Final Script

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Peephole Productions presents:


Scene 1:

The camera pans the trees, blankets and a still figure can be seen in the distance.

End of scene

Scene 2:

Katie is sitting emotionless behind a candle, she is staring at the candle as it flickers.

End of scene

Scene 3:

The camera pans down the branches on the tree, it displays the pictures of Chris pinned on
the branches.

End of scene

Scene 4:

Katie is sitting rejected in the forest with pictures and candles around her; she is holding a
picture of Annie and Chris with anger.

Katie: (Confused) ‘Why are you doing this to me? I know you love me. Why hurt me like
this? Do you know how much you have hurt me? (Screaming) OF COURSE YOU DO, AND

Lights a match puts it to Annie’s face on the picture

End of scene

Scene 5:

Annie and Chris are walking holding hands entering the park, Annie turns around and they
hug passionately.

End of scene

Scene 6:

Annie is walking down an alleyway she looks intrigued and is walking joyfully, then Katie
walks fast with her arms straight by her sides holding a knife in her right hand. She walks
with pace trying to catch up with Annie. Annie is oblivious to Katie.

End of scene
Scene 7:

There is a close up on Katie’s face, she looks worried and scared.

End of scene

Scene 8:

Annie’s legs and feet can be seen as she is being dragged through mud and leaves in an

End of scene

Scene 9:

Katie is leaning over Annie’s body awkwardly, she then looks towards the camera whilst
timidly putting fingers to her lip. She then walks looking worried towards the camera; she
then wipes her fingers from her lips down her chin wiping Annie’s blood on her face.

End of scene

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