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H FINANCIAL DISTRICT J [5 opts \ lean ai mivapee ‘oun of Origin: France eon Fok a ten at ste Rene on Sie Estmstoa Dar Ara ‘Secunia rae samme ema sr tanec Date: 22 4. 2 ot ty Ale ler © Remi Acknowesgoe SS eS S ‘OWNER'S COMMENTS (Optional) ee Savd Ngan, sete om 3/2/2010 Sea ee ee eee sneer eae ah oa = King Abdullah Financial District ay jl DAR AL RIVADH ‘Material submittal review report Date: 16th December 2009 Title: Dry Type Transformer Company Name: Schneider Electric Local Agent: EPS-KSA Country of Origin: France Submittal No.:D806B/MAT-E-049 Rev.01 Specification : 16451 » ‘SILNO- ‘Comments 1 [anise 202A tondard enlowure P2Uaper fom the baeeIP22) [osuse 201 catalogue found bien temperature 0 deg. Joause 2.03, catalogue found sound presi level ps am {AE a twan75 [tndar €€ 600763 tC 600761365005 and CeNELEC [rnefarer ae manufactured in accordance with qulty system in complance with the international [enduro 001 and erviranmental management system in confit th 50 4001 [wae esr val nswtmision ncaa ound ee away 23 erence at projets thin Saud Arab ror ear 2006 to 2006s aval submission [eninasinonetineraninicmaanain To be provided fe eps ans tas at sanders ent wataieinssbmisin To be provided cop orem Thain eter rom manure Tor prope oea age! fot WaT Te -srizion i requis ore cootnglAR toincrene the rte power up 104% V.Ramabfoorthi Senior Electrical Engineer G@eélectric ENERGY, INFRASTRUCTURE & SERVICES DIVISION EPS - KSA TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL FOR: so TRANSFORMERS bee PROJECT: KING ABDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT - RIYADH Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Our Ref. QJ103A/ADL09-TR TECH BING ARDTLAASEETANIATOTETRICT ERR oli ihr smane “Tor DAR AL RIVABH ‘Submital Package: From: SBG-PBAD Date: 108008 No. of Copies: oy Paap (NMED F/ Submited for: 1G fomston _c Coorénaton Matera Statue: uSpeciee 0 Atemathe Drawing Ret: 2.44-FD-403 Discipline: ELECTRICAL Specification: No Speciation BOQ Rel No PerostNo: ALL Building: ALL SBGRet No: 1004-%-6070-261202-8 Rev. 00 Enclosures: eFrsusten Version m Ceteogue © Senle © Conparion Sheet 9 Lieto Supls Cie | Country oF Origin: Detivery Program: a ewer Ft uation Latet Dee ot mee 9 ate set Recaed en ie xine oe reo Sy p02 yy nn smi an etn core cee a he etm oa ean oe tacts aa happy Nene | “P| For the Contractor- f fe [eee Sect ee | Seba Pinca G° - yo Fanaa nome Beale, ene — ne Tepe li ones ot lg lie Carano ci arn ny Sas Ded 3cksan su vr, ut py ay teen senrs sfetinnw eo ati nee SS = e ANNEXURE Project : KING ABDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT. PACKAGE-B PARCEL 2.09, 2.14, 4.07 & 4.08 Kem MV/LV Dry Type Power Transformers Submittal No. 1001-X-E-070-261202 ‘We propose 9 diferent Day type Wansformers Manufacturers [or your review sod approval os Manufatseiodust cordingly. Pas not ht hc fication. ‘sansformer therefore, ro compliance slatement is included, 1, Proposed ManufacturerSupplier + ABB Proposed three-phase Vacuum Cast Coil Dry Type transformers rated 500 KVA, fo 2500KVA. 13 2RVi0-38220V 6Olte DeliaStr vector sroup Dyo lmbient temp. 50°C, winding cucu for high voltge/Low voltage. clas F insulation system with aatual (AN) cooling for indoor instalation, destined for tse in threesphse HV/LV disubation systems. Transformers will bein Compliance wih the IEC, CENELEC and ISO codes and standards and Specialy te following codes and standards {BC 60076-11 Dey spe power transformers TBC 6090S. Loading sude for dry type power transformers TEC 60076 Series: Power transformers