Solutions To Review Exam Papers 1 To 3
Solutions To Review Exam Papers 1 To 3
Solutions To Review Exam Papers 1 To 3
Colin Davy & Danny Bruce
ISBN: 1 876 602 856
© This book is copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of this work is to be
reproduced other than in accordance with the Copyright Act, or with the written
permission of the publishers.
Chapter 1: Cost Concepts
2. Those costs which follow the product through inventories are product costs, and those
which are directly applicable against income of the period without assignment to
inventories are period costs.
(g) ( iii ) Costs associated with conversion of raw materials into finished goods.
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
6. Management accounting deals with the future, financial accounting the past.
Management accounting provides detailed information by cost and profit centres, financial
- in aggregate.
7. (i) Direct
( ii ) Direct
( iii ) Indirect
( iv ) Direct
8. See text.
Chapter 1: Cost Concepts
Cost Product Period
Description Costs Costs
(a) Rope & Anchors ²
(b) Sales Salaries ²
(c) Power for machine ²
(d) Freight In ²
(e) Protective Clothing ²
(f) Factory Wages ²
(g) Advertising ²
(h) Supervisor Salaries ²
(i) Fibreglass ²
Product Sales Gross Profit C.O.G.S Markup
x 36.49 270,000 120,000 150,000 80.00%
y 47.30 350,000 150,000 200,000 75.00%
z 16.21 120,000 20,000 100,000 20.00%
100.00 % 740,000 290,000 450,000
11. SP = CP ( 1 + MR )
CP = SP = 90 = $ 60
1 + MR 1.50
13. SP = VC + ( VC x MR )
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
(b) Sales volume relates to the total sales and the physical quantity of units sold.
Sales mix relates to the mix of products that contribute to the total sales.
= Gross Profit
(e) If the company’s target gross profit rate is 40% , it is apparent that:
- Product y is achieving a low margin return possibly due to stock surpluses,
obsolescence or the need to reduce the selling price.
Chapter 1: Cost Concepts
15. (a)
CBD Inner Metro Outer Metro Total
Sales 15,000 12,000 16,000 43,000
Less Variable Costs 7,500 5,400 6,400 19,300
Contribution Margin 7,500 6,600 9,600 23,700
Less Fixed Costs 3,500 3,500 3,500 10,500
Net Profit 4,000 3,100 6,100 13,200
x = $7,000
x = $6,364
x = $5,833
Sales price 200 100.00
Less Variable costs - 90 45.00
Contribution Margin 110 55.00
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
(a) C.P.U. 40,000 Units 50,000 Units
Prime Cost 8.50 340,000 425,000
Variable Overhead 2.50 100,000 125,000
Fixed Cost 60,000 60,000
500,000 610,000
10,000 Units 15,000 Units
Fixed Costs 150,000 150,000
Variable Costs ( $9 x 10,000 ) 90,000 ( $9 x 15,000 ) 135,000
Total Costs $ 240,000 $ 285,000
Prime Cost Con Cost
Direct Material 30.00
Direct Labour 10.00 10.00
Fixed Factory Overhead ( $6 x 5,000 ) / 8,000 3.75
Variable Factory Overhead . 4.00
Cost per Unit 40.00 17.75
35,000 Units 40,000 Units
Fixed Costs 140,000 168,000
Variable Costs ( $2.5 x 35,000 ) 87,500 ( $2.50 x 40,000 ) 100,000
Total Costs $ 227,500 $ 268,000
Chapter 1: Cost Concepts
i Total Factory Overhead Product Cost - Prime Costs
$500,000 - $300,000 $ 200,000
(i) $
Direct Materials 120,000
Direct Labour 30,000
Prime Costs 150,000
( ii ) $
Conversion Costs 80,000
Less Direct Labour 30,000
Factory Overhead 50,000
( iii ) $
Direct Materials 120,000
Conversion Costs 80,000
Cost of Production 200,000
( iv ) $
Selling & Admin Expenses 70,000
Financial Expenses 30,000
Period Costs 100,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
24. (a)
Prime Costs $500,000
Less Direct Labour 150,000
Direct Materials used 350,000
Variable Manufacturing cost $525,000
Add Fixed mfg. Overhead 75,000
Total manufacturing cost 600,000
Variable Manufacturing cost $525,000
Less Prime Cost 500,000
Variable mfg. overhead cost 25,000
(a) Prime Cost
Direct Materials Fibreglass, resin etc. 12,000
Sailcloth 3,500
Rigging and fittings 3,000
Direct labour Production wages 10,000
Chapter 1: Cost Concepts
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
(a) Direct Material Cost
Inventory 1/7/09 5,000
Purchases 25,000
Less Inventory 30/6/10 4,000 26,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Direct Labour Costs
Direct Labour Paid 48,000
Less Direct Labour. Accrued 1/7/09 1,400
Add DIRECT LABOUR. Accrued 30/6/10 2,200 48,800
Direct Labour Cost
Direct Labour Paid 56,000
Less Direct Labour. Accrued 1/7/09 3,200
Add Direct Labour. Accrued 30/6/10 2,200 55,000
Work in Progress 1/7/09 11,800
Direct Labour Paid 52,000
+ Accrued 30/6/10 1,100
Less Accrued 1/7/09 1,600 51,500
Less Work in Progress 30/6/10 3,300 60,000
Manufacturing Overhead
Factory Insurance 400
Factory Light & Power 1,800
Indirect Labour ( 400 + 15,000 - 400 ) 15,200
Machinery Repairs 1,300
Depreciation Machinery 5,900
Indirect Material ( 1,700 + 5,100 - 1,400 ) 5,400 30,000
Costs for the Period
Manufacturing Overhead
Work in Progress 1/7/09 2,200
Factory Insurance ( 500 - 100 ) 400
Factory Light & Power 2,300
Indirect Labour ( 17,000 + 600 - 400 ) 17,200
Machinery Repairs 400
Depreciation Machinery 4,500
Indirect Materials ( 1,400 + 7,000 - 1,600 ) 6,800
Less Work in Progress 30/6/10 1,800 32,000
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
Factory Rates paid during year 2,500
Add Back prepayments 1/7/2009 1,200
Add Accrued 30/6/2010 600
To Manufacturing Account 4,300
Manufacturing Account
O / bal Work in Progress 4,000 Trading Account 30,000
Direct Material 12,000 Cost of Production
Direct Labour 8,000
Overhead 8,000
C/bal Work in Progress 2,000
30,000 30,000
(a) Raw Material Cost
Work in Progress 1/7/08 2,000
Inventory 1/7/08 10,000
Purchases 60,000
Freight Inwards 2,000
Duty 5,000
Less Work in Progress 30/6/09 6,000
Inventory 30/6/09 16,000 22,000 57,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Hopcraft Manufacturing Co. Pty Ltd
Manufacturing Statement Year Ended 30/06/2009
Raw Materials
Inventory 01/07/08 20,000
Purchases 91,000
Less Inventory 30/06/09 24,000 87,000
Direct Labour
Wages Paid 58,800 58,800
Factory Overhead
Indirect Labour 17,800
Depreciation - Factory Plant 6,800
Factory Supplies 500
Sundry Expenses 28,500 53,600
Plus Work in Progress 01/07/08 8,600
Less Work in Progress 30/06/09 - 18,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 190,000
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
Manufacturing Statement
for the year ended 30 June 2009
Direct Materials
Inventory 1/07/08 7,500
Purchases 46,500
Less Inventory 30/06/09 4,000 50,000
Direct Labour
Labour paid 20,000 20,000
Factory Overhead
Supervisor 7,800
Depreciation - Manufacturing Plant 2,300
Factory Rates 5,200
Factory Supplies ( 1,400 – 400 ) 1,000
Insurance 1,100
Power 3,100
Repairs to Plant 4,200 24,700
Cost of Production this period 94,700
Work in Progress 01/07/08 13,300
Work in Progress 30/06/09 - 8,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 100,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Direct Material
Inventory 01/01/09 40,000
Purchases 180,000
Import Duty 5,000
Less Inventory 31/12/ 09 30,000 195,000
Direct Labour
Labour Paid 290,000 290,000
Factory Overhead
Indirect Labour 70,000
Depreciation 25,000
Faculty Power , Light & Fuel 6,000
Factory Supervisors Salaries 64,000
Sundry Factory Expenses 80,000 245,000
Total Factory Costs Incurred 730,000
Add Work in Progress 01/01/09 45,000
Less Work in Progress 31/12/ 09 - 25,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 750,000
Trading Statement
Sales 1,200,000
Less Cost of Goods Sold
Inventory 01/01/ 09 110,000
Cost of Production 750,000
Purchases - Finished Goods 150,000
Freight Inwards on Finished Goods 12,000
Import Duty 18,000
Cost of Goods available for Sale 1,040,000
Less Inventory Finished Goods 31/12/ 09 140,000 900,000
Gross Profit 300,000
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
Rex Manufacturing Company Pty Ltd -Manufacturing Statement 31 December 2009
Direct Materials
Inventory 01/01/09 8,400
Purchases 45,100
Duty on Raw Materials 1,400
Less Inventory 31/12/ 09 6,900 48,000
Direct Labour
Labour Paid 62,000 62,000
Factory Overhead
Indirect Labour 13,200
Holiday and Sick Pay 12,300
Factory Power, Light & Fuel 1,800
Factory Managers Salary 18,600
Sundry Factory Expenses 7,800
Depreciation Factory Plant 2,300 56,000
Direct Labour
Labour ( 72,000 + 500 – 600 ) 71,900 71,900
Factory Overhead
Factory Rent 50,000
Factory Supplies 2,000
Depreciation Factory Plant 11,000
Electricity 4,000
Indirect Labour 6,500 73,500
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Manufacturing Statement
30 June 2009
Direct Materials
Inventory 1/7/ 08 3,200
Purchases 72,000
Duty on Raw Materials 3,200
Freight Inwards on Raw Material 3,600
Less Inventory 30/6/09 - 4,000 78,000
Direct Labour
Labour ( 66,700 + 3,200 – 2,300 ) 67,600 67,600
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies 01/07/ 08 2,400
Purchases 10,400
Factory Supplies 30/06/09 – 1,600 11,200
Insurance 400
Factory Light & Power 1,600
Factory Managers Salary 12,000
Foreman’s Wages 8,000
Other Indirect Labour 6,400
Repairs to Machinery 2,000
Other Manufacturing Expenses 14,000 55,600
Cost of Production 201,200
Work in Progress 01/07/ 08 7,200
Less Work in Progress 30/06/ 09 - 11,200
Cost of Goods Manufactured 197,200
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
Amalfi Manufacturing Co Pty Ltd
Manufacturing Statement 30 June 2009
Direct Materials
Inventory 1/7/ 08 18,000
Purchases 100,000
Freight Inwards 5,000
Less Inventory 30/6/ 09 - 19,000 104,000
Direct Labour
Labour Paid 80,000 80,000
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies 01/07/ 08 4,500
Purchases 10,000
Factory Supplies 30/06/09 – 5,500 9,000
Factory Expenses 45,400
Indirect Labour 20,000 74,400
Cost of Production 258,400
Work in Progress 1/7/ 08 5,500
Less Work in Progress 30/6/ 09 8,500
Cost of Goods Manufactured 255,400
Income Statement
Sales 480,000
Less Cost of Goods Sold 290,400
Inventory 1/7/08 10,000
Cost of Production 255,400
Purchases of Finished Goods 35,000
Freight Inwards 1,000
Less Inventory 30/6/ 09 11,000
Gross Profit 189,600
Add other Operating Income 2,500
Discount Received 2,500
Less Expenditure Incurred 56,100
Marketing Expenses 11,000
Advertising 4,800
Freight Outwards 6,200
General & Administrative Expenses 42,000
Office Salaries 30,000
Office Rent & Other Expenses 12,000
Financial Expenses 3,100
Discount Allowed 1,100
Interest on Bank Loan 2,000
Net ( Operating ) Profit 136,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
(a) Pink Limited
Manufacturing Statement for the Six Months Ended December 31 2009
($000) ($000) ($000)
Direct Materials
Inventory 01/07/09 5
Purchases 255
Freight In 13
Less Inventory 31/12/09 48 225
Direct Labour
Labour ( 215 – 5 + 4 ) 214 214
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies 01/07/09 11
Purchases - Factory Supplies 27
Factory Supplies 31/12/09 14 24
Depreciation – Plant 13
Depreciation – Buildings 6
Indirect Wages 50
Expenses (112 + 5 - 3) 114
Factory Manager's Salary 20 227
Cost of Production 666
Work in Progress 01/07/09 14
Less Work in Progress 31/12/09 18
Cost of Goods Manufactured 662
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
Direct Materials Bal 01/06/09 60,000
Purchases 240,000
Direct Materials - 65,000 235,000
Direct Labour
Paid & Accrued ( 74,000 + 1,000 ) 75,000 75,000
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies 01/06/09 6,000
