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KPI . . .

“The ultimate guide to understanding the

Key Performance Indicators of your business”

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

© 2001 Insight Training & Development Limited.

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are reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced
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including photocopying, sound recording, information
storage and retrieval systems, or by any other means
without the written permission from the publisher.

Published by:

Insight Training & Development Limited

P. O. Box 1234

Telephone UK: 01384 371432

International: 0044 1384 371432
Web Address www.AskInsight.com
Email: [email protected]

ISBN: 0-9540259-0-3

The right of Jeff Smith to be identified as the author of

this work has been asserted by him in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First printed in the UK 2001 by:

RPM Reprographics Chichester.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

About The Author

Jeff Smith is regarded by many as

one of the UK’s leading business
improvement strategists. He is
particularly well known for his
ability to convey complex
information into jargon busting,
plain English that everyone
understands. As well as being one
of the Motor Industry’s top trainers
and consultants, he is also a founder
member of the Professional Speakers Association and has
appeared many times as a motor industry expert on Sky

Jeff’s career spans 25 years within the Motor Industry.

He has progressed through the Sales Department to
become Dealer Principal and then to Divisional Director
within a retail motor group.

He followed this by becoming a Consultant to the Motor

Industry and during this time he's worked with many
manufacturers developing their profit improvement
programmes within Sales, Aftersales and Business
Management for Dealer Principals and Line Managers.

As well as speaking at conferences and product launches

around the world, Jeff continues to work with
manufacturers developing training courses for their
dealer networks and he also runs open training courses
and bespoke in-house coaching programmes for
individual dealerships and major groups. You are
welcome to contact him directly by email on
[email protected]

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith


Introduction 11
How to use this book 12
Interpreting your Sales Department 19
Typical Sales Department Structure 20
% Value of Stock Over 90 days 21
Adopted Stock 22
Advertising Cost per Unit Sold 23
Annualised Sales 24
Annualised Sales per Salesperson 25
Average Selling Price 26
Cost of Overage Stock (Used Vehicles) 27
Days Supply (New Vehicles) 28
Days Supply (Used Vehicles) 29
Departmental Expenses 30
Departmental Profit % 31
Direct Expenses 32
Direct Profit % 33
Finance Commission per Unit 34
Finance Penetration 35
Gross Profit – New Vehicles 36
Gross Profit - Used Vehicles 37
Lost Opportunity Costs (Used Vehicles) 38
New:Used Retail Ratio 39

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Operating Profit % 40
Other Income 41
Policy Costs 42
Reconditioning Costs 43
Rectification 44
Retail:Trade Used Ratio 45
Return on Investment (Used Vehicles) 46
Sales Commissions 47
Semi-Fixed Expenses 48
Stock Turn (Version 1) 49
Stock Turn (Version 2) 50
Stock Turn (Days, Used Vehicles) 51
Target Related Bonus 52
Used:New Retail Ratio 53
Used Vehicle Stock Ageing 54
Used Vehicle Stocking Plan 55
Used Vehicle Stock Value 56
Used Vehicle Write Down 57
Variable Expenses 58
Vehicle Debtor Days 59

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Interpreting your Service Department 61
Typical Service Department Structure 62
Debtor Days 63
Departmental Expenses 64
Departmental Profit % 65
Direct Expenses 66
Direct Profit % 67
Diverted Time 68
Gross Profit % 69
Hours Attended 70
Hours Bought 71
Hours per Parc 72
Hours per Retail Job Card 73
Hours Sold 74
Hours Worked 75
Idle Time 76
Labour Cost of Sales 77
Labour Efficiency % 78
Labour Gross Profit 79
Labour Gross Profit % 80
Labour Sales Mix 81
Labour Utilisation % 82
Lead Time 83
Lost Time 84

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Oil & Lubricants Profitability 85
Operating Profit % 86
Overall Efficiency % 87
Parts Sales per Labour Hour 88
Policy Costs 89
Productive Efficiency % 90
Productive Ratio 91
Productivity % 92
Productive Staff : Non-Productive Staff 93
Recovery Rate 94
Rectification 95
Repair Orders per Technician 96
Retail : Internal Ratio 97
Revenue per Technician 98
Selling Efficiency % 99
Semi-Fixed Expenses 100
Service Sales per Parc Unit 101
Sub Contract Profitability 102
Utilisation % 103
Variable Expenses 104
Vehicle Parc 105
Working Efficiency % 106
Work-In-Progress (Days) 107