CENELEC HD $38 Thee phase dry type distribution transformers “These trensfrmers willbe manufkctred in scoordance with = A quality system in conformity wit ISO 9001, * Am Enviromental management system in conformity with ISO 14001 SN TN... (AN) cooling for indoor isllation, destined for usp in three-phase HV/LV Aistbution systems. Rating fom 160 10 3ISORVA fp Ysultin lve 175k, 1BSkViB80V, vector group Dynll, ambient temp. BO"P, windings cucu for high voltazefLow volage. Transformers shall be following Standais compliance with the TEC 60076. co IBC 600765: Power Transformers EC 60076-11 Dry type vansformers ‘CENELEC Harmonisation Documents HD 464 St 1988/42: 1991») A3 (Bocce Pt QP 30.31, 1a ~— Tosi ec aa? ‘These transformers wl be manufactured in acadance with = Agualiy system in conformity wih ISO 9001 ‘An environmental management sytem in conformity with ISO 14001 both cenifed by an oficial independent organization, Proposed Manufacturer: Sau Electrical Transformer Factory Jeddah Saudi Arabia “Threephase Copper Cast Coil Dry Type transformers ried S00 LVA, to 2S00KVA, 13.54V0.387220V 60H Della/Star, vector group Dyn, ambient ‘emp. 50°C. winding cucu for high volagerLow volige, elas F insulation system with natural (AN) cooling for indor installation, destined for use in three-phase HVILV disebution systems, Transformers shall bein compliance ‘withthe folowing standards EC 60076-1 1 IC 60076-5: Power Transformers EC 6076-11 ry type transformers manufactured in sscorance wih ‘These transformers will be manufhctred in secordance with ‘Acqua sytem in conformity with ISO 9001 Saudi Standard Organization Quality Cersiiaton For detailed technical speciation refer to enclosed catalogs Rating of tansformers shal be according to approved shop dre wings. KING ABDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT. INDEX 1, Response to Consultant Comments 2. Contract’s Specification 3, General Specification 4, Project Executed 5. Catalogue MV/LV DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER Schneider Electric Response to Consultant’s Comments Schneide S0HVA 2 75 Beoazs eapros [ACHAT DRNAH EXT. PHASE 7e[ beoaer Hsapee [EBEN LMRAL CPs SIS #6 EE] PEDads 0 May] NATIONAL TRADING [ENTERTAINMENT 8 7 [Soupany_(TaAGIG CTR 7 PEGE |v TR” |ABDUL LATIF JANEETLRBALKAAGA PROJECT — [Tanctonner [TOTO Tal Ico. 8 75 | PEUETT[Sztors BN SANRIAR——[RSUPARKING BUILDING [Tansooner | TOOORVATH lconrRacins TSE | PEOESE |SITE ]RATIONAC TRADING [ENTERTARWENT S——]Trandnar [STENT Icoweany. IreaDNG CTR “ Ta Pen INTERNATIONAL —_[}EODAH GATE arene — PaO 86 | PETZ |SHUDIAL TERAIEJWINGTRY OF IGHER [Transformer [raSoOHVA TS 75 | PETES CORDS HAF FORTROING &|xFU AIG ALISA ranamar [RAE leonraxcTiNe projet Schneider Electric Energy inteeructir Sorca Disin ‘out Souther Replone 80 PeAD Due: 21.06 a0 Mohamed Arar, KING ABDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT - RIYADH = PARCEL 219,214, 407 & 408 0 (¢ TOWERS: Our response tothe consultant comments) oat soos Sonitis meg ee emo etrnce speci No 185! ye cna ee Terman ‘hy tons a tb VA ol pti he rele ss, wat oe olne pe endoase ype ae uur ore reo ANSI tnd we nt apts he Pree! Sno he Mv ogsipmert 36 wel ab eorng eC wind ewer our On yp tanner comps ah te flewng IEC {itnatonn SscraneanclComereson| state 2 leeboore-t 5 teens (on ater hind, ou ransarmare have Seon wae a mary sm frost n ry Gu vray Cis Corpun Oar A One Pec adeah Rg Moautan Pabese’ Sak pes jaa ar eb Aor Noreoer cur Ory ype. arsrmore hve. best -spprovd a (omni (erAl Hardee Sus Oy ZF Sou Conese Wie ius tt & sot be to your iqutameri and ake ie ‘Srpotuny