Group Project - ECM566 - Oct2022 - SitiRashidah - Draft1
Group Project - ECM566 - Oct2022 - SitiRashidah - Draft1
Group Project - ECM566 - Oct2022 - SitiRashidah - Draft1
1.0 Introduction
This open-ended project is specially designed to fulfil the continuous assessment,
which contributes to 10% of the total marks of this course.
At the end of this project, the students should be able to comprehend the nature of
a typical construction project faced with unfamiliarity or infrequently encountered
issues. The students are required to propose corrective action to overcome the
poor project performance problems for any selected real construction project
based upon a clear understanding of the relationship between the main contractor
and subcontractor’s work scope and their requirements. In addition, the students
are required to conduct an interview with the experts to identify the main factors
that caused poor project performance between the main contractor and
subcontractors during the construction phase. Finally, the students shall propose
the best remedial action to the identified problems.
This project is to be carried out in groups (please allow min 4 and max 5
persons, a penalty will be imposed if students fail to follow this instruction) related
to the specific project description and according to the assigned tasks. Some of the
tasks need to be carried out as a group, and some tasks shall be carried out
individually. However, both group and individual works must be compiled together
and submitted as a Group submission by the Group Leader.
2 CO2: Plan PO11: Project Wide-ranging or conflicting technical,
the project management and engineering and other issues
management Finance - Demonstrate (professional bodies, government state &
process, knowledge and federal authorities, public health & safety
tools and understanding of etc.)
techniques engineering WP3: Depth of analysis: Nonobvious
towards management principles solutions to solve the complex
producing an and economic decision- engineering problems encountered.
effective making and apply these WP4: Familiarity with issues –
outcome for to one’s own work as a frequently encountered issues in
construction member and leader in a construction project management
projects. team to manage projects Knowledge Profiles
and in multidisciplinary WK3 – Fundamental Knowledge
environments. WK4 – Specialist Knowledge
WK7 – Comprehension of issues and
WK8 – Research Literature
Task 1: AS A GROUP, select any real construction project in Malaysia and provide a
background study of either an ongoing or a completed construction project with poor
project performance (students may select/choose either cost overrun, time overrun
or poor-quality performance or a combination) with reference to the project’s
objectives. This should also include information on the project objectives and main
contractor. The project may not necessarily be a large project, but it should be a real
project. All information and data on this project must be supported by relevant and
validated reports, and other related information (CO2- PO11)(10%)(C4)
Task 2: AS A GROUP, identify the subcontractors involved and discuss each
subcontractor’s work scope and their conflicting requirements. The subcontractor
should be identified as Nominated Sub Contractor (NSC) or a Non-Nominated Sub
Contractor (Non-NSC). Use Table 1 to assist you in completing this task. (CO2-
PO11) (20%) (C3)
Task 3: AS A GROUP, conduct an interview with the experts (the main contractor or
subcontractor of your selected project) to identify at least 10 (ten) main factors that
can cause problems of poor project performance between the main contractors and
subcontractors during the construction phase. Support your findings with previous
research, i.e. reliable journals, textbooks and articles. (CO2-PO11) (20%) (C4)
Task 4: EACH STUDENT is required to discuss and evaluate two (2) problems identified
in Task 3 that affect project performance based on the project objectives.
Please note that each student must provide different problems from the other members of
the team. (WP1: depth of knowledge; WP3: Depth of analysis) (CO1-PO2) (25%)
Task 5: EACH STUDENT is required to propose the best remedial actions for problems as
identified in Task 4 so that the project is able to complete with success. (CO1-PO2)
The deadline for the group project assignment is on 22 December 2022, Thursday by
23.59 pm (Week 10). Group Leader to submit the report in UFuture.
