Amplifiers: Noise
Amplifiers: Noise
Amplifiers: Noise
A number of factors contribute to the noise problem,
which can drastically limit the effectiveness of amplifiers and
other instrumentation, especially at low signal levels
Seymour Letzter, Norman Webster
Princeton Applied Research Corporation
In practically every type of research program in the 4. Statistical fluctuations resulting from the ultimately
physical sciences as well as in sophisticated engi- quantized nature of all measured quantities.
neering analyses, very small electrical signals must All of these, and many others, can limit the accuracy,
be measured and, in general, the limit of attainable precision, and useful sensitivity of measurements. For-
precision and detectability is set by noise. This is true tunately, only a few will have a significant effect in any
for the physicist and chemist performing nuclear mag- one experiment, and the problem of the experimenter in
netic resonance or spectroscopy experiments, for med- minimizing noise effects will be less difficult than the
ical and biological researchers interested in evoked foregoing list might lead one to believe.
potentials, for geologists measuring small remanent The environmental interference frequently can be re-
magnetic fields in rock samples, for the metallurgist duced to a negligible level by following "sound experi-
making Fermi surface measurements, and for the mental practice,"1 which includes proper grounding,
engineer performing vibration analysis and sensitive shielding, guarding, and other procedures. With environ-
bridge measurements. These are only a few examples mental factors under control, the experimenter still faces
of applications in which noise plays a critical role in "quantization fluctuations," along with source-resistance
limiting measurement precision and signal detectabil- noise and amplifier noise. The former only rarely will
ity. This article discusses some of the inherent prob- prove to be a problem, and where it is a problem there is
lems and describes techniques for improving signal- little the experimenter can do other than to optimize his
to-noise ratio. experiment so that the maximum number of "events"
per unit time are measured. This leaves the final
Generally speaking, noise includes all those voltages two types of noise, source thermal noise and amplifier
and currents that accompany a signal of interest and noise, from which we arrive at the purpose of this article
obscure it. There are many different types of noise and -namely, to provide some insight into the characteriza-
they arise in many different sources. Many are directly tion of these noises and their effects, and to indicate how
electrical in nature, such as the noise produced by ampli- these noise effects can be minimized for a given experi-
fiers and other instrumentation used to process signals. mental situation.
Others are not inherently electrical, but manifest them-
selves as electrical fluctuations when some element of the SNR at amplifier
experimental system acts as a transducer (frequently output terminals (voltage-source driven)
without the knowledge of the experimenter). For exam- The SNR is a universally accepted quantitative expres-
ple, structure vibration transmitted to coaxial cables can sion for the degree of noise contamination of a signal.
cause signals to be induced in the cables as a result of Figure 1 shows an amplifier fed from a voltage source
dimensional, and hence capacitive, changes in the cables. Es with a finite source resistance Rs. Before going on to
Some of the noises with which the experimenter must calculate the SNR for this amplifier, we must first quanti-
contend include tatively characterize the source-resistance noise and the
1. Thermal noise arising in the signal source imped- amplifier noise.
ance. Johnson noise. Johnson noise is caused by random
2. Noise produced in the instruments used to process motion of thermally agitated electrons in resistive ma-
the signal. In most instances, front-end preamplifier terials. Its instantaneous amplitude is unpredictable, but
noise will dominate. the probability that it will have an amplitude in an inter-
3. Environmental noise, which opens up a host of val dV volts is given by p(V) dV, where p(V) is the fa-
possibilities, including miliar Gaussian probability density function:
(a) Interference at the power frequency or its 1
h armonics. p(V = r )1 (1)
(b) Automotive ignition noise. (wr)1
(c) Radio stations. where the parameter a- is the rms value of the fluctuations
(d) Lightning (and this can be remarkably distant). and the quantity universally accepted to describe the
(e) Changes in barometric pressure. noise output from a resistor. It can be shown from ther-
(f) Structure vibration. modynamic considerations that the rms value is band-
(g) Temperature fluctuations. width-dependent as follows:
04 1-
temperature-limited diode. amperes generators-voltage and current-connected to the input
68 IEEE spectruIm AUGUST 1970
terminals, as shown in Fig. 4. Noise-density generators improvement could be realized by also incorporating a
e,, and i, are expressed in units of rms volts/hertz " 2 and high-pass filter to attenuate noise components below the
rms amperes/hertzI /2, respectively. signal frequency. Bandpass-selective amplifiers having a
This form of characterization facilitates SNR and NF fast rolloff above and below the signal frequency can
calculations, as we shall see later. We shall assume that frequently be used to great advantage.