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Interpreting your Parts Department 109
Typical Parts Department Structure 110
Annualised Parts Sales 111
Average Bought Cost 112
Average Buying Margin % 113
Debtor Days 114
Departmental Expenses 115
Departmental Profit 116
Direct Expenses 117
Direct Profit 118
Emergency Order % 119
Oil & Lubricants Profitability 120
Operating Profit 121
Obsolete Stock 122
Parts Gross Profit 123
Parts Gross Profit % 124
Parts Net Profit per New Unit Sold 125
Parts Sales 126
Parts Sales Mix 127
Parts Sales per Parc Unit 128
Parts Stock Value 129
Parts Sales Per Employee 130
Rebates and Bonuses 131
Semi-Fixed Expenses 132

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Stock Adjustments 133
Total Parts Stock Turn 134
True Parts Stock Turn (Version 1) 135
True Parts Stock Turn (Version 2) 136
V.O.R % (Version 1) 137
V.O.R % (Version 2) 138
V.O.R. Penalty 139
V.O.R. Penalty % 140

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Interpreting your Bodyshop 141
Typical Bodyshop Structure 142
Debtor Days 143
Departmental Expenses 144
Departmental Profit % 145
Direct Expenses 146
Direct Profit % 147
Diverted Time 148
Estimate Conversion Ratio 149
Gross Profit % 150
Hours Attended 151
Hours Bought 152
Hours per Vehicle Parc 153
Hours Sold 154
Hours Sold per Repair 155
Hours Worked 156
Idle Time 157
Labour Cost of Sales 158
Labour Efficiency % 159
Labour Gross Profit 160
Labour Gross Profit % 161
Labour Sales per Parc Unit 162
Labour Sales Mix 163
Labour Utilisation % 164

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Lead Time 165
Lost Time 166
Operating Profit % 167
Overall Efficiency % 168
Paint & Materials per Labour Hour 169
Parts Sales per Labour Hour 170
Policy Costs 171
Productive Efficiency % 172
Productive Ratio 173
Productivity % 174
Productive Staff : Non-Productive Staff 175
Recovery Rate 176
Rectification 177
Repair Orders per Productive 178
Retail : Insurance Ratio 179
Revenue per Productive 180
Selling Efficiency % 181
Semi-Fixed Expenses 182
Utilisation % 183
Variable Expenses 184
Vehicle Parc 185
Working Efficiency % 186
Work-In-Progress (Days) 187

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Interpreting your Business Information 189
Absorption % (Version 1) 190
Absorption % (Version 2) 191
Acid Test (Version 1) 192
Acid Test (Version 2) 193
Breakeven Volume 194
Capital Employed 195
Cash Profits 196
Circulation of Current Assets (C.O.C.A.) 197
Circulation of Funds Employed (C.O.F.E.) 198
Current Ratio 199
Debtor Creditor Ratio 200
Debtor Days 201
Debt Equity Ratio 202
Equity % 203
Fixed Asset % 204
Funds Employed 205
Gearing Ratio 206
Gearing % 207
Interest % 208
Interest Cover 209
Investment 210
Loan Repayment % 211
Net Profit After Interest % (N.P.A.I.) 212

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Net Profit Before Interest % (N.P.B.I.) 213
Net Profit Before Tax % (N.P.B.T.) 214
Return on Funds Employed % (R.O.F.E.) 215
Return on Investment % (R.O.I.) 216
Return on Net Worth 217
Return on Own Funds 218
Return on Sales % (R.O.S.) 219
Working Capital 220
Working Capital Ratio 221

Conclusion 223

Ensuring your success 225

Other books by Jeff Smith 226

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

There are around two hundred KPI currently in use
within the motor industry and to operate your business
effectively, you are expected to understand them all.

