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Burnside Gorge

Community News Vol. 24 No. 8 August 2010 www.burnsidegorge.ca

Seniors Lunch 'N Learn welcomes new members

Thank you
...to everyone who took the time to complete
and submit the survey on what you would like
to see in our neighbourhood as a replacement
for Ellice Park.

We are in the process of entering the manu-

al surveys so watch this newsletter next month
for a summary of your feedback. This informa-
tion will be submitted to the City of Victoria to
guide their planning.

Burnside Gorge has

summer programs for Seniors Lunch 'n Learn: Every Tuesday, join other seniors for a nutritious meal followed by a social or educational activity. Lunch is
served at noon. Guest speakers and activities are from 1pm - 2pm. Come and join in the fun with other seniors. Cost is only $3.00 each
week. Please note: there will be no lunch on Tuesday August 3.
everyone For more information, contact the Burnside Gorge Community Centre 250-388-5251

Enjoy mid-week shopping and entertainment at

Mayfair Market
By Kim Perkins, Editor
The Mayfair Market brings fresh pro-
duce, baked goods and much more to the
Burnside Gorge neighbourhood.

E very Wednesday evening from June to August,

the parking lot at Mayfair Shopping Centre
bustles with activity. Folks from all over Victoria
attend the popular Mayfair Market which features
wares from local farms, restaurants, artisans and
non-profit organizations.

Conveniently located in the Burnside Gorge

neighbourhood, the Mayfair Market is a great
place to stop mid-week for fresh breads, pies, and
produce. Now in its second year of operation, the
Market allows Mayfair Shopping Centre to expand
By Shauna Eiriksson, Family Centre Coordinator its offerings, celebrate local creativity and support
local farms and artists – all in the sunny outdoors.
S ummer is in full swing at the Burnside Gorge
family centre! We have lots happening during
the summer months. View the schedule below for a
Approximately 40 vendors attend the Market
each week. Products include local produce, gluten-
list of events. Everyone is welcome to attend, there
free baked goods, jams, soaps, jewelry and much,
is no cost and no registration is required.
much more. All of the vendors are local with the
exception of a fruit vendor from the Okanagan.
Babies at the Beach
Coordinator Jonathon Dallison has added sev-
Each Monday from 10am -12pm we will meet at eral attractions to this year’s Market including free
a local beach for some fun in the sun. A light snack activities to entertain the whole family.
will be provided. Please bring a beverage, hat, sun- A variety of entertainers perform each week at the Mayfair
glasses, sunscreen and a towel. Some beach toys Market. Continued on page 3...
will be provided but feel free to bring toys of your
own to share.

August 2 – No program. Happy BC day!!

August 9 – Willows Beach. Located off Beach

Dr, this park is accessible from the 2A bus route
(can be caught at Douglas and Johnson St down-

August 16- Gyro Park. Located on Sinclair Rd.,

this park is easily accessible from the #11 uplands
bus route.

If the weather is poor at 9am, beach outings will

be cancelled and the family centre will be open for
drop in.

Continued on page 3...

