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UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU Code No. : 66 Subject : MUSEOLOGY AND CONSERVATION SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS, Note : There will be two question papers. Paper-II will cover 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Multiple choice, Matching type, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks and Paper-Ill will have two Parts—A and B. Part-A will have 10 short essay type questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. There will be one question from each unit with internal choice from the same unit. Total marks will be 160. Part-B will be compulsory and Questions will be set from Unit-I to Unit-X. The, candidate will.attempt one question from Part-B (800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Paper-IlI will be 200. PAPER-II and PAPER-III (Parts A & B) Unit—1 : Definition of museum Definition of museology / museography History of development of museum—world / India Types of museums—India Para museums Rural museums—their problems Role of museum in society Museum accountability Museum in changing world Museum movement and international organization Professional associations and their relevance Unit—II History of collection—world Theoretical issues and value based collection / objectives Methods of collection 66 Ethics of collection History of documentation / aim and objectives Registration methods / indexing / cataloguing Exhibition documentation Conservation / restoration documentation Computerization /, multimedia Unit—I History / archaeology / architecture Ethnology / anthropology / folk literature History of art / fine arts / performing art National history and physical sciences Unit—Iv General principles of presentation Organization and planning of gallery / exhibition Nature and types of exhibition Permanent / temporary exhibition Types of museum lighting—Natural and Artificial—their merits and demerits Effects of light on textiles, paintings, natural history specimens Preparation of blue print and stages of work Selection of materials research for data input Execution of presentation (layout, exhibit-design, stages of mounting illumination) Unit—v Communication techniques Lable / lable writing Audio-visual techniques / application Orientation and guiding Other complimentary techniques and application Unit—vI General principles and theoretical issues Educational role of the museum Educational services and facilities Extension services / out reach programme Special services to physically handicapped Cultural resources in museum education Unit—VIL General principles of public relations Nature of public relations and its application in museum Media outlets—print media, electronic media Information technology in museums Public facilities and services Classification of museum visitors: its need Friends of the museum and voluntary services Museum marketing strategy Unit—vir Analysis of materials Factors of deterioration Pest control in museums Sterilization / prevention / first aid i Preservation / conservation / lining / darning Unit—1x Handling / care Storage organisation Packing and transportation regulations Insurance / other safeguards - Museum security against fire, theft and burglary, armed conflict Unit—x 66 Principles of museum management Administrative structures of museum, Museum administration personnel finance Policy planning and quality development Museum security and maintenance SAMPLE QUESTIONS PAPER-II 1. Which is the appropriate term in the phase of Museum Marketing? (A) Docent (B) Digital technology (C) Service strategy (D) Exhibit design 2. Which is the appropriate Administrative Structure of the following museum as shown against them? (A) Indian Museum (a) Private Museum (B) National Museum (b) Autonomous Museum (C) Sanskrit Museum {c) State Museum (D) Patna Museum (@) Central Govt. Museum Ans. : {A) b, a, d, ¢ (B) c,d, b, a (C) a,c, b,d () ad b,ca 3. Tale tell clock is used in the museum for the purposes of (A) Security (B) Gallery visit (C) Visitors survey (D) Job control ll. PAPER-III (A) . What are the cultural sources that could be used for the museum education? Or In a non-profit organisation like a museum, how market strategy could be profitably used? PAPER-III (B) How action plan could be formulated in relation to the financial outlay? Or Write briefly about the internal security measures. What types of internal security measures you would like to have for a small museum? Feoqoht = wa fava & oreria at oet-os att) syt-ca—i ¥ ga 50 awed wey (ag-feemedt, gAfera cre, Fa/ FA, B-BT zey) eA rs ge si 100 SA sie aee-oa—u & a aa sit B dt) ara #10 afte Paraern 94 eit (300 sei &) Bad els go4 16 stat ar eT | Ta ward @ om oa atu fered et aaa & ara cere ceed a oe crafts fear wes er Her sis 160 @1 ar-B aad én sic Brat gerd & garg_x 4 4 gor gS oy | aRenelf er arT-B & ww we wer et (800 sett ar) Braver sis 40 | HT & Fa sia 200 AA | WAI aa -TA—UT (aTT A Sit B) ae irerera at afearet arereta farsa ot aftarat aarerera & Ferara aor sferera—fasa/aret unt # duereta & ware FATT ATTA arto aererra— arent area aaa # eter at yer arena Bt Tea aaed fava ¥ arena Amer arate wen otaehes eIoT corerenftras Heme cen Sra arias wae ue or gfrera—fava Farkre Fe we Wea areata ae /seT ime Bt vonferat te a sree feat srererst ar efeterea/ae Ta See Gaitern at soem gat / Soh sesh seer aan Grate wert ergata /accritear 66 66 Fae afvera/guereafasns/argarn ara ofa fasr/arra far /cite afer when Steere /alera BeT/ TESA HT reper aftera atte siiferan Fear ea—Iv megiracr & ware Pert Afar /aasttt at ahaa wa sever meat at aah wa wae era /srerht sesh alerts Fo wengarren & wears wl Bisa yo ae ate—aeit, Prat (AEA), sepfe ferret 2 ayaT oe semreT aa TEE Fam dan amet den ard & fafa aor siferst % fer otter avait at at megfracn farce (eater, seer senes, Frater ae) yee—V aan St aa aa /eaet ASA are carte ra gerter car artasta ol es carte aan wrt eV 66 ara Peart car aaah Fe arene Bt Seaforas afte Staines Fart wen gfe farafta fart /aretl sare arian amiftes ea 8 faactit & fare fasta dart rere fore ¥ aiepicce-darerti ar sir av rrr’ & arerea PeraIeT caren At seplte cet reves A geeor ATT ‘Afar omsztre— fie fear, staat Aifear merece ¥ qari at sorgfert os Sart rer aataal at afer Ses raga sierra 35 Fra ae aaa Hee aeerere Fagort Tore yag—VIl rare aor Faget HE BC Ae HG aorererat Hf strane Prat Srary we pear /aiearr/ mate STAT after /ACeTOT/ATAPTT/ THT wae IK ae / RAAT STO eRe eng aor gong FTA STAG FCAT TT mrs, cvth a Serene, waver Ser B aerators A Gea yar—X : dere Were & aT Fear airerera ar wT Stat aera wart ater fret fa Peeters we goreren faeeret arenes Geet Ta VAT 66 TR & oe 94-44—I aaerea front at rot Sages onftenfies sre ae 8? 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