Most people do not work with KPI every single day and
because of this fact, you need a simple and effective
reminder of their meanings so that you can correctly
interpret your dealership information.

This book has been written because everyone who works

with Key Performance Indicators needs a central point of
reference. Something that gives you the information that
you want with complete understanding in less than two

Your management accounts, franchise composite reports

and daily operating controls offer a wealth of information
but it is the KPI that derive from these sources of
information that yield the real power of understanding.

This book removes the mystique that often surrounds

KPI so that you can better interpret your dealership
information, and with this clarity of understanding you
will be unlocking your true potential to achieve greater
results on a consistent basis.

The quality and size of this book has been designed so

that it fits snugly in to your briefcase providing you with
the constant source of reference that you will draw upon
for the rest of your career.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

How To Use This Book
One of the biggest benefits that you will find from using
this book is that you don't have to make time to read it.
What I mean by this is that you can access the
information very quickly and gain understanding without
reading through countless pages of other information to
get to the part that you really want.

This has been achieved by ensuring that the explanation

of each Key Performance Indicator is condensed to one
single page, thereby ensuring that you gain complete
understanding in less than two minutes in most cases.

To ensure your ease of reference, as well as

comprehensive indexing, the book has been divided into
five separate sections, which of course represent five
different parts of your dealership.

These five divisions are Sales Department, Service

Department, Parts Department, Bodyshop and Business
Management. Within each of these sections you will find
all of the KPI that you need, listed in alphabetical order.

At the top of the page, the first thing that you will see is
the name of the Key Performance Indicator printed in
bold letters.

Underneath the name of the Key Performance Indicator

you will see the mathematical formula that is used for its

Beneath this mathematical formula you will see one of

three words together with a corresponding statistic. The

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

three words used here are Benchmark, Baseline, or

Key Performance Indicators provide you with

meaningful statistics about the direction and travel of
your business. In some cases it is possible to state how a
particular Key Performance Indicator should behave, or
in other words we can state what result should be
generated to ensure optimum performance in a given

Generally speaking, the term that is used throughout the

industry for these optimal levels of best practise is the
word Benchmark. In my own experience this term is very
useful for keeping performance constrained at a specific
level and because of this it brings with it some
psychological limitations in the area of dealership

Because of these implications I have introduced an

additional term, which I call a Baseline. My aim in
introducing this term is to remove any limitations that
may exist when dealing with Profitability.

KPI really are fabulous tools for measuring and

comparing your performance with others. However, the
downside is that some KPI mean different things to
different people and many comparisons are rendered
meaningless because different criteria are being used as
well as different names. Frankly, it can get confusing!

My aims in writing this book are twofold, the first being

to eradicate all confusion surrounding the interpretation
and calculations of KPI so that a common dialogue can
be established at your business meetings. My second aim

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

is to produce a reference manual that will aid and speed
up your development within the motor industry. I hope
you find it useful.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Sales Department

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Lost Opportunity Costs (Used Vehicles)

Days in Stock ÷ Days Stock Turn x GP per Unit

Benchmark: < Gross Profit per Unit x 2

This statistic measures the profitability of the space that a

used vehicle occupies rather than any measurement of the
used vehicle itself. Understanding of this difference is
critical to this concept.

Let’s assume that your used vehicle Stock Turn is 35

days and your Gross Profit is £1,500 per used vehicle.

If you have a used vehicle that remains in stock for a

period of longer than 35 days, then the space it occupies
is no longer productive at the average rate and is missing
profit opportunities.

In order to establish the value of this lost opportunity you

must divide the actual number of days a vehicle has been
in stock by your Stock Turn and then multiply this by
your average Gross Profit.

(A) Actual Days in Stock = 87
(B) Current Stock Turn = 35 Days
(C) Failed to sell = 2.49 times (A ÷ B)
(D) Average Gross Profit = £1,500
(E) Lost Opportunity Cost = £3,735 (C x D)

This concept accepts the principle that your used vehicles

generate £1,500 every 35 days, whereas this vehicle has
failed to do so 2.49 times therefore the profit opportunity
of £3,735 has been lost.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Return on Investment (Used Vehicles)

Used Vehicle Profit ÷Stock Value (x 100)

Baseline: > 60%

This K.P.I measures the amount of profit that you

generate from used vehicles as a percentage of the
investment you have in used vehicle stock.

