Unit 5

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• Noise is random, undesirable energy that enters
the communications system via the communicating medium
and interferes with the transmitted Signal
Most common examples of noise are −
• Hiss sound in radio receivers
• Buzz sound amidst of telephone conversations
• Flicker in television receivers, etc
• Atmospheric Noise/static:
• arises from lighting discharges ; running into thousand of amperes and are
accompanied by intense radiation of em waves
• components extending from very low frequencies upto hundreds of
• Extra – Terrestrial Noise:
This has two components – ‘solar noise’ and ‘galactic noise’
• Solar Noise: radiates considerable amount of noise with intensity having a
cyclic variation.
• Galactic Noise: small radiation earth from each individual star , because of
their very large distance. ‘milky way’ also radiate noise. This noise, called the
galactic noise’
• Man – Made Noise:
• auto mobile ignition,
• aircraft ignition fluorescent lamps,
• sparking at the brushes of electric motors etc.
• radiate electromagnetic waves with1 MHz to 500 KHz range.
*Thermal noise/Resistive noise :
• The randomly varying noise voltage produced across the
conductor or the noise generated in a resistive component in
random is called the thermal noise
• It is due to the rapid and random motion of molecules (atoms
and electrons) inside the component

• According to thermodynamics kinetic theory

the temp of a particle is a way of expressing its internal kinetic
energy. Therefore the noise generated, by a resistor is
proportional to its absolute temperature and the bandwidth over
which the noise is to be measured
• In communications, noise spectral density or noise power
density or simply noise density is the power spectral density of
noise or noise power per unit of band width it has a unit of watt/
• power spectral density of thermal noise is simply noise power
per unit of bandwidth
= N0 Watts/hertz

• The power spectral density of two – sided spectrum is given as

RMS value of the noise voltage
• the rms value of the noise voltage across a resistor R ohms at a
temperature of T K over a bandwidth can be derived.
• the equivalent circuit of a resistor as a noise generator is as
shown below

• Assume RL is noiseless and is receiving maximum noise power

generated by R.
• Under worst condition
• Flicker Noise or Low Frequency Noise: appears at low frequency.
It is sometimes called as “1/F” noise. In the semiconductor
devices it is generated to the fluctuations in the carrier density.

• Partition Noise: it is generated when the current gets divided

between two or more noise paths

• **White Noise: A noise in which all the frequency components

f = - ∞ to f = ∞ are present in equal measure i.e. whose power
spectral density remains constant for all frequencies and is
independent of frequency is called as white noise.
The auto – correlation function of white noise is a delta
function weighted by
Effective noise temperature
• It is defined as the noise temperature with respect to power
spectral density.
• For a passive RLC network, it is given by

• For active devices, where the PSD is amplified, the temperature

increases as the density increases .
• This temperature is called as equivalent or effective noise
It is given by

It is clear that the effective noise temperature is dependent

on the power spectral density of the noise
• Series resistance
If two resistors are in series and operating at different
temperatures then the noise temperature at the output is given

Proof :
Parallel resistance:
If two resistors are in parallel and operating at different temps then
the noise temperature at the output is given by
Equivalent noise bandwidth:
• It is defined as the bandwidth of the ideal system which has the
same output power as the actual system with infinite bandwidth.

Proof: consider an LPF and assume that the white noise is

applied at the input of the filter
Consider an ideal system with bandwidth
The transfer function is given by
The output power is

Equating ideal & practical output powers:

Signal to noise ratio:

• The ratio of the signal power to the accompanying noise power

is called signal to noise ratio
Signal PSD
noise PSD

• Input Signal to noise ratio:

• Output Signal to noise ratio:

Note: PSD can be represented by either S or P

• Available power gain:
Average noise factor: The noise factor can be defined as
the measure of degradation of signal to noise ratio or
the amount of noise added to the system.

The amount of gain G is given by

Average noise figure for cascaded networks:

The available noise power at the output of the first amplifier is given by
Narrow band noise:
• If white noise is passed through a band pass filter with
the noise process appearing at the output is called narrow band
• The spectral components of a narrow band noise are
concentrated in mid band frequency
• In polar form

Where r(t) is envelope process of N(t)

Ψ(t) is phase process of N(t)
In phase and quadrature phase components of narrow
band noise:
• It can be extracted from the noise signal using prduct modulator
and the LPF as shown
• The generation of a narrow band process is as shown
Properties of narrow band noise :

• The in phase and quadrature phase components of narrow band

noise have zero mean, since the noise has zero mean

• If the narrow band noise is gaussian, then its in phase and

quadrature phase components are jointly gaussian

• If the narrow band noise is WSS, then its in phase and

quadrature phase components are jointly WSS.
• Both the in phase and quadrature phase components have the
same PSD as input noise signal and is given by

• The in phase and quadrature phase components has the same

variance as that of the noise signal

• The cross spectral density of the quadrature phase components

are purely imaginary

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