Purchases 18,000
Factory Supplies 30/06/09 - 4,000 20,000
Indirect Lab 10,000
Insurance ( 4,000 + 13,000 – 6,000 ) 11,000
Power – Factory 12,000
Depreciation * 16,000
Rent – Factory 15,000
General – Factory 18,000 102,000
Current Cost of Goods Manufactured 412,000
Plus Opening Balance of W.I.P. 35,000
Less Closing Balance of W.I.P. - 47,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 400,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
20. Manufacturing Statement for the six months ended 30th June, 2009
Direct Materials
Material Inventory 01/01/09 30,000
Purchases 120,000
Cartage and Duty 10,000
Material Inventory 30/06/09 -10,000 150,000
Direct Labour
Paid & Accrued ( 108,500 + 1,500 ) 110,000 110,000
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies 01/01/09 3,000
Purchases 12,000
Factory Supplies 30/06/09 -2,000 13,000
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
21. ( a ) Kangan
Manufacturing Statement
$ $ $
Direct Materials
Opening stock 21,000
Cartage Inwards 4,800
Purchases 96,800
Less: Closing stock - 21,480 101,120
Direct Labour
Direct labour ( 76,950 + 2,000 ) 78,950 78,950
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies
Inventory 1 July 1,900
Purchases 11,980
Less Inventory 30 June 2,360 11,520
Trading Statement
$ $
Sales 423,600
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Direct Labour
Direct labour ( 123,500 – 1,000 + 2,500) 125,000
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies:
Inventory 1 July 12,000
Purchases 38,000
Less Inventory 30 June 10,000 40,000
Trading Statement
$ $
Sales 1,140,000
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
Direct Labour
Direct labour ( 159,800 + 1,100 – 900 ) 160,000 160,000
Factory Overhead
Factory Supplies
Inventory 1 July 12,600
Purchases 32,400
Less Inventory 30 June 12,700 32,300
Trading Statement
$ $
Sales 900,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
24. ( a ) Lone Pine Ltd Manufacturing Statement for Year Ended 30 June 2009
Inventory 1 July 2008 $ 25,000
Purchases 170,000
Freight inwards 5,000
Less: Inventory 30 June 2009 20,000 180,000
Direct Labour incurred ( $119,200 + 800 ) 120,000 120,000
Factory Supplies
Inventory 1 July 2008 2,500
Purchases 17,500
Less: Inventory 30 June 2009 3,000 17,000
Indirect Labour 23,500
Factory Repairs and Maintenance 6,500
Factory Power ( $9,500 + 500 ) 10,000
Factory Waste disposal 3,300
Factory Insurance 4,500
Depreciation – Factory building & machinery 15,300 80,100
Work In Progress 01/07/08 19,900
Work In Progress 30/06/09 10,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 390,000
( b ) Lone Pine Ltd Trading Statement for Year Ended 30 June 2009
Sales 800,000
Less Cost of Goods Sold
Finished Goods Inventory 1 July 2008 33,400
Purchases 40,600
Freight Inwards 4,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured 390,000
Less Finished Goods Inventory 30 June 2009 18,000 450,000
Gross Profit $350,000
Chapter 2: Manufacturing & Trading Statements
25. ( a ) Ad Ler Ltd Manufacturing Statement for Year Ended 30 June 2009
Work in Process 1 July 2008 $ 3,100
Inventory 1 July 2008 25,500
Purchases 173,970
Freight inwards 4,540
Work in Process 30 June 2009 5,300
Less: Inventory 30 June 2009 28,720 34,020 173,090
Work in Process 1 July 2008 1,030
Direct labour incurred ( $69,160 + 800 ) 69,960
Work in Process 30 June 2009 1, 720 69,270
PRIME COST 242,360
Work in Process 1 July 2008 1,100
Indirect materials used:
Inventory 1 July 2008 2,240
Purchases 14,840
Less: Inventory 30 June 2009 2,660 14,420
Indirect labour 20, 350
Factory repairs and maintenance 7, 650
Factory power ($8,540 + 1,400) 9,940
Factory waste disposal 2,280
Factory insurance ($4,680 x 3/12) + 3,330 4,500
Depreciation – factory building & machinery 15,200
Less: Work in process 30 June 2009 1,800 72,540
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Sales $10.00 100.00
Var Costs - 5.40 - 54.00
Cont Margin $4.60 46.00
3. (a)
Sales $100.00 100%
Var Costs - 45.00 45%
Cont Margin $55.00 55%
(b) (i)
Sales B/e ( units ) = Fixed Cost + Required
Contribution Margin
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
4. (a)
Sales $25.00 Sales $31.00
Var Costs - 15.00 Var Costs - 15.00
Cont Margin $10.00 Cont Margin $16.00
Sales B/e units = Fixed Cost = $10,000 = 625 units
Cont. Margin $16
Selling Price $4.00 100.00%
- Var. Cost- man $1.20
- sell 0.40 - 1.60 40.00%
= Contribution Margin $2.40 60.00%
Sales B/e units = Fixed Cost = $60,000 = 25,000 units
Cont. Margin $2.40
Sales B/e $ = Fixed Cost + Req. Profit = $60,000 + $30,000 = $150,000
Cont. Margin Ratio 0.60
6. (a)
Selling Price $65.00 100 %
- Variable Cost - 39.00 60 %
= Contribution Margin $26.00 40 %
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Revenue 4,200,000 6.00 100.00
Variable Cost 2,800,000 4.00 66.67
Contribution Margin 1,400,000 2.00 33.33
Fixed Cost 1,400,000
Profit 0
= $6 per unit
= $4 per unit
Fixed Cost
Breakeven (s) =
Contribution Margin
= = 700,000
1,400,000 + 1,000,000
= = 1,200,000
Raw Material $8,960 $2.80
Direct Labour $11,200 $3.50
Variable O/H $2,560 $0.80
Minimum Price to accept $7.10
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Sales 75 100.00
Variable Cost 25 33.33
Contribution Margin 50 66.67
Fixed Cost 300,000
Profit ?
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Sales 12 100.00
Variable Cost 10 83.33
Contribution Margin 2 16.67
Fixed Cost 25,000
Profit ?
Sales 12.00 100.00
Variable Cost Mfg 9.20
Variable Cost Mkt 2.00 11.20 93.33
Contribution Margin 0.80 6.67
Fixed Cost 25,000
Profit ?
( e ) At 10,000 units
Sales 10,000 x 12 120,000
Less Costs and expenses
Variable Manufacturing costs 10,000 x 8 80,000
Variable marketing costs 10,000 x 2 20,000 100,000
Equals Contribution Margin 20,000
Fixed manufacturing costs 15,000
Fixed marketing and admin costs 10,000 25,000
Operating Loss - 5,000
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Revenue 130,000 20.00 100.00
Variable Cost 74,750 11.50 57.50
Contribution Margin 55,250 8.50 42.50
Fixed Cost 48,100
Profit 7,150
∴ the company should not reduce sales commissions as the net profit would reduce
from $7,150 to $6,488.75.
Contribution Margin Ratio = 0.3675 1-( /20.00)
Break-even = $111,252 /0.3675
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Sales 600 100.00
Variable Cost 420 70.00
Contribution Margin 180 30.00
Fixed Cost 360,000
Profit ?
Fixed Costs
(a) Breakeven Sales (units) =
Contribution Margin
= = 2,000 units
Fixed Costs
Breakeven Sales ($) =
Contribution Margin Ratio
= = $1,200,000
(c) Workings:
Selling Price/unit = $600
Variable Cost/unit 425
Contribution Margin $175
Breakeven Sales (units) = = 2,057 units
(e) 1. All costs can be classified into fixed and variable costs.
2. All costs are linear in the relevant range, i.e., variable basis change in total
with a change in volume and fixed costs in total remain constant.
3. Selling price will not charge over the range of sales activity.
4. Cost efficiencies remain the same for each product.
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
13. (a)
$ per unit %
Selling Price 576,000 8.00 100.00
Less Variable costs 216,000 3.00 37.50
Contribution margin per unit 360,000 5.00 62.50
Less Fixed Costs 200,000
Equals Profit 160,000
Break-even point ( units ) = $200,000 = 40,000 units
Sales req for profit = $200,000 + $320,000 = 104,000 units
of $320,000 $5.00
Margin of Safety = 576,000 – 320,000 = $256,000
$ per unit %
Selling Price 8.00 100.00
Less Variable costs 2.00 25.00
Contribution margin per unit 6.00 75.00
Sales B/even = $250,000 = 62,500 units
Selling Price 100.00
Less Variable costs 37.50
Variable selling costs 12.50
Contribution margin per unit 50.00
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Sales 40 100.00
Variable Cost 15 37.50
Contribution Margin 25 62.50
Fixed Cost 45,000
Profit ?
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
15. (a)
Revenue 1,920,000 80.00 100.00
Variable Cost 1,152,000 48.00 60.00
Contribution Margin 768,000 32.00 40.00
Fixed Cost 600,000
Profit 168,000
Revenue 1,920,000 80.00 100.00
Variable Cost 1,152,000 60.00 75.00
Contribution Margin 768,000 20.00 25.00
Fixed Cost 600,000
Profit 168,000
16. $ %
Selling Price 500 100.00 Fixed Costs $ 900,000
- Variable Cost 300 60.00
= Contribution Margin 200 40.00
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Sales 4,800 $0.80 100.00
Variable Cost 1,800 0.30 37.50
Contribution Margin 3,000 0.50 62.50
Fixed Cost 1,650
Profit 1,350
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Total C.P.U. %
Sales 500,000 5.00 100
Less Variable costs 300,000 3.00 60
Contribution margin 200,000 2.00 40
Fixed Costs 60,000
Gross Profit 140,000
Margin of Safety = 100,000 – 30,000 x 100 = 70.00%
Sales req for profit = 60,000 + 90,000 = $ 375,000
of $90,000 before tax ( 0.40 )
Sales req for profit = 60,000 + 60,000 = $ 300,000
of $42,000 after tax ( 0.40 )
Sales req for add = 100,000 + 60,000 = $ 400,000
fixed costs $40,000 ( 0.40 )
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
(a) 360,000 / 1.80 200,000 units
(f) break even = 200,000
budget = 300,000
MOS 100,000/300,000 33.33%
Selling price $25
Less Variable cost 10
Contribution margin 15
Chapter 3: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Selling Price 16.00 100.00
Variable Cost 8.00 50.00
Contribution Margin 8.00 50.00
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
Raw Material Control 40,000
Accounts Payable 40,000
Work in Progress 24,000
Raw Material Control 24,000
Factory O/H Control 6,000
Raw Material Control 6,000
Work in Progress 25,000
Factory O/H Control 10,000
Labour Control 35,000
Labour Control 35,000
Accrued Payroll 35,000
Accrued Payroll 35,000
Bank 35,000
Factory O/H Control 2,100
Bank 2,100
Factory O/H Control 1,600
Various Accounts 1,600
Factory O/H Control 300
Prepaid Insurance 300
Factory O/H Applied 20,000
Factory O/H Control 20,000
Work in Progress 20,000
Factory O/H Applied 20,000
Finished Goods 69,000
Work in Progress 69,000
Accounts Receivable 103,500
Sales 103,500
Cost of Goods Sold 69,000
Finished Goods 69,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
3. (b)
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 0 Work in Progress 15,000
Accounts Payable 20,000 Factory Overhead Control 2,000
Closing Balance 3,000
20,000 20,000
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 19,000 Opening Balance 0
Work in Progress 17,000
Factory Overhead Cost 2,000
19,000 19,000
Accrued Payroll
PAYG Tax Payable 3,000 Labour Control 19,000
Bank 16,000
19,000 19,000
Work in Progress
Opening Balance 0 Finished Goods 32,000
Raw Material Control 15,000
Labour Control 17,000
Factory Overhead Applied 20,000 Closing Balance 20,000
52,000 52,000
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 0 Cost of Goods Sold 22,000
Work in Progress 32,000 Closing Balance 10,000
32,000 32,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Raw Material Control 60,000
Accounts Payable 60,000
Work in Progress 44,000
Factory O/H Control 16,000
Raw Material Control 60,000
Work in Progress 26,000
Factory O/H Control 4,000
Labour Control 30,000
Labour Control 30,000
Taxation Withheld 10,000
Accrued Payroll 20,000
Accrued Payroll 20,000
Bank 20,000
Factory O/H Control 10,000
Accum. Depreciation 10,000
Factory O/H Applied 30,000
Factory O/H Control 30,000
Work in Progress 30,000
Factory O/H Applied 30,000
Finished Goods 90,000
Work in Progress 90,000
