RPH Bi 1-Listening

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Focus : Listening and Speaking

Theme : World Of Knowledge

Topic : Sounds Around Us

Content 1.1. Pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently
Standards : with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning 1.1.1. Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance :
Standards :
(a) environmental sounds
(f) voice sound

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :

i) identify sounds
ii) imitate sounds

Class: 1 Best (8.10 – 9.10) , 1 Budi (10.30 – 11.30)

Time : 60 minutes

Teaching Aids : Picture cards, word cards.

Added-Value : Creative

Teaching & Learning

Activity Notes

1. Teacher makes sounds Listening Sounds of animals

of animals and pupils Making Interpretations Dog : Woof! Woof!
guess the sounds. Duck : Quack ! Quack!
Cow : Moo! Moo!
Cat : Meow! Meow!

2. Teacher displays the Identify and respond Picture cards :

picture cards on animals Dog
and pupils make the Duck
sounds and the actions of Cow
the animals. Cat
3. Teacher displays the Shared reading. Picture and word cards.
word cards and reads Recall and respond. Dog
aloud. Pupils listen and Duck
follow the words read. Cow

4. Get pupils to say the Pronunciation Paying attention.

words aloud while one of Vocabulary
the pupil points to the Reading Picture and word cards.
words. Dog

Assessment :

Able to identify and Identify and pronounce Words :

pronounce words words correctly. Dog
correctly. Duck


1. Pupil points to the Identify and pronounce Words :

problematic words. words correctly. Dog
2. Teacher reads the Cow
words. Cat


Get pupils to talk about Build confidence Encourage pupils to talk.

their pet. Turn taking

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