e, and 4, are white-noise sources and that their cross-
correlation function is identically equal to zero. These Noise figure
assumptions, though by no means universally justflable, A popular figure of merit used to describe an amplifier's
do simplify the ensuing mathematics, and the resulting quality, insofar as noise is concerned, is the noise figure
conclusions and statements are valid. Figure 5 illustrates of the amplifier. Relevant to the circuit in Fig. 4, noise
the frequency dependence of these generators in an actual figure, expressed in decibels, can be defined as follows:
amplifier. Most manufacturers specify the noise content
of the amplifier by the noise figure, whose definition is NF =
stated later in the article. In any case, whether given e,, 20 log,,, lput %oltage SNR (anplifier disco,liiected)1 (7a)
and i,,, or NF, the experimenter can predict amplifier per- L Voltage SNR at amplifier output terminalsi
formance and optimize his experiment as shown in the or, in terms of power,
following pages.
Because the noise sources are considered to be random NF =
and uncorrelated, noise power in a system is additive,
and the total rms noise is the* *
square root of the sum of',
10 lo, PUt power SNR (amplifier
~~~~~~~~~L disconnectced)I
(7] )
Powcr SNRat amplifier output terminalsi (7
the squares of each generator output. Note that the With the aid of Fig. 4 and Eq. (5), and by expressing all
amplifier noise current is treated as a voltage by comput- parameters as power, Eq. (7b) can be written as
ing the voltage drop across the source resistance Rs;
see Fig. 5. It is not necessary to consider the noise con- NF = 10 log,0
r E,2/4kTRf,,
tribution of the low-pass filter resistor when the amplifier LE,'`'[4kTR,
+ en', + 'Itn (i,,Rj)
gain is large.
The total noise-output voltage is
E,,o = [4k TR, + e,!2 +(i,,R,) ]212A,,,' 1/2 volts rms (4)
where Ao = midband gain and f, = noise bandwidth =
RCA4 for Fig. 4, in which R and C are values of output-
filter components.
The signal at the output terminal is E0Ao. Consequently, i~qal ose
the output signal-to-noise voltage ratio (SNR)0 can be
determined by dividing EA,, by Eq. (4). The result is as
IR resvotan '
E,i= [4k TR, + e,,2 + (i,R,R.)211"/f,,"2 volts rms (6) FIGURE 4. Equivalent circuit for noisy amplifier fed from
At this point it should be clear that E,,, i can be found by signal E. with source resistance R.,
meaSuiring the noise at the amplifier oLutpUt terminal with
a true rms voltmeter atnd dividing the reading by the
gitin A,,. It should be equally obvious that Et,,, cannot be FIGURE 5. Noise current and voltage as a function of
found by putting the voltmeter directly across the ampli- frequency for a typical low-noise preamplifier.
fier's input terminals.
It is evident from the third term of Eq. (4) that the
noise contribution of the atmplifier is dependent on the
0.06 im0i
magnitude of the source resistance R. This leads us to 0.05 0.06
the first of three statements that express the essence of s
these relationships.00404
Stuateneni I. For a given amplifier driven from a voltage e
source, the SNR is maximum when R, = 0. 0 > 002
Equation (5) also shows the advantage of restricting
the bandwidth. By allowing the signal of interest to be o. 01 1
transmitted with no more of the high-frequency compo-
nents getting through than are necessary to carry the 2 5 10 2 2 5 103 2 5 104 2 5
"information," the SNR will be improved-hence the
output low-pass filter shown in Figs. I and 4. Further Frequency. hertz
NF = 10 log1FrL
4kTR. J
e+ - + (inR,)2 l
the source resistance approaches zero.