Cost of Goods Sold 50,000
Finished Goods 50,000
Accounts Receivable 75,000
Sales 75,000
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
Raw Material Control 50,000
Accounts Payable 50,000
Work in Progress 32,000
Factory O/H Control 10,000
Raw Material Control 42,000
Accounts Payable 2,000
Raw Material Control 2,000
Work in Progress 40,000
Factory O/H Control 10,000
Labour Control 50,000
Labour Control 50,000
Taxation Withheld 15,000
Accrued Payroll 35,000
Accrued Payroll 35,000
Bank 35,000
Factory O/H Control 20,000
Accum. Depreciation 20,000
Factory O/H Applied 40,000
Factory O/H Control 40,000
Work in Progress 40,000
Factory O/H Applied 40,000
Finished Goods 80,000
Work in Progress 80,000
Cost of Goods Sold 80,000
Finished Goods 80,000
Accounts Receivable 160,000
Sales 160,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
6. General Journal
Raw Material Control 85,500
Accounts Payable 85,500
Work in Progress 84,000
Raw Material Control 84,000
Factory O/H Control 1,500
Raw Material Control 1,500
Work in Progress 70,000
Factory O/H Control 20,000
Labour Control 90,000
Labour Control 90,000
Taxation Withheld 18,000
Accrued Payroll 72,000
Accrued Payroll 72,000
Bank 72,000
Factory O/H Control 4,500
Various Accounts 4,500
Factory O/H Applied 26,000
Factory O/H Control 26,000
Work in Progress 26,000
Factory O/H Applied 26,000
Finished Goods 130,000
Work in Progress 130,000
Accounts Receivable 195,000
Sales 195,000
Work in Progress
Opening Balance - Finished Goods 130,000
Raw Material Control 84,000
Labour Control 70,000
Factory Overhead Applied 26,000 Closing Balance 60,000
180,000 180,000
26,000 26,000
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
7. General Journal
Raw Material Control 20,000
Accounts Payable 20,000
Work in Progress 17,000
Raw Material Control 17,000
Work in Progress 54,000
Factory Overhead Control 6,000
Labour Control 60,000
Labour Control 60,000
Taxation Withheld 12,000
Accrued Payroll 48,000
Accrued Payroll 48,000
Bank 48,000
Raw Material Control 900
Work in Progress 900
Accounts Payable 900
Raw Material Control 900
Factory O/H Control 6,000
Bank 6,000
Cost of Goods Sold 60,000
Finished Goods 60,000
Accounts Receivable 100,000
Sales 100,000
Factory Overhead Control 9,000
Bank 9,000
Factory Overhead Control 3,300
Accumulated Depreciation 3,300
Work in Progress 2,200
Factory O/H Applied 2,200
Finished Goods 12,000
Work in Progress 12,000
Accounts Receivable 38,000
Sales 38,000
Cost of Goods Sold 25,000
Finished Goods 25,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
8. General Journal
Raw Material Control 44,000
Accounts Payable 44,000
Work in Progress 24,000
Raw Material Control 24,000
Factory O/H Control 16,000
Raw Material Control 16,000
Work in Progress 26,000
Factory O/H Control 4,000
Labour Control 30,000
Labour Control 30,000
Taxation Withheld 6,000
Accrued Payroll 24,000
Accrued Payroll 24,000
Bank 24,000
Factory O/H Control 5,000
Accum. Depreciation 5,000
Factory O/H Applied 25,000
Factory O/H Control 25,000
Work in Progress 25,000
Factory O/H Applied 25,000
Finished Goods 70,000
Work in Progress 70,000
Cost of Goods Sold 62,500
Finished Goods 62,500
Accounts Receivable 100,000
Sales 100,000
Work in Progress
Opening Balance - Finished Goods 70,000
Raw Material Control 24,000
Labour Control 26,000
Factory Overhead Applied 25,000 Closing Balance 5,000
75,000 75,000
Finished Goods
Opening Balance - Cost of Goods Sold 62,500
Finished Goods 70,000 Closing Balance 7,500
70,000 70,000
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
9. General Journal
Raw Material Control 44,000
Accounts Payable 44,000
Work in Progress 50,000
Factory O/H Control 7,000
Raw Material Control 57,000
Accounts Payable 2,000
Raw Material Control 2,000
Work in Progress 25,000
Factory O/H Control 3,000
Labour Control 28,000
Labour Control 28,000
Taxation Withheld 3,000
Accrued Payroll 25,000
Accrued Payroll 25,000
Bank 25,000
Factory O/H Control 15,000
Accum. Depreciation 15,000
Factory O/H Applied 25,000
Factory O/H Control 25,000
Work in Progress 25,000
Factory O/H Applied 25,000
Finished Goods 100,000
Work in Progress 100,000
Cost of Goods Sold 130,000
Finished Goods 130,000
Accounts Receivable 195,000
Sales 195,000
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 16,000 Work in Progress 50,000
Accounts Payable 44,000 Factory Overhead Control 7,000
Accounts Payable 2,000
Closing Balance 1,000
60,000 60,000
Work in Progress
Opening Balance 10,000 Finished Goods 100,000
Raw Material Control 50,000
Labour Control 25,000
Factory Overhead Applied 25,000 Closing Balance 10,000
110,000 110,000
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 30,000 Cost of Goods Sold 130,000
Finished Goods 100,000 Closing Balance 0
130,000 130,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 12,500
Accounts Payable 12,500
Work in Progress 14,900
Factory Overhead Control 2,800
Raw Material Control 17,700
Work in Progress 54,000
Factory Overhead Control 6,000
Labour Control 60,000
Labour Control 60,000
Tax Withheld 12,000
Accrued Payroll 48,000
Accrued Payroll 48,000
Bank 48,000
Factory Overhead Control 18,200
Accum Depreciation 3,200
Bank 15,000
Factory Overhead Applied 27,000
Factory Overhead Control 27,000
Work in Progress 27,000
Factory Overhead Applied 27,000
Finished Goods 88,000
Work in Progress 88,000
Cost of Goods Sold 80,000
Finished Goods 80,000
Accounts Receivable 140,000
Sales 140,000
Selling Expenses 28,500
Administration Expenses 16,500
Accounts Payable 45,000
Work in Progress
Opening Balance 4,600 Finished Goods 88,000
Raw Material Control 14,900
Labour Control 54,000
Factory Overhead Applied 27,000 Closing Balance 12,500
100,500 100,500
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 7,000 Cost of Goods Sold 80,000
Work in Progress 88,000 Closing Balance 15,000
95,000 95,000
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 25,000
Accounts Payable 25,000
Accounts Payable 5,000
Raw Material Control 5,000
Work in Progress 20,000
Factory Overhead Control 4,000
Raw Material Control 24,000
Work in Progress 35,000
Factory Overhead Control 11,000
Labour Control 46,000
Labour Control 46,000
Tax Withheld 16,100
Accrued Payroll 29,900
Accrued Payroll 29,900
Bank 29,900
Factory Overhead Control 7,500
Accumulated Depreciation 3,000
Prepaid Insurance 500
Bank 4,000
Factory Overhead Applied 22,500 Actual
Factory Overhead Control 22,500
Work in Progress 21,000 Applied
Factory Overhead Applied 21,000
Cost of Goods Sold 1,500
Factory Overhead Applied 1,500
Finished Goods 80,000
Work in Progress 80,000
Cost of Goods Sold 84,000
Finished Goods 84,000
Accounts Receivable 151,200
Sales 151,200
Selling Expenses 18,000
Administrative Expenses 19,200
Accounts Payable 37,200
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 35,000
Accounts Payable 35,000
Work in Progress 35,000
Factory Overhead Control 2,500
Raw Material Control 37,500
Raw Material Control 1,800
Work in Progress 1,200
Factory Overhead Control 600
Work in Progress 40,600
Factory Overhead Control 11,000
Labour Control 51,600
Labour Control 51,600
Accrued Payroll 51,600
Accrued Payroll 51,600
Bank 51,600
Factory Overhead Applied 9,400
Accumulated Depreciation 7,800
Bank 1,600
Factory Overhead Applied 22,300
Factory Overhead Control 22,300 Actual
Work in Progress 24,360
Factory Overhead Applied 24,360 Applied
Factory Overhead Applied 2,060
Cost of Goods Sold 2,060
Finished Goods 90,000
Work in Progress 90,000
Cost of Goods Sold 80,000
Finished Goods 80,000
Accounts Receivable 120,000
Sales 120,000
Selling & Admin Exp. 12,060
Bank / Accounts Payable 12,060
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
Raw Material Control
Opening balance 14,000 Work in Progress 18,600
Accounts Payable 22,000 Factory Overhead Control 2,400
Closing balance 15,000
36,000 36,000
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 23,400 Work in Progress 24,000
Tax Payable 10,200 Factory Overhead Control 10,000
Union Dues 400
34,000 34,000
Work in Progress
Opening balance 15,200 Finished Goods 60,000
Raw Material Control 18,600
Labour Control 24,000
Factory Overhead Applied 18,000 Closing balance 15,800
75,800 75,800
Finished Goods
Opening balance 15,000 Cost of Goods Sold 50,000
Work in Progress 60,000
Closing balance 25,000
75,000 75,000
18,000 18,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 40,000 Work in Progress 162,000
Accounts Payable 170,000 Factory Overhead Control 18,000
Closing Balance 30,000
210,000 210,000
Work in Progress
Opening Balance 50,000 Finished Goods 410,000
Raw Material Control 162,000
Labour Control 192,000
Factory Overhead Applied 96,000 Closing Balance 90,000
500,000 500,000
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 40,000 Cost of Goods Sold 400,000
Work in Progress 410,000 Closing Balance 50,000
450,000 450,000
(a) Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 55,000
Accounts Payable 55,000
Work in Progress 68,000
Factory Overhead Control 5,600
Raw Material Control 73,600
Work in Progress 85,000
Factory Overhead Control 10,500
Labour Control 95,500
Labour Control 95,500
Tax Withheld 20,000
Accrued Payroll 75,500
Accrued Payroll 75,500
Bank 75,500
Factory Overhead Control 14,000
Accounts Payable 14,000
Bank 310,000
Accounts Receivable 310,000
Accounts Payable 109,000
Bank 109,000
Factory Overhead Control 1,600
Accum. Depn. – Plant 1,600
Factory Overhead Applied 31,700
Factory Overhead Control 31,700
Chapter 4: The Cost Accounting Cycle
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 95,500 Work in Progress 85,000
Factory Overhead Control 10,500
95,500 95,500
Accrued Payroll
Bank 75,500 Balance b/d 6,600
PAYG Tax 20,000 Labour Control 95,500
Balance c/d 6,600
102,100 102,100
Work In Progress
Balance b/d 85,000 Finished Goods 215,000
Raw Material Control 68,000
Labour Control 85,000
Factory Overhead Applied 37,000 Balance c/d 60,000
275,000 275,000
Finished Goods
Balance b/d 78,000 Cost of Goods Sold 243,000
Work in Progress 215,000 Balance c/d 50,000
293,000 293,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Accounts Payable
Bank 109,000 Balance b/d 65,400
Balance c/d 25,400 Raw Material Control 55,000
Factory Overhead Control 14,000
134,400 134,400
Accounts Receivable 364,500
Accounts Receivable
Balance b/d 32,000 Bank 310,000
Sales 364,500 Balance c/d 86,500
396,500 396,500
Balance b/d 15,000 Accrued Payroll + PAYE Tax 95,500
Accounts Receivable 310,000 Accounts Payable 109,000
Balance c/d 120,500
325,000 325,000
Paid Up Capital
Balance b/d 220,000
Retained Earnings
Balance b/d 62,000
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Debit Credit
Work in Process 530
Raw Material Control 530
Weighted Average
Date Received Issued Total
Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
1/6 50 5.00 250.00
50 5.00 250.00
2/6 40 4.50 180.00 40 4.50 180.00
90 4.78 430.00
Debit Credit
Work in Process 527.17
Raw Material Control 527.17
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Weighted Average
Date Received Issued Total
Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
1/12 150 15.00 2,250
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Debit Credit
(b) Work in Process 2,700
Raw Material Control 2,700
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
4. Weighted Average
Date Received Issued Total
Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
1/6 2,800 12.00 33,600