2 Burnside Gorge Community News August 2010

Burnside Gorge
High time for housing leadership in Ottawa
Community News By Denise Savoie, Victoria MP
Published by the
Burnside Gorge Community Association
471 Cecelia Rd Victoria BC, V8T 4T4
J uly 8th marked National Day of Action for
Housing in cities across Canada. Three million
Canadian families live in substandard or unafford-
low CMHC to fulfill its official mandate of helping
Canadians access secure, affordable housing.
T. 250-388-5251 | F. 250-388-5269
www.burnsidegorge.ca able housing, and Canada is the only G8 country In June, I held a roundtable with 20 of Victoria’s
without a national housing strategy. leading housing advocates. They were supportive
Editor: Kim Perkins of our initiatives to advance housing at the fed-
By recently adding more than eral level and shared their own innovative ideas.
BGCA Board of Directors
Tracy James, Chair Some churches, for example, are offering up free
Michelle Peterson, Vice-Chair
150 rental units to our afford- land for housing projects, but the difficulty is that
Catherine McGregor, Treasurer able and supportive housing they cannot give it away because no programs exist
TJ Schur, Secretary
Kate Forster supply, the City of Victoria to take advantage of their generous offers. Others
Lesley Valour proposed that CMHC provide repayable loans for
Vickie Jackson
showed the kind of leadership affordable housing repairs and retrofits and renew
TO ADVERTISE we need in Ottawa. subsidy programs for cooperative housing.
As a not-for-profit organization, we depend on advertising
to cover publishing costs. Please contact us for current The city is stepping in to fill the void left by the
It will take a concerted effort by everybody to fill
rates and information: federal government. Municipal revenue, however,
the gap in affordable housing in Canada. Commu-
250-388-5251 ext. 223 | [email protected] is limited to property taxes and municipal govern-
nity-based organizations and local governments
Note: Written contributions do not necessarily reflect the ments should not have to shoulder this responsi-
opinions of the BGCA or its staff. can only do so much. There was a time when they
bility on their own.
were supported by a federal government that be-
lieved it had a role to play in the health and well-
The New Democrat Bill C-304 calls on Ottawa being of citizens.
to work with all levels of government, Aboriginal
communities, civil society and private sector stake-
One day, I believe we will get that kind of gov-
holders to develop a national housing strategy.
ernment in Ottawa. Until then, let’s keep up the
campaign for Bill C-304. And let’s remember that
Before the House adjourned, I introduced a Victoria where no one is left behind will be a
Bill  C-549 to finally put to good use the massive stronger, more cohesive community for all of us.
‘surplus’ generated each year by the Canada Mort-
gage and Housing Corporation. My bill would al- BG

Regular exercise helps reduce weak bones

By Michelle Aultman, new contributor

A n estimated ten million Americans have osteo-

porosis, and another 34 million have low bone
mass (osteopenia). A disease with no symptoms,
step aerobics and high-impact activities like
running, jumping, tennis;

osteoporosis affects about 20 percent of men and activities that involve rounding, bending and
80 percent of women. twisting of the spine;

The condition causes bones to gradually become moving the legs sideways or across the body,
weaker, so eventually they may break from a minor particularly when performed against resistance;
fall or, if left untreated, even from simple things
like a sneeze. The most common fracture sites are rowing machines and trampolines, and;
the hip, wrist and spine.
every movement that involves pulling on the
A diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis can head and neck.
be scary, leading most of us to stop exercise due
to the fear that it will cause fractures. The reality is
that people with low bone mass should make sure
to exercise frequently.

Being active has been shown to

not only help prevent osteopo-
rosis, but also to slow bone loss
once it has already begun.
6th Floor, 395 Waterfront Crescent
About 85-90 percent of adult bone mass is ac-
Victoria BC, V8T 5K7
quired by age 18 in girls and 20 in boys. Sufficient
calcium intake, a balanced diet with a lot of veg-
Fax (250) 381-7804
etables and fruit and load-bearing exercise are the
[email protected] secrets of solid bone growth when you’re young.
www.carlaw.ca Then, with continued exercise into old age, bone
density decline may be kept to a minimum.