Compare statements 1, 2, and 3. Initially, they may
seem to appear contradictory. This apparent paradox is
Akin to noise figure is noise factor, F, defined as easily resolved if one remembers that the noise figure is
1 en"' + (i.RJl only a measure of comparison of amplifier noise with the
+ hTR
L ~
(9) thermal noise developed in an arbitrary source resistance
and nothing more. In fact, it is the authors' experience
or, in terms of voltage, that many researchers overemphasize the amplifier noise
figure and neglect consideration of minimum experi-
Fvoitage = lOi'/'!° mental signal. The following example illustrates this
Continuing, the total equivalent noise referred to the point:
amplifier input terminals (El,, E) can be shown to be Assume that a given experiment provides a 1 -pV rms
signal and that it is necessary to choose which of two
Et"/ = [4khTRsJ;1]l2I1ONF' 0 volts rms (10) amplifiers will be used to process the signal. The first
which brings us to our second statement. amplifier, a moderately priced unit. has a noise figure of
20 dB. The second, a very expensive instrument, has a
Statemeni 2. For a gicen source resistance, the least noisy noise figure of 3 dB. Assume the source resistance to be
amplifier is the one with the smallest NF. A noiseless 100 ohms and the noise bandwidth to be 100 Hz. Equa-
amplilier(e,, = i, = 0)hasanNFofOdB. tion (10) will beused to compute the total input noise
Let us now refer back to Eq. (8) as the basis for the for each of these amplifiers. Tabulating the required
next statement. data, we obtain:
Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2
NF=20dB NF =3dB
Rs = 100 ohms R, = 100 ohms
f,, = 100 Hz f, = 100 Hz
From Eq. (10) the total equivalent input noise (E,rn) for
- __ _ amplifier 1 is 130 nV and for amplifier 2 it is 18 nV.
1010 1010 this decision may be uneconomical in light of the assumed
109-1u signal level.
loNoise-figure contours
108 j _ Noise-figure contours are essentially the locuses of
points of constant noise figure as a lfinction of source
E resistance and operating frequency. They allow the user
IO, 0 to determine suitable points of operation. such as source
resistance and frequency. Equivalent input noise and
1062 10- l 1 10 103 104 1055 1056 signal-to-noise ratios can be determined by using the
F contours in conjunction with Eq. (10). Figure 6 shows
FIGURthe noise figure contours for a PAR Corp. Model 113
apiir Npreamplifier.
Figure 7 is a simplified sketch of the syStemI uised to
104 F 1
measure noise figure. A noise generator provides a white-
U fer t When the
Bnoise source calibrated in microvoltsa
103 0 noise generator is shut olf, the source resistor R, and
the amplifier produce a voltage reading on the true rnis
voltmeter of x volts rms. The noise generator is then
10 02 turned on and its noise voltage is increased until the
~~d8 ~~~voltmeter reading is 1.414 times the previously taken x
10 r~~~~~~~~~~~~0eading. In other words, a calibrated noise voltage equal
to E,, is added to El,,,, allowing the value of E,,i1 in
vols,hrtzi'2to be read directly from the calibrated noise
1o 2 10- 1 10 102 103 104 10 5.105 source, The following equation can then be used to corn-
Frequency, hertz pute the noise figure at one frequency and for one value
FIGURE 6. Noise-figure contours for Model 113 pre- ,
amplifier.NF=1 oo
SNI = SNR using transformer The noise factor for the amplifier when the transformer
SNR without transformer (15) is used can be computed from Eq. (14) as follows:
x l
If the following analysis shows SNI to be greater than Frin = I + [ 1 21 (NF 0. 5 dB)
one, the transformer improves the SNR. Therefore, L0.83 X 10 -
- = 600
2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
= =
536 (SNI voltage = X
536 ; 23)
stresses and vbraiondoesnotoftn
sreses ad vibration does not often pove
to be a serious problem, and where it does, supporting
prove creasing source resistance. Therefore. it is essential that
the chosen matching transformer's frequency response be
the transformer by suitable shock-absorbent material is
usually an adequate solution. Most commonly, the
the flatchin the frequency resontere
relatively flat within the frequency range of interest.
