This document discusses the transport and metabolic functions of the liver. It describes how the liver secretes bile which contains bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin. Bile salts help to emulsify and absorb fats. Most bile salts are reabsorbed through the enterohepatic circulation. The liver also processes nutrients, detoxifies compounds, synthesizes proteins, stores certain vitamins and minerals, and removes old red blood cells and bacteria from the bloodstream. It discusses the anatomy and flow of bile as well as the roles of bile salts and their reabsorption through enterohepatic circulation.
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This document discusses the transport and metabolic functions of the liver. It describes how the liver secretes bile which contains bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin. Bile salts help to emulsify and absorb fats. Most bile salts are reabsorbed through the enterohepatic circulation. The liver also processes nutrients, detoxifies compounds, synthesizes proteins, stores certain vitamins and minerals, and removes old red blood cells and bacteria from the bloodstream. It discusses the anatomy and flow of bile as well as the roles of bile salts and their reabsorption through enterohepatic circulation.
This document discusses the transport and metabolic functions of the liver. It describes how the liver secretes bile which contains bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin. Bile salts help to emulsify and absorb fats. Most bile salts are reabsorbed through the enterohepatic circulation. The liver also processes nutrients, detoxifies compounds, synthesizes proteins, stores certain vitamins and minerals, and removes old red blood cells and bacteria from the bloodstream. It discusses the anatomy and flow of bile as well as the roles of bile salts and their reabsorption through enterohepatic circulation.
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This document discusses the transport and metabolic functions of the liver. It describes how the liver secretes bile which contains bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin. Bile salts help to emulsify and absorb fats. Most bile salts are reabsorbed through the enterohepatic circulation. The liver also processes nutrients, detoxifies compounds, synthesizes proteins, stores certain vitamins and minerals, and removes old red blood cells and bacteria from the bloodstream. It discusses the anatomy and flow of bile as well as the roles of bile salts and their reabsorption through enterohepatic circulation.
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Liver: Transport and Metabolic
functions Objectives • Functional anatomy of liver and bile system
• Bile formation and secretion
• Enterhepatic circulation of bile acids
• Ammonia handling by liver
Liver • Largest and most important metabolic organ in the body • Body’s major biochemical factory • Importance to digestive system – secretion of bile salts Liver • Functions not related to digestion – Metabolic processing of the major categories of nutrients – Detoxifying or degrading body wastes and hormones, drugs, and other foreign compounds – Synthesizes plasma proteins – Stores glycogen, fats, iron, copper, and many vitamins – Activates vitamin D – Removes bacteria and worn-out red blood cells – Excretes cholesterol and bilirubin Blood flow through splanchnic circulation in fasting human Hepatic lobule Interrelationships of major cell types in the liver Functional anatomy of biliary system Primary and secondary bile acids of bile Daily cholesterol balance in healthy human Liver • Bile – Actively secreted by liver and actively diverted to gallbladder between meals – Stored and concentrated in gallbladder – Consists of • Bile salts • Cholesterol • Lecithin • Bilirubin – After meal, bile enters duodenum • Bile salts – Derivatives of cholesterol – Convert large fat globules into a liquid emulsion – After participation in fat digestion and absorption, most are reabsorbed into the blood Schematic Structure and Function of Bile Salts Schematic Representation of a Micelle Pathways of entery of solutes into bile Transport in cholangicytes that secrete alkaline-rich fluid Concentration of bile in gallbladder Ducts and Gallbladder Neurohumoral control of gallbladder contraction and bile secretion Enterohepatic Circulation of Bile Salt Urea cycle Ammonium homeostasis in health