To build strength and bone mass, both weight-

Focusing on personal injury and insurance litigation
bearing and resistance training exercises are ideal.
since 1985. Free initial consultation at our Selkirk
Weight-bearing workouts require the bones to ful-
Waterfront offices.
ly support your weight against gravity. Examples
are walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing and
using an elliptical exercise machine. Performing
Sol Food Cafe & Sol Fine Foods weight-bearing activities including walking at least
Photo: Marcel Aniceto
Cafe, Deli, Catering three times a week can benefit the bones. Remember the acronym “LIVE” to help you get
the most out of your workout.
7am-4pm Resistance training places mechanical force
Monday-Friday (stress) on the body, that might increases bone L - Load or weight-bearing exercises make a diff-
T. 250-381-6629 density. Start by lifting light weights, moving in a erence to your bones
F. 250-381-6618 slow and controlled manner, increasing resistance I - Intensity builds stronger bones
#101-2955 Jutland Rd when you become stronger. V - Vary the types of exercise and your routine to
keep interested
solfinefoods.com It is usually recommended that folks with osteo- E - Enjoy your exercises. Make exercise fun so
porosis avoid the following kinds of activity: you will continue into the future! CN
Burnside Gorge Community News August 2010 3
Summer Programs at Burnside Gorge
Indoor Drop In

Each Wednesday, the family room will be open

from 10am-12pm for drop in playtime and a snack.
There will be a 15 min. circle time beginning at

Summer BBQ

Each Thursday come and enjoy a delicious BBQ

served on our back patio at 5pm. Bring the whole
family! We will be serving hamburgers, hotdogs 650 Hillside Ave
and veggie dogs. Please bring a blanket or lawn Victoria BC, V8T 1Z2
chairs for your family to sit on as seats are limited. Guaranteed service since 1959
There is no cost for this program but donations are
gratefully accepted! The playground and family
centre will be open following the BBQ until 7pm. 250-384-4722
The youth centre will be open until 9pm for youth Fax 250-384-8860
aged 7 and older.
[email protected]
The Burnside Gorge Community Centre is lo- www.russhays.com
...continued from cover cated at 471 Cecelia Rd. Just behind the SPCA,
off Burnside Rd. We are also accessible from Jut-
Playground Drop In land Rd. or from the Galloping Goose trail. We are
located on the #8, #11, #21 and #22 bus routes.
Each Tuesday from 10am-12pm join us for a Please note, parking is limited and we do encour- Rob Fleming, MLA
snack, activities and circle time on our own play- age walking or public transit. Victoria – Hillside
ground here at the centre. Snacks will be served in
the playroom at 10am. This program is best suited 1020 Hillside Avenue
The family centre and programs will be closed
250 360.2023
to ages 2.5 and up, however, younger children are from August 23 until September 6. The first day
[email protected]
welcome. back is September 7 with Kindergym.

If the weather is poor at 10am, the family room For more information, visit www.burnside- Serving Our Community
will remain open for playtime. gorge.ca or call Shauna at 250 388 5251 ext 248.

Pleased to support the

CRD selects Esquimalt location for waste Burnside-Gorge Community Centre.

treatment plant
By Kim Perkins, Editor

I n July, the Capital Regional District began a

project to upgrade treatment practices in the
core area to comply with the requirement of the
The McLoughlin Option System Details

• Liquids only treatment plant at McLoughlin

Visit us at 3026 Jutland Road, Victoria, BC
or call 250-385-4455 for assistance.
Province of BC to develop a secondary sewage Point and effluent outfall
treatment. • Biosolids processing facility at the Hartland
Landfill or another suitable location
In 2009, the CRD and the City of Victoria iden- Burnside Gorge
tified Burnside Gorge’s Upper Harbour as one of • Underground storage tanks in Saanich East
several potential sites for a solid waste treatment • Upgraded grit capturing facilities and pumping Recreation for Health & Wellness
plant. Representatives from the CRD and the City stations at Clover Point and Macaulay Point
Power Yoga Mondays 5:30pm
attended community meetings to discuss the pro- • Upgraded Craigflower pump station Lunch Hour Yoga Tuesdays 12:10pm
posed treatment plant which would potentially in- Body Blast Bootcamp Wednesdays 5:00pm
clude a liquid waste treatment plant. • Cost: $782 million
Flow Yoga Thursdays 7:00pm
• Annual Operating Costs: $14.5 million Zumba Fridays 5:00pm
Since that time, the Capital Regional District • Annual Resource Recovery Revenues: Jazzercise Saturdays 9:30am
Core Area Liquid Waste Management Committee $3.1 million by 2030 drop-in prices, punch cards and monthly wellness passes
has selected a revised configuration that will in- available for your convenience
clude a centralized, liquids only treatment facility • Annual Carbon Offsets Potential: 18,500
at McLoughlin Point in Esquimalt. tonnes from gas and heat recovered from
According to the CRD website, the selected con- For more information, visit the CRD’s waste
figuration will be “substantially less costly than water information page at http://wastewater-
previous system designs, and will allow for con- madeclear.ca.
tinued resource recovery opportunities as well as
future system flexibility.” BG Burnside Gorge Community Centre
CN 471 Cecelia Road Victoria BC
[email protected]
Shopping and entertainment at Mayfair Market www.burnsidegorge.ca