Debit Credit
Work in Progress 49,020
Raw Material Control 49,020
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Debit Credit
Work in Progress 48,300
Raw Material Control 48,300
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
5. Weighted Average
Date Received Issued Total
Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
1/5 350 20.00 7,000
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
6. ( a ) Weighted Average
Date Received Issued Total
Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
1/6 400 25.00 10,000
- 20 26.00 - 520
9/6 - 20 26.00 - 520 430 25.33 10,893
410 25.30 10,373
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
10 25.00 250
120 26.00 3,120
120 27.00 3,240
30/6 - 10 25.00 - 250 140 28.00 3,920
390 10,530
5 25.00 175
120 26.00 3,120
120 27.00 3,240
30/6 5 25.00 125 140 28.00 3,920
385 10,405
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
7. Note:
Quantities Dollars
Receive Issued Balance Unit Cost Receive Issued Balance
d d
Jun 11 150 330 1.60 240
Total Av.: $1,113.00 1,400 $1,113.00
Issues $ 858.00 1,100 $ 874.50
Closing balance $ 255.00 300 $ 238.50 ( {$1,113 / 1,400}*300 )
Total Av.: 2550 units
Issued 2000 units F.I.F.O. 500 x $1.20 = $600.00
Closing bal. 550 units 50 x $1.05 = $52.50
550 x $1.045 = $574.80
( $2,665 / 2,550 )
Norman Elkington Olgle Parry Total Basis
Cost 12,000 7,500 3,000 2,500 25,000 Allocated
Duty 12,000 7,500 3,000 2,500 25,000 Value
Freight 6,000 6,000 3,750 4,250 20,000 Weight
$30,000 $21,000 $9,750 $9,250 $70,000
Units 40 30 15 5
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Butter Swiss Cheese Yoghurt Sour Cream Cottage Cheese Ice Cream Total Basis
Cost 30.00 20.00 150.00 120.00 80.00 900.00 1,300 Allocated
Freigh 13.33 6.67 33.33 20.00 26.67 100.00 200 Weight
Duty 11.54 7.69 57.69 46.15 30.77 346.16 500 Value
54.87 34.36 241.02 186.15 137.44 1346.16 2,000
Units 20 10 50 30 40 150
Blades Boards Bikes Total Basis
Cost 50,000 63,000 87,000 200,000 Allocated
Freight 1,600 2,800 3,600 8,000 Weight
Insurance 250 315 435 1,000 Value
Duty 500 600 870 2,000 Value
Cartage 800 1,400 1,800 4,000 Weight
Agents Ch. 1,250 1,575 2,175 5,000 Value
54,400 69,720 95,880 220,000
Units 1,000 700 300
a Work in Process 49,300
Factory Overhead Control 16,700
Labour Control 66,000
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Direct Labour Indirect Labour
Mon 3+2.5+(0.5x1.5) 6.25 2.00
Tues 5.00 2.50
Wed 7.50
Thurs 10.00 2.5 x 5 1.25
Fri 8.25
Sat 4.5+(0.5x1.5) 4.00 (3x5)+1 2.50
41.00 8.25
16. Labour
43 14 x $ 8.00 $112.00
30 x 10.00 300.00
$ 412.00 $412.00
Debit Credit
Work in Progress 744
Factory Overhead Cont. 36
Labour Control 780
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Employee Hrs. Rate Gross Tax ( 25 % ) Net
Bourne ( 42 + 1 ) 43 $12 $516.00 $129.00 $387.00
Craven 40 9 $360.00
( 8 x 1.5 ) 12 9 108.00
$468.00 $117.00 $351.00
Thomas 38 9 $342.00
2 9 18.00
$360.00 $90.00 $270.00
Hours Schedule
Normal Overtime Overtime Premium Idle Time Direct Indirect
Bourne 40 2 1 43
Ward 40 6 3 49
Craven 40 8 4 48 4
Thomas 38 2 38 2
135 49
Debit Credit
Work In Progress 1,215.00
Factory O/ H Control 570.00
Labour Control 1,785.00
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Days W.I.P. F.O.C. Absent Total
Tue 7 1 8
Wed 8 8
Thur 7 2.5* 9.5
Fri 8 8
Mon 8 8
30 hrs 3.5 hrs 8 hrs 41.5 hrs
Debit Credit
Work In Progress 300 ( 30 x $ 10 )
Factory O/H Control 35 ( 3.5 x $ 10 )
Provision for Sick Pay 80 ( 8 x $ 10 )
Labour Control 415 ( 41.5 x $ 10 )
a Work in Process 170,000
Factory Overhead Control 16,000
Labour Control 186,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Debit Credit
Factory Overhead Control 1,500
Prepaid Workers Comp. Ins. 1,500
Annual Weeks Av. 52 Base Rate 9.00
- Annual Leave 4 ( 4/45 $ 9 ) ( 1.175 ) $0.94 ( including loading )
- Sick Leave. 2 ( 2/45 $ 9 ) $0.40
- Public Holidays 1 ( 1/45 $ 9 ) $0.20
Weeks Available 45 Charge Rate $ 10.54
Hourly Rate $ 20.0000
Annual Leave 4/45 $ 1.7778
Loading 17.50% $ 0.3111
Sick Leave 1/45 $ 0.4444
Public Holidays 2/45 $ 0.8889
Total $ 23.4222
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Hourly Rate 10.0000
Annual Leave 4/44 0.9091
Loading 17.50% 0.1591
Sick Leave 2/44 0.4545
Public Holidays 2/44 0.4545
Total 11.9773
Productive Weeks = 52 – 9 = 43 weeks $ per Hour
Wages Paid 12.0000
Annual Leave (4/43) 1.1163
Annual Leave Loading (17 ½ %) 0.1953
Other Leave (5/43) 1.3953
Total weeks 52
Annual leave -4 Overtime Premium 1.5
Sick Leave -2
Public Holidays -2 Leave Loading 0.175
Weeks Available 44
Hours Sick 15
Annual Leave Pay 150
Tax Rate 30%
Superannuation 9%
44 Number of working weeks x 37.5 hours per week = 1,650 Annual hours
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Total pay p.a. $630 per week x 52 weeks $32,760
+ Leave Loading weeks 6 $630 0.175 $ 662
Total weeks 52
Annual leave -6 Overtime Premium 1.5
Sick Leave -2
Public Holidays -2 Leave Loading 0.175
Weeks Available 42
Hours Sick ( unpaid ) 14
Superannuation 9%
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Payroll Tax 6%
Normal Time 22.7356 x 6% 1.3641
Overtime 27.0000 x 6% 1.6200
W.C.I. 9%
Normal Time 22.7356 x 9% 2.0462
Overtime 27.0000 x 9% 2.4300
Charge Rate 28.1516 31.0500
Overtime Premium 2.8984
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
27 (a)
Base Rate $ 20.00
Annual Leave (4/45 x 20) 1.78
Loading (0.175 x 1.78) 0.31
Public Hols (2/45 x 20) 0.89
Sick Leave (1/45 x 20) 0.44
Super (6% x 23.42) 1.41
$ 24.83
(b) i.
Direct (1600 x 15) $ 24,000
Indirect (400 x 15) 6,000
O/Time Premium ( 40 x 15) 600 6,600
$ 30,600
Chapter 5: Material & Labour
Total pay p.a. $455 per week x 52 weeks $23,660
+ Leave Loading weeks 4 $455 0.175 $ 319
Total weeks 52
Annual leave -4 Overtime Premium 1.5
Sick Leave -1 Double Time Premium 2
Public Holidays -2 Leave Loading 0.175
Weeks Available 45
Hours Sick 35
Superannuation 5%
Public Holidays 70
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Chapter 6 Overhead Allocation
Units $
High - Low Analysis: High 50,000 155,000 Variable Rate = $3.00 per unit
Low 10,000 35,000
40,000 120,000 ($120,000/ 40,000 )
Hours $
High-Low Analysis: High 19,600 23,760 Variable Rate = $0.60
Low 13,600 20,160
6,000 3,600 ($3,600/6,000 )
3. (a)
Units $
High - Low Analysis: High 101,000 171,945 Variable Rate = $ 1.67
Low 45,000 78,425
56,000 93,520 ($93,520/56, 000)
Total Budgeted Cost: Fixed $3,275
Variable $150,300 ( 90,000 x $ 1.67 )
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
4. (a)
Units $
High - Low Analysis: High 21,500 216,100 Variable Rate = $ 9.40
Low 15,000 155,000
6,500 61,100 ($ 61,100 / 6,500 )
Total Budgeted Cost: Fixed $14,000
Variable 188,000 (20,000 x $9.40)
$ 202,000
5. (a)
Units $
High - Low Analysis: High 180 40,000 Variable Rate = $182.50
Low 20 10,800
160 29,200 ($29,200/160 )
Units Produced: 45 (3,600 D.L.H./ 80 D.L.H.)
Total Budgeted Cost: Fixed $ 7,150
Variable $ 8,212.50 ( 45 x $ 182.50 )
$ 15,362.50
(a) Direct Labour Variable
Direct Materials Variable
Indirect Labour Semi Variable
Indirect Materials Semi Variable
Rent Fixed
Power and lighting Semi Variable
Administration Fixed
Insurance Fixed
Chapter 6 Overhead Allocation
Indirect Labour
Variable cost per unit = 5,000 / 50,000 = $0.10
Fixed cost = 25,000 - ( 100,000 x 0.10 )
= 15,000
Indirect Material
Variable cost per unit = 2,000 / 50,000 = $0.04
Fixed cost = 8,000 - ( 100,000 x 0.04 )
= 4,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
90% of normal capacity 18,000 units
100% of normal capacity 20,000 units
110% of normal capacity 22,000 units
Fixed Costs
Indirect Materials 2,000 2,000 2,000
Indirect Labour 18,000 18,000 18,000
Light and Power 6,000 6,000 6,000
Depreciation - Equipment 3,000 3,000 3,000
Rates and taxes 2,500 2,500 2,500
Insurance 3,500 3,500 3,500
Other factory costs 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Fixed Costs 37,000 37,000 37,000
Total Overhead Costs 82,000 87,000 92,000
8. Departmental overhead rates are used in place of a single rate because they;
( a ) Improve the control of overhead by holding department heads responsible for
controllable overhead.
( b ) Increase the accuracy of product and job costing.
9. Service department overhead must be included in overhead rates to charge all jobs and
products with all overhead incurred in their production. Actual service department
overhead is best controlled if it is accumulated in service department accounts rather than
distributed to producing departments where it becomes an indirect, noncontrollable item
of the department.
10. A producing department is directly concerned with manufacturing products or doing work
on various jobs. A service department renders service to various departments and is not
directly associated with manufacturing operations. The nature of the work done by a
department determines whether it is a service or producing department. Examples of
producing departments are cutting finishing, machining, mixing and refining. Examples of
service departments are medical, power, purchasing, receiving and accounting.
11. Factors involved in selecting the most equitable rate for applying factory overhead include
consideration of the nature of a department’s operations, the relationship of overhead
elements to operations involved, and any clerical difficulties arising through the use of a
particular rate.
Chapter 6 Overhead Allocation
Recovery Rate: Assembly $14.06 per M.Hr ($126,500 / 9,000 Mach. Hrs.)
Finishing $12.25 per D.L.H. ($73,500 / 6,000 D. L. H.)
Plant Wide $25.00 per D.L.H. ($200,000 / 8,000 D. L. H.)
13. (a)
Production Departments Service Departments
Cutting Machining Finishing Stores Repairs Total
$ 23,400 $ 27,900 $ 26,120 $ 25,700 $ 10,500 $ 113,620
15,420 7,710 2,570 - 25,700
1,313 6,562 2,625 - 10,500
$ 40,133 $ 42,173 $ 31,315 0 0 $ 113,620
Recovery Rate: Cutting $8.00 per M..Hr ($ 26,600 / 3,325 Mach. Hr)
Machining $5.00 per D.L.H. ($ 14,600 / 2,920 D.L.H.)
Plant Wide $7.10 per D.L.H. ($ 41,200 / 5,800 D.L.H.)
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Chapter 6 Overhead Allocation
Payroll Tax: Based on total labour cost e.g. Machining $21,000 ( 300 / 1,100 )
Recovery Rate: Machining 92.60 % D.L.C. ( $ 250,000 / $ 270,000 )
18. Direct Method – Wages Stores is now $30,000 for the Finishing Dept.
Productive Departments Service Depts
Total Machining Assembly Finishing Stores Office
Electricity $19,000 $14,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 0
Supervision 16,000 4,000 7,000 2,000 1,000 2,000
Reps & Main 3,000 1,000 750 750 500 0
Depn. Factory 4,000 800 1,200 400 1,200 400
Direct 63,000 10,200 14,050 6,850 3,300 28,600
Total $105,000 $30,000 $25,000 $12,000 $7,000 $31,000
Redistribution 20,000 8,000 3,000 - 31,000
Redistribution 4,000 2,000 1,000 - 7,000
Factory O/head $105,000 $54,000 $35,000 $16,000 0 0
Recovery Rate: Machining $3.00 Per Mach.Hr ( $ 54,000 / 18,000 Mach Hr. )
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
19. Activity based costing takes account of the fact that many activities affect costs other than
just volume. It is a method of assigning costs to goods and services that assumes all costs
vary with the activities used to produce goods and services.
21. (i) Identify the activities or transactions ( cost drivers ) that incur costs
( ii ) Assign a cost to each cost driver
( iii ) Sum the costs of the cost drivers that make up the product.
