HB 3610

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By:AAThompson H.B.ANo.




2 relating to periodic rate adjustments by electric utilities.


4 SECTIONA1.AASubchapter E, Chapter 36, Utilities Code, is

5 amended by adding Section 36.210 to read as follows:


7 commission or a regulatory authority, on the petition of an

8 electric utility, may approve a tariff or rate schedule in which a

9 nonfuel rate may be periodically adjusted upward or downward, based

10 on changes in the utility ’s investment. A periodic rate adjustment

11 must:

12 (1)AAbe approved in compliance with an expedited

13 procedure that provides for appropriate updates of information and

14 allows for participation by the office and affected parties;

15 (2)AAtake into account the effect that changes in the

16 number of an electric utility ’s customers, energy consumption, and

17 energy demand have on the amount of revenue recovered through the

18 electric utility ’s base rates;

19 (3)AAbe consistent with the manner in which costs were

20 allocated to each rate class, as approved by the commission, in an

21 electric utility ’s most recent base rate proceeding;

22 (4)AAnot diminish the ability of the commission, on its

23 own motion or on complaint by an affected person as provided by

24 Subchapter D, after reasonable notice and hearing, to change the

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1 existing rates of an electric utility for a service after finding

2 that the rates are unreasonable or in violation of law; and

3 (5)AAbe applied by an electric utility on a system-wide

4 basis.

5 (b)AAAn electric utility in the ERCOT power region, or an

6 unbundled electric utility outside the ERCOT power region in whose

7 service area retail competition is available, that requests a

8 periodic rate adjustment under this section shall:

9 (1)AAexcept as provided by Subsection (c) and to the

10 extent possible, combine all nonfuel rates to be adjusted in a

11 12-month period that are charged by the utility to retail electric

12 providers into a single, annual rate adjustment; and

13 (2)AAfinalize the resulting rates and provide notice to

14 retail electric providers of the resulting rates not later than the

15 45th day before the date the rates take effect.

16 (c)AASubsection (b)(1) does not apply to a transmission

17 cost-of-service adjustment approved under Section 35.004(d) and

18 charged to distribution service providers.

19 (d)AAA periodic rate adjustment approved under this section

20 may not be used to adjust a nonfuel rate relating to the generation

21 of electricity.

22 (e)AANothing in this section is intended:

23 (1)AAto conflict with a provision contained in a

24 financing order issued under Subchapter I of this chapter or

25 Subchapter G or J, Chapter 39; or

26 (2)AAto affect the limitation on the commission ’s

27 jurisdiction under Section 32.002.


1 (f)AAThe commission shall adopt rules necessary to implement

2 this section. The rules must provide for:

3 (1)AAa procedure by which a tariff or rate schedule is

4 to be reviewed and approved; and

5 (2)AAminimum filing requirements and discovery

6 consistent with the expedited procedure described by Subsection

7 (a)(1).

8 SECTIONA2.AAThe Public Utility Commission of Texas shall

9 adopt rules as necessary to implement Section 36.210, Utilities

10 Code, as added by this Act, not later than the 120th day after the

11 effective date of this Act.

12 SECTIONA3.AAThis Act takes effect immediately if it receives

13 a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as

14 provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this

15 Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this

16 Act takes effect September 1, 2011.

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