Delivery Instruments

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Delivery D&C Set

 1 univalve retractor
 1 hysterometer GyneSet
 1 tenaculum  1 6aluminum
fine tips tray
 2 dull curettes # 1 & 2  1 6metal
kelly cup
curved regular
 2 sharp curettes # 1 & 2  1 6tissue
kelly forcep
curved long
 1 uterine forcep  1 6needle
holder(straight forceps)
 1 metal cup  2 6kellys
allis regular
 2 6straight
allis long
 2 bobcock long
 6 ochsners straight regular
 6 ochsners straight long
Circumcision Set  6 ochsners curved long
 1 metal cup  2 army navy retractors
 3 curved mosquito  1 malleable
 3 straight mosquito  2 tissue forceps regular
 1 tissue forcep  2 tissue forceps long
 1 probe  2 thumb forceps regular
 1 iris scissor  2 thumb forcepd long
 1 blade holder  2 blade handles #4
 1 metal cup*  2 needle holder long
 1 aluminum tray  1 needle holder short
 6 towel clips
 6 heanys
 2 ovum forceps
Completion D & C Set
 3 deaver
 1 univalve retractor
 2 richardson
 1 hysterometer
 1 self-retaining
 1 tenaculum
 1 bladder retractor
 4 curettes sharp # 2,3,4,5
 1 kidney basin big
 1 ovum forcep curved
 1 bowl
 1 ovum forcep straight
 1 tray with cover
 1 tissue forcep long
 1 uterine forcep
 1 metal cup
CS/ Lap Set
 1 lapset tray
 12 straight forceps
Minor Set
 6 kellys
 1 blade holder # 3
 6 allis
 1 blade holder # 4
 6 ochsners
 1 needle holder long
 2 skin retractors
 1 needle holder short
 2 richardson
 1 thumb forcep regular
 1 bladder retractor
 1 tissue forcep regular
 1 self retaining
 6 mosquito forcep
 2 needle holder
 6 allis regular 2 skin retractor
 1 long tissue forcep
 1 metal cup
 1 long thumb forcep
 1 tray
 1 regular thumb forcep
Additional--- staright scissors
 1 regular tissue forcep
 2 blade holder
 1 metal cup
 1 kidney basin
Vaginal Hysterectomy Set  1 bowl
 6 kelly curved long  4 ovum forceps
 6 kelly curved regular  1 towel clip
 6 ochsners straight long  1 suture book
 6 ochsners curved long
 6 straight forcep regular
 2 allis long
 2 needle holder long
 1 needle holder regular
 1 thumb forcep long
 1 tissue forcep long
 1 tissue forcep regular
 1 ovum forcep
 2 blade handle #4
 1 tray with cover

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