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Op Bal 1,500 500 2,000
April 1,200 600 3,000 1,050 5,850
Op Bal 1,500 500 2,000
April 1,200 600 3,000 1,050 5,850
8,400 3,700 10,000 3,200 25,300
( ii ) Finished Goods
W.I.P. 12,100 C.O.G.S. 8,400
Balance 3,700
12,100 12,100
Computer Time 10 hours @ $40 per hour 400
Overhead applied 30 hours @ $20 per hour 600
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Debit Credit
(a) Raw Material Control 55,000
Accounts Payable 55,000
(b) Work In Process 48,000
Raw Material Control 48,000
(c) Factory Overhead Control 2,000
Raw Material Control 2,000
(d) Work In Process 35,000
Labour Control 35,000
(e) Factory Overhead Control 4,000
Labour Control 4,000
(f) Accrued Payroll 39,000
Bank 39,000
(g) Factory Overhead Control 1,000
Various Accounts 1,000
(h) Work In Process 7,000
Factory Overhead Applied 7,000
(I) Finished Goods 80,000
Work In Process 80,000
(j) Cost of Goods Sold 60,000
Finished Goods 60,000
Accounts Receivable 90,000
Sales 90,000
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
General Ledger Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 80,000
Bank 80,000
Work In Process 60,000
Raw Material Control 60,000
Factory O/head Control 3,000
Raw Material Control 3,000
Raw Material Control 1,000
Factory O/head Control 1,000
Work In Process 30,000
Labour Control 30,000
Factory O/head Control 3,000
Labour Control 3,000
Labour Control 40,000
Accrued Payroll 40,000
Accrued Payroll 40,000
Bank 40,000
Factory O/head Control 2,000
Accumulated Depreciation 2,000
Factory O/head Control 3,000
Prepaid Rent 3,000
Factory O/head Applied 10,000
Factory O/head Control 10,000
Work In Process 10,000
Factory O/head Applied 10,000
Finished Goods 80,000
Work In Process 80,000
Cost of Goods Sold 50,000
Finished Goods 50,000
Accounts Receivable 90,000
Sales 90,000
Debit Credit
(a) Raw Material Control 45,900
Accounts Payable 45,900
(b) Accrued Payroll 60,000
Bank 60,000
(c) Work in Process 54,000
Factory Overhead Control 8,500
Labour Control 62,500
(d) Work in Process 37,300
Factory Overhead Control 7,400
Raw Material Control 44,700
(e) Factory Overhead Control 3,300
Accumulated Depreciation 3,300
(f) Factory Overhead Control 1,400
Various Accounts 1,400
(g) Factory Overhead Control 4,200
Prepaid Rent 4,200
(h) Work In Process 32,400
Factory Overhead Applied 32,400
(i) Finished Goods 126,900
Work In Process 126,900
(j) Cost of Goods Sold 125,000
Finished Goods 125,000
Accounts Receivable 198,000
Sales 198,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
7. (a)
Job Cost Summary Card
Job No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 Total
Opening Balance 6,500 2,500 9,000
Material 1,500 500 21,000 6,300 29,300
Labour 1,000 300 11,000 2,800 15,100
Factory O/h Applied 500 150 5,500 1,400 7,550
Total 9,500 3,450 37,500 10,500 60,950
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 8,000 Cost of Goods Sold 20,950
Work in Process 50,450
Closing Balance 37,500
58,450 58,450
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
8. (a)
Job Cost Summary Card
Job No. 61 62 63 64 Total
Opening Balance 7,000 12,000 19,000
Material 3,900 4,000 2,390 10,290
Labour 1,800 5,000 2,600 1,400 10,800
Factory Overhead Applied 2,700 7,500 3,900 2,100 16,200
Total 11,500 28,400 10,500 5,890 56,290
Profit Summary
Job No. 61 Job No. 63 Total
Sales $ 14,000 $ 12,000 $ 26,000
- Cost of Goods Sold - 11,500 - 10,500 - 22,000
= Gross Profit $ 2,500 $ 1,500 $ 4,000
+ Overapplied Overhead $ 1,140
Actual Gross Profit $ 5,140
Debit Credit
Factory Overhead Applied 1,140
Cost of Goods Sold 1,140
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
9. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total
Opening Balance 1,720 1,960 3,680
Input 1,820 1,310 1,400 1,700 2,100 850 2,100 11,280
Input 1,480 920 980 1,120 1,700 620 1,520 8,340
Factory O/h App
Input 740 460 490 560 850 310 760 4,170
Total 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 1,780 4,380 27,470
Work in Process 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 1,780 4,380 27,470
Finished Goods 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 1,780 23,090
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 14,500
Accounts Payable 14,500
Work In Process 11,280
Factory Overhead Control 1,200
Raw Material Control 12,480
Factory Overhead Control 230
Raw Material Control 230
Work In Process 8,430
Factory Overhead Control 850
Labour Control 9,190
Labour Control 9,190
Accrued Payroll 9,190
Accrued Payroll 9,190
Bank 9,190
Factory Overhead Control 2,500
Various Accounts 2,500
Factory Overhead Applied 4,780
Factory Overhead Control 4,780
Work in Process 4,170
Factory Overhead Applied 4,170
Cost of Goods Sold 610
Factory Overhead Applied 610
Finished Goods 23,090
Work in Process 23,090
Cost of Goods Sold 23,200
Finished Goods 23,200
Selling & Administration 3,230
Bank 3,230
Accounts Receivable 32,300
Sales 32,300
Sales $ 32,300
- Cost of Goods Sold 23,200
+ Underapplied Overhead 610 $ 23,810
= Gross Profit $ 8,490
- Selling & Administration - $ 3,230
= Net Profit $ 5,260
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Job Cost Card
Job No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Total
Opening Balance 900 700 1,600
Material 60 2,100 1,345 1,690 4,295 9,490
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 19,430
Accounts Payable 19,430
Work In Process 9,490
Factory Overhead Control 710
Raw Material Control 10,200
Work in Process 6,040
Factory Overhead Control 990
Labour Control 7,030
Labour Control 7,030
Accrued Payroll 7,030
Accrued Payroll 7,030
Bank 7,030
Factory Overhead Control 2,090
Various Accounts 2,090
Factory Overhead Applied 3,790
Factory Overhead Control 3,790
Work in Process 3,624
Factory Overhead Applied 3,624
Cost of Goods Sold 166
Factory Overhead Applied 166
Finished Goods 16,235
Work in Process 16,235
Cost of Goods Sold 14,837
Finished Goods 14,837
Accounts Receivable ( Debtors ) 17,550
Sales 17,550
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
11. (a)
The work in process at the 1st November comprised:
No. Total
In Progress 27 34,600
28 24,200
29 11,600
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
12. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Total
Opening Balance 1,800 1,400 3,200
Input 120 4,200 2,690 3,380 8,590 18,980
Input 1,040 2,200 5,300 3,260 280 12,080
Factory O/H App.
Input 624 1,320 3,180 1,956 168 7,248
Total 3,584 9,120 11,170 8,596 9,038 41,508
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
13. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total
Opening Balance 3,580 900 4,480
Input 2,400 3,600 2,800 2,000 10,800
Opening Balance
Input 480 1,160 2,160 3,040 1,240 8,080
Factory O/H Appl
Opening Balance
Input 336 812 1,512 2,128 868 5,656
Total 4,396 2,872 6,072 8,768 4,908 2,000 29,016
Work in Process 4,396 2,872 6,072 8,768 4,908 2,000 29,016
Finished Goods 4,396 2,872 6,072 8,768 4,908 27,016
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll / Bank 9,760 Work in Process 8,080
Factory Overhead Control 1,680
9,760 9,760
Work in Process
Opening Balance 4,480 Finished Goods 27,016
Raw Material Control 10,800
Labour Control 8,080
Factory Overhead Applied 5,656 Closing Balance 2,000
29,016 29,016
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Job Cost Card
Job No. 311 312 313 314 Total
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
16. (a)
Job No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total
Opening Balance 1,720 1,960 3,680
Material Input 1,820 1,310 1,400 1,700 2,100 850 2,100 11,280
Labour Input 1,480 920 980 1,120 1,700 620 1,520 8,340
F.O.A. Input 740 460 490 560 850 310 760 4,170
Total 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 1,780 4,380 27,470
Work in Process 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 1,780 4,380 27,470
Finished Goods 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 1,780 23,090
C.O.G.S. 1,890 5,760 4,650 2,870 3,380 4,650 23,200
(b) Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 5,010 Work in Process 11,280
Accounts Payable 14,500 Factory Overhead Control 1,200
Factory Overhead Control 230
Closing Balance 6,800
19,510 19,510
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 9,000 Opening Balance 700
Work in Process 8,340
Closing Balance 890 Factory Overhead Control 850
9,890 9,890
Factory Overhead Control
Bank 1,200 Factory Overhead Applied 5,780
Accumulated Depreciation 1,800
Bank 500
Raw Material Control 1,200
Labour Control 850
Raw Material Control 230
5,780 5,780
Factory Overhead Applied
Factory Overhead Control 5,780 Work in Process 4,170
Closing Balance 1,610
5,780 5,780
Work in Process
Opening Balance 3,680 Finished Goods 23,090
Raw Material Control 11,280
Labour Control 8,340
Factory Overhead Applied 4,170 Closing Balance 4,380
27,470 27,470
Finished Goods Control
Opening Balance 1,890 Cost of Goods Sold 23,200
Work in Process 23,090 Closing Balance 1,780
24,980 24,980
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 4,550 Work in Process 4,150
Closing Balance 150 Factory Overhead Control 550
4,700 4,700
Work in Process
Opening Balance 3,300 Finished Goods 13,500
Raw Material Control 4,200 Raw Material Control 250
Labour Control 4,150
Factory Overhead Applied 3,320 Closing Balance 1,220
14,970 14,970
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 7,400 Opening Balance 1,000
Work in Process 6,340
Closing Balance 980 Factory Overhead Control 1,040
8,380 8,380
Work in Process
Opening Balance 11,220 Finished Goods 26,090
Raw Material Control 7,940
Labour Control 6,340
Factory Overhead Applied 3,170 Closing Balance 2,580
28,670 28,670
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
19. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 111 112 113 114 Total
Opening Balance 1,200 800 2,000
Input 1,800 1,600 4,000 5,000 12,400
Opening Balance 1,800 1,200 3,000
Input 1,200 1,800 5,000 7,600 15,600
Factory O/H Applied
Opening Balance 1,800 1,200 3,000
Input 1,200 1,800 5,000 7,600 15,600
Total 9,000 8,400 14,000 20,200 51,600
Work in Process 9,000 8,400 14,000 20,200 51,600
Rework - 400 *
Finished Goods 9,000 8,000 14,000 31,000
General Ledger Control 9,000 8,000 14,000 31,000
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
20. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 19 18 20 21 22 23 Total
Opening Balance 700 190 890
Input 590 420 480 120 1,610
Opening Balance 620 200 820
Input 50 460 510 590 90 1,700
Factory O/H Applied
Opening Balance 310 100 410
Input 25 230 255 295 45 850
Clean-up 46 32 26 28 132
Total 1,751 1,802 1,211 1,393 255 6,412
Work in Process 1,751 1,802 1,211 1,393 255 6,412
Returns - 40
Finished Goods 1,751 1,802 1,211 1,353 6,117
General Ledger Control 950 1,751 1,802 1,211 1,353 7,067
(b) Factory Ledger
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 1,800 Work in Process 1,610
Accounts Payable 2,010 Factory Overhead Control 360
Work in Process 40
Factory Overhead Control 20 Closing Balance 1,900
3,870 3,870
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 2,380 Opening Balance 360
Work in Process 1,700
Closing Balance 50 Factory Overhead Control 370
2,430 2,430
Work in Process