There are many different variations on this calculation,

the example shown here is probably the most popular.

(A) Used Vehicle Gross Profit = £480,000
(B) All Used Vehicle Expenses = £160,000
(C) Used Vehicle Profit = £320,000 (A - B)
(D) Used Vehicle Stock Value = £460,000
(E) Return on Investment = 69.56% (C ÷ D x 100)

The logic behind this K.P.I. is straightforward in that it

measures whether you are really making any profit from
your used vehicle activity. Expenses that are deducted
generally include Reconditioning Costs and Sales
Commissions; however, some reports measure Gross
Profit and do not deduct expenses, whilst others deduct
further expenses such as basic salaries.

Neither method is right nor wrong; it is simply a matter

of what you want to measure. However, you should
invest some time in understanding what is in your own
statistics because the deduction of expenses makes a
sizable distortion to the final result.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Stock Turn (Version 1)

Annualised Used Unit Sales ÷ Used Units in Stock

Baseline: > 8 times per annum

Used vehicle Stock Turn tells you the number of times

that you turnover your used vehicle stock in 1 year.

When considering the improvement of operational

performance with used vehicles, this K.P.I. represents the
kingpin around which everything else revolves.

(A) Annualised used vehicle sales = 945
(B) Number of units in used vehicle stock = 90
(C) Annual Stock Turn = 10.5 (A ÷ B)

This example illustrates the used vehicle stock being

turned 10.5 times per year. Quite simply, the faster you
turn your used vehicle stock, the less money you need to
invest and the more profit you will make.

Stock Turn affects your business in the two areas that

really matter. Improving this K.P.I tends to increase your
profitability in used vehicles and also speeds your
company’s Circulation of Funds Employed thereby
delivering a double benefit.

If you ignore Stock Turn, then all your profits could leak
out of your business just as easily as water leaking from a
colander because with the passing of time, your costs
become larger and your profits become smaller.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Service Department

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Idle Time
Hours Attended – Hours Worked

Guideline: See Utilisation

Idle Time does not mean that the Technicians are

standing around idle doing nothing; it simply represents
the time spent at the dealership that cannot be charged
out to the customer. This is also known as Diverted
Time, Unrecovered Time or Lost Time.

Typically this could be time spent locating keys or

vehicles, waiting for parts and other such issues.

(A) Hours Attended = 320
(B) Hours Worked = 304
(C) Hours Idle = 16 (A - B)
(D) Prime labour Cost = £8.50
(E) Idle Time = £136 (C x D)

The mathematical formula is simply Hours Attended

minus Hours Worked and this is always shown as a
monetary value, which can usually be found within the
Variable Expenses of the Service Department.

In addition to this, some financial reports might show the

monetary value of Idle Time as a percentage of the
Departmental Gross Profit.

(Also see Hours Attended and Hours Worked)

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Utilisation %

Hours Worked ÷ Hours Attended (x100)

Benchmark: 85% to 95%

This KPI is also known as Labour Efficiency, Labour

Utilisation and Selling Efficiency. The statistic tells you
how much of the Technicians Attended time is actually
spent working productively.

In more simplistic terms, each Technician usually clocks

in and is available for eight hours each day, but how
much of that time is spent spanner-in-hand, head-under-
bonnet, clocked onto jobs? Utilisation gives you the
answer to this question.

(A) Hours Worked = 957
(B) Hours Attended = 1,040
(C) Utilisation = 92% (A ÷ B x 100)

This example shows that the Technicians have attended

1,040 hours at the dealership of which 92% of that time
has been spent clocked onto jobs. The remaining 8% will
be shown in your expenses as Idle Time.

Attended Hours

Hours Worked Productively Idle Time


Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Parts Department

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Parts Gross Profit
Invoice Value of Parts Sales - Parts Cost of Sales

Guideline: See Parts Gross Profit %

This is the invoice value of the parts sold less the cost of
those parts. Generally, this is expressed as a monetary
value and also as a percentage of the total sales value.