ose you ofou bet sonene tes rte on ab soieeees —— eee ream PUBLIC PENSION AGENCY - PARCEL. No. 2.09 ING ANDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT, RIYADH SECTION 16451 DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS PART | GENERAL LOL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ‘A. Buumine all ber sens ofthe Spica for rqultement wich fect work ofthis secon whee or ot such Work spielly meadoned in his ston, 3. Coote wor: wit ua of lobe wads ang or afer by work of he Sexton, [Cooper with sah aes wo sure te Steady progres fal wok nde the Cott, 1.02 SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION ‘A. This wor shall consist of supplying, esting and commissioning lly pe tanfomers refed on the dreing and eae win tl specification, B. Types of ry rp wamsormer shal comprise the folowing 1, Two winding snformee 2 Auouantorner 3, Buck and boot ransfomese ¢olon rantonmere 1L03 GUARANTEES ‘A. Avenon is drsed 10 provisos conned elsewhere reprtng guaanees and warts forwor under is Contact B. Manufacturers shal be provie ter guarantees for work wer thi ston, However such ‘uaranes sal ein aon oan in live ofa oer lables which manufrs od Cratos may kave by lw o by other provisions of the Contract Document, Ot QUALITY ASSURANCE, |A. Manuf: Firms egulatyeopaged in mamofcrur of package stb-taton, cubicles ad rasfomer, of pes and sis ad rings required, whose profots bive bee in satsfaory se in Simla servee frat est than $year, ‘Bsa: Qualified wih a ast 3 years of sucesso experience on projets with ‘eri iestlaion woe ilar 6 ht requemeat or he projet. 1.05 SUBMITTALS ‘A. Proct Du: Provide ouine and suport poi dimensions of enclosures and accesories, nit weigh votage, KVA, and inpefance’raings and cartes, ap configurations, insulin system typ, and fated temperate se B, Test Repors: Indie lst dat, eficemy at 25, $0, 75 and 100 percent rtd load, and sound level DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS 16451 - ) @ PUBLIC PENSION AGENCY - PARCEL No 2.09 ‘KING ABDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT, RIVADH Manutoere's Instructions: tne application coiton ad linitions of se silted by Product testing ageny specified under Regulatory Reqaenens. [nude iasacon (Ot sage, handing prtcon,examiton, preparation instal, and tng of Pode Manufacturer's Cece: Certty har Produts met exceed pied requirement REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS NEMA STL - Specialty Transormers [NEMA S120. Dry Type Transformers for Geral Appiation NFPA 70- National Elec! Code ANS.C89.2- Dry Type Tanstomers for General Applications ‘UL 506-73 - Specalty Transformers DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Delve anstormers invita wrapped fr protection an mound om siping sie. Accept transformers on ste. Inpet or damage ‘Str in clean, dy space. Maintain factory wrapingor provide an aol heavy canvas or bay pint cover to poet units fom dit, water, onsructon debris, al ae arale in accodaac wit mamufture's writen lstrvctions, Li oly with legs provided forthe purpose. Handle carly 10 avold damage to transformer inernl component, snelsur, anh PART 2 PRODUCTS 201 A MATERIALS AND FABRICATION Forish general purpose thee pis dy-ype transformer in indoor pe enclosure, On thee pb ansormers prod ot es han two windlgs pr pase, Trasformecs serving a sigufiant anowat of non-linear loads sll have "K" sulags of ‘ecween 4 and K-13 as reonmended bythe manifce an hve at cette se (Only single and thes phase eesfomers having two winding per pase wil be approve Fulcapsciy standard NEMA tps sal be provided inthe