Opening Balance 2,120 Finished Goods 6,117
Raw Material Control 1,610 Raw Material Control 40
Labour Control 1,700
Factory Overhead Applied 850
Clean Up 132 Closing Balance 255
6,412 6,412
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 950 Cost of Goods Sold 7,067
Work in Process 6,117
7,067 7,067
Clean-Up Account
Bank 132 Work in Process 132
132 132
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Total 40% Floor 60% K.w.H.r
Fixed Overhead $ 36,000 $ 14,400 $ 21,600
Fixed Rate $ 1.50 $ 4.125 $ 0.75
Variable Rate 2.40 4.10 2.80
Recovery Rate $ 3.90 $ 8.225 $ 3.55
Factory O/h Applied 1,365 823 2,056 1,092 1,234 710 7,780
W.I.P $26,250 W.I.P $18,100 W.I.P. $7,786 F.G. $31,489 F.O.C. $8,670
R.M.C. $26,250 L.C. $18,100 F.O.A. $7,786 W.I.P. $31,489 A/c P $ 8,670
$ 78 ( u.f. ) $ 15 ( u.f. )
Overhead Spending Variance Overhead Capacity Variance
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
22. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 Total
Opening Balance 700 570 1,270
Input 70 130 625 1,645 1,410 3,880
Opening Balance 500 350 850
Input 150 190 520 1,370 940 3,170
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
23. (a)
Raw Material Control
Accounts Payable 41,000 Work in Process 30,000
Closing Balance 11,000
41,000 41,000
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll / Bank 20,000 Work in Process 20,000
20,000 20,000
Work in Process
Raw Material Control 30,000 Finished Goods 90,000
Labour Control 20,000
Factory Overhead Applied 50,600 Closing Balance 10,600
100,600 100,600
Finished Goods
Work in Process 90,000 Cost of Goods Sold 85,000
Closing Balance 5,000
90,000 90,000
Income Statement
Sales $ 160,000
- Cost of Goods Sold 85,000
= Gross Profit $ 75,000
- Expenses 72,500
Sell 42,500
Fixed 30,000
Net Profit $ 2,500
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll / Bank 9,100 Work in Process 9,000
Closing Balance 400 Factory Overhead Control 500
9,500 9,500
Work In Process
Raw Material Control 8,000 Finished Goods 20,000
Labour Control 9,000
Factory Overhead Applied 6,000 Closing Balance 3,000
23,000 23,000
Finished Goods
Work in Process 20,000 Cost of Goods Sold 13,000
Closing Balance 7,000
20,000 20,000
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 20,200
Accounts Payable 20,200
Work in Process 17,500
Factory Overhead Control 2,500
Raw Material Control 20,000
Work in Process 6,000
Factory Overhead Control 1,300
Labour Control 7,300
Labour Control 7,300
P.A.Y.G. Tax Payable 1,240
Union Fees Due 60
Medical Benefits Payable 200
Accured Payroll 5,800
Accured Payroll 5,800
Bank 5,800
Factory O/head Control 200
Raw Material Control 200
Factory Overhead Control 5,000
Bank 4,000
Accumulated Depreciation 1,000
Factory Overhead Applied 9,000
Factory Overhead Control 9,000
Work in Process 9,000
Factory Overhead Applied 9,000
Finished Goods 23,500
Work in Process 23,500
Cost of Goods Sold 23,500
Finished Goods 23,500
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
26. (a)
Job Cost Card
Job No. 1720 1721 1723 1724 1725 R911 R912 Total
Opening Balance 11,200 6,500 1,700 19,400
Input 800 3,200 6,400 4,600 300 1,100 16,400
Opening Balance 14,400 8,800 4,600 27,800
Input 1,500 5,600 11,300 7,800 700 2,100 29,000
Factory O/H Applied
Opening Balance 7,200 4,400 2,300 13,900
Input 750 2,800 5,650 3,900 350 1,050 14,500
Travel 240 380 620
Total 35,850 31,300 23,350 16,300 10,190 4,630 121,620
Work in Process 35,850 31,300 23,350 16,300 10,190 4,630 121,620
Finished Goods 35,850 23,350 16,300 10,190 85,690
General Ledger Control 18,500 35,850 23,350 10,190 87,890
Factory Ledger
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 42,400 Work in Process 16,400
Accounts Payable 23,600 Factory Overhead Control 2,800
Closing Balance 46,800
66,000 66,000
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 33,000 Opening Balance 1,800
Work in Process 29,000
Closing Balance 2,000 Factory Overhead Control 4,200
35,000 35,000
Work in Process
Opening Balance 61,100 Finished Goods 85,690
Raw Material Control 16,400
Labour Control 29,000
Factory Overhead Applied 14,500
Accounts Payable 620 Closing Balance 35,930
121,620 121,620
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 18,500 Cost of Goods Sold 87,890
Work in Process 85,690 Closing Balance 16,300
104,190 104,190
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
Job Cost Card
Job No. 101 102 103 Total Budgeted Overhead = $ 90,000
Raw Material Control 9,400 13,300 6,400 29,100
Labour Control 2,000 12,400 14,100 28,500
Factory O/H Applied 500 3,100 3,525 7,125 Budgeted Lab. Cost = $ 360,000
Work in Process 11,900 28,800 24,025 64,725 Recovery Rate = 25% DLC
Finished Goods 11,900 28,800 40,700
Cost of Goods Sold 11,900 11,900
General Ledger
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 7,450 Work in Process 29,100
Accounts Payable 34,000 Factory Overhead Control 1,050
Accounts Payable 1,500
Factory Overhead Control 400
Closing Balance 9,400
41,450 41,450
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll 31,050 Factory Overhead Control 2,550
Work in Process 28,500
31,050 31,050
8,050 8,050
8,400 8,400
Work in Process
Opening Balance 0 Finished Goods 40,700
Raw Material Control 29,100
Labour Control 28,500
Factory Overhead Applied 7,125
Closing Balance 24,025
64,725 64,725
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Raw Material Control
Opening Balance 24,600 Factory Overhead Control 3,000
Accounts Payable 55,200 Work in Process 66,200
Closing Balance 10,600
79,800 79,800
Labour Control
Accrued Payroll / Bank 17,000 Opening Balance 780
Factory Overhead Control 5,000
Closing Balance 1,280 Work in Process 12,500
18,280 18,280
Work in Process
Opening Balance 17,800 Finished Goods 141,500
Raw Materials Control 66,200
Labour Control 12,500
Factory Overhead Applied 50,000 Closing Balance 5,000
146,500 146,500
Finished Goods
Opening Balance 13,000 Cost of Goods Sold 148,700
Work in Process 141,500
Closing Balance 5,800
154,500 154,500
Overhead Incurred:
Indirect Material $ 3,000
Indirect Labour 5,000
Other O/H Incurred 36,200
Total $ 44,200
Chapter 7 Job Costing - Solutions
29. (a)
Job Card Summary
Job No: 20 Price: $ 50,000 Terms: A/c
Customer: Johnnie Ltd Quantity: 100 units Delivery: 28th June
Date Material Labour Factory Overhead Applied Total
16/6 C: $ 21,000 $ 21,000
C: $ 5,500 $ 6,600 $ 12,100
F: $ 850 $ 638 $ 1,488
$ 21,000 $ 6,350 $ 7,238 $ 34,588
Job No: 21 Price: $ 8,400 Terms: C.O.D.
Customer: Walker Ltd Quantity: 48 Units Delivery: 20th June
Date Material Labour Factory Overhead Applied Total
16/6 C: $ 1,960 $ 1,960
C: $ 2,400 $ 2,880 $ 5,280
F: $ 240 $ 180 $ 420
23/6 F: $ 300 $ 225 $ 525
$ 1,960 $ 2,940 $ 3,285 $ 8,185
Debit Credit
Raw Material Control 30,000
Accounts Payable 30,000
Work In Progress 22,960
Factory Overhead Control 80
Raw Material Control 23,040
Work In Progress 9,290
Factory Overhead Control 1,600
Labour Control 10,890
Labour Control 10,890
Accrued Payroll 10,890
Factory Overhead Control 5,750
Bank ( Rent ) 3,000
Acc. Depreciation 1,700
Bank ( Electricity ) 450
Accrued Payroll Tax 600
Factory Overhead Applied 7,430
Factory Overhead Control 7,430
Work In Progress 10,523
Factory Overhead Applied 10,523
Factory Overhead Applied 3,093
Cost Of Goods Sold 3,093
Finished Goods 42,773
Work In Progress 42,773
Cost Of Goods Sold 42,773
Finished Goods 42,773
Bank 8,400
Accounts Receivable 50,000
Sales 58,400
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Actual Flexible Budget Applied
F 220,500 Fixed 216,000 21,000 x $18.90
V 170,940 Variable 21,000 x $8.10 170,100
$391,440 $386,100 396,900
2. (a)
Variable Overhead = 180,000 =
200,000 $0.90
Fixed Overhead = 70,000 = $0.35
200,000 $1.25
Chapter 8 Responsibility Accounting
= $ 100,000 / 50,000
= $ 2.00 per hour
= $ 50,000 / 50,000
= $ 1.00 per hour
(b) Amount of Under/Overapplied Overhead:
The overapplied overhead of $1,000 is a favourable variance which may be further broken
down into 2 separate variances titled:
• Spending Variance
• Capacity Variance
Actual Factory Overhead Flexible Budget based on Actual hours Actual Hours Worked x Total
Incurred worked Overhead rate per hour
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
Actual Factory Overhead Flexible Budget based on Actual hours Actual Hours Worked x Total
Incurred worked Overhead rate per hour
Units $
High - Low High 56,000 268,000
Low 40,000 220,000
16,000 48,000
Chapter 8 Responsibility Accounting
6. Application Rate:
Total Budgeted Overhead Per Unit = Budgeted Factory Overhead
Budgeted Machine Hours
$14,000 Overapplied
7. Application Rate:
Total Budgeted Overhead Per Unit = Budgeted Factory Overhead
Budgeted Direct Labour Hours
$6,100 Underapplied
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
( b ) Application Rate:
Total Budgeted Overhead Per Unit = Budgeted Factory Overhead
Budgeted Direct Labour Hours
$1,400 Underapplied
Chapter 8 Responsibility Accounting
Normal Capacity Expected Capacity
80,000 Mach Hrs 64,000 Mach hrs
Variable Cost $ 56,000 $ 44,800
Fixed Cost 128,000 128,000
Total Cost $ 184,000 $ 172,800
$ 2.30 $ 2.70
$11,000 Underapplied
$17,800 Overapplied
Management Accounting in Australia - Solutions
10. (a)
Predetermined overhead rate = $350,000 = $17.50 per DLH
May 31 Work in Process 29,750
Factory Overhead Control/Applied 29,750
Overhead applied $17.50 x 1,700 DLH
Actual O/h @19,500 DLH Applied O/h
F $202,490 F: $200,000 $17.50x19,500
V 145-080 *V: 146,250
$347,570 $346,250 $341,250
Actual Flexible Budget Applied
Fixed 39,000 6,100 x $11.50
Variable $5.00 x 6,100 units 30,500
$72,000 $69,500 70,150
Chapter 8 Responsibility Accounting
Total factory overhead applied $ 6.10 x 29,000 $176,900
Actual Flexible Budget Applied
Fixed 99,000 29,000 x $ 6.10
Variable $2.80 x 29,000 units 81,200
$175,000 $180,200 176,900
Total factory overhead incurred $ 70,300
Total factory overhead applied $4.80 x 13,500 64,800
Under Applied factory overhead 5,500
Actual Flexible Budget Applied
F 45,200 Fixed 45,000 13,500 x $4.80
V 27,800 Variable 27,000/15,000 x 13,500 units 24,300
$70,300 $69,300 64,800
Paper 1 Solutions
( a ) Direct Labour:
Conversion Costs $ 40,100
Factory Overhead - 19,200
$ 20,900
( b ) Production cost:
Conversion Costs $ 40,100
Direct Material 48,600
$ 88,700
( d ) Period cost:
Selling and Administration $ 66,000
Financial expenses 17,500
$ 83,500
Sales 240,000 100 %
Var Costs - 60,000 25 %
Cont Margin 180,000 75 %
(i) (b)
( ii ) ( c )
( a ) Derwent Ltd Manufacturing Statement for Six Months Ended 30 June 2008
$ $ $
Inventory 1 January 2008 49,900
Purchases 196,320
Freight in and duty 8,040
Less: Inventory 30 June 2008 53,380 200,880
Direct labour incurred 80,430
Factory supplies used:
Inventory 1 January 2008 4,390
Purchases 17,560
Freight in 950
Less: Inventory 30 June 2008 4,720 18,180
Depreciation Factory P & E ($285,500 x 10 x ½ yr) 14,275
Factory insurances ($1,000 + 6,420 ÷ 3) 3,140
Indirect labour 30,600
Factory maintenance 5,950
Factory lighting and power ($8,710 - 2,140) 6,570
Annual leave Factory 8,490 87,205
Work in process 1 January 2008 15,000
Less: Work in process 30 June 2008 19,350
(b) Derwent Ltd Trading Statement for Six Months Ended 30 June 2008
$ $
Sales 960,180
