Fresh Facts: President's Message A Year in Review
Fresh Facts: President's Message A Year in Review
Fresh Facts: President's Message A Year in Review
Fresh Facts
Providing knowledge and leadership to grow the farm fresh experience.
July - A summer student was hired and 20 years worth of bus tour photos were Upcoming events 8
scanned and sorted by the bus tour year and category; like lighting, produce
displays, bakery displays, signs, etc. This CD is available for purchase from
OFFMA, check annual Product Sales Catalogue.
August - Networking picnic took place at Mapleton’s Organic Farm in Moorefield
where we ate ice cream, played a round of farmer’s golf, saw a CSA in action
and networked with approximately 30 direct farm marketers.
- ERS starts OFFMA members survey.
September - $15,000 worth of aggressive ad campaigns with the weather network to
‘Find a Farm’.
October - First consumer e-newsletter sent out
November - Bus tour to Eastern Ontario and Quebec which gave us the opportunity to visit
many of our OFFMA members in the region– great tour!
- Royal Winter Fair— ‘Ask a Farmer’ booth in Journey to Your Good Health,
opportunity to market your farm and our new OFFMA puppet show debuting in
the Tim Horton’s Ag-tivity Centre. If you missed the show join us this summer at
our networking picnic at Whitty‘s Farm on Tuesday, August 10th. Mark Henry
from Fields on West Lake also had the privilege of meeting Camilla, Duchess of
Cornwall. Rumour has it that the Duchess asked that her route through the Royal
be adjusted so that she could stop at OFFMA’s ‘Ask a Farmer’ booth and talk to
a real farmer.
- Congratulations to the many OFFMA members who won awards at the Royal:
Brantwood Farm River’s Edge Goat Dairy Campbell’s Orchard
Cont’d on page 3
Page 2 Fresh Facts
Spring is on its way and many OFFMA mem- Look for ways to create greater value or
bers are turning their attention to getting out in the same value at less cost. Eliminate the
the fields and planting this year’s crops. Last steps (and their costs) that do not create true
month I introduced the importance of a busi- end value.
ness plan and reviewed the marketing plan
3. Adoption of Technology:
component. This month I will focus on the pro-
duction side of a business plan. Watch for innovative trends
Many producers tell me this is the part of the Test the technology on your farm in ways
business they enjoy the most – the “fun” part of that reduce the cost risk
farming – producing or growing a product. The Always try something different each year
Growing Your Farm Profits – Planning for Busi- (usually on a small scale)
ness Success workshop series reviews the
importance of a viable production system
Weigh all the costs and benefits
which consists of four key components: Adopt the technology in a way that gives the
most advantage to the farm
1. Record, Measure and Compare: 4. Balancing Production Excellence with
other Business Needs:
Decide what the key information is that
would help you make the best decisions re-
Create time for personal, family and com-
garding yields, cost of production and margins munity activities. Create time to manage the
other aspects of the business such as market-
Set up a record keeping system that pro- ing, financial, human resources, business
vides this key information in an accurate and direction, and structure.
timely way
Compare (benchmark) your records with In summary it is important to have a produc-
previous years to track improvements within tion system that is as organized as possible.
your operation. Where possible, compare The information contained in this article is
(benchmark) your operation with other similar from The Growing Your Farm Profits – Plan-
farm operations to look for areas to improve ning for Business Success Workshop manual
your production system. which is part of The Growing Forward – Best
2. Focus on Production Activities that Practices Suite – Business Development for
Capture the Value Your Customers will pay Farm Businesses. For details regarding a
for: workshop near you visit:
Make a list of what your customer values in
the products or services the farm produces
Helpful Resources:
Make a list of the steps in your production
system gyfp/production.html
Identify how each step contributes to what
the customer values production.html
Marketing Tip #4
Diversify your enterprises and your market
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. If weather, pests or a collapsed market wipe out
one crop, you’ve got others to rely on. Another advantage of diversity is that once you’ve
established connections with buyers, increasing the variety you offer them is a good way
to increase the overall volume they accept from you. But there’s a tradeoff: you may
have to learn new production technologies, buy new equipment and develop new mar-
kets. Diversifying markets can be simpler and more lucrative than diversifying produc-
tion. Adding a restaurant to your buyer list, going organic, or developing ‘value-added’
products such as soybean snacks are examples of diversifying your markets without
changing what you produce.
Excerpted with permission from “Sell What You Sow! The Grower’s Guide to Successful Produce Marketing”,
by Eric Gibson, available at
Newsletter #256 Page 7
Upcoming Events
March 23 Marketing Caravan, Guelph, Contact: Cathy Bartolic at 905-841-9278
March 25 Marketing Caravan, Kingston, Contact: Cathy Bartolic at 905-841-9278
March 29 Local Food Connection: Farmer/Food Buyer Networking Event, London
Hunt and Country Club, London ON, For more info visit the London
Economic Development Corporation at
Ontario Farm Fresh April tbd Food Handlers’ Certification Course—details to follow next month
Cathy Bartolic, Executive Director April 13 & 14 Beyond the City Lights, Smith & Wilson Winery, Blenheim, ON
2002 Vandorf Rd. Contact: Chatham Kent Tourism, 1-800-561-6125
Aurora, ON L4G 7B9
Phone: 905-841-9278 April 28 Beyond the City Lights, Brooklea Golf and Country Club, Midland, ON
Fax: 905-726-3369 Contact: South Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce, 705-526-7884
E-mail: [email protected]
Nov. 7-9 Bus Tour in Central Ontario, contact Cathy Bartolic at 905-841-9278
Are you interested in learning about the global food system? Thinking about how and what means ‘local,
sustainable’ food? Conducting community research in your region?
Learning from instructors based throughout Canada? Brainstorming strategies for change with other stu-
dents across the country?
St. Lawrence College has launched a number of courses in our exciting distance education certificate.
This Spring Semester, try one of our newest online courses:
CSSL 29 Understanding Sustainable Agriculture: Principles and Practices
CSSL 30 Urban Agriculture, Community Gardens and Food Secure Cities
CSSL 31 Between Farm and Table: Local Food Businesses and Co-operatives