Henry Garrett Ranking Techniques
Henry Garrett Ranking Techniques
Henry Garrett Ranking Techniques
This technique was used to evaluate the problems faced by the policy
holders of Health Insurance policy. In this method, the policy holders were asked
to rank the given problem according to the magnitude of the problem. The orders
of merit given by the respondents were converted into ranks by using the following
100 ( Rij −0 .5 )
Percentage Position = Nj
The percentage position of each rank thus obtained was converted into
scores by referring to the table given by Henry Garrett. Then for each factor the
scores of individual respondents were added together and divided by the total
number of respondents for whom the scores were added. These mean scores for all
the factors were arranged in the order of their ranks and inferences were drawn.
It could be seen from the above table that __________ was ranked first with
_________ was ranked as the fourth with a score of 43.9 Garrett points and 30.3