Less Cost of Goods Sold
Finished Goods Inventory 1 January 2008 90,850
Cost of Production 364,165
Purchases 37,380
Freight In 4,320
Less Finished Goods Inventory 30 June 2008 Gross Profit 89,535 407,180
$ 553,000
Raw Material Control 12,000
Accounts Payable 12,000
Purchases Issues Balance
Qty Unit$ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
$ $ $
01 April Balance 160 12.20 1,952
60 12.20 732
10 Purchase 120 12.80 1,536 120 12.80 1,536
180 2,268
60 12.20 732
18 Issue Job 570 100 12.80 1,280 20 12.80 256
160 2,012
20 12.80 256
20 Purchase 60 13.40 804 60 13.40 804
80 1,060
40 12.80 512
23 Return Job 750 - 20 12.80 - 256 60 13.40 804
100 1,316
40 12.80 512
24 Return to supplier - 20 13.40 - 268 40 13.40 536
80 1,048
June 30 Work in process 2,976
Raw Materials control 2,976
Issue of direct materials
June 30 Cost of Goods Sold 64
Raw Materials Control 64
Stocktake adjustment 5 x $12.80
Employee Workings Gross Direct Indirect Sick
Z. Abedin 40 x $25 $1,000 $1,000
Y. Barns 44 x $18 792 $792
O/t prem: 2 x $18 36 36
X. Chang 42 x $18 756 756
O/t prem: 1 x $18 18 18
W. Dali 24 x $18 432 432
8 x $18 144 144
8 x $18 144 144
V. Euler 40 x $18 720 720
4,042 1,980 1,918 144
(b) (i)
Labour Control ($1,980 + 1,918) 3,898
Provision for Sick leave 144
Accrued Payroll 3,242
PAYG Tax 800
Gross factory payroll 9 June
Accrued Payroll 3,242
Bank 3,242
Payment of net wages
( ii )
Work in Process 1,980
Factory Overhead Control 1,918
Labour Control 3,898
Allocation of factory labour
( iii )
Factory Overhead Control 349
Superannuation Fund 349
Superannuation guarantee payable ($4,042 - 162) x 9%
( a ) Overhead application rate: ( 156,000 + 315,000 ) ÷ 25,000 = $18.84 per M/cH
Overhead applied $18.84 x 24,000 M/c H = $452,160
Less Actual overhead Var $146,800 Over-applied overhead
Fix 316,800 463,600 $ 11,440
Factory Overhead Flexible budget @ 24.000 M/c hr Factory Overhead
Actual * V: $149,760 Applied
F: $315,000
$463,600 $464,760 $452,160
Fixed cost component $ 3,960
Variable cost component $2.20 x 8,000 17,600
Job 233 Job 234 Job 235 Job 236 TOTAL
Bal b/d $15,550 $5,650 $21,200
Direct Materials 2,300 5,180 15,400 5,850 28,730
Direct Labour 1,500 5,720 12,040 1,300 20,560
Overhead Applied 1,875 7,150 15,050 1,625 25,700
TOTAL $21,225 $23,700 $42,490 $8,775 $96,190
June 30 Accrued Payroll 37,700 June 1 Bal b/d 4,400
30 Work in process 20,560
Factory overhead con. 12,740
37,700 37,700
June 1 Bal b/d 21,200 June 30 Finished Goods 87,415
30 Materials Control 28,730 Bal c/d (Job 236) 8,775
Labour Control 20,560
Factory Overhead App 25,700
96,190 96,190
June 1 Bal b/d (Job 232) 22,565 June 30 Cost of Goods Sold 67,490
Work in process 87,415 Bal c/d (Job 325) 42,490
109,980 109,980
Paper 2 Solutions
( a ) Conversion cost:
Direct labour $80,000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 60,000
Variable manufacturing overhead 30,000
( b ) Product cost:
Variable manufacturing $250,000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 60,000
( c ) Prime cost:
Variable manufacturing $250,000
Less Variable manufacturing overhead 30,000
( d ) Period cost:
Fixed selling and administration $110,000
Variable selling 70,000
Sales $ 20.00 100 %
Var Costs - 13.00 65 %
Cont Margin 7.00 35 %
Sales B/e units = Fixed Cost = $126,000 = 18,000 units
Cont. Margin $7
Sales required ($) = $126,000 + 52,500 = $510,000 (OR 25,500 units x $20)
( ii )
(a) Contribution margin per student = $12 - 8 = $4
( a ) Paroo Ltd Manufacturing Statement for Six Months Ended 30 June 2008
$ $ $
Inventory 1 January 2008 95,940
Purchases 442,230
Freight in and duty 15,450
Less: Inventory 30 June 2008 102,660 450,960
Direct labour incurred 154,680
Factory supplies used:
Inventory 1 January 2008 8,440
Purchases 18,620
Freight in 1,790
Less: Inventory 30 June 2008 9,070 19,780
Factory insurances ($2,920 + [12,360 ÷ 4]) 6,010
Depreciation Factory P & E ($343,800 x 10 x ½ yr) 17,190
Indirect labour 78,030
Factory maintenance 11,430
Factory lighting and power ($16,750 - 4,110) 12,640
Annual leave Factory 16,320 161,400
Work in process 1 January 2008 28,650
Less: Work in process 30 June 2008 37,220
(b) ParooLtd Trading Statement for Six Months Ended 30 June 2008
$ $
Sales 1,846,500
Less Cost of Goods Sold
Finished Goods Inventory 1 January 2008 174,690
Cost of Production 758,470
Purchases 38,730
Less Finished Goods Inventory 30 June 2008 Gross Profit 171,890 800,000
Raw Material Control 55,000
Accounts Payable 55,000
Purchases Issues Balance
Qty Unit$ Total Qty Unit $ Total Qty Unit $ Total
$ $ $
June 1 Balance 240 6.00 1,440
80 5.50 440
21 Purchase 240 6.00 1,440 240 6.00 1,440
320 1,880
June 30 Work in process 2,440
Raw Materials control 2,440
Issue of direct materials
June 30 Cost of Goods Sold 120
Raw Materials Control 120
Stocktake adjustment 20 x $6
Employee Workings Gross Direct Indirect Sick
A. Chee 40 x $20 $800 $800
B. Huynh 36 x $16 $688 $576
6 x $16 $96
O/t prem: 2 x $8 $16
C. Chand 42 x $16 $688 $672
O/t prem: 2 x $8 $16
D. Napier 28 x $16 $640 $448
8 x $16 $128
4 x $16 $64
E. Beshay 40 x $16 $640 $640
$3,456 $1,696 $1,632 $128
Overtime paid = 4hrs x $16 x 1½ = $96
(b) (i)
Labour Control ($1,696 + 1,632) 3,328
Provision for Sick leave 128
Accrued Payroll 2,756
PAYG Tax 700
Gross factory payroll 9 June
Accrued Payroll 2,756
Bank 2,756
Payment of net wages
( ii )
Work in Process 1,696
Factory Overhead Control 1,632
Labour Control 3,328
Allocation of factory labour
( iii )
Factory Overhead Control 302
Superannuation Fund 302
Superannuation guarantee payable ($3,456 - 96) x 9%
( a ) Overhead application rate: ( 76,000 + 197,600 ) ÷ 19,000 = $14.40 per M/cH
Overhead applied $14.40 x 20,000 M/c H = $288,000
Less Actual overhead Var $81,600 Over-applied overhead
Fix 201,000 282,600 $5,400
Factory Overhead Flexible budget @ 20.000 M/c hr Factory Overhead
Actual * V: 80,000 Applied
F: $197,600
$282,600 $277,600 $288,000
Fixed cost component $ 6,800
Variable cost component $0.03 x 225,000 6,750
Job 323 Job 324 Job 325 Job 326 TOTAL
Bal b/d $13,350 $2,800 $16,150
Direct Materials 0 5,600 12,000 4,500 22,100
Direct Labour 1,175 4,400 9,250 1,000 15,825
Overhead Applied 1,410 5,280 11,100 1,200 18,990
TOTAL 15,935 18,080 32,350 6,700 73,065
June 30 Accrued Payroll 29,000 June 1 Bal b/d 3,375
30 Work in process 15,825
Factory overhead con. 9,800
$29,000 $29,000
June 1 Bal b/d 16,150 June 30 Finished Goods 66,365
30 Materials Control 22,100 Bal c/d (Job 326) 6,700
Labour Control 15,825
Factory Overhead App 18,990
$73,065 $73,065
June 1 Bal b/d (Job 322) 17,075 June 30 Cost of Goods Sold 51,090
Work in process 66,365 Bal c/d (Job 325) 32,350
$83,440 $83,440
Paper 3 Solutions
( a ) Direct Labour:
Conversion Costs $ 150,000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 56,000
Variable manufacturing overhead 20,000 - 76,000
$ 74,000
( b ) Variable Conversion Cost:
Direct labour $ 74,000
Variable manufacturing overhead 20,000
$ 94,000
( c ) Product Cost:
Prime Cost $237,000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 56,000
Variable manufacturing overhead 20,000 76,000
$ 313,000
( d ) Period cost:
Fixed selling and administration $130,000
Variable selling 45,000
( e ) Manufacturing overhead cost @ 25,000 units:
Fixed manufacturing overhead $ 56,000
Variable manufacturing overhead (20,000 / 20,000) x 25,000 25,000
$ 81,000
( a ) Contribution margin: Sales $80 100
Var Costs $60 75
Contribution Margin $20 25
( a ) Namoi Ltd Manufacturing Statement for Six Months Ended 30 June 2008
$ $ $
Inventory 1 January 2008 117,110
Purchases 518,530
Freight in and duty 18,900
Less: Inventory 30 June 2008 128,650 525,890
Direct labour incurred 187,250
Factory supplies used:
Inventory 1 January 2008 20,300
Purchases 73,980
Freight in 2,230
Less: Inventory 30 June 2008 22,800 73,710
Factory insurances ($3,500 + [21,900 x 1/4 ]) 8,975
Depreciation Factory P & E ($168,000 x 10 x ½ yr) 8,400
Factory maintenance 13,990
Factory lighting and power 20,460
Indirect labour ($95,240 – 900 ) 94,340 219,875
Work in process 1 January 2008 34,900
Less: Work in process 30 June 2008 - 31,500
(b) Namoi Ltd Trading Statement for Six Months Ended 30 June 2008
$ $
Sales 1,946,910
Less Cost of Goods Sold
Finished Goods Inventory 1 January 2008 213,120
Cost of Production 936,415
Purchases 135,170
Less Finished Goods Inventory 30 June 2008 210,490 1,074,215
Gross Profit $ 872,695
Raw Material Control 66,000
Accounts Payable 66,000
June 1 Bal b/d 46,990 June 30 Work in Process 19,600
30 Accounts Payable 20,830 Factory Overhead con. 2,820
Bank 540 Accounts Payable 700
Work in Process 700 Cost of Goods Sold 360
Bal c/d 45,580
69,060 69,060
F.I.F.O 50 8.10 405
10 8.30 83
60 488
July 11 Factory Overhead Control 488
Raw Materials Control 488
Issue of factory supplies
Labour Control ($25,992 + 2,916 + 4,835) 33,743
Administration Wages and Salaries 16,350
Provision for Annual Leave 1,607
Accrued Payroll 39,240
PAYG Tax 11,260
Medical Fund 1,200
Gross factory payroll 9 June
Accrued Payroll 39,240
Bank 39,240
Payment of net wages
( a ) i Overhead application rate: 88,500 + 159,000 = $16.50 per M/cH
(b) ii
Overhead applied $16.50 x 16,000 M/c H = $264,000
Less Actual overhead Var $92,800
Fix 160,000 252,800
Over-applied overhead $ 11,200
Factory Overhead Flexible budget @ 16.000 M/c H Factory Overhead
Actual * V: 94,400 ( 16,000 x 5.90 ) Applied
F: $159,000
$252,800 $253,400 $264,000
( a ) Plant-wide overhead rate = $187,000 ÷ 22,000 = $8.50 per DLH
Total Brewing Bottling Maintenance Factory office
Budgeted Costs $187,000 $49,500 $71,920 $28,700 $36,880
Maintenance 8,200 20,500 - 28,700
Factory office 23,050 13,830 - 36,880
Total $187,000 $ 80,750 $106,250 0 0
(a) (i) Litres Cost
Highest activity 600 $8,220
Less Lowest activity 200 4,100
Difference 400 $ 4,120
Variable cost = $4,120 = $10.30 per litre
( ii ) Highest (OR Lowest)
Total overhead cost $8,220 $4,100
Less variable cost: $10.30 x 600 6,180
$10.30 x 200 2,060
Fixed cost per month $ 2,040 $ 2,040
Fixed cost component $ 2,040
Variable cost component $10.30 x 550 5,665
Job 815 Job 816 Job 817 Job 818 TOTAL
Bal b/d $10,230 $10,230
Direct Materials 0 9,640 7,480 5,310 22,430
Direct Labour 500 3,180 2,560 4,100 10,340
Overhead Applied 500 3,180 2,560 4,100 10,340
TOTAL 11,230 16,000 12,600 13,510 53,340
Oct 31 Accrued Payroll 9,700 Oct 31 Work in Process 10,340
PAYG Tax Withheld 2,300 Factory overhead con. 2,860
Bal c/d 1,200
13,200 13,200
Oct 01 Bal b/d 10,230 Oct 31 Finished Goods 39,830
Oct 31 Materials Control 22,430 Bal c/d (Job 818) 13,510
Labour Control 10,340
Factory Overhead App 10,340
53,340 53,340
Oct 01 Bal b/d (Job 814) 8,750 Oct 31 Cost of Goods Sold 48,580
Work in process 39,830
48,580 48,580
Class Tests
Class Test 1
QUESTION 1. ( Marks 10 )
Tassie Devil Pty Ltd has the following summarised costs:
Administration expenses $ 78,000
Depreciation - plant (straight-line) 12,000
Direct labour 55,000
Direct materials used 147,000
Fixed selling expenses 40,000
Indirect labour (variable) 14,000
Indirect material (variable) 10,000
Rates and insurances - factory premises 16,000
Sales commission expenses 35,000
Calculate the following total costs:
( a ) Fixed factory overhead cost.
