Oxacillin Prostaphilin Interferes with cell • Treatment of • Contraindicated to CNS: • Always remember the six R’s and
wall replication of infection cause patients that • Seizures three C’s in giving the medications:
susceptible by penicillinase- hypersensitive to the • Anxiety Ask for the clients name and check
DOSE: organisms; producing drug or to its the ID band before giving the
185 mg TIV q 6 osmotically unstable staphylococci ingredients GI: medication.
fractional dosing cell wall swells , • Abdominal Pain Make sure that the drug was the
bursts from osmotic • Initially therapy • Do not treat sever • Nausea doctor’s order for the patient.
ROUTE: pressure of susceptible pneumonia, • Vomiting Calculate correctly the dose and
Intravenous staphylococcal emphysema and check the required amount to be
infection meningitis. HEMATOLOGIC: given.
Anti-infectives • Anemia Give the medication at the right
time, frequency and right route also.
Educate the patient and the
significant others why the
medication is given.
Document after giving the drug to
know that it was already given.
• Check dug to drug interactions.
• Check for drug allergy.
• Check for drug history.
• Monitor for any signs of bleeding.
• Assess for overgrowth of infection.
• Assess the bowel pattern of the patient
because if severe diarrhea occurs the
drug should be discontinued.
• Do not take this drug with new
medication unless prescribed by the
• This drug is only given through
infusion or injection.