winding resistance thermal noise proves to be the i1-Ost Otherwise, the SNI expected may differ significantly frol
significant source of transformer noise. Its magnitude is that obtained. We have shown that, for a given voltage
easily computed. The winding resistance of the secondary source and amplifier, the SNR is maximized when Rs =
winding is divided by the square of the turns ratio, and 0. In practice. R. #d 0 because all signal sources have some
that resistance is added to the primary winding resistance value of resistance associated with them. The SNR,
For example, a 1:100 transformer having a primary however, can be enhanced by transforming a low value
winding resistance of I ohm and a secondary resistance of R, to a value as close to R,pt as practical considera-
of 10) 000 ohms would have a thermal resistance of 2 ohms tions allow. This does not mean a physical resistor is to
to1 h0
referred to thewouldhaveathermlres
referred 000 ohms 000 ohms referred toohm
primary (20 cedtof2 the be inserted in series with R, to obtain a cumulative
resistance equal to R,,t Increasingthsoreeitac
secondary). Despite the additional noise introduced by
incorporating a transformer into the system, the SNI
resis equal twofoldthe source resistance
in this manner causes a twofold degradation in the
is increased sufficiently to make use of the transformer signal-to-noise ratio, as can be readily determined by
well worthwhile. referring to Eq. (6). First, there is a considerable increase
Figure 10 shows the noise figure contours for a PAR in thermal noise, which results when the thermal noise
Model 116 preamplifier. The contours on the left were in the series resistor is added to that developed in the
measured under "direct input" conditions. Those on the original source resistance. Second, there is an increased
right were measured with the amplifier's internal trans- influence of the amplifier's noise current because of the
former incorporated into the input circuit. Front-panel voltage drop of this current across the series resistor.
switching allows the transformer to be introduced for The current effect can be particularly damaging, since
it varies directly with the total source resistance, in
contrast to the thermal noise, which varies as the square
root of the source resistance.
Equivalent noise resistance
FIGURE 9. Use of transformer to match R. to R,,,t of pre- and equivalent noise temperature
amplifier. In addition to the widely used equivalent noise genera-
Shield | ||| | * tor
| and noise-figure methods of expressing the noise
performance of amplifiers, other methods are also used.
One of the most popular is to state an amplifier's series
noise resistance R, and parallel noise resistance Ri,
4 IR,BI Np~ Ns where these quantities are defined by the following
* ~~~~expressions":
R, (1 9)
72 itiut, spectrilm AUGUST 1970
<78 O
1~~~~~48 10l0
E 107g X X a D t | S i 10
o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~03
10-2 1l 1.0 10 102 103 104 105 5105 1.0 1 02 103 FIGURE 10. Noise-figure con-
Frequency, hertz Frequency, hertz tours for Model 116 preampli-
Direct-coupled Transformer-coupled fier.
4kT with the result that, at very high and very low frequencies,
Ri = i ., (20) Re is larger than Ri. The significance of this relationship
is that it gives a convenient way of quickly evaluating the
where e,, = output of amplifier's equivalent noise-voltage relative noise performance of two amplifiers, where the
generator; k = Boltzmann's constant; T = absolute noise performance of one is expressed as a plot of Re
temperature, OK; and i, = output of amplifier's equiva- and R;, and that of the other is expressed as a plot of
lent noise-current generator. contours of constant noise figure.