...continued from cover

Dodd’s Furniture 715 Finlayson St
Market-goers can expect to enjoy local musi- across from Mayfair shopping centre Call 388-6663
cians, face-painting and a free bouncy castle for
the kids. There is a variety of ready-to-eat food We won’t be undersold!
ranging from Mexican dishes and smokies to fresh
waffles and English toffee.

The Mayfair Market runs from 4-8pm every

Wednesday from now until August 25. For more
information, visit the Mayfair Market Facebook Locally owned and operated. Serving Victoria since 1977.
page or email [email protected]. BG www.doddsfurniture.com
4 Burnside Gorge Community News August 2010

Support your community

As a non-profit organization, the Burnside Gorge Community
Association depends on the genorosity of community members
and businesses to provide programs and services to families in
the Burnside Gorge and surrounding neighbourhoods.
YES I would like to make a donation of:
o $10 o $20 o $30 o $50 o other $_______
Amount enclosed in form of: o cheque o credit card
Credit card # ____________________________ CSV # __________
Expiry date:______________ Signature:______________________

Please direct my donation to support:

o Active Families Fund o Christmas Hampers
o Burnside Gorge Community o Family Self Sufficiency
News o Homeless Family Outreach
o Youth Centre o Out of School Care
o Family Centre o Community Garden
o Community Chest Fund o Other _______________

Name (please print) _____________________________________

Address _______________________________________________
City _______________________ Postal code _________________
o Y I would like to receive community announcements by email.
Tax receipts available upon request.

Thank you
Mail to: Burnside Gorge Community Association
471 Cecelia Road, Victoria, BC V8T 4T4
tel: 250-388-5251 fax: 250-388-5269 www.burnsidegorge.ca
For more information please contact the centre.

Volunteer CORNER
...recognizing those who give their time

CAMP SURVIVOR runs weekly from August

3rd to the 27th. Join us for paintballing, zip- Upcoming Opportunity
lining, kayaking, rock climbing, swimming and
much more!
Gorge Waterway Cleanup
Join us for the 10th Annual Gorge Waterway Cleanup. This event
Ages: 11-15 is part of an international initiative to clean up shorelines around
Time: 9:00-4:00 the world.
Cost: $155/week or $40/day
Volunteers pitch in to clean up the ocean and shoreline from the
Contact Martina at 250-388-5251 ext. 254 Bay St. Bridge to the Tillicum St. Bridge.
or [email protected]
Birds, wildlife, sea creatures and the greater community all ben-
YOUTH GETAWAYS are available every efit from our efforts. Volunteer to help create a cleaner stretch of
Wednesday. land and ocean and a healthier habitat for a wildlife.

Ages: 11-15 Gorge Waterway Cleanup

Time: Wednesdays 9:00-4:00 Saturday, September 18 9am-12noon
Cost: $20/day Contact: Gillian Rowan 250-388-5251 ext. 225 
[email protected]
Contact Becki at 250-388-5251 ext. 255 for The Volunteer Dept. is made possible through support by The Provincial Employees
more information and to register. Community Services Fund. To become a volunteer:
[email protected] or call 250-388-5251

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