primary Wndgs of wanfomers Saving primary cating in exes of 600 vols. Thre-phase wansiomrs shall be connected only ina dsis-wye or wye dea configuration excep ila ratsormers having #on-o- ne ens rate," comecions may be used for tansomer raed a 15 EVA ot belo The insulation on wasforner windings may be te manufacturers sanded for Ganson nel for operaion in 2 $°C amblet temperate vals a higher temperance sala i ‘equi bythe sppienon ict DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS 1645-2 PUBLIC PENSION AGENCY - PARCEL Ne 2.9 ING ABDULLAI FINANCIAL DISTRICT, RIVADH Do ao use at anions in pace of general purpose dry. 1ype transormec. Furi at east 212 perce fl epacy taps ove and below normal Faris tre phase wansformers, DeliWye, connie 2 dled, and conforming with Inte NEMA santas, Fumish suasormer designed for cominvous operation at rated tva wit sormal tie expecta) as defied in IEEE No, 63. Ensue tat performance Is obtained without ‘creed LS*C average tempers rie by reistnce 220°C tal sve 40°C anbleat © ‘nes NEMA ST20 snd ‘urls wanformers with high empermre insulin meri with rove eb Fmish tsformers made of ae retro mterals at wil ot soport combustion at Setined in ASTM D 535. Fumish core mouming fames and enclosures of welled and bold comtruion wit facet mechanical rginy and arength wo wiliod siping, eecton sal sor ut Fumish wansformes desgued to meet UL thermal overload test of 200 percent of rated ‘Set fr 30 mtn. Fumi wansformes not to exceed the 65°C reestablished by UL ass imi for maximum surace enperaure amish asfrmers with sod lel nt exoetng: Average Sound eve ina va NEMA ST 20 0-09 0 10-30 s 51 150 50 151-300 55 1500 ry losulltamformers with sound lee gener than $0 Db oa resent vibraon loins ‘moun o prevent amplifeaa of oun PART 3 EXECUTION INSPECTION “The Coarse sll examine the ubwanves and the conto une which wo wil be intl aod coret any uaeslcory condone. The Conratr stl ot procs With the Wore until ll unstistictory codons fave been corrected In & manner accepabie the Engineer. DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS 1651-5 @O a 30 PUBLIC PENSION AGENCY - PARCEL. No 2.09 ING ABDULLAH FINANCIAL DISTRICT, RIYADH Provide uppers trenches, dct tas, and be Ue, Aly coords with works of ober ‘ras unt ade the dy-ope vores in scxorinee with he soaped sumac dt he Engineer's pprova. Provide gound coniauly coniucors and ground terminal lugs on all no-curent crying neal work and connect o main ground In aecrdance with NEC-250 INSTALLATION Iasull and gard transformers 26 spsifled by Inst NEC and ANSE stmdats, and in ecnréance wih manufactures lasrtons, mish adequte space around transformer wo depose of anormer fll load lose by \enlaion witout cretag exci abet tenperie. Unless neat aterwone on desing, wall mount iasfoners raed 1S va and blo Four mous! uassformer rae above 1 Ka Provide iting ng and joking plates 2 equited on wanton enclosure Punish and inal suiable suppor for ll astonmes, otue all comin fom wansfomer enclosures by use of neoprene grommet condi ‘reuaces ela, clei metal pars, excepting cones and core mounting frames, then rus-poof aed ery ‘coating finer prime. Paint cover plates and exeral metal pars with two fish cous of ANSI N61 Gey. ‘Provide irl ed external eartng termina, ‘The nesta sl be eanbadw the eating terminal mou on he rausocer cas Transfer tal be earthed oct grid in acordance with Seton 16452, FIELD TESTS Field inspection and esting willbe perfomed user proviso of Seton 16550, ‘Cesk for damage and gh consetos prio i energizing afomer. Mesure primary and secondary vokage and make appropriate ap