Specific format
The report must consist of the following sections:
i. Front Page consists of Project Title; name list of all team members; Group No.; and Student ID
ii. Table of Contents
iii. List of Tables
iv. List of Figures
v. Executive Summary or Abstract (max 1 page)
vi. Content of the report is as follows: (Please refer to rubrics as attached in Appendix A)
Task 1: Review of the Construction Project (Max. of 2 pages)
Task 2: Identify the NSC or Non-NSC subcontractors with a discussion on their
differing work scope and requirements. Include Table 1 in your reports. (Max. of 3
Task 3: Identify 10 main factors that can cause problems of poor project performance
between the main contractors and subcontractors during the construction phase (Max. of 2
Task 4: Identify and evaluate two (2) factors that affect project performance (Max. of 2 pages)
Task 5: Propose corrective remedial action for problems (Max. of 2 pages)
Conclusions (Max. of 1 page)
References. (Max. of 1 page)
Prepared by:
AP. Dr. Siti Rashidah Mohd Nasir (Lecturer/Course
Appendix A: Performance Criteria Matrix for Assessment of Project
Task 3: C4: Analysis Ability to examine and break information into parts, conduct an interview with experts and identify at Max 20
Group Task least 10 (ten) main factors that can cause problems of poor project performance between the main marks
Identify at least contractors and subcontractors during the construction phase
10 (ten) main Very poor Acceptable Comprehensive
Poor analysis with Good analysis
factors that can analysis with no analysis with analysis with a
lack in justification with good
cause problems justification on acceptable strong
main factors that justification on the
of poor project the main factors justification on the justification of
can cause main factors that
performance that can cause main factors that main factors
problems of poor can cause
between the problems of can cause that can cause
project problems of poor
main contractors poor project problems of poor problems of
performance project
and performance project poor project
between the main performance
subcontractors between the performance performance
contractors and between the main
during the main contractors between the main between the
subcontractors. contractors and
construction and contractors and main
Supported by 2 subcontractors.
phase (CO2- subcontractors. subcontractors. contractors and
sources literature Supported by 3
PO11) Lack of Supported by 2 subcontractors.
search but not sources of
supporting sources of Supported by
relevant and literature search
sources literature search more than 3
sources of
Task 4: WP1: Depth of Ability to identify two (2) problems identified in Task 3 that affect project performance occurring in Max 15
Individual Task Knowledge: Cannot the selected project affecting project performance, with supporting evidence. marks
Assessment of be resolved without in- (WK4-specialitst knowledge, WK7-comprehension and WK8 – literature research) (a)
two (2) problems depth engineering 1 2 3 4 5
identified in Task knowledge at the level
Acceptable A good Excellent
3 that affect of WK4, WK7and Demonstrate only Demonstrate only
demonstration of demonstration of demonstration
project WK8, which allows a one (1) of the two (2) of the
all three (3) of all three (3) of of all three (3)
performance fundamental-based, specified WKs specified WKs
the the specified of the
(with supporting first principles specified WKs specified WKs
evidence) analytical approach.
affecting project
WP4: Familiarity of Ability to assess the unfamiliar incident/situation/decision occurring in the project based upon the Max 10
issues: marks
requirements of the project objectives
Infrequently (b)
1 2 3 4 5
All problems Only 1 problem 2 problems were More than 2
All problems
were was assessed assessed with a problems
assessed with
assessed with with a relevant relevant assessed with
no relation to the
an irrelevant explanation explanation relevant
explanation relating to the relating to the explanations
relating to the requirements. requirements. relating to the
requirements. requirements
Total Mark for Task 4 (a+b) /25
Task 5: WP2: Conflicting Ability to propose multiple corrective solutions to overcome the problems caused by the problems Max 25
Individual Task requirements occurring in the project, taking into account the conflicting requirements in marks
Propose the best Wide-ranging or the project objectives
remedial actions conflicting technical, 1 2 3 4 5
for problems as engineering and other One (1) solution Two (2) solutions More than 2
identified in Task issues Solutions did not Solutions addressed with were addressed solutions
4 so that the address the addressed with a a detailed with a detailed addressed with
project is able to conflicting brief explanation explanation of explanation of the detailed
complete with requirements of of the conflicting the conflicting conflicting explanations of the
success the constraints requirements of requirements of requirements of conflicting
(CO1-PO2) and did not align the constraints the constraints the constraints requirements of
with the project but poorly and acceptably and substantially the constraints and
objectives. aligned to the aligned to the aligned with the precisely aligned to
project project project objectives. the project
objectives. objectives. objectives.