(A) Parts Sales = £695,688
(B) Cost of Sales = £507,852
(C) Parts Gross Profit = £187,836 (A - B)

The general accounting definition for any type of Gross

Profit is simply sale less cost of sale and this statistic is
no exception to the rule.

The trading strategy of your Parts Department will have

an impact upon the value of profit that you make and will
vary according to the amount of Trade Sales, Van Sales
and the value of internal discount (if any) that your
business conducts.

Before you get carried away with the value of Gross

Profit that you are generating, use this statistic in
conjunction with your Gross Profit % to ensure that your
business is travelling in the direction that you want it to

It is possible for the value of your Gross Profit to show

an increase whilst the Gross Profit % is declining. Make
sure that you avoid the busy fool syndrome.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Total Parts Stock Turn
Annualised Parts Purchases ÷ Stock Value

Guideline: Franchise Specific

When you are interested in making your money work for

you, then there are two Key Performance Indicators
relating to Stock Turn for you to measure: this one and
True Parts Stock Turn.

It is vitally important that you understand the difference

between the two KPI as they tell you very different
things about your business. The calculation for Total
Parts Stock Turn is the Annualised Parts Purchases
divided by the value of total Parts Stock.

(A) Annualised Parts Purchases = £695,688
(B) Parts Stock Value (at cost price) = £115,948
(C) Total Parts Stock Turn (per year) = 6 (A ÷ B)

This is a useful trend to measure, but it can be

misleading. The assumption is that this K.P.I tells you
how many times that your Parts Stock is turned over each
year, whereas in reality this is not the case. This is
because the total Parts Sales include sales from parts
ordered on V.O.R, which are not sales from stock.

Special note:
Total Parts Stock Turn is the KPI that is shown on most
reports. When you want to measure how effectively your
parts stock is being utilised then you need to measure
True Parts Stock Turn.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith


Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Productivity %

Hours Sold ÷ Hours Worked Productively (x100)

Benchmark: 110% to 150%

This KPI is also known as Productive Efficiency or

Working Efficiency. It shows you the Productives ability
to complete their work within the agreed hours provided
by the Estimator.

This statistic is not as straightforward as the Service

Department equation, as due to the nature of the work it
is not possible for a franchise manufacturer to apportion
standard times.

(A) Hours Sold = 1,083
(B) Hours Worked productively = 958
(C) Productivity = 113% (A ÷ B x 100)

When a customer brings a vehicle to your Bodyshop for

repair you provide them with an estimate that states the
number of hours to be charged. This allocated time is the
maximum amount that you are able to charge.

In order to make gains in profitability, your Productives

must complete the job in a lesser time than is allocated by
the Estimator, thereby increasing your Productivity.

Productivity is a double-edged sword. If you take more

time to complete the job then your Productivity falls
below 100%.

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Work-In-Progress (Days)
WIP Hours ÷ No of Prod’s. ÷ Hrs Attended in 1 day

Benchmark: 5 days or less

Work in progress (WIP) simply refers to the number of

hours that have been booked onto jobs that have not yet
been invoiced.

This vital K.P.I. informs you of the number of days Work

In Progress that you have currently accumulated.

(A) Hours booked as WIP = 216
(B) No of Productives = 6
(C) Hours Attended in 1 day = 8 (Per Productive)
(D) Work In Progress Days = 4.5 Days (A ÷ B ÷ C)

Many financial reports have a tendency to provide WIP

as a total monetary value, but this can often be
misleading. You must ask the question, is it reporting a
value based upon the Labour Cost of Sales, Hours Sold at
retail value, or Hours Sold at the current Recovery Rate?

The example above just deals with the number of hours

accumulated in WIP and is therefore more useful in trend
analysis and deals with all eventualities.