adjusts, ENDOFSECTION 16461 DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS 1611-4 ee Joulojsued UONNGHISIP A/AH UISes }SeD dseyd-ooil} 10) UOedIOOS [e1aUeD oun2eig seprottps poleaCTuH UM (me) Rove olla Cede) WaT) (Zo) Sona vorasoe mde Nee4-a sea eg VaWades ojsue.) sours) By s syse} meu Aq PeULUyUOD eoUEljeoxa, sOULOJsues} UISeJ 1SBO edAy AiG ley HV/LV distribution transformers. TRIHAL cast resin dry type transformers 180 to 3150 kVA. Insulation level = 24 KV = low voltage 400 to 433 V- 50 Hz ‘thermal clase F - ambient = 40" C,alttuele = 100m rminimum clerences required HV and LV stenderd connection connections LV terminations 8 ‘TRIHAL transformers with IP 31 metal enclosure oO HV terminations oy oO! ‘ojesao nin sone aoa ve ete RBA com. Seesoencee oe Raa arena Eg HV/LY distribution transformers: TTRIHAL cast resin dry type transformers 160 to $150 KVA insulation level = 24 RV = low voltage 400 to 433 V - 50 Hz thermal class F - ambient = 40°C, altitude = 1000 m_ tandrde pene Fala ‘common electrical characteristics sens tet pec Sra electrical characteretios for insulation level: 7.2 kV and 12 KV > 3 = = = = ea ar Ea isi lectrical characteristics for inulation lovel: 17.5 KV and 24 KV 7 STON RTSEOR TET] vests ‘Partial discharge level from day 1 <10 pC Insulation 24 KV : impulse tested at 125 kV Insulation 36 KV : impulse tested at 170 kV, 200 kV indeed, clectrcal tests ‘Thm mae ety contact tari, a ‘Patan ony ect na hala ol fed ‘etoanmren chelsea pear amrcasiec ne Se se et ‘hofewcesa rete th hart an ‘rea et ‘Tho et tag sy a ey eet en nrg {itinerant von eidee raptor erase ‘A clear and precise test report, joined to each transformer. Titcumcare a rein dette pron ct cst ‘nti codon asp wat gusto anes EET ‘Tesi sy ceca cachoncmn sons oseoenee ivisey sg coro sna avon 01 ZO WU Vent ‘Boban cst sb Tas Caos tues Fe. FDRSatRSaT eae 2s at itd ot Til arto gulp hae Sern nees aan ten mado nn ae ‘Seton tat acese Areates tone nce i a ee ‘rots oars pat a he pole cancun et eicsnembgeraty ae pragma tte rat ik Meme ras eee 3 iy cath gan nea Shemgrmmcnavescceng ort sre Wer cane nae Ore unre w ou tem eae mares ‘reac ma Leiletoin emia. tests The IEC 60076-11 standard defines 3 tests ‘Immediate self extinguishing. ‘on one and the same dry standard transformer. - a ee [ENE caredeaterenateetyminriniine — Sn —— 2 . ~ (Popengis fe cuoerotarcaunestatin menc Romo 5 = ee ee) ee (Gat abet Pcie Po, ae” roy ng ce een etn erence | weet em a cena | eeiemereseemeemmamaes oe eee eee ~ Pe = Soe cre eee, ¥ =e Seto cnn boca ve tacoma fee trance transto —~ =e ae Noconpor eh het ed HOA come CN atm See oneness ew sce oe om eats Peo ee option connection ier inn © ‘etenaoy yneat falta cores toot tage “ites wane Ie Fear cig eles ere teen cy Ieqcsto uno elm ciety dettante ta SET asin xt er etn tine ‘rota pt ost vray eae the cron ec, ea neion ‘Theta ctcarelempgies tessa ates ngi wth bP ‘epaegtenoa a cn nth rch CTE es ance ea Sorina icons tape tee nectar igh vottage connection ren tangs Se ren enn erin ip waoteas na oy mens cena eet Rohan ine “Ps DT ara oot Pe high voltage surge arresters {in tmatr mut pts ea ene eae esr tan enema aoe ty SSapptonthei mest otesam nacccanuh aac esa ‘Eitan et prt 28 Th et etrion Eosecomobgtanchameorwene Sanat oi orga mopman ase. tallation substation ventilation 1 cere th ean wef wean necator ng sean mean the eeered ran ncn noes Pe iaminey. “ “= ad neato 08) e288? ewewcsons Econ rar alam Mw tra terme int Por 2 W sora ane =s100%, ton rend voaon ine 2 aR ne ‘tee tow nee 2 70-03 option installation thermal protection + yerrnal protection TRepande te 