( b ) Conversion cost.
( c ) Variable production cost.
( d ) Production cost.
( e ) Period cost.
QUESTION 2. ( Marks 10 )
The manager of the Kanga Restaurant prepared the following budget for next month:
Average revenue per meal (including drinks) $ 32
Average variable expense per meal 17
( a ) Calculate the number of meals per month required to break-even.
( b ) What number of meals would be required for the restaurant to achieve a monthly
net profit of $4,500 (before tax)?
( c ) Given a tax rate of 30%, what number of meals would be required to earn a net
profit of $4,200 after tax?
( d ) Cleaning of linen is currently done by restaurant staff. If this cleaning was done by
a local laundry there would be a saving of $500 in fixed expenses, but variable
expenses would increase by an average of $1.40 per meal.
(i) Calculate the new break-even point for the restaurant.
( ii ) Having regard to your answer in (d) (i) above, should the manager have the
linen cleaned by the local laundry? Explain you answer.
QUESTION 3. ( Marks 15 )
Thai Ltd produces conveyor belts. Rubber, polyester fabric and steel cord are coated with
direct materials. The following financial information is for the year to 30 June 2009:
01/07/08 30/06/09
Raw Material $ 29,900 $ 33,730
Indirect Materials 2,840 3,270
Work in Process 13,590 18,520
Finished Goods 51,510 47,350
Prepaid factory insurance 1,850 ?
Accrued electricity:
Factory 2,480 2,600
Administration 380 420
Sales 906,810
Other operating income 6,250
Customs duty – Raw Material 5,470
Discount allowed 9,540
Electricity paid:
Factory 15,240
Administration 2,400
Factory insurance - annual premium due and paid 1/12/08 4,560
Freight inwards:
Raw Material 8,040
Indirect Materials 690
Finished Goods 3,870
Freight outwards 18,050
Interest on bank loan 11,090
Raw Material 206,230
Indirect Materials 15,760
Finished Goods 39,810
Other selling and administrative expenses 105,880
Repairs to plant & machinery 8,790
Wages and salaries:
Productive labour 82,340
Non Productive labour 29,520
Selling and administration 65,100
Other information:
Factory plant & machinery at cost 1/7/08 (depreciated straightline @ 15% p.a.) 143,000
Prepare the following classified statements for the year ended 30 June 2009:
( a ) Manufacturing statement.
( b ) Trading statement.
QUESTION 4. ( Marks 15 )
Milly Manufacturing Coy has the following inventories on hand at June 1st:
Raw Materials $ 20,000
Work in Progress 28,000
Finished Goods 30,000
(e) The payroll due to employees was paid after deducting 30% for income tax
(f) Overhead incurred (in addition to indirect materials and indirect labour)
amounted to $20,000 comprising:
Depreciation of Plant $ 9,000
Expired Insurance $ 6,000
Factory Rent $ 5,000
(g) Factory Overhead is applied at the rate of $20.00 per direct labour hour.
(i) Goods costing $200,000 were sold during the period at a mark-up on cost of 50%
(j) Selling expenses were $16,000 and Administration expenses incurred during the
month were $14,000.
(k) Any under / overapplied overhead is accounted for at the end of each year.
Prepare journal entries to record May transactions in the General Ledger.
Class Test 1 Name:………………………………
(d) (i)
( ii )
Class Test 1 Solutions:
( b ) Conversion cost:
Direct Labour $55,000
Fixed Factory overhead (from above) 28,000
Indirect Labour 14,000
Indirect Material 10,000
( d ) Production cost:
Fixed Factor Overhead from (a) $28,000
Variable production cost from (c) 226,000
( e ) Period cost:
Administration expenses $78,000
Fixed selling expenses 40,000
Sales commission expenses 35,000
Contribution margin per meal: Total fixed expenses:
Revenue per meal $32 Chef and dishwasher's salaries $5,000
Less Variable expense per meal 17 Cleaning of linen 500
CM per meal 15 Other expenses 3,500
(a) $9,000
Break-even point (meals) - = 600 meals
(c) $4,200
Profit before tax required - = $6,000
$9,000 + 6,000
Number of meals required = = 1,000 meals
(d) (i)
New Contribution margin per meal:
Revenue per meal $32.00
Less Variable expense per meal 18.40
CM per meal 13.60
( ii )
If linen is cleaned by the local laundry the break-even point for the restaurant will
be higher, making it more difficult to earn a profit. Linen should therefore be
cleaned by restaurant staff.
Thai Ltd
Manufacturing Statement for the Year Ended 30 June 2009
Inventory 1 July 2008 29,900
Purchases 206,230
Customs duty 5,470
Freight in 8,040
Inventory 30 June 2009 - 33,730 215,910
Productive labour 82,340 82,340
Indirect materials used:
Inventory - 1 July 2008 2,840
Purchases 15,760
Freight in 690
Less: Inventory 30 June 2009 - 3,270 16,020
Factory electricity ($15,240 - 2,480 + 2,600) 15,360
Factory insurances ($1,850 + 4,560 x 7/12) 4,510
Repairs to plant & machinery 8,790
General factory labour 29,520
Depreciation—Factory P & M ($143,000 x 15%) 21,450 95,650
Less: Work in process 30 June 2009 18,520
Thai Ltd
Trading Statement for the Year Ended 30 June 2007
Sales 906,810
Less Cost of Goods Sold:
Finished Goods 1 July 2006 51,510
Purchases 39,810
Cost of Production 388,970
Freight inwards 3,870
Less Finished Goods 30 June 2007 47,350 436,810
Gross Profit $470,000
General Ledger Debit Credit
(a) Raw Materials Control 60,000
Accounts Payable 60,000
Class Test 2
QUESTION 1. ( Marks 10 )
( a ) Hanna uses a perpetual inventory system. The business specialises in the custom
manufacture of molded concrete products for the building industry. Cement, sand,
aggregate and steel are accounted for as direct materials, while all other materials
are indirect. The following transactions (relating to the operation of the factory
store) are provided for October 2009:
Materials on hand 1 October 2009 74,100
Purchases on credit of cement 43,500
Purchases on credit of other materials 12,980
Freight paid for materials delivered to the store 2,360
Issues of cement 45,090
Issues to the factory of other materials 11,270
Cement issued to a job was found to be the faulty and returned from the 840
factory to the store. The store then returned it to the supplier
Payments to accounts payable 57,320
Discounts received 510
Gross wages of store employees 4,980
Materials on hand 31 October 2009 (from physical stocktake) 75,830
Prepare the Materials Control account from the above information. Your answer
should show correct 'particulars' (correct names for the other ledger accounts
(b) Matro Ltd uses a perpetual inventory system. Inventory on hand at 1 August 2009
of an indirect material item used in the factory was 30 units @ $18 each.
Using the first-in, first-out inventory costing method, prepare a general journal
entry to record the issue on 8 August.
QUESTION 2. ( Marks 10 )
Freeo Industries Ltd employs seven wage employees in its factory. All employees are paid
$ 18 per ordinary hour for a normal 40 hour working-week.
• Payroll records for the factory recorded the following total labour hours for
Total payroll deductions from gross pays for these employees for November were:
PAYG tax instalments 3,528
Superannuation fund 1,000
Medical fund 1,200
Company policy is to charge annual leave paid against the liability account
Provision for Annual Leave. All employees are entitled to a leave loading of 17 1/2%
• Each of the seven factory employees of E.M.U. Industries has an annual entitlement
of four weeks leave plus 17 1/2% loading. The company accrues/provides for
annual leave equally over each month of the year.
Prepare general journal entries to record the following:
( a ) Gross factory pays for November and the payment of net pays.
QUESTION 3. ( Marks 15 )
Part A Based on an annual production level of 120,000 machine hours (30,000 units), the
estimated factory overhead costs of Oz Ltd would be variable $252,000 and fixed $96,000
(Total $348,000). Factory overhead is applied at a rate per machine hour.
Actual production for the year was 124,000 machine hours, and overhead incurred was
( a ) Calculate the predetermined overhead rate per machine hour.
( b ) Determine the amount of over or under-applied overhead. Your answer must
clearly state whether the calculated amount is over or under-applied.
( c ) Analyse over/under-applied overhead into a spending (budget) variance and a
capacity (volume) variance.
Part B Bozz Ltd has prepared an annual budget for factory overhead costs for each of its
four factory departments as shown below:
Departments Cost ($) Cost Driver
Cutting 158,100 Direct labour hours
Assembly 169,200 Direct labour cost
Stores 75,600 Material requisitions
Maintenance 105,600 Maintenance hours
Total 508,500
Estimated operating statistics for this year are:
Direct labour Direct labour Material Maintenance
hours cost ($) requisitions hours
Cutting 22,500 382,500 1,200 4,000
Assembly 15,000 260,000 600 2,400
Stores 150 210
Maintenance 150 430
Total 37,500 642,500 2,100 7,040
( a ) Calculate a plant-wide overhead rate based on direct labour hours.
( b ) Calculate departmental overhead rates assuming the service departments' costs are
allocated using the direct method.
Part C
A manufacturer incurred the following indirect material costs over the past five years:
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Direct labour hours ( hrs ) 6,000 5,500 6,700 7,500 8,500
Cost ( $ ) 16,800 16,200 18,750 21,000 22,500
QUESTION 4. ( Marks 15 )
Mel Bourne Pty Ltd manufactures awnings to customer specifications. Job costing is used.
The following financial particulars are for September 2009.
( vii ) Depreciation of factory plant and equipment at 10% p.a. on cost of $117,600.
At 30 September Job No. 96 was incomplete. All completed jobs were sold in September,
except for Job No. 95.
( a ) Prepare a Job Card Cost Summary for September.
( b ) Prepare entries in general journal form to record the above transactions.
Class Test 2 Name:……………………………..
Total Cutting Assembly Stores Maintenance
Budgeted Costs $508,500 $158,100 $169,200 $75,600 $105,600
Class Test 2 Solutions:
(a) Raw Materials Control
Oct 1 Balance b/d 74,100 Oct 31 Work in Process 45,090
31 Accounts Payable 43,500 Factory Overhead 11,270
Accounts Payable 12,980 Accounts Payable 840
Bank 2,360 Cost of Goods Sold 750
Work in Process 840 Balance c/d 75,830
133,780 133,780
Nov 1 Balance b/d 75,830
August 8 Factory overhead control 725
Materials control 725
Nov 30 Labour Control (1,080 x $18) 19,440
Provision for Annual leave (40 x $18 x 1.175) 846
PAYG Tax 3,528
Superannuation Fund 1,000
Medical Fund 1,200
Accrued Payroll 14,558
Gross factory payroll for November 14,558
Accrued Payroll
Bank 14,558
Payment of net wages
Nov 30 Work in Process (900 x $18) 16,200
Factory Overhead Control (180 x $18) 3,240
Labour Control 19,440
Allocation of factory labour for month
Nov 30 Factory Overhead Control 1,815
Superannuation Fund 1,815
Superannuation guarantee liability
Nov 30 Factory Overhead Control 1,974
Provision for Annual Leave 1,974
Annual leave provision (7 x 4 x 40 x $18 x 1.175 / 12)
Overhead recovery rate: = $2.90 pet M/c H
Overhead applied $2.90 x 124,000 M/c H = $359,600
Less Actual overhead $358,900
Over-applied overhead $ 700
Flexible budget
@ 124,000 M/c H
Annual O/h F: $ 96,000 Applied O/h
*V: 260,400
$358,900 $356,400 $359,600
Plant-wide overhead rate = $508,500 + 37,500 = $13.56 per DLH
Total Cutting Assembly Stores Maintenance
Budgeted Costs $508,500 $158,100 $169,200 $75,600 $105,600
Stores 50,400 25,200 - 75,600
Maintenance 66,000 39,600 - 105,600
Total $508,500 $274,500 $234,000 0 0
DLH Cost
Highest activity 8,500 $22,500
Less Lowest activity 5.500 16.200
Variation 3,000 6,300
Variable cost = $2.10 pet direct labour hour
Fixed cost component $ 4,650
Variable cost component $2.10 x 8,000 16,800
Budgeted cost for 2009 $21,450
Job 92 Job 93 Job 94 Job 95 Job 96 TOTAL
Bal b/d $6,340 $6,340
Direct Materials 0 $3,190 $1,970 $3,760 $1,880 10,800
Direct Labour 880 2,140 1,500 2,490 970 7,980
F.O.A. 880 2,140 1,500 2,490 970 7,980
Sub-contracting 400 400
TOTAL 8,100 7,470 5,370 8,740 3,820 33,500
Sep 30 ( i ) Raw Materials Control 14,160
Accounts Payable 14,160