Water Fountains

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January 5, 2011


Physical Plant Office

Dear Engr. Pajo:


The Central Student Government in its mission of bridging the concerns of the students to the
proper administrative authority has conducted a brief study on the status of our water fountains.
Needless to say, this particular service is being used by students in a daily basis. With this
premise, we find it our obligation to investigate in the light of the concerns the CSG has been
receiving about this matter and bring it to your attention.

Attached herewith is the copy of the report conducted by a special task force commissioned by
the Office of the President of the Central Student Government.

We are hoping that based from this report, proper and immediate action will be conducted to
improve this vital service to our student body. The Central Student Government is more than
willing to assist you in any way possible for the resolution of this concern.
We are hoping for your favourable response.

In service I remain,


The study was done to fulfil the following aims:

1. To identify the different factors that affect the water’s length from the mouth of XU’s drinking fountains
2. To identify whether these factors are true for one specific unit, for a few, or for all
3. To identify if time is an important element that determines the length of the water.
4. To identify the main cause of low pressure in these units.

Scope & Limitations:

The experiment was only limited to the subjective, rather than objective data due to the lack of proper devices to measure the accurate details.
The experiments were done in the morning, afternoon, and evening to gain more reliable sources of comparison.

Identifying parameters:

The parameters that were tested were the water’s subjective temperature, the estimated length of the water from the fountain’s mouth, and
the specific date and time the experiment was conducted. The temperature of the water was observed to identify if there will be changes in the
water’s coolness as time varies. The estimated length of the water from the fountain’s mouth was also put into consideration to testify whether
the length increases or decreases as time varies.


General Location Specific Location

SC near XU cafe
Analysis of data:


It was observed that time is not an element that would affect the water’s temperature, yet it is a determinant of the length of the water from
the fountain’s mouth.


Based on table 1 above, the subjective temperature of the water does not vary as time changes. If the drinking fountain units are plugged on,
the temperature of the water remains as cold as it should be regardless of the time of the day it is being used.

Length of the water from the mouth of the fountain

The length of the water from the fountain’s mouth varies as time changes. It was observed that generally, the lengths of the water in the
experiments done in the morning gave the least measurements. The results of the experiments done in the afternoon gave the 2 nd least
measurements. Lastly, the results of the experiments done at night gave the longest length of the water.


It is concluded through the study conducted that the underlying problem of low pressure regarding the water fountains distributed
around the campus can be directly linked to the time that these fountains are utilized. According to the data, the pressure is relatively stronger
at the evenings. These findings indicate that lesser people who drink in water fountains, the stronger is the pressure produced. This relationship
can be further root down to the effects of the insufficient water supply from the pipelines connected to every water source in the campus.
Therefore, it can also be concluded that the prime source of this problem is the incapacity of the current pipeline system to support the
aggravating demand for water in the campus today.

Changing the water fountain units will not improve their performances. According to Koolex, the manufacturer of water fountains in the
campus, the unit cannot be hold responsible for low pressure. Thus, the most suited mechanism to use in enhancing the performance of the
water fountains is the use of the system of booster pumps and pressure tanks. Booster pumps increase the rate of water that is being pumped in
the pipelines connected to the water fountains. On the other hand, the pressure tanks regulate the pressure of the water flowing out from the
fountains at a pre-determined level. Fixated together, they will be attached to the pipelines around the campus. As to how many is needed, it
depends on the power of the water pump and pressure system and the distance between the water fountains between each other. The system
can support a maximum of five units if the pressure power is intense and the distance between water fountains is short. The estimated cost of
each system will range from 5000 pesos to 7000 pesos, excluding the expenses for pipes and installation.

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