which
happens regardless of any applied voltage,
due to the random thermal motion of the
charge carriers (the electrons).

Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος

• It was first measured by J.B. Johnson at

Bell Labs in 1928. He described his
findings to H. Nyquist, also at Bell Labs,
who was able to explain the results by
deriving a fluctuation-dissipation
Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος

Thermal noise is to be distinguished from

shot noise, which consists of additional
current fluctuations that occur when a
voltage is applied and a macroscopic
current starts to flow. For the general case,
the above definition applies to charge
carriers in any type of conducting medium
(e.g. ions in an electrolyte).

Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος

• The thermal noise power, P, in watts, is

given by P = 4kBTΔf, where kB is
Boltzmann's constant in joules per kelvin, T
is the conductor temperature in kelvins, and
Δf is the bandwidth in hertz. Thermal noise
power, per hertz, is equal throughout the
frequency spectrum, depending only on kB
and T. It is white noise, in other words.
Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος

• In communications, noise power is often

used. Thermal noise at room temperature
can be estimated in decibels as:
• P = − 174 + 10log(Δf)
• Where P is measured in dBm (0 dBm = 1
mW) and Δf is bandwidth in Hz

Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος

• Bandwidth Power

• 1 Hz -174 dBm
• 10 Hz -164 dBm
• 1000 Hz -144 dBm
• 5 kHz -137 dBm
• 1 MHz -114 dBm
• 6 MHz -106 dBm
Thermal Noise Θερμικός Θόρυβος
• Electronics engineers often prefer to work in
terms of noise voltage across the resistor (vn)
and noise current (in) going through the
resistor. These also depend on the electrical
resistance, R, of the conductor:

•Thermal noise is intrinsic to all resistors and is

not a sign of poor design or manufacture, although
resistors may also have excess noise.

Αντίσταση ως γεννήτρια θορύβου



1. J. Johnson, "Thermal Agitation of

Electricity in Conductors", Phys. Rev. 32,
97 (1928), (the experiment).

2. H. Nyquist, "Thermal Agitation of Electric

Charge in Conductors", Phys. Rev. 32,
110 (1928), (the theory).
Shot Noise

Shot noise consists of random fluctuations of the

electric current in an electrical conductor, which
are caused by the fact that the current is carried by
discrete charges (electrons). The strength of this
noise increases for growing magnitude of the
average current flowing through the conductor.
Shot noise is to be distinguished from current
fluctuations in equilibrium, which happen without
any applied voltage and without any average
current flowing. These equilibrium current
fluctuations are known as Johnson-Nyquist noise.

Shot Noise
• Shot noise is important in electronics,
telecommunication, and fundamental physics.
• Shot noise is a Poisson process and the charge
carriers which make up the current will follow a
Poisson distribution. The strength of the current
fluctuations can be expressed by giving the variance
Shot Noise
of the current I, where <I> is the average
("macroscopic") current. However, the value
measured in this way depends on the frequency
range of fluctuations which is measured
("bandwidth" of the measurement): The measured
variance of the current grows linearly with
bandwidth. Therefore, a more fundamental
quantity is the noise power, which is essentially
obtained by dividing through the bandwidth (and,
therefore, has the SI units ampere squared divided
by hertz). It may be defined as the zero-frequency
Fourier transform of the current-current
correlation function:

Shot Noise

Note: This is the total noise power, which includes the equilibrium
fluctuations (Johnson-Nyquist noise). Some other commonly
employed definitions may differ by a constant pre-factor.

Note: There is often a minor inconsistency in referring to shot noise

in an optical system: many authors refer to shot noise loosely when
speaking of the mean square shot noise current (amperes squared)
rather than noise power (watts).
Shot Noise

Space charge

Low noise active electronic devices are

designed such that shot noise is suppressed
by the electrostatic repulsion of the charge
carriers. Shot noise in optical devices is
called quantum noise. Space charge limiting
is not possible in photon devices.

Pink noise -flicker noise

Pink noise, also known as 1/f noise, is a

signal or process with a frequency spectrum
such that the spectral energy density is
proportional to the reciprocal of the
frequency. Sometimes pronounced as one
over f noise, it is also called flicker noise.
Pink noise -flicker noise
• There is equal energy in all octaves. In
terms of power at a constant bandwidth, 1/f
noise falls off at 3 dB per octave.

• The human auditory system, which uses a

roughly logarithmic concept of frequency
approximated by the Bark scale, does not
perceive with equal sensitivity all audible
frequencies. However, humans may still
differentiate between white noise and pink
noise with ease.

Pink noise -flicker noise

Graphic equalizers also divide signals into

bands logarithmically and report power by
octaves; audio engineers put pink noise
through a system to test whether it has a flat
frequency response in the useful spectrum.
Pink noise -flicker noise

From a practical point of view, producing

true pink noise is impossible, since the
energy of such a signal would be infinite.
That is, the energy of pink noise in any
frequency interval from f1 to f2 is
proportional to log(f2 / f1) and if f2 is
infinity, so is the energy.

Pink noise -flicker noise

Practically, pink noise is only pink over a

certain frequency interval. The same is true
of white noise which is usually used to
produce pink noise by filtering to remove
more and more energy at succesively higher
frequencies (about 3 dB per octave).
White Noise
• White noise is a random signal (or process)
with a flat power spectral density. In other
words, the signal's power spectral density
has equal power in any band, at any centre
frequency, having a given bandwidth.
• An infinite-bandwidth white noise signal is
purely a theoretical construct. By having
power at all frequencies, the total power of
such a signal is infinite. In practice, a signal
can be "white" with a flat spectrum over a
defined frequency band.

Cosmic (galactic) noise

Random noise that originates outside the Earth's

atmosphere. (15 MHz - 1.5 GHz)

Cosmic noise characteristics are similar to those of

thermal noise. Cosmic noise is experienced at
frequencies above about 15 MHz when highly
directional antennas are pointed toward the Sun or
to certain other regions of the sky such as the center
of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Θόρυβος από τα διάφορα στάδια ενίσχυσης σε σειρά
Θόρυβος στα συντονισμένα κυκλώματα

SNR και Δείκτης Θορύβου F

S Xs V R Vs 2
= = s
=( )
N Xn V n R Vn
Μπλοκ διάγραμμα για τον υπολογισμό του δείκτη του

• Καθορίζουμε την ισχύ του σήματος εισόδου Psi (2-12, 2-

• Καθορίζουμε την ισχύ του θορύβου εισόδου Pni (2-14, 2-
• Υπολογίζουμε την αναλογία σήματος προς θόρυβο της
εισόδου S/Ni από τον λόγο των Psi και Pni (2-16).
• Καθορίζουμε την ισχύ του σήματος εξόδου Pso (2-17).
• Γράφουμε Pno για την ισχύ του θορύβου εξόδου το οποίο
θα καθοριστεί αργότερα (2-18).
• Υπολογίζουμε την αναλογία σήματος προς θόρυβο της
εξόδου S/Nο από το λόγο των Pso και Pno ( 2-19).
• Υπολογίζουμε τον γενικευμένο τύπο του δείκτη θορύβου
από τα βήματα 3 και 6 (2-20).
• Υπολογίζουμε το Pno από την Req εφόσον είναι
δυνατό (2-21,2-22), και αντικαθιστούμε στην
γενική εξίσωση για το F για να πάρουμε την
ακριβή σχέση (2-23, 2-24) ή να προσδιορίσουμε
το Pno από μέτρηση (2-3, 2-25,2-26), και
αντικαθιστούμε για να πάρουμε τη σχέση για το F
Μέτρηση δείκτη θορύβου

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