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Interpreting Your
Business Information

Top KPI to study:

Current Ratio
Net Profit Before Interest %
Circulation of Funds Employed
Return on Funds Employed %
Circulation of Current Assets

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Absorption % (Version 1)

Aftersales Direct Profit ÷ Total Overheads (x100)

Baseline: 100% +

The Absorption percentage of a business essentially

measures risk. How much of the company’s overheads
are covered by the profits generated by the Aftersales

(A) Direct Profit from Aftersales = £1,154,223
(B) Company Overheads = £1,452,238
(C) Sales Semi-Fixed Expenses = £189,364
(D) Total Company Overheads = £1,641,602 (B + C)
(E) Overhead Absorption = 70.31% (A ÷ D x 100)
(F) Value of under Absorption = £487,379 (D – A)

This example demonstrates that 70.31% of the overheads

are covered by Aftersales, which leaves a shortfall to be
recovered by the Sales Department.

Whenever you are measuring the Absorption of your

business you should be aware that there are two very
different calculations. Basically, the difference between
the two calculations lies within the Semi-Fixed Expenses
of the Sales Department; some statistics include these
expenses whilst others exclude them. This of course
makes a considerable difference to the Absorption figure.
This version of Absorption is the most accurate, you will
understand why when you read version 2.

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Debtor Days
Aftersales Debtors ÷ Aftersales Daily Turnover

Benchmark: < 45 days

The Debtor Days K.P.I is usually a measurement of the

credit activity within the Aftersales departments. Its
purpose is to inform you of the average number of days
that your customers take to pay you.

(A) Aftersales Debtors = £120,624
(B) Aftersales daily turnover* = £2,805
(C) Debtor Days = 43 days (A ÷ B)

In order to calculate the Aftersales Daily Turnover, you
will need to take the annualised Aftersales turnover sold
on credit and divide that figure by 365 to arrive at a daily
sales turnover.

(A) Aftersales Turnover On Credit = £1,023,825
(B) Days in 1 year = 365
(C) Aftersales Daily Credit Turnover = £2,805 (A ÷ B)

In the first example provided above, the average amount

of debt is outstanding for a period of 43 days. In many
cases, customer credit agreements are for 30 days and all
too often these credit terms are not fully instigated and
your money is outstanding for longer periods of time.
The question is how much longer?

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Gearing Ratio

Interest-Bearing Borrowings ÷ Net Worth

Benchmark: < 1.4:1

The term gearing is all about the relationship between the

level of Equity in a business and the amount of money
that is currently being borrowed.

(A) Interest-Bearing Borrowings = £4,541,263
(B) Net Worth = £5,342,663
(C) Gearing Ratio = 0.8:1 (A ÷ B)

Generally speaking, a Bank Manager is relatively happy

to maintain Gearing at 1:1. This means that for every £1
that you have invested in the business, the Bank Manager
will also invest £1.

When Gearing goes over and above 1:1 this is the time
when you may experience increasing pressure from the
bank to repay some of your loans. After all, the bank
does not want to put more money into your business than
you have invested yourself.

There are two different ways of expressing Gearing, this

method provides you with a Gearing Ratio; the other
provides you with the Gearing %. Although both KPI are
called Gearing, they do measure slightly differently.

Free Sample of The KPI Book by Jeff Smith

Return on Funds Employed % (R.O.F.E.)

Value of N.P.B.I. ÷ Funds Employed (x 100)

Baseline: > 21%

This K.P.I. is also known as Return on Investment and

measures the ability of your business to grow from the
profits that it generates.

The best time for a business to expand is when this K.P.I

is showing an increasing trend in line with the suggested
baseline because this means that any growth can be
funded by the company’s profits as opposed to borrowed

(A) Net Profit Before Interest = £508,327
(B) Funds Employed = £2,420,610
(C) Return On Funds Employed = 21% (A ÷ B x 100)

When anyone sets up a business, the main aim is to

generate a profit. Obviously, you need sufficient profit to
pay all the bills and salaries with some left over to enable
the business to grow in the forthcoming year.

The reason that interest is not shown within this equation

is because it measures the amount of profit being
generated without any interference of borrowed funds.

If the trend of this K.P.I is diminishing, then you might

choose to reconsider your overall business viability, as
you will have a greater dependence upon borrowed
funds, therefore increasing interest charges and reducing

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The day you stop learning is the day you stop earning,
and this is true for all managers in business. By investing
in The K.P.I. Book for all your management team you are
investing in the people who will be making sure that your
company is successful in the future.

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