By the use of Re and R5, Eq. (8) takes the form: It is implicit in the preceding discussion of R, and Ri
NF = 10 log i + R+ R
Re R] that attenuating a signal source, either by means of a
(21) passive network, or by loading by the input resistance
L of the amplifier, will degrade the SNR and not just the
Equation (21) makes it particularly easy to understand signal level. This is worth stressing because of the com-
how NF varies as a function of R,. Large noise figures mon misconception that such attenuation "reduces the
are obtained with R, either large or small. Minimum NF signal and noise equally, leaving the SNR unchanged."
is obtained when the two terms containing R, are equal. Equivalent noise temperature Te is another way of
Dilferentiating with respect to R, yields expressing the noise characteristics of an amplifier. The
--- effective noise temperature T, of an amplifier whose
R -,pt= RRi (22) input is fed from a particular source resistance, is defined
Equation (22) in turn can be substituted into (21) to as the increase in source resistance temperature required
obtain another expression for minimum noise figure: to produce the observed available noise power at the
output of the amplifier, the amplifier being noiseless.;'
NFrj= 10 log [I ± 2VR,lRi1 (23) Like noise figure, equivalent noise temperature is a func-
tion of source resistance and frequency, and thus we can
For14the saeeof comparison,
and (14) to see how i.and refer backmuto
NE are
computed from plotnoise
the contours
performance of annoise
of equivalent in muchthat
amplifier thedefine
It is interesting to note that a plot of constant-noise- manner as do contours of constant noise figure. Unlike
noise figure, equivalent noise temperature is not a
figure contours "contains" Re and R, to a good approxi- function of the source-resistance temperature. Figure II
mation in the 3-dB contour. Over the range in which the is a plot of the contours of constant noise temperature
upper and lower curves are widely separated, the upper for the amplifier whose noise-figure contours are plotted
portion of the 3-dB contour represents R1 and the lower in Fig. 6. The expression relating the equivalent noise
portion represents Re, with the actual resistance values In 6. and figureis
being read directly from the source-resistance scale. At
the ends, where the curves converge and close, the 290(l0NF/10-1)
Te = (24)
approximation is inaccurate because Rc and Ri extend Note that the 290 value in this equation is the absolute
beyond the convergence region and, in fact, cross over, temperature of the NF measurement. If the NF had
(SNR)0 IRL____
[(i'±i,`)RLj' + e,2 ± 4kTRL]I-I/2 I 12
de~~iI - Shot noise Note from Eq. (26) that the voltage of the signal varies
current fronm current
scurce ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~drectly with R,.. which leads to the next statemient.
SPCCtrumil AUG UST 1970
Statement 4. (SNR)0 is maximized asymptotically as RL equations do define the best operating conditions.
approaches infinity. Readers should realize that this article is primarily
In many respects, the situation is analogous to the one confined to "front-end" considerations. By using the
in which the source resistance is very much lower than appropriate method of additional signal processing,
R.,t. When operation is from a source resistance that is enormous additional improvements in signal-to-noise
either lower or higher than R,,pt, the situation with regard ratio can be obtained. These include the use of lock-in
to noise can, in principle, be improved by using a trans- amplifiers, signal averagers, or, in some instances, general
former to match the source resistance to R,,pt of the signal correlators.
amplifier. As shown earlier, this is indeed true for work-
ing from ing
fom Rs vales
R, values tat
that are much smaller than R R,,pt. REFERENCES
However, practical transformer design limitations usualty Coor, T., "Signial
systems," PARto Tech.noise optimization in precision measure-
Note T-198A, Princetoiin Applied
prevent one from improving SNR by using a step-down Research Corp., Princeton, N.J.
transformer to match current-source resistances to R0pt. 2. Faulkner, E. A., "The design of low-noise audio-frequenicy
As discussed previously, when we are working from a amplifiers," Radio Electron. Eng., p. 17, July 1968.
3. "IRE Standards oni Methods of Measuring Noise in Linear
low source resistance, the situation is only worsened by Twoports, 1959," Proc. IRE, vol. 48. pp. 60- 68, Jan. t959.
connecting a resistor in series with the source to make R,
equal to R,,pt; similarly, it can only be worsened when BIBLIOGRAPHY
working from a current source by connecting a resistor Baxendall, P. J., "Noise in transistor circuits-pt. 2," Wireless
in parallel with the input to make R1 equal to R,,pt. The World, p. 454, Dec. 1968.
load resistor RL is such a parallel resistor. However, by Chaykowsky, 0. C., and Moore, R. D., "Siginal-to-nioise consider-
making iaslreaposbethshnigefcis ations
it as large as possible, the shunting ef.fect is in experimental research," PAR Tech. Note T-196, Prince-
ton Applied Reseatrch Corp.
