8 BGCN-August2010-enews
8 BGCN-August2010-enews
8 BGCN-August2010-enews
Burnside Gorge
High time for housing leadership in Ottawa
Community News By Denise Savoie, Victoria MP
Published by the
Burnside Gorge Community Association
471 Cecelia Rd Victoria BC, V8T 4T4
J uly 8th marked National Day of Action for
Housing in cities across Canada. Three million
Canadian families live in substandard or unafford-
low CMHC to fulfill its official mandate of helping
Canadians access secure, affordable housing.
T. 250-388-5251 | F. 250-388-5269
www.burnsidegorge.ca able housing, and Canada is the only G8 country In June, I held a roundtable with 20 of Victoria’s
without a national housing strategy. leading housing advocates. They were supportive
Editor: Kim Perkins of our initiatives to advance housing at the fed-
By recently adding more than eral level and shared their own innovative ideas.
BGCA Board of Directors
Tracy James, Chair Some churches, for example, are offering up free
Michelle Peterson, Vice-Chair
150 rental units to our afford- land for housing projects, but the difficulty is that
Catherine McGregor, Treasurer able and supportive housing they cannot give it away because no programs exist
TJ Schur, Secretary
Kate Forster supply, the City of Victoria to take advantage of their generous offers. Others
Lesley Valour proposed that CMHC provide repayable loans for
Vickie Jackson
showed the kind of leadership affordable housing repairs and retrofits and renew
TO ADVERTISE we need in Ottawa. subsidy programs for cooperative housing.
As a not-for-profit organization, we depend on advertising
to cover publishing costs. Please contact us for current The city is stepping in to fill the void left by the
It will take a concerted effort by everybody to fill
rates and information: federal government. Municipal revenue, however,
the gap in affordable housing in Canada. Commu-
250-388-5251 ext. 223 | [email protected] is limited to property taxes and municipal govern-
nity-based organizations and local governments
Note: Written contributions do not necessarily reflect the ments should not have to shoulder this responsi-
opinions of the BGCA or its staff. can only do so much. There was a time when they
bility on their own.
were supported by a federal government that be-
lieved it had a role to play in the health and well-
The New Democrat Bill C-304 calls on Ottawa being of citizens.
to work with all levels of government, Aboriginal
communities, civil society and private sector stake-
One day, I believe we will get that kind of gov-
holders to develop a national housing strategy.
ernment in Ottawa. Until then, let’s keep up the
campaign for Bill C-304. And let’s remember that
Before the House adjourned, I introduced a Victoria where no one is left behind will be a
Bill C-549 to finally put to good use the massive stronger, more cohesive community for all of us.
‘surplus’ generated each year by the Canada Mort-
gage and Housing Corporation. My bill would al- BG
osteoporosis affects about 20 percent of men and activities that involve rounding, bending and
80 percent of women. twisting of the spine;
The condition causes bones to gradually become moving the legs sideways or across the body,
weaker, so eventually they may break from a minor particularly when performed against resistance;
fall or, if left untreated, even from simple things
like a sneeze. The most common fracture sites are rowing machines and trampolines, and;
the hip, wrist and spine.
every movement that involves pulling on the
A diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis can head and neck.
be scary, leading most of us to stop exercise due
to the fear that it will cause fractures. The reality is
that people with low bone mass should make sure
to exercise frequently.
Summer BBQ
If the weather is poor at 10am, the family room For more information, visit www.burnside- Serving Our Community
will remain open for playtime. gorge.ca or call Shauna at 250 388 5251 ext 248.
treatment plant
By Kim Perkins, Editor
Thank you
Mail to: Burnside Gorge Community Association
471 Cecelia Road, Victoria, BC V8T 4T4
tel: 250-388-5251 fax: 250-388-5269 www.burnsidegorge.ca
For more information please contact the centre.
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