70 wer at rte tengercn act Pebawre ecown eens psseey 205 Wolheronaceretsae a ‘perro peter es ‘Troe cndn sen se ars apa race ster tt osm P00 earn T dg here, (51a wan 91 ta etn, ‘palettes recums emer ees ar Se ere eeperncer Fre Seer i | Be avmnaitoncennnenran sean i 1 SESE acm emtmmanarom SEE caesar cease, coon tmamcenena Seen mreeeereneee rior tece Oo Ite ete very healt the pec aracton ner the econ and Eseries eieame aes oh enema a Sac ps concoct nce stata 1 oracle ie ‘Sete. meso resus reonarere bs ii comecan ly otteed scare nrg POT ae arg tat aati (ede acorn meio psn eating a ution Canora Ackles 8 eters 4am ecg cop ee ern ‘AP 2cupu mie gon crel e stipe eral ‘he Teg heer vn wth alan Paes ees arate ch Fat ney Sees ie St tomo she siramicgonse SFC ‘oneal rerum tga ee ar Tr en a) | SSS ace a a ease option handling, thermal protection storage "The first level of Trihal protection is by the temperature control device. hanating a mn ance an ern to song pen ee ‘Teter ape pos racy UPhennig wars pseu ens peel ae a sg wn cnc ge (gi crc ra arate oc atnomersaroan sonny Fimigugntecer devemsoeremensnsewn Tesegromaenione fence geoerban 5" fig thn ar tryna ea a bch nin eth 12cm at tree am mtn hens raze tae rrr ots onsng Feo enw beta vats cence fans ey Set a 3 song ‘Says Gratou eon) nace one eon Te ‘one Battere wm orate wcknsechouaoadaton esecton Fr ‘ipipotowe? mn sama oenoasdar ear ascaloainoer Guns SERIES aasemnnpanas se mg pote Beery gt ste fare) ro gett ac ee 2. [neem aoten nse ute fearon tree ane gan saree bone ‘ve riae nie redpete crc, “ (Geeta tour Peterson to = ‘ee eb rs rey an eon ta ‘Stsune tatsuma: tang open The Taro shader nest wg at hstnwoy ney coarse fee laren © Fiticcan enon snaddoelaptcorhecamen vaste macs, technology commissioning mainionanee Very low parial discharge evel (< 10 pC) ( pared aressuceaiaeraria magrtic core SEE errr nage cree Teter neta nntneirnsnresnt math Smee Eeatenetmimen tame rinemtemmayninen Fe — SEiicrceaae geen ’ a Sapte care eee tec ane low votage winding eee teens aaroerectmernem terse, Cen o > {Chena te reeves ard ho te conectn (regomet, tn ‘hate and bus br cote ane conection arse rng has been ey bs postin erty ta et te hem econ ‘ior gas eg te Vern s Lveatnenst ao seus wings a0 easton re incon ‘Poentt ne nd on polo nhc ane Testor omen tasers 2tvee aro “id re ni sahan ae, ‘Seaver ummaee nas posure on ‘omctore tobe race wea! uarg ncn tion fren tenet so ‘Sita eras atscmcrgs dt essn Pearcy sore high voltage winding Tretgnctge wn cy yank rn oro tg ses Geet mt Paes cpp as ne care erg nay ety wh ‘murano on tye sme tro AH) Eebeomenoce ere ae so PeTihalcaring er ) ). ‘curscan tin scnayconpenetarGrenoeaseanesat eta chars ove igeres 10Pa) ns scitge ia Hihosopeor teens oriesstansocccvestne Sterna (Sng cota metas pies bes nh Sve etre ou meee ‘Scien ng en yeas eae se unten nent eta rn dt presentation ( ‘A technology developed and patented by France Transfo since 1985, ‘ype “Tiglegtreo psy 9p tor catnip ethan FeReSSame cea pnd eee sc standard fees ee ) range Etiam ew am cr ~ ‘amare herman re sana ranches nap Shur oer toscomre otoieuva enrse eee warranty extension to 5 years How to benefit from this warranty Al Trina! transformers ordered after ‘at July 2006 may be guaranteed for 5 years, provided that: |: commaionrg eh nance bee wh ne Sra each portly Tete, Reece eta ena garb {Poze etn oa so wi 5 Gay lt ce ‘nmin te france transfo ePaper over conimig our Seer Buoremce retcccham tases retonmstcetengg Trihal 410 SEESALTIONS AVANT MISE EN SERVICE COMMISSIONING PRECAUTIONS T

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