minimized and the best possible SN R is obtained. Cherry, E. M., and Hopper, D. E., Ampliyjing Devices and Low-
Hence, for a given preamplifier, the experimenter Pass Amplifier Design. New York: Wiley, 1968, Chap. 8.
should use the highest value of R, possible (regardless of Hooge. F. N., and Hoppenbrauwers, A. M. H., "I/f noise in
the noise-figure contours for that amplifier). In practice, continuous thini gold films," Physica, vol. 45, p. 386, 1969.
Prinicetoni C. A., "Signal
Nittrouer, Applied averagers," PAR Technical Note T- 162A.
the input cable's capacitive reactance and the ampli- Research Corp.
fier's finite input impedance constrain the size of Rr . Radeka, V., -II Ifl noise in physical measurements." IEEE Traits.
Where the signal derives from a current source, noise- Nuclear Science, vol. NS-16, pp. 17-35, Oct. 1969.
figure contours should only be consulted to determine Ridgway, S. L., "The use of a lock-in amplifier for the detectioni
and measurement of light signals," Signal Notes, Princetoni
the system noise or SNR, or to select the preamplifier to Applied Research Corp., Nov. 1967.
be used. Smith, L., and Sheingold, D. H., "Noise and operational amplifier
Maximum SNR when working from a current source circuits," Analog Dialogue, p. 1, Mar. 1969.
will generally be achieved by: Verster, T. C., "Anomalies in transistor low-frequenicy noise,"
1 .Restricting the system bandwidth in accordance Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 1204-1205, July 1967.
"How to use noise figure contours," Tech. Note T-226, Princeton
with maximum tolerable signal distortion. Applied Research Corp., Princeton, N.J.
2. Keeping RL as large as possible. "Representation of noise in linsear twoports," Proc. IRE, vol. 48,
3. Using an extremely high input impedance amplifier pp. 69-74, Jan. 1960.
having low e,, and i,. Amplifiers with FET (field-
effect transistor) input stages are most appropriate. Seymour Letzter received the
4. Keeping the source shot noise to a minimum. bachelor of electrical engineer-
5. Keeping the input cables as short as possible. ing degree from the City College
of New York and the M.S.E.E.
Summary degree from Northeastern Uni-
versity, Boston, Mass. Prior to
Having borne with us through the discussions of the joining the Princeton Applied
preceding pages, the reader should now be in a position Research Corporation, Prince-
to reap his well-deserved reward-namely, to take the ton, N.J., he was employed by
raw noise data (en and i,, R, and Ri, NF or F, or Te) the ITT Corporation's Federal
furnished by the preamplifier manufacturer, and to
convert the data into some useful numbers that compare
ll LaborCompany, and Fairchild Space
and Defense Systems. In his
amplifiers and allow estimation of the probable noise present position at PAR, he aids customers in solving com-
performance in a given experiment. The paragraphs deal- plex instrumentation problems, specializing in signal re-
ing with transformer impedance matching show that covery and noise-reduction techniques.
when working with signals from a low source impedance, Norman Webster serves as
we can achieve a great improvement in signal-to-noise chief technical writer for the
ratio by matching the source impedance to the optimum PrincetonApplied Research Cor-
noise resistance of the amplifier by means of a step-up poration. His formal education,
signal transformer. which led to the bachelor of arts
One factor to bear in mind in using most of the equa- degree in German from Rutgers
tions provided in this article is that they are based on a University, was augmented by
U.S.Armytechnicalschool train-
consideration of source thermal noise and amplifier ing in the field of electronics as
noise solely. As pointed out at the beginning of the article, well as experience as an instru-
there are many other sources of noise as well, and all too mentation technician at the
often they also degrade the SNR and cannot be neglected. Princeton-Penn nuclear acceler-
ator. He has been engaged in
Nevertheless, even though the computed SNR may ex- writing instruction manuals and technical writing for PAR
ceed the actual SNR due to other sources of noise, the since joiningthecorporationduringl965.